US nomination / My full disclosure: Frank McCoy
(too old to reply)
Robert Buchanan
2006-11-24 03:08:19 UTC
In alt.support.girl-lovers Robert Buchanan
After a lively exchange with Frank McCoy, I must say: he's quite a
guy! Few people take the time to rationalize methods detailing how
and why
pedophilia, ephebophilia, and incest should be legalized, but he does
best and exerts quite a lot of effort into his attempts to do so!
Granted, he has some issues with the English language pertaining to
horrid misuse of apostrophes and pormanteaus (he really doesn't
understand how to use either of them), and like certain other kooks,
he *loves* to use *asterisks* for *emphasis* of *almost* every *other*
word when he's all *excited!* The more worked up over a subject that
Frank is (usually one that involves sex with children), the more those
asterisks become prominent to the point of ubiquity!
But the real fun to be derived from an exchange with Frank stems from
easily he's trolled. If I can troll somebody, anybody can, and a
successful trolling of Frank can consist of nothing more than asking
him questions about his views on sexuality while not being a prick to
him. You don't even have to be nice to him (admittedly, it's
difficult to be anything other than a prick to regulars of
alt.support.girl-lovers). Just act as though you're tolerant of
Frank, ask him questions related to his views on sex with children,
teenagers, and siblings, and look out! This will cause a flood of
text to flow freely from Frank's keyboard as he explains the logic of
legalizing pedophilia, ephebophilia, and incest in prolix miniature
Note the X-Troll header in my posts, in which I implemented a scoring
system based on the quantity of rationalization related to Frank's
perverted sensibilities that I could draw out of him, the number of
asterisks he used measured in relation to the amount of text he typed
in each of his posts, the success of each piece of bait I laid out for
him to excitedly devour, the moral reprehensibility of the views he
expressed, and his general degree of cluelessness. The tallied
Buchanan: 15.3
McCoy: -15.6
If you're not interested in trolling Frank and just want to annoy him,
insult his intelligence. He'll wack out satisfactorily, and the more
agitated he is, the less literate he becomes. It's fun! Frank's one
of the very few people I've come across on USENET who's so desperate
for acceptance and attention that he'll try to be civil after you've
insulted him if it means that he can express his precious, perverted
perspective in detail. You can be the good cop /and/ the bad cop!
Based on the MIDs of Frank's posts litsed above, and the majority of
posting output, I hereby nominate Frank McCoy for the Unabomber
Any seconds?
Heh, heh.
Actually funny.
Even a few truths in the whole spiel.
Lots of crap too; but that's pretty much a hallmark of humor.
See, now I can at least respect you to some degree, because anybody who
has the character to laugh at themselves deserves some acnkowledgement.
Everybody give the guy the clap!
No need; I've been vaccinated.
Robert Buchanan

Economic Left/Right: -0.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.18
Robert Buchanan
2006-11-26 01:44:31 UTC
After a lively exchange with Frank McCoy, I must say: he's quite a
guy! Few people take the time to rationalize methods detailing how
and why
pedophilia, ephebophilia, and incest should be legalized, but he does
best and exerts quite a lot of effort into his attempts to do so!
Granted, he has some issues with the English language pertaining to
horrid misuse of apostrophes and pormanteaus (he really doesn't
understand how to use either of them), and like certain other kooks,
he *loves* to use *asterisks* for *emphasis* of *almost* every *other*
word when he's all *excited!* The more worked up over a subject that
Frank is (usually one that involves sex with children), the more those
asterisks become prominent to the point of ubiquity!
But the real fun to be derived from an exchange with Frank stems from
easily he's trolled. If I can troll somebody, anybody can, and a
successful trolling of Frank can consist of nothing more than asking
him questions about his views on sexuality while not being a prick to
him. You don't even have to be nice to him (admittedly, it's
difficult to be anything other than a prick to regulars of
alt.support.girl-lovers). Just act as though you're tolerant of
Frank, ask him questions related to his views on sex with children,
teenagers, and siblings, and look out! This will cause a flood of
text to flow freely from Frank's keyboard as he explains the logic of
legalizing pedophilia, ephebophilia, and incest in prolix miniature
Note the X-Troll header in my posts, in which I implemented a scoring
system based on the quantity of rationalization related to Frank's
perverted sensibilities that I could draw out of him, the number of
asterisks he used measured in relation to the amount of text he typed
in each of his posts, the success of each piece of bait I laid out for
him to excitedly devour, the moral reprehensibility of the views he
expressed, and his general degree of cluelessness. The tallied
Buchanan: 15.3
McCoy: -15.6
If you're not interested in trolling Frank and just want to annoy him,
insult his intelligence. He'll wack out satisfactorily, and the more
agitated he is, the less literate he becomes. It's fun! Frank's one
of the very few people I've come across on USENET who's so desperate
for acceptance and attention that he'll try to be civil after you've
insulted him if it means that he can express his precious, perverted
perspective in detail. You can be the good cop /and/ the bad cop!
Based on the MIDs of Frank's posts litsed above, and the majority of
posting output, I hereby nominate Frank McCoy for the Unabomber
Any seconds?
Sure, right here. And infesting what I presume is a support group
should be worth a few additional awards (hayrff V'z zvfgnxra naq vg vf
fhccbeg va anzr bayl).
Gur fhccbegrq bs guvf tebhc ner gur irel crbcyr jub pbaprea zr...

