Question for Frank Mccoy [was Re: Girls Taught Early to Hate Boys]
(too old to reply)
Affirmative Action
2005-04-24 20:23:20 UTC
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Girls Taught Early to Hate Boys
Read the outrageous article below from today's Wall Street Journal. It's
about these new shirts girls are wearing to bash boys. The maker of the
Rocks at Them.
Long before T shit messages were the messages of teachers going way back.
From the beginning of the 20th century teachers taught children that males
were essentially evil. Such as "boys only want one thing." I heard that
I was 6. I didn't find out what that "one thing" even was till I was in
junior high school.But supposedly that was the only thing I wanted when I
was 6 according to the "common wisdom." We have a society steeping in the
belief that women are always the victims and that men are always the evil
Look at all the effort made by feminasties to claim that there is no such
thing as a man who could possibly be the victim of violence by a woman!
right up with the claim that black people can't be racists.
Love that typo!! (Or is it?)
We knew the old rhyme "what are little girls made of" before we went to
school, in my young days.
I don't think it worried any of us. Our brothers were taught to be little
gentlemen and protect little girls, especially their own sisters - in
public anyway, there was a lot of teasing of course at home.
As for boys wanting only one thing, that is also true of girls, but of
course we have to be more circumspect due to our biology.
Dear Frank:

This is one of the things I'm talking about when I talk about sexism.
I think it is unfair that little boys are taught to be chivalrous and
gentle to little girls. I don't like this. I want it to stop.

I feel sad for the boy. I want to help him. I want men/boys to stop
treating little girls less roughly. They are ruining my life. I want
it to stop. I want little boys to be allowed to bully little girls in
public without getting beaten up by men and bigger boys.

This sexism sends the message that it is okay for little girls to
abuse little boys and okay for men/boys to abuse little boys. I want
it to stop. It hurts me.

I just want men/boys to stop treating little girls less roughly than
little boys.

Little girls are not weaker than little boys. Little girls are not
necessarily better-behaved than little boys. Little girls are not less
aggressive than little boys.

Why the fuck does the human society treat little girls more gently
than little boys? No non-human society does this. Even chimps [our
closest taxonomical relative] don't treat their little girls less
roughly than their little boys.

I see no logical reason to treat little girls less roughly than little
boys. I want this violence and sadism to stop. I will die if it
doesn't [please don't take this as a joke, it isn't funny].
Frank McCoy
2005-04-25 00:34:26 UTC
Post by Affirmative Action
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Girls Taught Early to Hate Boys
Read the outrageous article below from today's Wall Street Journal. It's
about these new shirts girls are wearing to bash boys. The maker of the
Rocks at Them.
Long before T shit messages were the messages of teachers going way back.
From the beginning of the 20th century teachers taught children that males
were essentially evil. Such as "boys only want one thing." I heard that
I was 6. I didn't find out what that "one thing" even was till I was in
junior high school.But supposedly that was the only thing I wanted when I
was 6 according to the "common wisdom." We have a society steeping in the
belief that women are always the victims and that men are always the evil
Look at all the effort made by feminasties to claim that there is no such
thing as a man who could possibly be the victim of violence by a woman!
right up with the claim that black people can't be racists.
Love that typo!! (Or is it?)
We knew the old rhyme "what are little girls made of" before we went to
school, in my young days.
I don't think it worried any of us. Our brothers were taught to be little
gentlemen and protect little girls, especially their own sisters - in
public anyway, there was a lot of teasing of course at home.
As for boys wanting only one thing, that is also true of girls, but of
course we have to be more circumspect due to our biology.
This is one of the things I'm talking about when I talk about sexism.
I think it is unfair that little boys are taught to be chivalrous and
gentle to little girls. I don't like this. I want it to stop.
I think boys should be taught to be gentle to little boys too, not stop
being gentle to little girls.

Actually, as I recall my own childhood, it wasn't little boys being
gentle to little girls, or little girls being harsh to little boys ...
It was little boys being encouraged to fight each other, while little
girls were encouraged to, "Be nice and ladylike," with each other.

Mainly, except in families, where sometimes sibling rivalry was close to
all-out war, the boys didn't interact with the girls much. Any girls
who did were shamed and called, "tomboys" and any boys who liked to be
with girls were called, "sissies". Those girls who liked the rough
games the boys played were ostracized ... as were the boys who like to
play the "softer" games with girls.

