Another deviate Frank Mccoy...pedophile
(too old to reply)
2006-02-24 16:08:52 UTC
They DO seem inordinately familiar with the work to be SO against it. I
found myself wondering just how many times they had read it.
Laurence Taylor
2006-02-25 12:58:13 UTC
Post by PD
They DO seem inordinately familiar with the work to be SO against it. I
found myself wondering just how many times they had read it.
A good many, probably. After all, they have to be sure.

...Police tagline. Do not cross.
---*TagZilla 0.059* http://tagzilla.mozdev.org
2006-02-26 00:08:16 UTC
Post by Laurence Taylor
Post by PD
They DO seem inordinately familiar with the work to be SO against it. I
found myself wondering just how many times they had read it.
A good many, probably. After all, they have to be sure.
Makes you wonder! Did their mamas or daddies restrain their hands when
they were youngsters when in bed?

Do they grit their teeth and restrain their hands while only strangling
their mouses (mice?) as they read Frank's wonderous stories?

Maybe that's the source of their problems -- sitting in front of their
PCs for hours reading erotica -- ah, agonizing frustration and tortured
libidos -- now there's a story line!

A nizzgrrl
2006-02-27 21:33:40 UTC
Post by nizzgrrl
Makes you wonder! Did their mamas or daddies restrain their hands when
they were youngsters when in bed?
A nizzgrrl
<smiling> When my daughter was 14 I passed out condoms and made sure
her partners were clean and used the downstairs guest room.
I was one wild mama.

2006-03-03 03:32:01 UTC
Post by youngthing
Post by nizzgrrl
Makes you wonder! Did their mamas or daddies restrain their hands when
they were youngsters when in bed?
A nizzgrrl
<smiling> When my daughter was 14 I passed out condoms and made sure
her partners were clean and used the downstairs guest room.
I was one wild mama.
But you kept your daughter safe from harm.
2006-03-03 03:39:06 UTC
Post by nizzgrrl
Post by Laurence Taylor
Post by PD
They DO seem inordinately familiar with the work to be SO against it. I
found myself wondering just how many times they had read it.
A good many, probably. After all, they have to be sure.
Makes you wonder! Did their mamas or daddies restrain their hands when
they were youngsters when in bed?
Back in my social work classes, I thought it was a joke until I read some old
child-rearing books about putting kids to bed; how to place the covers over
them and around their necks, how to tie a boy's hands (beginning at age 2) so
he could not touch himself "down there" while in bed "by himself" and learn
about the evils of self-pleasure which would cause him to become a reprobate.
Post by nizzgrrl
Do they grit their teeth and restrain their hands while only strangling
their mouses (mice?) as they read Frank's wonderous stories?
Maybe that's the source of their problems -- sitting in front of their
PCs for hours reading erotica -- ah, agonizing frustration and tortured
libidos -- now there's a story line!
A nizzgrrl
2006-03-04 00:09:43 UTC
Post by Daytek
Post by nizzgrrl
Post by Laurence Taylor
Post by PD
They DO seem inordinately familiar with the work to be SO against it. I
found myself wondering just how many times they had read it.
A good many, probably. After all, they have to be sure.
Makes you wonder! Did their mamas or daddies restrain their hands when
they were youngsters when in bed?
Back in my social work classes, I thought it was a joke until I read some old
child-rearing books about putting kids to bed; how to place the covers over
them and around their necks, how to tie a boy's hands (beginning at age 2) so
he could not touch himself "down there" while in bed "by himself" and learn
about the evils of self-pleasure which would cause him to become a reprobate.
You aren't the only one. I read those same books, and that's when I
realized how full of it the rest of society was.
The sexual laws, sexual repression and punishment for sexual actions,
they aren't about protecting children.
They are about controlling them like they were your own little slaves,
who you can mold into the image you want like a sculptor molds clay,
and the mold is broken.
Frank McCoy
2006-03-07 17:30:43 UTC
Post by Christopher
You aren't the only one. I read those same books, and that's when I
realized how full of it the rest of society was.
The sexual laws, sexual repression and punishment for sexual actions,
they aren't about protecting children.
They are about controlling them like they were your own little slaves,
who you can mold into the image you want like a sculptor molds clay,
and the mold is broken.
Yeah yeah, society is wrong and you are right.
You're a poster child for why the laws are getting tougher on pedophile
molesters crissy.
Explain that monkey boy...dance for us and explain why the laws keep
getting tougher on filth like you.
Frank McCoy
2006-03-07 18:19:23 UTC
In alt.fan.frank.mccoy "bobandcarole" posing as "Frank McCoy"
Some garbage ... [Snipped].
Uh ... Pedophile I might be. I think that *some* girls under the "legal age" of
consent (18 in many states) can be quite sexy and erotic. That makes me a
"pedophile"; as I've pointed out before that most of the male population in the
world would fit THAT definition. I dare any true *male* to say that Tracy Lords
in her early (*then* legal, *now* illegal) films, wasn't sexy and erotic.

