Story: Tales from the Caribbean - Anoleze
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2006-05-16 18:45:02 UTC
Story: Tales from the Caribbean - Anoleze

by bobandcaeole

Pedo, hetero, consensual

The Story:

Tales from the Caribbean - Anoleze

For years he had visited little Anoleze's family - since she was born in
fact. Over that time he had always given her much love and affection -
more than she received from her parents - as well as little girly gifts.

She loved him; she always told him so in response to his saying the same
words. She would rush up to him on his arrival and allow him to pick her
up and kiss her. In fact he used to carry her about quite a lot. She
loved him to do that because it saved her walking, gave her a better view
and allowed him to fondle her cunt.

Although she never said anything, the fact that she always accommodated
his gently prying fingers by parting her legs either side of his torso and
nestling herself into him, was ample clue to her opinion.

But as she got older, these little diversions lessened and became more
difficult for him to perform because they were more overt as she progressed
through six, seven then eight. By the time Anoleze was nine, he had
stopped fondling her cunt and confined himself to giving her the occasional
reluctantly received kiss that she condescendingly allowed him to bestow on
her cheek. In fact, it seemed that all the years of nurturing her
affection and getting her used to the occasional intrusive digit was to be
of no avail. So, he had confined himself to responding to Anoleze instead
of being the instigator of affection. That had meant less and less contact
with her, leaving an empty feeling deep inside the sensitive man. Until,
that is, the day he popped in to see Anoleze's parents and found the child
lying on the sofa.

He ignored her for a while, as he had been tending to do more and more,
and just gave her a passing glance. Her legs, bare as she lay full length,
were long and slim -, as was her general shape. Her breasts had just
started to sprout and a few months ago, he had managed to have a few
minutes stroking the little buttons under her T-shirt. He had been longing
to play with them as they grew but decided that the risk was too great.
After all, he was a friend of the family, and had been so long before
Anoleze had come along, and he didn't want to jeopardize that.

But on this day, he was aware of her eyes following him more closely as
he walked about the room. She didn't smile at him when he caught her eye
but, like often lately, frowned. He ignored her but was still conscious of
her gaze.

In time, he could restrain himself no longer and ventured to sit on the
sofa against her thighs where his hand could brush against her smooth,
young flesh.

Suddenly, and quite unexpectedly, as it was so out of character of late,
she stretched both her arms out to him, clearly imploring him to embrace
her. He needed no second bidding and bent forward to lift the small frame
up into his strong arms and hold her gently against his chest. It was then
the second surprise of the evening happened. She moaned into his ear as he
held her - only once, softly. It had been brief and quiet, but long enough
and loud enough for him to know that it wasn't a sigh, grunt or exhalation
of air because he'd squeezed too hard. No, this had clearly been a moan
like a woman would give when the right man touched her in the right place.
It had been a girlishly soft cry of relief from tension that had fired
straight to his heart. A tear almost found its way to the corner of his
eye, it so moved him.

He laid the child back to the soft sofa and smiled lovingly into her
eyes. Anoleze smiled in return and brought one hand to touch him on his
arm in some kind of secret message that only she understood. He kissed the
pretty girl's face and rose from his awkward perch.

Moved, emotionally, Uncle Tom - for that was how he was known to the
family all the child's life, although he was no relative at all - bade
farewell to the family and kissed the girl again; this time on her nose as
she came to the door to say farewell. Her spiritual presence was with him
all the way home and long after he had masturbated himself to sleep on
thoughts of her.

For Anoleze, it had been a venturesome experiment.

The unexpected happened again a few days later when, on answering the
phone, he heard Anoleze's voice on the other end.

"Uncle Tom?" she asked softly in her high-pitched whine.

"Yes," he answered, unsure at first who it was.

"This is Anoleze. Can I come and stay this weekend?" she asked
immediately and directly as only young children can who have but a single

Tom was taken aback for a moment.

"Hello, Uncle?" she prompted.

"Yes, er what? I er, is Mummy there?" he finally blurted.

"Hello?" Came the mother. "Uncle Tom," (for even she called him that),
"Anoleze has been pleading with me ever since you popped in the other day,
to come to stay with you for the weekend. She wants to swim in your pool,
she says," explained the child's mother.

