Letter from Frank
(too old to reply)
Uncle Sky
2008-03-06 01:00:07 UTC
I received a letter from Frank today. He seems to be doing fairly well
except for missing his on line friends. He says he sees and hears things in
his everyday life that he would like to comment on in various groups but is
forbidden internet access except for legal reaserch.

He is not allowed to talk about his case. He says the Chief Public defender
in GA is handling his case and seems competent but busy. He does not have
much contact with him, but is satisfied with what he has seen so far. It is
early yet.

His wife:

Last week his wife had a final CAT-scan; and the doctors said that ALL of
her tumors seemed to be gone from the previous scan. Good news...But: He's
having her take one more bout of Chemo. That would have been last
Thursaday; (2/28) but because of some other concerns he mentioned, he sent
he in for a MUGA heart scan and an EKG instead. If all is well she should
get her last round of Chemo this week.

Since he is banned from on line activity except for legal matters and has
no access to e-mail, he depends on snail mail and phone calls.

As I said in previous posts, any of his friends that want his addy or phone
number and can't seem to find it themselves is welcome to e-mail me at:

unclesky2004 at yahoo dot com
Uncle Sky
2008-03-06 01:22:29 UTC
Post by Uncle Sky
I received a letter from Frank today. He seems to be doing fairly well
except for missing his on line friends. He says he sees and hears things in
his everyday life that he would like to comment on in various groups but is
forbidden internet access except for legal reaserch.
He is not allowed to talk about his case. He says the Chief Public defender
in GA is handling his case and seems competent but busy. He does not have
much contact with him, but is satisfied with what he has seen so far. It is
early yet.
Last week his wife had a final CAT-scan; and the doctors said that ALL of
her tumors seemed to be gone from the previous scan. Good news...But: He's
having her take one more bout of Chemo. That would have been last
Thursaday; (2/28) but because of some other concerns he mentioned, he sent
he in for a MUGA heart scan and an EKG instead. If all is well she should
get her last round of Chemo this week.
Since he is banned from on line activity except for legal matters and has
no access to e-mail, he depends on snail mail and phone calls.
As I said in previous posts, any of his friends that want his addy or phone
unclesky2004 at yahoo dot com
Thanks, I believe I speak for _most_ of the denizens of this group and
possibly a.c as well in wishing him and his wife all the best. I hope
that the matter is satisfactorily resolved in his favour. I also wish
his wife good health for the rest of their lives.
fundamentalism (n.): fund = give cash to; amentalism = brainlessness
Laurence Taylor
2008-03-06 09:22:37 UTC
Post by David
Thanks, I believe I speak for _most_ of the denizens of this group and
possibly a.c as well in wishing him and his wife all the best. I hope
that the matter is satisfactorily resolved in his favour. I also wish
his wife good health for the rest of their lives.

...What makes homophobes think that gays want them anyway?
---*TagZilla 0.059* http://tagzilla.mozdev.org
2008-03-25 23:55:49 UTC
Post by Laurence Taylor
Post by David
Thanks, I believe I speak for _most_ of the denizens of this group and
You don't speak for most of us, pedophile.
Post by Laurence Taylor
Post by David
possibly a.c as well in wishing him and his wife all the best. I hope
that the matter is satisfactorily resolved in his favour. I also wish
his wife good health for the rest of their lives.
We hope they hang him by his balls!!
Post by Laurence Taylor
R. Steve Walz
2008-03-26 16:41:22 UTC
Post by ªºªandca®ole
Post by Laurence Taylor
Post by David
Thanks, I believe I speak for _most_ of the denizens of this group and
possibly a.c as well in wishing him and his wife all the best. I hope
that the matter is satisfactorily resolved in his favour. I also wish
his wife good health for the rest of their lives.
You don't speak for most of us, pedophile.
Yes he does, McCarthyist liar!
Post by ªºªandca®ole
We hope they hang him by his balls!!
No we don't, you shit-sucking liar!
2008-03-26 20:23:45 UTC
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by ªºªandca®ole
Post by Laurence Taylor
Post by David
Thanks, I believe I speak for _most_ of the denizens of this group and
possibly a.c as well in wishing him and his wife all the best. I hope
that the matter is satisfactorily resolved in his favour. I also wish
his wife good health for the rest of their lives.
You don't speak for most of us, pedophile.
Yes he does, McCarthyist liar!
No he doesn't, you baby raping piece of dog shit.
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by ªºªandca®ole
We hope they hang him by his balls!!
No we don't, you shit-sucking liar!
Let's see...seconds anyone :-)
Brandon D Cartwright
2008-03-26 21:07:09 UTC
On Wed, 26 Mar 2008 13:23:45 -0700 (PDT), ªºªandcarole
Post by ªºªandcarole
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by ªºªandca®ole
Post by Laurence Taylor
Post by David
Thanks, I believe I speak for _most_ of the denizens of this group and
possibly a.c as well in wishing him and his wife all the best. I hope
that the matter is satisfactorily resolved in his favour. I also wish
his wife good health for the rest of their lives.
You don't speak for most of us, pedophile.
Yes he does, McCarthyist liar!
No he doesn't, you baby raping piece of dog shit.
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by ªºªandca®ole
We hope they hang him by his balls!!
No we don't, you shit-sucking liar!
Let's see...seconds anyone :-)
Well...as you know ..IMO the place for them is a maximum
security asylum for the criminally insane...but realistically I guess
we have to settle for them going to a supermax prison


