problems posting to abdckj
(too old to reply)
Tim Merrigan
2004-10-03 19:10:18 UTC
I've been a member of abdckj for a few months now and posted several
messages there over the last day or so, none of which have come through.
Can anyone here offer any suggestions as to what the problem might be.
I pledge allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America,
and to the republic which it established, one nation, from many peoples,
promising liberty and justice for all.
Feel free to use the above variant pledge in your own postings.

Tim Merrigan

URL: http://home.comcast.net/~tppm/home.htm

AIM: tppm1
Windows Messenger: ***@comcast.net
Yahoo Messenger: Tim_Merrigan_54

Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>
Uncle Sky
2004-10-03 19:50:39 UTC
Post by Tim Merrigan
I've been a member of abdckj for a few months now and posted several
messages there over the last day or so, none of which have come through.
Can anyone here offer any suggestions as to what the problem might be.
Can't imagine. Frank, Krazy and I have posted several messages that showed
up fine.
Uncle Sky
Frank McCoy
2004-10-03 20:05:19 UTC
Post by Uncle Sky
Post by Tim Merrigan
I've been a member of abdckj for a few months now and posted several
messages there over the last day or so, none of which have come through.
Can anyone here offer any suggestions as to what the problem might be.
Can't imagine. Frank, Krazy and I have posted several messages that showed
up fine.
Yep ... and this shows up fine too.
A suggestion:
Try doing a "Refresh Groups List" first.
Then, in abdckj, do a "Get ALL Headers In Selected Group(s)".
Finally, after that's finished, and while still in abdckj, do a "Catch
Up With Selected Group(s)". You *might* think of "catching up" with
ALL of your subscribed groups.

(Or whatever the equivalents are with your newsreader.)

Sometimes newsreaders get a bit confused as to which messages and
headers they already have looked at and downloaded.

Posted and Mailed (to Tim).
/ ' / ™
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2004-10-03 21:29:44 UTC
Tim Merrigan clearly stated.......

«I've been a member of abdckj for a few months now and posted several
«messages there over the last day or so, none of which have come through.
« Can anyone here offer any suggestions as to what the problem might be.
You may have picked up the virus that was in the Brittany Spears post in
both this froup and de udder 1.

I have my filters set to delete .scr files on incoming from server, all I
get is a "beep" so I did not know exactly where the pesty was with this
reader and since it was 'gone' I did not know about it untill yesterday
when I was trying out Xnews. It GOT me! Xnews does NOT have the 'power'
filters that this reader has and I could not even delete the messages
even though I saw the file extention. As I tried to get rid of it the
stupid Xnews 'opened' it and my F-Prot went and 'grabbed' it before it
could infect my machine - it is a particularily nasty one BTW.

To make a long story short, it 'killed' THIS froup in Xnews as F-prot
would not allow access to the data base file and Xnews has NOT got a way
that I found to delete ANY message, it will only 'hide' them.

I do not know how you post - using IE? You had better run a virus scan!
Any progy that 'runs' (loads into memory) a file - such as IE, OE and
Xnews are JUNK IMHO. Gravity does not 'load' the file unless I "decode"
it so I always get to see the file extention and can delete it.

If ya 'got da bug' - dat will teach ya not to click on the SPAM!!!

Then - get a good news reader such as Agent or SuperGravity (it's free).

* * * Gravity Web Pages * * *
http://sourceforge.net/projects/mpgravity (Version 2.7)
http://lightning.prohosting.com/~tbates/gravity/ (Version 2.6)
Note that V2.7 does not include an image viewer.
You may use your favorite or download and install V2.6 first
which uses its own viewer (diplays thumbs and allows slide show)
The latest version has 're-wrap' feature for replies to posts.
"We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing,
while others judge us by what we have already done."
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Tim Merrigan
2004-10-03 22:11:18 UTC
Post by Öldman©
Tim Merrigan clearly stated.......
«I've been a member of abdckj for a few months now and posted several
«messages there over the last day or so, none of which have come through.
« Can anyone here offer any suggestions as to what the problem might be.
You may have picked up the virus that was in the Brittany Spears post in
both this froup and de udder 1.
I have my filters set to delete .scr files on incoming from server, all I
get is a "beep" so I did not know exactly where the pesty was with this
reader and since it was 'gone' I did not know about it untill yesterday
when I was trying out Xnews. It GOT me! Xnews does NOT have the 'power'
filters that this reader has and I could not even delete the messages
even though I saw the file extention. As I tried to get rid of it the
stupid Xnews 'opened' it and my F-Prot went and 'grabbed' it before it
could infect my machine - it is a particularily nasty one BTW.
To make a long story short, it 'killed' THIS froup in Xnews as F-prot
would not allow access to the data base file and Xnews has NOT got a way
that I found to delete ANY message, it will only 'hide' them.
I do not know how you post - using IE? You had better run a virus scan!
Any progy that 'runs' (loads into memory) a file - such as IE, OE and
Xnews are JUNK IMHO. Gravity does not 'load' the file unless I "decode"
it so I always get to see the file extention and can delete it.
If ya 'got da bug' - dat will teach ya not to click on the SPAM!!!
Then - get a good news reader such as Agent or SuperGravity (it's free).
* * * Gravity Web Pages * * *
http://sourceforge.net/projects/mpgravity (Version 2.7)
http://lightning.prohosting.com/~tbates/gravity/ (Version 2.6)
Note that V2.7 does not include an image viewer.
You may use your favorite or download and install V2.6 first
which uses its own viewer (diplays thumbs and allows slide show)
The latest version has 're-wrap' feature for replies to posts.
I figured it out. As you can see below, I have some links in my sig,
some people consider that sort of thing spam, and apparently abdckj is
set not to allow such to be posted. If I trim my sig the posts go
through fine.