"Well, I'd be delighted, but are you sure it's okay with you and her
dad?" he sensibly asked.

"Of course. She can bring her favourite dolls and some crayons and a
colouring book. You wouldn't mind would you?" She turned the question on

"She has a costume of course; what about things for bedtime?"

"She has a new baby-doll nightie that is exactly like Barbie's. She
insisted on having it and so you are going to have to give it your
approval. Don't mind that it looks a bit too sexy for a little girl," she
joked. Tom could hear Anoleze protesting in the background over her
mother's indiscretion.

"Well, shall I collect her or what?"

"I'll drop her off on Friday morning if that's okay. There's no school
that day - some teachers' training day or something." She knew that it
wouldn't be a problem as Uncle Tom was retired and spent most of his days
reading the papers, novels or taking exercise in the pool. For his age, he
was very fit and in remarkably good health.

Although he expected Anoleze that Friday morning, he didn't anticipate
it would be so early. People rise very early in the Caribbean, but not
Uncle Tom. So, he had to jump out of bed at seven-thirty to open the
electric gates to let the car in and Anoleze's mother drop off her child.
She turned straight out and left with a theatrical wave of farewell.

"You can go back to bed, if you like Uncle Tom," Anoleze offered. She
looked at his pyjama pants, which were slightly tented where his prick was
still struggling to deflate.

"Thanks. I think I will for half-an-hour or so." And so he did, but he
didn't expect to find Anoleze strip to her underpants and climb in with

She had disrobed with remarkable openness, not caring about exposing her
small, developing breasts, and slipped under the single sheet to join him.
Tom lay on his back, took a deep breath, shut his eyes tight and braced
himself for her touch. He expected a simple nestling cuddle - like a girl
normally would give to her father - and as she nestled in that very
position he brought his arm over her back to give an affectionate embrace
to the child.

Something had happened to this little girl in the last few weeks, and he
wondered what it could have been. Without any clues, he assumed that it
was hormonal changes that had brought the alteration in her manner. He was
not aware of his penis rising slowly in his pyjama pants, and even if he
had been, he would not have done anything about it, beyond trying to
concentrate on getting it down again, for fear of drawing attention to it.

He pretended to sleep as Anoleze rested her head against his shoulder
and, after ten minutes or so of minimal movement, she presumed he was. His
prick was still rampant, and the girl, sensing he was sound asleep,
carefully lifted the single sheet away from his body. She studied his
erection that pushed the material toward the ceiling and could just make
out the flesh as she tried to peek through the opening in the front.

Uncle Tom, had felt her actions and tried to remain calm. His building
excitement was in direct contrast to his desire to get his penis deflated.
He struggled to maintain his steady breathing as a subterfuge for sleep.

Anoleze, reassured by Uncle's deep, slow breaths, ventured to insert her
little hand through the opening of his pants and, rather than taking his
penis out, managed to lever the tented material away, without actually
touching it. Unrestrained, his dick sprang up another two or so inches.
She gasped in awe, then looked intently at her uncle's face to reassure
herself that he remained asleep..

Here, before her very eyes, was what she had been dreaming about for
weeks. She had heard some older girls at school talk about cocks, toties
(as they call it here), and pricks and so on but it was only recently that,
for some unknown reason, she began to take an interest. She had asked them
about it and they had been very willing to give her a full description and
to expound in detail about what penises are and do. Ever since, she had
had this burning desire to find out for herself.

And now, here it was; the one prick she knew she wanted to see. Uncle
Tom had always been kind to her and she loved him for that. She felt proud
that his prick was much bigger than any of the girls had described. Its
veins winding their way over the pink surface, it seemed to pulse, or
throb, presumably in time with his heartbeat.

Anoleze extended one finger to touch it. She put it, by chance, on the
underside of the head and found that the whole prick sprang back, pushing
hard against her finger. She was amazed. She had barely touched it. So
softly in fact, that she hadn't even felt it - only its heat - before it
forced itself against her touch.

