Fight pedophilia
(too old to reply)
2006-04-26 07:38:03 UTC
Please go here and sign the petition to pass the "No Second Chance
Pedophilia is running rampant, not only in the US but all over the
world. Children are being sexually exploited by a pedophile at the rate
of 1 out of 6 boys before the age of 16 and 1 out of 3 girls before the
age of 18 (1 out of 4 before the age of 14). These statistics are based
on reported cases of sexual abuse. I shudder to think of how many cases
have gone unreported.
Unfortunately, the Internet has provided the pedophile with a wonderful
tool for locating unsuspecting children for his/her sexual pleasure.
The Internet has also provided an avenue for the pedophile to band
together with their peers. They've found the Internet to be the perfect
place to offer each other support, news, "love" stories and even the
means to exchange child pornography.
Well, guess what? That very same tool is available to you and to me.
If, on your journeys through cyberspace, you run across a site that
appears to be exploiting children, by all means, report it. Pay
attention when your children are online. Monitor what they are doing
and who they are talking to. Don't allow the Internet to become an
electronic baby-sitter.
We, as citizens concerned for the safety of children everywhere, must
do something to stop this horrific crime NOW! Don't allow another
innocent child to become the victim of these predators. They are
stalking, seducing and convincing our children that what they do is
right. They say they do it in the name of "Love". (These law breakers
claim to be sexually stimulated by children ranging in ages from birth
to 18 years.)
A pedophile doesn't have a certain "look" that distinguishes them as
such. They could be married with children of their own. They could be
the next door neighbor, the baby-sitter or a relative. Pedophiles tend
to choose occupations that put them in close contact with children such
as teaching, counseling, daycare, scouting, coaching, etc. (I'm
certainly not saying that all people in these professions are
pedophiles because the overwhelming majority are not.) What I am saying
is be aware of whom your children are spending their time with. Don't
be afraid to ask questions. Trust your instincts. Listen to your child
and really hear what he/she is saying. Be concerned if your child shows
fear or mistrust of an adult. Children are basically honest and open
about their feelings so trust their instincts, too. Below, I've listed
a number of organizations you can contact if you suspect someone of
being a pedophile or you've come across a site that appears to be owned
by a pedophile. Don't hesitate to contact them to report your findings.
Wouldn't you rather be safe that sorry?
2006-04-26 15:54:43 UTC
Please go here and sign the petition to pass the "No Second Chance
Pedophilia is running rampant, not only in the US but all over the
world. Children are being sexually exploited by a pedophile at the rate
of 1 out of 6 boys before the age of 16 and 1 out of 3 girls before the
age of 18 (1 out of 4 before the age of 14). These statistics are based
on reported cases of sexual abuse. I shudder to think of how many cases
have gone unreported.
Unfortunately, the Internet has provided the pedophile with a wonderful
tool for locating unsuspecting children for his/her sexual pleasure.
The Internet has also provided an avenue for the pedophile to band
together with their peers. They've found the Internet to be the perfect
place to offer each other support, news, "love" stories and even the
means to exchange child pornography.
Well, guess what? That very same tool is available to you and to me.
If, on your journeys through cyberspace, you run across a site that
appears to be exploiting children, by all means, report it. Pay
attention when your children are online. Monitor what they are doing
and who they are talking to. Don't allow the Internet to become an
electronic baby-sitter.
We, as citizens concerned for the safety of children everywhere, must
do something to stop this horrific crime NOW! Don't allow another
innocent child to become the victim of these predators. They are
stalking, seducing and convincing our children that what they do is
right. They say they do it in the name of "Love". (These law breakers
claim to be sexually stimulated by children ranging in ages from birth
to 18 years.)
A pedophile doesn't have a certain "look" that distinguishes them as
such. They could be married with children of their own. They could be
the next door neighbor, the baby-sitter or a relative. Pedophiles tend
to choose occupations that put them in close contact with children such
as teaching, counseling, daycare, scouting, coaching, etc. (I'm
certainly not saying that all people in these professions are
pedophiles because the overwhelming majority are not.) What I am saying
is be aware of whom your children are spending their time with. Don't
be afraid to ask questions. Trust your instincts. Listen to your child
and really hear what he/she is saying. Be concerned if your child shows
fear or mistrust of an adult. Children are basically honest and open
about their feelings so trust their instincts, too. Below, I've listed
a number of organizations you can contact if you suspect someone of
being a pedophile or you've come across a site that appears to be owned
by a pedophile. Don't hesitate to contact them to report your findings.
Wouldn't you rather be safe that sorry?
Try fighting your own hatred of people, and your own rage and anger at
people you do not understand first! Then, you will have the moral right
to look down on pedophiles!
2006-04-26 16:01:55 UTC
Post by c***@comcast.net
Please go here and sign the petition to pass the "No Second Chance
Pedophilia is running rampant, not only in the US but all over the
world. Children are being sexually exploited by a pedophile at the rate
of 1 out of 6 boys before the age of 16 and 1 out of 3 girls before the
age of 18 (1 out of 4 before the age of 14). These statistics are based
on reported cases of sexual abuse. I shudder to think of how many cases
have gone unreported.
Unfortunately, the Internet has provided the pedophile with a wonderful
tool for locating unsuspecting children for his/her sexual pleasure.
The Internet has also provided an avenue for the pedophile to band
together with their peers. They've found the Internet to be the perfect
place to offer each other support, news, "love" stories and even the
means to exchange child pornography.
Well, guess what? That very same tool is available to you and to me.
If, on your journeys through cyberspace, you run across a site that
appears to be exploiting children, by all means, report it. Pay
attention when your children are online. Monitor what they are doing
and who they are talking to. Don't allow the Internet to become an
electronic baby-sitter.
We, as citizens concerned for the safety of children everywhere, must
do something to stop this horrific crime NOW! Don't allow another
innocent child to become the victim of these predators. They are
stalking, seducing and convincing our children that what they do is
right. They say they do it in the name of "Love". (These law breakers
claim to be sexually stimulated by children ranging in ages from birth
to 18 years.)
A pedophile doesn't have a certain "look" that distinguishes them as
such. They could be married with children of their own. They could be
the next door neighbor, the baby-sitter or a relative. Pedophiles tend
to choose occupations that put them in close contact with children such