It's not that girls couldn't be just as mean in their own way as boys
... it was just more secret and behind-the-back. If a boy disliked you
or thought you weak, he'd trip you up or punch you in the face. If a
girl disliked another girl or thought her too rough, she'd tell lies
about you, steal things when you weren't looking, and set you up.

In neither case, boy or girl, were you supposed to show weakness ... you
were supposed to get even without getting caught at it.

But it was almost never boys beating up girls or girls hurting boys.
The two sexes were (deliberately) segregated ... both by parents, but
even more-so by peers. There's no surer way for a boy to be a target
for school bullies than to hang out over with the girls. Why? Because,
liking non-violent games, it made him look weak and an easy target.
Same thing with the girls: Nothing made a girl more of a target for
other girls than going off to play roughhouse games with the boys. Why?
Because she (obviously) was an easy target for girl nastiness; not
knowing how to defend herself against lies and backstabbing.

This may sound like all kids are vicious and spiteful; both boys and
girls ... But it's a necessary thing when grown up in society for both
sexes to know how to face-down the truly nasty people who would
otherwise make life miserable for all of us.

The boys have to learn to face-down the bullies in life. The bullies
have to learn that beating up people you don't like or who do better
than you, doesn't work when you meet people who will stand up to you,
and will actually cost more than you gain.

Same thing with girls. They have their social-interactions to learn and
face down those who run cliques and tell spiteful tales ... as do those
who step on others to get to the top.

Neither boys nor girls has the utopia or wonderful life the other thinks
they have. Children can be, and often are, far more vicious than any
adults ... Because as adults, most of us have learned the hard way that:
A. It doesn't pay to be so vicious.
B. It doesn't pay to LET somebody get away with BEING vicious.

But kids, both boys and girls are all too human, and humans follow
See the stranger.
Fear the stranger.
Hate the stranger!
KILL the stranger!!!

And ... What can be stranger to boys than girls?
Or, what could be stranger to girls than boys?

Of course, the answer to both is a boy that acts like a girl, or a girl
that acts like a boy. Each, being "strange" is ostracized by his own
sex, and becomes the target.

Don't envy little girls for being coddled. It's all an illusion.
Just like girls sometimes envy boys for being coddled in a different
manner: Being allowed to get dirty and play rough games, while they get
in serious trouble for getting grass-stains on an outfit.

The old saying goes, "The grass is always greener on the other side of
the fence." It's true too. To some boys, looking at the "soft and
gentle" games girls play, in comparison to the roughhousing boys do,
fights they get into, seems like heaven ... While to those same girl,
the FREEDOM to roughhouse and fight would seem like heaven.

All stereotypes built up over centuries by societies interested in
preserving breeding females. It's caused by the fair surety of women
getting pregnant, having babies they KNOW are theirs, and raising them
... and men being able to father MANY children, who they always have a
doubt are theirs ... and not HAVING to stick around to raise them.

This means there basically isn't the intensity of competition among
adult women that there is among adult men for breeding rights. Even one
man alone can (and has) impregnate hundreds of women. Another woman
getting pregnant does NOT reduce her chances much of also getting
pregnant and having children. It's NOT a zero-sum game for women. Thus
it becomes to most women's advantage to cooperate, so that ALL of their
children survive. By working together, they end up with more children
that live for ALL of them.

With men, on the other hand, EVERY other man is a competitor for a fixed
number of females. Every woman another man impregnates is another woman
that isn't carrying HIS child when she could be. Thus it becomes
important to each man to see that he gets as many women as possible,
while all other men end up (preferably) dead. However, infighting in
your own clan is a way for your whole clan to end up dead while other
clans impregnate your women ... So men band together to kill off other
clans and/or steal their women. With men, it IS a zero-sum game There
are only so many women; and for every one raising another man's child,
that is one less raising YOURS.

So, to survive and pass your genes on (the true meaning of surviving)
Men, historically, have to be able to FIGHT ... and if not kill-off the
neighbor men trying to steal their women, then at least keep them from
doing so ... and hopefully capture a few outside women at the same time.

