Update on Frank
(too old to reply)
Uncle Sky
2009-06-04 23:09:39 UTC
Saw this posted in another group.

Just read this court document on PACER, which was filed 3 April 2009.
Guess we have some more months to wait.

Case No. I :07-CR-18-WLS

The Defendant's Unopposed Motion/or a Continuance of the above-styled
matter to the
October 2009 trial term (Doc. 102) having been read and considered,
the Court finds:

1. that the Defendant has moved for this continuance pursuant to
18 U.S.C. §
3161 (h)(8)(B)(ii) -maintaining that this particular prosecution "is
so unusual [and] [] complex, due
to ... the nature of the prosecution, [] [and] the existence of novel
questions of fact or law, that it []
[would be] unreasonable to expect adequate preparation for. . .the
trial itself within the time limit[]
established", which is currently the June 2009 trial term; and,

2. that counsel for the Defendant represents that the government
does not oppose the instant
request for a continuance;

THEREFORE, the Court finds that the ends of justice served by the
granting of this
continuance outweigh the interests of the public and the defendant in
a speedy trial.

The Court having made the foregoing findings, the Defendant's
Motion for Continuance
(Doc. 102) is hereby GRANTED and the matter is hereby continued to the
October 2009 trial term
of the Albany Division of the Middle District of Georgia.

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the time period occasioned by this
continuance is excluded
from the calculations of time contemplated by the Speedy Trial Act, 18
U.S.c. § 3161, et seq.

So ORDERED this 3rd day of April, 2009.

W. Louis Sands
United States District Judge
Uncle Sky
2009-06-05 09:27:57 UTC
[Default] On 04 Jun 2009 23:09:39 GMT, Uncle
Post by Uncle Sky
Saw this posted in another group.
Just read this court document on PACER, which was filed 3 April 2009.
Guess we have some more months to wait.
Case No. I :07-CR-18-WLS
The Defendant's Unopposed Motion/or a Continuance of the above-styled
matter to the
October 2009 trial term (Doc. 102) having been read and considered,
1. that the Defendant has moved for this continuance pursuant to
18 U.S.C. §
3161 (h)(8)(B)(ii) -maintaining that this particular prosecution "is
so unusual [and] [] complex, due
to ... the nature of the prosecution, [] [and] the existence of novel
questions of fact or law, that it []
[would be] unreasonable to expect adequate preparation for. . .the
trial itself within the time limit[]
established", which is currently the June 2009 trial term; and,
2. that counsel for the Defendant represents that the government
does not oppose the instant
request for a continuance;
THEREFORE, the Court finds that the ends of justice served by the
granting of this
continuance outweigh the interests of the public and the defendant in
a speedy trial.
The Court having made the foregoing findings, the Defendant's
Motion for Continuance
(Doc. 102) is hereby GRANTED and the matter is hereby continued to the
October 2009 trial term
of the Albany Division of the Middle District of Georgia.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the time period occasioned by this
continuance is excluded
from the calculations of time contemplated by the Speedy Trial Act, 18
U.S.c. § 3161, et seq.
So ORDERED this 3rd day of April, 2009.
W. Louis Sands
United States District Judge
Thanks, Uncle Sky.
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