as teaching, counseling, daycare, scouting, coaching, etc. (I'm
certainly not saying that all people in these professions are
pedophiles because the overwhelming majority are not.) What I am saying
is be aware of whom your children are spending their time with. Don't
be afraid to ask questions. Trust your instincts. Listen to your child
and really hear what he/she is saying. Be concerned if your child shows
fear or mistrust of an adult. Children are basically honest and open
about their feelings so trust their instincts, too. Below, I've listed
a number of organizations you can contact if you suspect someone of
being a pedophile or you've come across a site that appears to be owned
by a pedophile. Don't hesitate to contact them to report your findings.
Wouldn't you rather be safe that sorry?
Try fighting your own hatred of people, and your own rage and anger at
people you do not understand first! Then, you will have the moral right
to look down on pedophiles!
I understand pedophiles perfectly, that's why I want to see them in
cages where they belong
2006-04-26 23:31:04 UTC
Post by bobandcarole
Post by c***@comcast.net
Please go here and sign the petition to pass the "No Second Chance
Pedophilia is running rampant, not only in the US but all over the
world. Children are being sexually exploited by a pedophile at the rate
of 1 out of 6 boys before the age of 16 and 1 out of 3 girls before the
age of 18 (1 out of 4 before the age of 14). These statistics are based
on reported cases of sexual abuse. I shudder to think of how many cases
have gone unreported.
Unfortunately, the Internet has provided the pedophile with a wonderful
tool for locating unsuspecting children for his/her sexual pleasure.
The Internet has also provided an avenue for the pedophile to band
together with their peers. They've found the Internet to be the perfect
place to offer each other support, news, "love" stories and even the
means to exchange child pornography.
Well, guess what? That very same tool is available to you and to me.
If, on your journeys through cyberspace, you run across a site that
appears to be exploiting children, by all means, report it. Pay
attention when your children are online. Monitor what they are doing
and who they are talking to. Don't allow the Internet to become an
electronic baby-sitter.
We, as citizens concerned for the safety of children everywhere, must
do something to stop this horrific crime NOW! Don't allow another
innocent child to become the victim of these predators. They are
stalking, seducing and convincing our children that what they do is
right. They say they do it in the name of "Love". (These law breakers
claim to be sexually stimulated by children ranging in ages from birth
to 18 years.)
A pedophile doesn't have a certain "look" that distinguishes them as
such. They could be married with children of their own. They could be
the next door neighbor, the baby-sitter or a relative. Pedophiles tend
to choose occupations that put them in close contact with children such
as teaching, counseling, daycare, scouting, coaching, etc. (I'm
certainly not saying that all people in these professions are
pedophiles because the overwhelming majority are not.) What I am saying
is be aware of whom your children are spending their time with. Don't
be afraid to ask questions. Trust your instincts. Listen to your child
and really hear what he/she is saying. Be concerned if your child shows
fear or mistrust of an adult. Children are basically honest and open
about their feelings so trust their instincts, too. Below, I've listed
a number of organizations you can contact if you suspect someone of
being a pedophile or you've come across a site that appears to be owned
by a pedophile. Don't hesitate to contact them to report your findings.
Wouldn't you rather be safe that sorry?
Try fighting your own hatred of people, and your own rage and anger at
people you do not understand first! Then, you will have the moral right
to look down on pedophiles!
I understand pedophiles perfectly, that's why I want to see them in
cages where they belong
take the trees out of your eyes first
2006-04-27 07:01:28 UTC
On Wed, 26 Apr 2006 23:31:04 GMT, in article <YoT3g.16718$***@news-
server.bigpond.net.au>, Wonderer (***@bigpond.net.au) laid
themselves atop the sacrificial altar, and recited a testicular
dedication mantra, which was then decrypted by *a source who shall remain
nameless*, and roughly translates to...
Post by Wonderer
Post by bobandcarole
Post by c***@comcast.net
Please go here and sign the petition to pass the "No Second Chance
Pedophilia is running rampant, not only in the US but all over the
world. Children are being sexually exploited by a pedophile at the rate
of 1 out of 6 boys before the age of 16 and 1 out of 3 girls before the
age of 18 (1 out of 4 before the age of 14). These statistics are based
on reported cases of sexual abuse. I shudder to think of how many cases
have gone unreported.
Unfortunately, the Internet has provided the pedophile with a wonderful
tool for locating unsuspecting children for his/her sexual pleasure.
The Internet has also provided an avenue for the pedophile to band
together with their peers. They've found the Internet to be the perfect
place to offer each other support, news, "love" stories and even the
means to exchange child pornography.
Well, guess what? That very same tool is available to you and to me.
If, on your journeys through cyberspace, you run across a site that
appears to be exploiting children, by all means, report it. Pay
attention when your children are online. Monitor what they are doing
and who they are talking to. Don't allow the Internet to become an
electronic baby-sitter.
We, as citizens concerned for the safety of children everywhere, must
do something to stop this horrific crime NOW! Don't allow another
innocent child to become the victim of these predators. They are
stalking, seducing and convincing our children that what they do is
right. They say they do it in the name of "Love". (These law breakers
claim to be sexually stimulated by children ranging in ages from birth
to 18 years.)
A pedophile doesn't have a certain "look" that distinguishes them as
such. They could be married with children of their own. They could be
the next door neighbor, the baby-sitter or a relative. Pedophiles tend
to choose occupations that put them in close contact with children such
as teaching, counseling, daycare, scouting, coaching, etc. (I'm
certainly not saying that all people in these professions are
pedophiles because the overwhelming majority are not.) What I am saying
is be aware of whom your children are spending their time with. Don't
be afraid to ask questions. Trust your instincts. Listen to your child
and really hear what he/she is saying. Be concerned if your child shows
fear or mistrust of an adult. Children are basically honest and open
about their feelings so trust their instincts, too. Below, I've listed
a number of organizations you can contact if you suspect someone of
being a pedophile or you've come across a site that appears to be owned
by a pedophile. Don't hesitate to contact them to report your findings.
Wouldn't you rather be safe that sorry?
Try fighting your own hatred of people, and your own rage and anger at
people you do not understand first! Then, you will have the moral right
to look down on pedophiles!
I understand pedophiles perfectly, that's why I want to see them in
cages where they belong
take the trees out of your eyes first
Take that butt-plug out of your ass.
The problem with most female Trolls, is that their posts lack
entertainment value.