She was excited by her actions. Here was her lovely Uncle, asleep and
unaware, with his lovely cock poking up and looking at her. So that she
could get a better view, Anoleze carefully unbuttoned his pyjama pants and
folded the opening to its widest. She decided to risk holding it, and so
she gingerly brought her fingers against one side whilst her thumb held
against the other. Nothing happened this time, so she was able to give it
a little squeeze, noting the soft, forgiving nature of the skin before the
hard, unforgiving firmness of the shaft itself. She experimented with her
touch and the various ways in which this man's dick moved and responded.
Many times she felt it try to force itself against her grip and she learnt
to hold it in resistance. When she did this, she found that the skin moved
up and down against the shaft and she wasn't quite able to stop it moving.
So she decided to move the skin herself, up and down, noting how hot it
felt and how the purple top - which she knew they called its head - became
more purple as it grew bigger.

Every now and again, Anoleze checked to make sure her Uncle was asleep
and, reassured, she continued to enjoy the sensations she was feeling as
she rubbed his toty up and down. She was getting feelings inside herself
too, she was aware; lovely warm tingly feeling inside her tummy. She
wanted to scratch herself lower down somewhere but didn't know what or
where. All she knew was that it made her feel nice to play, as she was,
with Uncle Tom's hard prick. She decided that she would tell her friends
at school about this - that she had played with a big, hard cock. She
wouldn't say he was asleep though, that would spoil her `street cred'.

Suddenly, and without any warning, as Anoleze was rubbing Uncle Tom's
dick, it forced itself almost straight and all this white stuff came
splashing out. She knew what it was but had forgotten about it, and so it
was a shock to her. She let go, but more white stuff came out, more slowly
this time, and she heard Uncle Tom moan in his sleep. She knew now what to
do as she remembered the playground advice. She grabbed his spluttering
cock again and rubbed harder and faster - but still gently so as not to
wake her lovely Uncle. Now the white stuff flew much further and seemed to
come out in larger globules. It splashed on his belly and she was glad she
had opened his pants but, just to make sure, she put out her other hand to
catch what more spurted out.

By the time she had finished, Anoleze had managed to squirt her Uncle
Tom's semen all over his belly and had a generous handful in her palm.

She had to taste it.

Leaving him alone for the moment, she brought her hand to her mouth and
dipped the tip of her tongue into the viscous liquid - no taste. She tried
the flat of her tongue and scooped up a layer to bring into her mouth and
her taste buds. This time she could taste it but, as she was used to
sharp, spicy and sour foods, it was perfectly acceptable to her taste.
Anoleze sucked off the rest from her palm and savoured the new flavour.
She decided she liked it.

There, on his belly, was an ocean of sperm. She would have to remove it
before he awoke. At first she thought about tissue paper, but she knew
that could tickle or be rough. She decided the best thing to do would be
to lick it off as best she could.

So, the almost naked little girl, on her hands and knees on the bed,
bent over her Uncle, vacuumed up the white fluid with pursed lips, and
licked off what was left.

Once she had cleaned him up by drinking all his come, she slipped off
the bed, helped herself to a drink from the kitchen and went to sit by the
pool in the warm morning sun.

Uncle Tom couldn't believe what his diminutive girlfriend had just done.
As he pretended to sleep she had whipped out his cock, rubbed it to full
erection, jerked it off to a glorious orgasm - which was all the more
enjoyable because of his struggle to stay calm enough to feign sleep - and
then, to cap it all, sucked up all his sperm. As he lay there going
through it all again in his mind, he fell slowly asleep as his prick rose
rapidly awake.

He slept but forty minutes, but it was enough for Anoleze to wonder when
he would awake and for curiosity to get the better of her. So she
re-entered his bedroom in time to see his erect prick - for, being only a
naïve little girl, she hadn't thought to recover his body with the sheet -
poking straight in the air once more. A thrill passed through her again.

Uncle Tom stretched to wakefulness, not aware to begin with of either
Anoleze or his erection. The moment he was aware of them, it was
simultaneous. He blushed and covered himself automatically; ignoring the
fact that she had recently masturbated him to orgasm.

