Mr. McCoy Please Reed--> Nikki
(too old to reply)
2004-01-10 06:03:28 UTC
This is Nikki.

I was wondering if you would help me create a alt. news group.

I have no idea how to do so.

I Just wont a place where i can shair your and other grate others grate stories
with out upseting people like i did in alt.sex stories incest.

Would you be willing to help me with that please??

Maybe the name coud be Nikkis Stories or Nikkis Incest Stories.

If i new how to do it my self i would do so BUT i have no idea how to do so.

please consider my Call for help.

Thank you ***@eudoraMail.com


P/S I cant inde the spell check on the post mesage using my daddys outlook express news post,
only on the E-Mail Side.

My E-Mail Address Is ***@INHELL.COM


Frank McCoy
2004-01-10 19:27:19 UTC
Post by Nikki
This is Nikki.
I was wondering if you would help me create a alt. news group.
I have no idea how to do so.
I'm not sure how myself.
I think it has to do with placing a newgroup message in alt.config
Then you have to convince various newsservers to carry the group.
It's often easier to just find an unused group and take it over.
Post by Nikki
I Just wont a place where i can shair your and other grate others grate stories
with out upseting people like i did in alt.sex stories incest.
Um ... Posting their stories *anywhere* will upset some people.
It's usually easier to ask permission.

If you post to a new (our unused) group, with the intention of
"sharing", then those who object *will* find out, because often
they're the very people who are interested in finding new stories and
places they're being posted.

OTOH, if you keep it really private so none of them find out ... Then
you're not sharing them with anybody.

This is the problem with "sharing" other people's work without their
permission. Many people will object. After all, that work cost time
and effort of those who wrote it. Some consider it stealing. If you
try to "give" away something that somebody else worked their buns off
to make ....

OTOH, if you *ask*, and include attribution and original
documentation, many people will be glad to give permission.

Note: I said many. That's not all, nor even most.
Still, the number of stories available to be posted *with permission*
must be in the thousands. All *you* have to do, is spend *your* time
and effort trying to track down the authors and ask permission. Some
will give it ... Most won't. Others will (often deliberatelt) be
unreachable. Then, you try to follow whatever guidelines were posted
with the story by the original poster.

If he/she posted through an anonymous server, with no name attached,
then you can be pretty sure he/she WANTED it to be posted widely.
OTOH, if copyrights are included, then you can be fairly sure he/she
wanted to do all posting him/herself.

I'd write more; but I've GOT to get to the library before it closes.
Post by Nikki
Would you be willing to help me with that please??
I'd help all I can; but I'm not really the one to ask.
Perhaps others reading the group can help?
Post by Nikki
Maybe the name coud be Nikkis Stories or Nikkis Incest Stories.
If i new how to do it my self i would do so BUT i have no idea how to do so.
please consider my Call for help.
P/S I cant inde the spell check on the post mesage using my daddys outlook express news post,
only on the E-Mail Side.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
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2004-01-10 21:26:26 UTC

Thank You For The Peply.

Now I Understand Better.

I Thought Anyone Could Post Stories , With The Credits Atached.

