Thank You Frank,Any More Help Would Be Apreshiated.
(too old to reply)
"" <@>
2004-12-07 00:34:07 UTC
My Hard Drive Crashed :-(
I Lost Everything.
One Thing That Would Help Is If Some One Could
Please Post The H J Spliter Prgram For Me.
It Is NOT In Download.com
I Recived It From One Of You Here A Couple Of Years Ago/
Thank You Frank, :-)

By The Way Could You Share The URL Of
Your Web Page For Me.

Beleve Me Whe3n I Sead My Hard Drive Crashed I Ment It.

I Lost Everything :-(

If You Have The URL'f Of Other Story Sites Please Share Them With Me Too.

I Am Lost Now.

Thank You Nikki
I have a nice little DOS batch-file that combines most posts that have
been split by "Master Splitter" and similar programs.
There's also this location for Master-Splitter itself.
That's for version 2.1
I believe there's now version 4.1, for which the author allows
free-trials (shareware) and asks a measly $13 if you want to keep it.
There's also "File Splitter" listed on the same page; and that's free.
Frank McCoy
2004-12-07 05:17:11 UTC
Post by "" <@>
By The Way Could You Share The URL Of
Your Web Page For Me.
For my stories, try:

Right now, the asstr site is *much* more up-to-date.
Post by "" <@>
Beleve Me Whe3n I Sead My Hard Drive Crashed I Ment It.
I Lost Everything :-(
If You Have The URL'f Of Other Story Sites Please Share Them With Me Too.
asstr.org, is still the best.
Mr. Double's site is the biggest of all the pay sites:
Other good pay sites are Young-Stuff
And daddygirls

Then (of course) there's Stories-On-Line:
Ruthie's Club:
Naughty Stories:

I WAS going to suggest Incestgrrl's site ... but it seems to be down
again. ;-{
Post by "" <@>
I Am Lost Now.
Thank You Nikki
Like I said, I've probably got MOST of what you had, if you/I could
figure a way to swap it.

If you have Agent, I could probably send you an archive of everything
posted to alt.sex.stories, alt.stories.incest,
alt.sex.stories.moderated, alt.sex.stories.incest, and
alt.sex.stories.incest in the past four years or so.

Plus I have considerable other archives of older stuff.
It's just all in a mess. You'd have to sort it yourself.

But ... We'd have to figure a way to get it to you.
I suppose I could burn just about all of it to a DVD ...
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
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"" <@>
2004-12-07 22:32:42 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by "" <@>
By The Way Could You Share The URL Of
Your Web Page For Me.
Right now, the asstr site is *much* more up-to-date.
Post by "" <@>
Beleve Me Whe3n I Sead My Hard Drive Crashed I Ment It.
I Lost Everything :-(
If You Have The URL'f Of Other Story Sites Please Share Them With Me Too.
asstr.org, is still the best.
Other good pay sites are Young-Stuff
And daddygirls
I WAS going to suggest Incestgrrl's site ... but it seems to be down
again. ;-{
Post by "" <@>
I Am Lost Now.
Thank You Nikki
Like I said, I've probably got MOST of what you had, if you/I could
Frank: You Are Truly A Friend.
The Info You Shared With Me Will Be A Grate Help.

I Do Have Agent And My Real E-Mail Is


You Frank.


