15 years ago ...
(too old to reply)
2008-01-14 00:07:20 UTC
I posted a story (most of which *I* wrote) to a discussion-group on a
BBS which connected to something I wasn't really familiar with, called
a newsgroup: alt.sex.stories, I think it was.

The story, because of the limited access provided by the BBS (less
than 32K at a time, I think, was posted in about 120 truly *horrible
parts; but the *response* was tremendous ... (most people asking for
missing parts; "PLEASE post part # XXX-XXZ ... My newsreader didn't
get those!"

The story was titled, "Her Father's Daughter"; but because of a
mistake in the title, most thought it was something like: Father's
Daugther" instead.

At the time, there was no other story *anywhere* in the world, in
print, on the net, newsgroups, or elsewhere like it: It was (like all
the stories I've posted since, a *LOVE STORY* masquerading as humor
and sex-story ... LOTS of sex! I *tried* to include about every taboo
then existing for erotic stories, including most-especially: incest,
pregnancy, and yes, "pedophilia"; or young people having and enjoying
sex and even full-term pregnancy as a way of expressing that love.

It was a hit, far beyond anything I ever imagined. I got several
*thousand* emails and responses; praising the story for it's
vividness, it's love, its reality, its humor, and yes (most
importantly to *me* at least) its value and wonder as a *story*.

However, as explained in both the preamble and afterword of the story,
i *really* expected this story, pure fantasy mind, to have the Police
banging at my door, charging me with "disseminating Child Pornography"
or something equally silly, considering that no real child was
involved or documented; and the story was pure *text*!

Still, there are thousands if not millions of blue-noses out there
that *hate* anything having to do with that Devil's Invention: SEX!

Still, for year after year I kept posting NEW stories about the same
subject; but never so huge or complete. I also kept expecting the
same "Bang! Bang! Bang!" on the door from the police; but nothing ever
happened. It was actually quite a disappointment in a way; because I
*wanted* the story(s) to be challenged in court on the constitutional

Also, in newsgroups and other places; particularly assd, I kept
posting a challenge to those who claimed my stories were illegal
"child porn": Put up or shut up. Nobody "put up"

All this time I posted under my own REAL name, not an alias or other
hiding device, using my own real email address which I have paid
through the nose to keep during all these years. I've told people
where I lived; and that I am in the phone-book. I've invited anybody
to correspond with me, or even call me on the phone. So far, in 14
years, only one person ever did.

During the last year or so I've gotten tired. I still *compose* sex-
stories in my mind; and sometimes even enter them on the computer; but
I rarely go to the extra trouble of cleaning them up enough to post
and actually post them. I haven't stopped exactly; I've more like
paused. For the past half dozen months I've been too preocuppied with
my wife being sick with cancer (lymphoma) to actually post *any*
stories at all.

I *have* however, posted comments and opinions to various newsgroups;
often twitting the anti-sex groups; saying my stories are legal.

Last Wednesday, (probably a month or two before that, actully) it
seems somebody decided to "put up" and see what they could do about
this annoying McCoy person. At 10:00 in the morning, while I was
heading (naked) out to the kitchen to get morning medications for my
wife (and myself too) there was that "Bang! Bang! Bang!" on the door
that I had really expected 14 long years before. "Police!" came the
yell: "Open up!"

Not wanting the door broken down, I did ... Nudity and all. Outside
were *SEVEN* huge cops in black outfits, yes really prepared with a
huge steel pole to break the door in! As if I was some fully armed
drug-dealer about to fight it out with my cancer-ridden wife stumbling
out of the bedroom, barely able to stand, while they were chaining me

.... OOPS!
Sorry! The Internet Cafe I'm posting this from closes at SIX, not
NINE. I'll have to complete it from someplace else. I understand
there's a local IC closer to home than this one; that's open 'till

If not, the rest of this saga might have to wait.

Forgive the .sig not being mine.
Please post to assd and perhaps ac.
I've got to go.
(Not having my own computer right now.)

2008-01-14 03:00:30 UTC
... and ... I'm back; trying to post the rest from another store
that's open later.

