Merry Christmas {ASSD}
(too old to reply)
Frank McCoy
2005-12-25 06:41:44 UTC
Well ... four the fifth year in a row, I didn't manage to finish up either of
two Christmas Stories I've been working on in time. Some day ....

Ah well, at least I tried this year.

As a consolation though, I'm posting another story I've also been working on for
years; only *this* one is finally finished.

"There are none so blind ...."

This story is based on an idea by Phil Phantom in one of *his* stories ... just
like I owe him for at least three other ideas for stories.
At the time the girl in *his* story said something like, "Mom! Nobody could be
that blind." Only: I wondered. If somebody was blinding themself ....

And so the story.

So: Merry Christmas to my fans.
Hope you like it.

the usual codes apply; and it's posted in the usual places.
So, go out and round up the usual suspects.
Here's hoping this gets through moderation sometime today, so it *will* be the
Christmas Present intended ... Well, OK ... not the one *intended*; but the
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2005-12-25 12:34:54 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Well ... four the fifth year in a row, I didn't manage to finish up either of
two Christmas Stories I've been working on in time. Some day ....
Ah well, at least I tried this year.
As a consolation though, I'm posting another story I've also been working on for
years; only *this* one is finally finished.
"There are none so blind ...."
This story is based on an idea by Phil Phantom in one of *his* stories ... just
like I owe him for at least three other ideas for stories.
At the time the girl in *his* story said something like, "Mom! Nobody could be
that blind." Only: I wondered. If somebody was blinding themself ....
And so the story.
So: Merry Christmas to my fans.
Hope you like it.
You hope we will like it? <panting> What Daddy and Sandy did not do.

Thank you Frank. Merry Christmas to the best present ever.
Hubby is still out cold. Put it in my favorites so I can go back and
read it again and again and again.

Post by Frank McCoy
the usual codes apply; and it's posted in the usual places.
So, go out and round up the usual suspects.
Here's hoping this gets through moderation sometime today, so it *will* be the
Christmas Present intended ... Well, OK ... not the one *intended*; but the
/ ' / ™
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El Gato
2005-12-25 22:37:04 UTC
Merry Christmas, Frank.

And Merry Christmas to all of those ASSD denizens celebrating the day.

El Gato
Post by Frank McCoy
Well ... four the fifth year in a row, I didn't manage to finish up either of
two Christmas Stories I've been working on in time. Some day ....
Ah well, at least I tried this year.
As a consolation though, I'm posting another story I've also been working on for
years; only *this* one is finally finished.
"There are none so blind ...."
This story is based on an idea by Phil Phantom in one of *his* stories ... just
like I owe him for at least three other ideas for stories.
At the time the girl in *his* story said something like, "Mom! Nobody could be
that blind." Only: I wondered. If somebody was blinding themself ....
And so the story.
So: Merry Christmas to my fans.
Hope you like it.
the usual codes apply; and it's posted in the usual places.
So, go out and round up the usual suspects.
Here's hoping this gets through moderation sometime today, so it *will* be the
Christmas Present intended ... Well, OK ... not the one *intended*; but the
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