In Supermax prisons, prisoners are generally allowed out of their
cells for only an hour a day; often they are kept in solitary
confinement. They receive their meals through "food ports" ("chuck
holes") in the doors of their cells. Prisoners are given no work and
very little access to leisure activities, though some categories of
prisoners are allowed to have a television. When Supermax inmates are
allowed to exercise, this may take place in a small, enclosed area
where the prisoner will exercise alone.

Prisoners are under constant surveillance, usually with closed-circuit
television cameras. Cell doors are usually opaque, while the cells may
be windowless. Conditions are spartan, with poured concrete or metal
furniture common. Often cell walls, and sometimes plumbing, are
soundproofed to prevent communication between the inmates.
R. Steve Walz
2008-03-28 00:37:50 UTC
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Wed, 26 Mar 2008 13:23:45 -0700 (PDT), ªºªandcarole
Post by ªºªandcarole
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by ªºªandca®ole
Post by Laurence Taylor
Post by David
Thanks, I believe I speak for _most_ of the denizens of this group and
possibly a.c as well in wishing him and his wife all the best. I hope
that the matter is satisfactorily resolved in his favour. I also wish
his wife good health for the rest of their lives.
You don't speak for most of us, pedophile.
Yes he does, McCarthyist liar!
No he doesn't, you baby raping piece of dog shit.
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by ªºªandca®ole
We hope they hang him by his balls!!
No we don't, you shit-sucking liar!
Let's see...seconds anyone :-)
Well...as you know ..IMO the place for them is a maximum
security asylum for the criminally insane...but realistically I guess
I know you're desperately frightened by us for you to spew such filth,
and you SHOULD be.

We're going to change your whole world and then deprogram you.
Brandon D Cartwright
2008-03-28 02:11:26 UTC
On Thu, 27 Mar 2008 16:37:50 -0800, "R. Steve Walz"
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Wed, 26 Mar 2008 13:23:45 -0700 (PDT), ªºªandcarole
Post by ªºªandcarole
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by ªºªandca®ole
Post by Laurence Taylor
Post by David
Thanks, I believe I speak for _most_ of the denizens of this group and
possibly a.c as well in wishing him and his wife all the best. I hope
that the matter is satisfactorily resolved in his favour. I also wish
his wife good health for the rest of their lives.
You don't speak for most of us, pedophile.
Yes he does, McCarthyist liar!
No he doesn't, you baby raping piece of dog shit.
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by ªºªandca®ole
We hope they hang him by his balls!!
No we don't, you shit-sucking liar!
Let's see...seconds anyone :-)
Well...as you know ..IMO the place for them is a maximum
security asylum for the criminally insane...but realistically I guess
I know you're desperately frightened by us for you to spew such filth,

Just where do *you* think pedos and child pornographers should be?

Free to roam around destroying children's lives I guess..
Post by R. Steve Walz
and you SHOULD be.
Pedos only frighten children k00k..
Adults hold you in contempt..
Post by R. Steve Walz
We're going to change your whole world and then deprogram you.

When pedophiles take over the earth....right Steve?

In the meantime ...

