PING Frank, again
(too old to reply)
2004-10-13 07:34:22 UTC
Hi Frank,

Just wanted to let you know I may have lucked out jobwise. Light work,
enlightened management, pleasant conditions, more pleasant people, half-
decent pay, and good prospects for advancement. If one of your temp
agencies ever offers you a month or two with Rockwell - TAKE IT!

Reading your last reply to Tim Merrigan reminded me to ask you what your
book was about. Same topic as your internet stories or something completely
different? (If I'm too nosy, tell me.)

May the lesser gods adore you and the great ones never know you exist.
Frank McCoy
2004-10-13 20:44:40 UTC
Post by Shagrat
Hi Frank,
Just wanted to let you know I may have lucked out jobwise. Light work,
enlightened management, pleasant conditions, more pleasant people, half-
decent pay, and good prospects for advancement. If one of your temp
agencies ever offers you a month or two with Rockwell - TAKE IT!
Reading your last reply to Tim Merrigan reminded me to ask you what your
book was about. Same topic as your internet stories or something completely
different? (If I'm too nosy, tell me.)
Completely different.
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