Hey Callahans group, wanna let Frank McCoy tell your children some bedtime stories and put them through school?
(too old to reply)
2008-02-27 19:48:28 UTC
He would love to.

"No, Pedo U isn't dead. As long as *we* keep the ideals of the
institution alive, Pedo University will live on forever. It's just
that (like Wendy in "Peter Pan") *we* aren't allowed to go
back there any more. But ... as long as we keep the memory
alive, we can always send our children, grandchildren and even great-
grandchildren to the best university for boys and girls ever
imagined. For ... We can pass the story on to THEM"--Frank

Family Counseling Office
Pedo University
Usenet campus
2008-02-29 19:23:09 UTC
Post by bobandcarole
He would love to.
"No, Pedo U isn't dead. �As long as *we* keep the ideals of the
institution alive, Pedo University will live on forever. It's just
that (like Wendy in "Peter Pan") *we* aren't allowed to go
back there any more. But ... as long as we keep the memory
alive, we can always send our children, grandchildren and even great-
grandchildren to the best university for boys and girls ever
imagined. �For ... We can pass the story on to THEM"--Frank
Family Counseling Office
� �Pedo University
� � Usenet campushttp://groups.google.com/group/alt.fan.frank.mccoy/browse_thread/thre...