Hi Frank\
(too old to reply)
"" <@>
2004-11-17 03:15:28 UTC
I Have A question For You

I Havent Heard A Word About Your Wife
Senesce You Posted She Was Sick.

How Is She Doing? Good I Hope --> Nikki
Frank McCoy
2004-11-17 05:16:51 UTC
Post by "" <@>
I Have A question For You
I Havent Heard A Word About Your Wife
Senesce You Posted She Was Sick.
How Is She Doing? Good I Hope --> Nikki
Fine now, once her medication got readjusted.
Too much of one type.
She's back home and looking OK now.
No more balance problems ... as far as I can tell anyway.
/ ' / ™
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"" <@>
2004-11-18 00:23:09 UTC
That Is Grate News Frank.
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by "" <@>
I Have A question For You
I Havent Heard A Word About Your Wife
Senesce You Posted She Was Sick.
How Is She Doing? Good I Hope --> Nikki
Fine now, once her medication got readjusted.
Too much of one type.
She's back home and looking OK now.
No more balance problems ... as far as I can tell anyway.
2004-11-23 03:52:30 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by "" <@>
I Have A question For You
I Havent Heard A Word About Your Wife
Senesce You Posted She Was Sick.
How Is She Doing? Good I Hope --> Nikki
Fine now, once her medication got readjusted.
Too much of one type.
She's back home and looking OK now.
No more balance problems ... as far as I can tell anyway.
Thanks for the update.
I too was wondering about her.
Glad she's *much* better.

Frank McCoy
2004-11-23 19:07:01 UTC
Post by Daytek
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by "" <@>
I Have A question For You
I Havent Heard A Word About Your Wife
Senesce You Posted She Was Sick.
How Is She Doing? Good I Hope --> Nikki
Fine now, once her medication got readjusted.
Too much of one type.
She's back home and looking OK now.
No more balance problems ... as far as I can tell anyway.
Thanks for the update.
I too was wondering about her.
Glad she's *much* better.
Thanks for caring.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
2004-11-24 00:00:22 UTC
NOTE: This message was sent thru a mail2news gateway.
No effort was made to verify the identity of the sender.
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Daytek
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by "" <@>
I Have A question For You
I Havent Heard A Word About Your Wife
Senesce You Posted She Was Sick.
How Is She Doing? Good I Hope --> Nikki
Fine now, once her medication got readjusted.
Too much of one type.
She's back home and looking OK now.
No more balance problems ... as far as I can tell anyway.
Thanks for the update.
I too was wondering about her.
Glad she's *much* better.
Thanks for caring.
Happy gobble day, glad things are looking up for both of you.
"We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing,
while others judge us by what we have already done."
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Frank McCoy
2004-11-24 00:29:46 UTC
Post by Öldman©
NOTE: This message was sent thru a mail2news gateway.
No effort was made to verify the identity of the sender.
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Daytek
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by "" <@>
I Have A question For You
I Havent Heard A Word About Your Wife
Senesce You Posted She Was Sick.
How Is She Doing? Good I Hope --> Nikki
Fine now, once her medication got readjusted.
Too much of one type.
She's back home and looking OK now.
No more balance problems ... as far as I can tell anyway.
Thanks for the update.
I too was wondering about her.
Glad she's *much* better.
Thanks for caring.
Happy gobble day, glad things are looking up for both of you.
Was going to have relatives over ... But they already have
commitments. Maybe we'll just drop out and have Turkey-Day dinner at
a local restaurant. That way we get the BIG meal without all the
bother. For just three people, it doesn't seem worth it.

The wife and I are already planning on eating out on the 27th.
The local restaurant has a weekly special of Prime Rib on Fridays ...
and this Friday just *happens* to coincide with a special day for us.

Today was another memorable day for something that happened five years
earlier ... So we kind-of celebrated that too.

Gee ... Three celebration days in five days.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
Tim Merrigan
2004-11-24 11:55:57 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by "" <@>
I Have A question For You
I Havent Heard A Word About Your Wife
Senesce You Posted She Was Sick.
How Is She Doing? Good I Hope --> Nikki
Fine now, once her medication got readjusted.
Too much of one type.
She's back home and looking OK now.
No more balance problems ... as far as I can tell anyway.
Did you ever find, or figure out what happened to, her glasses.
I pledge allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America,
and to the republic which it established, one nation, from many peoples,
promising liberty and justice for all.
Feel free to use the above variant pledge in your own postings.

Tim Merrigan

Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
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Frank McCoy
2004-11-24 17:00:41 UTC
Post by Tim Merrigan
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by "" <@>
I Have A question For You
I Havent Heard A Word About Your Wife
Senesce You Posted She Was Sick.
How Is She Doing? Good I Hope --> Nikki
Fine now, once her medication got readjusted.
Too much of one type.
She's back home and looking OK now.
No more balance problems ... as far as I can tell anyway.
Did you ever find, or figure out what happened to, her glasses.
Nope. ;-{
Finally took her down to the eye-doctor and got a new prescription,
since the last one was not quite a year old.

She got her new glasses last week ... Only the prescription in the
left eye wasn't as good as it should have been. (When she compared it
to that she had in an OLD prescription, it wasn't nearly as good.)
The right eye seemed to be OK.

So ... Back to the eye doctor. Yes, the prescription in the glasses
matched the prescription given ... But she COULD do better. So, back
to Target (where we got the new glasses) and they sent off for a new
left lens. The new one should be in any day now. Hopefully, this
will be better. In the meantime she's still wearing the new glasses
with the not-so-good lens in it.

Ah well.
We *really* couldn't afford to buy a new set of glasses on top of all
our other expenses ... But we cannot afford NOT to either. All her
*old* glasses just don't work worth a darn any more.

The money is all out-go and no in-come.
/ ' / ™
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