affm added, which I should have done earlier.
Robert Buchanan

Economic Left/Right: -0.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.18
Art Deco
2006-11-26 04:06:06 UTC
Post by Robert Buchanan
After a lively exchange with Frank McCoy, I must say: he's quite a
guy! Few people take the time to rationalize methods detailing how
and why
pedophilia, ephebophilia, and incest should be legalized, but he does
best and exerts quite a lot of effort into his attempts to do so!
Granted, he has some issues with the English language pertaining to
horrid misuse of apostrophes and pormanteaus (he really doesn't
understand how to use either of them), and like certain other kooks,
he *loves* to use *asterisks* for *emphasis* of *almost* every *other*
word when he's all *excited!* The more worked up over a subject that
Frank is (usually one that involves sex with children), the more those
asterisks become prominent to the point of ubiquity!
But the real fun to be derived from an exchange with Frank stems from
easily he's trolled. If I can troll somebody, anybody can, and a
successful trolling of Frank can consist of nothing more than asking
him questions about his views on sexuality while not being a prick to
him. You don't even have to be nice to him (admittedly, it's
difficult to be anything other than a prick to regulars of
alt.support.girl-lovers). Just act as though you're tolerant of
Frank, ask him questions related to his views on sex with children,
teenagers, and siblings, and look out! This will cause a flood of
text to flow freely from Frank's keyboard as he explains the logic of
legalizing pedophilia, ephebophilia, and incest in prolix miniature
Note the X-Troll header in my posts, in which I implemented a scoring
system based on the quantity of rationalization related to Frank's
perverted sensibilities that I could draw out of him, the number of
asterisks he used measured in relation to the amount of text he typed
in each of his posts, the success of each piece of bait I laid out for
him to excitedly devour, the moral reprehensibility of the views he
expressed, and his general degree of cluelessness. The tallied
Buchanan: 15.3
McCoy: -15.6
If you're not interested in trolling Frank and just want to annoy him,
insult his intelligence. He'll wack out satisfactorily, and the more
agitated he is, the less literate he becomes. It's fun! Frank's one
of the very few people I've come across on USENET who's so desperate
for acceptance and attention that he'll try to be civil after you've
insulted him if it means that he can express his precious, perverted
perspective in detail. You can be the good cop /and/ the bad cop!
Based on the MIDs of Frank's posts litsed above, and the majority of
posting output, I hereby nominate Frank McCoy for the Unabomber
Any seconds?
Sure, right here. And infesting what I presume is a support group
should be worth a few additional awards (hayrff V'z zvfgnxra naq vg vf
fhccbeg va anzr bayl).
Gur fhccbegrq bs guvf tebhc ner gur irel crbcyr jub pbaprea zr...
V jnf zber guna n ovg urfvgnag gb qb nalguvat jvgu guvf bar qhr gb gur
trareny gnobb, ohg gura gur erfg bs gur gvgyr qnjarq gur yvtug bs pyhr
hcba zr.
Post by Robert Buchanan
affm added, which I should have done earlier.
Frank McCoy
2006-11-26 04:16:40 UTC
Post by Robert Buchanan
affm added, which I should have done earlier.
Don't see why ... But then: I don't see why NOT either.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
Art Deco
2006-11-26 04:23:22 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Robert Buchanan
affm added, which I should have done earlier.
Don't see why ... But then: I don't see why NOT either.
Suffering from attribution problems now, asterisk abuser?
Robert Buchanan
2006-11-26 04:36:41 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Robert Buchanan
affm added, which I should have done earlier.
Don't see why ... But then: I don't see why NOT either.
I don't see how this thread could possibly be more on-topic in affm than it
Robert Buchanan

