Is life worth living under prop. 83?
(too old to reply)
Brandon D Cartwright
2008-03-10 10:33:39 UTC
On Sun, 09 Mar 2008 18:03:36 -0700, Brandon D Cartwright
Is life worth living under prop. 83?
I have been convicted of a sex crime. Long ago, when I was a kid, I
played "doctor" with my two younger sisters and now, here I am, charged
with "sexual assualt" and "child molestation". I have paid for "whatever
crime" I may have committed, did my time, finished parole with success
and accepted the fact that I will forever have to be deemed as a
"molester" and "predator". Since my release, I have worked so hard to
build my life, to be a "normal" citizen of the US even though I have to
register for life and be in a database for the whole world to see,
scrutinize and mock. Is this in itself not running afoul of the ex post
facto? Regardless of your response, it's okay, becase I have accepted my
fate and will accept the fact that I can no longer be a "normal" citizen
but instead a second class citizen. So many of us "sex-offenders" are
harmless. So many of us have long paid our debts. So many of us have
suffered humiliation, lost family, friends, sons and daughters because
we have this disgusting label. So many of us have lost our jobs, been
evicted, or simply cannot find work and shelter. Is this not good
But now, with the advent of Prop 83, my heart bears the weight of a
thousand pounds. I can no longer even attempt to "paint" a smile on my
face and pretend everything is alright. I will be forced to move from my
home, to quit my job. I will be forced to be tracked like a wild animal,
to be badged with an ankle bracelet as if like the mark of the beast.
Satellite lifetime monitoring is mandatory for repeat sex offenders
and violent sex offenders..
You claim to be a victim and only "played doctor" wit your sisters.
I that dispicable? Am I so worthless of an American citizen, a human
being, that even a zoo animal shall have more rights than I? For the
life of me, I try to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but the
mist and the fog hinders my view. For the life of me, I try to tell
myself that everything is alright, but the deepest part of me, my soul,
is telling me, no! It's not alright.
So then what is left? Absolutely nothing! This life that I tried so hard
to build amongst my shortcomings is now meaningless. Life isn't worth
living anymore.
Are you saying you have to move because you live close to a school or
You are back off of the PLONK status, Brandon-boy.
He is lamenting because *ONE* fucking mistake in his earlier life has
condemned him to being beneath the likes of *****YOU*****.
Well so he appears to say...but on further investigation it is just a
cut and paste from a well organized advocacy site for registered sex
offenders..or sex registrants as they call themselves..

IOW spam..

The conditions he complains of do not apply to anyone with his
purported history..but to repeat offenders and violent predators..
Which is beyond my comprehension, because there is nothing lower than
the dog-shit named Brandon Cartwright. But, our legal system says
that it must be that way...
Do you actually think violent predators and repeat offenders should
NOT be monitored?

Do you actually think sex predators should be ALLOWED to wander around
playgrounds and schools at will?
It is people like you, Brandon, who are condemning this nation to a
very early grave.
Hitler would be proud of you, asshole...
Clearly you wish to politicize your depraved proclivities rather than
acknowledge your sickness..but folk of all political persuasions are
concerned at the activities of pedophiles...

FYI Fascism is a socio-economic phenomenon and nothing to do with
pedophiles being free to assault children... or post videos of tem
being sexually assaulted to each other..

If you research his group you will see the pedophiles in it have
*very* different views of their behavior to you..who is so proud of
your sick urges..



Expressions of regret by convicted sex offenders in prisons or
treatment groups across the country are being posted here at their
request in the hope that the people they harmed will be helped by
knowing that they suffer too. This because, in many instances, they
have no other way to make their apology known. Out of respect for the
privacy of victims, only initials are being used. Equally, the same is
being done out of concern for the personal safety of the writers.
Additional such offerings will be added as they arrive. This is where
recovery begins. This is where it starts. Any viewer of this site who
wishes to have an equally anonymous apology posted is welcome to send
it to: ***@californiaregistrants.net

Convicted child molester 'how blessed I was to have a daughter'

Dear K., I wish I could have been a better daddy to you...please know
that what I was doing to you was and is wrong. My selfishness also
forced you to keep secrets from mom and your brother and everyone
else. You did not deserve that.

It is not your fault, honey. You are still precious and also very
valuable. I pray daily for God's grace over you...you are the bravest
little girl I know. Thank you, "K," for telling mommy what I was
doing...Through open eyes I can truly see how blessed I was...to have
a daughter...

Love, Dad

R.G. Wisconsin state prison

Convicted child molester 'not even I know why'

Dear A. and M., I wish to God that I should not have to write this
letter. The truth is that unfortunately I must because through my
actions I have hurt you. Although I know that nothing I can say will
take away the pain I have caused to both of you. There is nothing that
I can do to recompense for all the wrong I have done. All I can do is
ask for your forgiveness and pray to God that one day you can find it
in your heart to forgive me. And please believe me when I say that if
I could, (I would) give my own life to take away all the pain I have
caused to everyone involved.

A., I must come to you first because it is you whom I betrayed. I
stole away your innocence when all you were looking for was a father
figure to love you...I want you to know that I have been praying for
you every day since my arrest. I pray and hope that God will grant you
the strength to become a better man than...I.

M., I don't even know where to begin. We have been friends since
childhood yet I betrayed that friendship. You entrusted me with your
most precious possession...I wish I could help you understand why or
how I could have done the things that I did...but I can't...There is
no excuse. All I can say to you is that I am sorry. Sincerely,

T.M., Michigan prison

Convicted child molester 'an overwhelming flood of sorrow'

Dear K., I've been needing, wanting, urgently anticipating having the
opportunity to write this letter for a long time. I sincerely
apologize, form the very essence of my whole being, and before God. I
am so very sorry that I offended your mind, soul and body...I am
deeply apologetic to what I have done to you and your family...

I am hoping that by at least apologizing to you some amount of healing
will result...please know that I am sincere. From the moment I
offended you, I felt an immense and overwhelming flood of shame and
guilt, something I feel to this day. This shame and guilt has
propelled me on an ever expanding journey to find out who I am and
what could have caused me to harm another human being...

If I had known that the abuse I endured as a child would effect how I
dealt with relationships...I may have been able to prevent my causing
harm to you. I admire you for your courage. I am glad that you told
someone. You did the right thing. You have allowed me to confront a
problem that could have become much worse. Since my incarceration I
have had the oppportunity to understand sexual abuse...I did not know
how wrong it was until I had a chance to learn about it. ...it will
not ever happen again to another person.

...it was not your fault at all that I chose to harm you. ...I used
drugs and alcohol to escape the pain of (my own) confusion and of
confronting who I was. Instead of escaping the problem, the drugs and
alcohol brought out a part of me that I had buried. Also desensitizing
myself with pornography...

As I revisit my life...I have no qualm with paying the penalty of
prison for my actions, rather I look upon my penitence as a
blessing... Please accept my apologies...I wish with every fiber of my
being that you have a happy, healthy and safe life from here on...

Most ever sincerely, S.R., New York correctional facility

Convicted child molester "I was the one sick."

Dear --

This letter is difficult to write as it's hard to know where to start.
I'm writing to say that I am sorry for the things I did to you and the
pain I caused. I want you to know that it was not and is not your
fault. You did nothing wrong. You were a child and deserved to be
protected. I was the one sick and with the problem. You trusted me as
children trust adults and I violated that trust by abusing you.

Please know that I am working hard to change my life and I know that
the only true "I'm sorry" is to never hurt anyone again and I am on
that journey.

M.M. Minnesota secure treatment facility

Convicted sex offender "I am sorry for breaking that trust between

Dear J,

I want to start off by saying I'm sorry for everything that I have put
you through. I'm sorry for breaking that trust between us. I should
have known better and I should have treated you with more respet than
I have shown you. I am sorry for putting you through that pain and I
truly hope that you are doing well with your...son you do have. I hope
you get joy out of him (and) that your counselling sessions have been
able to help you through your troubles and pains.

I want nothing but the best for you and that you deserve some
happiness in your life. I hope that you will have a blessed life and I
pray for you everyday.

M., California state prison

Multiple sex offender "Dear Victims..."

Dear Victims: Since entering treatment and genuinely engaging in all
aspects of the treatment program I have been able to consciously
recognize and accept the effects of my crimes...I do sincerely regreat
all the misdeeds of my past life and...I seek avenues in which I can
make amends.

...My future endeavors will not be for personal gain, but to bring the
word to others in an informative manner to hopefully help thwart
future victimization. This is my goal and my promise to you.

J.D., Minnesota correctional facility

Convicted Child Molester 'May I become only a dim shadow in your

The words "I am sorry" do not begin to properly express my feelings of
guilt and shame that I have for my crimes against you and your
family...I do not and cannot ask you for your forgiveness. I deserve
none...Were it possible, I woul gladly take back each harm, each
injury, and all the tears and sorrows that I brought into your life.
You did nothing to deserve all of that.

...it is my hope and prayer that you...are successful in everything
that Life has brought to you. Indeed, it is my most sincere and
heartfelt hope that you do not even think of me. That I have become no
more than a dim shadow in your memories...

M.R.H., Wisconsin state prison

Incest Offender 'fulfill your purpose in life'

Dear J and B, It's been six years since my arrest and I've spent most
of my time in prison trying to understand how I could have molested
you both while at the same time claiming I love you...Please forgive
me. I am so very sorry for what happened.

...when I was five years old some neighbors started molesting me...I
married your mom thinking she would meet my emotional needs...I only
took from her without giving back. I caught your mom in an adulterous
affair...I fell apart and..I molested you...

As you know, when you said stop I did. It was like a light came on and
I was suddenly ashamed.

I am so very sorry. I really didn't mean to hurt you...I'll always
love you and am with you in spirit. I pray for your inner healing and
trust that you will fulfill your purpose in life.

J. California state prison

Convicted child molester "To the child I hurt"

I pray that you will know that in your heart I am sorry for all the
pain I have caused you. There is much I have taken from you. I know I
can't erase all the tears and heartache. Know that everyday I spend in
prison I spend praying for you.

Know this: that when I took you in my arms, gave you a hug and broke
down in tears and told you how sorry I was-- knowing you accepted what
I told you meant a lot to me. Everyday that I live in prison I live
for you and for future generations. I refuse to make excuses for the
ills I have caused you...only love and prayer for healing for you. For
me and you, for our family and society as a whole and the world as a

I long for the day I can show you my sincerity and allow you to know
the sorrow, heartache and sympathy I have for you...Please don't give
up on yourself or your dreams.

The following are passages out of the Bible I have written down in
hopes you can read them: Psalms 103:5, Psalms 103: 17,
Isaiah 54:13-14. God bless you.

G.M.S. Wisconsin state prison

Convicted child molester "I apologize for the assaults that I
committed against you all."