Geesh ... I'm told they all have basically the same hours; but the one
I chose first (because another store I tried to find something in) was
nearby, closed *three* hours earlier than most of the rest ... Because
the mall there closed at six. Oh well ....

Anyway, the keyboard *here* is about 1000% better, so ...

So there I am, in my naked nudit, and the cops cuffing me with belly-
chain, while barely allowing me clothes to get dressed in. I couldn't
get them, they wouldn't get them for me, and the wife being almost too
sick to get them. Luckily, she did.

But ... They wouldn't allow me to take along my wallet with ID, money,
Credit-Cards, etc. This gets *very* important a little while later.
Actually, it turned out to be lucky.

They *did* allow me to wear suspenders (but not belt) so my pants
didn't fall down, wear my watch, and take along my reading-glasses
(without the case; and the eyepiece fell out; but they bagged it).
THIS turned out to be a big mistake; but not for any reason you might
expect. ;-{

So ... There I am, all trussed up like a goose, and *still* no word of
what it's all about. However, once the cops decided I didn't look
like an armed bank-robber or violent criminal about to go running for
the border in my bare feet and barely able to run at all, even without
the cuffs and chains, somebody relented and told me this was about my
*stories*; with some mention made (but not too specifically) about
"child pornography" and me perhaps disemminating them.

Oh Geesh ... STORIES ... So why didn't somebody just come by, call, or
*ASK* me? My guess, is a "fishing expedition. More about that guess

It seems, while the local police were there (of some kind; I'm not all
that sure) the main person(s) coming to pick me up were Federal
Marshals. It seems somebody in *Georgia* had made out a complaint
about me ... what about, other than stories, wasn't said; but it *was*
about *stories*, not what most people would consider "child porn".

I've always been, am now, and will be *quite* willing to defend my
*stories*, yes even *posting* stories to the net.
A. I don't think it's illegal.
B. If it *is* illegal, I contend the law saying-so is

I've always been *quite* willing to defend both of those items in
However, remember it's been *fifteen effing years* (the "public"
connection I'm using won't let me use the f-word) since I first posted
HFD in 114+ awful parts; without even a *hint* of legal shennanigans.
I'm not so prepared physically, mentally, and even legally as I was
even five years ago, long before my wife showed up with cancer. I'll
admit the charge blind-sided me; because I *really* thought the police
had more sense!

(The local police do. About three year ago, when my wife was out of
her head because of a urinary-tract-infection for a day or so until
the doctors gave her propre antibiotics, *she* actually accused me of
writing "child porn". So ... I showed the police the stories I write,
pointing out it's all pure *text*, and showed them also my "library of
child porn" down in the basement where I keep my Science-Fiction and
other paperbacks. I pointed to the CP of perfectly legal TEXT I had
(several hundred paperbacks) that my wife called "child pornography";
told them my situation, standing, and how I *was* prepared to defend
them in court. The looked, nodded, and agreed essentially that if I
was planning on defending that, I was doing it the right way ... and
left; figuring rightly that text was NOT child-porn no matter what my
wife while out of her head thought. (Another time with another
infection, she thought she was going to Heaven; and was giving away
her watch, ring, and other things like that, because she wouldn't need
them when the Angels took her. If you can't guess, she's quite
religious.) Luckily, when she isn't half or more out of her head,
these religious attitudes don't make her a complete nut. We just
disagree on whether there's a god, if if-so, whether one great enough
to make the Universe would be interested in creatures like US.
Certainly an anthromophic (sp?) god looking, acting, and being like
most ancient people's idea of what a great King was, has little appeal
to me as making the slightest bit of sense.

Back to me and LEA:

So ... They wanted my *stories*?
Geesh, why didn't they just *ask*?
And, if they wanted *me*, why not just ask me to come along?

So, to keep them from tearing the house apart, I said, "There's *my*
computer. Anything and everything you want is on THERE. They asked
if they could take the computer to Georgia. I refused to give
permission to THAT; but I did say they could take it down to
Minneapolis (or locally). I did *NOT* give them permission to search
the computer, to search my house, or anything else. In fact, I loudly
and verbally objected to the *entire* warrant, search, and siezure of
anything. They didn't seem to be listening; and later, in court,
alledged that I gave permission to search both house and computer(s).
I did not. Thankfully, my lawyer corrected *that*. I just pointed
out where the material they were looking for WAS. I did not give them
permission to search anything.

