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480kb->Clayton's Children - The Babysitter (Mggg, cons, inc)

By Clayton or <***@nym.alias.net>

Copyright (c) Clayton 1997. Permission is given to freely distribute
this document electronically, providing the entire document is
preserved intact and no monies, beyond normal board or site
membership charges, are charged for its distribution. (Ken Nestle,
this means you.)

Warning: This story contains descriptions of sex between an adult
male and preteen children. If this is not your cup of tea stop
reading now.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. No illegal activity described
herein was carried out, this document details fantasies that took
place late at night when I was alone in bed. I firmly believe that
no fifteen minutes of pleasure is worth the innocence of a child.
Besides, I derive much pleasure from the company of children, playing
with them or simply watching them at play, I am not going to risk
this for any momentarily heightened sense of pleasure.

If you are under the age of eighteen the law says I've got to tell
you to go away, so, "Go away!" Common sense says you're going to
ignore me, so don't blame me if you go blind, your parents find you
in possession of this document or your cum causes your space bar to
stop working.

If this type of material is illegal in your city, state, country,
then see above, substituting "law enforcement agency" in place of

If you're a member of the moral minority, religious right, or any
other such control group then read on, my aim is to offend you as
much as possible. People like you who would force others to fit your
narrow minded little world views are a blight upon the landscape. My
personal philosophy is that of "Rational Anarchy" ie. anyone should
feel free to do as they please such that their actions do not
adversely impact on the lives of others.

Introduction: Primus - The origin of the title: Over the years I have
found myself looking after a large number of children, many of whom
have at one time or another developed severe crushes on me. As time
went by I discovered that I enjoyed their company more and more,
often I found myself with them, discussing the intricacies of the
transformers, comparing various superheros against one and other, and
spending less time with their parents. Finally someone remarked that
the children might as well be mine. And so my Clayton's children
came to be, "The child you're having when you're not having a child."

Secundus - This is a story of make believe, it describes what might
have been in a very different world. If you feel an uncontrollable
desire to carry out the activities described in this type of story,
then stop reading now and seek professional help.

Tertius - You might find this story to be a little long winded for
your tastes and too much prose separating the 'Rumpety, Pumpety'.
Well too bad, I'm starting to get just a little sick of those stories
in which the narrator has their partner undressed by the third
paragraph, has them orgasming in the fifth and is working on their
second encounter or their next partner by the tenth.

Quatrius - I hope you find my choice of phrasing to be an improvement
over some recent stories that I have seen in the newsgroups, these
stories appear to have been written either cut and paste or by an AI.
If the former then shame on you and if the latter then I commend you
and urge you to improve your algorithm to include more descriptive
phrases and less repetition.

Clayton's Children - The Babysitter

Chapter 1 - Shanghaied

"Hey Greg!" my mate, CJ call's from across the room, "Are you doing
anything this afternoon?"

"No, why?" as soon as the words are out of my mouth, I regret them.

"Good, you can give me a lift over to the ex's." he says and I groan.

"Why can't you catch the bloody bus?" I grumble half heartedly.

"What do you think I keep you for?" He grins back at me through his
bushy beard. "Besides, there's a couple of cones in it for you." he
continues, waving a baggie beside his ear.

"You've talked me into it." I grin back, "When do you want to leave?"

"Oh, in about four or five cones." he replies, retrieving the
scissors from under the cushion of his chair. He pulls the old
speaker, that we use for a table, between his legs and grabs the bowl
and bong from inside the enclosure.

"Here, dry these." he says, tossing a couple of cigarettes in my

I catch one as it passes my ear, and pick up the other from between
my legs as he starts to cut up the stick. I run the cigarettes
through a lighter flame, driving off all the excess moisture. When
I'm done, I lean over and lay them on top of the speaker, next to the
bowl and sit back to wait for CJ to finish.

A little later, he picks them up and crumbles them into the bowl,
mixing the finely chopped green into tobacco. He quickly packs the
cone and setting his lips to the neck of the bong, lights it and
pulls the sweet smoke deep into his lungs. Then while holding the
smoke in, he packs the cone again and passes it to me.

"Thanks." I say and light up, pulling hard to clear a seed that
blocks the stem.

I hand the bong back to CJ and lean back in the chair, savouring the
sensation, as the smoke does its work and my head starts to spin.
"Good stuff." I gasp.

"Is there any other kind?" he says as he packs the cone. Waving the
bong in the direction of the door, he asks, "Should we?"

I wrinkle my nose, "I guess we'd better."

"Danny," he cries in a breathy whisper, "Danny, ... Danny." He waits
a few seconds, "I called him. You heard me, didn't you?"

"Yes." I assent and he lifts the bong to his lips.

Then just as he's about to light up, the door opens and Danny sticks
his ugly face through the door. "Must be my pipe." he says, coming
in and closing the door behind him. "You two are bastards, you know?
You come into my house and you use my smoking room and my bong.
Who's cigarettes did you use?" he asks, then catching the half grin
on CJ's face, he goes on, "And my bloody cigarettes too."

"We called." CJ objects, "Didn't we Greg?"

"Yes." I agree solemnly.

"Yeah right. Give me that fucking bong." Danny snatches it from
CJ's hand. "And get out of my fucking chair."

CJ relinquishes his place and pulls the speaker over to a new seat in
the least comfortable chair in the room. Danny sits down and
snatches the proffered lighter from my hand. He lights the bong and
punches it, before throwing the lighter back at me, hard enough to
sting, when it impacts in my palm.

Over the next twenty minutes or so, we polish off the mix and move
out into the lounge to listen to a little Hawkwind. No sooner do I
take my seat, than a semi-guided organic missile leaves its place in
front of the television and launches itself into my lap.

Sandy's feet come perilously close to the family jewels, as she
stands up and entangles both of her chubby fists in my beard. With a
quick jerk, she pulls my head forwards and playfully snaps at my
nose. On the third snap, her forehead impacts painfully against mine
and I jerk backwards, grimacing as her hands in my beard pull me up

She giggles as I rub my forehead with one hand and extricate her
fingers from my beard with the other. I then proceed to make
munching noises as I pull her tiny fists to my mouth.

Shrieking, she pulls her fists from my grasp and plumps down into my
lap, her nappy thankfully lessening the impact. She then extends a
single finger towards me. I snap at it and she jerks it back with a
painfully shrill, shrieking giggle. Over and over again, I snap at
her tiny finger, rewarded each time with another piercing shriek.

Finally I trap her hand in mine and pull it to my mouth, easily
taking the small fist between my teeth, where I proceed to give it a
generous coating of spit.

Danny and CJ laugh at her disgusted expression and when I release her
hand, she jerks it back and wipes it on the front of her t-shirt. A
few seconds later a look of concentration appears on her face and I
feel a spreading dampness in my lap.

Looking down, I see that the little minx has pulled the leg of her
plastics to one side and her pee is seeping through her nappy to soak
me. "Sandy!" I cry in and outraged tone.

Her only response is to giggle and pull her nappy far enough aside to
squirt the last few dribbles directly onto my crotch.