I apologize for the assaults that I committed against you all. I want
you to know none of those acts forced upon you were ever any fault of
yours. I manipulated you and groomed you to gain your love and trust
only to betray you. I had no right to rob you of your innocence.

I apologize for using you (and for my) cowardly sexual assaults...I
apologize for not treating you as a human being. I apologize for
threatening to harm your loved ones if you did not comply with my

I apologize for all of the pain, embarassment and humiliation my
assaultive behaviors have caused to all of you, members of your family
and friends in the community.

E.J.L. Oregon prison

Convicted child molester "My father committed suicide after
molesting a 14-year old girl."

Dear D.S., I'm writing to apologize for what I did to you and offer my
best wishes as you move forward in life. I know the emotional and
psychological harm I caused you when I molested you and videotaped the
incident has had a negative impact on your life...I also convinced you
to lie to the police so that I wouldn't be arrested. When I continued
to buy things for you, I was hoping to keep you from ever telling on

I'm sorry for molesting you and for the pain I caused to you and your
family. I know that you will never be able to forget what happened
that night, but I do hope you will be able to forgive me at some

At first, I didn't realize the pain and hurt I caused you...However,
in court your mother made me realize just how much harm I caused you:
that you have had many difficult times at home, and in school...a hard
time with relating to adult males. I'm so sorry for what I did to you
and pray that you can get the psychological help you need.

I've dealt with an attraction to young boys for most of my life and
wish that I would have gotten the help I needed...I remember telling
you about my father committing suicide...(h)e was accused of molesting
a 14-year-old girl. I was about your age at the time. (It) messed me
up for some time.

...I will never try to make excuses for what I did to you....My goal
in life now is to make certain that I never again molest, and hurt,
another person. I have begun therapy, and will continue to do so for
the rest of my life...I'm doing everything I can to prevent this from
happening again...I also truly hope you can get professional help so
that you don't ever cause harm to anyone.

I wish you the best...apologize for the pain I caused...hope that you
will be able to forgive me. Sincerely,

A.B., Michigan correctional facility
2008-03-10 12:30:35 UTC
On Mon, 10 Mar 2008 03:33:39 -0700, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Sun, 09 Mar 2008 18:03:36 -0700, Brandon D Cartwright
Is life worth living under prop. 83?
I have been convicted of a sex crime. Long ago, when I was a kid, I
played "doctor" with my two younger sisters and now, here I am, charged
with "sexual assualt" and "child molestation". I have paid for "whatever
crime" I may have committed, did my time, finished parole with success
and accepted the fact that I will forever have to be deemed as a
"molester" and "predator". Since my release, I have worked so hard to
build my life, to be a "normal" citizen of the US even though I have to
register for life and be in a database for the whole world to see,
scrutinize and mock. Is this in itself not running afoul of the ex post
facto? Regardless of your response, it's okay, becase I have accepted my
fate and will accept the fact that I can no longer be a "normal" citizen
but instead a second class citizen. So many of us "sex-offenders" are
harmless. So many of us have long paid our debts. So many of us have
suffered humiliation, lost family, friends, sons and daughters because
we have this disgusting label. So many of us have lost our jobs, been
evicted, or simply cannot find work and shelter. Is this not good
But now, with the advent of Prop 83, my heart bears the weight of a
thousand pounds. I can no longer even attempt to "paint" a smile on my
face and pretend everything is alright. I will be forced to move from my
home, to quit my job. I will be forced to be tracked like a wild animal,
to be badged with an ankle bracelet as if like the mark of the beast.
Satellite lifetime monitoring is mandatory for repeat sex offenders
and violent sex offenders..
You claim to be a victim and only "played doctor" wit your sisters.
I that dispicable? Am I so worthless of an American citizen, a human
being, that even a zoo animal shall have more rights than I? For the
life of me, I try to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but the
mist and the fog hinders my view. For the life of me, I try to tell
myself that everything is alright, but the deepest part of me, my soul,
is telling me, no! It's not alright.
So then what is left? Absolutely nothing! This life that I tried so hard
to build amongst my shortcomings is now meaningless. Life isn't worth
living anymore.
Are you saying you have to move because you live close to a school or
You are back off of the PLONK status, Brandon-boy.
He is lamenting because *ONE* fucking mistake in his earlier life has
condemned him to being beneath the likes of *****YOU*****.
Well so he appears to say...but on further investigation it is just a
cut and paste from a well organized advocacy site for registered sex
offenders..or sex registrants as they call themselves..
IOW spam..
The conditions he complains of do not apply to anyone with his
purported history..but to repeat offenders and violent predators..
Which is beyond my comprehension, because there is nothing lower than
the dog-shit named Brandon Cartwright. But, our legal system says
that it must be that way...
Do you actually think violent predators and repeat offenders should
NOT be monitored?
Do you actually think sex predators should be ALLOWED to wander around
playgrounds and schools at will?
It is people like you, Brandon, who are condemning this nation to a
very early grave.
Hitler would be proud of you, asshole...
Clearly you wish to politicize your depraved proclivities rather than
acknowledge your sickness..but folk of all political persuasions are
concerned at the activities of pedophiles...
FYI Fascism is a socio-economic phenomenon and nothing to do with
pedophiles being free to assault children... or post videos of tem
being sexually assaulted to each other..
If you research his group you will see the pedophiles in it have
*very* different views of their behavior to you..who is so proud of
your sick urges..
Expressions of regret by convicted sex offenders in prisons or
treatment groups across the country are being posted here at their
request in the hope that the people they harmed will be helped by
knowing that they suffer too. This because, in many instances, they
have no other way to make their apology known. Out of respect for the
privacy of victims, only initials are being used. Equally, the same is
being done out of concern for the personal safety of the writers.
Additional such offerings will be added as they arrive. This is where
recovery begins. This is where it starts. Any viewer of this site who
wishes to have an equally anonymous apology posted is welcome to send
Convicted child molester 'how blessed I was to have a daughter'
Dear K., I wish I could have been a better daddy to you...please know
that what I was doing to you was and is wrong. My selfishness also
forced you to keep secrets from mom and your brother and everyone
else. You did not deserve that.
It is not your fault, honey. You are still precious and also very
valuable. I pray daily for God's grace over you...you are the bravest
little girl I know. Thank you, "K," for telling mommy what I was
doing...Through open eyes I can truly see how blessed I was...to have
a daughter...
Love, Dad
R.G. Wisconsin state prison
Convicted child molester 'not even I know why'
Dear A. and M., I wish to God that I should not have to write this
letter. The truth is that unfortunately I must because through my
actions I have hurt you. Although I know that nothing I can say will
take away the pain I have caused to both of you. There is nothing that
I can do to recompense for all the wrong I have done. All I can do is
ask for your forgiveness and pray to God that one day you can find it
in your heart to forgive me. And please believe me when I say that if
I could, (I would) give my own life to take away all the pain I have
caused to everyone involved.
A., I must come to you first because it is you whom I betrayed. I
stole away your innocence when all you were looking for was a father
figure to love you...I want you to know that I have been praying for
you every day since my arrest. I pray and hope that God will grant you
the strength to become a better man than...I.
M., I don't even know where to begin. We have been friends since
childhood yet I betrayed that friendship. You entrusted me with your
most precious possession...I wish I could help you understand why or
how I could have done the things that I did...but I can't...There is
no excuse. All I can say to you is that I am sorry. Sincerely,
T.M., Michigan prison
