Ping! Frank
(too old to reply)
2004-07-13 13:15:58 UTC
Read an earlier thread about you being a programmer.

Are you interested in a C++ project?

I would be able to post the source file here, if you could rework it
for me then re post, I would then recompile on my machine. The compiler
is MCCM77, a dedicated RISC processor compiler. The code is a prog.
that I designed and contracted out. Unfortunately, the fellow I
contracted the work to has moved.

I work mainly on the hardware end, electrical/electronic design.

The software end moves too fast for me to keep up so I've been sub-
contracting that end.

Are you familiar with PLC's?

I have all of the manuals that we would need to modify the code. I would
have to get permission to copy them but I don't think that will be a
problem. I could copy them and Fed ex them to you.

If you are interested we could discuss fees.
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Frank McCoy
2004-07-13 14:57:09 UTC
Post by Öldman©
Read an earlier thread about you being a programmer.
Are you interested in a C++ project?
I *think* I have a C++ compiler around here somewhere.
C, for sure. Almost sure about the C++ one.
A Micro$haft copy might be buried in my stack if CDs somewhere.
Have been using mainly Borlund Pascal and C for most of my stuff; so I
never bothered to install the MS version.
Post by Öldman©
I would be able to post the source file here, if you could rework it
for me then re post, I would then recompile on my machine. The compiler
is MCCM77, a dedicated RISC processor compiler. The code is a prog.
that I designed and contracted out. Unfortunately, the fellow I
contracted the work to has moved.
Would probably be better to do it by email; though that's up to you.
Post by Öldman©
I work mainly on the hardware end, electrical/electronic design.
I do both.
Would probably need some idea of what the hardware needed to do, to
get a good idea of what the code needed to work right.
Post by Öldman©
The software end moves too fast for me to keep up so I've been sub-
contracting that end.
Are you familiar with PLC's?
Somewhat; not a lot. There are so many types of programmable hardware
out there these days that it's almost impossible to keep up with the
various kinds. I don't even try. I just learn each one and the
programming for each as the necessity arises.
Post by Öldman©
I have all of the manuals that we would need to modify the code. I would
have to get permission to copy them but I don't think that will be a
problem. I could copy them and Fed ex them to you.
If you are interested we could discuss fees.
OK. I need the work; and with my back aching right now, programming
is the sort of office-work that wouldn't bother me. Besides, I *like*

The one small trouble with doing long-distance things like this (form
experience here) is the trouble-shooting. It really helps to be able
to see exactly what's going wrong with the hardware when the interface
between hardware and software dies. Not absolutely necessary, mind;
but it does help better than descriptions over the phone.

Like I say though, email would probably be a better place to discuss
this, rather than a public forum ... even though it's my fan-group.
/ ' / ™
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2004-07-14 09:45:28 UTC
On Tue, 13 Jul 2004 09:57:09 -0500,Frank McCoy's cat ran across
the 'puter keyboard and out came...
} In alt.fan.frank.mccoy �ldman© <***@ld.is.best> wrote:
} >Read an earlier thread about you being a programmer.
} >
} >Are you interested in a C++ project?
} >
} Sure.
} I *think* I have a C++ compiler around here somewhere.
} C, for sure. Almost sure about the C++ one.
} A Micro$haft copy might be buried in my stack if CDs somewhere.
} Have been using mainly Borlund Pascal and C for most of my stuff; so I
} never bothered to install the MS version.
} >I would be able to post the source file here, if you could rework it
} >for me then re post, I would then recompile on my machine. The compiler
} >is MCCM77, a dedicated RISC processor compiler. The code is a prog.
} >that I designed and contracted out. Unfortunately, the fellow I
} >contracted the work to has moved.
} >
} Would probably be better to do it by email; though that's up to you.
} >I work mainly on the hardware end, electrical/electronic design.
} >
} I do both.
} Would probably need some idea of what the hardware needed to do, to
} get a good idea of what the code needed to work right.
} >The software end moves too fast for me to keep up so I've been sub-
} >contracting that end.
} >
} >Are you familiar with PLC's?
} >
} Somewhat; not a lot. There are so many types of programmable hardware
} out there these days that it's almost impossible to keep up with the
} various kinds. I don't even try. I just learn each one and the
} programming for each as the necessity arises.
} >I have all of the manuals that we would need to modify the code. I would
} >have to get permission to copy them but I don't think that will be a
} >problem. I could copy them and Fed ex them to you.
} >
} >If you are interested we could discuss fees.
} OK. I need the work; and with my back aching right now, programming
} is the sort of office-work that wouldn't bother me. Besides, I *like*
} programming.
} The one small trouble with doing long-distance things like this (form
} experience here) is the trouble-shooting. It really helps to be able
} to see exactly what's going wrong with the hardware when the interface
} between hardware and software dies. Not absolutely necessary, mind;
} but it does help better than descriptions over the phone.
} Like I say though, email would probably be a better place to discuss
} this, rather than a public forum ... even though it's my fan-group.
No email - ever - for any reason - due to forum we met in.
Spyder busted among others is good enough reason! I have
nothing to hide on my 'puter but it is used for my business
and I cannot afford to have LEA grab it. It would put me
out of business and on welfare. (I am a one man show - self