Thank you everyone who answered for your help. Oldman, use Mozilla for
text groups, including abdckj, and Agent for (real) binary groups
(because it decodes and combines automagically, and it decodes yEnc
(except when it's screwed up by my firewall)) and in both I skip over
suspect attachments without opening them, but I usually don't bother
deleting them.
I pledge allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America,
and to the republic which it established, one nation, from many peoples,
promising liberty and justice for all.
Feel free to use the above variant pledge in your own postings.

Tim Merrigan

URL: http://home.comcast.net/~tppm/home.htm

AIM: tppm1
Windows Messenger: ***@comcast.net
Yahoo Messenger: Tim_Merrigan_54

Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>
2004-10-03 23:11:36 UTC
Tim Merrigan clearly stated.......

«Öldman© wrote:
«> Tim Merrigan clearly stated.......
«> «I've been a member of abdckj for a few months now and posted several
«> «messages there over the last day or so, none of which have come through.
«> « Can anyone here offer any suggestions as to what the problem might be.
«> «
«> «
«> You may have picked up the virus that was in the Brittany Spears post in
«> both this froup and de udder 1.
«> I have my filters set to delete .scr files on incoming from server, all I
«> get is a "beep" so I did not know exactly where the pesty was with this
«> reader and since it was 'gone' I did not know about it untill yesterday
«> when I was trying out Xnews. It GOT me! Xnews does NOT have the 'power'
«> filters that this reader has and I could not even delete the messages
«> even though I saw the file extention. As I tried to get rid of it the
«> stupid Xnews 'opened' it and my F-Prot went and 'grabbed' it before it
«> could infect my machine - it is a particularily nasty one BTW.
«> To make a long story short, it 'killed' THIS froup in Xnews as F-prot
«> would not allow access to the data base file and Xnews has NOT got a way
«> that I found to delete ANY message, it will only 'hide' them.
«> I do not know how you post - using IE? You had better run a virus scan!
«> Any progy that 'runs' (loads into memory) a file - such as IE, OE and
«> Xnews are JUNK IMHO. Gravity does not 'load' the file unless I "decode"
«> it so I always get to see the file extention and can delete it.
«> If ya 'got da bug' - dat will teach ya not to click on the SPAM!!!
«> Then - get a good news reader such as Agent or SuperGravity (it's free).
«> * * * Gravity Web Pages * * *
«> http://gravity.tbates.org/
«> http://mpgravity.sourceforge.net/
«> http://sourceforge.net/projects/mpgravity (Version 2.7)
«> http://lightning.prohosting.com/~tbates/gravity/ (Version 2.6)
«> Note that V2.7 does not include an image viewer.
«> You may use your favorite or download and install V2.6 first
«> which uses its own viewer (diplays thumbs and allows slide show)
«> The latest version has 're-wrap' feature for replies to posts.
«I figured it out. As you can see below, I have some links in my sig,
«some people consider that sort of thing spam, and apparently abdckj is
«set not to allow such to be posted. If I trim my sig the posts go
«through fine.
«Thank you everyone who answered for your help. Oldman, use Mozilla for
«text groups, including abdckj, and Agent for (real) binary groups
«(because it decodes and combines automagically, and it decodes yEnc
«(except when it's screwed up by my firewall)) and in both I skip over
«suspect attachments without opening them, but I usually don't bother
«deleting them.
Gravity decodes 'most-magically' to any folder I like with multiple rules
set to decode to different folders on differnt drives - ie "from=not-a-spammer"
gets decoded to "D:/music/good stuff" and from=good poster goes to E:/more
good stuff".

