Genuine FAQ for alt.support.boy-lovers
(too old to reply)
2006-02-21 16:40:17 UTC
I did not write this FAQ, I only post it in hopes that it will help
answer some questions to newcomers and also set some ground rules to
hopefully keep this group on track, and keep the discussions strictly
anti-pedophile. The FAQ was written when the group was created years
ago, and has had many modifications and changes since then through the
actions of the users of this group.

Your input does count if you are NOT a pedophile.

If you find an error, grammatical, context, broken link, formatting,
spelling, factual, than please remember that a pedophile originally
posted this filthy FAQ and "boy-lovers" aren't very smart. Also if you
think something should be changed, added, or deleted or if you just
don't like baby rapists, please let Secret Squirrel know:


So that the FAQ can keep up to date with the changing times and
our group needs. Thank you for your cooperation and help.
Asked Questions
Revised February 20, 2006
Here are some frequently asked questions (with answers) about
alt.support.boy-lovers, a newsgroup dedicated to bringing a sense of
disgust for adult males who feel attracted to boys on a number of
This FAQ answers many questions about pedophilia in general, including
what it is, what it entails, and who considers themselves to be a lover

of boys.
In this FAQ, the word "orientation" does not imply a sexual
but a feeling of attraction.

1. What is alt.support.boy-lovers?

Originally alt.support.boy lovers was an obvious cover for a pedophile
"pick-up" location and a group for deviate men to find child
pornography. It is now a newsgroup dedicated to stopping the spread of
child pornography and assisting in
the incarceration of pedophile rapists.

2. What is the definition of a "boy lover"?

A "boy-lover" is a child molester or rapist...they are also known
Sexual Deviates
Walking Dead Men
Turds With Eyes
Shit-Stains On The Underwear Of Society

3. Aren't you talking about pedophiles?

"That's EXACTLY what I'm talking about..."

4. Isn't pedophilia or boy love a mental illness or perversion?

"It is both..."

5. What do boy lovers feel?

"They feel caged once we put them in prison for many many

6. What does a boy lover do?

"A "boy lover" preys on underdeveloped children to satisfy his
sexual lust"

7. You mentioned sexual abuse - isn't sex with a minor sexual

"Absoulutely...sex with a minor is not only abuse, it's a CLASS A
FELONY..punishable by 10 years to life in the state prison"

8. Is a.s.b-l a political forum?

"Our only agenda is to stop the flow of child porno and to
do everything in our power to see that pedophiles are sent to
prison..where they belong"

9. What is the group definition of a boy?

"A boy is a minor child under the age of

10. By support, do you mean supporting actions of boy lovers?

"By "support" we mean that we support our state and federal prison
systems as a way of controling the actions of "boy lovers"

11. What guidelines should be followed when posting to a.s.b-l?

"Post links to pedophile tip lines and websites dedicated to closing
pedophile chatrooms, pedo discuss groups and links to organizations
that stop child porno on-line.
File abuse reports every time you find child pornography or groups that
solicit child pornography.
Please feel free to flame the pedo
rapists that lurk in the gutters of ASBL.."

12. Are general items about boys (news stories, poetry/fiction,
diary entries) considered on topic in a.s.b-l?

"No they are not...This isn't a group for mentally challanged adults..
We are only here to protect young boys by eradicating the pedophile"

13. Who else should read a.s.b-l?

The local police, as I post pictures of known pedophiles DAILY...The
and The Department of Justice Child Exploitation unit

14. How can I read a.s.b-l if my local news server doesn't carry it?
How can I post anonymously?
"If you're not a pedophile rapist, you'll have no need to post

15. Come on, this place is flame bait, isn't it?

"We encourage flaming the known pedophiles that lurk in this group"
pedophiles must be prepared for abusive comments as most of the world
hates the ground they walk on.

16. Are boy lovers able to speak freely?
"NO....."boy-lovers" have the right to remain silent"....nothing more"

17. What About girl lovers? Are they
welcome here?

"We don't discriminate...We report "girl lovers" to the authorities

18. Are there any boy lovers I would know?

"boy-lovers" don't stick around here very long, but you might know the
pedophile deviates secret squirrel and company"

19. Are there any good books I can read?

"We post links to many anti-pedophile websites and agencys that report
child porn on the internet"

In essence, a.s.b-l is for Parents and true friends of children who do
not consider themselves in need of conversion to an orientation, ie:
pedophilia other than their natural one.

