(too old to reply)
Frank McCoy
2004-04-01 01:37:12 UTC
Well ... Here we go again.
I've been working "temp" so long, it seems like only a dream when I
worked "for real" at a company.

Around Last Christmas (OK, December) I worked (temp) for a small
company about 20 miles away. Nice company, nice work, and (Surprise!)
they seem to like me there too. The job was scheduled to only last
until the end of the year. It seems that as the quarter comes close
to an end, they hire temps to get the needed work done ... and then
the bean-counters WAY up in the Corporate Ladder call for all temps to
be dismissed at the end of the quarter ... so they don't appear on the
company books as "people working for the company". I guess that makes
them appear more productive or something. This goes on ALL the time
there; and I wonder exactly who they're trying to fool?

Anyway, the people I worked directly for, have no say in the matter.
They can hire temps as-needed to get particular jobs done; but hiring
somebody *permanent* has to go clear to Corporate Headquarters three
states away; and the company has been in a "belt-tightening mode" for
several years; even though business has been picking up. Again, I
wonder who is fooling whom?

AS I left, I left a job-application listing my last few jobs (mostly
temp) along with a big resume at the HR department. About a week
later I got a, "Sorry, but we're not accepting applications for that
position right now," letter.

So ... about a month and a half later (Middle of February) I get a
call from my temp agency again. Seems the same company needed more
help (again) and had asked for me by name. (Good feelings there.)

The work this time was a little different, and under a different
supervisor. Assembling switches of a particular type they make by the

The switches needed testing before being boxed; and this was done by
ohmmeter, move-switch, ohmmeter, etc., method. I thought this a bit
... uh ... tedious, and not completely satisfactory test for the
switch; so *on my own time AT HOME and with my own parts, and without
asking for approval*, I designed and built a switch-tester that gave
unambiguous and FAST test results for the switches. (I have done this
before at various companies: Built test-equipment, THEN asked the
boss what he thought of it.) Sometimes it's easier to get approval
when you've got the demo right there.

The boss (supervisor, whatever) LIKED the tester, paid me for the
parts, and volunteered to pay me for my time (which I somewhat regret
turning down; but not much). The trouble is: My supervisor, though
he would *love* to hire me permanently, has no say in who gets hired;
and the company is still ... well, you know.

OTOH, when I asked him about any possible jobs, he suggested I check
with HR ... So I did. SHE told me that any jobs available were posted
down in the lunchroom. There I found TWO postings for Software
Engineer and Product Development Engineer ... BOTH of which have
specifications that meet my qualifications.

SOOOO ... I talked to the HR gal, and she asked me to fill out ANOTHER
job application. This I did; applying for Either position. Also,
instead of mentioning a lot of little temp jobs I've had, I mainly
listed the job I was currently doing AND that I had developed their
new switch-tester while working there! I also skipped back several
jobs (ignoring the temp ones) and listed the major jobs I've had in
the past that matched the job descriptions.

I also put down my current supervisor as the person who had referred

I *did not* include a resume this time.

I handed THAT into the HR person, and she told me she would be sure
and pass it on to the R&D engineer ... who will be back from vacation
next week. She sounded sincere.

So ... any good vibes would be appreciated for my application getting
a good reception will be appreciated.

Oh yeah ... Tomorrow is my last day there (again). End of the
quarter, you know. Time to count beans ... ah, heads. Ah well. So,
I won't be there when the person looking at the job app. gets back.

That's why I'm asking for GoodThoughts.
I really really really could use a good job that could use me.
This looks like it *might* be the best shot I've had in a long time.

