-Ping the Group- Whoa! Leave me out of it!!!
(too old to reply)
2003-08-30 06:18:13 UTC
Last week, I at last posted a hello here to anyone left, to turn out the
lights on there way out. Who knew I jumped into the middle of a
brew-ha-ha over here, only by the nic I choose ... Oops, sorry 2 all
involved ... -
Perhaps a former nic won't arouse such passion ... Dusty Street, Big
Black Cadillac ... -
Best To All- nycz
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Tim Merrigan
2003-08-30 13:36:04 UTC
two points, 1) just because it's quiet doesn't mean it's dead, and this group
tends not to be all that active anyway, so you were premature in asking the
lights be turned out;

2) what's wrong with a limerick duel? I haven't the talent to participate, but
it's fun to watch.

Oh, and 3) thank you for spurring some activity.

Oh, and welcome to the group

Frank, I apologize if I'm usurping your authority here.
Post by F***@White.Wolf.Lodge
Last week, I at last posted a hello here to anyone left, to turn out the
lights on there way out. Who knew I jumped into the middle of a
brew-ha-ha over here, only by the nic I choose ... Oops, sorry 2 all
involved ... -
Perhaps a former nic won't arouse such passion ... Dusty Street, Big
Black Cadillac ... -
Best To All- nycz
I pledge allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to
the republic which it established, one nation from many peoples, promising
liberty and justice for all.

Tim Merrigan
e-mail: ***@comcast.net
URL: http://home.comcast.net/~tppm/home.htm
AIM: tppm1
YM: Tim_Merrigan

Science Fiction fans please try APA-***@yahoogroups.com --
This is a general interest Science Fiction fan list - not an "adult" list.

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Frank McCoy
2003-08-31 20:41:14 UTC
Post by Tim Merrigan
two points, 1) just because it's quiet doesn't mean it's dead, and this group
tends not to be all that active anyway, so you were premature in asking the
lights be turned out;
2) what's wrong with a limerick duel? I haven't the talent to participate, but
it's fun to watch.
Oh, and 3) thank you for spurring some activity.
Oh, and welcome to the group
Frank, I apologize if I'm usurping your authority here.
It's free for all. ;-}
Post by Tim Merrigan
Post by F***@White.Wolf.Lodge
Last week, I at last posted a hello here to anyone left, to turn out the
lights on there way out. Who knew I jumped into the middle of a
brew-ha-ha over here, only by the nic I choose ... Oops, sorry 2 all
involved ... -
Perhaps a former nic won't arouse such passion ... Dusty Street, Big
Black Cadillac ... -
Best To All- nycz
/ ' / ™
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Frank McCoy
2003-08-31 20:40:38 UTC
Post by F***@White.Wolf.Lodge
Last week, I at last posted a hello here to anyone left, to turn out the
lights on there way out. Who knew I jumped into the middle of a
brew-ha-ha over here, only by the nic I choose ... Oops, sorry 2 all
involved ... -
Perhaps a former nic won't arouse such passion ... Dusty Street, Big
Black Cadillac ... -
Best To All- nycz
The group activity varies ... Mainly by whether I post anything of
interest either here or in the stories newsgroups.

I've not been posting many stories lately; so not that much activity.

/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_