Convicted child molester 'an overwhelming flood of sorrow'
Dear K., I've been needing, wanting, urgently anticipating having the
opportunity to write this letter for a long time. I sincerely
apologize, form the very essence of my whole being, and before God. I
am so very sorry that I offended your mind, soul and body...I am
deeply apologetic to what I have done to you and your family...
I am hoping that by at least apologizing to you some amount of healing
will result...please know that I am sincere. From the moment I
offended you, I felt an immense and overwhelming flood of shame and
guilt, something I feel to this day. This shame and guilt has
propelled me on an ever expanding journey to find out who I am and
what could have caused me to harm another human being...
If I had known that the abuse I endured as a child would effect how I
dealt with relationships...I may have been able to prevent my causing
harm to you. I admire you for your courage. I am glad that you told
someone. You did the right thing. You have allowed me to confront a
problem that could have become much worse. Since my incarceration I
have had the oppportunity to understand sexual abuse...I did not know
how wrong it was until I had a chance to learn about it. ...it will
not ever happen again to another person.
...it was not your fault at all that I chose to harm you. ...I used
drugs and alcohol to escape the pain of (my own) confusion and of
confronting who I was. Instead of escaping the problem, the drugs and
alcohol brought out a part of me that I had buried. Also desensitizing
myself with pornography...
As I revisit my life...I have no qualm with paying the penalty of
prison for my actions, rather I look upon my penitence as a
blessing... Please accept my apologies...I wish with every fiber of my
being that you have a happy, healthy and safe life from here on...
Most ever sincerely, S.R., New York correctional facility
Convicted child molester "I was the one sick."
Dear --
This letter is difficult to write as it's hard to know where to start.
I'm writing to say that I am sorry for the things I did to you and the
pain I caused. I want you to know that it was not and is not your
fault. You did nothing wrong. You were a child and deserved to be
protected. I was the one sick and with the problem. You trusted me as
children trust adults and I violated that trust by abusing you.
Please know that I am working hard to change my life and I know that
the only true "I'm sorry" is to never hurt anyone again and I am on
that journey.
M.M. Minnesota secure treatment facility
Convicted sex offender "I am sorry for breaking that trust between
Dear J,
I want to start off by saying I'm sorry for everything that I have put
you through. I'm sorry for breaking that trust between us. I should
have known better and I should have treated you with more respet than
I have shown you. I am sorry for putting you through that pain and I
truly hope that you are doing well with your...son you do have. I hope
you get joy out of him (and) that your counselling sessions have been
able to help you through your troubles and pains.
I want nothing but the best for you and that you deserve some
happiness in your life. I hope that you will have a blessed life and I
pray for you everyday.
M., California state prison
Multiple sex offender "Dear Victims..."
Dear Victims: Since entering treatment and genuinely engaging in all
aspects of the treatment program I have been able to consciously
recognize and accept the effects of my crimes...I do sincerely regreat
all the misdeeds of my past life and...I seek avenues in which I can
make amends.
...My future endeavors will not be for personal gain, but to bring the
word to others in an informative manner to hopefully help thwart
future victimization. This is my goal and my promise to you.
J.D., Minnesota correctional facility
Convicted Child Molester 'May I become only a dim shadow in your
The words "I am sorry" do not begin to properly express my feelings of
guilt and shame that I have for my crimes against you and your
family...I do not and cannot ask you for your forgiveness. I deserve
none...Were it possible, I woul gladly take back each harm, each
injury, and all the tears and sorrows that I brought into your life.
You did nothing to deserve all of that.
...it is my hope and prayer that you...are successful in everything
that Life has brought to you. Indeed, it is my most sincere and
heartfelt hope that you do not even think of me. That I have become no
more than a dim shadow in your memories...
M.R.H., Wisconsin state prison
Incest Offender 'fulfill your purpose in life'
Dear J and B, It's been six years since my arrest and I've spent most
of my time in prison trying to understand how I could have molested
you both while at the same time claiming I love you...Please forgive
me. I am so very sorry for what happened.
...when I was five years old some neighbors started molesting me...I
married your mom thinking she would meet my emotional needs...I only
took from her without giving back. I caught your mom in an adulterous
affair...I fell apart and..I molested you...
As you know, when you said stop I did. It was like a light came on and
I was suddenly ashamed.
I am so very sorry. I really didn't mean to hurt you...I'll always
love you and am with you in spirit. I pray for your inner healing and
trust that you will fulfill your purpose in life.
J. California state prison
Convicted child molester "To the child I hurt"
I pray that you will know that in your heart I am sorry for all the
pain I have caused you. There is much I have taken from you. I know I
can't erase all the tears and heartache. Know that everyday I spend in
prison I spend praying for you.
Know this: that when I took you in my arms, gave you a hug and broke
down in tears and told you how sorry I was-- knowing you accepted what
I told you meant a lot to me. Everyday that I live in prison I live
for you and for future generations. I refuse to make excuses for the
ills I have caused you...only love and prayer for healing for you. For
me and you, for our family and society as a whole and the world as a
I long for the day I can show you my sincerity and allow you to know
the sorrow, heartache and sympathy I have for you...Please don't give
up on yourself or your dreams.
The following are passages out of the Bible I have written down in
hopes you can read them: Psalms 103:5, Psalms 103: 17,
Isaiah 54:13-14. God bless you.
G.M.S. Wisconsin state prison
Convicted child molester "I apologize for the assaults that I
committed against you all."
I apologize for the assaults that I committed against you all. I want
you to know none of those acts forced upon you were ever any fault of
yours. I manipulated you and groomed you to gain your love and trust
only to betray you. I had no right to rob you of your innocence.
I apologize for using you (and for my) cowardly sexual assaults...I
apologize for not treating you as a human being. I apologize for
threatening to harm your loved ones if you did not comply with my
I apologize for all of the pain, embarassment and humiliation my
assaultive behaviors have caused to all of you, members of your family
and friends in the community.
E.J.L. Oregon prison
Convicted child molester "My father committed suicide after
molesting a 14-year old girl."
Dear D.S., I'm writing to apologize for what I did to you and offer my
best wishes as you move forward in life. I know the emotional and
psychological harm I caused you when I molested you and videotaped the
incident has had a negative impact on your life...I also convinced you
to lie to the police so that I wouldn't be arrested. When I continued
to buy things for you, I was hoping to keep you from ever telling on
I'm sorry for molesting you and for the pain I caused to you and your
family. I know that you will never be able to forget what happened
that night, but I do hope you will be able to forgive me at some
At first, I didn't realize the pain and hurt I caused you...However,
that you have had many difficult times at home, and in school...a hard
time with relating to adult males. I'm so sorry for what I did to you
and pray that you can get the psychological help you need.
I've dealt with an attraction to young boys for most of my life and
wish that I would have gotten the help I needed...I remember telling
you about my father committing suicide...(h)e was accused of molesting
a 14-year-old girl. I was about your age at the time. (It) messed me
up for some time.
...I will never try to make excuses for what I did to you....My goal
in life now is to make certain that I never again molest, and hurt,
another person. I have begun therapy, and will continue to do so for
the rest of my life...I'm doing everything I can to prevent this from
happening again...I also truly hope you can get professional help so
that you don't ever cause harm to anyone.
I wish you the best...apologize for the pain I caused...hope that you
will be able to forgive me. Sincerely,
A.B., Michigan correctional facility
Thanks for reminding me of why I need to put you back in my K/F...