I *did* say, "If it's my *STORIES* you're interested in, then THEY are
right there, in that bookcase. Every light-brown cardboard "binder"
is one of my stories; and I *think* that's about all of them." So,
they collected those, actually with my grace.

I *did* make a mistake (not a *legal* mistake; but a practical one;
which I've since regretted enormously) I also pointed out the big blue
binder of *current* stories I'm working on; and said, "Those are my
stories too." So they collected that, as well. Damn. Why Damn?
Because, with the computer gone, those are the *only* record I have of
what I've been currently writing. Stuff almost all mainly for *me*
alone, and nothing I'd really been even contemplating posting to the
net. They don't need that for their idiotic and illegal "case" about
me putting stuff on the net. I don't think even they are dumb enough
to try and arrest me for what I *think* or put down about my private
thoughts, unless perhaps it was evidence of illegal plans ... which
they were not. Since they left a similar binder I didn't point out
(not containing anything interesting or important to them; but still
containing stories of other kinds ... which I didn't think *would*
interest them); I feel like a fool for suggesting my *only* copy
(without the disk backups) of what I currently was thinking and
writing. Ah well: Water under the dam and over the bridge. ;-|

Anyway, while I didn't exactly get a reciept, the Marshal showed me a
list of what he was collecting (later, downtown) showing it was my
computer and the wife's ("two towers") my laptop, a loose hard-drive
(broken, BTW ... Lots of luck with that) and "a thumb-drive" WTF?
"Thumb Drive"????

Days later, I figured what the "thumb drive" was: I have an old ATI
"All In Wonder" card, that has (had) TV in/out on it. As part of
that, there was a round *antenna* used to connect to the remote-
control, with a USB port. I *hope* the hell that LEA won't ruin that
good antenna trying to access it as a disk-drive. With the rest of
the idiocy, I don't have much hope; though I'm going to *try* and have
my lawyer point out the mistake before they start operating on it with
a screwdriver and completely ruin it for its original use. ;-{

BTW: There actually *was* a completely broken and useless "thumb-
drive" (actually a memory-stick) right nearby ... and they didn't take
that. I finally tossed the thing. It was empty and useless; and
should have tossed the crap about a year or so ago when I accidentally
bumped my foot on the thing and it wouldn't read or write any more.
BIG hole in my computer room now.

So ... Down to Minneapolis, belly-chained and wondering how badly they
were going to tear my house apart looking for something that didn't
exist. (It's *always* worse when LEA go looking for something and not
finding it ... They keep tearing the house apart on the idea that if
they destroy the thing, maybe they *will* find at least something
illegal: guns, money, drugs, ... ANYTHING. That's *why* I pointed out
where anything and everything they wanted *was*. That way the house
isn't trashed beyond repair. NOT giving consent to the search mind;
just trying to save my house.

Of course, they misread that. ;-{

So ... 10:00 in the morning; with a judge to see at 3:00 in the
afternoon. Five *hours* staring at a wall in the "tank". I did tell
them I can't afford a lawyer (I can't.) I listed my financial
situation: I have *just* enough money to pay my bills and not get into
debt. I *don't* have any extra. In fact, to keep from encurring
illegal debts, for the past three months I've had to drop my health-
insurance and *hope* I survive the next ten months until I turn 65 and
am able to get medicare ... and hopefully "supplemental insurance"
like my wife has. If not ... I guess I'll just have to die. I try
*not* to run up bills I cannot afford to pay off. Unlike most people
with credit-card debt up to their eyebrows. Thankfully, they seemed
to appreciate that.

My court-appointed attorney points out that the Marshals have the
*right* to hold me for up to three days without even charging me. ;-

However, she's going to *try* and get me released ASAP ... Which sadly
wouldn *not* be that day. That's just to set up "an appearance" a few
days later. The Feds *might* want me held in custody until court
appearance in Georgia! Shit. But she's going to *try* and get me out
the coming Friday.