I Am Sorry

Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Nikki
This is Nikki.
I was wondering if you would help me create a alt. news group.
I have no idea how to do so.
I'm not sure how myself.
I think it has to do with placing a newgroup message in alt.config
Then you have to convince various newsservers to carry the group.
It's often easier to just find an unused group and take it over.
Post by Nikki
I Just wont a place where i can shair your and other grate others grate stories
with out upseting people like i did in alt.sex stories incest.
Um ... Posting their stories *anywhere* will upset some people.
It's usually easier to ask permission.
If you post to a new (our unused) group, with the intention of
"sharing", then those who object *will* find out, because often
they're the very people who are interested in finding new stories and
places they're being posted.
OTOH, if you keep it really private so none of them find out ... Then
you're not sharing them with anybody.
This is the problem with "sharing" other people's work without their
permission. Many people will object. After all, that work cost time
and effort of those who wrote it. Some consider it stealing. If you
try to "give" away something that somebody else worked their buns off
to make ....
OTOH, if you *ask*, and include attribution and original
documentation, many people will be glad to give permission.
Note: I said many. That's not all, nor even most.
Still, the number of stories available to be posted *with permission*
must be in the thousands. All *you* have to do, is spend *your* time
and effort trying to track down the authors and ask permission. Some
will give it ... Most won't. Others will (often deliberatelt) be
unreachable. Then, you try to follow whatever guidelines were posted
with the story by the original poster.
If he/she posted through an anonymous server, with no name attached,
then you can be pretty sure he/she WANTED it to be posted widely.
OTOH, if copyrights are included, then you can be fairly sure he/she
wanted to do all posting him/herself.
I'd write more; but I've GOT to get to the library before it closes.
Post by Nikki
Would you be willing to help me with that please??
I'd help all I can; but I'm not really the one to ask.
Perhaps others reading the group can help?
Post by Nikki
Maybe the name coud be Nikkis Stories or Nikkis Incest Stories.
If i new how to do it my self i would do so BUT i have no idea how to do so.
please consider my Call for help.
P/S I cant inde the spell check on the post mesage using my daddys
outlook express news post,
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Nikki
only on the E-Mail Side.
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Frank McCoy
2004-01-11 17:11:32 UTC
Cross-posted back to alt.sex.stories.d
Post by Nikki
Thank You For The Peply.
Now I Understand Better.
I Thought Anyone Could Post Stories , With The Credits Atached.
I Am Sorry
Well ... Actually, thinking about it, it should be easy to find
stories that the authors don't mind you posting.

A. Ask in alt.sex.stories.d for those authors who *don't* mind
you reposting their stories, and if-so, under what restrictions.

B. asstr has hundreds of authors with pages and email contact.
Try contacting each of those authors you like, and ASK each
one if he/she minds you reposting his/her stories. And if so,
with what restrictions. There's also StoriesOnLine, and other
places, even some pay sites like Mr. Double's, where the author
(if asked) doesn't mind if you repost *some* of his/her stories.
You just have to find out which ones, and under what restrictions.

You already have *my* permission to repost any of the stories
I've posted with the sub-title, "An Erotic Story". I would
*appreciate it* if you left that sub-title in each one; but
cannot enforce that.

Other authors will probably have other restrictions. But if you
follow them, then nobody is going to complain.

C. You can look through old archives for stories published through
anonymous routes like anon.penet.fi, and check for author
attribution or other restrictions.

D. Go through the stories you have already, and look for posting
permission included. A truly HUGE number of stories are out there
with disclaimers stating the author doesn't mind reposts or
archives, *IF* the original author's name is attached, and the
original disclaimer is also attached, and no money is made off the
posting or archive. Usually, all this takes is reading the
beginning and end of a post to see if such a disclaimer is there
... and then following the instructions for restrictions.

E. Even authors that won't allow you to repost all their stories will
often either allow you to repost a story you *particularly* like,
if you ask really nicely and say *why* you like it so much ... OR,
if prodded in that manner, they might do the repost themselves ...
which is just as good or often better. Tell them where you plan
on posting the story, and why you think it deserves a repost.
Most authors *like* it when others think their stories deserve a
repost. After all, that's why they posted in the first place.
Some, if asked, will do the repost themselves. Others will let
you do it ... IF you follow their guidelines. A FEW won't want
their stories reposted at all. Almost all will probably be
flattered that you thought their story was good enough to deserve
a repost; and that you were *polite* enough to ask them.

It's not impossible to be a good resposter; it just takes a bit more
work than simply reposting every story you like.
/ ' / ™
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2004-01-12 15:35:00 UTC
Post by Nikki
Thank You For The Peply.
Now I Understand Better.
I Thought Anyone Could Post Stories , With The Credits Atached.
I Am Sorry
Dear Nikki,

If you want, you have permission to repost my stories, with proper
attribution, just let me know first, ok? :-)