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the
flag and carrying the cross." ~ Sinclair Lewis ~

I would never want to be a member of a group whose symbol was a
guy nailed to two pieces of wood. ~ George Carlin ~

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a
revolutionary act ~ George Orwell ~

"The heart of a fool is in his mouth, but the mouth of a wise man
is in his heart." ~ Benjamin Franklin ~

~~ "Lolicon: It has a nicer ring to it than Pedophile." ~~
Brandon D Cartwright
2008-03-10 12:37:01 UTC
Post by Kashmir
On Mon, 10 Mar 2008 03:33:39 -0700, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Sun, 09 Mar 2008 18:03:36 -0700, Brandon D Cartwright
Is life worth living under prop. 83?
I have been convicted of a sex crime. Long ago, when I was a kid, I
played "doctor" with my two younger sisters and now, here I am, charged
with "sexual assualt" and "child molestation". I have paid for "whatever
crime" I may have committed, did my time, finished parole with success
and accepted the fact that I will forever have to be deemed as a
"molester" and "predator". Since my release, I have worked so hard to
build my life, to be a "normal" citizen of the US even though I have to
register for life and be in a database for the whole world to see,
scrutinize and mock. Is this in itself not running afoul of the ex post
facto? Regardless of your response, it's okay, becase I have accepted my
fate and will accept the fact that I can no longer be a "normal" citizen
but instead a second class citizen. So many of us "sex-offenders" are
harmless. So many of us have long paid our debts. So many of us have
suffered humiliation, lost family, friends, sons and daughters because
we have this disgusting label. So many of us have lost our jobs, been
evicted, or simply cannot find work and shelter. Is this not good
But now, with the advent of Prop 83, my heart bears the weight of a
thousand pounds. I can no longer even attempt to "paint" a smile on my
face and pretend everything is alright. I will be forced to move from my
home, to quit my job. I will be forced to be tracked like a wild animal,
to be badged with an ankle bracelet as if like the mark of the beast.
Satellite lifetime monitoring is mandatory for repeat sex offenders
and violent sex offenders..
You claim to be a victim and only "played doctor" wit your sisters.
I that dispicable? Am I so worthless of an American citizen, a human
being, that even a zoo animal shall have more rights than I? For the
life of me, I try to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but the
mist and the fog hinders my view. For the life of me, I try to tell
myself that everything is alright, but the deepest part of me, my soul,
is telling me, no! It's not alright.
So then what is left? Absolutely nothing! This life that I tried so hard
to build amongst my shortcomings is now meaningless. Life isn't worth
living anymore.
Are you saying you have to move because you live close to a school or
You are back off of the PLONK status, Brandon-boy.
He is lamenting because *ONE* fucking mistake in his earlier life has
condemned him to being beneath the likes of *****YOU*****.
Well so he appears to say...but on further investigation it is just a
cut and paste from a well organized advocacy site for registered sex
offenders..or sex registrants as they call themselves..
IOW spam..
The conditions he complains of do not apply to anyone with his
purported history..but to repeat offenders and violent predators..
Which is beyond my comprehension, because there is nothing lower than
the dog-shit named Brandon Cartwright. But, our legal system says
that it must be that way...
Do you actually think violent predators and repeat offenders should
NOT be monitored?
Do you actually think sex predators should be ALLOWED to wander around
playgrounds and schools at will?
It is people like you, Brandon, who are condemning this nation to a
very early grave.
Hitler would be proud of you, asshole...
Clearly you wish to politicize your depraved proclivities rather than
acknowledge your sickness..but folk of all political persuasions are
concerned at the activities of pedophiles...
FYI Fascism is a socio-economic phenomenon and nothing to do with
pedophiles being free to assault children... or post videos of tem
being sexually assaulted to each other..
If you research his group you will see the pedophiles in it have
*very* different views of their behavior to you..who is so proud of
your sick urges..
Expressions of regret by convicted sex offenders in prisons or
treatment groups across the country are being posted here at their
request in the hope that the people they harmed will be helped by
knowing that they suffer too. This because, in many instances, they
have no other way to make their apology known. Out of respect for the
privacy of victims, only initials are being used. Equally, the same is
being done out of concern for the personal safety of the writers.
Additional such offerings will be added as they arrive. This is where
recovery begins. This is where it starts. Any viewer of this site who
wishes to have an equally anonymous apology posted is welcome to send
Convicted child molester 'how blessed I was to have a daughter'
Dear K., I wish I could have been a better daddy to you...please know
that what I was doing to you was and is wrong. My selfishness also
forced you to keep secrets from mom and your brother and everyone
else. You did not deserve that.
It is not your fault, honey. You are still precious and also very
valuable. I pray daily for God's grace over you...you are the bravest
little girl I know. Thank you, "K," for telling mommy what I was
doing...Through open eyes I can truly see how blessed I was...to have
a daughter...
Love, Dad
R.G. Wisconsin state prison
Convicted child molester 'not even I know why'
Dear A. and M., I wish to God that I should not have to write this
letter. The truth is that unfortunately I must because through my
actions I have hurt you. Although I know that nothing I can say will
take away the pain I have caused to both of you. There is nothing that
I can do to recompense for all the wrong I have done. All I can do is
ask for your forgiveness and pray to God that one day you can find it
in your heart to forgive me. And please believe me when I say that if
I could, (I would) give my own life to take away all the pain I have
caused to everyone involved.
A., I must come to you first because it is you whom I betrayed. I
stole away your innocence when all you were looking for was a father
figure to love you...I want you to know that I have been praying for
you every day since my arrest. I pray and hope that God will grant you
the strength to become a better man than...I.
M., I don't even know where to begin. We have been friends since
childhood yet I betrayed that friendship. You entrusted me with your
most precious possession...I wish I could help you understand why or
how I could have done the things that I did...but I can't...There is
no excuse. All I can say to you is that I am sorry. Sincerely,
T.M., Michigan prison
Convicted child molester 'an overwhelming flood of sorrow'
Dear K., I've been needing, wanting, urgently anticipating having the
opportunity to write this letter for a long time. I sincerely
apologize, form the very essence of my whole being, and before God. I
am so very sorry that I offended your mind, soul and body...I am
deeply apologetic to what I have done to you and your family...
I am hoping that by at least apologizing to you some amount of healing
will result...please know that I am sincere. From the moment I
offended you, I felt an immense and overwhelming flood of shame and
guilt, something I feel to this day. This shame and guilt has
propelled me on an ever expanding journey to find out who I am and
what could have caused me to harm another human being...
If I had known that the abuse I endured as a child would effect how I
dealt with relationships...I may have been able to prevent my causing
harm to you. I admire you for your courage. I am glad that you told
someone. You did the right thing. You have allowed me to confront a
problem that could have become much worse. Since my incarceration I
have had the oppportunity to understand sexual abuse...I did not know
how wrong it was until I had a chance to learn about it. ...it will
not ever happen again to another person.
...it was not your fault at all that I chose to harm you. ...I used
drugs and alcohol to escape the pain of (my own) confusion and of
confronting who I was. Instead of escaping the problem, the drugs and
alcohol brought out a part of me that I had buried. Also desensitizing
myself with pornography...
As I revisit my life...I have no qualm with paying the penalty of
prison for my actions, rather I look upon my penitence as a
blessing... Please accept my apologies...I wish with every fiber of my
being that you have a happy, healthy and safe life from here on...
Most ever sincerely, S.R., New York correctional facility
Convicted child molester "I was the one sick."
Dear --
This letter is difficult to write as it's hard to know where to start.
I'm writing to say that I am sorry for the things I did to you and the
pain I caused. I want you to know that it was not and is not your
fault. You did nothing wrong. You were a child and deserved to be
protected. I was the one sick and with the problem. You trusted me as
children trust adults and I violated that trust by abusing you.
Please know that I am working hard to change my life and I know that
the only true "I'm sorry" is to never hurt anyone again and I am on
that journey.
M.M. Minnesota secure treatment facility
Convicted sex offender "I am sorry for breaking that trust between
Dear J,
I want to start off by saying I'm sorry for everything that I have put
you through. I'm sorry for breaking that trust between us. I should
have known better and I should have treated you with more respet than
I have shown you. I am sorry for putting you through that pain and I
truly hope that you are doing well with your...son you do have. I hope
you get joy out of him (and) that your counselling sessions have been
able to help you through your troubles and pains.
I want nothing but the best for you and that you deserve some
happiness in your life. I hope that you will have a blessed life and I
pray for you everyday.
M., California state prison
Multiple sex offender "Dear Victims..."
Dear Victims: Since entering treatment and genuinely engaging in all
aspects of the treatment program I have been able to consciously
recognize and accept the effects of my crimes...I do sincerely regreat
all the misdeeds of my past life and...I seek avenues in which I can
make amends.
...My future endeavors will not be for personal gain, but to bring the
word to others in an informative manner to hopefully help thwart
future victimization. This is my goal and my promise to you.
J.D., Minnesota correctional facility
Convicted Child Molester 'May I become only a dim shadow in your
The words "I am sorry" do not begin to properly express my feelings of
guilt and shame that I have for my crimes against you and your
family...I do not and cannot ask you for your forgiveness. I deserve
none...Were it possible, I woul gladly take back each harm, each
injury, and all the tears and sorrows that I brought into your life.
You did nothing to deserve all of that.
...it is my hope and prayer that you...are successful in everything
that Life has brought to you. Indeed, it is my most sincere and
heartfelt hope that you do not even think of me. That I have become no
more than a dim shadow in your memories...
M.R.H., Wisconsin state prison
Incest Offender 'fulfill your purpose in life'
Dear J and B, It's been six years since my arrest and I've spent most
of my time in prison trying to understand how I could have molested
you both while at the same time claiming I love you...Please forgive
me. I am so very sorry for what happened.
...when I was five years old some neighbors started molesting me...I
married your mom thinking she would meet my emotional needs...I only
took from her without giving back. I caught your mom in an adulterous
affair...I fell apart and..I molested you...
As you know, when you said stop I did. It was like a light came on and
I was suddenly ashamed.
I am so very sorry. I really didn't mean to hurt you...I'll always
love you and am with you in spirit. I pray for your inner healing and
trust that you will fulfill your purpose in life.
J. California state prison
Convicted child molester "To the child I hurt"
I pray that you will know that in your heart I am sorry for all the
pain I have caused you. There is much I have taken from you. I know I
can't erase all the tears and heartache. Know that everyday I spend in
prison I spend praying for you.
Know this: that when I took you in my arms, gave you a hug and broke
down in tears and told you how sorry I was-- knowing you accepted what
I told you meant a lot to me. Everyday that I live in prison I live
for you and for future generations. I refuse to make excuses for the
ills I have caused you...only love and prayer for healing for you. For
me and you, for our family and society as a whole and the world as a
I long for the day I can show you my sincerity and allow you to know
the sorrow, heartache and sympathy I have for you...Please don't give
up on yourself or your dreams.
The following are passages out of the Bible I have written down in
hopes you can read them: Psalms 103:5, Psalms 103: 17,
Isaiah 54:13-14. God bless you.
G.M.S. Wisconsin state prison
Convicted child molester "I apologize for the assaults that I
committed against you all."
I apologize for the assaults that I committed against you all. I want
you to know none of those acts forced upon you were ever any fault of
yours. I manipulated you and groomed you to gain your love and trust
only to betray you. I had no right to rob you of your innocence.
I apologize for using you (and for my) cowardly sexual assaults...I
apologize for not treating you as a human being. I apologize for
threatening to harm your loved ones if you did not comply with my
I apologize for all of the pain, embarassment and humiliation my
assaultive behaviors have caused to all of you, members of your family
and friends in the community.
E.J.L. Oregon prison
Convicted child molester "My father committed suicide after
molesting a 14-year old girl."
Dear D.S., I'm writing to apologize for what I did to you and offer my
best wishes as you move forward in life. I know the emotional and
psychological harm I caused you when I molested you and videotaped the
incident has had a negative impact on your life...I also convinced you
to lie to the police so that I wouldn't be arrested. When I continued
to buy things for you, I was hoping to keep you from ever telling on
I'm sorry for molesting you and for the pain I caused to you and your
family. I know that you will never be able to forget what happened
that night, but I do hope you will be able to forgive me at some
At first, I didn't realize the pain and hurt I caused you...However,
that you have had many difficult times at home, and in school...a hard
time with relating to adult males. I'm so sorry for what I did to you
and pray that you can get the psychological help you need.
I've dealt with an attraction to young boys for most of my life and
wish that I would have gotten the help I needed...I remember telling
you about my father committing suicide...(h)e was accused of molesting
a 14-year-old girl. I was about your age at the time. (It) messed me
up for some time.
...I will never try to make excuses for what I did to you....My goal
in life now is to make certain that I never again molest, and hurt,
another person. I have begun therapy, and will continue to do so for
the rest of my life...I'm doing everything I can to prevent this from
happening again...I also truly hope you can get professional help so
that you don't ever cause harm to anyone.
I wish you the best...apologize for the pain I caused...hope that you
will be able to forgive me. Sincerely,
A.B., Michigan correctional facility
Thanks for reminding me of why I need to put you back in my K/F...
Sure..the reality of the grief kids are put thru by the activities you
orchestrate is way too much to handle huh?

Following are nine other examples of distorted cognitions or myths
commonly held by pedophiles:

1. There’s nothing wrong with adult–child sex as long as children
consent to it.

2. If children behave seductively toward adults, it means “they’re
asking for it.”

3. Men who love children have sex with them to teach them about sex in
a positive, caring, emotional context.

4. Having sex with kids is good sex education for them, to prevent
them from having sexual problems as adults.

5. Since children are sexual beings with the capacity to enjoy sexual
stimulation, it’s fine for an adult to provide them with this

6. Children who don’t tell anyone about being molested, can’t be upset
or bothered about it.

7. If children didn’t want to have sex with adults, they would react
by crying, fighting, screaming, and resisting.

8. When children initiate sex with adults or allow themselves to be
repeatedly molested by adults, it shows that they enjoy having sex
with them.