However, I'm no molester, nor ever have been.
The youngest person I ever had sex with was three years older than me ... And I
first had sex when I was 23. Do the math.

And accusing me of being a felon:
Sorry, but the biggest "crime" I've ever been "convicted" of is driving five
miles over the speed-limit. 60 in a 55mph zone. Whoopee.

That being slander, I *could* sue you for everything you've got.
But, you being an illiterate idiot, If I did get everything you had, it wouldn't
likely pay the electric bill, let alone lawyers' fees.

I could probably get your present access to the net shut off; but why bother?
You'd just be back spewing your hate under another source in a short time,
unless I decided to prosecute and stand up in court against you in a *criminal*
trial; for a lot of what you are doing *IS* illegal, while nothing I do or have
done is illegal.

But then, it's more fun to watch you make an asshole out of yourself. Nothing I
could do would be half as humiliating as what you do to yourself all day long.

Nor do I even advocate the sort of activities I write about in my stories.
The stories themselves are merely that: Stories.
And it's legal to write *anything* as a story in the USA.
It's called, "Freedom of the Press," in case you never heard.
/ ' / ™
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2006-03-07 18:30:59 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
In alt.fan.frank.mccoy "bobandcarole" posing as "Frank McCoy"
Some garbage ... [Snipped].
Uh ... Pedophile I might be. I think that *some* girls under the "legal age" of
consent (18 in many states) can be quite sexy and erotic. That makes me a
"pedophile"; as I've pointed out before that most of the male population in the
world would fit THAT definition.
WRONG pedophile....just because you're a sick fuck doesn't mean we all

