A little late but:
(too old to reply)
Frank McCoy
2004-05-10 22:50:30 UTC
Sunday night about 11:30 my wife started complaining about
chest-pains. So, I took her down to the ER, and they admitted her ...
by about 3:30 in the morning. I stayed down there with her, and I
must have gotten about 2 1/2 good hours of sleep last night.

This afternoon they took her in for an angiogram ... and did an
angioplasty; putting in three stents. It was angina; but thankfully
NOT a real heart-attack.

Maybe now she won't be so out-of-breath going up and down stairs?

They should be pulling out the sleeve the stuck in her leg in about 45
minutes (I came home to shit, shower, shave, and change clothes) and
I'll probably stay down there tonight as well (hopefully getting a
tiny bit more sleep).

If all goes well, the plan is to send her home tomorrow morning at
about 8:00.

A bit late to ask for a CEPT; except maybe that things continue to
work out OK.

Still, I won't be doing much on-line probably until Wednesday
afternoon or evening.
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Uncle Sky
2004-05-10 23:23:03 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Sunday night about 11:30 my wife started complaining about
chest-pains. So, I took her down to the ER, and they admitted her ...
by about 3:30 in the morning. I stayed down there with her, and I
must have gotten about 2 1/2 good hours of sleep last night.
This afternoon they took her in for an angiogram ... and did an
angioplasty; putting in three stents. It was angina; but thankfully
NOT a real heart-attack.
Maybe now she won't be so out-of-breath going up and down stairs?
They should be pulling out the sleeve the stuck in her leg in about 45
minutes (I came home to shit, shower, shave, and change clothes) and
I'll probably stay down there tonight as well (hopefully getting a
tiny bit more sleep).
If all goes well, the plan is to send her home tomorrow morning at
about 8:00.
A bit late to ask for a CEPT; except maybe that things continue to
work out OK.
Still, I won't be doing much on-line probably until Wednesday
afternoon or evening.
Good thoughts and hopes for a full recovery sent your way.
Uncle Sky
Frank McCoy
2004-05-11 22:51:00 UTC
In alt.binaries.dominion.classact.kissass.join Uncle
Post by Uncle Sky
Good thoughts and hopes for a full recovery sent your way.
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2004-05-11 02:26:50 UTC
Frank I Wish You And Your Wife The VeryBest.

May Shee Come Through This Just Fine.

