Frank McCoy court case
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Doc Dice
2009-06-11 23:04:42 UTC
[Default] On Mon, 18 May 2009 04:31:00 -0700 (PDT), nacheivo
Court hearing obscenity case
"A case involving a Minnesota man charged in federal court with
distributing obscene stories via the Internet has been put on the June
trial calendar, authorities say.
Frank Russell McCoy was indicted in July 2007 and arraigned last
January, court documents show. A second set of court documents first
filed in April 2008 and with the last entry filed Jan. 29, 2008 has
been sealed by the U.S. District Court in Albany, according to the
U.S. Government’s court document management service known as PACER.
McCoy, who operates a Web site that provides access to explicit
stories depicting incest and sex with children, was indicted June 13,
2007, with transporting obscene matters, court records show.
What web site did he operate?
The indictment alleges that McCoy knowingly used an interactive
computer service to allow access to “obscene matters” and did aid
users of his site to view the material.
The indictment specifically lists three Web sites where McCoy is
alleged to have posted “’fantasy’ stories describing in explicit and
graphic detail the sexual abuse, rape and murder of children.”"
Rape? Murder? I can't remember any murder or rape in his stories.
That's because when he gets to the part where the ole bastard
rapes a 10 year old boy he shoots his nut.

Usenet Legends bobandcarole §
2009-06-12 18:57:15 UTC
Post by Doc Dice
[Default] On Mon, 18 May 2009 04:31:00 -0700 (PDT), nacheivo
Court hearing obscenity case
"A case involving a Minnesota man charged in federal court with
distributing obscene stories via the Internet has been put on the June
trial calendar, authorities say.
Frank Russell McCoy was indicted in July 2007 and arraigned last
January, court documents show. A second set of court documents first
filed in April 2008 and with the last entry filed Jan. 29, 2008 has
been sealed by the U.S. District Court in Albany, according to the
U.S. Government’s court document management service known as PACER.
McCoy, who operates a Web site that provides access to explicit
stories depicting incest and sex with children, was indicted June 13,
2007, with transporting obscene matters, court records show.
What web site did he operate?
The indictment alleges that McCoy knowingly used an interactive
computer service to allow access to “obscene matters” and did aid
users of his site to view the material.
The indictment specifically lists three Web sites where McCoy is
alleged to have posted “’fantasy’ stories describing in explicit and
graphic detail the sexual abuse, rape and murder of children.”"
Rape? Murder? I can't remember any murder or rape in his stories.
That's because when he gets to the part where the ole bastard
rapes a 10 year old boy he shoots his nut.


"Publicity is publicity, good or bad it's STILL publicity"~Alice

"You're a fucking TROLL"__fucktard Ginsberg of asl is bitten on the
ass by a tard bug and implodes beautifully.

"Stick that up your ass and smoke it"__Scott Allen Salbergs anal
obsession, {the one he projects on everyone} What would Sigmund

#1 pedophile hunter: The Wikisposure Project.

#5 Ruiner of usenet.
