(too old to reply)
2008-01-17 02:04:07 UTC
I must admit that in spite of my doubts about the validity of the post
about frank being busted I am a little worried.
Frank is very active in the three groups mentioned. His last post to his
home froup was on 1/7 (Mon). His last post to ASSD was on 1/6 (Sun). His
last post to AC was at 7:41am on 1/9. That's about 2 1/2 hrs before the
reported event.
There are some things said in the "15 years" post that are things he has
said before. It sounds to me like him. Of course anyone who has stalked him
like the trolls we see here could copy that I suppose.
But why hasn't he come on and bebunked the whole thing? There could be many
reasons I guess. His wife's condition not the least of them.
Debunk it? I think not.
In a way, it was what I was hoping would happen ... About ten years or
more ago.
You can only hold your breath for so long, you know. ;-{
As I said, I have my doubts but I still recognise the possibility that it
is real.
Real. No, I'm *not* sorry; though the timing with my wife could
hardly be much worse.
I just hope it is a hoax and that he comes on soon to tell us he is okay. I
worry about his wife too.
OK ... I suppose.
It's my wife I'm worried about.
She just keeps getting weaker and weaker.
No harm in sending good thoughts to he and his wife so I am sending mine.
Thanks. As always, all good thoughts are appreciated.
That's to *all* the people who have sent them; not just Uncle Sky.
You wouldn't *believe* how clunky it is to have to use Google Groups
instead of a real newsreader like Agent. ;-{

Without a computer right now, and my attempts to build one out of
scrap parts being dismal failures; along with no real *time* to build
one; I'm not able to talk and work on the (right now, nonexistent)
computer like I want to.

I'm not being *prevented* from computer usage ... except by just not
having one, nor money to buy a new one. Used though ... I'm working
on that.

Wish me luck (good or bad, depending on who you are).
"Without bad luck, I'd have no luck at all." ;-}

As to whether this post in "genuine"; well read it and compare style.
AFAIK, nobody else posts like me at all.

Sorry I just don't have time to read and respond to the whole thread.

I'm going to *try* and post about my wife in another (new) thread; now
that I've vound I can post to AC and my froup. Really sorry about the
cross-posting; but until I find something that's a *real* computer to
use (or I get mine back), this will have to do.

Oh ... For the next few days at least, please *don't* send me any
No, not *legal* reasons. You can if you want to but ....
But my email inbox (which I maintain without filters) is going to fill
up *fast* with spam, "offers", fishing-scams, and just plain *garbage*
until I get back to it with a real email program. Sorry about that.
If you *do* send me email, I'll *try* to reply to it later ... if it
isn't flushed out with the crapola. That looks to be a while yet.

Still, who knows? I might get lucky and get something working
I don't need a *good* computer; just one with Win-98 or XP (Hopefully
NOT Vista!) that I can at least temporarily install Word, Agent, and
Eudora on.

Of course, without my Installs Backup, getting some of those three to
work properly might be a bit chancy too. I don't think so, but ...
/ ' / (tm)
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(Sig stolen from a previous post.)
2008-01-17 02:14:43 UTC
Post by m***@millcomm.com
But why hasn't he come on and bebunked the whole thing? There could be many
reasons I guess. His wife's condition not the least of them.
Debunk it? I think not.
In a way, it was what I was hoping would happen ... About ten years or
more ago.
You can only hold your breath for so long, you know. ;-{
As I said, I have my doubts but I still recognise the possibility that it
is real.
Real. No, I'm *not* sorry; though the timing with my wife could
hardly be much worse.
I just hope it is a hoax and that he comes on soon to tell us he is okay. I
worry about his wife too.
Hi, sweetie. Thanks for clarifying--as I understand your response, the
2-part 'busted' post was really from you.

Don't worry about emailing me back on this. This post answered my questions.
Just work on taking care of yourself and your wife, and best of luck to you

2008-01-17 16:17:43 UTC
I listed my financial
situation: I have *just* enough money to pay my bills and not get into
debt. I *don't* have any extra.
You make repeated noise about your marginal financial situation. So
rather than focus your energies on securing additional income, you
spend all your spare time writing daddy does his daughter stories.

