Liked Your SF
(too old to reply)
Jon Q. Pubic
2007-10-25 17:22:39 UTC

Liked your SF story, always wondered about the limited number of wishes
granted. Thank You for the explanation, guess it goes along with the
never empty wallet. Full of credit card receipts, but little to no

The full moon was the awakening for this morning. So bright I had to
close the drapes.


JQP Himself, the wiseass dumbass.
I was here when Tat was a pre-teen!
Tattooed © is my Hero, and he has the Medal.
Long live Liaka, SWMBA.
See You At The PUb, Thanks for all the Stuff.
I support law and order, as long as they leave me alone.
When God said, ³let there be light.² I flipped the switch.
Tat just invented dirt.

Posted via TITANnews - Uncensored Newsgroups Access
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Frank McCoy
2007-10-25 21:23:08 UTC
Post by Jon Q. Pubic
Liked your SF story, always wondered about the limited number of wishes
granted. Thank You for the explanation, guess it goes along with the
never empty wallet. Full of credit card receipts, but little to no
I like the story about the guy who got the wish that he could reach into
his pocket and *always* have exact-change for anything at all he wanted
to buy. Now *there* is riches! Couldn't be stolen either.
Post by Jon Q. Pubic
The full moon was the awakening for this morning. So bright I had to
close the drapes.
We were driving home last night from the ER, at about 5:00 in the
morning, and the moon in our eyes was almost blinding.

Five in the morning is *way* too late to be getting to bed when your
usual bedtime is from 10:00 to 12:00 at night.

I swear, the ER at our local hospital must be the slowest or at least in
line for the record of just about all such in the USA. Three hours
before they call us in. Two more before the doctor sees the wife.
Three more before they run a scan on her. Three more before treatment.
An hour after that before discharge. All the time she's complaining
about how much it hurt. Well ... OK ... they gave her a shot for pain
about a half-hour after the doctor looked at her. Still, that was at
least five, maybe six hours after she got there; and she'd been having
pain for at least two hours earlier. ;-{

I didn't sleep at all. SHE napped on the examining-room-table.

Then we had to get up for a 9:30 almost unrelated blood-test for her
down at the local clinic that had been scheduled the day before.
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