I dare any true *male* to say that Tracy Lords
Post by Frank McCoy
in her early (*then* legal, *now* illegal) films, wasn't sexy and erotic.
Your admission of guilt is noted for posterity...............
Post by Frank McCoy
That being slander, I *could* sue you for everything you've got.
But, you being an illiterate idiot, If I did get everything you had, it wouldn't
likely pay the electric bill, let alone lawyers' fees.
So sue me dickhead.....LOLOLOL
What is with these pedophiles and the fantasy that they can sue us for
hating them?
Post by Frank McCoy
I could probably get your present access to the net shut off; but why bother?
You'd just be back spewing your hate under another source in a short time,
unless I decided to prosecute and stand up in court against you in a *criminal*
trial; for a lot of what you are doing *IS* illegal, while nothing I do or have
done is illegal.
~YAWN~ keep babbling frankie
Post by Frank McCoy
But then, it's more fun to watch you make an asshole out of yourself. Nothing I
could do would be half as humiliating as what you do to yourself all day long.
Nor do I even advocate the sort of activities I write about in my stories.
The stories themselves are merely that: Stories.
And it's legal to write *anything* as a story in the USA.
It's called, "Freedom of the Press," in case you never heard.
Wrong, pedophiles have no rights...ask christopherkidwell who just got
his account banned twice for posting pedophile filth. :-)
Frank McCoy
2006-03-07 19:26:20 UTC
Post by bob&carole
Post by Frank McCoy
In alt.fan.frank.mccoy "bobandcarole" posing as "Frank McCoy"
Some garbage ... [Snipped].
Uh ... Pedophile I might be. I think that *some* girls under the "legal age" of
consent (18 in many states) can be quite sexy and erotic. That makes me a
"pedophile"; as I've pointed out before that most of the male population in the
world would fit THAT definition.
WRONG pedophile....just because you're a sick fuck doesn't mean we all
I dare any true *male* to say that Tracy Lords
Post by Frank McCoy
in her early (*then* legal, *now* illegal) films, wasn't sexy and erotic.
Your admission of guilt is noted for posterity...............
Admission of guilt?
I veiwed the film when it *was* legal; and available in just about any
movie-rental place in the country. Making things illegal *after* they happen,
isn't Constitutional. Look up "grandfather clauses" and "ex-post-facto" laws.
Post by bob&carole
Post by Frank McCoy
That being slander, I *could* sue you for everything you've got.
But, you being an illiterate idiot, If I did get everything you had, it wouldn't
likely pay the electric bill, let alone lawyers' fees.
So sue me dickhead.....LOLOLOL
What is with these pedophiles and the fantasy that they can sue us for
hating them?
Can't sue you for hating me. Feel free.
Can sue you for slander.
Look up slander.
Post by bob&carole
Post by Frank McCoy
I could probably get your present access to the net shut off; but why bother?
You'd just be back spewing your hate under another source in a short time,
unless I decided to prosecute and stand up in court against you in a *criminal*
trial; for a lot of what you are doing *IS* illegal, while nothing I do or have
done is illegal.
~YAWN~ keep babbling frankie
Post by Frank McCoy
But then, it's more fun to watch you make an asshole out of yourself. Nothing I
could do would be half as humiliating as what you do to yourself all day long.
Nor do I even advocate the sort of activities I write about in my stories.
The stories themselves are merely that: Stories.
And it's legal to write *anything* as a story in the USA.
It's called, "Freedom of the Press," in case you never heard.
Wrong, pedophiles have no rights...ask christopherkidwell who just got
his account banned twice for posting pedophile filth. :-)
Stories? I doubt.
/ ' / ™
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(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
2006-03-07 20:28:41 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Can't sue you for hating me. Feel free.
Can sue you for slander.
Look up slander.
So sue me, I dare you.
You're just like charlie the pervert drifter and crissykidwell...a liar
and a moron.
When Google zapped their accounts they learned when to keep their
filthy mouths shut.
2006-03-07 22:26:13 UTC
On 7 Mar 2006 12:28:41 -0800, "bobandcarole"
Post by bobandcarole
Post by Frank McCoy
Can't sue you for hating me. Feel free.
Can sue you for slander.
Look up slander.
So sue me, I dare you.
You're just like charlie the pervert drifter and crissykidwell...a liar
and a moron.
When Google zapped their accounts they learned when to keep their
filthy mouths shut.
I haven't seen them keeping their mouths shut - quite the opposite.

Oh, and BTW -

You are fucking pathetic.
Frank McCoy
2006-03-08 05:32:33 UTC
Post by bobandcarole
Post by Frank McCoy
Can't sue you for hating me. Feel free.
Can sue you for slander.
Look up slander.
So sue me, I dare you.
Like I said, it wouldn't be worth the effort.
You punish yourself worse than I could any day of the week.
Post by bobandcarole
You're just like charlie the pervert drifter and crissykidwell...a liar
and a moron.
When Google zapped their accounts they learned when to keep their
filthy mouths shut.
It must be awful to be you.
/ ' / ™
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2006-03-08 05:42:23 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by bobandcarole
Post by Frank McCoy
Can't sue you for hating me. Feel free.
Can sue you for slander.
Look up slander.
So sue me, I dare you.
Like I said, it wouldn't be worth the effort.
You punish yourself worse than I could any day of the week.
Post by bobandcarole
You're just like charlie the pervert drifter and crissykidwell...a liar
and a moron.
When Google zapped their accounts they learned when to keep their
filthy mouths shut.
It must be awful to be you.
Oh yeah it's terrible, I 'm getting my boat ready for fishing this
summer and I've staked out 15 acres of timber to log this year....life
2006-03-08 14:25:44 UTC
On 7 Mar 2006 21:42:23 -0800, "bobandcarole"
Post by bobandcarole
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by bobandcarole
Post by Frank McCoy
Can't sue you for hating me. Feel free.
Can sue you for slander.
Look up slander.
So sue me, I dare you.
Like I said, it wouldn't be worth the effort.
You punish yourself worse than I could any day of the week.
Post by bobandcarole
You're just like charlie the pervert drifter and crissykidwell...a liar
and a moron.
When Google zapped their accounts they learned when to keep their
filthy mouths shut.
It must be awful to be you.
Oh yeah it's terrible, I 'm getting my boat ready for fishing this
summer and I've staked out 15 acres of timber to log this year....life
You are fucking pathetic.
2006-03-09 00:06:21 UTC
The idiots undoubtedly believe Everything they read in the tabloids
like "Weekly World News". You know, the one that has had pictures of a
crashed WW2 B-24 on the moon, a baby with feathered wings & an alien
shaking hands with Clinton & Perot. They also probably believe pro
wrestling is "Real".
2006-03-09 05:59:30 UTC
Post by SnakeEater
The idiots undoubtedly believe Everything they read in the tabloids
like "Weekly World News". You know, the one that has had pictures of a
crashed WW2 B-24 on the moon, a baby with feathered wings & an alien
shaking hands with Clinton & Perot. They also probably believe pro
wrestling is "Real".
You're right. The pedos are gullible.