Elsewhere in you saga you say you long hoped the Gestapo would come
banging on your door. Happy now?
2008-01-18 02:13:29 UTC
Post by o***@yahoo.com
Elsewhere in you saga you say you long hoped the Gestapo would come
banging on your door. Happy now?
Take this in the manner to which it is intended (and note, idiot -
Original newsgroups that were included to begin with reinserted.
Go slide down a razor blade.
Thank you.
Hey genius, it only took you two tries to make your point. But it's
unoriginal and witless. You not only can't come up with your own
material, you can't pick good material to imitate.
Frank McCoy
2008-01-18 04:03:57 UTC
Post by o***@yahoo.com
I listed my financial
situation: I have *just* enough money to pay my bills and not get into
debt. I *don't* have any extra.
You make repeated noise about your marginal financial situation. So
rather than focus your energies on securing additional income, you
spend all your spare time writing daddy does his daughter stories.
Elsewhere in you saga you say you long hoped the Gestapo would come
banging on your door. Happy now?
Well ... Yeah, in a way.
Now that it seems the wife isn't going to leave me for religious
reasons, I'm back in the fight again.

But, I was *really* ready to fight 5 to 10 years ago; not now.
Back *then* the wife was healthy; and I was making a good income.

Now, are *you* happy they hit me while I was already down?
I suppose you must be.
/ ' / ™
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2008-01-18 04:57:19 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by o***@yahoo.com
I listed my financial
situation: I have *just* enough money to pay my bills and not get into
debt. I *don't* have any extra.
You make repeated noise about your marginal financial situation. So
rather than focus your energies on securing additional income, you
spend all your spare time writing daddy does his daughter stories.
Elsewhere in you saga you say you long hoped the Gestapo would come
banging on your door. Happy now?
Well ... Yeah, in a way.
Now that it seems the wife isn't going to leave me for religious
reasons, I'm back in the fight again.
But, I was *really* ready to fight 5 to 10 years ago; not now.
Back *then* the wife was healthy; and I was making a good income.
Now, are *you* happy they hit me while I was already down?
I suppose you must be.
Personally, Frank, I hope that they press charges. That way you can
actually be declared innocent rather than bieng left hanging on a
limb. It would also be one in the eye for Brandon. Bo0by and their

Best of luck and fight hard.
fundamentalism (n.): fund = give cash to; amentalism = brainlessness
Frank McCoy
2008-01-18 05:23:30 UTC
Post by David
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by o***@yahoo.com
I listed my financial
situation: I have *just* enough money to pay my bills and not get into
debt. I *don't* have any extra.
You make repeated noise about your marginal financial situation. So
rather than focus your energies on securing additional income, you
spend all your spare time writing daddy does his daughter stories.
Elsewhere in you saga you say you long hoped the Gestapo would come
banging on your door. Happy now?
Well ... Yeah, in a way.
Now that it seems the wife isn't going to leave me for religious
reasons, I'm back in the fight again.
But, I was *really* ready to fight 5 to 10 years ago; not now.
Back *then* the wife was healthy; and I was making a good income.
Now, are *you* happy they hit me while I was already down?
I suppose you must be.
Personally, Frank, I hope that they press charges. That way you can
actually be declared innocent rather than bieng left hanging on a
limb. It would also be one in the eye for Brandon. Bo0by and their
Well, actually, that's my thoughts too.

However, a good lawyer was talking to me about that very thing today;
and pointed out that this might not be the best time to fight for that
sort of result; considering the hash Bush has been making of the Supreme
Court over the last decade.

IOW: if we *get* the case I was originally hoping for, they might, yes,
throw out Miller vs California (as I hope) ... and put in something much
clearer (again like I hope) but completely restrictive of free speech
instead. ;-{

Might not, too.
I have *hope* that even some of the truly right-wing judges *do*
actually believe in the concept of free speech. I might be wrong.

It seems you never can tell about a Supreme Court Case.
Often the ones you *expect* to argue one side, instead vote on the
other. Sometimes it seems to be a crap-shoot.
Post by David
Best of luck and fight hard.
Thanks. Will.
But WHY couldn't they have come banging around ten or even five years
ago? Damn. I was *really* ready back then.
/ ' / ™
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2008-01-18 07:50:47 UTC
On Friday 18 January 2008 00:23, in alt.fan.frank.mccoy,
in Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>,
Frank McCoy wrote:

Post by Frank McCoy
Post by David
Personally, Frank, I hope that they press charges. That way you can
actually be declared innocent rather than bieng left hanging on a
limb. It would also be one in the eye for Brandon. Bo0by and their
Well, actually, that's my thoughts too.
However, a good lawyer was talking to me about that very thing today;
and pointed out that this might not be the best time to fight for that
sort of result; considering the hash Bush has been making of the
Supreme Court over the last decade.
That's exactly the point I've been making elsewhere; Bush has so packed
the Supreme Court with right-wingers, that it's now a real crap-shoot.
Ten years ago, prior the the packing the Court, you would have likely
stood a better chance of having the law thrown out. Today? Who knows.