By this time CJ and Danny have worked out what is going on and are
laughing uproariously, Danny on the floor in front of his chair.

"Here," I say, rising from my seat. Holding Sandy at arm's length, I
move to stand in front of Danny, "She's your daughter."

"Uh-uh," he returns with a grin, "it's your fault, you clean her up."

Tucking the dripping toddler under my arm, I head for her bedroom,
grabbing a wet cloth from the bathroom on the way. Once there, I
strip her plastic pants off and drop them on the floor, beside the
bucket and unfasten the pins, holding her nappy on. I drop the
saturated square of cloth in the bucket and toss her, shrieking, onto
the bed.

As I kneel beside her bed, she seizes her toes in her fingers and
presents her tiny pussy to me. I quickly wipe the outside of her
slightly reddened vulva and her dimpled bottom clean with the cloth.
I then use the fingers of my free hand to separate her baby labia.

For a few seconds, I gaze at the glistening pink crevasse between
them, marvelling at her tiny clitoris, the size of a grain of rice,
hidden behind its hood. An inch lower down, the opening of her
little vagina winks at me. I then slowly wipe the last traces of
piss from between her plump pussy lips.

She smiles at me, from between her knees, as I allow a fingertip to
brush over her tiny clit and down the smooth valley separating her
fat labia. Then as I use the cloth to unnecessarily clean the tiny
pucker of her little pink anus, I wet the little finger of my other
hand in my mouth and press the tip against her tiny vaginal opening,
feeling it open up to accept me and clasp half of the first joint in
an exquisite embrace.

Dropping the cloth, I gently remove and reinsert my finger tip, while
she makes little cooing giggles of pleasure. Inside my pants, my
cock hardens, painfully confined within my tight jeans.

Leaning forwards, I plant a wet kiss on her puffy labia and flick the
tip of my tongue over her now hard little clit. Rising, I withdraw
my finger and pop it into my mouth, savouring the sweet taste of her
baby juices.

Rising, I adjust my straining cock into a more comfortable position
as I go and get a nappy from the hanger beside the door. When I turn
back Sandy is rubbing her fingers back and forth over her tiny little
clitoris, cooing with pleasure. For a few moments, I stand there,
watching the beautiful, eighteen month old toddler happily

Dropping back to my knees, I lower my head and drool a small gob of
spittle onto her busy fingers. Then wetting my finger, I once more
insinuate the tip into the warm clasp of her tiny vagina, stopping
when the tip reaches the thin membrane of her hymen.

With short, quarter inch strokes, I gently finger fuck the little
girl, the motions of her fat little fingers become faster and faster
as she approaches her climax. Within thirty seconds, her cherubic
face screws up in a grimace of ecstasy and I feel a rhythmic
squeezing and relaxation as her tiny vagina contracts on the tip of
my little finger.

Gently extricating my finger from the sweet moistness of her young
vagina, I lift it to her lips. She opens her mouth and eagerly
accepts the proffered digit, contentedly suckling, long after all
traces of her delicate juices are gone.

I lower my face between her chubby thighs and apply my tongue to the
tight pucker of her baby arsehole. She releases my finger with a
cooing giggle as I slowly drag my tongue upwards over the tiny
entrance to her vagina, tasting the sweet, delicate juices that seep
from within. I give a final flick to her softening clitoris with the
tip of my tongue and look up into her smiling face. Smiling back as
she fights to keep her eyes open.

Rising on shaky legs, I use a corner of the nappy to dry her sweet
vulva. Then folding it, I slip it beneath her dimpled bottom and pin
it in place. Slipping a clean pair of plastics on her, I lift her
smiling, tired body into my arms. She throws her arms around my neck
and holds her smiling face up to me, her lips pursed as she waits for
me to kiss her.

I deliver the kiss and she rests her head on my shoulder, snuggling
her face into my neck. Within seconds, she is emitting tiny, little
snores and I pull back the covers and lower her to the pillow.
Pulling up the covers I kiss her flushed cheeks and look into her
smiling face for a few seconds.

I gather up her damp plastics and take them and the cloth through the
kitchen to the laundry. On my return, I meet Angela, Sandy's mother,
coming in through the front door and I rush to help her carry the
shopping through to the kitchen.

"Where's Sandy?" she asks, gazing down at the damp patch on my
groin. "I see She's piddled on you again." she says with a grin.

"Yeah, as a pay back for licking her hand." I grin back, "I just put
her down for a nap." I say, waving a bag in the direction of the
partially closed door to Sandy's bedroom.

"I don't know how you do it." Angela says, shaking her head as she
peers in on her somnolent daughter. "It takes me forever to get her

"Hammersthetic." I joke.

"I can almost believe you." she says, "Where's Danny?"

"In there with CJ." I say, indicating the closed door of the smoking

"I might have known." She says, "He better have left some for me
this time."

Together, we enter the room and Angela takes a seat in Danny's lap as
I drop into the chair beside CJ. He hands the bong to Angela, then
takes only the cone when she extends it back towards him. Packing
it, he drops it back into the stem and she smokes the second pipe.

He then gives me two, which finishes off the mix. "Ok, lets go." he
says to me, rising from his chair. "But you'd better get changed

We say our goodbyes and head next door to my place, where I clean
myself up and put on a fresh change of clothes. Grabbing my keys, we
go out to my car and I follow his directions to his ex-girlfriend's

Chapter 2 - Alison and Rene

I pull up in front of a neat brick veneer. Though obviously built by
the housing commission, it has a much more homey look and feel than
many of the other, almost identical, houses in the street. Instead
of a bare lawn, it sports a well-tended garden, that is a riot of
color, and many young trees break up the stark lines of the house.
The porch is a solid mass of greenery, with rank after rank of ferns
and orchids almost totally obscuring the wrought iron rack that
supports their pots. Hanging from the eaves, geraniums, maiden hair
ferns and plants that I can not name, further serve to give the
'efficiently' designed house character.

I see a curtain twitch in one of the windows as we make our way up
the concrete path to the front door. Before CJ can knock, it is
flung open forcing him to dodge backwards as the screen door flies
open in his face.

With shrieks of "Daddy!", two juvenile bundles of energy launch
themselves at CJ as he crouches and gathers them into his arms. Now
that they are relatively motionless, they resolve themselves into two
blonde beauties. The elder looks to be about nine or ten years old
and after kissing her father on the cheeks, she looks up at me
brazenly. The younger of the two, who is about five, huddles closer
to CJ and peers suspiciously past his shoulder to look at me.

"Who's he?" she asks pointing at me.

"Don't point." CJ says, "You'll poke holes in the air and trip up
the fairies."

Both girls giggle, though the elder of the two rolls her eyes, as if
she had heard the joke more than once before. Stubbornly, the five
year old repeats, "Who's he?"

"Girls, this is Greg." CJ informs them, "Greg, this is my daughter,
Alison." The older girl, grins up at me and extends her hand towards
me. I take it in mine and as I shake it, I feel her middle finger
curl between our hands and scratch my palm. My eyes widen and her
grin widens to match, the tip of her tongue protruding from between
her lips and moistening them.