9. Sex between adult males and children is harmless unless force is

2008-03-10 14:45:41 UTC
On 10 Mar 2008 I stormed the castle called alt.support.incest and heard
Post by Kashmir
On Mon, 10 Mar 2008 03:33:39 -0700, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Sun, 09 Mar 2008 18:03:36 -0700, Brandon D Cartwright
Is life worth living under prop. 83?
I have been convicted of a sex crime. Long ago, when I was a kid, I
played "doctor" with my two younger sisters and now, here I am,
charged with "sexual assualt" and "child molestation". I have paid
for "whatever crime" I may have committed, did my time, finished
parole with success and accepted the fact that I will forever have
to be deemed as a "molester" and "predator". Since my release, I
have worked so hard to build my life, to be a "normal" citizen of
the US even though I have to register for life and be in a database
for the whole world to see, scrutinize and mock. Is this in itself
not running afoul of the ex post facto? Regardless of your
response, it's okay, becase I have accepted my fate and will accept
the fact that I can no longer be a "normal" citizen but instead a
second class citizen. So many of us "sex-offenders" are harmless.
So many of us have long paid our debts. So many of us have suffered
humiliation, lost family, friends, sons and daughters because
we have this disgusting label. So many of us have lost our jobs,
been evicted, or simply cannot find work and shelter. Is this not
good enough!?
But now, with the advent of Prop 83, my heart bears the weight of a
thousand pounds. I can no longer even attempt to "paint" a smile on
my face and pretend everything is alright. I will be forced to move
from my home, to quit my job. I will be forced to be tracked like a
wild animal, to be badged with an ankle bracelet as if like the
mark of the beast.
Satellite lifetime monitoring is mandatory for repeat sex offenders
and violent sex offenders..
You claim to be a victim and only "played doctor" wit your sisters.
I that dispicable? Am I so worthless of an American citizen, a
human being, that even a zoo animal shall have more rights than I?
For the life of me, I try to see the light at the end of the
tunnel, but the mist and the fog hinders my view. For the life of
me, I try to tell myself that everything is alright, but the
deepest part of me, my soul, is telling me, no! It's not alright.
So then what is left? Absolutely nothing! This life that I tried so
hard to build amongst my shortcomings is now meaningless. Life
isn't worth living anymore.
Are you saying you have to move because you live close to a school
or playground?
You are back off of the PLONK status, Brandon-boy.
He is lamenting because *ONE* fucking mistake in his earlier life has
condemned him to being beneath the likes of *****YOU*****.
Well so he appears to say...but on further investigation it is just a
cut and paste from a well organized advocacy site for registered sex
offenders..or sex registrants as they call themselves..
IOW spam..
The conditions he complains of do not apply to anyone with his
purported history..but to repeat offenders and violent predators..
Which is beyond my comprehension, because there is nothing lower than
the dog-shit named Brandon Cartwright. But, our legal system says
that it must be that way...
Do you actually think violent predators and repeat offenders should
NOT be monitored?
Do you actually think sex predators should be ALLOWED to wander around
playgrounds and schools at will?
It is people like you, Brandon, who are condemning this nation to a
very early grave.
Hitler would be proud of you, asshole...
Clearly you wish to politicize your depraved proclivities rather than
acknowledge your sickness..but folk of all political persuasions are
concerned at the activities of pedophiles...
FYI Fascism is a socio-economic phenomenon and nothing to do with
pedophiles being free to assault children... or post videos of tem
being sexually assaulted to each other..
If you research his group you will see the pedophiles in it have
*very* different views of their behavior to you..who is so proud of
your sick urges..
Expressions of regret by convicted sex offenders in prisons or
treatment groups across the country are being posted here at their
request in the hope that the people they harmed will be helped by
knowing that they suffer too. This because, in many instances, they
have no other way to make their apology known. Out of respect for the
privacy of victims, only initials are being used. Equally, the same is
being done out of concern for the personal safety of the writers.
Additional such offerings will be added as they arrive. This is where
recovery begins. This is where it starts. Any viewer of this site who
wishes to have an equally anonymous apology posted is welcome to send
Convicted child molester 'how blessed I was to have a daughter'
Dear K., I wish I could have been a better daddy to you...please know
that what I was doing to you was and is wrong. My selfishness also
forced you to keep secrets from mom and your brother and everyone
else. You did not deserve that.
It is not your fault, honey. You are still precious and also very
valuable. I pray daily for God's grace over you...you are the bravest
little girl I know. Thank you, "K," for telling mommy what I was
doing...Through open eyes I can truly see how blessed I was...to have
a daughter...
Love, Dad
R.G. Wisconsin state prison
Convicted child molester 'not even I know why'
Dear A. and M., I wish to God that I should not have to write this
letter. The truth is that unfortunately I must because through my
actions I have hurt you. Although I know that nothing I can say will
take away the pain I have caused to both of you. There is nothing that
I can do to recompense for all the wrong I have done. All I can do is
ask for your forgiveness and pray to God that one day you can find it
in your heart to forgive me. And please believe me when I say that if
I could, (I would) give my own life to take away all the pain I have
caused to everyone involved.
A., I must come to you first because it is you whom I betrayed. I
stole away your innocence when all you were looking for was a father
figure to love you...I want you to know that I have been praying for
you every day since my arrest. I pray and hope that God will grant you
the strength to become a better man than...I.
M., I don't even know where to begin. We have been friends since
childhood yet I betrayed that friendship. You entrusted me with your
most precious possession...I wish I could help you understand why or
how I could have done the things that I did...but I can't...There is
no excuse. All I can say to you is that I am sorry. Sincerely,
T.M., Michigan prison
Convicted child molester 'an overwhelming flood of sorrow'
Dear K., I've been needing, wanting, urgently anticipating having the
opportunity to write this letter for a long time. I sincerely
apologize, form the very essence of my whole being, and before God. I
am so very sorry that I offended your mind, soul and body...I am
deeply apologetic to what I have done to you and your family...
I am hoping that by at least apologizing to you some amount of healing
will result...please know that I am sincere. From the moment I
offended you, I felt an immense and overwhelming flood of shame and
guilt, something I feel to this day. This shame and guilt has
propelled me on an ever expanding journey to find out who I am and
what could have caused me to harm another human being...
If I had known that the abuse I endured as a child would effect how I
dealt with relationships...I may have been able to prevent my causing
harm to you. I admire you for your courage. I am glad that you told
someone. You did the right thing. You have allowed me to confront a
problem that could have become much worse. Since my incarceration I
have had the oppportunity to understand sexual abuse...I did not know
how wrong it was until I had a chance to learn about it. ...it will
not ever happen again to another person.
...it was not your fault at all that I chose to harm you. ...I used
drugs and alcohol to escape the pain of (my own) confusion and of
confronting who I was. Instead of escaping the problem, the drugs and
alcohol brought out a part of me that I had buried. Also desensitizing
myself with pornography...
As I revisit my life...I have no qualm with paying the penalty of
prison for my actions, rather I look upon my penitence as a
blessing... Please accept my apologies...I wish with every fiber of my
being that you have a happy, healthy and safe life from here on...
Most ever sincerely, S.R., New York correctional facility
Convicted child molester "I was the one sick."
Dear --
This letter is difficult to write as it's hard to know where to start.
I'm writing to say that I am sorry for the things I did to you and the
pain I caused. I want you to know that it was not and is not your
fault. You did nothing wrong. You were a child and deserved to be
protected. I was the one sick and with the problem. You trusted me as
children trust adults and I violated that trust by abusing you.
Please know that I am working hard to change my life and I know that
the only true "I'm sorry" is to never hurt anyone again and I am on
that journey.
M.M. Minnesota secure treatment facility
Convicted sex offender "I am sorry for breaking that trust between
Dear J,
I want to start off by saying I'm sorry for everything that I have put
you through. I'm sorry for breaking that trust between us. I should
have known better and I should have treated you with more respet than
I have shown you. I am sorry for putting you through that pain and I
truly hope that you are doing well with your...son you do have. I hope
you get joy out of him (and) that your counselling sessions have been
able to help you through your troubles and pains.
I want nothing but the best for you and that you deserve some
happiness in your life. I hope that you will have a blessed life and I
pray for you everyday.
M., California state prison
Multiple sex offender "Dear Victims..."
Dear Victims: Since entering treatment and genuinely engaging in all
aspects of the treatment program I have been able to consciously
recognize and accept the effects of my crimes...I do sincerely regreat
all the misdeeds of my past life and...I seek avenues in which I can
make amends.
...My future endeavors will not be for personal gain, but to bring the
word to others in an informative manner to hopefully help thwart
future victimization. This is my goal and my promise to you.
J.D., Minnesota correctional facility
Convicted Child Molester 'May I become only a dim shadow in your
The words "I am sorry" do not begin to properly express my feelings of
guilt and shame that I have for my crimes against you and your
family...I do not and cannot ask you for your forgiveness. I deserve
none...Were it possible, I woul gladly take back each harm, each
injury, and all the tears and sorrows that I brought into your life.
You did nothing to deserve all of that.
...it is my hope and prayer that you...are successful in everything
that Life has brought to you. Indeed, it is my most sincere and
heartfelt hope that you do not even think of me. That I have become no
more than a dim shadow in your memories...
M.R.H., Wisconsin state prison
Incest Offender 'fulfill your purpose in life'
Dear J and B, It's been six years since my arrest and I've spent most
of my time in prison trying to understand how I could have molested
you both while at the same time claiming I love you...Please forgive
me. I am so very sorry for what happened.
...when I was five years old some neighbors started molesting me...I
married your mom thinking she would meet my emotional needs...I only
took from her without giving back. I caught your mom in an adulterous
affair...I fell apart and..I molested you...
As you know, when you said stop I did. It was like a light came on and
I was suddenly ashamed.
I am so very sorry. I really didn't mean to hurt you...I'll always
love you and am with you in spirit. I pray for your inner healing and
trust that you will fulfill your purpose in life.
J. California state prison
Convicted child molester "To the child I hurt"
I pray that you will know that in your heart I am sorry for all the
pain I have caused you. There is much I have taken from you. I know I
can't erase all the tears and heartache. Know that everyday I spend in
prison I spend praying for you.
Know this: that when I took you in my arms, gave you a hug and broke
down in tears and told you how sorry I was-- knowing you accepted what
I told you meant a lot to me. Everyday that I live in prison I live
for you and for future generations. I refuse to make excuses for the
ills I have caused you...only love and prayer for healing for you. For
me and you, for our family and society as a whole and the world as a
I long for the day I can show you my sincerity and allow you to know
the sorrow, heartache and sympathy I have for you...Please don't give
up on yourself or your dreams.
The following are passages out of the Bible I have written down in
hopes you can read them: Psalms 103:5, Psalms 103: 17,
Isaiah 54:13-14. God bless you.
G.M.S. Wisconsin state prison
Convicted child molester "I apologize for the assaults that I
committed against you all."
I apologize for the assaults that I committed against you all. I want
you to know none of those acts forced upon you were ever any fault of
yours. I manipulated you and groomed you to gain your love and trust
only to betray you. I had no right to rob you of your innocence.
I apologize for using you (and for my) cowardly sexual assaults...I
apologize for not treating you as a human being. I apologize for
threatening to harm your loved ones if you did not comply with my
I apologize for all of the pain, embarassment and humiliation my
assaultive behaviors have caused to all of you, members of your family
and friends in the community.
E.J.L. Oregon prison
Convicted child molester "My father committed suicide after
molesting a 14-year old girl."
Dear D.S., I'm writing to apologize for what I did to you and offer my
best wishes as you move forward in life. I know the emotional and
psychological harm I caused you when I molested you and videotaped the
incident has had a negative impact on your life...I also convinced you
to lie to the police so that I wouldn't be arrested. When I continued
to buy things for you, I was hoping to keep you from ever telling on
I'm sorry for molesting you and for the pain I caused to you and your
family. I know that you will never be able to forget what happened
that night, but I do hope you will be able to forgive me at some
At first, I didn't realize the pain and hurt I caused you...However,
that you have had many difficult times at home, and in school...a hard
time with relating to adult males. I'm so sorry for what I did to you
and pray that you can get the psychological help you need.
I've dealt with an attraction to young boys for most of my life and
wish that I would have gotten the help I needed...I remember telling
you about my father committing suicide...(h)e was accused of molesting
a 14-year-old girl. I was about your age at the time. (It) messed me
up for some time.
...I will never try to make excuses for what I did to you....My goal
in life now is to make certain that I never again molest, and hurt,
another person. I have begun therapy, and will continue to do so for
the rest of my life...I'm doing everything I can to prevent this from
happening again...I also truly hope you can get professional help so
that you don't ever cause harm to anyone.
I wish you the best...apologize for the pain I caused...hope that you
will be able to forgive me. Sincerely,
A.B., Michigan correctional facility
Thanks for reminding me of why I need to put you back in my K/F...
truth hurts....
Public Enemy #7