Economic Left/Right: -0.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.18
Frank McCoy
2006-11-26 04:58:13 UTC
In alt.support.girl-lovers Robert Buchanan
Post by Robert Buchanan
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Robert Buchanan
affm added, which I should have done earlier.
Don't see why ... But then: I don't see why NOT either.
I don't see how this thread could possibly be more on-topic in affm than it
Like I said:
I don't know why not.
Just that I don't think people there will be interested.
I might be wrong too; thinking about it a bit longer.
Some fans might well want to join the fray.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
Robert Buchanan
2006-11-26 04:38:31 UTC
Post by Art Deco
Post by Robert Buchanan
After a lively exchange with Frank McCoy, I must say: he's quite a
guy! Few people take the time to rationalize methods detailing how
and why
pedophilia, ephebophilia, and incest should be legalized, but he does
best and exerts quite a lot of effort into his attempts to do so!
Granted, he has some issues with the English language pertaining to
horrid misuse of apostrophes and pormanteaus (he really doesn't
understand how to use either of them), and like certain other kooks,
he *loves* to use *asterisks* for *emphasis* of *almost* every *other*
word when he's all *excited!* The more worked up over a subject that
Frank is (usually one that involves sex with children), the more those
asterisks become prominent to the point of ubiquity!
But the real fun to be derived from an exchange with Frank stems from
easily he's trolled. If I can troll somebody, anybody can, and a
successful trolling of Frank can consist of nothing more than asking
him questions about his views on sexuality while not being a prick to
him. You don't even have to be nice to him (admittedly, it's
difficult to be anything other than a prick to regulars of
alt.support.girl-lovers). Just act as though you're tolerant of
Frank, ask him questions related to his views on sex with children,
teenagers, and siblings, and look out! This will cause a flood of
text to flow freely from Frank's keyboard as he explains the logic of
legalizing pedophilia, ephebophilia, and incest in prolix miniature
Note the X-Troll header in my posts, in which I implemented a scoring
system based on the quantity of rationalization related to Frank's
perverted sensibilities that I could draw out of him, the number of
asterisks he used measured in relation to the amount of text he typed
in each of his posts, the success of each piece of bait I laid out for
him to excitedly devour, the moral reprehensibility of the views he
expressed, and his general degree of cluelessness. The tallied
Buchanan: 15.3
McCoy: -15.6
If you're not interested in trolling Frank and just want to annoy him,
insult his intelligence. He'll wack out satisfactorily, and the more
agitated he is, the less literate he becomes. It's fun! Frank's one
of the very few people I've come across on USENET who's so desperate
for acceptance and attention that he'll try to be civil after you've
insulted him if it means that he can express his precious, perverted
perspective in detail. You can be the good cop /and/ the bad cop!
Based on the MIDs of Frank's posts litsed above, and the majority of
posting output, I hereby nominate Frank McCoy for the Unabomber
Any seconds?
Sure, right here. And infesting what I presume is a support group
should be worth a few additional awards (hayrff V'z zvfgnxra naq vg vf
fhccbeg va anzr bayl).
Gur fhccbegrq bs guvf tebhc ner gur irel crbcyr jub pbaprea zr...
V jnf zber guna n ovg urfvgnag gb qb nalguvat jvgu guvf bar qhr gb gur
trareny gnobb, ohg gura gur erfg bs gur gvgyr qnjarq gur yvtug bs pyhr
hcba zr.
Vs nfty jrer n yrtvgvzngr fhccbeg tebhc, V jbhyqa'g or cbfgvat urer. V
qba'g gebyy erny fhccbeg tebhcf. Jura crqrenfgf ner vaibyirq, nyy orgf
ner bss.
Post by Art Deco
Post by Robert Buchanan
affm added, which I should have done earlier.
Robert Buchanan