"And this is Rene." he says, trying to turn the shy five year old
towards me, but she just clings tighter to him and buries her face
against his neck.

"Hi CJ." a woman's voice causes me to look up and I drop Alison's
hand like a hot potato as I gaze into the stunning blue eyes of a
bombshell blonde. She notices my hasty action and a brief smile
flickers across her lips, but all she says is. "Well aren't you
going to introduce me?"

"Oh, sorry Honey." he stammers, "Cheryl, this is Greg, he lives next
door to Danny's. Greg, this is my sort of ex-girlfriend Cheryl."

"Oh yes." she says giving me a megawatt smile, "CJ's told me all
about you."

Rising, with Rene still attached like a limpet, he gathers Cheryl up
in a hug and kisses her soundly. "Happy birthday Honey." he says
when he releases her.

Giggling, she invites us into the house and I see her green thumb at
work here too. Ferns and philodendrons occupy pots in the entry and
a wicker screen is almost completely covered with variegated ivy.
She leads us through, into the lounge where even more plants occupy
the corners and spaces beside the furniture.

Ushering us into seats, Cheryl asks me, "What do you like to drink
Greg, tea or coffee?"

Tea thanks, white with three." I reply.

"Alison, come and help me." she instructs as she goes through into
the kitchen. Alison returns a minute later with a plate of biscuits
and a cup of cordial for her little sister. Throwing me a bright
smile she disappears back into the kitchen, emerging a few minutes
later with her mother. Alison carries her own drink and a steaming
mug, which she hands to me, before plumping down onto the couch
beside me.

Cheryl waits for CJ to rearrange Rene on his lap, then hands him his
drink before taking a seat in the chair opposite him. She instructs
Alison to hand around the biscuits and with a flourish the beautiful
young girl presents me with the plate. Her stoop causes the top of
her blouse to gape open and I get a good view of her nascent breasts.
The areola have just begun to darken and are pushed up into small
half spherical mounds the size of small plums.

I lift my eyes to her face and her grin tells me that she knows
exactly where I have been looking. Turning her face slightly to one
side, she conceals her lips from her parents view and briefly puckers
them. As she turns away from me, I find myself crossing my legs to
hide a growing bulge and wishing for an opportunity to be alone with
this forward young girl.

After taking the plate around to her parents and sister, she returns
to her seat beside me. As Cheryl, CJ and I chat and sip our drinks,
I notice Rene peeking at me over the top of her cup, ducking her head
each time my gaze meets hers. Slowly though, she becomes bolder and
a few minutes later she scrambles from her father's lap. Setting her
empty cup on the coffee table, she keeps its solid bulk between us as
she stares curiously at my face.

Rather than discomfit her, I keep my face turned towards her parents
and continue with the conversation, while watching her out of the
corner of my eye. Is seems that they too are watching her antics,
their attention constantly switching between their youngest daughter
and me.

Slowly, Rene sidles around the end of the table furthest from her
parents and disappears from my view. The conversation descends
further and further into inanities, as I follow her progress in her
parents eyes. They seem almost to be holding their breath as Rene's
progress slows. A minute or so later, Alison utters loud protests as
her little sister forces her way into the six inch gap that separates
her body from mine.

On the other side of the room, Cheryl's and CJ's look relieved and I
turn my head and look down at the little cutie jammed up against my
hip. She looks back solemnly and ventures a tiny smile, which widens
as I grin back at her. I rock my jaw from side to side, causing my
long beard to waggle and her smile becomes a giggle as she snatches
at it.

Momentarily forgetting who she is, I snap at her fingers as if she
was Sandy and she snatches them back with a scared look. Then
reassured by my grin, she tries again, once more snatching her
fingers back as my teeth meet with a clack an inch from the tips.
She smiles tentatively and slowly extends her fingers, jerking them
back as I bob my head. This goes on for a few moments longer, her
smile widening into a grin as she grows bolder. Then with a crow of
triumph her hand darts forwards and she entangles her fingers in my
beard, tugging gently.

I grimace theatrically and she giggles delightedly. Then as she tugs
again and again, Cheryl cries, "Rene!" and with a frightened look,
she jerks her hand back, accidentally pulling three or four wiry
hairs from my chin. Seeing them, she looks almost ready to burst
into tears.

Before she can scramble from the couch, I take her hand and
re-entangle it in my beard. Then looking across at Cheryl I say,
"She's fine, at least SHE doesn't want to play 'butts'."

Cheryl gives me a quizzical look and CJ explains, "Danny's kid, likes
to headbutt and she isn't gentle, your ears'll be ringing and she'll
still be giggling."

"Oh!" She and CJ exchange a look and she nods.

"Uh Greg?" CJ clears his throat.

I look over to him and warily ask, "Yes?"

"Would you do us a big favour?"

"Like what?"

"Look after the kids so I can take Cheryl out for her birthday." he

My heart leaps at the thought of being left, more or less alone with
Alison, but not wanting to appear too eager, I ask, "Why me?"

Cheryl replies, "Because my dad's had a little heart scare the other
day and he's in hospital. Mum's too busy being worried to look after
these two. He's all right, but I was worried we'd have to cancel
this weekend.

"CJ told me how good you are with Sandy and the other kids that come
around there, so I told him to bring you around and we'd see how Rene
reacted to you. She's terribly shy and we usually get my parents to
look after them on our weekends."

I hold up my hand to interrupt her and say, "Hang on, that's the
second time you said weekend. You want me to look after your kids
for the entire weekend?"

"Uh-huh." she replies, "Would you do it please? We'll pay you of

Glaring at CJ, I growl, "I think I've been had." I then ask, "How
much?" trying to sound mercenary, while hiding my inner elation at
having an obviously willing Alison to myself for two whole days.

"How does an ounce of prime buds sound?" CJ asks with a grin.

"I'll do it!" I reply. "Just what are these weekends anyway?"

"Well, it's like this." Cheryl explains, "CJ and I get on really
well until we start spending a lot of time in each other's company
and then we start fighting like cats and dogs. It was starting to
upset Alison, so CJ moved out before we became enemies. Then on my
birthday, CJ came over and all but kidnapped us. We left Alison with
my parents and the two off us spent an absolutely glorious weekend
down at Lakes Entrance.

When we got back, we had another go at making things work, but the
same things happened all over again and again CJ decided to leave.
On his birthday, I left Alison with my Mum and Dad and I took him up
to Echuca.

"After that it became a tradition. We'd take each other somewhere on
our birthdays and at Christmas we'd take Alison and later Rene too,
camping. Then before the fighting started we'd go our separate ways
again. CJ often spends Saturday nights here with me and the girls.
It sounds weird, but it works for us, the girls still have a father
and they never have to see us fighting."

"So where are you going this time?" I ask.

"On a paddle steamer cruise on the Murray." CJ replies with a grin
at Cheryl.

"You got the tickets!" she shrieks springing from her chair to
launch herself at CJ and plaster kisses all over his face.

