In case nobody noticed ...
(too old to reply)
Frank McCoy
2004-02-24 01:06:14 UTC
I'm back on line.
Been doing late-night stuff to get the computers here to work.
Plus, I was designing a new switch-tester late at night, and in the
wee hours of the morning.

Not much time left for much other than downloading the newsgroups and
pulling my email ... And I wasn't always in time to get all of either
one, as my inbox filled up with garbage (mostly worms, spam next, and
general junk email) or the server expired messages before I could
download them.

I've got three books out from the library I'll have to get renewed; as
I'm way behind there too.

Not much sex life either. The wife isn't very interested when I come
to bed at 3:00 to 5:00 AM. Besides, I'd be too tired with only305
hours of sleep.

Thank Goodness that is over now.
All three computers are now working again ... at full speed.
The network is now running.
The kid's high-speed internet service is running.
The test project works, is accepted, and is (mostly) documented).
Maybe I can get some decent sleep tonight.

Heck, maybe I'll even release a story or two from the hopper!
Give me a day or two to get back to normal.

Oh yeah ... I'm working again. Looks like at least a month or so.
Not great pay; but I like the place.
That makes a job a lot better.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
Uncle Sky
2004-02-24 03:48:40 UTC
I noticed and wondered if you were away or I had just missed you some how.

Glad things are working out.
Uncle Sky
Sandra-the-Evil Troll
2004-02-25 04:44:23 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
I'm back on line.
Oh yeah ... I'm working again. Looks like at least a month or
so. Not great pay; but I like the place.
That makes a job a lot better.
SNORT! (pawing the ground with all six feet in Frank's yard).
Nobody noticed!
Nobody cared!
That'll teach ya'!

...(on the flip-side)...

Hi Frank!
Glad to know you are okay.
That's Good News that you are working again.
I'll keep my legs crossed that your job last for several months.

Frank McCoy
2004-02-28 07:55:12 UTC
In alt.fan.frank.mccoy "Sandra-the-Evil Troll"
Post by Sandra-the-Evil Troll
Post by Frank McCoy
I'm back on line.
Oh yeah ... I'm working again. Looks like at least a month or
so. Not great pay; but I like the place.
That makes a job a lot better.
SNORT! (pawing the ground with all six feet in Frank's yard).
Nobody noticed!
Nobody cared!
That'll teach ya'!
...(on the flip-side)...
Hi Frank!
Glad to know you are okay.
That's Good News that you are working again.
I'll keep my legs crossed that your job last for several months.
Keep your legs crossed?
Wouldn't want to deny you your fun, you know. ;-}
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
Sandra-the-Evil Troll
2004-02-29 04:33:14 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
In alt.fan.frank.mccoy "Sandra-the-Evil Troll"
Post by Sandra-the-Evil Troll
Post by Frank McCoy
I'm back on line.
Oh yeah ... I'm working again. Looks like at least a month or
so. Not great pay; but I like the place.
That makes a job a lot better.
SNORT! (pawing the ground with all six feet in Frank's yard).
Nobody noticed!
Nobody cared!
That'll teach ya'!
...(on the flip-side)...
Hi Frank!
Glad to know you are okay.
That's Good News that you are working again.
I'll keep my legs crossed that your job last for several months.
Keep your legs crossed?
Wouldn't want to deny you your fun, you know. ;-}
LOL! I wasn't thinking when I said crossed legs.<bg>
Trolls cross their legs for good luck, while humans cross their fingers.

So again, good luck that your job will last many months.
Some day, Good luck has to knock at your door, when you are home, you hear
it, and answer the door before luck goes away. Did I cover every thing?