And then *I* came along.... : P
2006-04-27 08:45:39 UTC
Post by Sekhmet
themselves atop the sacrificial altar, and recited a testicular
dedication mantra, which was then decrypted by *a source who shall remain
nameless*, and roughly translates to...
Post by Wonderer
Post by bobandcarole
Post by c***@comcast.net
Please go here and sign the petition to pass the "No Second Chance
Pedophilia is running rampant, not only in the US but all over the
world. Children are being sexually exploited by a pedophile at the rate
of 1 out of 6 boys before the age of 16 and 1 out of 3 girls
age of 18 (1 out of 4 before the age of 14). These statistics are based
on reported cases of sexual abuse. I shudder to think of how many cases
have gone unreported.
Unfortunately, the Internet has provided the pedophile with a wonderful
tool for locating unsuspecting children for his/her sexual pleasure.
The Internet has also provided an avenue for the pedophile to band
together with their peers. They've found the Internet to be the perfect
place to offer each other support, news, "love" stories and even the
means to exchange child pornography.
Well, guess what? That very same tool is available to you and to me.
If, on your journeys through cyberspace, you run across a site that
appears to be exploiting children, by all means, report it. Pay
attention when your children are online. Monitor what they are doing
and who they are talking to. Don't allow the Internet to become an
electronic baby-sitter.
We, as citizens concerned for the safety of children everywhere, must
do something to stop this horrific crime NOW! Don't allow another
innocent child to become the victim of these predators. They are
stalking, seducing and convincing our children that what they do is
right. They say they do it in the name of "Love". (These law breakers
claim to be sexually stimulated by children ranging in ages from birth
to 18 years.)
A pedophile doesn't have a certain "look" that distinguishes them as
such. They could be married with children of their own. They could be
the next door neighbor, the baby-sitter or a relative. Pedophiles tend
to choose occupations that put them in close contact with children such
as teaching, counseling, daycare, scouting, coaching, etc. (I'm
certainly not saying that all people in these professions are
pedophiles because the overwhelming majority are not.) What I am saying
is be aware of whom your children are spending their time with. Don't
be afraid to ask questions. Trust your instincts. Listen to your child
and really hear what he/she is saying. Be concerned if your child shows
fear or mistrust of an adult. Children are basically honest and open
about their feelings so trust their instincts, too. Below, I've listed
a number of organizations you can contact if you suspect someone of
being a pedophile or you've come across a site that appears to be owned
by a pedophile. Don't hesitate to contact them to report your findings.
Wouldn't you rather be safe that sorry?
Try fighting your own hatred of people, and your own rage and anger at
people you do not understand first! Then, you will have the moral right
to look down on pedophiles!
I understand pedophiles perfectly, that's why I want to see them in
cages where they belong
take the trees out of your eyes first
Take that butt-plug out of your ass.
speaking from experiance are you
Post by Sekhmet
The problem with most female Trolls, is that their posts lack
entertainment value.
And then *I* came along.... : P
2006-04-27 22:16:18 UTC
On Thu, 27 Apr 2006 08:45:39 GMT, in article
<Tw%3g.17302$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>, Wonderer
(***@bigpond.net.au) laid themselves atop the sacrificial altar,
and recited a testicular dedication mantra, which was then decrypted by
*a source who shall remain nameless*, and roughly translates to...
Post by Wonderer
Post by Sekhmet
themselves atop the sacrificial altar, and recited a testicular
dedication mantra, which was then decrypted by *a source who shall remain
nameless*, and roughly translates to...
Post by Wonderer
Post by bobandcarole
Post by c***@comcast.net
Please go here and sign the petition to pass the "No Second Chance
Pedophilia is running rampant, not only in the US but all over the
world. Children are being sexually exploited by a pedophile at the rate
of 1 out of 6 boys before the age of 16 and 1 out of 3 girls
age of 18 (1 out of 4 before the age of 14). These statistics are based
on reported cases of sexual abuse. I shudder to think of how many cases
have gone unreported.
Unfortunately, the Internet has provided the pedophile with a wonderful
tool for locating unsuspecting children for his/her sexual pleasure.
The Internet has also provided an avenue for the pedophile to band
together with their peers. They've found the Internet to be the perfect
place to offer each other support, news, "love" stories and even the
means to exchange child pornography.
Well, guess what? That very same tool is available to you and to me.
If, on your journeys through cyberspace, you run across a site that
appears to be exploiting children, by all means, report it. Pay
attention when your children are online. Monitor what they are doing
and who they are talking to. Don't allow the Internet to become an
electronic baby-sitter.
We, as citizens concerned for the safety of children everywhere, must
do something to stop this horrific crime NOW! Don't allow another
innocent child to become the victim of these predators. They are
stalking, seducing and convincing our children that what they do is
right. They say they do it in the name of "Love". (These law breakers
claim to be sexually stimulated by children ranging in ages from birth
to 18 years.)
A pedophile doesn't have a certain "look" that distinguishes them as
such. They could be married with children of their own. They could be
the next door neighbor, the baby-sitter or a relative. Pedophiles tend
to choose occupations that put them in close contact with children such
as teaching, counseling, daycare, scouting, coaching, etc. (I'm
certainly not saying that all people in these professions are
pedophiles because the overwhelming majority are not.) What I am saying
is be aware of whom your children are spending their time with. Don't
be afraid to ask questions. Trust your instincts. Listen to your child
and really hear what he/she is saying. Be concerned if your child shows
fear or mistrust of an adult. Children are basically honest and open
about their feelings so trust their instincts, too. Below, I've listed
a number of organizations you can contact if you suspect someone of
being a pedophile or you've come across a site that appears to be owned
by a pedophile. Don't hesitate to contact them to report your findings.
Wouldn't you rather be safe that sorry?
Try fighting your own hatred of people, and your own rage and anger at
people you do not understand first! Then, you will have the moral right
to look down on pedophiles!
I understand pedophiles perfectly, that's why I want to see them in
cages where they belong
take the trees out of your eyes first
Take that butt-plug out of your ass.
speaking from experiance are you
But, of course. Do you not recall the last time I impaled you upon it???
The problem with most female Trolls, is that their posts lack entertainment value.

