To Blog or not Blog, that is the question.
(too old to reply)
Frank McCoy
2004-12-28 01:04:26 UTC
Actually, I'm not all that sure what a blog is, or how one starts one
up, except it's some kind of web-available page that a person writes
(usually fairly often) that other people can read. Something like an
open diary on the web I figure.

Well, I occasionally like to hold forth on various subjects where I
have opinions (Yes me. I'm opinionated ... Really!)

So ... Since there's already a forum dedicated to me, I figure I might
as well use it.

So ... From time to time I'm going to post notes in here about
thoughts I have ... not all about sex or sex-stories or politics
either. Those I have posted (and will continue to post) in other
appropriate groups as well as here, on occasion.

But I'm going to try doing a bit of Asimov-style rambling about
various things. While I don't have his IQ or enormous background in
the sciences, sometimes I think I see things that others might not ...
or that sometimes I can explain things in a way that others hadn't
thought of, so they can understand what's going on.

Or at least that's my hope.
In any case, it will give me a place to ramble on about things I see,
do, and notice. Who knows how long I'll keep this up?
/ ' / ™
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Uncle Sky
2004-12-28 02:08:17 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Actually, I'm not all that sure what a blog is, or how one starts one
up, except it's some kind of web-available page that a person writes
(usually fairly often) that other people can read. Something like an
open diary on the web I figure.
Well, I occasionally like to hold forth on various subjects where I
have opinions (Yes me. I'm opinionated ... Really!)
So ... Since there's already a forum dedicated to me, I figure I might
as well use it.
So ... From time to time I'm going to post notes in here about
thoughts I have ... not all about sex or sex-stories or politics
either. Those I have posted (and will continue to post) in other
appropriate groups as well as here, on occasion.
But I'm going to try doing a bit of Asimov-style rambling about
various things. While I don't have his IQ or enormous background in
the sciences, sometimes I think I see things that others might not ...
or that sometimes I can explain things in a way that others hadn't
thought of, so they can understand what's going on.
Or at least that's my hope.
In any case, it will give me a place to ramble on about things I see,
do, and notice. Who knows how long I'll keep this up?
Good idea IMHO. I read most of your "ramblings" and find most of them
interesting even if I don't agree.

I though about a blog at SOL where they have it set up for authors. Then I
decided I didn't have enough to say and what little I do say is rarely of
any interest to most folks. So no Blog.

I'll watch for your posts as always.
Uncle Sky
2004-12-28 02:30:28 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
But I'm going to try doing a bit of Asimov-style rambling about
various things. While I don't have his IQ or enormous background in
the sciences, sometimes I think I see things that others might not ...
or that sometimes I can explain things in a way that others hadn't
thought of, so they can understand what's going on.
Or at least that's my hope.
In any case, it will give me a place to ramble on about things I see,
do, and notice. Who knows how long I'll keep this up?
Ramble away. I hope you don't mind getting rambling replies. Orcses is
good at ramblin'ses.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was to convince people
to worship him as God.
Frank McCoy
2004-12-28 03:50:12 UTC
Post by Shagrat
Post by Frank McCoy
But I'm going to try doing a bit of Asimov-style rambling about
various things. While I don't have his IQ or enormous background in
the sciences, sometimes I think I see things that others might not ...
or that sometimes I can explain things in a way that others hadn't
thought of, so they can understand what's going on.
Or at least that's my hope.
In any case, it will give me a place to ramble on about things I see,
do, and notice. Who knows how long I'll keep this up?
Ramble away. I hope you don't mind getting rambling replies. Orcses is
good at ramblin'ses.
That's the nice thing about rambling in a newsfroup.
You get (and everybody can see) the replies.
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