Frank - is all well with you?
(too old to reply)
2004-08-30 00:10:05 UTC
The soapbox stands empty in the corner - have you just been busy
as I've been or are you under the weather?
"We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing,
while others judge us by what we have already done."
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Frank McCoy
2004-08-30 04:07:39 UTC
Post by Öldman©
The soapbox stands empty in the corner - have you just been busy
as I've been or are you under the weather?
I'm fine. My back is getting better. Enough so, that I'm looking for
work (but not finding any). If you followed ac or assd, you'd see me
posting almost every day, and often several times a day.

I posted in here last night, in response to a request.
I *really should* post that story. (I thought I already had.)

Just not doing much *story* writing.
This morning I woke up with a hell of an erotic story giving me an
ache down low; comprised of half Summer Olympics, and half the story I
went to bed reading ("Naked Empire" by Terry Goodkind ... his latest).

Something about me chasing my "little sister" (older of two such)
around a track ... naked ... catching her, and asking if I could just
rub her titties. Then my prick got in the way and ....

It just wouldn't make much sense unless you're fan of his, with
mord-siths "protecting" the younger of my two sisters.

Scary, but erotic.
Not a story I'd write down; but it did give me jack-off material.

Tomorrow I'm taking the wife down for fun stuff:
Root-Canal at the dentist.
Checkup to see what's making her lose balance. I'm suspecting MS.
Also seeing the doc about my high-cholesterol & diabetes.

None of those things are *urgent*; but gotta' do something about each

Wish I had a decent job right about now.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
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2004-08-30 05:01:51 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Öldman©
The soapbox stands empty in the corner - have you just been busy
as I've been or are you under the weather?
On Sun, 29 Aug 2004 ,Frank McCoy's cat ran across
the 'puter keyboard and out came...
Post by Frank McCoy
I'm fine. My back is getting better. Enough so, that I'm looking for
work (but not finding any).
Do you work in Visual Basic?
Any knowledge of Windows CE?

If you followed ac or assd???
Post by Frank McCoy
Something about me chasing my "little sister" (older of two such)
around a track ... naked ... catching her, and asking if I could just
rub her titties. Then my prick got in the way and ....
Interesting dream!<G>
Post by Frank McCoy
None of those things are *urgent*; but gotta' do something about each
You better do it, enough of the 'old gang' gone as it is!
Post by Frank McCoy
Wish I had a decent job right about now.
The project we discussed is 'on hold' - they cut the R&D budget,
cancelled my next major project. :(
Just thought I'd see if you were around.
Nothing from you in asgl lately.

Your re-post for Beave nearly brought a tear to my eye.

You muse about the old PU days but never post in Tats
old froup - never drop by the pub for a brew.

Someone has to lead things off if there is to ever be
another PU - it will never be reborn - nor should it,
but another crowd has sort of formed - they hang out in
LL and MCLT.

I was thinking along the lines of an old folks home where
'candy stripers' (strippers??) drop by to 'help' the old
farts. Stories about the Grandkids that visit, the battle
ax nurses, doctors drugging the 'inmates' with the 'inmates'
pretending to take the drugs but in fact 'spiking' the nurses
coffee - lots of possible stories - as I see it<BG>.

There seem to still be quite a few of the ol PU bunch, although
every one is 'laying low'.
"We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing,
while others judge us by what we have already done."
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Frank McCoy
2004-08-30 18:16:02 UTC
Post by Öldman©
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Öldman©
The soapbox stands empty in the corner - have you just been busy
as I've been or are you under the weather?
On Sun, 29 Aug 2004 ,Frank McCoy's cat ran across
the 'puter keyboard and out came...
Post by Frank McCoy
I'm fine. My back is getting better. Enough so, that I'm looking for
work (but not finding any).
Do you work in Visual Basic?
Not really.
If somebody offered me a job with it, then I probably wouldn't have
any problems adding it to all the other program languages and 27
varieties of Basic I already know.
Post by Öldman©
Any knowledge of Windows CE?
Except where it's just mainly another Windows platform, no.
I suspect I could pick up the differences in about a day.
Post by Öldman©
If you followed ac or assd???
Post by Frank McCoy
Something about me chasing my "little sister" (older of two such)
around a track ... naked ... catching her, and asking if I could just
rub her titties. Then my prick got in the way and ....
Interesting dream!<G>
Post by Frank McCoy
None of those things are *urgent*; but gotta' do something about each
You better do it, enough of the 'old gang' gone as it is!
Post by Frank McCoy
Wish I had a decent job right about now.
The project we discussed is 'on hold' - they cut the R&D budget,
cancelled my next major project. :(
;-{ That always sucks, when they're cutting down on new projects
instead of firing up new ones.
Post by Öldman©
Just thought I'd see if you were around.
Nothing from you in asgl lately.
Not much worth commenting on.
The on-going flame-war doesn't qualify.
My last comment was about five days ago.
Post by Öldman©
Your re-post for Beave nearly brought a tear to my eye.
You muse about the old PU days but never post in Tats
old froup - never drop by the pub for a brew.
Never been in Tat's froup.
Actually, didn't even know he had one ... Or if I did, I plumb forgot.
I remember stopping by some other group for goodbyes; but then stopped
and unsubscribed when the conversation stopped.

