more perversion from charlie the "fertile" drifter... WARNING CHARLIES WRITING MIGHT MAKE YOU SICK...content AND writing ability..:-)
(too old to reply)
Frank McCoy
2006-02-25 05:57:54 UTC
In alt.disgusting.stories.my-imagination "bobandcarole"
Doesn't anybody want to be in your little shithole group frankie?? :-)
The group is there mainly for me to post information and stuff I figure people
who like me might find interesting, like the pictures of the chimes or windmills
I made,
Yep, that should draw em by the truckloads.........LMFAO
Well, the idea isn't to draw people there; but just to be there for people who
are interested. I got several nice comments about the chimes-weight and the two
windmills; as well as (way back when) the dress I designed for my wife when she
was in her twenties and the bust I made of her back then ... When she was away
for two weeks visiting family (before we got married) and I missed her so much I
decided to sculpt a bust, using a picture as a guide. It wasn't bad, either.

Like I said though: The froup isn't there to attract people, but to BE there
for people who are interested in things I post. Don't really care if it
attracts *anybody*. Same thing with my stories: I post them for those who
*want* to read such stories; being careful to put in the proper story-codes, so
those who don't like such stories can avoid them.

Unlike many people, I don't advertise my website. If people *ask* me, I tell
them; but I only put it there for the convenience of people who *like* the type
of stories I write, so I don't have to send them stories personally when they
inquire, "Where can I get your stories?" or, "Can you send me some stories?"

I could ... But that's why I have a website.
But advertise? Why should I?
Those who like my stories will go *looking* for them.
Those who don't, won't have them shoved in their faces.
I don't need the ego-stroking of ten-zillion people saying how much they like my
stories. I just think it would be hoggish and selfish to keep them to myself,
when there *are* so many people out there who like them.

Many others don't; and some despise them.
So, why should I try to offend those who *don't* like my stories?

Followups redirected to my froup: alt.fan.frank.mccoy
(Since that's where this conversation seems headed anyway.)
/ ' / ™
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2006-02-27 21:38:36 UTC
In alt.disgusting.stories.my-imagination "bobandcarole"
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
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I had to to feel you up <> Yep the right Frank McCoy. <giggling>

Bette <> <>>>>><<<<<<<>>>>>>>
Frank McCoy
2006-03-05 00:45:22 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
In alt.disgusting.stories.my-imagination "bobandcarole"
Doesn't anybody want to be in your little shithole group frankie?? :-)
The group is there mainly for me to post information and stuff I figure people
who like me might find interesting, like the pictures of the chimes or windmills
I made,
Yep, that should draw em by the truckloads.........LMFAO
Post by Frank McCoy
Well, the idea isn't to draw people there; but just to be there for people who
are interested. I got several nice comments about the chimes-weight and the two
windmills; as well as (way back when) the dress I designed for my wife when she
was in her twenties and the bust I made of her back then ... When she was away
for two weeks visiting family (before we got married) and I missed her so much I
decided to sculpt a bust, using a picture as a guide. It wasn't bad, either.
Does your wife know you're a friggin pervert?
2006-03-05 00:58:17 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
In alt.disgusting.stories.my-imagination "bobandcarole"
Doesn't anybody want to be in your little shithole group frankie?? :-)
The group is there mainly for me to post information and stuff I figure people
who like me might find interesting, like the pictures of the chimes or windmills
I made,
Yep, that should draw em by the truckloads.........LMFAO
Post by Frank McCoy
Well, the idea isn't to draw people there; but just to be there for people who
are interested. I got several nice comments about the chimes-weight and the two
windmills; as well as (way back when) the dress I designed for my wife when she
was in her twenties and the bust I made of her back then ... When she was away
for two weeks visiting family (before we got married) and I missed her so much I
decided to sculpt a bust, using a picture as a guide. It wasn't bad, either.
Does your wife know you're a friggin pervert?