"I had a lovely dream, Anoleze," he told her, but when she asked what it
was he said she was too young to hear about it. However, she was a
determined child and he knew she would press him to reveal the dream, which
is what he hoped for. He thought it best to bring her actions out in the
open, so he began to give in to her appeals.

"I dreamt that you were a naughty girl."

"I'm never naughty," she parried.

"Well, it was my dream, and in it, you were naughty. You touched my
thingy," he told her. Showing interest, she sat beside him on the bed.

"What thingy?" she asked pretending to be innocent.

"This thingy under the sheet," he said, rubbing his prick through the
thin material.

"This?" she responded, passing her hand over to it and touching it with
her small hand.

"Yes, but you had it out and played with it out of curiosity. In my
dream it felt really nice," he confessed but decided to stop there and say
nothing more. If she wanted to go further, it would have to be her choice.
He did not want to encourage her beyond this point.

Anoleze carefully unfolded the sheet, exposing his erect cock to her
gaze. She knew now that she could play with Uncle Tom's prick, if he let
her that is, without having to be careful about waking him. So she grabbed
it hard in her tiny hand and squeezed it tight. He gave a moan, free now
to do so, as he was not pretending to be asleep.

"Did I hurt you Uncle Tom?" she asked with concern.

"No, that was nice. But you know you shouldn't be touching my thingy,
Anoleze," he suggested.

"Well, if it's nice for you, I don't mind. I want to make you feel
nice, Uncle," the girl said kindly.

"Other people will say it's naughty."

"What other people? They won't know will they?"

"Only if you tell them," he said. "I won't tell anyone. I don't want
you to get into trouble."

"I like your thingy, Uncle. What do you call it?"

"I don't have a name for it. Some people call them pricks or dicks or
cocks. There's lots of names for them just as there is for your - whatever
you call that," he said, pointing his finger to her cunt and just touching
it enough for her to jump with the thrill that shot through her like

"Ooh, Uncle Tom. That felt nice. What happened?"

"When you play with my prick, it makes you feel nice, yes?" She nodded.
"Well, it feels nicest just there." He touched it again but, this time,
kept his finger in contact. "On your whatever-you-call-it."

"Pussy. We call it pussy at school. I've heard some girls say it's
their cunt, but I've been told that's rude," she told him innocently.

"It is rude if you say it without talking about one of these." He
stroked it softly this time and she fidgetted without knowing why. "But
when there's just two of us, and you have my prick in your hand, cunt is a
good word, sweetheart."

"I've always liked you touching it, Uncle Tom. Will you do it some

"Take your panties off darling. Then I can get at your cunt better."
And she jumped off and slipped her knickers to the floor. She stepped
forward to him in a gesture that was tantamount to offering her cunt to
him. He slipped his fingers between her legs, prized open her lips and
pressed his middle finger against her hole. Poor Anoleze gasped at a
sensation that was totally new to her and quite unexpectedly delicious.
Her legs parted at the top as they buckled at the knees. She grabbed his
arm for support as he wiggled his finger around her hole, working pressure
to all the surfaces in its limited travel. Uncle Tom's face was set taught
and he bit his tongue as he concentrated on giving Anoleze as much pleasure
as he could. Perhaps now Anoleze was beginning to understand the inner
force that had motivated her to seek out Uncle Tom's dick earlier; the
force that had, indeed, brought her to him for the day and this night and
the next. Anoleze began to feel faint as she contemplated the feelings she
was getting and the notion that she might have more during the next two
days. She gave herself over completely to Uncle Tom and his fingers,
forgetting his cock for the time-being as she was forced by Nature to
respond to the stimulations.

"Mmm, unng, aah," she cried as he worked his finger inside her hole just
a few millimeters. She gripped his arm until it hurt him, but he continued
to wriggle inside her because her response was so encouraging. He began a
small pumping action, which he continued until he brought her off to her
very first little-girl orgasm. She collapsed onto her knees, with her body
across the bed, unable to control the impact of the sensations that had
pulsed through her little body.

"You liked that didn't you Anoleze?" Uncle Tom couldn't resist asking
her. He wanted her to admit to the joy she had just experienced so she
knew it was him - and only him - who had made her feel like that. She
would see her Uncle as the man who could make her come, and perhaps then
she could be his sex slave until she matured and realised that other men
(or even women) could have the same power.