A boy lover is a male who considers himself attracted to other males
younger than himself. The usual situation is a male past puberty who is

oriented, sexually or not, toward pre-teen or teen-aged boys. Like
other facet of a pedophiles personality, being attracted to boys on
whatever level is a perversion that needs to be stopped before he
commits another rape.
Every "boy lover" is responsible for his sick sexual lust
2006-02-22 01:46:12 UTC
Post by bobandcarole
I did not write this FAQ, I only post it in hopes that it will help
answer some questions to newcomers and also set some ground rules to
hopefully keep this group on track, and keep the discussions strictly
anti-pedophile. The FAQ was written when the group was created years
ago, and has had many modifications and changes since then through the
actions of the users of this group.
Your input does count if you are NOT a pedophile.
If you find an error, grammatical, context, broken link, formatting,
spelling, factual, than please remember that a pedophile originally
posted this filthy FAQ and "boy-lovers" aren't very smart. Also if you
think something should be changed, added, or deleted or if you just
So that the FAQ can keep up to date with the changing times and
our group needs. Thank you for your cooperation and help.
Asked Questions
Revised February 20, 2006
Here are some frequently asked questions (with answers) about
alt.support.boy-lovers, a newsgroup dedicated to bringing a sense of
disgust for adult males who feel attracted to boys on a number of
This FAQ answers many questions about pedophilia in general, including
what it is, what it entails, and who considers themselves to be a lover
of boys.
In this FAQ, the word "orientation" does not imply a sexual
but a feeling of attraction.
1. What is alt.support.boy-lovers?
Originally alt.support.boy lovers was an obvious cover for a pedophile
"pick-up" location and a group for deviate men to find child
pornography. It is now a newsgroup dedicated to stopping the spread of
child pornography and assisting in
the incarceration of pedophile rapists.
2. What is the definition of a "boy lover"?
A "boy-lover" is a child molester or rapist...they are also known
Sexual Deviates
Walking Dead Men
Turds With Eyes
Shit-Stains On The Underwear Of Society
3. Aren't you talking about pedophiles?
"That's EXACTLY what I'm talking about..."
4. Isn't pedophilia or boy love a mental illness or perversion?
"It is both..."
5. What do boy lovers feel?
"They feel caged once we put them in prison for many many
6. What does a boy lover do?
"A "boy lover" preys on underdeveloped children to satisfy his
sexual lust"
7. You mentioned sexual abuse - isn't sex with a minor sexual
"Absoulutely...sex with a minor is not only abuse, it's a CLASS A
FELONY..punishable by 10 years to life in the state prison"
8. Is a.s.b-l a political forum?
"Our only agenda is to stop the flow of child porno and to
do everything in our power to see that pedophiles are sent to
prison..where they belong"
9. What is the group definition of a boy?
"A boy is a minor child under the age of
10. By support, do you mean supporting actions of boy lovers?
"By "support" we mean that we support our state and federal prison
systems as a way of controling the actions of "boy lovers"
11. What guidelines should be followed when posting to a.s.b-l?
"Post links to pedophile tip lines and websites dedicated to closing
pedophile chatrooms, pedo discuss groups and links to organizations
that stop child porno on-line.
File abuse reports every time you find child pornography or groups that
solicit child pornography.
Please feel free to flame the pedo
rapists that lurk in the gutters of ASBL.."
12. Are general items about boys (news stories, poetry/fiction,
diary entries) considered on topic in a.s.b-l?
"No they are not...This isn't a group for mentally challanged adults..
We are only here to protect young boys by eradicating the pedophile"
13. Who else should read a.s.b-l?
The local police, as I post pictures of known pedophiles DAILY...The
and The Department of Justice Child Exploitation unit
14. How can I read a.s.b-l if my local news server doesn't carry it?
How can I post anonymously?
"If you're not a pedophile rapist, you'll have no need to post
15. Come on, this place is flame bait, isn't it?
"We encourage flaming the known pedophiles that lurk in this group"
pedophiles must be prepared for abusive comments as most of the world
hates the ground they walk on.
16. Are boy lovers able to speak freely?
"NO....."boy-lovers" have the right to remain silent"....nothing more"
17. What About girl lovers? Are they
welcome here?
"We don't discriminate...We report "girl lovers" to the authorities
18. Are there any boy lovers I would know?
"boy-lovers" don't stick around here very long, but you might know the
pedophile deviates secret squirrel and company"
19. Are there any good books I can read?
"We post links to many anti-pedophile websites and agencys that report
child porn on the internet"
In essence, a.s.b-l is for Parents and true friends of children who do
pedophilia other than their natural one.
A boy lover is a male who considers himself attracted to other males
younger than himself. The usual situation is a male past puberty who is
oriented, sexually or not, toward pre-teen or teen-aged boys. Like
