Pictures of Autumn in Itasca - 8 - Dscf0008.jpg
(too old to reply)
Uncle Sky
2004-10-04 01:58:34 UTC
Took these yesterday (10/02/2004)
Starting at picture-4.
(The others were private pictures.)
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
begin 644 Dscf0008.jpg
[778452 bytes]
Now this one is cute. I love it.
Uncle Sky
Frank McCoy
2004-10-04 06:01:23 UTC
In alt.binaries.dominion.classact.kissass.join Uncle
Post by Uncle Sky
Took these yesterday (10/02/2004)
Starting at picture-4.
(The others were private pictures.)
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
begin 644 Dscf0008.jpg
[778452 bytes]
Now this one is cute. I love it.
Yeah ... the kid in the picture got about 1/3 of the way across ...
and then got scared while trying to come back.

The wife is in one of those pictures ... But I'm not saying which one.
I didn't even know she was, until I looked at it on the computer.
It wasn't deliberate.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_