Of course, I could be wrong, too.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
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Dan Goodman
2004-04-01 03:34:06 UTC
[posted and mailed]
Post by Frank McCoy
Well ... Here we go again.
I've been working "temp" so long, it seems like only a dream when I
worked "for real" at a company.
Around Last Christmas (OK, December) I worked (temp) for a small
company about 20 miles away. Nice company, nice work, and (Surprise!)
they seem to like me there too. The job was scheduled to only last
until the end of the year. It seems that as the quarter comes close
to an end, they hire temps to get the needed work done ... and then
the bean-counters WAY up in the Corporate Ladder call for all temps to
be dismissed at the end of the quarter ... so they don't appear on the
company books as "people working for the company". I guess that makes
them appear more productive or something. This goes on ALL the time
there; and I wonder exactly who they're trying to fool?
Anyway, the people I worked directly for, have no say in the matter.
They can hire temps as-needed to get particular jobs done; but hiring
somebody *permanent* has to go clear to Corporate Headquarters three
states away; and the company has been in a "belt-tightening mode" for
several years; even though business has been picking up. Again, I
wonder who is fooling whom?
AS I left, I left a job-application listing my last few jobs (mostly
temp) along with a big resume at the HR department. About a week
later I got a, "Sorry, but we're not accepting applications for that
position right now," letter.
So ... about a month and a half later (Middle of February) I get a
call from my temp agency again. Seems the same company needed more
help (again) and had asked for me by name. (Good feelings there.)
The work this time was a little different, and under a different
supervisor. Assembling switches of a particular type they make by the
The switches needed testing before being boxed; and this was done by
ohmmeter, move-switch, ohmmeter, etc., method. I thought this a bit
... uh ... tedious, and not completely satisfactory test for the
switch; so *on my own time AT HOME and with my own parts, and without
asking for approval*, I designed and built a switch-tester that gave
unambiguous and FAST test results for the switches. (I have done this
before at various companies: Built test-equipment, THEN asked the
boss what he thought of it.) Sometimes it's easier to get approval
when you've got the demo right there.
The boss (supervisor, whatever) LIKED the tester, paid me for the
parts, and volunteered to pay me for my time (which I somewhat regret
turning down; but not much). The trouble is: My supervisor, though
he would *love* to hire me permanently, has no say in who gets hired;
and the company is still ... well, you know.
OTOH, when I asked him about any possible jobs, he suggested I check
with HR ... So I did. SHE told me that any jobs available were posted
down in the lunchroom. There I found TWO postings for Software
Engineer and Product Development Engineer ... BOTH of which have
specifications that meet my qualifications.
SOOOO ... I talked to the HR gal, and she asked me to fill out ANOTHER
job application. This I did; applying for Either position. Also,
instead of mentioning a lot of little temp jobs I've had, I mainly
listed the job I was currently doing AND that I had developed their
new switch-tester while working there! I also skipped back several
jobs (ignoring the temp ones) and listed the major jobs I've had in
the past that matched the job descriptions.
I also put down my current supervisor as the person who had referred
I *did not* include a resume this time.
I handed THAT into the HR person, and she told me she would be sure
and pass it on to the R&D engineer ... who will be back from vacation
next week. She sounded sincere.
So ... any good vibes would be appreciated for my application getting
a good reception will be appreciated.
Oh yeah ... Tomorrow is my last day there (again). End of the
quarter, you know. Time to count beans ... ah, heads. Ah well. So,
I won't be there when the person looking at the job app. gets back.
That's why I'm asking for GoodThoughts.
I really really really could use a good job that could use me.
This looks like it *might* be the best shot I've had in a long time.
Of course, I could be wrong, too.
Good thoughts on the way!!
Dan Goodman
Journal http://dsgood.blogspot.com or
Whatever you wish for me, may you have twice as much.
Frank McCoy
2004-04-01 03:39:38 UTC
Post by Dan Goodman
Good thoughts on the way!!
Thanks. Appreciated.
/ ' / ™
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Pee Wee Herman
2004-04-01 04:17:18 UTC

My Prayers Are There Fir You.

i Truly Hope And Pray They See What A
Grate Adition You Would Make To There Co.

P/S Please Post The Good News As Soon As They Contact You.