That, in our present society, things aren't QUITE that dog-eat-dog world
of warring clans and societies any more, doesn't diminish by all that
much the truth that at any time things COULD become ugly again. So boys
have to learn to be MEN that don't put up with shit, or when
push-comes-to-shove, they'll be the first of the "weaklings" with a
sword in his gut while somebody else is raping his woman.

Women, on the other hand, should NOT be the type who fight ... If so,
they'll end up dying just like the men ... and her genes will be lost

So, women are taught to be "nice and sweet" and not fight with each
other ... and, "Stay away from those nasty boys! They'll do NASTY
things to you, if they get you alone!"

Men, on the other hand, are taught, "Stand up for your rights! Don't
let anybody push you around. You'll look like a weakling!"

All survival traits for both men and women, bred into the Human Race
over not just decades or centuries, but hundreds-of-thousands, if not
millions of years.

Don't knock it. It's what got us to our present civilization.
Post by Affirmative Action
I feel sad for the boy. I want to help him. I want men/boys to stop
treating little girls less roughly. They are ruining my life. I want
it to stop. I want little boys to be allowed to bully little girls in
public without getting beaten up by men and bigger boys.
Little girls aren't beating up little boys.
Post by Affirmative Action
This sexism sends the message that it is okay for little girls to
abuse little boys and okay for men/boys to abuse little boys. I want
it to stop. It hurts me.
Girls are NOT allowed to abuse little boys.
Girls are punished even more severely than boys are, if they get into
fights or try to abuse *anybody*, boy or girl. For, just like it's seen
that boys should fight each other, girls are seen as supposed to CARE
for everybody ... boys or girls.

If either side, boys or girls, step out of their assigned roles, then
those who do get punished. Sometimes the punishment isn't all that
apparent; but it's ALWAYS there.
Post by Affirmative Action
I just want men/boys to stop treating little girls less roughly than
little boys.
Again, why?
If anything, you should be working to get men/boys to stop treating
little boys MORE roughly than little girls. Why increase the abuse?

In other words, Why HATE?
Why HATE little girls for getting what you imagine to be "better"
treatment ... treatment that in-total, I think you would find to be
worse than the rough treatment little boys get, if you were forced to
live that life.

The grass just APPEARS greener on the other side.

A. Women live longer. Men don't die in childbirth.
B. Women don't have to compete. Women are denied competitive jobs.
C. Women don't have to fight. Women aren't *allowed* to fight.
D. Women are healthier than men. Men are stronger than women.
E. Women have multiple orgasms. Men enjoy sex more.

Not that only ONE of these things is an absolute. SOME women have the
highest and most competitive jobs. SOME men are far healthier than most
women. SOME women fight and fight damned well. SOME men live longer
than most women. However, only women die in childbirth. In contrast
though, far more men die in war ... For that's the main root of most
wars: Control of the resources of a country, and therefore of the
women. Viewed in that manner, other men dying (on either side) is a
plus for those who remain ... That much less competition for the women.
If the result of a war is half the men on both sides dying, that means
there are now two women for every man ... and if your side WINS, that
means FOUR women for every man ... and the other side's men become your
slaves. Of course, it's a real downer if you're the guy killed or
enslaved, but that's WHY men have to be tough.
Post by Affirmative Action
Little girls are not weaker than little boys. Little girls are not
necessarily better-behaved than little boys. Little girls are not less
aggressive than little boys.
No ... they just do things in different (not necessarily better) ways.
Post by Affirmative Action
Why the fuck does the human society treat little girls more gently
than little boys? No non-human society does this. Even chimps [our
closest taxonomical relative] don't treat their little girls less
roughly than their little boys.
I see no logical reason to treat little girls less roughly than little
boys. I want this violence and sadism to stop. I will die if it
doesn't [please don't take this as a joke, it isn't funny].
No ... From your own words, you don't want it to STOP, you want it to
INCREASE! Instead of trying to get girls treated as roughly as boys
are, you *should* be trying to get boys treated as gently as girls.

In other words, your hate for girls shows through with every word you
post. Hate doesn't solve problems. Hate MAKES problems. Even in the
needed "being tough" for boys and later men, HATE doesn't help. Hate
makes you blind. Hate hampers you. Like in all things, education is
the key.