**Pissing off the planet, one person at a time**
2008-03-10 19:51:19 UTC
Post by ThePsyko
On 10 Mar 2008 I stormed the castle called alt.support.incest and heard
Post by Kashmir
On Mon, 10 Mar 2008 03:33:39 -0700, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Sun, 09 Mar 2008 18:03:36 -0700, Brandon D Cartwright
Is life worth living under prop. 83?
I have been convicted of a sex crime. Long ago, when I was a kid, I
played "doctor" with my two younger sisters and now, here I am,
charged with "sexual assualt" and "child molestation". I have paid
for "whatever crime" I may have committed, did my time, finished
parole with success and accepted the fact that I will forever have
to be deemed as a "molester" and "predator". Since my release, I
have worked so hard to build my life, to be a "normal" citizen of
the US even though I have to register for life and be in a database
for the whole world to see, scrutinize and mock. Is this in itself
not running afoul of the ex post facto? Regardless of your
response, it's okay, becase I have accepted my fate and will accept
the fact that I can no longer be a "normal" citizen but instead a
second class citizen. So many of us "sex-offenders" are harmless.
So many of us have long paid our debts. So many of us have suffered
humiliation, lost family, friends, sons and daughters because
we have this disgusting label. So many of us have lost our jobs,
been evicted, or simply cannot find work and shelter. Is this not
good enough!?
But now, with the advent of Prop 83, my heart bears the weight of a
thousand pounds. I can no longer even attempt to "paint" a smile on
my face and pretend everything is alright. I will be forced to move
from my home, to quit my job. I will be forced to be tracked like a
wild animal, to be badged with an ankle bracelet as if like the
mark of the beast.
Satellite lifetime monitoring is mandatory for repeat sex offenders
and violent sex offenders..
You claim to be a victim and only "played doctor" wit your sisters.
I that dispicable? Am I so worthless of an American citizen, a
human being, that even a zoo animal shall have more rights than I?
For the life of me, I try to see the light at the end of the
tunnel, but the mist and the fog hinders my view. For the life of
me, I try to tell myself that everything is alright, but the
deepest part of me, my soul, is telling me, no! It's not alright.
So then what is left? Absolutely nothing! This life that I tried so
hard to build amongst my shortcomings is now meaningless. Life
isn't worth living anymore.
Are you saying you have to move because you live close to a school
or playground?
You are back off of the PLONK status, Brandon-boy.
He is lamenting because *ONE* fucking mistake in his earlier life has
condemned him to being beneath the likes of *****YOU*****.
Well so he appears to say...but on further investigation it is just a
cut and paste from a well organized advocacy site for registered sex
offenders..or sex registrants as they call themselves..
IOW spam..
The conditions he complains of do not apply to anyone with his
purported history..but to repeat offenders and violent predators..
Which is beyond my comprehension, because there is nothing lower than
the dog-shit named Brandon Cartwright. But, our legal system says
that it must be that way...
Do you actually think violent predators and repeat offenders should
NOT be monitored?
Do you actually think sex predators should be ALLOWED to wander around
playgrounds and schools at will?
It is people like you, Brandon, who are condemning this nation to a
very early grave.
Hitler would be proud of you, asshole...
Clearly you wish to politicize your depraved proclivities rather than
acknowledge your sickness..but folk of all political persuasions are
concerned at the activities of pedophiles...
FYI Fascism is a socio-economic phenomenon and nothing to do with
pedophiles being free to assault children... or post videos of tem
being sexually assaulted to each other..
If you research his group you will see the pedophiles in it have
*very* different views of their behavior to you..who is so proud of
your sick urges..
Expressions of regret by convicted sex offenders in prisons or
treatment groups across the country are being posted here at their
request in the hope that the people they harmed will be helped by
knowing that they suffer too. This because, in many instances, they
have no other way to make their apology known. Out of respect for the
privacy of victims, only initials are being used. Equally, the same is
being done out of concern for the personal safety of the writers.
Additional such offerings will be added as they arrive. This is where
recovery begins. This is where it starts. Any viewer of this site who
wishes to have an equally anonymous apology posted is welcome to send
Convicted child molester 'how blessed I was to have a daughter'
Dear K., I wish I could have been a better daddy to you...please know
that what I was doing to you was and is wrong. My selfishness also
forced you to keep secrets from mom and your brother and everyone
else. You did not deserve that.
It is not your fault, honey. You are still precious and also very
valuable. I pray daily for God's grace over you...you are the bravest
little girl I know. Thank you, "K," for telling mommy what I was
doing...Through open eyes I can truly see how blessed I was...to have
a daughter...
Love, Dad
R.G. Wisconsin state prison
Convicted child molester 'not even I know why'
Dear A. and M., I wish to God that I should not have to write this
letter. The truth is that unfortunately I must because through my
actions I have hurt you. Although I know that nothing I can say will
take away the pain I have caused to both of you. There is nothing that
I can do to recompense for all the wrong I have done. All I can do is
ask for your forgiveness and pray to God that one day you can find it
in your heart to forgive me. And please believe me when I say that if
I could, (I would) give my own life to take away all the pain I have
caused to everyone involved.
A., I must come to you first because it is you whom I betrayed. I
stole away your innocence when all you were looking for was a father
figure to love you...I want you to know that I have been praying for
you every day since my arrest. I pray and hope that God will grant you
the strength to become a better man than...I.
M., I don't even know where to begin. We have been friends since
childhood yet I betrayed that friendship. You entrusted me with your
most precious possession...I wish I could help you understand why or
how I could have done the things that I did...but I can't...There is
no excuse. All I can say to you is that I am sorry. Sincerely,
T.M., Michigan prison
Convicted child molester 'an overwhelming flood of sorrow'
Dear K., I've been needing, wanting, urgently anticipating having the
opportunity to write this letter for a long time. I sincerely
apologize, form the very essence of my whole being, and before God. I
am so very sorry that I offended your mind, soul and body...I am
deeply apologetic to what I have done to you and your family...
I am hoping that by at least apologizing to you some amount of healing
will result...please know that I am sincere. From the moment I
offended you, I felt an immense and overwhelming flood of shame and
guilt, something I feel to this day. This shame and guilt has
propelled me on an ever expanding journey to find out who I am and
what could have caused me to harm another human being...
If I had known that the abuse I endured as a child would effect how I
dealt with relationships...I may have been able to prevent my causing
harm to you. I admire you for your courage. I am glad that you told
someone. You did the right thing. You have allowed me to confront a
problem that could have become much worse. Since my incarceration I
have had the oppportunity to understand sexual abuse...I did not know
how wrong it was until I had a chance to learn about it. ...it will
not ever happen again to another person.
...it was not your fault at all that I chose to harm you. ...I used
drugs and alcohol to escape the pain of (my own) confusion and of
confronting who I was. Instead of escaping the problem, the drugs and
alcohol brought out a part of me that I had buried. Also desensitizing
myself with pornography...
As I revisit my life...I have no qualm with paying the penalty of
prison for my actions, rather I look upon my penitence as a
blessing... Please accept my apologies...I wish with every fiber of my
being that you have a happy, healthy and safe life from here on...
Most ever sincerely, S.R., New York correctional facility
Convicted child molester "I was the one sick."
Dear --
This letter is difficult to write as it's hard to know where to start.
I'm writing to say that I am sorry for the things I did to you and the
pain I caused. I want you to know that it was not and is not your
fault. You did nothing wrong. You were a child and deserved to be
protected. I was the one sick and with the problem. You trusted me as
children trust adults and I violated that trust by abusing you.
Please know that I am working hard to change my life and I know that
the only true "I'm sorry" is to never hurt anyone again and I am on
that journey.
M.M. Minnesota secure treatment facility
Convicted sex offender "I am sorry for breaking that trust between
Dear J,
I want to start off by saying I'm sorry for everything that I have put
you through. I'm sorry for breaking that trust between us. I should
have known better and I should have treated you with more respet than
I have shown you. I am sorry for putting you through that pain and I
truly hope that you are doing well with your...son you do have. I hope
you get joy out of him (and) that your counselling sessions have been
able to help you through your troubles and pains.
I want nothing but the best for you and that you deserve some
happiness in your life. I hope that you will have a blessed life and I
pray for you everyday.
M., California state prison
Multiple sex offender "Dear Victims..."
Dear Victims: Since entering treatment and genuinely engaging in all
aspects of the treatment program I have been able to consciously
recognize and accept the effects of my crimes...I do sincerely regreat
all the misdeeds of my past life and...I seek avenues in which I can
make amends.
...My future endeavors will not be for personal gain, but to bring the
word to others in an informative manner to hopefully help thwart
future victimization. This is my goal and my promise to you.
J.D., Minnesota correctional facility
Convicted Child Molester 'May I become only a dim shadow in your
The words "I am sorry" do not begin to properly express my feelings of
guilt and shame that I have for my crimes against you and your
family...I do not and cannot ask you for your forgiveness. I deserve
none...Were it possible, I woul gladly take back each harm, each
injury, and all the tears and sorrows that I brought into your life.
You did nothing to deserve all of that.
...it is my hope and prayer that you...are successful in everything
that Life has brought to you. Indeed, it is my most sincere and
heartfelt hope that you do not even think of me. That I have become no
more than a dim shadow in your memories...
M.R.H., Wisconsin state prison
Incest Offender 'fulfill your purpose in life'
Dear J and B, It's been six years since my arrest and I've spent most
of my time in prison trying to understand how I could have molested
you both while at the same time claiming I love you...Please forgive
me. I am so very sorry for what happened.
...when I was five years old some neighbors started molesting me...I
married your mom thinking she would meet my emotional needs...I only
took from her without giving back. I caught your mom in an adulterous
affair...I fell apart and..I molested you...
As you know, when you said stop I did. It was like a light came on and
I was suddenly ashamed.
I am so very sorry. I really didn't mean to hurt you...I'll always
love you and am with you in spirit. I pray for your inner healing and
trust that you will fulfill your purpose in life.
J. California state prison
Convicted child molester "To the child I hurt"
I pray that you will know that in your heart I am sorry for all the
pain I have caused you. There is much I have taken from you. I know I
can't erase all the tears and heartache. Know that everyday I spend in
prison I spend praying for you.
Know this: that when I took you in my arms, gave you a hug and broke
down in tears and told you how sorry I was-- knowing you accepted what
I told you meant a lot to me. Everyday that I live in prison I live
for you and for future generations. I refuse to make excuses for the
ills I have caused you...only love and prayer for healing for you. For
me and you, for our family and society as a whole and the world as a
I long for the day I can show you my sincerity and allow you to know
the sorrow, heartache and sympathy I have for you...Please don't give
up on yourself or your dreams.
The following are passages out of the Bible I have written down in
hopes you can read them: Psalms 103:5, Psalms 103: 17,
Isaiah 54:13-14. God bless you.
G.M.S. Wisconsin state prison
Convicted child molester "I apologize for the assaults that I
committed against you all."
I apologize for the assaults that I committed against you all. I want
you to know none of those acts forced upon you were ever any fault of
yours. I manipulated you and groomed you to gain your love and trust
only to betray you. I had no right to rob you of your innocence.
I apologize for using you (and for my) cowardly sexual assaults...I
apologize for not treating you as a human being. I apologize for
threatening to harm your loved ones if you did not comply with my
I apologize for all of the pain, embarassment and humiliation my
assaultive behaviors have caused to all of you, members of your family
and friends in the community.
E.J.L. Oregon prison
Convicted child molester "My father committed suicide after
molesting a 14-year old girl."
Dear D.S., I'm writing to apologize for what I did to you and offer my
best wishes as you move forward in life. I know the emotional and
psychological harm I caused you when I molested you and videotaped the
incident has had a negative impact on your life...I also convinced you
to lie to the police so that I wouldn't be arrested. When I continued
to buy things for you, I was hoping to keep you from ever telling on
I'm sorry for molesting you and for the pain I caused to you and your
family. I know that you will never be able to forget what happened
that night, but I do hope you will be able to forgive me at some
At first, I didn't realize the pain and hurt I caused you...However,
that you have had many difficult times at home, and in school...a hard
time with relating to adult males. I'm so sorry for what I did to you
and pray that you can get the psychological help you need.
I've dealt with an attraction to young boys for most of my life and
wish that I would have gotten the help I needed...I remember telling
you about my father committing suicide...(h)e was accused of molesting
a 14-year-old girl. I was about your age at the time. (It) messed me
up for some time.
...I will never try to make excuses for what I did to you....My goal
in life now is to make certain that I never again molest, and hurt,
another person. I have begun therapy, and will continue to do so for
the rest of my life...I'm doing everything I can to prevent this from
happening again...I also truly hope you can get professional help so
that you don't ever cause harm to anyone.
I wish you the best...apologize for the pain I caused...hope that you
will be able to forgive me. Sincerely,
A.B., Michigan correctional facility
Thanks for reminding me of why I need to put you back in my K/F...
truth hurts....
No... His way of twisting the truth hurts.