And then *I* came along.... : P
2006-04-27 23:42:07 UTC
Post by Sekhmet
On Thu, 27 Apr 2006 08:45:39 GMT, in article
and recited a testicular dedication mantra, which was then decrypted by
*a source who shall remain nameless*, and roughly translates to...
Post by Wonderer
Post by Sekhmet
On Wed, 26 Apr 2006 23:31:04 GMT, in article
themselves atop the sacrificial altar, and recited a testicular
dedication mantra, which was then decrypted by *a source who shall remain
nameless*, and roughly translates to...
Post by Wonderer
Post by bobandcarole
Post by c***@comcast.net
Please go here and sign the petition to pass the "No Second Chance
Pedophilia is running rampant, not only in the US but all over the
world. Children are being sexually exploited by a pedophile at
of 1 out of 6 boys before the age of 16 and 1 out of 3 girls
age of 18 (1 out of 4 before the age of 14). These statistics
on reported cases of sexual abuse. I shudder to think of how
have gone unreported.
Unfortunately, the Internet has provided the pedophile with a
tool for locating unsuspecting children for his/her sexual pleasure.
The Internet has also provided an avenue for the pedophile to band
together with their peers. They've found the Internet to be the
place to offer each other support, news, "love" stories and
means to exchange child pornography.
Well, guess what? That very same tool is available to you and
If, on your journeys through cyberspace, you run across a site that
appears to be exploiting children, by all means, report it. Pay
attention when your children are online. Monitor what they are doing
and who they are talking to. Don't allow the Internet to become an
electronic baby-sitter.
We, as citizens concerned for the safety of children
do something to stop this horrific crime NOW! Don't allow another
innocent child to become the victim of these predators. They are
stalking, seducing and convincing our children that what they
right. They say they do it in the name of "Love". (These law breakers
claim to be sexually stimulated by children ranging in ages
to 18 years.)
A pedophile doesn't have a certain "look" that distinguishes
such. They could be married with children of their own. They
the next door neighbor, the baby-sitter or a relative.
to choose occupations that put them in close contact with
as teaching, counseling, daycare, scouting, coaching, etc. (I'm
certainly not saying that all people in these professions are
pedophiles because the overwhelming majority are not.) What I
is be aware of whom your children are spending their time with. Don't
be afraid to ask questions. Trust your instincts. Listen to
and really hear what he/she is saying. Be concerned if your
fear or mistrust of an adult. Children are basically honest and open
about their feelings so trust their instincts, too. Below, I've
a number of organizations you can contact if you suspect
being a pedophile or you've come across a site that appears to
by a pedophile. Don't hesitate to contact them to report your
Wouldn't you rather be safe that sorry?
Try fighting your own hatred of people, and your own rage and anger at
people you do not understand first! Then, you will have the moral right
to look down on pedophiles!
I understand pedophiles perfectly, that's why I want to see them in
cages where they belong
take the trees out of your eyes first
Take that butt-plug out of your ass.
speaking from experiance are you
But, of course. Do you not recall the last time I impaled you upon it???
i thought that you had a fixation for the anus
Post by Sekhmet
The problem with most female Trolls, is that their posts lack
entertainment value.
And then *I* came along.... : P
2006-04-28 00:17:44 UTC
On Thu, 27 Apr 2006 23:42:07 GMT, in article <jFc4g.17719$***@news-
server.bigpond.net.au>, Wonderer (***@bigpond.net.au) laid
themselves atop the sacrificial altar, and recited a testicular
dedication mantra, which was then decrypted by *a source who shall remain
nameless*, and roughly translates to...
Post by Wonderer
Post by Sekhmet
On Thu, 27 Apr 2006 08:45:39 GMT, in article
and recited a testicular dedication mantra, which was then decrypted by
*a source who shall remain nameless*, and roughly translates to...
Post by Wonderer
Post by Sekhmet
On Wed, 26 Apr 2006 23:31:04 GMT, in article
themselves atop the sacrificial altar, and recited a testicular
dedication mantra, which was then decrypted by *a source who shall remain
nameless*, and roughly translates to...
Post by Wonderer
Post by bobandcarole
Post by c***@comcast.net
Please go here and sign the petition to pass the "No Second
Pedophilia is running rampant, not only in the US but all over
world. Children are being sexually exploited by a pedophile at
of 1 out of 6 boys before the age of 16 and 1 out of 3 girls
age of 18 (1 out of 4 before the age of 14). These statistics
on reported cases of sexual abuse. I shudder to think of how
have gone unreported.
Unfortunately, the Internet has provided the pedophile with a
tool for locating unsuspecting children for his/her sexual
The Internet has also provided an avenue for the pedophile to
together with their peers. They've found the Internet to be the
place to offer each other support, news, "love" stories and
means to exchange child pornography.
Well, guess what? That very same tool is available to you and
If, on your journeys through cyberspace, you run across a site
appears to be exploiting children, by all means, report it. Pay
attention when your children are online. Monitor what they are
and who they are talking to. Don't allow the Internet to become
electronic baby-sitter.
We, as citizens concerned for the safety of children
do something to stop this horrific crime NOW! Don't allow another
innocent child to become the victim of these predators. They are
stalking, seducing and convincing our children that what they
right. They say they do it in the name of "Love". (These law
claim to be sexually stimulated by children ranging in ages
to 18 years.)
A pedophile doesn't have a certain "look" that distinguishes
such. They could be married with children of their own. They
the next door neighbor, the baby-sitter or a relative.
to choose occupations that put them in close contact with
as teaching, counseling, daycare, scouting, coaching, etc. (I'm
certainly not saying that all people in these professions are
pedophiles because the overwhelming majority are not.) What I
is be aware of whom your children are spending their time with.
be afraid to ask questions. Trust your instincts. Listen to
and really hear what he/she is saying. Be concerned if your
fear or mistrust of an adult. Children are basically honest and
about their feelings so trust their instincts, too. Below, I've
a number of organizations you can contact if you suspect
being a pedophile or you've come across a site that appears to
by a pedophile. Don't hesitate to contact them to report your
Wouldn't you rather be safe that sorry?
Try fighting your own hatred of people, and your own rage and anger at
people you do not understand first! Then, you will have the moral right
to look down on pedophiles!
I understand pedophiles perfectly, that's why I want to see them in
cages where they belong
take the trees out of your eyes first
Take that butt-plug out of your ass.
speaking from experiance are you
But, of course. Do you not recall the last time I impaled you upon it???
i thought that you had a fixation for the anus
Yes. Does that ammuse you?
The problem with most female Trolls, is that their posts lack
entertainment value.