This would have to be one-way only.
The manuals would come to you (copies), when your done - junk
them or whatever.

I don't see a problem with simply posting the source code in
a public forum - no one else could ever use it for anything.
Its in a text file that if anyone wanted to snoop - be my
guest (they might even learn a bit about what makes these 'puters

I would pay you by money order ($CDN) on COMPLETION of the project
mailed to any addy of your choice.
If all of this works out and you can do what you say I have other
work in the near future.

History of progy: (cica 1994)
PLC set up to monitor equipt. for RPM, Torque, Flow (US gpm) & Pressure.
3 - low speed counter inputs (DIN)
3 - 4-20ma inputs (ANIN)
1 - interrupt (used an DIN)
2 - RS232 ports (one used to output ASCII for printer, the other
used to 'talk' to a remote PC running National Instruments Labview
application for data logging.
PLC is SCADA - no control functions presently used but data base
function enabled. 'Streaming' data base - FIFO function - sent to PC.

What happened is that the manufacturer changed the hardware config.
(long story why) and changed the BIOS of PLC. Now, when I buy one,
I have to source old version BIOS on EEPROM from manufacturer and
pull the supplied EEPROMs, install the 'old version' EEPROM etc.
Pain in the butt!! Delivery of EEPROMs also a consideration.

The changes I need made in the source are to accommodate register
re-assignment - shuffle made to allow for additional ANOUT channels.

I would like to take advantage of the additional ANOUT.

Presently the PLC consists of CPU module, 1-ANIN 8 channel (3
used) and 2-ANOUT 2 channel modules (4 used).
Revised config. would be 1-ANOUT module to replace the existing 2.

The required change is in the register call functions and a review
of all register assignments with a bit of a shuffle so data goes to
intended register.

I would compile as all of the software is licensed to me.
I have the full C++ library for the unit and the compiler.
(I also have the Borland compiler for Windows but as you
can see it does not work for this app.

The result output is a .bin file that I then download to the
PLC with my laptop. Also, I am able to set up a small progy
on my laptop to monitor the IO of the PLC for debugging.

Do you have Autocad 2000?
If you do and you need to have a look at the schematic I could
up it to Rufe's chat froup. Its .dwg format.
If Wisdom comes with age -
Why aint I very, very wise?
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Frank McCoy
2004-07-15 04:15:57 UTC
Post by Öldman©
No email - ever - for any reason - due to forum we met in.
Spyder busted among others is good enough reason! I have
AFAIK, the problems THERE, was with what they exchanged and the fact
that each was known to the other, not how they exchanged it. But
that's another discussion entirely.

I've never downloaded, uploaded, sent, received, or exchanged funny
material; and I'm not about to ... Not considering the type of stories
I write. I just *cannot* afford to have even slightly suspect
material on my computer, because I never know when some over-zealous
DA or cop might decide to charge me with something or go on a "fishing
edition", just because I write the type of stories I do. I
*especially* don't dare doing so, since who I am and where I live is
Public Knowledge.

STORIES are legal. It's just that some people don't believe that.
Ah well ... That's MY problem not yours.
Post by Öldman©
nothing to hide on my 'puter but it is used for my business
and I cannot afford to have LEA grab it. It would put me
out of business and on welfare. (I am a one man show - self
I personally don't see what the difference is; but that's from my end.
Whatever floats your boat; as long as I have some method to send
results and you have some method to send me problems to fix.
Post by Öldman©
This would have to be one-way only.
The manuals would come to you (copies), when your done - junk
them or whatever.
If it didn't bother you, then I'd likely keep them.
I have source-information stowed out in the garage about machines that
no longer exist anywhere. I'm a packrat for information like that.

