Ping: Frank
(too old to reply)
2005-03-23 05:17:19 UTC
Aw, what the hell - I'll just email it to you. I've seen you around
long enough to not be worried about who I'm sending this to... I


This organization highly recommends
the use of KY-Warming liquid. Try it
and see why!!
Frank McCoy
2005-03-24 03:24:57 UTC
Post by Etilletas
Aw, what the hell - I'll just email it to you. I've seen you around
long enough to not be worried about who I'm sending this to... I
I'm just who I appear to be.
A horny old goat who writes sex-stories.
An *idiot* horny old goat who writes perveted sex-stories about little
girls who seduce older men, under his own real name.

Right now, I'm an out-of-work horny old goat. ;-{
After 40 years as TV technician, Electronics technician, engineer, Chief
Engineer, R&D enginneer, programmer, analyst Systems Analyst, Product
Development engineer, Product Assurance Engineer, Quality-Control
specialist and programmer, Designer, Quality Diagnostic Engineer, and
likely a dozen other such titles, now I can't even get a job doing
scut-work as a temp. I got to those "golden years" of being over 60,
where nobody will hire you.

Like I've told so many people:
I'm in the phone-book.
Been here at this address for over twenty years, and with this
phone-number for close to thirty. Had this same email address with my
own name for over 10 years now.

If anybody had noticed I was somebody other than who I claim to be,
you'd think it would be obvious by now.
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2005-03-24 06:01:09 UTC
On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 21:24:57 -0600,Frank McCoy's cat ran across
the 'puter keyboard and out came...
«In alt.fan.frank.mccoy Etilletas <***@data.com> wrote:
«>Aw, what the hell - I'll just email it to you. I've seen you around
«>long enough to not be worried about who I'm sending this to... I
«I'm just who I appear to be.
«A horny old goat who writes sex-stories.
«An *idiot* horny old goat who writes perveted sex-stories about little
«girls who seduce older men, under his own real name.
«Right now, I'm an out-of-work horny old goat. ;-{
«After 40 years as TV technician, Electronics technician, engineer, Chief
«Engineer, R&D enginneer, programmer, analyst Systems Analyst, Product
«Development engineer, Product Assurance Engineer, Quality-Control
«specialist and programmer, Designer, Quality Diagnostic Engineer, and
«likely a dozen other such titles, now I can't even get a job doing
«scut-work as a temp. I got to those "golden years" of being over 60,
«where nobody will hire you.
«Like I've told so many people:
«I'm in the phone-book.
«Been here at this address for over twenty years, and with this
«phone-number for close to thirty. Had this same email address with my
«own name for over 10 years now.
«If anybody had noticed I was somebody other than who I claim to be,
«you'd think it would be obvious by now.
How many times have I told you, I have a job waiting for you up here!

For myself - I had no choice but to become self-employed. Stole a few customers
from former employers and away I went. Not a lot of money but it does pay the
bills. If I had someone like you to team up with, the sky would be the limit.

The economy here is 'booming'. Shortages of highly skilled all over the place.
But, as you stated, nobody wants to hire us 'old' folk.

From the looks of your fence (re:windchimes pics) - you could use a few extra
bucks for repairs!!!!

BTW - the Supreme Court of Canada did rule a few years back that writing
your 'type' of stories is NOT a criminal offence (as long as you do not let
them fall into the wrong hands).