Nikki aka Pee Wee.
Post by Frank McCoy
Well ... Here we go again.
I've been working "temp" so long, it seems like only a dream when I
worked "for real" at a company.
Around Last Christmas (OK, December) I worked (temp) for a small
company about 20 miles away. Nice company, nice work, and (Surprise!)
they seem to like me there too. The job was scheduled to only last
until the end of the year. It seems that as the quarter comes close
to an end, they hire temps to get the needed work done ... and then
the bean-counters WAY up in the Corporate Ladder call for all temps to
be dismissed at the end of the quarter ... so they don't appear on the
company books as "people working for the company". I guess that makes
them appear more productive or something. This goes on ALL the time
there; and I wonder exactly who they're trying to fool?
Anyway, the people I worked directly for, have no say in the matter.
They can hire temps as-needed to get particular jobs done; but hiring
somebody *permanent* has to go clear to Corporate Headquarters three
states away; and the company has been in a "belt-tightening mode" for
several years; even though business has been picking up. Again, I
wonder who is fooling whom?
AS I left, I left a job-application listing my last few jobs (mostly
temp) along with a big resume at the HR department. About a week
later I got a, "Sorry, but we're not accepting applications for that
position right now," letter.
So ... about a month and a half later (Middle of February) I get a
call from my temp agency again. Seems the same company needed more
help (again) and had asked for me by name. (Good feelings there.)
The work this time was a little different, and under a different
supervisor. Assembling switches of a particular type they make by the
The switches needed testing before being boxed; and this was done by
ohmmeter, move-switch, ohmmeter, etc., method. I thought this a bit
... uh ... tedious, and not completely satisfactory test for the
switch; so *on my own time AT HOME and with my own parts, and without
asking for approval*, I designed and built a switch-tester that gave
unambiguous and FAST test results for the switches. (I have done this
before at various companies: Built test-equipment, THEN asked the
boss what he thought of it.) Sometimes it's easier to get approval
when you've got the demo right there.
The boss (supervisor, whatever) LIKED the tester, paid me for the
parts, and volunteered to pay me for my time (which I somewhat regret
turning down; but not much). The trouble is: My supervisor, though
he would *love* to hire me permanently, has no say in who gets hired;
and the company is still ... well, you know.
OTOH, when I asked him about any possible jobs, he suggested I check
with HR ... So I did. SHE told me that any jobs available were posted
down in the lunchroom. There I found TWO postings for Software
Engineer and Product Development Engineer ... BOTH of which have
specifications that meet my qualifications.
SOOOO ... I talked to the HR gal, and she asked me to fill out ANOTHER
job application. This I did; applying for Either position. Also,
instead of mentioning a lot of little temp jobs I've had, I mainly
listed the job I was currently doing AND that I had developed their
new switch-tester while working there! I also skipped back several
jobs (ignoring the temp ones) and listed the major jobs I've had in
the past that matched the job descriptions.
I also put down my current supervisor as the person who had referred
I *did not* include a resume this time.
I handed THAT into the HR person, and she told me she would be sure
and pass it on to the R&D engineer ... who will be back from vacation
next week. She sounded sincere.
So ... any good vibes would be appreciated for my application getting
a good reception will be appreciated.
Oh yeah ... Tomorrow is my last day there (again). End of the
quarter, you know. Time to count beans ... ah, heads. Ah well. So,
I won't be there when the person looking at the job app. gets back.
That's why I'm asking for GoodThoughts.
I really really really could use a good job that could use me.
This looks like it *might* be the best shot I've had in a long time.
Of course, I could be wrong, too.
/ ' / T
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
Frank McCoy
2004-04-01 04:46:05 UTC
Post by Pee Wee Herman
My Prayers Are There Fir You.
i Truly Hope And Pray They See What A
Grate Adition You Would Make To There Co.
P/S Please Post The Good News As Soon As They Contact You.
Nikki aka Pee Wee.
Thanks. All well-wishes appreciated.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
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Uncle Sky
2004-04-01 05:23:00 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Well ... Here we go again.
I've been working "temp" so long, it seems like only a dream when I
worked "for real" at a company.
Around Last Christmas (OK, December) I worked (temp) for a small
company about 20 miles away. Nice company, nice work, and (Surprise!)
they seem to like me there too. The job was scheduled to only last
until the end of the year. It seems that as the quarter comes close
to an end, they hire temps to get the needed work done ... and then
the bean-counters WAY up in the Corporate Ladder call for all temps to
be dismissed at the end of the quarter ... so they don't appear on the
company books as "people working for the company". I guess that makes
them appear more productive or something. This goes on ALL the time
there; and I wonder exactly who they're trying to fool?
Anyway, the people I worked directly for, have no say in the matter.
They can hire temps as-needed to get particular jobs done; but hiring
somebody *permanent* has to go clear to Corporate Headquarters three
states away; and the company has been in a "belt-tightening mode" for
several years; even though business has been picking up. Again, I
wonder who is fooling whom?
AS I left, I left a job-application listing my last few jobs (mostly
temp) along with a big resume at the HR department. About a week
later I got a, "Sorry, but we're not accepting applications for that
position right now," letter.
So ... about a month and a half later (Middle of February) I get a
call from my temp agency again. Seems the same company needed more
help (again) and had asked for me by name. (Good feelings there.)
The work this time was a little different, and under a different
supervisor. Assembling switches of a particular type they make by the
The switches needed testing before being boxed; and this was done by
ohmmeter, move-switch, ohmmeter, etc., method. I thought this a bit
... uh ... tedious, and not completely satisfactory test for the
switch; so *on my own time AT HOME and with my own parts, and without
asking for approval*, I designed and built a switch-tester that gave
unambiguous and FAST test results for the switches. (I have done this
before at various companies: Built test-equipment, THEN asked the
boss what he thought of it.) Sometimes it's easier to get approval
when you've got the demo right there.
The boss (supervisor, whatever) LIKED the tester, paid me for the
parts, and volunteered to pay me for my time (which I somewhat regret
turning down; but not much). The trouble is: My supervisor, though
he would *love* to hire me permanently, has no say in who gets hired;
and the company is still ... well, you know.
OTOH, when I asked him about any possible jobs, he suggested I check
with HR ... So I did. SHE told me that any jobs available were posted
down in the lunchroom. There I found TWO postings for Software
Engineer and Product Development Engineer ... BOTH of which have
specifications that meet my qualifications.
SOOOO ... I talked to the HR gal, and she asked me to fill out ANOTHER
job application. This I did; applying for Either position. Also,
instead of mentioning a lot of little temp jobs I've had, I mainly
listed the job I was currently doing AND that I had developed their
new switch-tester while working there! I also skipped back several
jobs (ignoring the temp ones) and listed the major jobs I've had in
the past that matched the job descriptions.
I also put down my current supervisor as the person who had referred
I *did not* include a resume this time.
I handed THAT into the HR person, and she told me she would be sure
and pass it on to the R&D engineer ... who will be back from vacation
next week. She sounded sincere.
So ... any good vibes would be appreciated for my application getting
a good reception will be appreciated.
Oh yeah ... Tomorrow is my last day there (again). End of the
quarter, you know. Time to count beans ... ah, heads. Ah well. So,
I won't be there when the person looking at the job app. gets back.
That's why I'm asking for GoodThoughts.
I really really really could use a good job that could use me.
This looks like it *might* be the best shot I've had in a long time.
Of course, I could be wrong, too.
Many good job thoughts sent your way Frank.
Uncle Sky
Frank McCoy
2004-04-01 23:40:44 UTC
Post by Uncle Sky
Many good job thoughts sent your way Frank.
Thanks. Appreciated.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
John Vinson
2004-04-01 05:52:05 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
So ... any good vibes would be appreciated for my application getting
a good reception will be appreciated.
And they're on the way. That does sound hopeful!