However, if you preferred, I could toss them also.
Post by Öldman©
I don't see a problem with simply posting the source code in
a public forum - no one else could ever use it for anything.
Its in a text file that if anyone wanted to snoop - be my
guest (they might even learn a bit about what makes these 'puters
I would pay you by money order ($CDN) on COMPLETION of the project
mailed to any addy of your choice.
Like I've told everybody, where I am, who I am, and where I live, is
no secret. Look me up in the phone-book. Never hid who I am. Never
will. My email addy is public information, always valid, not munged,
not hidden, not through gateways or other "hidden" methods. My name
is the same as it says in the headers, and always has been. No
aliases, no pseudonyms, no monikers, no bull.

I worked for 17 years at Seagate, before that at Data-100 and then
Northern Telecom. Before that I worked as R&D engineer out in CA, and
before that about 20 more years as a TV technician.

Since Seagate canned me though (disagreement with boss) I haven't been
able to get much in programming jobs. Been doing temp work. Ick!

If you've got some REALLY old issues of the original SCCS Interface
magazine, you might even find my name (and picture too!) in some early
issues, along with a few articles I wrote back then.

However, I don't *really* want to post phone-number or address in a
public forum though. Having somebody look either one up is one thing.
Having them posted all over the net, is something else. Lord knows I
get enough spam and junk email, not to mention telemarketing
phone-calls and junk snail-mail, without just BEGGING to get tons

If you're THAT paranoid about contacting me though; you could post a
Public Key, and I could send public replies here or in some other
blank newsgroup encoded with that key ... at least when it came to my
address and Phone# with my name attached.

I may be a "public figure"; but let's not get ridiculous here!
Post by Öldman©
If all of this works out and you can do what you say I have other
work in the near future.
History of progy: (cica 1994)
PLC set up to monitor equipt. for RPM, Torque, Flow (US gpm) & Pressure.
3 - low speed counter inputs (DIN)
3 - 4-20ma inputs (ANIN)
1 - interrupt (used an DIN)
2 - RS232 ports (one used to output ASCII for printer, the other
used to 'talk' to a remote PC running National Instruments Labview
application for data logging.
PLC is SCADA - no control functions presently used but data base
function enabled. 'Streaming' data base - FIFO function - sent to PC.
What happened is that the manufacturer changed the hardware config.
(long story why) and changed the BIOS of PLC. Now, when I buy one,
I have to source old version BIOS on EEPROM from manufacturer and
pull the supplied EEPROMs, install the 'old version' EEPROM etc.
Pain in the butt!! Delivery of EEPROMs also a consideration.
The changes I need made in the source are to accommodate register
re-assignment - shuffle made to allow for additional ANOUT channels.
I would like to take advantage of the additional ANOUT.
Presently the PLC consists of CPU module, 1-ANIN 8 channel (3
used) and 2-ANOUT 2 channel modules (4 used).
Revised config. would be 1-ANOUT module to replace the existing 2.
The required change is in the register call functions and a review
of all register assignments with a bit of a shuffle so data goes to
intended register.
I would compile as all of the software is licensed to me.
I have the full C++ library for the unit and the compiler.
(I also have the Borland compiler for Windows but as you
can see it does not work for this app.
Um ... The compiler should work to COMPILE and CHECK the source; if
not worth a damn to check the resulting code. Sometimes there's ways
to get around even that, with simulation. I've done that, on
occasion: Simulated the whole target machine, just to be able to
check the results of another module. A pain; but sometimes less of a
pain than the turnaround of waiting for somebody else to test each
slight modification.
Post by Öldman©
The result output is a .bin file that I then download to the
PLC with my laptop. Also, I am able to set up a small progy
on my laptop to monitor the IO of the PLC for debugging.
Do you have Autocad 2000?
Don't *think* so.
I've got an OLD copy of Micro$haft Orifice, and a NEW copy of Works;
but don't think either one includes any kind of CAD program at all.

For my programming work, previously I've never needed that.
Rather an expensive program to buy for something I'd likely never use.
My last time I did something like that, was when I designed a circuit,
box, and circuit-board for a switch-tester about six months ago.
Instead of going out and buying a commercial CAD program, I made up my
own templates in Windows PAINT, (if you can believe that) and ran the
double-sided PC-board artwork off using overhead-transparency plastic
sheets on my laser printer. Worked like a champ; and looks *quite*
professional. (I could post a copy [encrypted], if you like.)

Buying CAD software costing several hundred dollars to do a one-time
job that's total cost was under $200, just didn't seem cost-effective
at the time.