In the long-run, girls don't have to be tough and macho to survive and
have children. They can get raped by tough and macho men ... and their
sons will grow up to be tough and macho ... or else. If men want to
have children who will survive, they have to be strong enough and macho
enough to not only protect their women from other tough and macho men,
but to take those other men's women if they can. It's also to men's
advantage to see that girls do NOT fight like men do ... and thus grow
up to be women who can carry babies for their sons.

There's good reason for the old saying, "Women and children first!"
That's how societies survive.

It's not FAIR, but it's the way the world is ... or at least was; and is
likely to be again. To rail against it is to try and fight something
that has worked for hundreds of thousands of years.

The soapbox is now empty.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
2005-04-25 14:14:01 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
ly-to -hate-boys.html
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Girls Taught Early to Hate Boys
Read the outrageous article below from today's Wall Street
Journal. It's about these new shirts girls are wearing to bash
boys. The maker of the shirts, Todd Harris Goldman, even has a
Rocks at Them.
............BIG SNAP! SNIP!...........
Post by Frank McCoy
There's good reason for the old saying, "Women and children first!"
That's how societies survive.
It's not FAIR, but it's the way the world is ... or at least was; and is
likely to be again. To rail against it is to try and fight something
that has worked for hundreds of thousands of years.
The soapbox is now empty.
Hello Frank!
Hope all is well for you and your family.
I have not been here for a while.

affirmative_action's discussion has a nice ring to it, but I go with you
reply. Let me brag about what you said please! Your reply reminds me of my
childhood, the way things were with other boys and girls and adults. Your
reply was my lifestyle into my teens and as a young adult. Even today the
majority of society lives the way you describe; and I base that from the
people I work with and the way my three grandkids are being raised.
I grew-up in the 50's, a teenage of the 60's. When my son was a child in the
80's, he and his friends pulled the same stunts as I did at his age. Now my
6-going-on-7 grandson talks to me about what he and his friends in the first
grade do; the very same things I did in the first grade!
Society and History do repeat! That's how we stay alive as a society. We, or
some of us or affirmative_action, may not like some of the things done in
society or among a group of people - but that's life!
Frank, you done good in your reply!

Tim Merrigan
2005-04-25 11:42:16 UTC
Post by Affirmative Action
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Girls Taught Early to Hate Boys
Read the outrageous article below from today's Wall Street Journal. It's
about these new shirts girls are wearing to bash boys. The maker of the
Rocks at Them.
Long before T shit messages were the messages of teachers going way back.
From the beginning of the 20th century teachers taught children that males
were essentially evil. Such as "boys only want one thing." I heard that
I was 6. I didn't find out what that "one thing" even was till I was in
junior high school.But supposedly that was the only thing I wanted when I
was 6 according to the "common wisdom." We have a society steeping in the
belief that women are always the victims and that men are always the evil
Look at all the effort made by feminasties to claim that there is no such
thing as a man who could possibly be the victim of violence by a woman!
right up with the claim that black people can't be racists.
Love that typo!! (Or is it?)
We knew the old rhyme "what are little girls made of" before we went to
school, in my young days.
I don't think it worried any of us. Our brothers were taught to be little
gentlemen and protect little girls, especially their own sisters - in
public anyway, there was a lot of teasing of course at home.
As for boys wanting only one thing, that is also true of girls, but of
course we have to be more circumspect due to our biology.
This is one of the things I'm talking about when I talk about sexism.
I think it is unfair that little boys are taught to be chivalrous and
gentle to little girls. I don't like this. I want it to stop.
Right idea, wrong approach, rather than propagandizing that girls should
be treated rougher, how about propagandizing the boys should also be
treated gently.
Post by Affirmative Action
I feel sad for the boy. I want to help him. I want men/boys to stop
treating little girls less roughly. They are ruining my life. I want
it to stop. I want little boys to be allowed to bully little girls in
public without getting beaten up by men and bigger boys.
This sexism sends the message that it is okay for little girls to
abuse little boys and okay for men/boys to abuse little boys. I want
it to stop. It hurts me.
I just want men/boys to stop treating little girls less roughly than
little boys.
Little girls are not weaker than little boys. Little girls are not
necessarily better-behaved than little boys. Little girls are not less
aggressive than little boys.
Why the fuck does the human society treat little girls more gently
than little boys? No non-human society does this. Even chimps [our
closest taxonomical relative] don't treat their little girls less
roughly than their little boys.
I see no logical reason to treat little girls less roughly than little
boys. I want this violence and sadism to stop. I will die if it
doesn't [please don't take this as a joke, it isn't funny].
I agree that the sadism should stop, but that's not what you're
proposing, what you're proposing is that it be extended to girls.
I pledge allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America,
and to the republic which it established, one nation, from many peoples,
promising liberty and justice for all.
Feel free to use the above variant pledge in your own postings.