My main hangouts these days are (as always) alt.sex.stories.d and
alt.callahans. I check in every day at asg-l, but there isn't always
anything interesting to comment on, or things that NEED comment.
Post by Öldman©
Someone has to lead things off if there is to ever be
another PU - it will never be reborn - nor should it,
but another crowd has sort of formed - they hang out in
LL and MCLT.
Never bothered with those two groups, because they seemed way too
interested in pictures, and not much interested at all in
conversations. Since I set my filters for such groups to ignore an
headers with binary signatures, about all I see is spam.
So, I never bothered to subscribe to either one.
Post by Öldman©
I was thinking along the lines of an old folks home where
'candy stripers' (strippers??) drop by to 'help' the old
farts. Stories about the Grandkids that visit, the battle
ax nurses, doctors drugging the 'inmates' with the 'inmates'
pretending to take the drugs but in fact 'spiking' the nurses
coffee - lots of possible stories - as I see it<BG>.
Never much cared for drugging or other NC stories; though there were a
few that were OK.
Post by Öldman©
There seem to still be quite a few of the ol PU bunch, although
every one is 'laying low'.
They're around.
I'm not laying low. Never had a reason to.
I *miss* the conversations though.
There were *good* conversations in both asp and asi. There were
*better* ones in abpep-t. Now all three seem to have died a
heat-death of spam and lack of interest.

Only alt.sex.stories.d seems to still be a real discussion group about
sex; and it never did get down deep and dirty like abpep-t.
/ ' / ™
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(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
2004-08-31 01:19:59 UTC
On Mon, 30 Aug 2004 13:16:02 -0500, Frank McCoy <***@millcomm.com>

Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Öldman©
Do you work in Visual Basic?
Not really.
If somebody offered me a job with it, then I probably wouldn't have
any problems adding it to all the other program languages and 27
varieties of Basic I already know.
It might not be quite that easy. :-) Syntactically, VB is not all
that different that any other basic, however, VB is event driven which
is unlike any other basic that I know of. I always found it to be a
pain to block the user from clicking on buttons that weren't ready to
be clicked on yet.

BTW, if you want to try a 32-bit basic that is not VB, check out the
2nd URL in the sig.
Arargh407 at [drop the 'http://www.' from ->] http://www.arargh.com
BCET Basic Compiler Page: http://www.arargh.com/basic/index.html

To reply by email, remove the garbage from the reply address.
Frank McCoy
2004-09-01 20:34:21 UTC
Post by Öldman©
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Öldman©
Do you work in Visual Basic?
Not really.
If somebody offered me a job with it, then I probably wouldn't have
any problems adding it to all the other program languages and 27
varieties of Basic I already know.
It might not be quite that easy. :-) Syntactically, VB is not all
that different that any other basic, however, VB is event driven which
is unlike any other basic that I know of. I always found it to be a
pain to block the user from clicking on buttons that weren't ready to
be clicked on yet.
My "solution" to that, is to create a series of dummy calls for ALL
buttons and keys not used. Create it once as "boilerplate", and then
replace the dummy calls, as needed, with "real" routines, as the
program progresses.
Post by Öldman©
BTW, if you want to try a 32-bit basic that is not VB, check out the
2nd URL in the sig.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
2004-09-02 01:17:09 UTC
On Wed, 01 Sep 2004 15:34:21 -0500, in alt.fan.frank.mccoy you wrote:

Post by Frank McCoy
My "solution" to that, is to create a series of dummy calls for ALL
buttons and keys not used. Create it once as "boilerplate", and then
replace the dummy calls, as needed, with "real" routines, as the
program progresses.
I an not sure that would work. In VB, for buttons (and most
everything else) that have no event routine written, mouse & keyboard
events are ignored. The problem is when you have an event routine
written, but you don't want the user to clock on it, yet. Then you
have to disable the button(or whatever) until you are ready, and then
re-enable it.

I have written a few programs in VB, however, having grown up in the
procedure world, changing to the event world is a pain. In a windows
C program, all (or most all) the events come to one routine, and thus
can be easily filtered there.
Arargh407 at [drop the 'http://www.' from ->] http://www.arargh.com
BCET Basic Compiler Page: http://www.arargh.com/basic/index.html

To reply by email, remove the garbage from the reply address.