Economic Left/Right: -0.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.18
Robert Buchanan
2006-11-27 05:51:11 UTC
I'll second this, and also added assd to the froups list, and
'the curlies' to the start of the subject line, so that all of
Frank's good friends in alt.sex.stories.d can watch the fun.
I take it that this 'Robert Buchanan' has failed to rebut Frank's
arguments with logic and therefore has to resort to long-winded ranting
insults instead.
I wouldn't expect anything other than a biased assumption from a
I don't think Frank's friends will want to bother conversing with such
an empty vessel - Frank can take care of himself.
What kind of creeps don't support their friends?

affm restored, cunt.
Robert Buchanan

Economic Left/Right: -0.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.18
Evil Nigel
2006-11-27 11:34:03 UTC
Post by Robert Buchanan
I take it that this 'Robert Buchanan' has failed to rebut Frank's
arguments with logic and therefore has to resort to long-winded ranting
insults instead.
I wouldn't expect anything other than a biased assumption from a
OK, that was a short-winded ranting insult. Is not 'sycophant' a biased
assumption too?
Post by Robert Buchanan
I don't think Frank's friends will want to bother conversing with such
an empty vessel - Frank can take care of himself.
What kind of creeps don't support their friends?
Your hole. I'm sure you don't need any additional spades to dig yourself
Post by Robert Buchanan
affm restored, cunt.
In another group I frequent, calling me that would be a sign of respect
and affection. Perhaps it is in the groups you frequent too.

Evil Nigel
Robert Buchanan
2006-11-27 16:24:57 UTC
Post by Evil Nigel
Post by Robert Buchanan
I take it that this 'Robert Buchanan' has failed to rebut Frank's
arguments with logic and therefore has to resort to long-winded ranting
insults instead.
I wouldn't expect anything other than a biased assumption from a
OK, that was a short-winded ranting insult.
You seem to be confused about the proper use of "ranting" as an
adjective. The insult in question was a short sentence.
Post by Evil Nigel
Is not 'sycophant' a biased
assumption too?
Your admission that your own assumption was biased by your inclusion of
the word "too" to your statement has been accepted.
Post by Evil Nigel
Post by Robert Buchanan
I don't think Frank's friends will want to bother conversing with such
an empty vessel - Frank can take care of himself.
What kind of creeps don't support their friends?
Your hole. I'm sure you don't need any additional spades to dig
yourself deeper.
Apparently, the answer to my question is: the kind of creeps who produce
IKYABWAIs in lieu of flames.
Post by Evil Nigel
Post by Robert Buchanan
affm restored, witless douche bag.
In another group I frequent, calling me that would be a sign of respect
and affection. Perhaps it is in the groups you frequent too.
To better clarify my statement for your distinguished sensibilities, I've
altered the term of endearment to better suit you.
Robert Buchanan

Economic Left/Right: -0.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.18
Robert Buchanan
2006-11-28 01:46:50 UTC
Post by Robert Buchanan
You seem to be confused about the proper use of "ranting" as an
adjective. The insult in question was a short sentence.
No, short sentences can be rants if the ratio of emotive content to
informative content is high.
Rants are especially extravagant and/or violent in tone; the sentence in
question wasn't, but you're dishonest enough to snip it in your response.
I wouldn't expect anything other than a biased assumption from a
Hardly what I'd call emotive. There's a batch of net.cretins in
news.groups who would really take to your brand of debate.
Post by Robert Buchanan
Post by Evil Nigel
Is not 'sycophant' a biased
assumption too?
Your admission that your own assumption was biased by your inclusion
of the word "too" to your statement has been accepted.
I was using your frame of reference.
If so, you would have omitted the "too." Silly!
However I admit my assumption was
based solely on the forwarded posting, which I'm guessing wasn't out of
You forgot to mention that your assumption was influenced by your
admiration for Frank McCoy. Don't think that I didn't notice that you're
desperate trying to omit any mention of him in this thread. Why?
Post by Robert Buchanan
Post by Evil Nigel
Post by Robert Buchanan
affm restored, witless douche bag.
An object that's invaluable to women. That's very complimentary of you,
thank you.
You're the first person I've encountered who preferred to be recognized
as a douche bag. You must be terribly desperate for physical intimacy.

affm restored again. Tell me, why do you keep snecking it from the
groups line?
Robert Buchanan

Economic Left/Right: -0.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.18
Max Grrl
2006-11-28 04:26:49 UTC
Post by Robert Buchanan
Post by Evil Nigel
Post by Robert Buchanan
affm restored, witless douche bag.
In another group I frequent, calling me that would be a sign of respect
and affection. Perhaps it is in the groups you frequent too.
To better clarify my statement for your distinguished sensibilities, I've
altered the term of endearment to better suit you.
Much better. A "douche bag" _doesn't_ have standards. It just goes into
the nearest hole it's presented, is limp and squishy, mindless, without
any sexual appeal, and has to have help to perform.