A gentle tug on my beard reminds me of Rene's presence and I look
down into her serious little face. "Are you going to look after us?"
she asks.

"Would you like that?" I ask in return.

"Uh-huh." she replies, nodding gravely.

"What about you?" I look up at Alison.

"You bet." she grins, licking her lips.

Suddenly Cheryl pulls back and exclaims, "Shit, we'd better get

"Relax," CJ soothes, "we've got plenty of time, we don't have to be
there until seven."

"What about Greg?" she objects, "He'll have to get some clothes and
I have to put clean sheets on my bed."

"Don't worry about me," I say, "I keep an overnight bag in the car so
I'm all right there. What about you CJ? Do you need a lift to get
your stuff."

"No, we'd already packed Cheryl's car when her father had his turn."
he replies.

Cheryl has pulled a book in her lap, using it as a rest as she busily
scribbles away. As she writes she says, "The kids can have fish and
chips for tea tonight and pizza tomorrow, can you manage sandwiches
for their lunches? Rene has Rice Bubbles for breakfast, and Alison
likes Vita-Brits. Here's my mother's phone number and address and
the number for the hospital. CJ get the number for the Echuca
Police, just in case he has to get hold of us."

As CJ gets the phone book, Cheryl rattles on with her instructions.
"Rene goes to bed at eight o'clock, Alison can stay up until nine
thirty, ten at the latest. Make sure Rene goes to the toilet before
she goes to sleep and has nothing to drink after seven. She still
wets the bed sometimes.

"Rene shouldn't give you any trouble and Alison had better not, if
she knows what's good for her."

As she speaks, I make all of the appropriate noises in the right
places and when she finishes, I reassure her, "You go ahead and have
a good time, we'll be fine."

Over the next hour, while CJ and Cheryl shower and get dressed for
dinner, I get to know Rene better, answering Alison's scowl with a
whispered "Later." She brightens up at this and joins in my games
with Rene. Though she tries to steal the show by giving me a glimpse
down the front of her shirt at every opportunity and sitting opposite
me with her legs crossed, giving me a clear view of her pink, cotton

Whenever Rene looks away, she drops her fingers into her lap and rubs
at her pussy as though scratching an itch. Once, when Rene runs off
to get something from her room, Alison draws the damp gusset of her
knickers to one side, revealing the smooth white flesh of her vulva.
Still maintaining the pretence of scratching an itch, she brings her
other hand down and rubs at the glistening pink crease separating her
sweet pussy lips.

She calmly releases the elastic, as Rene clatters back into the room
carrying a coloring book and her Crayons. Rene tugs me over to sit
at the coffee table and uses my lap as a seat, her squirming to get
comfortable causes my semi-rigid prick to harden completely.

Alison moves to kneel beside me, and pokes the finger that had just
been between her legs out at me. I playfully snap at it, expecting
her to jerk it away. Instead she holds it still and my teeth close
bare millimetres from the tip. I look into her eyes and I'm met by a
challenging look. So taking her dare, I cover my teeth with my lips
and close them around the proffered finger, taking my first taste of
her sweet pussy.

At the same time Rene looks up and jeers at her sister, "Ha, he got
you. I'm better than you."

Alison and I exchange grins and pulling her finger free of my lips,
she agrees with a laugh, "Yeah, I guess you are."

Rising, she leaves the room and returns with a coloring book of her
own and a set of Derwent pencils. "Move over." she orders her
little sister. Using her hip to shove Rene to one side, she
appropriates my left knee, forcing me to place a hand on each of
their waists to support them. Pretending to lose her balance, she
steadies herself, her hand falling into my lap directly on top of my
still firm prick.

She gasps and snatches her hand back. I look down into her face, to
be met by a look compounded of surprise and embarrassment. She turns
to the table and opens her book to a picture of Ariel, the little
mermaid. Then carefully selecting just the right shade of blue-green
she pokes her tongue from the corner of her mouth and begins to
carefully color Ariel's tail.

Just as my leg begins to go to sleep, CJ and Cheryl come to my
rescue. "Girls, we're going now, don't be pests and mind what Greg
tells you."

The girls scramble from my knees, Alison giving my now soft member
another exploratory feel, as she pushes herself to her feet. I climb
to my feet, pins and needles burning in my leg and I limp over to
where Alison and Rene are receiving kisses goodbye.

Cheryl notices my limp and grins, saying, "You shouldn't let them
take advantage of you like that, especially Alison, she's too heavy."

"Forget it, Cheryl." CJ says, "That's why he's so good with kids, he
lets them do whatever they want with him. But at the same time, he
doesn't let them get away with any shit."

"Ok, we turned the spa on for you kids, but you're not to get in
unless Greg's with you. ok?"

Both girls greet this announcement with loud cheers and readily agree
to the restriction.

"The water should be hot enough in about an hour. Don't let them
totally cook themselves. Here are the keys and here's the money for
the fish and chips and pizzas and bread and milk in the morning.
We'll be back about ten Sunday night." Cheryl delivers final
instructions and hands me a fifty dollar note.

"Can we get a video?" Alison asks eagerly.

"One each." Cheryl answers, "There should be enough there, if not
I'll fix you up when we get back. There's a video store up next to
the milkbar. Alison will show you where it is, just don't let her
get anything too gory. Girls, you be good for Greg and do whatever
he says."

She stoops to deliver a final kiss to each of the two girls and as
she releases them they move over to their father. He sweeps them up
in his arms and gives them a bear hug, winking at me, he whispers in
their ears and slips a folded five dollar note into their hands.

"Thanks mate, you don't know how much I appreciate this." CJ says,
slipping a tightly rolled baggie into my hand as he shakes it,
rolling his eyes in the direction of Cheryl.

"Thank you Greg." Cheryl says and surprises me by pulling me into a
hug. "Here, don't smoke it until Rene's in bed and don't let Alison
have more than two cones. The bong's over the stove."

CJ misinterprets my stunned mullet expression and grins at me, "Yeah
she has that effect on me too."

The girls and I escort CJ and Cheryl to the car and I stand with them
at the end of the driveway, as they wave until the car turns at the
end of the street. I look down into their up turned faces and ask,
Ok, what do you want to do?"

Chapter 3 - Set Up?

"Get a video." Alison cries.

At the same time, Rene waves her five dollar note and declares, "Buy
lots of lollies."

"I think we can manage that in one trip." I say with a grin.
Checking that I have the keys, I pull the door shut and take hold of
Rene's hand, allowing Alison to lead me up the road to the shops.

Immediately we enter the milkbar, Rene makes a beeline for the
counter and holds up the five dollar note. "Lollies, I want lot's of
lollies." She informs the girl behind the counter.

The girl's eyes flick from the money to Rene to me and she raises an
eyebrow in true Spock fashion.

"It's all right." I hastily say, "I'm looking after them for the
weekend, while their parents are away."

The girl laughs at my frightened expression and says, "I'm not
worried about that. I know Rene and there's no way a stranger could
get anywhere near her. I'm just wondering if you're prepared for the
mess, when she deposits five dollars worth of lollies on the carpet."