Here's the last band standing
Step right up, it's the real thing
The last chance of a lifetime
Come and see, hear, feel ... the real thing

2006-03-08 05:48:55 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by bobandcarole
Post by Frank McCoy
Can't sue you for hating me. Feel free.
Can sue you for slander.
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by bobandcarole
Post by Frank McCoy
Look up slander.
So sue me, I dare you.
Like I said, it wouldn't be worth the effort.
Post by Frank McCoy
You punish yourself worse than I could any day of the week.
Post by bobandcarole
You're just like charlie the pervert drifter and crissykidwell...a liar
and a moron.
When Google zapped their accounts they learned when to keep their
filthy mouths shut.
It must be awful to be you.
Here's the last band standing
Step right up, it's the real thing
The last chance of a lifetime
Come and see, hear, feel ... the real thing
2006-03-07 22:25:10 UTC
On 7 Mar 2006 10:30:59 -0800, "bob&carole"
Post by bob&carole
Post by Frank McCoy
In alt.fan.frank.mccoy "bobandcarole" posing as "Frank McCoy"
Some garbage ... [Snipped].
Uh ... Pedophile I might be. I think that *some* girls under the "legal age" of
consent (18 in many states) can be quite sexy and erotic. That makes me a
"pedophile"; as I've pointed out before that most of the male population in the
world would fit THAT definition.
WRONG pedophile....just because you're a sick fuck doesn't mean we all
I dare any true *male* to say that Tracy Lords
Post by Frank McCoy
in her early (*then* legal, *now* illegal) films, wasn't sexy and erotic.
Your admission of guilt is noted for posterity...............
Post by Frank McCoy
That being slander, I *could* sue you for everything you've got.
But, you being an illiterate idiot, If I did get everything you had, it wouldn't
likely pay the electric bill, let alone lawyers' fees.
So sue me dickhead.....LOLOLOL
What is with these pedophiles and the fantasy that they can sue us for
hating them?
Post by Frank McCoy
I could probably get your present access to the net shut off; but why bother?
You'd just be back spewing your hate under another source in a short time,
unless I decided to prosecute and stand up in court against you in a *criminal*
trial; for a lot of what you are doing *IS* illegal, while nothing I do or have
done is illegal.
~YAWN~ keep babbling frankie
Post by Frank McCoy
But then, it's more fun to watch you make an asshole out of yourself. Nothing I
could do would be half as humiliating as what you do to yourself all day long.
Nor do I even advocate the sort of activities I write about in my stories.
The stories themselves are merely that: Stories.
And it's legal to write *anything* as a story in the USA.
It's called, "Freedom of the Press," in case you never heard.
Wrong, pedophiles have no rights...ask christopherkidwell who just got
his account banned twice for posting pedophile filth. :-)
You are fucking pathetic.
Positive Sex Fiend
2006-03-08 00:10:48 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
In alt.fan.frank.mccoy "bobandcarole" posing as "Frank McCoy"
Some garbage ... [Snipped].
Uh ... Pedophile I might be. I think that *some* girls under the "legal
age" of consent (18 in many states) can be quite sexy and erotic. That
makes me a "pedophile"; as I've pointed out before that most of the male
population in the world would fit THAT definition. I dare any true
*male* to say that Tracy Lords in her early (*then* legal, *now* illegal)
films, wasn't sexy and erotic.
Yes, you are right that most males would fit this description, but this
isn't the definition of a pedophile. Pedophiles are attracted to
pre-pubertal children, so if you are attracted to girls under 18 (but over
12 or 13) then you are not a pdophile (regardless of what bobandcarole
might think).
Post by Frank McCoy
However, I'm no molester, nor ever have been.
The youngest person I ever had sex with was three years older than me ...
And I first had sex when I was 23. Do the math.
Sorry, but the biggest "crime" I've ever been "convicted" of is driving
five miles over the speed-limit. 60 in a 55mph zone. Whoopee.
That being slander, I *could* sue you for everything you've got.
But, you being an illiterate idiot, If I did get everything you had, it
wouldn't likely pay the electric bill, let alone lawyers' fees.
I could probably get your present access to the net shut off; but why
bother? You'd just be back spewing your hate under another source in a
short time, unless I decided to prosecute and stand up in court against
you in a *criminal* trial; for a lot of what you are doing *IS* illegal,
while nothing I do or have done is illegal.
But then, it's more fun to watch you make an asshole out of yourself.
Nothing I could do would be half as humiliating as what you do to
yourself all day long.
Nor do I even advocate the sort of activities I write about in my
stories. The stories themselves are merely that: Stories.
And it's legal to write *anything* as a story in the USA.
It's called, "Freedom of the Press," in case you never heard.
Frank McCoy
2006-03-08 05:32:57 UTC
Post by Positive Sex Fiend
Post by Frank McCoy
In alt.fan.frank.mccoy "bobandcarole" posing as "Frank McCoy"
Some garbage ... [Snipped].
Uh ... Pedophile I might be. I think that *some* girls under the "legal
age" of consent (18 in many states) can be quite sexy and erotic. That
makes me a "pedophile"; as I've pointed out before that most of the male
population in the world would fit THAT definition. I dare any true
*male* to say that Tracy Lords in her early (*then* legal, *now* illegal)
films, wasn't sexy and erotic.
Yes, you are right that most males would fit this description, but this
isn't the definition of a pedophile. Pedophiles are attracted to
pre-pubertal children, so if you are attracted to girls under 18 (but over
12 or 13) then you are not a pdophile (regardless of what bobandcarole
might think).
It's funny but: In my *stories*, the girls chasing the guys are all young ...
usually on the breaking edge of puberty; but not usually showing it yet.

