Boys are Bullied by Anti-Gay Cultures
(too old to reply)
Affirmative Action
2005-03-11 21:39:04 UTC
Homophobic men are pederasts.

Anti-feminine men are also boy-abusers.
Frank McCoy
2005-03-11 21:45:18 UTC
Post by Affirmative Action
Homophobic men are pederasts.
Some are ... But not most, as you accuse.
Accusing ALL of a group of being as bad as the worst is being a bigot.
Post by Affirmative Action
Anti-feminine men are also boy-abusers.
Same thing: Some are ... but not all that many.

It doesn't TAKE many to be unfair.
But it's equally unfair to blame the all for the faults of the few.
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Tim Merrigan
2005-03-12 02:53:28 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Affirmative Action
Homophobic men are pederasts.
Some are ... But not most, as you accuse.
Accusing ALL of a group of being as bad as the worst is being a bigot.
Post by Affirmative Action
Anti-feminine men are also boy-abusers.
Same thing: Some are ... but not all that many.
It doesn't TAKE many to be unfair.
But it's equally unfair to blame the all for the faults of the few.
You are so generous to trolls, based on content I suspect this is Fair
For All, or whatever the hell his nic was, from asgl, with a new nic.
I pledge allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America,
and to the republic which it established, one nation, from many peoples,
promising liberty and justice for all.
Feel free to use the above variant pledge in your own postings.

Tim Merrigan
Frank McCoy
2005-03-12 03:10:08 UTC
Post by Tim Merrigan
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Affirmative Action
Homophobic men are pederasts.
Some are ... But not most, as you accuse.
Accusing ALL of a group of being as bad as the worst is being a bigot.
Post by Affirmative Action
Anti-feminine men are also boy-abusers.
Same thing: Some are ... but not all that many.
It doesn't TAKE many to be unfair.
But it's equally unfair to blame the all for the faults of the few.
You are so generous to trolls, based on content I suspect this is Fair
For All, or whatever the hell his nic was, from asgl, with a new nic.
Yeah, but both he and fair-for-all DO engage in real dialog, unlike regular
trolls. So I answer posts to keep from allowing their unfair claims to go
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