BTW - this is more about your firewall, I take it your 'on' M$ XP and use
zonealarm ;) - so the following IFYI

The writer is almost certainly referring to the recent experience of
the FREE version of ZoneAlarm 5.1.001 failing to allow yEnc decoding
by newsreaders that worked prior to this version of ZA being
installed. Know that other recent versions of FREE ZoneAlarm, such
as 5.0.590.015 and 5.0.590.043 do allow the newsreaders to properly
decode yEnc. Only the FREE version of ZA 5.1.011 is faulty! The ZA
Pro version 5.1.011 does not share the yEnc fault; it works fine!

A separate problem is that the version 4 series of ZoneAlarm firewalls
is incompatible with the Service Pack 2 upgrade to Windows XP.
Attempts to install either SP2 or a ZA 4 firewall in the presence of
the other will, on reboot, lead to a continual loop of reboots.

Hope this clarifies the recent problem with ZoneAlarm 5.1.011. Only
the FREE version of that release is faulty (will not allow yEnc


1. Use ZoneAlarm FREE version 5.0.590.043 (still available from
www.pcworld.com) or ZoneAlarm Pro 5.1.011.

2. Avoid using FREE ZoneAlarm 5.1.011; uninstall it and replace with
one of the other versions listed above!

Enjoy :) (I also use NewsPlex as my 'local' server' as it will combine
ALL article headers from ALL servers for my news reader so that my reader
does NOT see incomplete bunny posts. It will also 'autocombine/decode'
to either a 'dedicated' dummy newsgroup in my reader OR to a 'decode'
folder that I set up. It also auto joins files split with mastersplitter.
It decodes ALL encoding - Mime, UUencode, XUUencode and yEnc. Works with
any and ALL newsreaders, I have Gravity, Xnews and Ozum - soon to add
Power Post - ALL set to 'localhost' with NewsPlex set up to 'read' 4 servers.
I take my Usenet seriously <G>)
Frank McCoy
2004-10-04 00:21:22 UTC
Post by Can-eh!-dian
1. Use ZoneAlarm FREE version 5.0.590.043 (still available from
www.pcworld.com) or ZoneAlarm Pro 5.1.011.
2. Avoid using FREE ZoneAlarm 5.1.011; uninstall it and replace with
one of the other versions listed above!
They now have version
Hopefully, it fixes the bug in 5.1.011
/ ' / ™
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Frank McCoy
2004-10-04 00:39:20 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Can-eh!-dian
1. Use ZoneAlarm FREE version 5.0.590.043 (still available from
www.pcworld.com) or ZoneAlarm Pro 5.1.011.
2. Avoid using FREE ZoneAlarm 5.1.011; uninstall it and replace with
one of the other versions listed above!
They now have version
Hopefully, it fixes the bug in 5.1.011
Damn! It didn't.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
Tim Merrigan
2004-10-04 09:21:55 UTC
Post by Öldman©
Tim Merrigan clearly stated.......
Gravity decodes 'most-magically' to any folder I like with multiple rules
set to decode to different folders on differnt drives - ie "from=not-a-spammer"
gets decoded to "D:/music/good stuff" and from=good poster goes to E:/more
good stuff".
BTW - this is more about your firewall, I take it your 'on' M$ XP and use
zonealarm ;) - so the following IFYI
The writer is almost certainly referring to the recent experience of
the FREE version of ZoneAlarm 5.1.001 failing to allow yEnc decoding
by newsreaders that worked prior to this version of ZA being
installed. Know that other recent versions of FREE ZoneAlarm, such
as 5.0.590.015 and 5.0.590.043 do allow the newsreaders to properly
decode yEnc. Only the FREE version of ZA 5.1.011 is faulty! The ZA
Pro version 5.1.011 does not share the yEnc fault; it works fine!
A separate problem is that the version 4 series of ZoneAlarm firewalls
is incompatible with the Service Pack 2 upgrade to Windows XP.
Attempts to install either SP2 or a ZA 4 firewall in the presence of
the other will, on reboot, lead to a continual loop of reboots.
Hope this clarifies the recent problem with ZoneAlarm 5.1.011. Only
the FREE version of that release is faulty (will not allow yEnc
1. Use ZoneAlarm FREE version 5.0.590.043 (still available from
www.pcworld.com) or ZoneAlarm Pro 5.1.011.
2. Avoid using FREE ZoneAlarm 5.1.011; uninstall it and replace with.
one of the other versions listed above!
Enjoy :) (I also use NewsPlex as my 'local' server' as it will combine
ALL article headers from ALL servers for my news reader so that my reader
does NOT see incomplete bunny posts. It will also 'autocombine/decode'
to either a 'dedicated' dummy newsgroup in my reader OR to a 'decode'
folder that I set up. It also auto joins files split with mastersplitter.
It decodes ALL encoding - Mime, UUencode, XUUencode and yEnc. Works with
any and ALL newsreaders, I have Gravity, Xnews and Ozum - soon to add
Power Post - ALL set to 'localhost' with NewsPlex set up to 'read' 4 servers.
I take my Usenet seriously <G>)
Thank you. I've just upgraded to the free ZA, and have
gotten one screwed up message with a compressed line (I haven't tried
the binary groups yet) and yes I am using XP but haven't upgraded to SP2
yet, though MS keeps nagging me about it. Mozilla/Thunderbird has one
of the problems Netscape has always had in that it doesn't combine and
decode at all, which is why I had the binary groups on Free Agent even
before yEnc started taking over.

