PING>>>all Regulars and PU, Death in the Family.
(too old to reply)
Frank McCoy
2004-04-12 01:57:29 UTC
I am sad to inform those of you who have been here long enough to know Per
Lister. He Died wednesday last.
For those who do not know him, he was like myself a Danish KP Model in the
early Years after w/w2, become a Photographer and later took over Vesterbro
Studios in Copenhagen. He later bought the danish KP mags
"skoleborn"(children) "Skolepiger" (girls) and "Skoledrenge" (boys) and
combined them into one English mag called "SchoolChildren"
In the late 70s it was well known that USA was putting forever more pressure
on the Danish,Swedish,German and Duch Governents to outlaw the Multi Million
Dollar Child Porn Industry. from 79 to 82 he had taken over almost every
magazine and tranferred the files and print equipment to Asia. In 1982
the Total Ban come in Europe.
By then he lived in Japam with his lovely Wife and Children and continued to
publish whatever the japanese Government allowed. Last year they also was
forced into total ban.
GOOD BY MY FRIEND, You are Just the very best.
See you soon.
Family Counseling Office
Pedo University
Usenet campus

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Frank McCoy
2004-04-12 01:58:02 UTC
Would there be anyone interested in performing a small tribute to Per
by posting a few of his works or works in the Per Lister style??
Firstly I thank all of you for your kind replies.
I mailed them to Michael his Son who come back to Australia on Sunday.
He phoned me to day and asked me to thank you all on behalf of the family.
He have sent your posts to Per's Wife. He do not own a Computer so he could
not thank you personally.
Per was Cremated in Japan last Saturday and Michael told me some 200 people
was at the service ,many was Photographers, Publishers and former Models .
Sadly I was unable to attend due to illness
In reply to CookieOne's request, I must point out that Per never scanned nay
of his Pictures for the NG's.
He left that to all the many Scanners and Posters over the years who had the
Magazines. He ones told me he could never get the damn scanners to produce
the size he wanted..so he gave it up.
He have never signed any of his work nor did he ever let any of his
Photographers sign their work before publication. The Pictures was produced
in the Vesterbro Studios and sold to many different Magazines. He always
said "the Kids are the Stars , we are only there to immortalize
them...without the Kids we are nothing., they are important..we are not."
You find his work in series like "Sc" "Sk" "Sb" or the many "ll" or "lolita"
Series They are not all from his Studios but a majority is. There are many
other serie names as they where named by the Scanners. Atom have many in
MCLT. both from Europe and Asia.
In his final years he spent a lot of time in Albania producing pictures for
several Japanese magazines before they become Banned early last year.
You also can find his pictures in the "PISS" and "PEE" series
as he was always fascinated by Girls Pissing do the expression in their
face. Many Pictures was cropped to only show the face or top half. He sold a
lot of the "faces" to none pornographic magazines. Like our other friend
Odin Nielsen "Odin the Viking God" used the same technique but had the
Girls doing a shit. A few year ago the 2 of them had a posting match
..Pissing girls v Shitting Girls ..one of the few times Per posted his own
pictures in this NG, some had never been seen before.
It gave us all a good laugh.
One of those Pissing pictures was used by Lea to prosecute me for possession
of KP. I did ask the court what in the world Pissing had to do with
Sex....NO reply.
Must Go, I need some medication.
Professor in Child Sexology
Pedo University
Family Counseling Office
Pedo University
Usenet campus

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