"I get you're point." I grin back, "Make it a dollar and she can buy
some more tomorrow. Alison, the same goes for you."

Alison, returns two of the four chocolate bars she is holding, to the
shelf and looks up at me pleadingly. "Ok, but that's it." I relent,
"And you don't eat them until after dinner."

Grinning happily, she waits at the counter for the girl to finish
filling a bag for Rene and they hand over their money. When they
receive their change, Rene holds up the well-filled paper bag in one
hand and the four gold coins in the other, crowing at her incredible
bargaining skills.

Thanking the girl, we leave the shop and go into the next, where we
order our fish and chips. "Let's get our videos while they're
cooking." Alison says.

As we enter the video store, I suggest, "Why don't we let Rene choose
the movie for tonight and you can get yours tomorrow."

"Ok," she agrees and a few minutes later, we emerge with a copy of My
Little Pony. We collect the fish and chips and head back to their

Rene wants to watch the movie straight away, but I suggest that she
wait until after we have eaten. I send Alison to get a couple of
towels from the bathroom and lay them out on the floor.

Setting dinner in the middle, I restrain them while we say grace.
"Two, four, six, eight. Bog in, don't wait."

They take me at my word and they tear into their dinner like starving
animals. Rene singes her fingers on her piece of fish and I show her
how to tear off a strip of paper and wrap it around the battered

Within minutes, dinner is but a memory and a few scattered crumbs,
which Rene assiduously hunts down and consumes. "Can I watch
'Ponies' now?" she asks.

"Yep." I agree, "And you can eat some of your lollies too." Taking
the cassette from Its case, I pop it into the VCR and sit back,
resigned to an hour of saccharine sweetness.

"Hey lets get in the spa." Alison says to me once her little sister
is engrossed with the television set.

Immediately, Rene leaps up and hits 'stop' and yells, "Yay, Me too,
I'll watch 'Ponies' later."

Alison's face drops a little at her sister's intrusion, but wisely
says nothing. She leads me out through the back door to where a fern
filled conservatory has been built onto the back of the house.
Sunken into the middle of the floor, totally concealed from outside
view, is a large spa bath.

"Hang on you two," I say, "you get your bathers, while I get some
shorts from my car."

"Why?" Alison objects, "We never wear bathers in the spa with Mum
and Dad."

"That's different." I say, "I don't think your mother would like it
if I got in with you two without any clothes on."

While Alison and I have been speaking, Rene has stripped off her
clothes and is standing, naked, by the edge of the spa. "Hurry up,"
she cries, "I'm getting cold."

"Greg says we've got to wear our bathers because Mum wouldn't like it
if we were rudie nudies with him." Alison says to her little sister.

"Oh!" A frightened look creeps onto Rene's face, "Does that mean I'm
naughty?" she asks in a quavering voice, her lower lip trembling.

"No Rene," I reassure her, "but you'd better put your bathers on."

Immediately her whole demeanour brightens and the next thing I know,
my arms are full of delighted, squirming, naked little girl. With
this, I realise what Cheryl meant by my not having any trouble with
her. A look of censure would have her near tears, while a raised
voice would probably have her bawling for hours and to raise your
hand to her in anger would probably drive her into catatonia.

"Will you help me?" she asks, "I always get it wrong."

"I don't know." I demure.

"Please?" she begs with irresistible, doe like eyes.

"You'd better do it," Alison advises, "or she'll look at you like
that for the rest of the night."

"Ok," I laugh, "I don't think I could take that."

Again, I see that bright smile, that, with a little self confidence,
would match her mother's. "Oh thank you." she cries, giving a
little wriggle, that abruptly stops as her mouth opens in surprise.

Suddenly I realise that my hand has slipped on her little bottom and
the side of my finger now rests in the crease of her plump little
pussy. I quickly readjust my grip and turn to Alison, asking, "Could
you take my keys and get my bag out of the boot of my car?"

"Sure." she agrees cheerfully and unsnaps my keys from my pants.
"Which one is it?" she asks.

I shift Rene to my hip and pick out the right key for Alison. As she
goes outside, I carry Rene to her room and lower her to the floor.
"Where are your bathers?" I ask.

"In here." she says, going over to her chest of drawers and pulling
out the top drawer. "Lift me up." she says.

I slip my hands around her tiny waist and lift her until she can see
into the drawer. Lifting one leg between hers, I rest the toe on a
drawer handle and lower her to sit astride my thigh. She rummages
through her underwear for a few moments and pulls out a blue ball of
stretch lycra.

She shoves the drawer closed and indicates with a wriggle, that she
wants to get down. I lower her to the floor and take her bathers
from her hand. Shaking them out, I sort out front from back and hold
them open for her to step into. I pull them up snug into her crotch
and help her get her arms through the right holes, settling the
shoulder straps with a light snap onto her shoulders.

She steps back a couple of steps and I survey her, noticing that the
strip of cloth between her legs is half caught up between her pussy
lips. Motioning her back to me, I slip a finger under the
elasticised leg band and pull it straight, the back of my knuckle
just brushing the exquisitely smooth skin of her plump vulva. Her
eyes widen a little at the intimate touch, but the smile on her lips
never wavers.

I withdraw my hand and she holds out her arms to me. Then just as I
go to pick her up, Alison says from the doorway, "Here's your stuff."

Giving Rene a pat on the bottom, I say, "You go and wait in front of
the fire, we'll be there in a minute." I rise and take my bag and
keys from Alison, telling her, "Go and get changed."

In the master bedroom, I quickly strip, pull on a pair of speedos
(left over from summer) and slip on the towelling robe that I keep in
the bag. Leaving the room, I catch a glimpse of Alison through her
half open door. She is naked from the waist up, tying the string at
the side of her bottoms.

I'm just about to turn away, when she notices me. "Greg," she calls,
"come here. I can't get this knot undone."

I stick my head through the door for a closer look and see that the
strings on one side of her bikini bottoms are well and truly snarled.
As I move into the room I get a good look at her little tits. Just
beginning to sprout, they are tiny, almost hemispherical mounds,
entirely covered by the crinkled, pink/brown skin of her areola.
Surmounting them, are her pea sized nipples which stand slightly
stiffened by the cool late autumn air.

She thrusts these out at me proudly and I start to think that this is
a put up job. When I kneel at her side and take the snarled strings
from her, a quick inspection confirms my guess. I can see where the
original bow was tied and the new knot contains so many loops that it
could not possibly have formed accidentally.

I give her an accusing glance and she responds by grinning down at me
and letting go of her bathers. They fall a few inches before the
strings in my hand pull them up short, revealing the top of her
beautiful pre-teen vulva less than eighteen inches from the tip of my
nose. In form it is a smooth, slightly plump mound, separated into
two perfectly symmetrical halves by a fine, dark cleft. Three
quarters of an inch from the top of that sweet valley is her
clitoris, a small pink nubbin, the size of a pencil eraser.