figure a way to swap it.
Post by Frank McCoy
If you have Agent, I could probably send you an archive of everything
posted to alt.sex.stories, alt.stories.incest,
alt.sex.stories.moderated, alt.sex.stories.incest, and
alt.sex.stories.incest in the past four years or so.
Plus I have considerable other archives of older stuff.
It's just all in a mess. You'd have to sort it yourself.
But ... We'd have to figure a way to get it to you.
I suppose I could burn just about all of it to a DVD ...
Frank McCoy
2004-12-08 03:20:27 UTC
Post by "" <@>
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by "" <@>
By The Way Could You Share The URL Of
Your Web Page For Me.
Right now, the asstr site is *much* more up-to-date.
Post by "" <@>
Beleve Me Whe3n I Sead My Hard Drive Crashed I Ment It.
I Lost Everything :-(
If You Have The URL'f Of Other Story Sites Please Share Them With Me Too.
asstr.org, is still the best.
Other good pay sites are Young-Stuff
And daddygirls
I WAS going to suggest Incestgrrl's site ... but it seems to be down
again. ;-{
Post by "" <@>
I Am Lost Now.
Thank You Nikki
Like I said, I've probably got MOST of what you had, if you/I could
Frank: You Are Truly A Friend.
The Info You Shared With Me Will Be A Grate Help.
I Do Have Agent And My Real E-Mail Is
I'll have to see if there's a way I can package everything without
tying up a modem for 10,000 years.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
Denny Wheeler
2004-12-11 09:22:28 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
I'll have to see if there's a way I can package everything without
tying up a modem for 10,000 years.
assuming Nikki can do ftp, your best bet would be to stuff whatever
onto your ASSTR (or some other) FTP site. Far less overhead than

Some people are offence kleptomaniacs -- whenever they see
an offence that isn't nailed down, they take it ;-)
--David C. Pugh, in alt.callahans
Frank McCoy
2004-12-11 17:58:11 UTC
In alt.fan.frank.mccoy Denny Wheeler
Post by Denny Wheeler
Post by Frank McCoy
I'll have to see if there's a way I can package everything without
tying up a modem for 10,000 years.
assuming Nikki can do ftp, your best bet would be to stuff whatever
onto your ASSTR (or some other) FTP site. Far less overhead than
Yebbut: Just *my* stories alone take up three meg and take quite a
while to send. Three to five GIG will (and that's quite a
conservative estimate) will ....
Geesh. I dunno.
Wish I could mail here a DVD full.
I could thus easily copy whole directories without having to sort.

That's the other problem: Sorting. The stuff is scattered all over
the place. Even with just the Agent files I'd have to copy the entire
directory of about five gig over, then delete the files that weren't
sex-story-related to keep from overfilling even a DVD with one set.
Not a lot of time for that right now. I have my first job (only for a
week or so, but still ...) and not a lot of time left over at the
moment. Of course, this is likely to end by sometime next week, so
I'll be free (and broke) again then.

I presume I could compress things to gain about two-to-one savings;
but even then it might take DAYS to go over a fast DSL, and I'm scared
to contemplate what it would take over a dial-up modem.

My archives are *BIG*. At least when you include all the various
Agent files I've got archived because they won't fit at once on the
hard-drive, what with the 2-gig file-limit size of Win-98 and DOS.

So, I'm trying to figure work-arounds.
Like I said, burning a DVD would work *for me* ... Even if it took two
or three DVDs. Burning CDs though just wouldn't hack it. However, I
don't know if Nikki even HAS a DVD player ... one that will read files
like from a CD. Nor do I know, even if she has, whether she'd want me
sending such material to her by Snail Mail. I could imagine several
reasons why she might not. ;-{

I know ... I'm paranoid myself.
Still: If she's willing to download the files from a server, she
shouldn't have trouble with taking the same files off a DVD. It's
getting the DVD to her and whether she could read them that's a
problem. I'm presuming here that she's trying to retain her anonymity
(unlike me). Everybody knows who I am; so I don't have that problem.

Even if I *did* put them on an FTP server, I'd have to break them up
somehow into "reasonable" sized chunks that could each be downloaded
in an hour or two ... Otherwise the disappointment when eight hours
into a two-day download got glitched for the third time ....

I've done that sort of thing sending my stories-archive (of just MY
stories) back on a 14.4kb modem. Getting the whole archive back in my
face when the send aborted halfway through, was about like getting a
mail-bomb ... With no way to delete the thing from my server. I
finally (back then) had to ask the sysop to remove the crap. Now I've
got better software, but still ....

There's GOT to be an acceptable way though.
Too bad she doesn't live in the Minneapolis area.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
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2004-12-11 19:57:58 UTC
Frank why don't you just break them into 4 or 5 zips and send them that
way? Assuming you both have at least DSL it shouldn't take that long.
Just an idea.
