Frank Did You Cum Up With The Same
(too old to reply)
"" <@>
2005-01-19 05:07:04 UTC
Resolts As I Did

Netscape Sent100% Of The 480kb

And Galixy News Sent Only Part Of The Post ???

Thank You Nikki

P/S Should I Be Concerned Who I Use Posting Only Stories

My isp Through Netsape Or A Suposadly Private News Server Like Galixy??

I Do NOR Know If My Posting Stories Is Legal Or Not???

Frank McCoy
2005-01-19 05:39:03 UTC
Post by "" <@>
Resolts As I Did
I just answered each post, saying whether it came through complete or
Post by "" <@>
Netscape Sent100% Of The 480kb
And Galixy News Sent Only Part Of The Post ???
Well ... One of them did OK, and the other didn't.
I *presume* that was what you say.
Post by "" <@>
Thank You Nikki
P/S Should I Be Concerned Who I Use Posting Only Stories
Not really ... But you might want to remain anonymous for other
things; and if you're known through *one* source, it makes it hard to
be anonymous through another ... at least, under the same nym anyway.
Post by "" <@>
My isp Through Netsape Or A Suposadly Private News Server Like Galixy??
Try getting on Altopia.
By far the "gold standard" when it comes to privacy and good service.
Always has been.
Post by "" <@>
I Do NOR Know If My Posting Stories Is Legal Or Not???
If in the USA, then yes.
Posting *text* of any kind, except a conspiracy to commit a crime, is
legal in the USA, no matter what the content ... most especially
stories. Once *any* picture is involved, then things change.
Some states have *tried* passing laws against certain kinds of stories
... but always about having them for sale in that state. Even so,
it's doubtful that such laws would pass a constitutional test; as
freedom of the Press and freedom of Speech are quite well enshrined in
the Constitution here.

In other countries, then I cannot say.
Some yes; most no.
Canada, for example, outlaws preteen stories of sex ... though the law
is under challenge, it's expected to stay.

Of course, (legal disclaimer here) I Am Not A Lawyer.
But: If it was illegal for my stories to be posted, then they would
have hauled me off to jail *years* ago, when I was the only person
daring to post them.
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