*YOU* have been one of the civil ones...

He has not...

"When fascism came to America, it was wrapped in the
flag and carrying the cross." ~ Sinclair Lewis - Paraphrased ~

I would never want to be a member of a group whose symbol was a
guy nailed to two pieces of wood. ~ George Carlin ~

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a
revolutionary act ~ George Orwell ~

"The heart of a fool is in his mouth, but the mouth of a wise man
is in his heart." ~ Benjamin Franklin ~

~~ "Lolicon: It has a nicer ring to it than Pedophile." ~~
Brandon D Cartwright
2008-03-14 08:19:29 UTC
On Wed, 12 Mar 2008 14:23:44 -0700 (PDT), RedDog
Post by Kashmir
On Mon, 10 Mar 2008 03:33:39 -0700, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Sun, 09 Mar 2008 18:03:36 -0700, Brandon D Cartwright
Is life worth living under prop. 83?
I have been convicted of a sex crime. Long ago, when I was a kid, I
played "doctor" with my two younger sisters and now, here I am, charged
with "sexual assualt" and "child molestation". I have paid for "whatever
crime" I may have committed, did my time, finished parole with success
and accepted the fact that I will forever have to be deemed as a
"molester" and "predator". Since my release, I have worked so hard to
build my life, to be a "normal" citizen of the US even though I have to
register for life and be in a database for the whole world to see,
scrutinize and mock. Is this in itself not running afoul of the ex post
facto? Regardless of your response, it's okay, becase I have accepted my
fate and will accept the fact that I can no longer be a "normal" citizen
but instead a second class citizen. So many of us "sex-offenders" are
harmless. So many of us have long paid our debts. So many of us have
suffered humiliation, lost family, friends, sons and daughters because
we have this disgusting label. So many of us have lost our jobs, been
evicted, or simply cannot find work and shelter. Is this not good
But now, with the advent of Prop 83, my heart bears the weight of a
thousand pounds. I can no longer even attempt to "paint" a smile on my
face and pretend everything is alright. I will be forced to move from my
home, to quit my job. I will be forced to be tracked like a wild animal,
to be badged with an ankle bracelet as if like the mark of the beast.
Satellite lifetime monitoring is mandatory for repeat sex offenders
and violent sex offenders..
You claim to be a victim and only "played doctor" wit your sisters.
I that dispicable? Am I so worthless of an American citizen, a human
being, that even a zoo animal shall have more rights than I? For the
life of me, I try to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but the
mist and the fog hinders my view. For the life of me, I try to tell
myself that everything is alright, but the deepest part of me, my soul,
is telling me, no! It's not alright.
So then what is left? Absolutely nothing! This life that I tried so hard
to build amongst my shortcomings is now meaningless. Life isn't worth
living anymore.
Are you saying you have to move because you live close to a school or
You are back off of the PLONK status, Brandon-boy.
He is lamenting because *ONE* fucking mistake in his earlier life has
condemned him to being beneath the likes of *****YOU*****.
Well so he appears to say...but on further investigation it is just a
cut and paste from a well organized advocacy site for registered sex
offenders..or sex registrants as they call themselves..
IOW spam..
The conditions he complains of do not apply to anyone with his
purported history..but to repeat offenders and violent predators..
Which is beyond my comprehension, because there is nothing lower than
the dog-shit named Brandon Cartwright. But, our legal system says
that it must be that way...
Do you actually think violent predators and repeat offenders should
NOT be monitored?
Do you actually think sex predators should be ALLOWED to wander around
playgrounds and schools at will?
It is people like you, Brandon, who are condemning this nation to a
very early grave.
Hitler would be proud of you, asshole...
Clearly you wish to politicize your depraved proclivities rather than
acknowledge your sickness..but folk of all political persuasions are
concerned at the activities of pedophiles...
FYI Fascism is a socio-economic phenomenon and nothing to do with
pedophiles being free to assault children... or post videos of tem
being sexually assaulted to each other..
If you research his group you will see the pedophiles in it have
*very* different views of their behavior to you..who is so proud of
your sick urges..
Expressions of regret by convicted sex offenders in prisons or
treatment groups across the country are being posted here at their
request in the hope that the people they harmed will be helped by
knowing that they suffer too. This because, in many instances, they
have no other way to make their apology known. Out of respect for the
privacy of victims, only initials are being used. Equally, the same is
being done out of concern for the personal safety of the writers.
Additional such offerings will be added as they arrive. This is where
recovery begins. This is where it starts. Any viewer of this site who
wishes to have an equally anonymous apology posted is welcome to send
Convicted child molester 'how blessed I was to have a daughter'
Dear K., I wish I could have been a better daddy to you...please know
that what I was doing to you was and is wrong. My selfishness also
forced you to keep secrets from mom and your brother and everyone
else. You did not deserve that.
It is not your fault, honey. You are still precious and also very
valuable. I pray daily for God's grace over you...you are the bravest
little girl I know. Thank you, "K," for telling mommy what I was
doing...Through open eyes I can truly see how blessed I was...to have
a daughter...
Love, Dad
R.G. Wisconsin state prison
Convicted child molester 'not even I know why'
Dear A. and M., I wish to God that I should not have to write this
letter. The truth is that unfortunately I must because through my
actions I have hurt you. Although I know that nothing I can say will
take away the pain I have caused to both of you. There is nothing that
I can do to recompense for all the wrong I have done. All I can do is
ask for your forgiveness and pray to God that one day you can find it
in your heart to forgive me. And please believe me when I say that if
I could, (I would) give my own life to take away all the pain I have
caused to everyone involved.
A., I must come to you first because it is you whom I betrayed. I
stole away your innocence when all you were looking for was a father
figure to love you...I want you to know that I have been praying for
you every day since my arrest. I pray and hope that God will grant you
the strength to become a better man than...I.
M., I don't even know where to begin. We have been friends since
childhood yet I betrayed that friendship. You entrusted me with your
most precious possession...I wish I could help you understand why or
how I could have done the things that I did...but I can't...There is
no excuse. All I can say to you is that I am sorry. Sincerely,
T.M., Michigan prison
Convicted child molester 'an overwhelming flood of sorrow'
Dear K., I've been needing, wanting, urgently anticipating having the
opportunity to write this letter for a long time. I sincerely
apologize, form the very essence of my whole being, and before God. I
am so very sorry that I offended your mind, soul and body...I am
deeply apologetic to what I have done to you and your family...
I am hoping that by at least apologizing to you some amount of healing
will result...please know that I am sincere. From the moment I
offended you, I felt an immense and overwhelming flood of shame and
guilt, something I feel to this day. This shame and guilt has
propelled me on an ever expanding journey to find out who I am and
what could have caused me to harm another human being...
If I had known that the abuse I endured as a child would effect how I
dealt with relationships...I may have been able to prevent my causing
harm to you. I admire you for your courage. I am glad that you told
someone. You did the right thing. You have allowed me to confront a
problem that could have become much worse. Since my incarceration I
have had the oppportunity to understand sexual abuse...I did not know
how wrong it was until I had a chance to learn about it. ...it will
not ever happen again to another person.
...it was not your fault at all that I chose to harm you. ...I used
drugs and alcohol to escape the pain of (my own) confusion and of
confronting who I was. Instead of escaping the problem, the drugs and
alcohol brought out a part of me that I had buried. Also desensitizing
myself with pornography...
As I revisit my life...I have no qualm with paying the penalty of
prison for my actions, rather I look upon my penitence as a
blessing... Please accept my apologies...I wish with every fiber of my
being that you have a happy, healthy and safe life from here on...
Most ever sincerely, S.R., New York correctional facility
Convicted child molester "I was the one sick."
Dear --
This letter is difficult to write as it's hard to know where to start.
I'm writing to say that I am sorry for the things I did to you and the
pain I caused. I want you to know that it was not and is not your
fault. You did nothing wrong. You were a child and deserved to be
protected. I was the one sick and with the problem. You trusted me as
children trust adults and I violated that trust by abusing you.
Please know that I am working hard to change my life and I know that
the only true "I'm sorry" is to never hurt anyone again and I am on
that journey.
M.M. Minnesota secure treatment facility
Convicted sex offender "I am sorry for breaking that trust between
Dear J,
I want to start off by saying I'm sorry for everything that I have put
you through. I'm sorry for breaking that trust between us. I should
have known better and I should have treated you with more respet than
I have shown you. I am sorry for putting you through that pain and I
truly hope that you are doing well with your...son you do have. I hope
you get joy out of him (and) that your counselling sessions have been
able to help you through your troubles and pains.
I want nothing but the best for you and that you deserve some
happiness in your life. I hope that you will have a blessed life and I
pray for you everyday.
M., California state prison
Multiple sex offender "Dear Victims..."
Dear Victims: Since entering treatment and genuinely engaging in all
aspects of the treatment program I have been able to consciously
recognize and accept the effects of my crimes...I do sincerely regreat
all the misdeeds of my past life and...I seek avenues in which I can
make amends.
...My future endeavors will not be for personal gain, but to bring the
word to others in an informative manner to hopefully help thwart
future victimization. This is my goal and my promise to you.
J.D., Minnesota correctional facility
Convicted Child Molester 'May I become only a dim shadow in your
The words "I am sorry" do not begin to properly express my feelings of
guilt and shame that I have for my crimes against you and your
family...I do not and cannot ask you for your forgiveness. I deserve
none...Were it possible, I woul gladly take back each harm, each
injury, and all the tears and sorrows that I brought into your life.
You did nothing to deserve all of that.
...it is my hope and prayer that you...are successful in everything
that Life has brought to you. Indeed, it is my most sincere and
heartfelt hope that you do not even think of me. That I have become no
more than a dim shadow in your memories...
M.R.H., Wisconsin state prison
Incest Offender 'fulfill your purpose in life'
Dear J and B, It's been six years since my arrest and I've spent most
of my time in prison trying to understand how I could have molested
you both while at the same time claiming I love you...Please forgive
me. I am so very sorry for what happened.
...when I was five years old some neighbors started molesting me...I
married your mom thinking she would meet my emotional needs...I only
took from her without giving back. I caught your mom in an adulterous
affair...I fell apart and..I molested you...
As you know, when you said stop I did. It was like a light came on and
I was suddenly ashamed.
I am so very sorry. I really didn't mean to hurt you...I'll always
love you and am with you in spirit. I pray for your inner healing and
trust that you will fulfill your purpose in life.
J. California state prison
Convicted child molester "To the child I hurt"
I pray that you will know that in your heart I am sorry for all the
pain I have caused you. There is much I have taken from you. I know I
can't erase all the tears and heartache. Know that everyday I spend in
prison I spend praying for you.
Know this: that when I took you in my arms, gave you a hug and broke
down in tears and told you how sorry I was-- knowing you accepted what
I told you meant a lot to me. Everyday that I live in prison I live
for you and for future generations. I refuse to make excuses for the
ills I have caused you...only love and prayer for healing for you. For
me and you, for our family and society as a whole and the world as a
I long for the day I can show you my sincerity and allow you to know
the sorrow, heartache and sympathy I have for you...Please don't give
up on yourself or your dreams.
The following are passages out of the Bible I have written down in
hopes you can read them: Psalms 103:5, Psalms 103: 17,
Isaiah 54:13-14. God bless you.
G.M.S. Wisconsin state prison
Convicted child molester "I apologize for the assaults that I
committed against you all."
I apologize for the assaults that I committed against you all. I want
you to know none of those acts forced upon you were ever any fault of
yours. I manipulated you and groomed you to gain your love and trust
only to betray you. I had no right to rob you of your innocence.
I apologize for using you (and for my) cowardly sexual assaults...I
apologize for not treating you as a human being. I apologize for
threatening to harm your loved ones if you did not comply with my
I apologize for all of the pain, embarassment and humiliation my
assaultive behaviors have caused to all of you, members of your family
and friends in the community.
E.J.L. Oregon prison
Convicted child molester "My father committed suicide after
molesting a 14-year old girl."
Dear D.S., I'm writing to apologize for what I did to you and offer my
best wishes as you move forward in life. I know the emotional and
psychological harm I caused you when I molested you and videotaped the
incident has had a negative impact on your life...I also convinced you
to lie to the police so that I wouldn't be arrested. When I continued
to buy things for you, I was hoping to keep you from ever telling on
I'm sorry for molesting you and for the pain I caused to you and your
family. I know that you will never be able to forget what happened
that night, but I do hope you will be able to forgive me at some
At first, I didn't realize the pain and hurt I caused you...However,
that you have had many difficult times at home, and in school...a hard
time with relating to adult males. I'm so sorry for what I did to you
and pray that you can get the psychological help you need.
I've dealt with an attraction to young boys for most of my life and
wish that I would have gotten the help I needed...I remember telling
you about my father committing suicide...(h)e was accused of molesting
a 14-year-old girl. I was about your age at the time. (It) messed me
up for some time.
...I will never try to make excuses for what I did to you....My goal
in life now is to make certain that I never again molest, and hurt,
another person. I have begun therapy, and will continue to do so for
the rest of my life...I'm doing everything I can to prevent this from
happening again...I also truly hope you can get professional help so
that you don't ever cause harm to anyone.
I wish you the best...apologize for the pain I caused...hope that you
will be able to forgive me. Sincerely,
A.B., Michigan correctional facility
Thanks for reminding me of why I need to put you back in my K/F...
Run pussy run.
Indeed...after disposing of her computer and getting a brand new one
the "lady" has announced to her group,that pedos denied for so long
even existed,that she is leaving Usenet.