Post by Frank McCoy
Sunday night about 11:30 my wife started complaining about
chest-pains. So, I took her down to the ER, and they admitted her ...
by about 3:30 in the morning. I stayed down there with her, and I
must have gotten about 2 1/2 good hours of sleep last night.
This afternoon they took her in for an angiogram ... and did an
angioplasty; putting in three stents. It was angina; but thankfully
NOT a real heart-attack.
Maybe now she won't be so out-of-breath going up and down stairs?
They should be pulling out the sleeve the stuck in her leg in about 45
minutes (I came home to shit, shower, shave, and change clothes) and
I'll probably stay down there tonight as well (hopefully getting a
tiny bit more sleep).
If all goes well, the plan is to send her home tomorrow morning at
about 8:00.
A bit late to ask for a CEPT; except maybe that things continue to
work out OK.
Still, I won't be doing much on-line probably until Wednesday
afternoon or evening.
Frank McCoy
2004-05-11 22:51:24 UTC
In alt.binaries.dominion.classact.kissass.join Nikki
Post by Nikki
Frank I Wish You And Your Wife The VeryBest.
May Shee Come Through This Just Fine.
Thank you.
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Phuck of the Mountain
2004-05-11 03:25:26 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Sunday night about 11:30 my wife started complaining about
chest-pains. So, I took her down to the ER, and they admitted her ...
by about 3:30 in the morning. I stayed down there with her, and I
must have gotten about 2 1/2 good hours of sleep last night.
This afternoon they took her in for an angiogram ... and did an
angioplasty; putting in three stents. It was angina; but thankfully
NOT a real heart-attack.
Maybe now she won't be so out-of-breath going up and down stairs?
They should be pulling out the sleeve the stuck in her leg in about 45
minutes (I came home to shit, shower, shave, and change clothes) and
I'll probably stay down there tonight as well (hopefully getting a
tiny bit more sleep).
If all goes well, the plan is to send her home tomorrow morning at
about 8:00.
A bit late to ask for a CEPT; except maybe that things continue to
work out OK.
Still, I won't be doing much on-line probably until Wednesday
afternoon or evening.
...our thoughts and prayers are with y'all Frank...
Frank McCoy
2004-05-11 22:52:04 UTC
In alt.binaries.dominion.classact.kissass.join Phuck of the Mountain
Post by Phuck of the Mountain
...our thoughts and prayers are with y'all Frank...
Thank you.
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2004-05-11 03:45:09 UTC
In the year of Bush politics, 10 May 2004, Frank McCoy
Post by Frank McCoy
Sunday night about 11:30 my wife started complaining about
chest-pains. So, I took her down to the ER, and they admitted her ...
by about 3:30 in the morning. I stayed down there with her, and I
must have gotten about 2 1/2 good hours of sleep last night.
This afternoon they took her in for an angiogram ... and did an
angioplasty; putting in three stents. It was angina; but thankfully
NOT a real heart-attack.
Maybe now she won't be so out-of-breath going up and down stairs?
They should be pulling out the sleeve the stuck in her leg in about 45
minutes (I came home to shit, shower, shave, and change clothes) and
I'll probably stay down there tonight as well (hopefully getting a
tiny bit more sleep).
If all goes well, the plan is to send her home tomorrow morning at
about 8:00.
A bit late to ask for a CEPT; except maybe that things continue to
work out OK.
Still, I won't be doing much on-line probably until Wednesday
afternoon or evening.
I shall be thinking good thoughts for her recovery, and am willing to
watch over both of you, if I lived in your area.

Take care of her, and yourself.

When you get time, please let us know how the boy is taking it.

Frank McCoy
2004-05-11 22:52:27 UTC
In alt.binaries.dominion.classact.kissass.join Daytek
Post by Daytek
I shall be thinking good thoughts for her recovery, and am willing to
watch over both of you, if I lived in your area.
Take care of her, and yourself.
Will. Thanks.
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2004-05-11 14:30:08 UTC
On Mon, 10 May 2004 17:50:30 -0500, Frank McCoy <***@millcomm.com>
and just had to say the following...
Post by Frank McCoy
Sunday night about 11:30 my wife started complaining about
chest-pains. So, I took her down to the ER, and they admitted her ...
by about 3:30 in the morning. I stayed down there with her, and I
must have gotten about 2 1/2 good hours of sleep last night.
This afternoon they took her in for an angiogram ... and did an
angioplasty; putting in three stents. It was angina; but thankfully
NOT a real heart-attack.
Maybe now she won't be so out-of-breath going up and down stairs?
They should be pulling out the sleeve the stuck in her leg in about 45
minutes (I came home to shit, shower, shave, and change clothes) and
I'll probably stay down there tonight as well (hopefully getting a
tiny bit more sleep).
If all goes well, the plan is to send her home tomorrow morning at
about 8:00.
A bit late to ask for a CEPT; except maybe that things continue to
work out OK.
Still, I won't be doing much on-line probably until Wednesday
afternoon or evening.
Glad she is going to be OK.
A dunce for all seasons.
Founder & President, *Dunce of the Month Club*
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Frank McCoy
2004-05-11 22:52:47 UTC
In alt.binaries.dominion.classact.kissass.join Fastman®
Post by Fastman®
Glad she is going to be OK.
Me too!!! ;-}
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Frank McCoy
2004-05-12 04:29:34 UTC
Well, we're home now, and (except for being sleepy) we're both OK.

After the procedure they kept coming in every two hours to check on
her in the ICU. Damned hard to sleep that way.

They had an incredible cot they wheeled in to let me sleep on (vs the
floor). It WAS better than the floor ... but not by much. At least
they let me stay there. I get the impression I'm not the ONLY husband
to insist on staying nearby when things get tight.

Maybe tonight we'll both catch up on our sleep.
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