Alberta is THE place to be these days - MAJOR oil sands projects are in the
planning stages that are going to be 'cutting edge' as far as technology is
concerned. Not a good idea to maintain two residences, though. I did it for a
year while I worked in Southern Cal. and got nailed for taxes in both
'' // /
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Frank McCoy
2005-03-24 07:06:07 UTC
Post by Öldman©
On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 21:24:57 -0600,Frank McCoy's cat ran across
the 'puter keyboard and out came...
?Aw, what the hell - I'll just email it to you. I've seen you around
?long enough to not be worried about who I'm sending this to... I
?'m just who I appear to be.
? horny old goat who writes sex-stories.
?n *idiot* horny old goat who writes perveted sex-stories about little
?irls who seduce older men, under his own real name.
?ight now, I'm an out-of-work horny old goat. ;-{
?fter 40 years as TV technician, Electronics technician, engineer, Chief
?ngineer, R&D enginneer, programmer, analyst Systems Analyst, Product
?evelopment engineer, Product Assurance Engineer, Quality-Control
?pecialist and programmer, Designer, Quality Diagnostic Engineer, and
?ikely a dozen other such titles, now I can't even get a job doing
?cut-work as a temp. I got to those "golden years" of being over 60,
?here nobody will hire you.
?'m in the phone-book.
?een here at this address for over twenty years, and with this
?hone-number for close to thirty. Had this same email address with my
?wn name for over 10 years now.
?f anybody had noticed I was somebody other than who I claim to be,
?ou'd think it would be obvious by now.
How many times have I told you, I have a job waiting for you up here!
A. Not *going* to Canada!
Up THERE, I would be a felon, for the stories I write.
At the very *least* I would have to stop posting new ones.
Ain't a gonna' happen. Sorry.
B. The wife doesn't want to move.
It's either here where her family and friends are,
OR it's out to Oregon, where MY family is.
No other places need apply; and most certainly NOT Canada!
She thinks it's horrible enough down HERE with OUR winters!
My wife *hates* the cold.
Post by Öldman©
For myself - I had no choice but to become self-employed. Stole a few customers
from former employers and away I went. Not a lot of money but it does pay the
bills. If I had someone like you to team up with, the sky would be the limit.
The economy here is 'booming'. Shortages of highly skilled all over the place.
But, as you stated, nobody wants to hire us 'old' folk.
From the looks of your fence (re:windchimes pics) - you could use a few extra
bucks for repairs!!!!
That's sheer laziness, not lack-of-money.
I *have* the replacement posts out in back of the shed.
I just haven't gotten the gumption up to replace the 5 or 6 posts needed
every year for the whole fence, the past year or so. About that many
rot out each year; and (of course) I keep putting off such heavy manual
labor as long as the wife lets me get away with it. It's not like a
leaking roof or leaky faucet or sticky door or other problem with the
house that would cause problems, so I fix THEM immediately.

Though: I'll admit I put off cleaning out the gutters all summer long
Post by Öldman©
BTW - the Supreme Court of Canada did rule a few years back that writing
your 'type' of stories is NOT a criminal offence (as long as you do not let
them fall into the wrong hands).
Exactly. But putting them out on the web *is* (by their definition)
letting them fall in the wrong hands. I watched that decision with
interest. Having them for my *own* usage is not a crime ... or, more
correctly, as I read the decision, it *is* a crime, but they cannot come
searching my house for the material, even if they know it's there. If
they *find* it in a search for other contraband though, I could be
charged ... if the DA (or Canadian equivalent) was asshole enough. But
putting my stories out on the web or in newsgroups would be
"distributing child porn" by their definition; and a felony.

It would be *really* interesting to see their take on me being up there,
having *already* posted such material to newsgroups and/or having it
available on websites (like ASSTR) but not ever doing so from up there
after I arrived. Would I, COULD I be arrested for something I did down
here, where it was legal, but is a crime up there?

As I said, it would interesting ... But I really don't want to be the
test-case myself. Somebody else can have that privilege.

Down here in the US of A, they have a Constitution, and in that
Constitution they have what is called "The Bill of Rights". The first
article of which says that I can say anything or print anything *in
words* that I want and post them where I wish, as long as they're not
solicitation of a crime or something similar. Stories in particular are
exempt (right now anyway) from prosecution. Or so it's been interpreted
so far. At one time in this country (under the Comstock Act) the
interpretation was terribly different; and free speech about sex in any
manner just did not exist. But the SCOTUS threw that law out as
unconstitutional about 40 to 50 years ago.

Up in Canada, they have no such articles.
Sorry, but I just don't like the inside of jails; and I'm not that fond
of the inside of courtrooms where I happen to be the defendant ... even
if I win. For one reason, if no other, when I'm defending myself in
court, money, LOTS of money is going OUT while none is coming IN.

That's a problem I have far too much of already, without defending my
stories or the posting of them to people who think that such things are
dangerous or abusing children in some manner.
Post by Öldman©
Alberta is THE place to be these days - MAJOR oil sands projects are in the
planning stages that are going to be 'cutting edge' as far as technology is
concerned. Not a good idea to maintain two residences, though. I did it for a
year while I worked in Southern Cal. and got nailed for taxes in both
/ ' / ™
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2005-03-24 10:01:20 UTC
Frank McCoy <***@millcomm.com> wrote in news:***@4ax.com:

I don't normally top-post, but this time it fits.

I want to throw my two bits in for your consideration, Frank. You have two
concerns about Canada and I wish to address each.
Post by Frank McCoy
No other places need apply; and most certainly NOT Canada!
She thinks it's horrible enough down HERE with OUR winters!
My wife *hates* the cold.
I hate the cold, too. Most Canadians hate the cold. Alberta is chinook
country -- sudden blasts of warm air pouring over the Rockies from the
coast in the dead of winter. You might find it *warmer* than where you are
now. If you could figure out how to live in, say, Victoria, B.C., you
would be way, way, way better off.

Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Öldman©
BTW - the Supreme Court of Canada did rule a few years back that
writing your 'type' of stories is NOT a criminal offence (as long as
you do not let them fall into the wrong hands).
Post by Frank McCoy
Down here in the US of A, they have a Constitution, and in that
Constitution they have what is called "The Bill of Rights". The first
article of which says that I can say anything or print anything *in
words* that I want and post them where I wish, as long as they're not
solicitation of a crime or something similar. Stories in particular
are exempt (right now anyway) from prosecution. Or so it's been
interpreted so far. At one time in this country (under the Comstock
Act) the interpretation was terribly different; and free speech about
sex in any manner just did not exist. But the SCOTUS threw that law
out as unconstitutional about 40 to 50 years ago.
Up here in the Dominion of Canada we have a Constitution and a Bill of
Rights. The courts here are very fussy about government attempts to
overrule the Bill of Rights and it doesn't happen very often, anyway,
because our governments tend to be mildly socialist (Alberta being a
notable exception).
Post by Frank McCoy
Up in Canada, they have no such articles.
Yes we do. Also, from watching our government's skilled handling of
various suspect terrorists, even if someone *did* decide to make an
example of you (unlikely), even if they *did* succeed in getting a court
conviction (even more unlikely), and even if said conviction was not
overthrown by a higher court (almost certain, with the probability of you
winning up here increasing every day Bush is in power down there), the
worst that would happen is that you would be deported back to Minnesnowta
and even that could be delayed if you so wished. No jail.

And, just to rub it in, the whole process, from first charge through court
case, appeals, decision to deport you, more appeals, final decision and
deportation, would take in the order of twenty years.

Nobody is going to be stupid enough even to try to charge you with
something that they know won't stick and which would cost the Canadian
legal system tens of millions of dollars -- and you, possibly, nothing.

Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Öldman©
Alberta is THE place to be these days - MAJOR oil sands projects are
in the planning stages that are going to be 'cutting edge' as far as
technology is concerned. Not a good idea to maintain two residences,
though. I did it for a year while I worked in Southern Cal. and got
nailed for taxes in both countries.
Oldman is right, you know. I think you owe it to yourself to take a close
look at what he needs and what he offers. Just look, you don't need to
decide right away.

Or have you lost confidence in your abilities?

God tolerates pride in none but Himself.
- Herodotus
Frank McCoy
2005-03-24 17:21:01 UTC
Post by Shagrat
I don't normally top-post, but this time it fits.
I want to throw my two bits in for your consideration, Frank. You have two
concerns about Canada and I wish to address each.
Post by Frank McCoy
No other places need apply; and most certainly NOT Canada!
She thinks it's horrible enough down HERE with OUR winters!
My wife *hates* the cold.
I hate the cold, too. Most Canadians hate the cold. Alberta is chinook
country -- sudden blasts of warm air pouring over the Rockies from the
coast in the dead of winter. You might find it *warmer* than where you are
now. If you could figure out how to live in, say, Victoria, B.C., you
would be way, way, way better off.
Even if true, that isn't the wife's perception.
I know that Minnesnowta *is* one of the coldest places on the continent
... During the Winter, anyway. But convincing the wife to move North
... Sorry, ain't gonna' happen.
Post by Shagrat
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Öldman©
BTW - the Supreme Court of Canada did rule a few years back that
writing your 'type' of stories is NOT a criminal offence (as long as
you do not let them fall into the wrong hands).
Post by Frank McCoy
Down here in the US of A, they have a Constitution, and in that
Constitution they have what is called "The Bill of Rights". The first
article of which says that I can say anything or print anything *in
words* that I want and post them where I wish, as long as they're not
solicitation of a crime or something similar. Stories in particular
are exempt (right now anyway) from prosecution. Or so it's been
interpreted so far. At one time in this country (under the Comstock
Act) the interpretation was terribly different; and free speech about
sex in any manner just did not exist. But the SCOTUS threw that law
out as unconstitutional about 40 to 50 years ago.
Up here in the Dominion of Canada we have a Constitution and a Bill of
Rights. The courts here are very fussy about government attempts to
overrule the Bill of Rights and it doesn't happen very often, anyway,
because our governments tend to be mildly socialist (Alberta being a
notable exception).
But, as THEY see it up there in your courts, Freedom of Speech is *not*
the absolute they make it down here; and they've already ruled that
stories like mine are *not* protected. Private material a person has in
his home, yes. But not stuff "published", and especially not stuff
posted worldwide, be it on the net or in newsgroups.