And then *I* came along.... : P
2006-04-28 04:05:27 UTC
Post by Sekhmet
themselves atop the sacrificial altar, and recited a testicular
dedication mantra, which was then decrypted by *a source who shall remain
nameless*, and roughly translates to...
Post by Wonderer
Post by Sekhmet
On Thu, 27 Apr 2006 08:45:39 GMT, in article
and recited a testicular dedication mantra, which was then decrypted by
*a source who shall remain nameless*, and roughly translates to...
Post by Wonderer
Post by Sekhmet
On Wed, 26 Apr 2006 23:31:04 GMT, in article
themselves atop the sacrificial altar, and recited a testicular
dedication mantra, which was then decrypted by *a source who shall remain
nameless*, and roughly translates to...
Post by Wonderer
Post by bobandcarole
Post by c***@comcast.net
Please go here and sign the petition to pass the "No Second
Pedophilia is running rampant, not only in the US but all over
world. Children are being sexually exploited by a pedophile at
of 1 out of 6 boys before the age of 16 and 1 out of 3 girls
age of 18 (1 out of 4 before the age of 14). These statistics
on reported cases of sexual abuse. I shudder to think of how
have gone unreported.
Unfortunately, the Internet has provided the pedophile with a
tool for locating unsuspecting children for his/her sexual
The Internet has also provided an avenue for the pedophile to
together with their peers. They've found the Internet to be the
place to offer each other support, news, "love" stories and
means to exchange child pornography.
Well, guess what? That very same tool is available to you and
If, on your journeys through cyberspace, you run across a site
appears to be exploiting children, by all means, report it. Pay
attention when your children are online. Monitor what they are
and who they are talking to. Don't allow the Internet to become
electronic baby-sitter.
We, as citizens concerned for the safety of children
do something to stop this horrific crime NOW! Don't allow
innocent child to become the victim of these predators. They
stalking, seducing and convincing our children that what they
right. They say they do it in the name of "Love". (These law
claim to be sexually stimulated by children ranging in ages
to 18 years.)
A pedophile doesn't have a certain "look" that distinguishes
such. They could be married with children of their own. They
the next door neighbor, the baby-sitter or a relative.
to choose occupations that put them in close contact with
as teaching, counseling, daycare, scouting, coaching, etc. (I'm
certainly not saying that all people in these professions are
pedophiles because the overwhelming majority are not.) What I
is be aware of whom your children are spending their time with.
be afraid to ask questions. Trust your instincts. Listen to
and really hear what he/she is saying. Be concerned if your
fear or mistrust of an adult. Children are basically honest and
about their feelings so trust their instincts, too. Below, I've
a number of organizations you can contact if you suspect
being a pedophile or you've come across a site that appears to
by a pedophile. Don't hesitate to contact them to report your
Wouldn't you rather be safe that sorry?
Try fighting your own hatred of people, and your own rage and
people you do not understand first! Then, you will have the
to look down on pedophiles!
I understand pedophiles perfectly, that's why I want to see them in
cages where they belong
take the trees out of your eyes first
Take that butt-plug out of your ass.
speaking from experiance are you
But, of course. Do you not recall the last time I impaled you upon it???
i thought that you had a fixation for the anus
Yes. Does that ammuse you?
then you need help, talk to ynot
Post by Sekhmet
The problem with most female Trolls, is that their posts lack
entertainment value.
And then *I* came along.... : P
2006-04-28 16:04:11 UTC
On Fri, 28 Apr 2006 04:05:27 GMT, in article
<bwg4g.17873$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>, Wonderer
(***@bigpond.net.au) laid themselves atop the sacrificial altar,
and recited a testicular dedication mantra, which was then decrypted by
*a source who shall remain nameless*, and roughly translates to...
Post by Wonderer
Post by Sekhmet
themselves atop the sacrificial altar, and recited a testicular
dedication mantra, which was then decrypted by *a source who shall remain
nameless*, and roughly translates to...
Post by Wonderer
Post by Sekhmet
On Thu, 27 Apr 2006 08:45:39 GMT, in article
and recited a testicular dedication mantra, which was then decrypted by
*a source who shall remain nameless*, and roughly translates to...
Post by Wonderer
Post by Sekhmet
On Wed, 26 Apr 2006 23:31:04 GMT, in article
themselves atop the sacrificial altar, and recited a testicular
dedication mantra, which was then decrypted by *a source who shall remain
nameless*, and roughly translates to...
Post by Wonderer
Post by bobandcarole
Post by c***@comcast.net
Please go here and sign the petition to pass the "No Second
Pedophilia is running rampant, not only in the US but all
world. Children are being sexually exploited by a pedophile
of 1 out of 6 boys before the age of 16 and 1 out of 3 girls
age of 18 (1 out of 4 before the age of 14). These
on reported cases of sexual abuse. I shudder to think of how
have gone unreported.
Unfortunately, the Internet has provided the pedophile with
tool for locating unsuspecting children for his/her sexual
The Internet has also provided an avenue for the pedophile
together with their peers. They've found the Internet to be
place to offer each other support, news, "love" stories and
means to exchange child pornography.
Well, guess what? That very same tool is available to you
If, on your journeys through cyberspace, you run across a
appears to be exploiting children, by all means, report it.
attention when your children are online. Monitor what they
and who they are talking to. Don't allow the Internet to
electronic baby-sitter.
We, as citizens concerned for the safety of children
do something to stop this horrific crime NOW! Don't allow
innocent child to become the victim of these predators. They
stalking, seducing and convincing our children that what
right. They say they do it in the name of "Love". (These law
claim to be sexually stimulated by children ranging in ages
to 18 years.)
A pedophile doesn't have a certain "look" that distinguishes
such. They could be married with children of their own. They
the next door neighbor, the baby-sitter or a relative.
to choose occupations that put them in close contact with
as teaching, counseling, daycare, scouting, coaching, etc.
certainly not saying that all people in these professions
pedophiles because the overwhelming majority are not.) What
is be aware of whom your children are spending their time
be afraid to ask questions. Trust your instincts. Listen to
and really hear what he/she is saying. Be concerned if your
fear or mistrust of an adult. Children are basically honest
about their feelings so trust their instincts, too. Below,
a number of organizations you can contact if you suspect
being a pedophile or you've come across a site that appears
by a pedophile. Don't hesitate to contact them to report
Wouldn't you rather be safe that sorry?
Try fighting your own hatred of people, and your own rage and
people you do not understand first! Then, you will have the
to look down on pedophiles!
I understand pedophiles perfectly, that's why I want to see them in
cages where they belong
take the trees out of your eyes first
Take that butt-plug out of your ass.
speaking from experiance are you
But, of course. Do you not recall the last time I impaled you upon it???
i thought that you had a fixation for the anus
Yes. Does that amuse you?
then you need help, talk to ynot
I don't need help... nothing wrong with being infatuated with men's
asses. As for Y-Not, he probably couldn't help himself off the toilet,
let alone help others with their elaborate psycho-sexual fixations.
The problem with most female Trolls, is that their posts lack
entertainment value.