"Oh yes, Uncle Tom. That was wonderful. Is that sex like they talk
about at school?"

"A bit," he said unimaginatively.

"A bit?"

"Well, they probably talk about fucking don't they?"

"Yes they do," she admitted, clearly impressed that Uncle Tom knew about
such things.

"Well, fucking will make you feel even nicer."

"Wow," she couldn't resist saying.

"When you have a prick like mine go inside your cunt."

"What! That big thing go inside here?" She pulled apart her cunt lips
to see her tight hole. "It could never go inside this!"

"You'd be surprised. I bet that before you go home this weekend, not
only will your cunt be able to get this inside that tiny hole, but you'll
be able to get all of it inside; right down the full length." He shuddered
at the thought that he might fuck this little girl later and all over the

"Oh, Uncle Tom. That sounds great. Can we start now?" And she jumped
up on the bed again and straddled her Uncle so that his pulsating prick was
near her pussy. Now she was unsure of what to do, so he held her little
hips and guided her small body so as to position her cunt over his dick and
then he lowered her down so that it pushed her lips apart. He pulled her
light body down so she lay along his body and held her tight. Now he began
rhythmically to pump the head against her hole, not really trying to
penetrate her yet. He knew that would be disastrous just now as he was
desperate to shoot is load and the very effort of trying to open her up
would cause him to come. So he decided merely to use her rubbery little
cunt lips to grip the head of his prick, and her thighs to hold the shaft
so that he could spurt his semen into her hole. That would do for

"I'm not going to fuck you just yet Anoleze. I'll just give you a taste
of what it's like. Later, I will push my finger up your hole and prepare
you for my prick. Okay?"

"Mm Hmm," she sighed against his chest as she lay her head on him and
wallowed in the feelings he was giving her.

When he came, poor little Anoleze was bounced and pummelled as he thrust
his dick against her little hole and his bottom rose off the bed each time
a new flood of semen was injected inside her narrow channel. Uncle Tom
grabbed her tight little arse and pulled the cheeks apart as he squeezed
each one roughly using her whole body as a masturbating device.

They both lay still for an age, his sticky sperm oozing out of them both
and wetting the whole area around their sexual parts. They fell asleep for
many minutes before they awoke and took showers - separately - and met up
in the kitchen for snacks and drinks. "So, young lady. You enjoyed your
little sex session did you?"

"Oh, yes. It was great. I think your, er, prick is lovely." And she
slipped off her stool to skip over to him and grasp it in her hand, even as
she took a large bite of biscuit into her mouth.

"Me too," he told her as he watched her studying his tool. It began to
grow again under the influence of her touch. "But we need to talk."

"Yeah?" she enquired.

"Yes, about us and sex and things."

"Okay," she said simply, dropping his dick and slipping back to where
she had been seated. She waited for him to begin.

`This is wrong. Your Mum would be furious if she knew that you were
sitting naked in my kitchen, and had been doing what you have," he
stumbled, unsure how to proceed with this lecture.

"You wouldn't tell her would you, Uncle Tom?" she asked in a growing

"Of course not," he reassured her. "It's just that I'm afraid that
later you will look back on this weekend and regret what you began."

"Never. It's the most wonderful time I've ever had - so far," she
uttered full of enlightened joy. "And I want to do more. I want to know
what it's like. The full thing, you know."

"You want me to fuck you. I know that Anoleze. I'm just nervous that
later you'll wish I hadn't. Then you might tell someone that it was me who
seduced you and I'd be the one in trouble." Uncle Tom voiced his fears even
if, by now, he was desperate to fuck the child.

"I'd never do that. Please fuck me Uncle Tom. I've wanted to do it
with you for ages; it's just that I didn't quite know what it was. I've
always felt nice in my pussy when you've been around..." and he knew the
reason for that - all those times his fingers had pressed against her cunt,
"...and sometimes I felt your hard thing in your pants - it's just that I
didn't know what it was - and wanted to touch it." Images of the past ran
clearly through her young mind as if those things were happening now. "You
used to play with my pussy didn't you Uncle?" She remembered now with
clarity. "I liked it when you did that. Did you ever know?"