But the funny part is: When I see girls that age *in person*, even when they
*are* acting sexy like the girls in my stories, they don't look sexy to me; just
somewhat pathetic; as if they don't really know what it's all about (unlike the
imaginary girls in my stories who do). Now girls *past* puberty and *showing
it* ... well, they *are* sexy. Don't ask me why my real attractions don't match
my fantasies. I like *women*, I guess.

Of course, *my* real fantasies and what I write stories about, is *not* me being
some man seduced by a little girl ... but *being* a little girl who is allowed
and even encouraged to seduce an older man. I suspect it's a leftover from my
own days as a young boy, when I figured that (unlike boys) little girls could
get all the sex they wanted, just by showing interest and being agreeable.

That, of course, ignores the reality where little girls are watched and
monitored far closer than little boys ever are. So, even if a girl is horny,
likes the idea of sex, *wants* sex, and goes seeking sex (like many boys do),
her chances of getting any are just about as slim if not slimmer than that of
any boy. Actually, thinking about it statistically ... probably exactly the
same ... almost no chance at all. Parents just don'e LET their little girls run
around with horny males ... boys, men, or dirty-old-men. They know better,
because they remember all too well what both the men and boys wanted when they
were that age. They *especially* don't let horny little girls run loose. The
very ones that make up the brunt of my stories are the ones closest watched ...

A sad let-down to think that the horny little girl of my wet-dreams, the one who
gets all the sex I didn't at the same age, likely doesn't exist.

