Frank McCoy's babyrape videos discovered by Feds frankie freek's caught with his hand in teh cookie jar ...
(too old to reply)
Usenet Legends bobandcarole ♫
2010-06-14 18:21:06 UTC
Have you read it yet?
I have, but I'm not sure you have. The _only_ mention of adults
and children having sex was in reference to a cartoon used as a
screensaver. Nowhere does it mention that any of the various
photos or videos consisted of adults and children having sex.
I am pretty certain that you are as well aware of the nature of
the named videos as LE or the pedophiles in these forums who
admit familiarity with them.
I have no idea what was in those videos beyond what was stated in
the document. I have never seen them.
But Ultima Thule apparently has!
No pedofuck , unlike you, sane decent folk see no reason whatsoever to
doubt the forensic examiner or the conclusions of his report.
Did the report say that the movies were of children being raped? You
say that the movies ARE of children being raped. How do you know that
if the report doesn't say it and you haven't seen them? Well, we DO
know that the report doesn't say it!
Whatever criminally insane sexual predators on children, such as
yourself, may tell themselves and other pedophiles, every time you
sexually assault a child you are committing rape.
Evasion noted. So, tell us Ultima, which is YOUR favorite child porn
The one where the abused child slits your throat ...

#1 pedophile hunter: the wikisposure project.
#5 ruiner of usenet.
Owner and trainer of Tom Evans aka "mad as a box of frogs"
Tom Evans picture: http://yfrog.com/5zt0mevansj
"Publicity is publicity, good or bad it's STILL publicity"~ Alice
"Did you plug the hole yet Daddy?"~~Malia Obama
Now I know why they call him tiger, "Eldrick Tont Woods"?? LMAO!!
2010-06-14 18:54:49 UTC
Post by Usenet Legends bobandcarole ♫
Have you read it yet?
I have, but I'm not sure you have. The _only_ mention of
adults and children having sex was in reference to a cartoon
used as a screensaver. Nowhere does it mention that any of
the various photos or videos consisted of adults and
children having sex.
I am pretty certain that you are as well aware of the nature
of the named videos as LE or the pedophiles in these forums
who admit familiarity with them.
I have no idea what was in those videos beyond what was stated
in the document. I have never seen them.
But Ultima Thule apparently has!
No pedofuck , unlike you, sane decent folk see no reason
whatsoever to doubt the forensic examiner or the conclusions of
his report.
Did the report say that the movies were of children being raped?
You say that the movies ARE of children being raped. How do you
know that if the report doesn't say it and you haven't seen them?
Well, we DO know that the report doesn't say it!
Whatever criminally insane sexual predators on children, such as
yourself, may tell themselves and other pedophiles, every time you
sexually assault a child you are committing rape.
Evasion noted. So, tell us Ultima, which is YOUR favorite child porn
The one where the abused child slits your throat ...
So you are into both child abuse movies AND snuff? Figures.
Usenet Legends bobandcarole ♫
2010-06-14 21:13:50 UTC
Post by XXX
Post by Usenet Legends bobandcarole ♫
Have you read it yet?
I have, but I'm not sure you have. The _only_ mention of
adults and children having sex was in reference to a cartoon
used as a screensaver. Nowhere does it mention that any of
the various photos or videos consisted of adults and
children having sex.
I am pretty certain that you are as well aware of the nature
of the named videos as LE or the pedophiles in these forums
who admit familiarity with them.
I have no idea what was in those videos beyond what was stated
in the document. I have never seen them.
But Ultima Thule apparently has!
No pedofuck , unlike you, sane decent folk see no reason
whatsoever to doubt the forensic examiner or the conclusions of
his report.
Did the report say that the movies were of children being raped?
You say that the movies ARE of children being raped. How do you
know that if the report doesn't say it and you haven't seen them?
Well, we DO know that the report doesn't say it!
Whatever criminally insane sexual predators on children, such as
yourself, may tell themselves and other pedophiles, every time you
sexually assault a child you are committing rape.
Evasion noted. So, tell us Ultima, which is YOUR favorite child porn
The one where the abused child slits your throat ...
So you are into both child abuse movies AND snuff? Figures.
Movies depicting the horrible death of YOU and/or similar turds
with eyes would be well worth watching ...

#1 pedophile hunter: the wikisposure project.
#5 ruiner of usenet.
Owner and trainer of Tom Evans aka "mad as a box of frogs"
Tom Evans picture: http://yfrog.com/5zt0mevansj
"Publicity is publicity, good or bad it's STILL publicity"~ Alice
"Did you plug the hole yet Daddy?"~~Malia Obama
Now I know why they call him tiger, "Eldrick Tont Woods"?? LMAO!!
2010-06-15 00:33:38 UTC
Post by Usenet Legends bobandcarole ♫
Post by XXX
Post by Usenet Legends bobandcarole ♫
Have you read it yet?
I have, but I'm not sure you have. The _only_ mention of
adults and children having sex was in reference to a
cartoon used as a screensaver. Nowhere does it mention
that any of the various photos or videos consisted of
adults and children having sex.
I am pretty certain that you are as well aware of the
nature of the named videos as LE or the pedophiles in
these forums who admit familiarity with them.
I have no idea what was in those videos beyond what was
stated in the document. I have never seen them.
But Ultima Thule apparently has!
No pedofuck , unlike you, sane decent folk see no reason
whatsoever to doubt the forensic examiner or the conclusions
of his report.
Did the report say that the movies were of children being raped?
You say that the movies ARE of children being raped. How do you
know that if the report doesn't say it and you haven't seen
them? Well, we DO know that the report doesn't say it!
Whatever criminally insane sexual predators on children, such as
yourself, may tell themselves and other pedophiles, every time
you sexually assault a child you are committing rape.
Evasion noted. So, tell us Ultima, which is YOUR favorite child
porn video?
The one where the abused child slits your throat ...
So you are into both child abuse movies AND snuff? Figures.
Movies depicting the horrible death of YOU and/or similar turds
with eyes would be well worth watching ...
Is it the movies that have the eyes or is it the turds? Oh wait! Don't
tell me! You told everyone in another newsgroup that I would say that,
didn't you????