Fitting. I approve. : )

Max Grrl
Frank McCoy
2006-11-27 22:58:19 UTC
Post by Evil Nigel
Post by Robert Buchanan
I take it that this 'Robert Buchanan' has failed to rebut Frank's
arguments with logic and therefore has to resort to long-winded ranting
insults instead.
I wouldn't expect anything other than a biased assumption from a
OK, that was a short-winded ranting insult. Is not 'sycophant' a biased
assumption too?
I think Robert's definition goes:
If he agrees with you, and disagrees with me, on ANY subject, then he's
a "syncophant". ;-{
Post by Evil Nigel
Post by Robert Buchanan
I don't think Frank's friends will want to bother conversing with such
an empty vessel - Frank can take care of himself.
What kind of creeps don't support their friends?
Your hole. I'm sure you don't need any additional spades to dig yourself
Post by Robert Buchanan
affm restored, cunt.
In another group I frequent, calling me that would be a sign of respect
and affection. Perhaps it is in the groups you frequent too.
Evil Nigel
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
Robert Buchanan
2006-11-28 01:51:07 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Evil Nigel
Post by Robert Buchanan
I take it that this 'Robert Buchanan' has failed to rebut Frank's
arguments with logic and therefore has to resort to long-winded
ranting insults instead.
I wouldn't expect anything other than a biased assumption from a
OK, that was a short-winded ranting insult. Is not 'sycophant' a
biased assumption too?
If he agrees with you, and disagrees with me, on ANY subject, then
he's a "syncophant". ;-{
Considering that Nigel snecks your fan group in groups lines and snip any
text that mentions you in his responses to my posts indicates that my
assessment of him might have been accurate, Frank. It must be nice to
have your very own weasel! What do you feed him?
Robert Buchanan

Economic Left/Right: -0.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.18
Max Grrl
2006-11-28 04:23:30 UTC
Post by Robert Buchanan
I'll second this, and also added assd to the froups list, and
'the curlies' to the start of the subject line, so that all of
Frank's good friends in alt.sex.stories.d can watch the fun.
I take it that this 'Robert Buchanan' has failed to rebut Frank's
arguments with logic and therefore has to resort to long-winded ranting
insults instead.
I wouldn't expect anything other than a biased assumption from a
I don't think Frank's friends will want to bother conversing with such
an empty vessel - Frank can take care of himself.
What kind of creeps don't support their friends?
affm restored, cunt.
With all due respect, Robert. I HAVE a cunt and I would appreciate if
you don't lump my cunt in with the likes of HIM. My cunt has standards.

Max Grrl
2006-12-31 13:57:28 UTC
Post by Max Grrl
Post by Robert Buchanan
I'll second this, and also added assd to the froups list, and
'the curlies' to the start of the subject line, so that all of
Frank's good friends in alt.sex.stories.d can watch the fun.
I take it that this 'Robert Buchanan' has failed to rebut Frank's
arguments with logic and therefore has to resort to long-winded ranting
insults instead.
I wouldn't expect anything other than a biased assumption from a
I don't think Frank's friends will want to bother conversing with such
an empty vessel - Frank can take care of himself.
What kind of creeps don't support their friends?
affm restored, cunt.
With all due respect, Robert. I HAVE a cunt and I would appreciate if
you don't lump my cunt in with the likes of HIM. My cunt has standards.
If a cunt is over 10 years old, pedo frank has no interest.....

Robert Buchanan
2006-11-27 10:18:22 UTC
Robert Buchanan
The pages listed show pictures of a rather intelligent dog, and a human
which appears to be rather less so.
Granted. Your point?
Perhaps he would be happier if he stopped bothering others?
Welcome to the alt.* heirarchy.
(curlies removed in hopes of NOT bothering those with that filter.)
Robert Buchanan

Economic Left/Right: -0.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.18