Still, there *are* millions of families in this country alone. So, perhaps one
or two of them *are* more lenient in what they let their little girls do.
Perhaps; but considering what Society would do to such a child if it got found
out ... Perhaps not, too. ;-{
/ ' / ™
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Positive Sex Fiend
2006-03-08 05:57:05 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Positive Sex Fiend
Post by Frank McCoy
In alt.fan.frank.mccoy "bobandcarole" posing as "Frank McCoy"
Some garbage ... [Snipped].
Uh ... Pedophile I might be. I think that *some* girls under the
"legal age" of consent (18 in many states) can be quite sexy and
erotic. That makes me a "pedophile"; as I've pointed out before that
most of the male population in the world would fit THAT definition. I
dare any true *male* to say that Tracy Lords in her early (*then*
legal, *now* illegal) films, wasn't sexy and erotic.
Yes, you are right that most males would fit this description, but this
isn't the definition of a pedophile. Pedophiles are attracted to
pre-pubertal children, so if you are attracted to girls under 18 (but
over 12 or 13) then you are not a pdophile (regardless of what
bobandcarole might think).
It's funny but: In my *stories*, the girls chasing the guys are all
young ... usually on the breaking edge of puberty; but not usually
showing it yet.
But the funny part is: When I see girls that age *in person*, even when
they *are* acting sexy like the girls in my stories, they don't look sexy
to me; just somewhat pathetic; as if they don't really know what it's all
about (unlike the imaginary girls in my stories who do). Now girls
*past* puberty and *showing it* ... well, they *are* sexy. Don't ask me
why my real attractions don't match my fantasies. I like *women*, I
Of course, *my* real fantasies and what I write stories about, is *not*
me being some man seduced by a little girl ... but *being* a little girl
who is allowed and even encouraged to seduce an older man. I suspect
it's a leftover from my own days as a young boy, when I figured that
(unlike boys) little girls could get all the sex they wanted, just by
showing interest and being agreeable.
That, of course, ignores the reality where little girls are watched and
monitored far closer than little boys ever are. So, even if a girl is
horny, likes the idea of sex, *wants* sex, and goes seeking sex (like
many boys do), her chances of getting any are just about as slim if not
slimmer than that of any boy. Actually, thinking about it statistically
... probably exactly the same ... almost no chance at all. Parents just
don'e LET their little girls run around with horny males ... boys, men,
or dirty-old-men. They know better, because they remember all too well
what both the men and boys wanted when they were that age. They
*especially* don't let horny little girls run loose. The very ones that
make up the brunt of my stories are the ones closest watched ... usually.
A sad let-down to think that the horny little girl of my wet-dreams, the
one who gets all the sex I didn't at the same age, likely doesn't exist.
Still, there *are* millions of families in this country alone. So,
perhaps one or two of them *are* more lenient in what they let their
little girls do. Perhaps; but considering what Society would do to such a
child if it got found out ... Perhaps not, too. ;-{
Your stories are just fantasies. Nothing wrong (or illegal) about
fantasies. he haters will never get that. The only thing that I can
figure out is that they don't see the difference between fantasy and
reality. Pretty scarey when you think about it, because I am willing to
bet that (just like the rest of the world) they have a few fantasies that
they would never want anyone to know about.
Positive Sex Fiend
2006-03-08 00:07:25 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Christopher
You aren't the only one. I read those same books, and that's when I
realized how full of it the rest of society was.
The sexual laws, sexual repression and punishment for sexual actions,
they aren't about protecting children.
They are about controlling them like they were your own little slaves,
who you can mold into the image you want like a sculptor molds clay,
and the mold is broken.
Yeah yeah, society is wrong and you are right.
You're a poster child for why the laws are getting tougher on pedophile
molesters crissy.
Explain that monkey boy...dance for us and explain why the laws keep
getting tougher on filth like you.
If you are going to forge someone else at least change your email address
Frank McCoy
2006-03-08 05:33:55 UTC
Post by Positive Sex Fiend
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Christopher
You aren't the only one. I read those same books, and that's when I
realized how full of it the rest of society was.
The sexual laws, sexual repression and punishment for sexual actions,
they aren't about protecting children.
They are about controlling them like they were your own little slaves,
who you can mold into the image you want like a sculptor molds clay,
and the mold is broken.
Yeah yeah, society is wrong and you are right.
You're a poster child for why the laws are getting tougher on pedophile
molesters crissy.
Explain that monkey boy...dance for us and explain why the laws keep
getting tougher on filth like you.
If you are going to forge someone else at least change your email address
Aw gee ... Do you have to take away all the fun the rest of us get?
/ ' / ™
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2006-03-08 06:04:12 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Positive Sex Fiend
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Christopher
You aren't the only one. I read those same books, and that's when I
realized how full of it the rest of society was.
The sexual laws, sexual repression and punishment for sexual actions,
they aren't about protecting children.
They are about controlling them like they were your own little slaves,
who you can mold into the image you want like a sculptor molds clay,
and the mold is broken.
Yeah yeah, society is wrong and you are right.
You're a poster child for why the laws are getting tougher on pedophile
molesters crissy.
Explain that monkey boy...dance for us and explain why the laws keep
getting tougher on filth like you.
If you are going to forge someone else at least change your email address
Aw gee ... Do you have to take away all the fun the rest of us get?
You are fucking pathetic.
Post by Frank McCoy
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