That's the risk that you take when you depend on man-made laws to
preserve your freedom; myself, I've always depended on the laws of
mathematics (i.e. strong crypto) to preserve my freedom. (See the John
Gilmore quote below my .sig)
Post by Frank McCoy
IOW: if we *get* the case I was originally hoping for, they might,
yes, throw out Miller vs California (as I hope) ... and put in
something much clearer (again like I hope) but completely restrictive
of free speech
instead. ;-{
Might not, too.
I have *hope* that even some of the truly right-wing judges *do*
actually believe in the concept of free speech. I might be wrong.
You could very well be wrong, and you're gambling on the result with
your freedom.
Post by Frank McCoy
It seems you never can tell about a Supreme Court Case.
Often the ones you *expect* to argue one side, instead vote on the
other. Sometimes it seems to be a crap-shoot.
/Any/ time you enter a courtroom, it's a crap-shoot--especially if a
jury is involved. You've gotta remember, Frank, that when the subject
of kids and sex are mixed together, all reason goes right out the effing
window. Just look at the Amero and Bandy cases.

In the case of Amero, she was a 40-something substitute teacher; she was
convicted of 'impairing the morals of a child' by inadvertently exposing
her students to thumbnail-sized images of adult pornography. The fact
that the school had no up-to-date virus protection and the machine was
loaded to the gunwales with spyware did not matter a whit. Fortunately,
her case attracted international attention, and the guilty verdict was
vacated--but she has to stand trial all over again. (Ms. Amero was
pregnant when this all started--the true tragedy was that the stress of
this affair caused her to miscarry.)

Matt Bandy prosecution

Under [District Attorney] Thomas, the County Attorney prosecuted Matt
Bandy, the 16 year old son of a Phoenix Az ER Doctor. Bandy was a minor
who was being charged with distributing child pornography using the
family computer. From the start, all evidence indicated computer virus
and trojan horses were responsible for the presence of underage
photographs and that Matt Bandy never had any knowledge of their
presence. When Thomas found this out, he then refused to hand the
computer hard drive over to the defense until forced to by the Arizona
supreme court. Facing 90 years in prison without parole, Thomas's office
pressured Matt Bandy into accepting a unheard of plea bargain of
pleading guilty to 3 felony counts of showing a playboy magazine to
three of his 16 year old school classmates. Thomas's office tried to get
Bandy listed as a Sex Offender but the judge threw out that requirement.
The Bandy family spent $250,000 in legal fees defending their son.
The case was later featured on ABC's 20/20.
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by David
Best of luck and fight hard.
Thanks. Will.
But WHY couldn't they have come banging around ten or even five years
ago? Damn. I was *really* ready back then.
Isn't that the way it always goes?
Post by Frank McCoy
/ ' / ?
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Baal <***@Usenet.org>
PGP Key: http://wwwkeys.pgp.net:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x1E92C0E8
PGP Key Fingerprint: 40E4 E9BB D084 22D5 3DE9 66B8 08E3 638C 1E92 C0E8
Retired Lecturer, Encryption and Data Security, Pedo U, Usenet Campus
- --

"Sed quis custodiet ipsos Custodes?" -- "Who will watch the Watchmen?"
-- Juvenal, Satires, VI, 347. circa 128 AD

"How many of you have broken no laws this month? That's the kind of
society I want to build. I want a guarantee--with physics and mathematics,
not with laws--that we can give ourselves real privacy of personal
communications." -- John Gilmore

"You do not examine legislation in the light of the benefits it will
convey if properly administered, but in the light of the wrongs it would
do and the harms it would cause if improperly administered."
-- Lyndon Johnson

"It is dangerous to be right in matters on which the established
authorities are wrong." -- Voltaire
2008-01-18 17:39:10 UTC
On Jan 17, 9:23 pm, Frank McCoy <***@millcomm.com> wrote:
Post by Frank McCoy
I have *hope* that even some of the truly right-wing judges *do*
actually believe in the concept of free speech.  I might be wrong.
First, I hope things work out for the best for you Frank.

Second, I think you'd have a better chance with a true right-wing
judge than you would with some of the proto-facist neo-cons out
there. I consider myself to be right-wing, and my definition of that
term involves things like stricter interpretation of the Constitution
(which should favor you), restricting the courts to interpreting law
rather than making it (your favor again, I think), smaller and less
intrusive government (your favor).

Anyway, good fortune!