And then *I* came along.... : P
2006-04-26 15:59:39 UTC
Post by c***@comcast.net
Please go here and sign the petition to pass the "No Second Chance
Pedophilia is running rampant, not only in the US but all over the
world. Children are being sexually exploited by a pedophile at the rate
of 1 out of 6 boys before the age of 16 and 1 out of 3 girls before the
age of 18 (1 out of 4 before the age of 14). These statistics are based
on reported cases of sexual abuse. I shudder to think of how many cases
have gone unreported.
Unfortunately, the Internet has provided the pedophile with a wonderful
tool for locating unsuspecting children for his/her sexual pleasure.
The Internet has also provided an avenue for the pedophile to band
together with their peers. They've found the Internet to be the perfect
place to offer each other support, news, "love" stories and even the
means to exchange child pornography.
Well, guess what? That very same tool is available to you and to me.
If, on your journeys through cyberspace, you run across a site that
appears to be exploiting children, by all means, report it. Pay
attention when your children are online. Monitor what they are doing
and who they are talking to. Don't allow the Internet to become an
electronic baby-sitter.
We, as citizens concerned for the safety of children everywhere, must
do something to stop this horrific crime NOW! Don't allow another
innocent child to become the victim of these predators. They are
stalking, seducing and convincing our children that what they do is
right. They say they do it in the name of "Love". (These law breakers
claim to be sexually stimulated by children ranging in ages from birth
to 18 years.)
A pedophile doesn't have a certain "look" that distinguishes them as
such. They could be married with children of their own. They could be
the next door neighbor, the baby-sitter or a relative. Pedophiles tend
to choose occupations that put them in close contact with children such
as teaching, counseling, daycare, scouting, coaching, etc. (I'm
certainly not saying that all people in these professions are
pedophiles because the overwhelming majority are not.) What I am saying
is be aware of whom your children are spending their time with. Don't
be afraid to ask questions. Trust your instincts. Listen to your child
and really hear what he/she is saying. Be concerned if your child shows
fear or mistrust of an adult. Children are basically honest and open
about their feelings so trust their instincts, too. Below, I've listed
a number of organizations you can contact if you suspect someone of
being a pedophile or you've come across a site that appears to be owned
by a pedophile. Don't hesitate to contact them to report your findings.
Wouldn't you rather be safe that sorry?
Try fighting your own hatred of people, and your own rage and anger at
people you do not understand first! Then, you will have the moral right
to look down on pedophiles!
I have that right, It was given to me by me.
2006-04-26 23:30:17 UTC
Post by lastbandstanding
Post by c***@comcast.net
Please go here and sign the petition to pass the "No Second Chance
Pedophilia is running rampant, not only in the US but all over the
world. Children are being sexually exploited by a pedophile at the rate
of 1 out of 6 boys before the age of 16 and 1 out of 3 girls before the
age of 18 (1 out of 4 before the age of 14). These statistics are based
on reported cases of sexual abuse. I shudder to think of how many cases
have gone unreported.
Unfortunately, the Internet has provided the pedophile with a wonderful
tool for locating unsuspecting children for his/her sexual pleasure.
The Internet has also provided an avenue for the pedophile to band
together with their peers. They've found the Internet to be the perfect
place to offer each other support, news, "love" stories and even the
means to exchange child pornography.
Well, guess what? That very same tool is available to you and to me.
If, on your journeys through cyberspace, you run across a site that
appears to be exploiting children, by all means, report it. Pay
attention when your children are online. Monitor what they are doing
and who they are talking to. Don't allow the Internet to become an
electronic baby-sitter.
We, as citizens concerned for the safety of children everywhere, must
do something to stop this horrific crime NOW! Don't allow another
innocent child to become the victim of these predators. They are
stalking, seducing and convincing our children that what they do is
right. They say they do it in the name of "Love". (These law breakers
claim to be sexually stimulated by children ranging in ages from birth
to 18 years.)
A pedophile doesn't have a certain "look" that distinguishes them as
such. They could be married with children of their own. They could be
the next door neighbor, the baby-sitter or a relative. Pedophiles tend
to choose occupations that put them in close contact with children such
as teaching, counseling, daycare, scouting, coaching, etc. (I'm
certainly not saying that all people in these professions are
pedophiles because the overwhelming majority are not.) What I am saying
is be aware of whom your children are spending their time with. Don't
be afraid to ask questions. Trust your instincts. Listen to your child
and really hear what he/she is saying. Be concerned if your child shows
fear or mistrust of an adult. Children are basically honest and open
about their feelings so trust their instincts, too. Below, I've listed
a number of organizations you can contact if you suspect someone of
being a pedophile or you've come across a site that appears to be owned
by a pedophile. Don't hesitate to contact them to report your findings.
Wouldn't you rather be safe that sorry?
Try fighting your own hatred of people, and your own rage and anger at
people you do not understand first! Then, you will have the moral right
to look down on pedophiles!
I have that right, It was given to me by me.
try removing the trees out of your eyes before you remove the splinters out
of other peoples eyes
2006-04-26 23:38:27 UTC
Post by Wonderer
Post by lastbandstanding
Post by c***@comcast.net
Please go here and sign the petition to pass the "No Second Chance
Pedophilia is running rampant, not only in the US but all over the
world. Children are being sexually exploited by a pedophile at the rate
of 1 out of 6 boys before the age of 16 and 1 out of 3 girls before the
age of 18 (1 out of 4 before the age of 14). These statistics are based
on reported cases of sexual abuse. I shudder to think of how many cases
have gone unreported.
Unfortunately, the Internet has provided the pedophile with a wonderful
tool for locating unsuspecting children for his/her sexual pleasure.
The Internet has also provided an avenue for the pedophile to band
together with their peers. They've found the Internet to be the perfect
place to offer each other support, news, "love" stories and even the
means to exchange child pornography.
Well, guess what? That very same tool is available to you and to me.
If, on your journeys through cyberspace, you run across a site that
appears to be exploiting children, by all means, report it. Pay
attention when your children are online. Monitor what they are doing
and who they are talking to. Don't allow the Internet to become an
electronic baby-sitter.
We, as citizens concerned for the safety of children everywhere, must
do something to stop this horrific crime NOW! Don't allow another
innocent child to become the victim of these predators. They are
stalking, seducing and convincing our children that what they do is
right. They say they do it in the name of "Love". (These law breakers
claim to be sexually stimulated by children ranging in ages from birth
to 18 years.)
A pedophile doesn't have a certain "look" that distinguishes them as
such. They could be married with children of their own. They could be
the next door neighbor, the baby-sitter or a relative. Pedophiles tend
to choose occupations that put them in close contact with children such
as teaching, counseling, daycare, scouting, coaching, etc. (I'm
certainly not saying that all people in these professions are
pedophiles because the overwhelming majority are not.) What I am saying
is be aware of whom your children are spending their time with. Don't
be afraid to ask questions. Trust your instincts. Listen to your child
and really hear what he/she is saying. Be concerned if your child shows
fear or mistrust of an adult. Children are basically honest and open
about their feelings so trust their instincts, too. Below, I've listed
a number of organizations you can contact if you suspect someone of
being a pedophile or you've come across a site that appears to be owned
by a pedophile. Don't hesitate to contact them to report your findings.
Wouldn't you rather be safe that sorry?
Try fighting your own hatred of people, and your own rage and anger at
people you do not understand first! Then, you will have the moral right
to look down on pedophiles!
I have that right, It was given to me by me.
try removing the trees out of your eyes before you remove the splinters out
of other peoples eyes
Go fuck yourself...try that
2006-04-29 07:13:14 UTC
Please go here and sign the petition to pass the "No Second Chance
Pedophilia is running rampant, not only in the US but all over the
world. Children are being sexually exploited by a pedophile at the rate
of 1 out of 6 boys before the age of 16 and 1 out of 3 girls before the
age of 18 (1 out of 4 before the age of 14). These statistics are based
on reported cases of sexual abuse. I shudder to think of how many cases
have gone unreported.
Well, heck, as long as your making up statistics, make up some
really good ones:

"Children are being sexually exploited by a pedophile at the rate
of 1 in 2 boys before the age of 16 and every single girl before
the age of 18 (1 out of 2 before the age of 14). These statistics
are based on my fantasies, and I shudder to think of how many
people believe me."

"There's lies, damned lies, and statitistics."

2006-04-29 09:10:26 UTC
Post by GnuGuy
Please go here and sign the petition to pass the "No Second Chance
Pedophilia is running rampant, not only in the US but all over the
world. Children are being sexually exploited by a pedophile at the rate
of 1 out of 6 boys before the age of 16 and 1 out of 3 girls before the
age of 18 (1 out of 4 before the age of 14). These statistics are based
on reported cases of sexual abuse. I shudder to think of how many cases
have gone unreported.
Well, heck, as long as your making up statistics, make up some
Post by GnuGuy
"Children are being sexually exploited by a pedophile at the rate
of 1 in 2 boys before the age of 16 and every single girl before
the age of 18 (1 out of 2 before the age of 14). These statistics
are based on my fantasies, and I shudder to think of how many
people believe me."
"There's lies, damned lies, and statitistics."
2006-04-29 15:09:53 UTC
References: <***@v46g2000cwv.googlegroups.com> <***@e56g2000cwe.googlegroups.com> <***@twistycreek.com> <***@i40g2000cwc.googlegroups.com>

On Sat, 29 Apr 2006 09:10:26 GMT, bobandcarole wrote in
Post by bobandcarole
Post by GnuGuy
Please go here and sign the petition to pass the "No Second Chance
Pedophilia is running rampant, not only in the US but all over the
world. Children are being sexually exploited by a pedophile at the
rate of 1 out of 6 boys before the age of 16 and 1 out of 3 girls
before the age of 18 (1 out of 4 before the age of 14). These
statistics are based on reported cases of sexual abuse. I shudder
to think of how many cases have gone unreported.
Well, heck, as long as your making up statistics, make up some
Post by GnuGuy
"Children are being sexually exploited by a pedophile at the rate
of 1 in 2 boys before the age of 16 and every single girl before
the age of 18 (1 out of 2 before the age of 14). These statistics
are based on my fantasies, and I shudder to think of how many
people believe me."
"There's lies, damned lies, and statitistics."
Yes, Really!!



Or, if you like to read real books,
Pity the Little Children: The Politics of Child Abuse
Paul Eberla Shirley Eberla

Commenting on the very study you site above, the Montreal Gazzette

While not denying the harsh reality of childhood sexual abuse,
pro-family experts have often urged caution in the past about
such studies. There has been a tendency to sometimes exaggerate
the extent of abuse in order to create a climate for more
interference in family life by government.

2006-04-29 17:07:38 UTC
Post by GnuGuy
On Sat, 29 Apr 2006 09:10:26 GMT, bobandcarole wrote in
Post by bobandcarole
Post by GnuGuy
Please go here and sign the petition to pass the "No Second Chance
Pedophilia is running rampant, not only in the US but all over the
world. Children are being sexually exploited by a pedophile at the
rate of 1 out of 6 boys before the age of 16 and 1 out of 3 girls
before the age of 18 (1 out of 4 before the age of 14). These
statistics are based on reported cases of sexual abuse. I shudder
to think of how many cases have gone unreported.
Well, heck, as long as your making up statistics, make up some
Post by GnuGuy
"Children are being sexually exploited by a pedophile at the rate
of 1 in 2 boys before the age of 16 and every single girl before
the age of 18 (1 out of 2 before the age of 14). These statistics
are based on my fantasies, and I shudder to think of how many
people believe me."
"There's lies, damned lies, and statitistics."
Yes, Really!!
Or, if you like to read real books,
Pity the Little Children: The Politics of Child Abuse
Paul Eberla Shirley Eberla
Commenting on the very study you site above, the Montreal Gazzette
While not denying the harsh reality of childhood sexual abuse,
pro-family experts have often urged caution in the past about
such studies. There has been a tendency to sometimes exaggerate
the extent of abuse in order to create a climate for more
interference in family life by government.
I see you're as bad as jon young at manufacturing information
Frank McCoy
2006-04-29 17:52:50 UTC
Post by bobandcarole
Post by GnuGuy
On Sat, 29 Apr 2006 09:10:26 GMT, bobandcarole wrote in
Post by bobandcarole
Post by GnuGuy
Please go here and sign the petition to pass the "No Second Chance
Pedophilia is running rampant, not only in the US but all over the
world. Children are being sexually exploited by a pedophile at the
rate of 1 out of 6 boys before the age of 16 and 1 out of 3 girls
before the age of 18 (1 out of 4 before the age of 14). These
statistics are based on reported cases of sexual abuse. I shudder
to think of how many cases have gone unreported.
Well, heck, as long as your making up statistics, make up some
Post by GnuGuy
"Children are being sexually exploited by a pedophile at the rate
of 1 in 2 boys before the age of 16 and every single girl before
the age of 18 (1 out of 2 before the age of 14). These statistics
are based on my fantasies, and I shudder to think of how many
people believe me."
"There's lies, damned lies, and statitistics."
Yes, Really!!
Or, if you like to read real books,
Pity the Little Children: The Politics of Child Abuse
Paul Eberla Shirley Eberla
Commenting on the very study you site above, the Montreal Gazzette
While not denying the harsh reality of childhood sexual abuse,
pro-family experts have often urged caution in the past about
such studies. There has been a tendency to sometimes exaggerate
the extent of abuse in order to create a climate for more
interference in family life by government.
I see you're as bad as jon young at manufacturing information
I see you still refuse to believe anything that doesn't match your own
prejudices. "My mind is already made up. Don't confuse me with FACTS!"
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
2006-04-29 20:31:46 UTC
On Sat, 29 Apr 2006 12:52:50 -0500, in article
<***@4ax.com>, Frank McCoy
(***@millcomm.com) laid themselves atop the sacrificial altar, and
recited a testicular dedication mantra, which was then decrypted by *a
source who shall remain nameless*, and roughly translates to...
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by bobandcarole
Post by GnuGuy
On Sat, 29 Apr 2006 09:10:26 GMT, bobandcarole wrote in
Post by bobandcarole
Post by GnuGuy
Please go here and sign the petition to pass the "No Second Chance
Pedophilia is running rampant, not only in the US but all over the
world. Children are being sexually exploited by a pedophile at the
rate of 1 out of 6 boys before the age of 16 and 1 out of 3 girls
before the age of 18 (1 out of 4 before the age of 14). These
statistics are based on reported cases of sexual abuse. I shudder
to think of how many cases have gone unreported.
Well, heck, as long as your making up statistics, make up some
Post by GnuGuy
"Children are being sexually exploited by a pedophile at the rate
of 1 in 2 boys before the age of 16 and every single girl before
the age of 18 (1 out of 2 before the age of 14). These statistics
are based on my fantasies, and I shudder to think of how many
people believe me."
"There's lies, damned lies, and statitistics."
Yes, Really!!
Or, if you like to read real books,
Pity the Little Children: The Politics of Child Abuse
Paul Eberla Shirley Eberla
Commenting on the very study you site above, the Montreal Gazzette
While not denying the harsh reality of childhood sexual abuse,
pro-family experts have often urged caution in the past about
such studies. There has been a tendency to sometimes exaggerate
the extent of abuse in order to create a climate for more
interference in family life by government.
I see you're as bad as jon young at manufacturing information
I see you still refuse to believe anything that doesn't match your own
prejudices. "My mind is already made up. Don't confuse me with FACTS!"
You don't know the first thing about FACTS. All you have is your
"If you want diarrhea, eat a bag of Wow potato chips" - Theurgics Hallow
2006-04-29 20:40:22 UTC
References: <***@twistycreek.com> <***@y43g2000cwc.googlegroups.com>