BTW I have the last 7 or 8 versions of ZA in my download folder so I
don't need to re-download them, but since moving backwards involves
uninstalling and reinstalling I lost all my settings when I did it after
discovering the problem with 5.1.011.
I pledge allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America,
and to the republic which it established, one nation, from many peoples,
promising liberty and justice for all.
Feel free to use the above variant pledge in your own postings.

Tim Merrigan

URL: http://home.comcast.net/~tppm/home.htm

AIM: tppm1
Windows Messenger: ***@comcast.net
Yahoo Messenger: Tim_Merrigan_54

Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>
Frank McCoy
2004-10-04 13:24:14 UTC
Post by Tim Merrigan
I've just upgraded to the free ZA, and have
gotten one screwed up message with a compressed line
That's their known bug. ;-{
Here I hoped they'd have it fixed in this release.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
Tim Merrigan
2004-10-05 11:07:03 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Tim Merrigan
I've just upgraded to the free ZA, and have
gotten one screwed up message with a compressed line
That's their known bug. ;-{
Here I hoped they'd have it fixed in this release.
<AOL mode>Me too.</AOL mode>
I pledge allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America,
and to the republic which it established, one nation, from many peoples,
promising liberty and justice for all.
Feel free to use the above variant pledge in your own postings.

Tim Merrigan

URL: http://home.comcast.net/~tppm/home.htm

AIM: tppm1
Windows Messenger: ***@comcast.net
Yahoo Messenger: Tim_Merrigan_54

Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>
Uncle Sky
2004-10-04 07:03:09 UTC
Post by Tim Merrigan
Post by Öldman©
Tim Merrigan clearly stated.......
«I've been a member of abdckj for a few months now and posted several
«messages there over the last day or so, none of which have come
through. « Can anyone here offer any suggestions as to what the
problem might be. «
You may have picked up the virus that was in the Brittany Spears post
in both this froup and de udder 1.
I have my filters set to delete .scr files on incoming from server, all
I get is a "beep" so I did not know exactly where the pesty was with
this reader and since it was 'gone' I did not know about it untill
yesterday when I was trying out Xnews. It GOT me! Xnews does NOT have
the 'power' filters that this reader has and I could not even delete
the messages even though I saw the file extention. As I tried to get
rid of it the stupid Xnews 'opened' it and my F-Prot went and 'grabbed'
it before it could infect my machine - it is a particularily nasty one
To make a long story short, it 'killed' THIS froup in Xnews as F-prot
would not allow access to the data base file and Xnews has NOT got a
way that I found to delete ANY message, it will only 'hide' them.
I do not know how you post - using IE? You had better run a virus scan!
Any progy that 'runs' (loads into memory) a file - such as IE, OE and
Xnews are JUNK IMHO. Gravity does not 'load' the file unless I "decode"
it so I always get to see the file extention and can delete it.
If ya 'got da bug' - dat will teach ya not to click on the SPAM!!!
Then - get a good news reader such as Agent or SuperGravity (it's free).
* * * Gravity Web Pages * * *
http://sourceforge.net/projects/mpgravity (Version 2.7)
http://lightning.prohosting.com/~tbates/gravity/ (Version 2.6)
Note that V2.7 does not include an image viewer.
You may use your favorite or download and install V2.6 first
which uses its own viewer (diplays thumbs and allows slide show)
The latest version has 're-wrap' feature for replies to posts.
I figured it out. As you can see below, I have some links in my sig,
some people consider that sort of thing spam, and apparently abdckj is
set not to allow such to be posted. If I trim my sig the posts go
through fine.
Thank you everyone who answered for your help. Oldman, use Mozilla for
text groups, including abdckj, and Agent for (real) binary groups
(because it decodes and combines automagically, and it decodes yEnc
(except when it's screwed up by my firewall)) and in both I skip over
suspect attachments without opening them, but I usually don't bother
deleting them.
Hmmm. I have links in my sig that I normally turn of for this group but
when I forget to the posts still show up.
Uncle Sky