"Oops!" she exclaims insincerely, and I look up into her slightly
flushed, grinning face. "I guess I might as well take them off.
Anyway it'll be easier for you." Saying this, she plucks at the bow
on the other side and I'm left holding a tiny scrap of cloth wrapped
around her right leg and a complete view of her sweet pussy.

"I guess you might." I growl up at her and her grin widens.

I begin lowering the wisp of fabric that I hold, but she has one more
surprise for me. Before I can lower my hands more than a foot, she
draws her leg up and out of her bottoms, giving me a clear view of
the damp, pink cleft between her pussy lips and the glistening,
slightly darker flesh of her inner labia. She holds the pose for a
few seconds and I become conscious of a sweet, slightly musky smell.

As she lowers her leg, I tear my gaze from the delightful sight and
look down at the tangle in my hands. A few quick tugs soon have it
sorted out and I hold her bottoms out to her.

Instead of taking them from me, she turns to face me and strikes a
pose that is as old as life itself. Standing with her right leg
slightly cocked, her left hand low on her hip and the thumb and
forefinger of the right loosely framing her mound, she asks, "Do you
think I'm pretty?"

"Beautiful." I whisper, then catching myself, I continue sternly,
"Do you know that you're asking for trouble?"

"Uh-huh." she replies just as seriously. "But I like you. You're

"Just because I'm nice, doesn't mean I'm safe. Haven't you been told
about strangers?" I ask.

"Of course silly, but you're Daddy's friend." she replies.

"That doesn't mean anything." I tell her, "I might still be a bad
man who does nasty things to little girls."

"Are you?" she asks seriously. "Nasty I mean."

"No I'm not." I say, "But you should be more careful, because I do
want to do things with you."

"Would you stop if I asked you to?"

"Yes I would." I reply.

"Then I want you to do things to me." she informs me.

Then with a mercurial change of mood she grins at me, "I'm a big girl
now, see I'm growing hair down here." she points at her bare vulva.

I take a closer look, but I'm forced to ask, "Where? I can't see

"Right here." she says pointing to the very top of her crack.
"You'll have to look closer."

I lean closer, getting another intoxicating whiff of her sweet pussy.
Finally, I'm close enough to see a few wispy hairs, almost invisible
against her skin.

"Here," she says grabbing my wrist, "you can feel them easier." I
offer only token resistance, as she draws my hand closer and presses
my fingertips against the flawless, resilient flesh of her juvenile

She relaxes her grip on my wrist and I lightly brush my fingers over
her smooth pubic mound, feeling a fine peach fuzz and a few slightly
stiffer hairs just above the top of her cleft. She makes no move to
pull my hand away, so I continue to lightly explore her beautiful
young pussy. With my heart beating like a triphammer, I run the
sensitive tips of my fingers all over the plump bulge between her
legs, delighting in the exquisite feel of her unblemished skin.

I then fold the last two fingers of my hand under my thumb and gently
probe lower down. Realising my goal, she shifts her feet apart and
allows my fingers to investigate further. Still keeping my fingers
on the outside of her vulva, I gently run them between her legs,
finding a slight hint of moisture. I then increase the pressure
slightly and feel the soft folds of her little pussy open up around
my middle finger.

She gives a gasp and her fingers tighten slightly on my wrist. I
stop dead at this and a few seconds later her fingers relax. Taking
this as a signal to continue, I press a little harder, moving my
fingertip in tiny circles, until the tip of my finger presses against
the entrance to her vagina.

Again her fingers tighten, and again I stop. This time she pulls my
hand upwards until my finger tip is clear of her vagina before she
relaxes her grip. Taking the hint, I leave her vagina alone and
continue to explore the hot, moist flesh of her inner folds. As I
draw my fingers back and up, I feel her inner labia close on the
sides of my fingertip and I come into contact with the rigid knob of
her fully extended clitoris.

"Stop!" she gasps and her fingers tighten convulsively on my wrist.

"Are you all right?" I ask.

"Uh-huh." she nods. "But why does it feel so much better than when
I touch myself there?"

As I think about how to answer her, I remove my fingers completely
from between her pussy lips and stare at the glistening pink knob of
flesh that now extends a little beyond her pale outer labia. Finally
I ask, "Are you ticklish?"

"Yeah, I guess so. Why?" she asks confusedly.

"Well, can you tickle yourself?"

"Of course not." she replies.

"Well, it's sort of like that. You can't tickle yourself, because
your brain already knows exactly what's going to happen. Touching
your pussy is like a special kind of tickling, but because there are
lots more nerves there, you can do it to yourself. It feels better
when somebody else does it, because your brain doesn't already know
what's going to happen."

"Oh, I get it." she says smiling. "You can touch me again if you
want to."

"Later," I say picking up her bathers and drawing the scrap of cloth
up between her legs, "we'd better get you dressed before Rene comes
looking for us."

She makes a little moue of disappointment, but takes hold of the
strings and ties them in bows on both hips. I reach for the top,
which is on her bed and she asks, "Do I have to wear that?"

"I think you'd better." I say and she ducks her head for me. I slip
the loop at the top behind her neck and she turns for me to tie the
strap across her back.

Turning back to me, she presents her half covered breasts to me,
saying, "You fix it."

I brush the balls of my thumbs over the exposed mounds, feeling the
crinkled skin covering the firm flesh tighten even further. I flick
the stiff little posts of her nipples, drawing a little gasp from her
lips, then quickly tug the top of her bikini into place and rise to
my feet.

I lightly swat her bum, causing her to jump and squeak in mock
outrage. "Come on you, let's go."

In the lounge, we find Rene sitting about a metre from the
television, totally engrossed in her 'Ponies', as every few seconds,
her hand dips into the open bag of lollies in her lap. The shadow
that I throw over her body, as I move to stand behind her, causes her
to look up and ask. "What took you so long?"

"My bathers got all tangled." Alison explains.

"Oh. Can we get in the spa now?" Rene asks.

"Sure thing." I reply. "Come on."

Rene scrambles to her feet and stops the video.

"Do you need to go to the loo?" Alison asks, "Remember what happened
last time."

Rene blushes and says, "Yeah, I better go."

As she leaves the room, I ask Alison, "What happened?"

"The water turned pink." Alison chortles, "Mum puts stuff in the
water that turns pink if you piddle in it."

"Oh." I say. "I need to go too, so I'll see you out there."

I go after Rene and find her sitting on the toilet with the door
open, her bathers on the floor. Grinning up at me, she says, "They
fell off."

"Really?" I ask, listening to the hiss of her pee in the bowl.

Her only response is to lower her head and giggle. When she
finishes, she hops down from the seat and picks up her bathers.
"Here, help me put them on." she says holding them out to me.

I pull a couple of sheets from the roll and hold them out to her,
"Here dry off first."

She looks quizzically at the wad of tissue in my hand, "Huh?"

I reach down and dry her pussy for her, explaining, "Dry your crack
after you have a piddle. That way there won't be any pink in the

"Oh." she says, "Put my bathers on."

I take them from her and hold them for her to step into. After I
pull the shoulder straps into place, I look down and see the crotch
pulled right up between her pussy lips and she avoids looking me in
the eye.