On Sat, 29 Apr 2006 17:07:38 GMT, bobandcarole wrote in
Post by bobandcarole
Post by GnuGuy
On Sat, 29 Apr 2006 09:10:26 GMT, bobandcarole wrote in
Post by bobandcarole
Post by GnuGuy
Please go here and sign the petition to pass the "No Second
Chance Bill"
Pedophilia is running rampant, not only in the US but all over
the world. Children are being sexually exploited by a pedophile
at the rate of 1 out of 6 boys before the age of 16 and 1 out
of 3 girls before the age of 18 (1 out of 4 before the age of
14). These statistics are based on reported cases of sexual
abuse. I shudder to think of how many cases have gone
Well, heck, as long as your making up statistics, make up some
Post by GnuGuy
"Children are being sexually exploited by a pedophile at the rate
of 1 in 2 boys before the age of 16 and every single girl before
the age of 18 (1 out of 2 before the age of 14). These statistics
are based on my fantasies, and I shudder to think of how many
people believe me."
"There's lies, damned lies, and statitistics."
Yes, Really!!
98- 2000\CUL19990730d.html
Or, if you like to read real books,
Pity the Little Children: The Politics of Child Abuse
Paul Eberla Shirley Eberla
Commenting on the very study you site above, the Montreal Gazzette
While not denying the harsh reality of childhood sexual
abuse, pro-family experts have often urged caution in the
past about such studies. There has been a tendency to
sometimes exaggerate the extent of abuse in order to create a
climate for more interference in family life by government.
I see you're as bad as jon young at manufacturing information
Perhaps you mean "marshalling" information. Manufacture suggests
that the information is fabricated. If you think I could create
two web sites, write one book, and quote an article that I somehow
wrote *before* responding, you give me a lot of credit.

But then, I doubt you read anything. Or at least you don't
comprehend what you read.

2006-05-10 02:38:53 UTC
Post by GnuGuy
On Sat, 29 Apr 2006 17:07:38 GMT, bobandcarole wrote in
Post by bobandcarole
Post by GnuGuy
On Sat, 29 Apr 2006 09:10:26 GMT, bobandcarole wrote in
Post by bobandcarole
Post by GnuGuy
Please go here and sign the petition to pass the "No Second
Chance Bill"
Pedophilia is running rampant, not only in the US but all over
the world. Children are being sexually exploited by a pedophile
at the rate of 1 out of 6 boys before the age of 16 and 1 out
of 3 girls before the age of 18 (1 out of 4 before the age of
14). These statistics are based on reported cases of sexual
abuse. I shudder to think of how many cases have gone
Well, heck, as long as your making up statistics, make up some
Post by GnuGuy
"Children are being sexually exploited by a pedophile at the rate
of 1 in 2 boys before the age of 16 and every single girl before
the age of 18 (1 out of 2 before the age of 14). These statistics
are based on my fantasies, and I shudder to think of how many
people believe me."
"There's lies, damned lies, and statitistics."
Yes, Really!!
98- 2000\CUL19990730d.html
Or, if you like to read real books,
Pity the Little Children: The Politics of Child Abuse
Paul Eberla Shirley Eberla
Commenting on the very study you site above, the Montreal Gazzette
While not denying the harsh reality of childhood sexual
abuse, pro-family experts have often urged caution in the
past about such studies. There has been a tendency to
sometimes exaggerate the extent of abuse in order to create a
climate for more interference in family life by government.
I see you're as bad as jon young at manufacturing information
Perhaps you mean "marshalling" information. Manufacture suggests
that the information is fabricated. If you think I could create
two web sites, write one book, and quote an article that I somehow
wrote *before* responding, you give me a lot of credit.
But then, I doubt you read anything. Or at least you don't
comprehend what you read.
The only fact that matters is the pedophiles are getting life in prison
for their henious crimes.
That will never change
little lion
2006-05-10 05:25:26 UTC
You tell the truth...I surrender. You have won the battle, the fight
against the pedophiles.I surrender. Bob and carole you are right, we
are monsters predators of children. With my free will, my free will I
cannot change my sexual preferences.Boband carole, we are monsters. We
can´t change our damn mind.
It´s better the suicide, because the temptation is so big!!! I am not
able with my will to change my sexual preferences, I do not like the
men absolutely because I am not gay and the adult women do not attract
to me because its personality is not attractive for me and her hairy
vulvas does not smell pleasant and they do not taste pleasant, in
addition many adult women (the majority) are hypocritical and false and
betray the man but the little girls are authentic and sincere.
You don´t understand this because you aren´t pedophile, but in my
case, I know the delicious flavor a small bald vagina from the 13 years
of age. Today I´m 45. It is too much late for me. The best way will be
the suicide.
It´s too late for me. The best way it´ll be the death, because I
don´t able to change my sexual preferences.
The adult woman don´t have the same sexual atraction as a little girl
has. Her pussies (adult women) are hairy, I would like that all the
women of the entire world were young minor.
The hairy vaginas of the adult women do not taste delicious of the
vaginas of a small girl, the personality of the adult woman is much
more complicated and disagreeable who the personality of a small girl.
Oh no!
the real life in this world is awful to me. I would like that all women
were underage little girls.The adult women do not have same attractive
the sexual one whom a minor girl has beginning by the freshness of her
skin. The children have all their very young body, fresh, smooth and
all the tender one is beautiful. The cruel passage of the years on the
skin makes ugly and disagreeable by more creams and dermatological
treatments that science invents (PONDS).
2006-05-10 05:27:27 UTC