Since the arrests the group spends as much time talking of how to
destroy hard drives by magnetizing or melting than they do discussing
their depraved videos..


The latest advice they are giving each other is to have a hard drive
connected by wireless hidden behind their wall..

They seem to forget their ISP's and news servers have it all logged..
From: "R. Steve Walz" <***@armory.com>

Message-ID: <***@armory.com>

Many more developed and larger eight and nine year old girls are
perfectly able to accomodate the smaller range of teen/adult penises.
R. Steve Walz
2008-03-14 22:37:26 UTC
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Wed, 12 Mar 2008 14:23:44 -0700 (PDT), RedDog
The latest advice they are giving each other is to have a hard drive
connected by wireless hidden behind their wall..
They seem to forget their ISP's and news servers have it all logged..
Dedicated pedophiles aren't even using the net, they send everything
by direct modem by telephone, and encrypt it with PGP or other huge
prime number key encryption or a one-time pad. The only people you
catch online are the mentally deficient.
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Many more developed and larger eight and nine year old girls are
perfectly able to accomodate the smaller range of teen/adult penises.
Simply a biological fact in response to an inaccurate assertion.

Many people do not know that puberty begins in the pelvis a year
or two before any other secondary sexual characteristics that are
overt, and also note the hymen is most easily penetrated with little
pain before full puberty as the hymen gets thicker and thicker with
Brandon D Cartwright
2008-03-15 08:37:18 UTC
On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 14:37:26 -0800, "R. Steve Walz"
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Wed, 12 Mar 2008 14:23:44 -0700 (PDT), RedDog
The latest advice they are giving each other is to have a hard drive
connected by wireless hidden behind their wall..
They seem to forget their ISP's and news servers have it all logged..
Dedicated pedophiles aren't even using the net, they send everything
by direct modem by telephone, and encrypt it with PGP or other huge
prime number key encryption or a one-time pad. The only people you
catch online are the mentally deficient.
*If you truly believe that nonsense then *you* are mentally

As usual you babble in threads you don't comprehend..they were using
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Many more developed and larger eight and nine year old girls are
perfectly able to accomodate the smaller range of teen/adult penises.
Simply a biological fact in response to an inaccurate assertion.
Many people do not know that puberty begins in the pelvis a year
or two before any other secondary sexual characteristics that are
overt, and also note the hymen is most easily penetrated with little
pain before full puberty as the hymen gets thicker and thicker with
Sure..tell it to the police and judge..
R. Steve Walz
2008-03-16 01:03:52 UTC
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 14:37:26 -0800, "R. Steve Walz"
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Wed, 12 Mar 2008 14:23:44 -0700 (PDT), RedDog
The latest advice they are giving each other is to have a hard drive
connected by wireless hidden behind their wall..
They seem to forget their ISP's and news servers have it all logged..
Dedicated pedophiles aren't even using the net, they send everything
by direct modem by telephone, and encrypt it with PGP or other huge
prime number key encryption or a one-time pad. The only people you
catch online are the mentally deficient.
*If you truly believe that nonsense then *you* are mentally
It's the truth, however much you don't like it.
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
As usual you babble in threads you don't comprehend..they were using
The Net is archived, phone calls (modem alone) are not archived
routinely. Randomness of interception and PGP is extremely safe.
The only ones who don't use it are a minority of dim-witted losers.
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Many more developed and larger eight and nine year old girls are
perfectly able to accomodate the smaller range of teen/adult penises.
Simply a biological fact in response to an inaccurate assertion.
Many people do not know that puberty begins in the pelvis a year
or two before any other secondary sexual characteristics that are
overt, and also note the hymen is most easily penetrated with little
pain before full puberty as the hymen gets thicker and thicker with
Sure..tell it to the police and judge..
2008-03-16 10:02:07 UTC
Brandon D Cartwright wrote in alt.fan.frank.mccoy on Saturday 15 March
2008 04:37 in Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>:

Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
They seem to forget their ISP's and news servers have it all
Dedicated pedophiles aren't even using the net, they send everything
by direct modem by telephone, and encrypt it with PGP or other huge
prime number key encryption or a one-time pad. The only people you
catch online are the mentally deficient.
*If you truly believe that nonsense then *you* are mentally
One time pads are almost certainly NOT being employed in the manner Steve
intimates they are. Both generating the pads and ensuring they are used
/properly/ is problematic, even for governments.

Many years ago, during the war (1942-45), the Soviet NKVD (predecessor of
the KGB) and the GRU (Soviet Military Intelligence) screwed-up and re-used
some one-time pads--these provided some of the only breaks that the West
ever managed to make into these networks.

The Soviets provided one-time pads to their spies because it is the /only/
unbreakable cipher (both in theory and practice) provided that the pads
are properly generated, and are used *once* only.

See Project VENONA: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venona_project
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
As usual you babble in threads you don't comprehend..they were using
Sure..tell it to the police and judge..
This latest group that was busted, yes. As far as using telephone-to-
telephone direct links, this /is/ possible, but it has two drawbacks:

1) It is S L O W ... you're limited to the 56 kilobits (or less) that you
commonly get from an analog modem; and

2) There is absolutely NO anonymity whatsoever--you must invest a /great/
deal of trust in the other party; after all they're going to have your
phone number (and presumably you will have theirs.)

Essentially this is security through obscurity--not a highly regarded
technique in the security field. This scheme /might/ be workable for a
small, close-knit group of individuals, who are already very well known to
each other, but except for this specific type of case, it is impractical.

Were any such individual to be apprehended (for whatever reason) and his
home/computer searched, even if the disk(s) were encrypted, the rest of
his contacts could /still/ be gleaned (and rounded-up) by a simple request
for telephone records from the phone company, particularly if long-distance
is involved (as would almost certainly be the case.) In either case, a pen-
register would provide the needed information.

If one's contacts were local, one would be better served by in-person
meetings (or the use of a dead-drop), with the physical transfer of
encrypted media. USB memory sticks are now both inexpensive and small
enough to be easily concealed, and in addition, have a very large capacity--
commonly ranging from 4-8 GB. This way there would be no telephone records
available to subpoena, or capture using a pen-register, assuming that
remailers/encryption were employed to setup the meeting(s).

Even if these person(s) were already known to police, physical surveillance
(of the type needed to counter such local networks) is both difficult and

Baal <***@Usenet.org>
PGP Key: http://wwwkeys.pgp.net:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x1E92C0E8
PGP Key Fingerprint: 40E4 E9BB D084 22D5 3DE9 66B8 08E3 638C 1E92 C0E8
Retired Lecturer, Encryption and Data Security, Pedo U, Usenet Campus
- --

"Sed quis custodiet ipsos Custodes?" -- "Who will watch the Watchmen?"
-- Juvenal, Satires, VI, 347. circa 128 AD