John the Wysard jvinson *at* WysardOfInfo *dot* com
Frank McCoy
2004-04-01 23:19:10 UTC
Post by John Vinson
Post by Frank McCoy
So ... any good vibes would be appreciated for my application getting
a good reception will be appreciated.
And they're on the way. That does sound hopeful!
John the Wysard jvinson *at* WysardOfInfo *dot* com
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
Tim Merrigan
2004-04-01 11:08:59 UTC
Good thoughts away
Post by Frank McCoy
Well ... Here we go again.
I've been working "temp" so long, it seems like only a dream when I
worked "for real" at a company.
Around Last Christmas (OK, December) I worked (temp) for a small
company about 20 miles away. Nice company, nice work, and (Surprise!)
they seem to like me there too. The job was scheduled to only last
until the end of the year. It seems that as the quarter comes close
to an end, they hire temps to get the needed work done ... and then
the bean-counters WAY up in the Corporate Ladder call for all temps to
be dismissed at the end of the quarter ... so they don't appear on the
company books as "people working for the company". I guess that makes
them appear more productive or something. This goes on ALL the time
there; and I wonder exactly who they're trying to fool?
Anyway, the people I worked directly for, have no say in the matter.
They can hire temps as-needed to get particular jobs done; but hiring
somebody *permanent* has to go clear to Corporate Headquarters three
states away; and the company has been in a "belt-tightening mode" for
several years; even though business has been picking up. Again, I
wonder who is fooling whom?
AS I left, I left a job-application listing my last few jobs (mostly
temp) along with a big resume at the HR department. About a week
later I got a, "Sorry, but we're not accepting applications for that
position right now," letter.
So ... about a month and a half later (Middle of February) I get a
call from my temp agency again. Seems the same company needed more
help (again) and had asked for me by name. (Good feelings there.)
The work this time was a little different, and under a different
supervisor. Assembling switches of a particular type they make by the
The switches needed testing before being boxed; and this was done by
ohmmeter, move-switch, ohmmeter, etc., method. I thought this a bit
... uh ... tedious, and not completely satisfactory test for the
switch; so *on my own time AT HOME and with my own parts, and without
asking for approval*, I designed and built a switch-tester that gave
unambiguous and FAST test results for the switches. (I have done this
before at various companies: Built test-equipment, THEN asked the
boss what he thought of it.) Sometimes it's easier to get approval
when you've got the demo right there.
The boss (supervisor, whatever) LIKED the tester, paid me for the
parts, and volunteered to pay me for my time (which I somewhat regret
turning down; but not much). The trouble is: My supervisor, though
he would *love* to hire me permanently, has no say in who gets hired;
and the company is still ... well, you know.
OTOH, when I asked him about any possible jobs, he suggested I check
with HR ... So I did. SHE told me that any jobs available were posted
down in the lunchroom. There I found TWO postings for Software
Engineer and Product Development Engineer ... BOTH of which have
specifications that meet my qualifications.
SOOOO ... I talked to the HR gal, and she asked me to fill out ANOTHER
job application. This I did; applying for Either position. Also,
instead of mentioning a lot of little temp jobs I've had, I mainly
listed the job I was currently doing AND that I had developed their
new switch-tester while working there! I also skipped back several
jobs (ignoring the temp ones) and listed the major jobs I've had in
the past that matched the job descriptions.
I also put down my current supervisor as the person who had referred
I *did not* include a resume this time.
I handed THAT into the HR person, and she told me she would be sure
and pass it on to the R&D engineer ... who will be back from vacation
next week. She sounded sincere.
So ... any good vibes would be appreciated for my application getting
a good reception will be appreciated.
Oh yeah ... Tomorrow is my last day there (again). End of the
quarter, you know. Time to count beans ... ah, heads. Ah well. So,
I won't be there when the person looking at the job app. gets back.
That's why I'm asking for GoodThoughts.
I really really really could use a good job that could use me.
This looks like it *might* be the best shot I've had in a long time.
Of course, I could be wrong, too.
I pledge allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America,
and to the republic which it established, one nation from many peoples,
promising liberty and justice for all.