If you read the subject line, you will notice that the e-mail address
is NOT the one that belongs to Frank McCoy, but to bobandcarole.
You are name stealing, bobandcarole, and have just been reported to
Google Groups for it and I hope you enjoy your ban.
2006-03-05 01:49:35 UTC
Post by Leria
If you read the subject line, you will notice that the e-mail address
is NOT the one that belongs to Frank McCoy, but to bobandcarole.
You are name stealing, bobandcarole, and have just been reported to
Google Groups for it and I hope you enjoy your ban.
You're pathetic crissy, you're a sick little man that needs to be
institutionalized before you hurt yourself or more importantly a small
I find you to be utterly stupid, but your psychotic babblings are
amusing at times.
You're a total idiot and you advovate the molestation of children..now
that's a very dangerous combination.
Google has deleted 2 of your accounts and all of your sick groups,
including the one you moderated.
My guess is that google also banned the other deviates that floated in
your toilet
They also shitcanned charlie the drifter, but charlie is probably too
stupid to figure out how to reappear.
Hopefully we are done with charlies perverted stories regarding
incest, child molestation and fucking plunger handles.
Don't look for google to ban me christopher, I'll be surprised if YOU
last 2 days in this incarnation.
2006-03-05 04:59:58 UTC
Post by Leria
Post by Frank McCoy
In alt.disgusting.stories.my-imagination "bobandcarole"
Doesn't anybody want to be in your little shithole group frankie?? :-)
The group is there mainly for me to post information and stuff I figure people
who like me might find interesting, like the pictures of the chimes or windmills
I made,
Yep, that should draw em by the truckloads.........LMFAO
Post by Frank McCoy
Well, the idea isn't to draw people there; but just to be there for people who
are interested. I got several nice comments about the chimes-weight and the two
windmills; as well as (way back when) the dress I designed for my wife when she
was in her twenties and the bust I made of her back then ... When she was away
for two weeks visiting family (before we got married) and I missed her so much I
decided to sculpt a bust, using a picture as a guide. It wasn't bad, either.
Does your wife know you're a friggin pervert?
If you read the subject line, you will notice that the e-mail address
is NOT the one that belongs to Frank McCoy, but to bobandcarole.
You are name stealing, bobandcarole, and have just been reported to
Google Groups for it and I hope you enjoy your ban.
And you'll be able to tell who they are because they will be chanting in
Zulu, "Amasende hagu! Unyoko isifebe! Sibeleko sikanyoko! Malebe, malebe,
malebe, mdidi sihlama!"
2006-03-05 08:06:04 UTC
Post by Leria
Post by Leria
Post by Frank McCoy
In alt.disgusting.stories.my-imagination "bobandcarole"
Doesn't anybody want to be in your little shithole group frankie?? :-)
The group is there mainly for me to post information and stuff I figure people
who like me might find interesting, like the pictures of the chimes or windmills
I made,
Yep, that should draw em by the truckloads.........LMFAO
Post by Frank McCoy
Well, the idea isn't to draw people there; but just to be there for people who
are interested. I got several nice comments about the chimes-weight and the two
windmills; as well as (way back when) the dress I designed for my wife when she
was in her twenties and the bust I made of her back then ... When she was away
for two weeks visiting family (before we got married) and I missed her so much I
decided to sculpt a bust, using a picture as a guide. It wasn't bad, either.
Does your wife know you're a friggin pervert?
If you read the subject line, you will notice that the e-mail address
is NOT the one that belongs to Frank McCoy, but to bobandcarole.
You are name stealing, bobandcarole, and have just been reported to
Google Groups for it and I hope you enjoy your ban.
Translation: I been spnaked real good.