Grinning inwardly, I kneel and slip my finger under the narrow strip
of cloth, running my knuckle the length of her little pussy as I pull
it free. As my knuckle runs along the little furrow, she presses
against it and my cock hardens in response. Still maintaining the
pretence of ensuring the correct fit of her bathers I run my finger
back and forth a few more times before withdrawing it.

"Ok, off you go." I say, giving her little bottom a quick squeeze
and pushing her out the door. "I need to use the toilet."

She stands outside the door, looking a little disappointed as I close
it. I extract my cock from my Speedos and wait for it to soften
enough for me to piss. Once I'm done, some wicked little demon makes
me stroke my hand up and down the shaft until my cock stands stiff,
pointing away from my body at a forty five degree angle.

I stuff it back into my Speedos, where it makes an impressive bulge
and leave my robe hanging open. Flushing the toilet, I open the door
and almost trip over Rene who is still waiting outside. Her eyes
nearly pop out of her head when she is confronted by my lycra encased
cock, practically in her face. Taking her by the shoulder, I turn
her around, her head swivelling on her shoulders until it hurts me
just to look at the way her neck is twisted. Finally, I put my hand
on top of her head and twist her eyes to the front. Pushing her
ahead of me, we walk through to the conservatory, where Alison is
already luxuriating in the spa.

As soon as we pass through the door, Rene takes an exaggerated step
to the side and I grin inwardly as Alison's eyes widen and her gaze
fastens on my crotch. Slipping my robe off, I hang it on a hook by
the door and walk towards Alison. Her eyes remain glued to my cock
as I pace across the deck and step down into the gently steaming
water, not leaving it until it disappears beneath the surface,
whereupon she looks up into my face. I meet her gaze and hold it
until she blushes and lowers it to minutely examine the bubbling
surface of the water.

Beside me, Rene presents me with a view of her cute little bottom,
with the fabric of her suit bunched up in the crack, as she turns and
lowers herself into the water. "Can I sit on your lap?" she asks as
she proceeds to do just that, pressing her practically bare bum back
against my rigid member and wriggling it. Across from me, Alison
throws her little sister a venomous look.

When this has no effect, she sets the blower going and disappears
beneath the roiling surface. A moment later, Rene shrieks and slides
from my lap. Alison leaps from the water in front of me and as Rene
rises from the water sputtering, she drops into my lap and defends
her territory by splashing her little sister.

Rene retaliates by closing her eyes and leaping at her big sister,
swinging blindly. One wildly swung hand catches in the top of
Alison's bikini and with a popping rip, one of the shoulder straps
tears free of the minuscule triangles covering her breasts.

Feeling like a heel, I bark "Enough!" Sure enough, Rene comes to an
immediate halt and looks at me with tears in her eyes. Her gaze then
falls on the damage done to her sister's bathers and the tears begin
to flow freely.

"I'm s-s-sorry." she sobs.

I lift Alison down beside me and gather Rene up in my arms. Holding
her tight to my chest, I rock her back and forth making soothing
noises as I caress her back and soft little bottom. "It's all right
I say, I can fix it."

"You can?" she asks, blinking up at me.

"Uh-huh." I confirm, hoping I am right. "Alison, it looks like you
got your wish. You might as well get rid of that."

"Now you two, do you think you can share me?" I ask, "Or should I
just send you to bed right now?"

"We'll be good." Alison says and Rene nods vigorously as she
wriggles from my arms and places herself astride my left knee, facing
towards me. Alison straddles the other knee and slips her arm around
Rene's shoulder and pulls her in close, saying, "It's all right, it
was getting too small anyway"

Rene sniffs loudly a couple of times and smiles wanly. A few seconds
later she giggles and says, "Your boobie's poking in my ear."

We all laugh at this and all is forgiven.

Suddenly a wicked thought enters my mind and I straighten my legs
causing the pair of them to fall and disappear beneath the water.
They rise sputtering and Alison looks at Rene, "Let's get him." she
cries and they leap at me, their fingers digging into my ribs and
burrowing for my armpits.

I let them win the assault and laughing, I slide beneath the bubbling
surface. Expelling just enough breath to keep myself submerged, I
sit on the bottom and wait to see what they will do.

After a few seconds I feel hands on my shoulders. They slip beneath
my arms and I'm hauled to the surface. Rene is in front of me with a
frightened look on her face, so I smile and wink at her, but leave my
body limp. Grunting Alison drags me to a seat and steps up on to it,
pulling me up to sit on it. But as soon as she loosens her grip I
pretend to slip back towards the water.

I do this a couple more times, until Rene looses control and bursts
out laughing. At this point Alison realises that she's been had and
shoves me from the seat into the water. I turn beneath the surface
and leap from the water with a roar. Alison then jumps at me and I
stagger as she locks her legs around my waist and her hands about my

She pretends to choke me as she shakes my head back and forth, saying
"You, you, you, oooghh."

I lift my hand to her waist and tickle her, catching her as she
looses her grip. Lifting her back up, I blow zoober after zoober
into her belly button, causing her to giggle and thrash
uncontrollably. Accidentally, done on purpose, I land a few near and
on her pert little titties, and she gasps and stiffens in my hands.

Finally I relent and drop her into the water, turning to descend on a
smugly smiling Rene. "Your turn little girl." I say as I lift her
lycra covered belly to my lips and blow. The farting noises are even
louder and her giggles are most satisfactory.

Keeping hold of her I return to my seat, blowing into her belly
button each time she falls silent. Eventually though, her breathing
becomes laboured and I desist, lowering her to my knee.

Warily, Alison approaches and sits down beside me, though for a
minute or so she perches on the edge of the seat, ready to flee at my
first movement. Then having decided that no further attack is
forthcoming she cuddles up to my side.

She starts as I move my arm, them realising that I'm just going to
put it around her shoulders, she leans forwards and I slip it behind
her so that my hand rests on her hip. She turns in my arm to rest
her head on my shoulder and press one of her little boobs against my
side. A few seconds later she loosens the tie on her bottoms and
twists until my hand cups her bare bottom.

She then lifts her own hand from the water and twirls my beard around
her finger as she says. "I'm glad you're looking after us instead of
Grandma and Grandpa."

"Uh-huh," Rene agrees, "Me too. You're much more fun." She turns in
my lap to rest her head on my other shoulder and I support her with
my hand behind her knees.

For the next hour or so, they chatter to me about school, until Rene
lifts her hand from the water and holds it up before my face. "Look
I've got witches hands." she says, waving the wrinkled extremity
under my nose.

"Well we better get out before Alison gets witches boobs." I joke,
tweaking one gently, causing them both to giggle. "Besides," I
continue, "it's time you started getting ready for bed."

"Do I have to?" she objects as a matter of form.

"You have to." I confirm, removing my hand from Alison's bottom and
lifting it so I can check my watch. "It's nearly half past seven.
By the time you've had your bath it'll be your bedtime."

"I don't need a bath," she protests, "I'm clean."