"Nope. I wish I did. I would have played with it even more, just to
make you feel even nicer," he lied - well, only about the last bit. Her
pleasure came second to his own needs.

"You were nice to me like no one else ever was. You would buy me things
and kiss me and hug me, as well as play with my pussy. It was nice," she

"I should have sucked on your pussy, you would have liked that," he
ventured, getting enough salacious pleasure out of the thought to
overshadow his regret.

"Well, suck on it today Uncle," she suggested.

"Come here then." And when she willingly approached him, he reached out,
embraced her then lifted her bodily onto the kitchen work top and buried
his face between the legs of a nine-year-old virgin for the first time in
his life. He was in Heaven he decided, the moment he caught the first
sniff of her aroma. She smelt sweet. No sweat - after her shower -
nothing stale, just the sweet smell of little girl and soon, the
nectar-taste of virgin pussy juice.

He lapped greedily at her soft smooth cunt and after a while, sought out
her clitoris. He prized apart her lips and pulled up the firm hood that
covered his prize, and there it was, a small pale-pink button not more than
a quarter-inch long.

Uncle Tom tipped his tongue on the little nubbin and listened for
Anoleze's gasps. She didn't disappoint him. She became very loud as her
button was stimulated. Never before, in her short life, had such feelings
pulsed through her tiny body. Originating from such a small part of her,
immense surges of pleasure were washing up and engulfing her whole being.
She gave herself up to the feelings and fell back onto the cool, hard
surface as her `Uncle' lashed her with his tongue.

Minute after minute - which felt like hour after hour to Anoleze,
because so much that was wonderful was flooding her senses - her clitoris
was stimulated by her lover, engulfing her with feelings she could never
before have imagined. If she didn't love her Uncle Tom before he sucked
her cunt, she certainly did after.

And he too. Her pussy was such a special novelty to him. He loved her
body and, for her generosity in allowing him to do what he was doing, he
loved her too.

Maybe it was at just the right moment or, perhaps to Anoleze, any moment
would have been the right moment, Uncle Tom inserted his index finger into
her tight cunt. The little girl writhed in exquisite pleasure as he tried
to insert it deeper, almost breaking his finger in her contortions. He
managed to get it in to the first knuckle when he felt satisfied enough for
the moment and began to wiggle it about and watch the child coming. The
novelty of a nine-year-old having orgasms fascinated him and he stood up to
watch her. He pulsed his finger in and out of her tight hole and he
studied her face - the parted lips, the nearly closed eyelids with the
rolling eyes behind, the head rocking from side to side and the panting
breath held as she came again and her neck arched, her head back - it all
fascinated him. He marvelled at his power over her as he stood back with
just his forefinger partially inserted into her, and he enjoyed bringing
her off, almost whenever he pleased.

He continued with this game for maybe half-an-hour before he knew that
he had to get his prick into her. He grabbed the butter dish with his
spare hand and removing the lid, spread some over his dick. Now he removed
his finger and quickly replaced it with his prick as best he could. Of
course it wouldn't fit the hole, but Uncle Tom pushed against her firmly.
He pounded it against her hole and suddenly found the head in as far as
he'd got his finger. Now he was up against her hymen and he relished the
thought of busting it. She was his now. Just one small thrust and she'd
be his forever.

He looked down at the small, vulnerable child. How many men, he
thought, would wish to be in his place right then? With his prick partway
inside this little child, ready to take her cherry with one simple thrust,
he savoured the moment and the view. A little girl, a virgin, about to
have a full-grown prick inserted into the tight cunt that had never been
touched before. She lay below him looking tiny in relation to his large

He pushed, harder and harder against her insides. He held her hips
tight in his hands as he pushed. He pulled out a fraction and thrust
against her body. Again. Then again. At last, suddenly, he broke through
and she gasped and cried a small but loud cry. He'd hurt her, but he
didn't worry about it for he knew she was expecting it. He held still to
give her time to accept the soreness before he inserted his throbbing prick
deeper into her. All the time he enjoyed the sensation of her tightness.
Never before had he been inside such a tight cunt as this one. It gripped
almost to a pain, but it was an exquisite pain. A pain like he had
sometimes in his balls when he'd wanted to come for a long time whilst
watching a blue film, but couldn't because he was at a friend's. He
couldn't wait any longer. Later he might fuck this child gently, over a
long period, but now he had to get this over and shoot his load into her.