Here's the last band standing
Step right up, it's the real thing
The last chance of a lifetime
Come and see, hear, feel ... the real thing

2006-03-05 08:05:10 UTC
Post by Leria
Post by Frank McCoy
In alt.disgusting.stories.my-imagination "bobandcarole"
Doesn't anybody want to be in your little shithole group frankie?? :-)
The group is there mainly for me to post information and stuff I figure people
who like me might find interesting, like the pictures of the chimes or windmills
I made,
Yep, that should draw em by the truckloads.........LMFAO
Post by Frank McCoy
Well, the idea isn't to draw people there; but just to be there for people who
are interested. I got several nice comments about the chimes-weight and the two
windmills; as well as (way back when) the dress I designed for my wife when she
was in her twenties and the bust I made of her back then ... When she was away
for two weeks visiting family (before we got married) and I missed her so much I
decided to sculpt a bust, using a picture as a guide. It wasn't bad, either.
Does your wife know you're a friggin pervert?
If you read the subject line, you will notice that the e-mail address
is NOT the one that belongs to Frank McCoy, but to bobandcarole.
You are name stealing, bobandcarole, and have just been reported to
Google Groups for it and I hope you enjoy your ban.
As much as you enjoyed yours?

Here's the last band standing
Step right up, it's the real thing
The last chance of a lifetime
Come and see, hear, feel ... the real thing
Frank McCoy
2006-03-05 01:39:57 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
In alt.disgusting.stories.my-imagination "bobandcarole"
Doesn't anybody want to be in your little shithole group frankie?? :-)
The group is there mainly for me to post information and stuff I figure people
who like me might find interesting, like the pictures of the chimes or windmills
I made,
Yep, that should draw em by the truckloads.........LMFAO
Well ... The idea isn't to "draw people" to my group.
I don't really care if nobody comes or millions do.

The group is there for those who *want* a place to yak with or about me.
Just like my website: It ain't there for *me*, except indirectly.
It's just a place to put my stories, so those who want them don't come to *me*
and ask me to mail them. Any that still do so, I refer to the website.

I don't really *want* to attract more readers. I just want the site to be
available for those going *looking* for my stories, or stories like mine.

That's why I flat-out ignore all those people who tell me, "Do this to increase
the traffic on your website." Why *should* I do so? It don't earn me any
money, doesn't really get me any more fans, and might just offend those who
don't like stories like mine. OTOH, for those who *do* like my stories, it's
convenient to have a place to go and find them all together.

However, it if's "draws to my newsgroup", then your posting here and
crossposting it the way you do, is about as good a method as any.

If I was looking for more people reading the group, then I'd thank you.
Since I'm not, then it doesn't really matter, does it?
Those interested in miscellaneous material about me will still come here.
Those bored by such stuff ... won't bother.
Post by Frank McCoy
Well, the idea isn't to draw people there; but just to be there for people who
are interested. I got several nice comments about the chimes-weight and the two
windmills; as well as (way back when) the dress I designed for my wife when she
was in her twenties and the bust I made of her back then ... When she was away
for two weeks visiting family (before we got married) and I missed her so much I
decided to sculpt a bust, using a picture as a guide. It wasn't bad, either.
Does your wife know you're a friggin pervert?
I don't really keep secrets from my wife.
If you mean, "Does she know I write pedo and incest sex stories?" then the
answer is yes. She doesn't really *like* that; though she's more concerned
about the fact that I post them in my own name, than in the mere fact that I
write them. But she knew I *read* such stories long before I ever started
writing my own ... and in fact, long before we got married.

She says it's stupid to put my own name on them.
Just about nobody else does.
But then, not many people are willing to fight for what they think is right, and
stand up to what others would out them down for, be it religion, sexual
orientation, or unpopular writing like mine.

(Actually, my writing is *quite* popular, if you count the sheer numbers of
people reading it. What's *unpopular* is admitting that you read or write such
material. Just like looking at porn: About 80% or more of the people accessing
the net go *looking* for porn, from the records of those in a position to tell
... But only about one in twenty, or about 5% will ever *admit* doing so. When
it comes to even less "accepted" materials such as BDSM, incest, masochism, or
writings like mine, far less of those who like such material will admit to doing

Reminds me of the court-case where they tried to shut down a video-store that
was renting porno-flics. The *claim* was that, "It violated
community-standards." Only ... The store pulled out records showing that over
three-quarters of the adults (men *and* women) who rented movies from the place,
ALSO rented at least one porn film. How can it be "Against community standards"
if 3/4 of the renters in the community go out and rent such films?