"You still have to wash the chlorine off." I say. "Come on let's

I unwrap my arm from around Alison and climb from the spa with Rene
on my hip. "You too." I say to Alison as I walk off with Rene.
Alison reties her bottoms and climbs from the water, hurrying to
catch up.

I grab my robe and we go through to the bathroom as I say, "We'll
just rinse off under the shower with our suits on. That way we can
throw them in the drier so they'll be ready for tomorrow."

In the bathroom, I lower Rene to the floor and turn on the shower
adjusting the temperature to be suitable for her. We then squeeze
into the cubicle together and quickly rinse off.

When we're done I roughly towel them dry and say, "Brush your teeth
and give me your bathers then go and get your nighties and a
hairbrush. We'll dry off properly in front of the fire."

With a wicked grin Alison, tugs at the bows holding her bathers on
and hands me the skimpy scrap of cloth before fronting up to the
basin and picking up her toothbrush. Rene's smile is not one whit
less naughty than her sister's as she follows suit, slipping off her
bathers and handing them to me. When they finish their teeth they
scurry off to their rooms, pausing in the doorway to wiggle their
bare white bottoms at me. While they are gone, I take the
opportunity to remove my own bathers, towel myself dry and slip on my
robe. Then figuring on a complete exchange of oral fauna later in
the evening, I make use of Alison's toothbrush, before wringing out
our bathers into the bath and throwing them into the drier on my way
through the laundry. I then head on through the kitchen into the

Both girls are waiting for me in the lounge, standing naked before
the wall furnace. When they see me in my robe, their faces mirror
their disappointment, but I'm not ready to be naked before Rene, as I
don't want her carrying tales to her mother or CJ.

I drop into the seat nearest the fire and pull Rene in to sit between
my legs. Taking her towel from her, I rub as much of the moisture as
I can from her hair. Alison hands me the brush and I carefully work
the tangles from Rene's hair, then brush it out until it's bright and
shiny and most of the moisture is gone.

I then lift her down and help her into her nightie. Sending her off
to watch TV for the few minutes that remain until her bedtime.
Alison then slips in between my knees and wriggles backwards until
her bum presses against my bare cock. "Oooh!" she squeaks in
surprise and wriggles harder against it, causing it to begin to rise.

Taking up the towel, I dry her hair and then drop it into my lap.
Picking up the brush I go to work on her slightly longer tresses,
carefully working the brush through them, until her hair shines
brightly. When I lift her from the chair, she quickly turns to get a
glimpse of my cock, but the towel in my lap conceals it and before
she can get any ideas about snatching it away, I pull my robe
straight and rise from the chair.

By this time it is after eight o'clock, so I tell her, "You get your
nightie on while I put Rene to bed."

I stop 'Ponies' and lift Rene to my hip, carrying her through to the
toilet. Again she leaves the door open and this time she tucks the
hem of her nightie under her chin and sort of curls up, looking
between her widespread legs as she concentrates on expelling the piss
from her body. It takes her a few seconds to get it flowing, but
when she does, it flows in a golden arch from the tiny cleft between
her legs to fall hissing into the bowl.

When she finishes, she grabs a wad of paper and dries off, before
lifting her chin and letting her nightie fall. She hops to the
floor, pushes the button and holds her arms for me to lift her. I
carry her to her bedroom and supporting her against my shoulder, with
one hand cupping her bare little bottom beneath her nightie, I pull
back the covers. When I lower her to the bed, she wriggles
downwards, her nightie rucking up to reveal her plump little pussy
and outie belly button in the process. Unable to resist, I stoop and
wrap my lips around it blowing a zoober and making her giggle and
squirm delightfully. Daringly, I blow another zoober at the top of
her tiny slit, before pulling her nightie straight and drawing the
covers up under her chin.

I read her a story from a book of Aboriginal legends about how three
sisters were changed into rock to protect them a bunyip. But the
witch doctor couldn't change them back because he'd lost his magic
shinbone and that was how the rock formation called the Three Sisters
came to be. By the time I'm finished, she is almost asleep, but when
I turn back from putting the book away, she holds her arms out to me
and has her lips pursed. I give her a hug and a kiss goodnight and
tuck her in. I start to pull the door closed but leave it open when
she asks me to.

Chapter 4 - Alone with Alison.

On my way back to the lounge, I retrieve one of the baggies given to
me and a couple of cigarettes. I then collect the bong, scissors and
a small bowl from the kitchen and walk through into the lounge, where
I find Alison sitting in front of the television, watching Beverley
Hills 90210.

I make appropriate gagging noises as I take a seat on the couch and
she turns to look at me. When she sees what I am holding, her eyes
light up and I decide to have a little fun at her expense.

I dry the cigarettes, quickly mull up and pack a cone, then make a
real production of enjoying it. I look directly into her eyes as I
pack the second cone. I wait for her to start moving towards me and
quickly smoke it, enjoying the slightly crestfallen look in her eyes.

Then, I pack the next pipe and place it on the coffee table, then
wait to see what she will do. For a few minutes her attention wavers
between the bong and the TV until she finally works up the courage to
ask, "Can I have a pipe please?"

"You!" I pretend to be shocked, "You're too young."

"No I'm not," she protests, "Mum lets me."

"I don't believe you." I scoff.

"But she does. She says that I can smoke it, but I can only do it at

"Why would she say something like that?" I ask.

"Because she found some in my bag once." Alison explains, "She said
I could smoke it, but only with her on the weekends and I was never
to get it from anyone at school again. She said bad people sometimes
put really bad stuff like heroin in the stuff they sell at schools so
they can get them hooked and make them do whatever they want."

"Ok," I say, "you can have one cone."

"But Mum lets me have three." she objects mendaciously.

I raise my eyebrow and slowly reach for the bong on the table.

She hastily corrects herself, saying, "I mean two."

"That's better." I say, leaning back into my seat.

"It was worth a try." she grins, then gives me a direct stare, "Hey,
you knew. Mum told you. How come you made me tell you why?"

"Because I wouldn't have let you have any, if you couldn't give me a
good reason why. No matter what your mum said." I explain.

"Oh. why?"

"Because I think you are too young. But your mum's right, the shit
they hand out at schools is full of nasty things and some of them are
a lot worse than heroin. Did you pay for what you got?"

"No." She answers, moving around the coffee table and sitting down
beside me. "That's why Mum said I should smoke hers. She took the
stuff I had to the cops and they found heroin in it. She got really
mad at the school because it was a teacher who was giving the stuff
to kids. They had to get the cops in and everything. The teacher
was doing it because he liked to fuck- oops." she covers her mouth.

"It's ok. I've heard the word before, go on."

"He used it to get little girls to fuck."

"Does your dad know about it?"

"Uh-uh." she shakes her head emphatically, "He was mad enough when
he found out a teacher at school was handing out drugs. He would
have killed him if he knew I was one of the kids he was giving them
to. I know it was silly, but this girl I knew gave it to me and said
it was ok. But really she was already hooked and the teacher made

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Frank McCoy
2005-01-19 04:47:06 UTC
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