He started to ride her pussy. He thrust in and then drew out. In
again. Out. In deeper. Out again. In deep again but with a twist to one
side. Out. In again but to the other side. Finally he just had to thrust
in and out like a piston. Harder and faster he drove into the child. His
orgasm built alarmingly within him. His balls were ready to burst and his
prick was throbbing with exquisite pain.

He came, but it was a dry come. Her cunt was so tight it wouldn't let
his sperm up through his shaft and out into her cunt. He shuddered with
the shattering orgasm, but nothing came out.

Uncle Tom continued to pump his little girl, desperate to ejaculate. He
came over and over and pumped harder and harder into the tight cunt. In
time he managed to loosen her grip a fraction, or maybe he'd changed the
angle a little. Either way, he was able to build now to the real thing.
He could feel the difference. Although his previous orgasms were
magnificent, this one was fulfilling to the extreme. He shot into his
child. Wet, warm juice pumped out his dick, filling her channel with
slippery, white sperm. He took his dick out of the girl and pumped with
his hand. The relief from her tightness enabled him to jet more fluid out
and over her tiny body. He shot loads over her. Long strings of jism
covered her from cunt to nipples and, when he was spent, he spread it over
her lovely young body with his bare hands, relishing her smooth, soft
flesh. He kissed her once and fell back against the opposite counter,

Anoleze had lost count how many times she came. At first, counting
hadn't occurred to her but, after several, she realised that she was having
waves of pleasure washing over her and she decided to count them. However,
after twelve or so, she wasn't sure if it was eleven, or fourteen, or what
it was and she became transported into a dreamlike state, almost like she
had been counting sheep. These were much nicer than sheep though. She had
been aware of something lovely filling her body. Although she knew it was
a grown man's cock, and she had images of a great big hard one in her mind,
she, at the same time was not really aware of it inside her. She felt
instead, just a stretching, widening of her insides that was married to the
broadening pleasure that was filling her body. It was just lovely feelings
that were fucking her, not a big hard dick. Later, she would tell Uncle
Tom about her thoughts and he would share his with her. She wanted to talk
about her first fuck. She wanted to relive it and would again with her
school friends. It had been lovely, getting fucked, and she decided it was
one of the most wonderful things in life. She loved being a woman and
knew, from that moment on, that she was glad she hadn't been born a boy. A
boy, she presumed, would only feel good along his dick, whereas she felt
good inside her whole body. On top of that, she concluded, she could lay
back and concentrate on getting fucked and how it felt, whilst her Uncle
had to do the fucking. Being a kind girl, she decided that later, she
would fuck him and let him lay back and enjoy having it done to him.

The two lovers adjourned to the poolside and sipped soft-drinks for an
hour or two without touching each other. They talked a lot - like two
grown ups -, especially about what had just happened and how things would
develop between them. There was no disagreement over anything that was
conjectured. They swam a little, during which activity they touched each
other lovingly, and rested some more. It was a glorious end to the

The two had sex all afternoon, that evening and much of the night. The
next day they rose late and pleasured each other over and over.

Although it was a weekend that was often repeated, it was the one that
Anoleze remembered all her life.

Uncle Tom too.
2006-05-16 22:23:38 UTC
I did not write this FAQ, I only post it in hopes that it will help
answer some questions to newcomers and also set some ground rules to
hopefully keep this group on track, and keep the discussions strictly
anti-pedophile. The FAQ was written when the group was created years
ago, and has had many modifications and changes since then through the
actions of the users of this group.

Your input does count if you are NOT a pedophile.