Same here: You won't get many people who *admit* publicly to reading my stories
and liking them (except by alias); but the sheer numbers of those people who do
access the stories tells a different tale.

Heck, the people who write to any particular "favorite author", of those who
read their stories, whether it be SF, Romance, Popular Fiction, or any other
genre, is an amazingly *small* percentage of the total readership of said
stories. I suspect that *porn* authors get an even smaller percentage; because,
as I said, nobody wants to *admit* looking at or reading porn of any kind ...
Not to mention the fear-factor of worrying that someday they might be arrested
for doing so, if the laws change back to what they were in the '50s and before.

So, keeping that in mind, along with the total volume of fan-letters I get, the
number of readers of just what *I* alone write, let alone what all the other
similar authors put out, seems to indicate a fairly large percentage of people
*do* enjoy the stuff I write.

Most, because of the hateful and vigilante attitude of those who are plain
against sex, and trying to make it as illegal to produce or distribute as it was
before Comstock's Act got overturned by the SCOTUS, are scared to admit to what
they do in private.

Hell, just admitting you masturbate can get you in trouble with many bosses.
And, as they say, "There are two kinds of people in the world: Those who
masturbate, and those who lie about it."

Me, I post my stories, and am willing to stand up in court and defend my right
to do so. Not many people who write erotic stories are that willing.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
2006-03-05 01:56:22 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
In alt.disgusting.stories.my-imagination "bobandcarole"
Doesn't anybody want to be in your little shithole group frankie?? :-)
The group is there mainly for me to post information and stuff I figure people
who like me might find interesting, like the pictures of the chimes or windmills
I made,
Yep, that should draw em by the truckloads.........LMFAO
Post by Frank McCoy
Well, the idea isn't to draw people there; but just to be there for people who
are interested. I got several nice comments about the chimes-weight and the two
windmills; as well as (way back when) the dress I designed for my wife when she
was in her twenties and the bust I made of her back then ... When she was away
for two weeks visiting family (before we got married) and I missed her so much I
decided to sculpt a bust, using a picture as a guide. It wasn't bad, either.
Does your wife know you're a friggin pervert?

If you read the subject line, you will notice that the e-mail address
is NOT the one that belongs to Frank McCoy, but to bobandcarole.
You are name stealing, bobandcarole, and have just been reported to
Google Groups for it and I hope you enjoy your ban.
2006-03-05 05:02:27 UTC
Post by Leria
Post by Frank McCoy
In alt.disgusting.stories.my-imagination "bobandcarole"
Doesn't anybody want to be in your little shithole group frankie?? :-)
The group is there mainly for me to post information and stuff I figure people
who like me might find interesting, like the pictures of the chimes or windmills
I made,
Yep, that should draw em by the truckloads.........LMFAO
Post by Frank McCoy
Well, the idea isn't to draw people there; but just to be there for people who
are interested. I got several nice comments about the chimes-weight and the two
windmills; as well as (way back when) the dress I designed for my wife when she
was in her twenties and the bust I made of her back then ... When she was away
for two weeks visiting family (before we got married) and I missed her so much I
decided to sculpt a bust, using a picture as a guide. It wasn't bad, either.
Does your wife know you're a friggin pervert?
If you read the subject line, you will notice that the e-mail address
is NOT the one that bel[SLAP!]
Get a clue, Crissie. It's not too late to eat your gun.
And you'll be able to tell who they are because they will be chanting in
Zulu, "Amasende hagu! Unyoko isifebe! Sibeleko sikanyoko! Malebe, malebe,
malebe, mdidi sihlama!"