Happy Anniversary Frank
(too old to reply)
2003-11-25 18:23:17 UTC
I will probably be off line wed & thur so I'm sending this ahead of time.

Wishing you and the Mrs. a very happy combination of Thanksgiving and

Twenty-nine years is really great. Hope you have at least twenty-nine more.
Uncle Sky
Frank McCoy
2003-11-25 23:18:31 UTC
Post by U***@home.alone.invalid
I will probably be off line wed & thur so I'm sending this ahead of time.
Wishing you and the Mrs. a very happy combination of Thanksgiving and
Twenty-nine years is really great. Hope you have at least twenty-nine more.
The wife and I ain't "going out" for our Anniversary ... Instead we're
having Relatives (of hers) over for Thanksgiving Dinner.

Gonna get *stuffed* just like the turky we got thawing in the
refirgerator since Sunday.
/ ' / ™
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2003-11-26 17:47:13 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by U***@home.alone.invalid
I will probably be off line wed & thur so I'm sending this ahead of time.
Wishing you and the Mrs. a very happy combination of Thanksgiving and
Twenty-nine years is really great. Hope you have at least twenty-nine more.
The wife and I ain't "going out" for our Anniversary ... Instead we're
having Relatives (of hers) over for Thanksgiving Dinner.
Gonna get *stuffed* just like the turky we got thawing in the
refirgerator since Sunday.
Have a happy day!!
A dunce for all seasons.
Founder & President, *Dunce of the Month Club*
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Voted *Usenets Most Trusted Person In History*, 1956 - 2004.
Declared *The Hardest Working Dunce In All Of Usenet*, 1963 - 2004.
Quote: "I have never met a dunce I've liked!"

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Frank McCoy
2003-11-26 21:59:23 UTC
Post by Fastman®
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by U***@home.alone.invalid
I will probably be off line wed & thur so I'm sending this ahead of time.
Wishing you and the Mrs. a very happy combination of Thanksgiving and
Twenty-nine years is really great. Hope you have at least twenty-nine more.
The wife and I ain't "going out" for our Anniversary ... Instead we're
having Relatives (of hers) over for Thanksgiving Dinner.
Gonna get *stuffed* just like the turky we got thawing in the
refirgerator since Sunday.
Have a happy day!!
Thanks. I'm sure I will. ;-}
/ ' / ™
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