One of my favorite Sneyd cartoons. - bgds7010.jpg
(too old to reply)
Tim Merrigan
2007-11-12 08:19:53 UTC
On Fri, 09 Nov 2007 09:26:10 -0600, Frank McCoy <***@millcomm.com>

Having opened an Altopia account, I can see this now.
I pledge allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America,
and to the republic which it established, one nation, from many peoples,
promising liberty and justice for all.
Feel free to use the above variant pledge in your own postings.

Tim Merrigan
Frank McCoy
2007-11-12 15:51:39 UTC
Post by Tim Merrigan
Having opened an Altopia account, I can see this now.
I think you'll like Altopia.
Like I said, it's pretty much the gold-standard in newsservers.
Always has been.

MY only complaint is that he doesn't notify me when the next payment is
due like I'd wish, so I could pay by check in advance. Of course, I
really should keep track of such things myself instead of expecting
Chris to do that for me.

Oh yeah: Make *sure* you refresh your newsgroup list.
The Altopia server has more groups listed ....

Also, he has *two* servers:
The completely uncensored one (that I use) and one that has a 'bot in it
to remove spam and other such garbage. Since I like to see
*everything*, I use the non-censored server. Others may prefer to use
the spam-blocked one.
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