Tim Merrigan
2005-04-25 14:17:01 UTC
Post by Tim Merrigan
Post by Affirmative Action
y-to -hate-boys.html
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Girls Taught Early to Hate Boys
Read the outrageous article below from today's Wall Street Journal.
It's about these new shirts girls are wearing to bash boys. The maker
of the shirts, Todd Harris Goldman, even has a book called Boys Are
Rocks at Them.
Long before T shit messages were the messages of teachers going way
back. From the beginning of the 20th century teachers taught children
that males were essentially evil. Such as "boys only want one thing."
I heard that
I was 6. I didn't find out what that "one thing" even was till I was
in junior high school.But supposedly that was the only thing I wanted
when I was 6 according to the "common wisdom." We have a society
steeping in the belief that women are always the victims and that men
are always the evil doers.
Look at all the effort made by feminasties to claim that there is no
such thing as a man who could possibly be the victim of violence by a
right up with the claim that black people can't be racists.
Love that typo!! (Or is it?)
We knew the old rhyme "what are little girls made of" before we went
to school, in my young days.
I don't think it worried any of us. Our brothers were taught to be
little gentlemen and protect little girls, especially their own sisters
- in public anyway, there was a lot of teasing of course at home.
As for boys wanting only one thing, that is also true of girls, but of
course we have to be more circumspect due to our biology.
This is one of the things I'm talking about when I talk about sexism.
I think it is unfair that little boys are taught to be chivalrous and
gentle to little girls. I don't like this. I want it to stop.
Right idea, wrong approach, rather than propagandizing that girls should
be treated rougher, how about propagandizing the boys should also be
treated gently.
Post by Affirmative Action
I feel sad for the boy. I want to help him. I want men/boys to stop
treating little girls less roughly. They are ruining my life. I want
it to stop. I want little boys to be allowed to bully little girls in
public without getting beaten up by men and bigger boys.
This sexism sends the message that it is okay for little girls to
abuse little boys and okay for men/boys to abuse little boys. I want
it to stop. It hurts me.
I just want men/boys to stop treating little girls less roughly than
little boys.
Little girls are not weaker than little boys. Little girls are not
necessarily better-behaved than little boys. Little girls are not less
aggressive than little boys.
Why the fuck does the human society treat little girls more gently
than little boys? No non-human society does this. Even chimps [our
closest taxonomical relative] don't treat their little girls less
roughly than their little boys.
I see no logical reason to treat little girls less roughly than little
boys. I want this violence and sadism to stop. I will die if it
doesn't [please don't take this as a joke, it isn't funny].
I agree that the sadism should stop, but that's not what you're
proposing, what you're proposing is that it be extended to girls.
Hello Tim!
I haven't been here much so haven't seen you in a while either.
Hope you are doing great.
And I agree with your reply.