This is what happens; they do hold me for 2 1/2 days in the *local*
pokey (near where I live) like I was a truly horrid child-rapist and
murderer. (OTOH, they treat *everybody* being held there in the same
way; from violent criminal to bad-check-passer; so I can't really
complain.) In fact, they saw to my health (Diabetes, Hypertension,
Cholesterol) likely *better* than I had been at home; missing many of
my meds while trying to ensure my wife got hers. In fact, my blood-
sugar *dropped* from a horrid high of 236 when taken in, to only 127
shortly before getting out. Wow. I *really* need to watch my meds!
It doesn't make sense to worry about the wife, when *I* die.

Oh ... The wife ... SHE wasn't in any condition to take care of
herself; half out of her mind from the chemotherapy; and *I* wouldn't
be there to take care of her ... So the police (local) packed her and
her meds up and took her to a friends to stay until the next day when
a person we'd been planning on taking care of her if it got too much
for me could take her in. I was *still* worried sick about not being
able to care for her; but at least *somebody* would. Not the same;
and not as good; but care.

Now ... Three days later: arraignment and hearing:

The officer getting me back into my "street clothes" asks me if I
wanted to wear my jacket down to the hearing. Coming *up* in the
prisoner-van had been stifling hot; and I figured I'd be either in the
van or inside a building all the way down and all the way back; so why
bother? Why swelter? So I said I didn't ned it; and would get it
back when they released me. The booking-officer seemed to agree.

Surprisingly, my court-appointed attorney (who agrees that the whold
case is bogus and probably a fishing expedition) doesn't have to even
*ask* for me to be released on my own (signature) bond. The people in
Georgia seem to realize I am *not* a "danger to the community"; nor
even a "flight risk". They're agreeable to my being released. (But
who knows what goes when I get down to Georgia; though just *going*
there and not violating bond will [I think] be good evidence for me
not being held down there. Of course, like no money for a lawyer, I
have even *less* money for traveling down to Georgia and back; nor
indeed especially for *staying* down there. That last *might*
actually make it easier for *me* to just say, "Hold me in custody"
rather than being out on my own. Hell, if things are bad, I might
even *request* it. They have agreed to fund my travel; though the
specifics have yet to be worked out.

So .... (HERE comes the FUN part ... I wonder what a newspaper would
make of this; and I'm *almost* tempted to call the local press and
tell them all the juicy details!)

There I am; The judge agrees I'm not a risk; and just a "signature
bond" is all I need; saying I *will* appear in Georgia at the
specified time. Now I *really* expected (and wouldn't anybody else
reading this think so too?) that they would then pack me up with all
the *other* prisoners and take me back home ... or at least the jail
*near* home where I've spent the last two days.

About an hours wait in a "holding cell" (but at least with a blanket
to use as a pillow this time) and I'm taken upstairs (still in
handcuffs until I sign my bond) told the conditions of my release (to
appear in Georgia on-time; and *not* to be posting any sex-stories or
links to any on the net.

Then: I'm told, "You're free to go ... Leave."
Oh yeah ... they *finally* give me a copy of the charges *and* (at my
very specific request) a copy of the law I've supposedly broken. Get

I'm charged with: "transmitting obscene material".
Specifically, with *posting links* (No, NOT posting the material on
those links!) to three sex-stories websites: Specifically the *three*
websites where my stories *are* but *not* for posting the stories
themselves!!!! Go figure!

No, (to meet the terms of my release and what I agreed-to) I am *not*
going to name the three websites; except to say that ONE of the three
no longer exists, and the other two are Mr. D's spot carrying my
stories; along with the main repository for all erotic stories. Most
people will know *exactly* what websites (or, actually just pages)
that I'm talking about. I just won't be more specific here. Don't
want to violate my promise even indirectly. NO posted links; NOR any

So ... "You're released: Go home, and appear in court in Georgia in a
little over a week." Yeah ... Right!