My stuff, up there, is considered "child pornography", with similar
punishments for "distribution" as they have down here. Down here, the
SCOTUS has ruled that to be banned, even *pictures* must involve a "real
child"; not be some artist's dream. Up there, cartoons, stories,
diaries, fevered imaginings, dreams, and all, if they involve sex with
an "underaged child" then it's child-pornography. In their statutes, it
is so-defined. Even writing *hinting* about such happenings is banned.
That makes for a curious dilemma on the part of the Courts; as
by-definition the laws themselves, and people arguing for and against
such laws, are producing child-pornography, if you read the statute
strictly and word-by-word.

Not that any lawyer would try prosecuting such a case ....
Or would they? I vaguely remember Church cases in the past, where
*knowing* the full wording of the law could get you burned at the stake!

That doesn't exist right *now*; but even down here I've seen similar
things suggested as "necessary in the fight against child-abuse."
Post by Shagrat
Post by Frank McCoy
Up in Canada, they have no such articles.
Yes we do. Also, from watching our government's skilled handling of
various suspect terrorists, even if someone *did* decide to make an
example of you (unlikely), even if they *did* succeed in getting a court
conviction (even more unlikely), and even if said conviction was not
overthrown by a higher court (almost certain, with the probability of you
winning up here increasing every day Bush is in power down there), the
worst that would happen is that you would be deported back to Minnesnowta
and even that could be delayed if you so wished. No jail.
And all the while money would be flowing like water to lawyers and other
such; not to mention the sheer time spent dealing with lawyers and
courts, explaining my position and defending my stories (which, of
course, opposing lawyers would be picking the most horrible examples
from, as evidence I'm a terrible threat to children). Time which I
couldn't be working.

The hassle just isn't worth it.
Post by Shagrat
And, just to rub it in, the whole process, from first charge through court
case, appeals, decision to deport you, more appeals, final decision and
deportation, would take in the order of twenty years.
As I said, the hassle isn't worth it.
And, if I *was* deported, you can be certain some DA down here would
then get a bug up his ass and TRY to convict me of the same charge.
After all, I was convicted in Canada, wasn't I?
Post by Shagrat
Nobody is going to be stupid enough even to try to charge you with
something that they know won't stick and which would cost the Canadian
legal system tens of millions of dollars -- and you, possibly, nothing.
The *point* would be to make an example of "real perverts" like me,
especially ones (again like me) who make the case that maybe incest
isn't the horrible thing the government claims, or that (far worse yet!)
that some children *do* enjoy sex, and maybe some even seduce adults ...
Something both your government and ours has been claiming is impossible;
as that's one reason why they completely ban such liaisons.
Post by Shagrat
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Öldman©
Alberta is THE place to be these days - MAJOR oil sands projects are
in the planning stages that are going to be 'cutting edge' as far as
technology is concerned. Not a good idea to maintain two residences,
though. I did it for a year while I worked in Southern Cal. and got
nailed for taxes in both countries.
Oldman is right, you know. I think you owe it to yourself to take a close
look at what he needs and what he offers. Just look, you don't need to
decide right away.
Or have you lost confidence in your abilities?
Just don't want to move to Canada.
I won't even go there on *vacation* when I'm right next to the border.
Especially with the wife, I'm not going to pressure her into moving
North. Not with *her* idea of what is and is not up there.
I likely wouldn't get any nookie for two or three years.

Now if you have a job that can be done long-distance, then I'm all ears!
/ ' / ™
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2005-03-25 04:00:55 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Just don't want to move to Canada.
I won't even go there on *vacation* when I'm right next to the border.
Just curious: is your reluctance to cross the border predicated solely on
possible legal problems or do you have some other beef against Canada?
Post by Frank McCoy
Now if you have a job that can be done long-distance, then I'm all ears!
You will have to talk to the Oldman about that one.

God tolerates pride in none but Himself.
- Herodotus
Frank McCoy
2005-03-25 05:30:17 UTC
Post by Shagrat
Post by Frank McCoy
Just don't want to move to Canada.
I won't even go there on *vacation* when I'm right next to the border.
Just curious: is your reluctance to cross the border predicated solely on
possible legal problems or do you have some other beef against Canada?
Legal problems.
Especially when I usually have some of my stories packed away in my
suitcase while on vacation ... Partly to work on; and partly as extra
jack-off material. Thinking about crossing the border with THAT inside
the car, is a bit scary. I'm not quite sure what they would charge me
with if caught; but don't really want to find out.

And no, I *don't* want to throw about $50 of printouts out the window,
just for a trip into Canada.
Post by Shagrat
Post by Frank McCoy
Now if you have a job that can be done long-distance, then I'm all ears!
You will have to talk to the Oldman about that one.
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