Tim Merrigan
2005-04-25 14:28:29 UTC
Post by Daytek
Post by Tim Merrigan
Post by Affirmative Action
y-to -hate-boys.html
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Girls Taught Early to Hate Boys
Read the outrageous article below from today's Wall Street Journal.
It's about these new shirts girls are wearing to bash boys. The maker
of the shirts, Todd Harris Goldman, even has a book called Boys Are
Rocks at Them.
Long before T shit messages were the messages of teachers going way
back. From the beginning of the 20th century teachers taught children
that males were essentially evil. Such as "boys only want one thing."
I heard that
I was 6. I didn't find out what that "one thing" even was till I was
in junior high school.But supposedly that was the only thing I wanted
when I was 6 according to the "common wisdom." We have a society
steeping in the belief that women are always the victims and that men
are always the evil doers.
Look at all the effort made by feminasties to claim that there is no
such thing as a man who could possibly be the victim of violence by a
right up with the claim that black people can't be racists.
Love that typo!! (Or is it?)
We knew the old rhyme "what are little girls made of" before we went
to school, in my young days.
I don't think it worried any of us. Our brothers were taught to be
little gentlemen and protect little girls, especially their own sisters
- in public anyway, there was a lot of teasing of course at home.
As for boys wanting only one thing, that is also true of girls, but of
course we have to be more circumspect due to our biology.
This is one of the things I'm talking about when I talk about sexism.
I think it is unfair that little boys are taught to be chivalrous and
gentle to little girls. I don't like this. I want it to stop.
Right idea, wrong approach, rather than propagandizing that girls should
be treated rougher, how about propagandizing the boys should also be
treated gently.
Post by Affirmative Action
I feel sad for the boy. I want to help him. I want men/boys to stop
treating little girls less roughly. They are ruining my life. I want
it to stop. I want little boys to be allowed to bully little girls in
public without getting beaten up by men and bigger boys.
This sexism sends the message that it is okay for little girls to
abuse little boys and okay for men/boys to abuse little boys. I want
it to stop. It hurts me.
I just want men/boys to stop treating little girls less roughly than
little boys.
Little girls are not weaker than little boys. Little girls are not
necessarily better-behaved than little boys. Little girls are not less
aggressive than little boys.
Why the fuck does the human society treat little girls more gently
than little boys? No non-human society does this. Even chimps [our
closest taxonomical relative] don't treat their little girls less
roughly than their little boys.
I see no logical reason to treat little girls less roughly than little
boys. I want this violence and sadism to stop. I will die if it
doesn't [please don't take this as a joke, it isn't funny].
I agree that the sadism should stop, but that's not what you're
proposing, what you're proposing is that it be extended to girls.
Hello Tim!
I haven't been here much so haven't seen you in a while either.
Hope you are doing great.
And I agree with your reply.
I pledge allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America,
and to the republic which it established, one nation, from many peoples,
promising liberty and justice for all.
Feel free to use the above variant pledge in your own postings.

Tim Merrigan
Affirmative Action
2005-04-26 21:42:17 UTC
Post by Tim Merrigan
Right idea, wrong approach, rather than propagandizing that girls should
be treated rougher, how about propagandizing the boys should also be
treated gently.
At heart I want exactly this. However, the gender stereotypes piss me
off so much that I sometimes feel like torturing the ones who seem to
be getting it better and making paradise for those who seem to get it

I really would like men/boys to treat a little boy as gently as they
treat a little girl. But sometimes I'm just so upset that I can't form
a single sentence without showing hatred towards the group that I
think has unfair advantages.

These gender stereotypes are something humans made as a society. Not
as individuals but as a society. This society made these irrational,
pointless codes ever since humans began to seperate from their
non-human ancestors. All cultures of society of humans followed and
violently enforced these gender steretypes since that time. As the
human race began to take over the world they became more and more
exploitative of their advantages. They began to use "culture" instead
of "biology". This human culture is the same thing that affects us
today. All cultures -- indian, american, chines, african, european
--and others. All cultures of the humans' society violently followed
and enforced these gender stereotypes. They other humans to follow
these pointless codes and to forcefully teach it to their kids.
Individual humans followed these rules out of fear. Fear is the key
reason as to why these stereotypes exist. Individuals are afraid of
the social condemnation they will face if they don't follow these
stereotypes. These are the same individual who violently enforce these
rules. These individual enforce those rules to "look good" in society.
At heart I am sure that no individual want to treat little boys more
roughly than little girls solely on the basis of gender. It is fear. A
fear very similar to that in homophobic men. Many homophobic men are
closet gays who don't want to be targets of society, so they show
hatred toward those who resemble them. Much for the same reason,
individuals follow and enforce gender stereotypes [though these same
individuals probably abhor gender stereotypes as much as I do].

Our society today is based on this fear. This very ancient and
pre-historic fear. That is why gender stereotypes exist. While most
want to stop these stereotypes, only a few have the guts to admit it,
and even fewer actually try to do something about it [often failing
miserably to succeed].

This is why I rate non-human societies far more superior to that of
human's society.

I agree with many in the soc.men NG. A lot of them have some valid
point. Sadly, conversative assholes like Catfish and Aggy pollute that
group with their stereotypical excrement.