Before that, if I had a circuit to have made up, I just handed the
schematic over to the CAD department with specs on physical
dimensions. THAT was so rare I doubt I did it more than three or four
times, at most.

Back in California (over 30 years earlier) I laid out my circuit
boards by-hand on a drafting table with tape and templates.
Post by Öldman©
If you do and you need to have a look at the schematic I could
up it to Rufe's chat froup. Its .dwg format.
I dunno. I've got *so* many display utilities of various kinds, that
I'm not sure if I could view it or not. I'd have to try. Perhaps
your proggy has output in other that .DWG format? Often CAD programs
will put out in various other types of printable or displayable
formats, even if not in the original host-specific type. Some will
often save in Fax format (.PCX), ,JPG, .GIF, or even Postscript or
.PDF format; all of which I have SOME methods (often several) here to
read ... or at least print.

This froup right now is pretty empty; so I suppose you could up an
experiment here.
/ ' / ™
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2004-07-16 01:12:49 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Öldman©
Do you have Autocad 2000?
Don't *think* so.
Frank, if you get to the point of needing the ACAD2000 .DWG files
converted, I know someone who has a copy. But, I don't know what
output formats are available, beyond printed on a laser.

I should be able to mail the print images, if I knew what printer(s)
you have available.
Arargh407 at [drop the 'http://www.' from ->] http://www.arargh.com
BCET Basic Compiler Page: http://www.arargh.com/basic/index.html

To reply by email, remove the garbage from the reply address.
Frank McCoy
2004-07-16 02:03:22 UTC
Post by a***@NOW.AT.arargh.com
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Öldman©
Do you have Autocad 2000?
Don't *think* so.
Frank, if you get to the point of needing the ACAD2000 .DWG files
converted, I know someone who has a copy. But, I don't know what
output formats are available, beyond printed on a laser.
I should be able to mail the print images, if I knew what printer(s)
you have available.
Lessee ... Two laser printers.
One is a really cranky OLD one that supports Postscript ... and that I
*cannot* even buy toner for any more. The other is a fairly new
Brother DCP1000. Another Brother printer, this one an inkjet full
color printer (and fax and scanner and copier and ...) And, an OLD
Panasonic dot-matrix job I haven't used in about two years, but is
still connected.
Besides those, I have a Lexmark sitting off in a corner, not connected
to anything, a small B&W bubblejet down in the kid's room, and an HP
deskjet out in the garage that I got "for free" about a year or so
ago, and never bothered to connect to anything.

Not to mention various software printer-emulators and such.

No, I'm not lacking for printers or such; nor converters, if it came
to that matter ... As long as the original format is one supported by
more than one proprietory program. Give it to me in about ANY
"normal" graphics output, and one of my programs will likely print it
on one or all of the printers.
.ECW .EPS .FPX ... Etc.

That's just getting up to the 'F's, without including ALL of the
letters or formats previous.

Give me a standard-format graphics file, and likely I'll be able to
both display and print it. Without having the file to try though, I
can't be certain.

Irfanview is your friend. ;-}
/ ' / ™
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2004-07-16 23:18:00 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by a***@NOW.AT.arargh.com
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Öldman©
Do you have Autocad 2000?
Don't *think* so.
Frank, if you get to the point of needing the ACAD2000 .DWG files
converted, I know someone who has a copy. But, I don't know what
output formats are available, beyond printed on a laser.
I should be able to mail the print images, if I knew what printer(s)
you have available.
Lessee ... Two laser printers.
Me too.
And 3 color ink jets, 1 broke, 2 b&w ink jets, 1 broke, more okidata
pin printers than I can bother to count . . . and maybe a half dozen
other assorted printers. Oh, and a bunch of daisy wheel and thimble
printers. Plus the little thermal printer that came with the first
computer that I ever bought - a little R**** S**** hand held.
Post by Frank McCoy
One is a really cranky OLD one that supports Postscript ... and that I
For old and cranky, how about a real Centronics 101? It might even
still work. 'Wizzz.... thund' Repeat until your ears hurt. 30+ years

Post by Frank McCoy
No, I'm not lacking for printers or such; nor converters, if it came
Well, the easiest way would be to configure ACAD to format for a
specific printer, and then send you the print file.
Arargh407 at [drop the 'http://www.' from ->] http://www.arargh.com
BCET Basic Compiler Page: http://www.arargh.com/basic/index.html

To reply by email, remove the garbage from the reply address.