other facet of a pedophiles personality, being attracted to boys on
whatever level is a perversion that needs to be stopped before he
commits another rape.
Every "boy lover" is responsible for his sick sexual lust
2006-02-22 15:34:49 UTC
Post by bobandcarole
I did not write this FAQ, I only post it in hopes that it will help
answer some questions to newcomers and also set some ground rules to
hopefully keep this group on track, and keep the discussions strictly
anti-pedophile. The FAQ was written when the group was created years
ago, and has had many modifications and changes since then through the
actions of the users of this group.
Your input does count if you are NOT a pedophile.
If you find an error, grammatical, context, broken link, formatting,
spelling, factual, than please remember that a pedophile originally
posted this filthy FAQ and "boy-lovers" aren't very smart. Also if you
think something should be changed, added, or deleted or if you just
So that the FAQ can keep up to date with the changing times and
our group needs. Thank you for your cooperation and help.
Asked Questions
Revised February 20, 2006
Here are some frequently asked questions (with answers) about
alt.support.boy-lovers, a newsgroup dedicated to bringing a sense of
disgust for adult males who feel attracted to boys on a number of
This FAQ answers many questions about pedophilia in general, including
what it is, what it entails, and who considers themselves to be a lover
of boys.
In this FAQ, the word "orientation" does not imply a sexual
but a feeling of attraction.
1. What is alt.support.boy-lovers?
Originally alt.support.boy lovers was an obvious cover for a pedophile
"pick-up" location and a group for deviate men to find child
pornography. It is now a newsgroup dedicated to stopping the spread of
child pornography and assisting in
the incarceration of pedophile rapists.
2. What is the definition of a "boy lover"?
A "boy-lover" is a child molester or rapist...they are also known
Sexual Deviates
Walking Dead Men
Turds With Eyes
Shit-Stains On The Underwear Of Society
3. Aren't you talking about pedophiles?
"That's EXACTLY what I'm talking about..."
4. Isn't pedophilia or boy love a mental illness or perversion?
"It is both..."
5. What do boy lovers feel?
"They feel caged once we put them in prison for many many
6. What does a boy lover do?
"A "boy lover" preys on underdeveloped children to satisfy his
sexual lust"
7. You mentioned sexual abuse - isn't sex with a minor sexual
"Absoulutely...sex with a minor is not only abuse, it's a CLASS A
FELONY..punishable by 10 years to life in the state prison"
8. Is a.s.b-l a political forum?
"Our only agenda is to stop the flow of child porno and to
do everything in our power to see that pedophiles are sent to
prison..where they belong"
9. What is the group definition of a boy?
"A boy is a minor child under the age of
10. By support, do you mean supporting actions of boy lovers?
"By "support" we mean that we support our state and federal prison
systems as a way of controling the actions of "boy lovers"
11. What guidelines should be followed when posting to a.s.b-l?
"Post links to pedophile tip lines and websites dedicated to closing
pedophile chatrooms, pedo discuss groups and links to organizations
that stop child porno on-line.
File abuse reports every time you find child pornography or groups that
solicit child pornography.
Please feel free to flame the pedo
rapists that lurk in the gutters of ASBL.."
12. Are general items about boys (news stories, poetry/fiction,
diary entries) considered on topic in a.s.b-l?
"No they are not...This isn't a group for mentally challanged adults..
We are only here to protect young boys by eradicating the pedophile"
13. Who else should read a.s.b-l?
The local police, as I post pictures of known pedophiles DAILY...The
and The Department of Justice Child Exploitation unit
14. How can I read a.s.b-l if my local news server doesn't carry it?
How can I post anonymously?
"If you're not a pedophile rapist, you'll have no need to post
15. Come on, this place is flame bait, isn't it?
"We encourage flaming the known pedophiles that lurk in this group"
pedophiles must be prepared for abusive comments as most of the world
hates the ground they walk on.
16. Are boy lovers able to speak freely?
"NO....."boy-lovers" have the right to remain silent"....nothing more"
17. What About girl lovers? Are they
welcome here?
"We don't discriminate...We report "girl lovers" to the authorities
18. Are there any boy lovers I would know?
"boy-lovers" don't stick around here very long, but you might know the
pedophile deviates secret squirrel and company"
19. Are there any good books I can read?
"We post links to many anti-pedophile websites and agencys that report
child porn on the internet"
In essence, a.s.b-l is for Parents and true friends of children who do
pedophilia other than their natural one.
A boy lover is a male who considers himself attracted to other males
younger than himself. The usual situation is a male past puberty who is
oriented, sexually or not, toward pre-teen or teen-aged boys. Like
other facet of a pedophiles personality, being attracted to boys on
whatever level is a perversion that needs to be stopped before he
commits another rape.
Every "boy lover" is responsible for his sick sexual lust