Tim Merrigan
e-mail: ***@comcast.net
URL: http://home.comcast.net/~tppm/home.htm
AIM: tppm1
YM: Tim_Merrigan

Science Fiction fans please try APA-***@yahoogroups.com --
This is a general interest Science Fiction fan list - not an "adult" list.

Fans or writers of anime lemons might try
***@Yahoogroups.com --
This *IS* an adult list and requires an age listing of 18 or over in
your profile to join.

Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>
Frank McCoy
2004-04-01 23:20:03 UTC
Post by Tim Merrigan
Good thoughts away
Thanks. All good wishes appreciated.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
Jean Hoehn
2004-04-01 15:08:15 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
That's why I'm asking for GoodThoughts.
I really really really could use a good job that could use me.
Good luck!
Frank McCoy
2004-04-01 23:20:17 UTC
Post by Jean Hoehn
Post by Frank McCoy
That's why I'm asking for GoodThoughts.
I really really really could use a good job that could use me.
Good luck!
Thank you.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
2004-04-01 16:07:26 UTC
Frank - A petition on your behalf is on its way to The Force.

Frank McCoy
2004-04-01 23:20:51 UTC
Post by j***@sbcglobal.net
Frank - A petition on your behalf is on its way to The Force.
Thanks. If it takes Force, I'll go along.
/ ' / ™
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Bill "Shrek" Thater
2004-04-01 17:16:46 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
That's why I'm asking for GoodThoughts.
I really really really could use a good job that could use me.
This looks like it *might* be the best shot I've had in a long time.
Of course, I could be wrong, too.
going to a job you like and enjoy is like the basic Good Thing(TM)

good thoughts on the way.
Bill "Shrek" Thater ORACLE DBA
"I'm going to work my ticket if I can..." -- Gilwell song
Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no
account be allowed to do the job. - Douglas Adams
Frank McCoy
2004-04-01 23:21:55 UTC
Post by Bill "Shrek" Thater
Post by Frank McCoy
That's why I'm asking for GoodThoughts.
I really really really could use a good job that could use me.
This looks like it *might* be the best shot I've had in a long time.
Of course, I could be wrong, too.
going to a job you like and enjoy is like the basic Good Thing(TM)
Going to a job where I can do good things for a company, while they do
good things for me, is what I call a bargain: Where both sides win.
Post by Bill "Shrek" Thater
good thoughts on the way.
/ ' / ™
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