Pedophile gets 110 years in MySpace extortion scheme


A 33-year-old North Carolina man has been sentenced to 110 years in
prison after pleading guilty to charges that he terrorized more than
100 underage girls by hacking into MySpace accounts and extorting nude
pictures from them.

Ivory Dickerson, a civil engineer, received the maximum sentence on
three counts of manufacturing child pornography, two counts of
unlawful computer intrusion and one count for possession of child
pornography. Members of the FBI's Innocent Images Task Force uncovered
a cache of child porn dating back to 1998, including videos of
Dickerson with young girls in which he boasted of drinking and having
sexual encounters with them, according to court documents.

"I haven't seen a crime in 16 years on the bench quite as horrible as
this one," US District Judge Anne Conway said. A federal prosecutor
called Dickerson's hacking skills "tools of terror."

Dickerson stalked his victims on MySpace and then hacked into their
computers, giving him remote access to their machines. He would then
threaten to harm them or their family members unless they provided
nude images of themselves.

He told one girl, "Are you sure you want to drive to school tomorrow?"
In another instance he threatened to make a 17-year-old victim "the
most well known girl at school" if she didn't comply with his wishes.

Authorities believe Dickerson didn't act alone in the scheme. FBI
investigators, which still don't know exactly how many children were
pressured into making porn by Dickerson, are still looking for more

From: "R. Steve Walz" <***@armory.com>

You don't GET it, I'm NOT far-right, I'm FAR LEFT, and I support
NOT just some right-wing FREEDOM to sex, but FORCED sex!!

I see most people as brainwashed prigs who should be forcibly deprogrammed about sex by forcible neighborhood sex!

I support a legal system in which the People's State administers required PUBLIC sexual physical education for all its citizens!
R. Steve Walz
2008-03-28 03:30:18 UTC
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Thu, 27 Mar 2008 16:37:50 -0800, "R. Steve Walz"
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Well...as you know ..IMO the place for them is a maximum
security asylum for the criminally insane...but realistically I guess
I know you're desperately frightened by us for you to spew such filth,
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Just where do *you* think pedos and child pornographers should be?
Pedophiles should be in sex therapy to find where they were traumatized
and bring them forward to a mature sexuality.

Pornographers are harmless as long as their actors are avidly
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Free to roam around destroying children's lives I guess..
Nonesense, sex doesn't destroy children's lives if they avidly want it!
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by R. Steve Walz
and you SHOULD be.
Pedos only frighten children k00k..
Adults hold you in contempt..
Irrelevant since I'm NOT a pedophile and I'm not even TALKING ABOUT any

We're going to change your whole world and then deprogram you.
2009-05-02 07:05:31 UTC
Post by Uncle Sky
I received a letter from Frank today. He seems to be doing fairly well
except for missing his on line friends. He says he sees and hears
things in his everyday life that he would like to comment on in
various groups but is forbidden internet access except for legal
He is not allowed to talk about his case. He says the Chief Public
defender in GA is handling his case and seems competent but busy. He
does not have much contact with him, but is satisfied with what he has
seen so far. It is early yet.
Last week his wife had a final CAT-scan; and the doctors said that ALL
of her tumors seemed to be gone from the previous scan. Good
news...But: He's having her take one more bout of Chemo. That would
have been last Thursaday; (2/28) but because of some other concerns he
mentioned, he sent he in for a MUGA heart scan and an EKG instead. If
all is well she should get her last round of Chemo this week.
Since he is banned from on line activity except for legal matters and
has no access to e-mail, he depends on snail mail and phone calls.
As I said in previous posts, any of his friends that want his addy or
phone number and can't seem to find it themselves is welcome to e-mail
unclesky2004 at yahoo dot com
Anyone know Frank's status?
Nick Cramer
2009-05-03 07:17:09 UTC
Post by jrh
Post by Uncle Sky
I received a letter from Frank today. He seems to be doing fairly well
except for missing his on line friends. He says he sees and hears
things in his everyday life that he would like to comment on in
various groups but is forbidden internet access except for legal
[ . . . ]
Anyone know Frank's status?
I thought Uncle Sky gave us as much information as he got in the letter
from Frank.
Nick, KI6VAV. Support severely wounded and disabled Veterans and their
families: https://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/ Thank a Veteran!
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Thanks ! ! ~Semper Fi~ USMC 1365061