If you find an error, grammatical, context, broken link, formatting,
spelling, factual, than please remember that a pedophile originally
posted this filthy FAQ and "boy-lovers" aren't very smart. Also if you
think something should be changed, added, or deleted or if you just
don't like baby rapists, please let Secret Squirrel know:


So that the FAQ can keep up to date with the changing times and
our group needs. Thank you for your cooperation and help.
Asked Questions
Revised February 20, 2006
Here are some frequently asked questions (with answers) about
alt.support.boy-lovers, a newsgroup dedicated to bringing a sense of
disgust for adult males who feel attracted to boys on a number of
This FAQ answers many questions about pedophilia in general, including
what it is, what it entails, and who considers themselves to be a lover

of boys.
In this FAQ, the word "orientation" does not imply a sexual
but a feeling of attraction.

1. What is alt.support.boy-lovers?

Originally alt.support.boy lovers was an obvious cover for a pedophile
"pick-up" location and a group for deviate men to find child
pornography. It is now a newsgroup dedicated to stopping the spread of
child pornography and assisting in
the incarceration of pedophile rapists.

2. What is the definition of a "boy lover"?

A "boy-lover" is a child molester or rapist...they are also known
Sexual Deviates
Walking Dead Men
Turds With Eyes
Shit-Stains On The Underwear Of Society

3. Aren't you talking about pedophiles?

"That's EXACTLY what I'm talking about..."

4. Isn't pedophilia or boy love a mental illness or perversion?

"It is both..."

5. What do boy lovers feel?

"They feel caged once we put them in prison for many many

6. What does a boy lover do?

"A "boy lover" preys on underdeveloped children to satisfy his
sexual lust"

7. You mentioned sexual abuse - isn't sex with a minor sexual

"Absoulutely...sex with a minor is not only abuse, it's a CLASS A
FELONY..punishable by 10 years to life in the state prison"

8. Is a.s.b-l a political forum?

"Our only agenda is to stop the flow of child porno and to
do everything in our power to see that pedophiles are sent to
prison..where they belong"

9. What is the group definition of a boy?

"A boy is a minor child under the age of

10. By support, do you mean supporting actions of boy lovers?

"By "support" we mean that we support our state and federal prison
systems as a way of controling the actions of "boy lovers"

11. What guidelines should be followed when posting to a.s.b-l?

"Post links to pedophile tip lines and websites dedicated to closing
pedophile chatrooms, pedo discuss groups and links to organizations
that stop child porno on-line.
File abuse reports every time you find child pornography or groups that

solicit child pornography.
Please feel free to flame the pedo
rapists that lurk in the gutters of ASBL.."

12. Are general items about boys (news stories, poetry/fiction,
diary entries) considered on topic in a.s.b-l?

"No they are not...This isn't a group for mentally challanged adults..
We are only here to protect young boys by eradicating the pedophile"

13. Who else should read a.s.b-l?

The local police, as I post pictures of known pedophiles DAILY...The
and The Department of Justice Child Exploitation unit

14. How can I read a.s.b-l if my local news server doesn't carry it?
How can I post anonymously?
"If you're not a pedophile rapist, you'll have no need to post

15. Come on, this place is flame bait, isn't it?

"We encourage flaming the known pedophiles that lurk in this group"
pedophiles must be prepared for abusive comments as most of the world
hates the ground they walk on.

16. Are boy lovers able to speak freely?
"NO....."boy-lovers" have the right to remain silent"....nothing more"

17. What About girl lovers? Are they
welcome here?

"We don't discriminate...We report "girl lovers" to the authorities

18. Are there any boy lovers I would know?

"boy-lovers" don't stick around here very long, but you might know the
pedophile deviates secret squirrel and company"

19. Are there any good books I can read?

"We post links to many anti-pedophile websites and agencys that report
child porn on the internet"

In essence, a.s.b-l is for Parents and true friends of children who do
not consider themselves in need of conversion to an orientation, ie:
pedophilia other than their natural one.

A boy lover is a male who considers himself attracted to other males
younger than himself. The usual situation is a male past puberty who is

oriented, sexually or not, toward pre-teen or teen-aged boys. Like
other facet of a pedophiles personality, being attracted to boys on
whatever level is a perversion that needs to be stopped before he
commits another rape.
Every "boy lover" is responsible for his sick sexual lust