I'm standing there in the local US Court House ... In my effing-T-
SHIRT! I have *no* jacket, *no* ID (they took my DL, remember), *no*
money, *no* wallet, not even a friend to call. (All of *my* friends
are here; thousands of miles away; and I don't even have Internet
access to post a cry for help! Nor money to do so.) It's *30 MILES
from downtown to home (or the jail I was in for two days) the weather
is like *20 degrees out* and the temperature dropping fast. I'm
supposed to *walk* 30 miles to home in my shirt-sleeves, in well-below-
freezing weather, with no money nor even ID to show who I am to the
cops if they pull me over for a "ped check" ... and find me without
ID, moneyless, and *walking* home. So, immediately I guess they'd
arrest me for vagrancy or something; thus violating my release! Or,
what if I *do* start the long treck with it getting down to close to
Zero F that night? There are many stories of people out in that kind
of cold, freezing to death in only an hour or so. That, of course, is
none of their concern!

Not *quite* as bad as that; but almost.
Desperate, I walk around to the Public Defender's Office where my
lawyer was (luckily) still there. They get me a "free" telephone to
talk into ... But I've nobody to call; and I *don't* remember
telephone-numbers worth shit. Besides, who do I call anyway? The PD
however, is a nice guy. He calls around; and there *is* a local bus
(about five to ten blocks away in sub-freezing weather). He says the
bus-fare out to my town (about three miles from home) is $5.50; and
he's willing to give me *that* out of his own pocket; as the goverment
won't. It's also getting very close to closing-time and everybody's
going home on Friday Afternoon.

Now *really* desperate, I call the one person I have a number for, the
person who was taking my wife in for the night, two nights earlier,
and explain my predicament. I OWE them big time! Her husband drives
*all thirty miles* downtown, picks me up, takes me to the jail to get
my stuff, over to where my wife is staying in an "assisted living"
home of a person who's a nurse to pick up keys so I can get into the
house, and finally back to my own house to be *home*!

Only: The wife *is* now too sick to come home; having deteriorated a
*lot* in the three days now I've been gone; so it's me alone. ;-{

You think *that* is all fun and funny?
In a year or so, it might even be to me. I can grin at it now

Like the commercial though:
"But wait! There's MORE!"

Remember my coat, glasses, watch, medicine, suspenders, Driver's
Licence, etc., all taken from/with me when I was picked up? (Also
some money which was gotten to me through other people; but that
wasn't a problem.)

Well, the booking officer at the local jail comes out with a big brown
paper-bag; and I'm delighted to see my big jacket (it;s STILL cold
out) ... and down in the bottom my medicine. NO glasses, NO, Drivers'
Licence, NO suspenders, NO watch ... NOTHING else.

So ... How am I supposed to drive a car legally without a DL, how do I
read without my reading-glasses, hold my pants up without suspenders,
or get to appointments without my watch?

The booking officer doesn't know. One of the women there in the
booking section *remembers* my reading-glasses because I wanted them
with me; but they only allow *one* pair of glasses per-person in the
jail. So, yes, they agree my stuff is missing; but nobody knows where
it is! I understand they've been *looking* for it ever since; doing
more and more intensive searches; but ....

So ... Saturday I call the local sherrif to see if it's legal to drive
down to the local licence-bureau (which luckily *is* open on Saturday)
to get a duplicate. They tell me to just tell an officer what
happened (and preferably not get pulled over). I find my wallet in
the bedroom, find my *previous* (but now expired) licence in a drawer,
and drive down and get "legal" to drive. I go over to Wal-Mart and
buy a new watch. (The original cost $79 a few years earlier. The
*exact replacement* now costs me only $44.) I find replacement
suspenders in the closet. (The others were getting old anyway.) The
reading glasses however ... I can't AFFORD another $100 to buy a
prescription pair of glasses with good frames and anti-reflective

That's Saturday. I only got to visit with my wife for about half an
hour. ;-{
She's *way* too weak to make it up and down the stairs for our house.
In fact, when I got back, I was afraid she was dying on me.
However, she *did* look a tiny bit better; having finally slept
through the night for the first time since I was gone.
Sunday she was taken to church, and I met her there.
More on the wife, later, and in a separate post.

So, after that, I've been working on the checkbook and ... writing
this *huge* message telling the (actually rather humorous) account of
my (so-far) brush with the law. At least NEXT time, when going down
to Georgia, I'll be somewhat prepared and *expecting* to be away.

Except for missing the wife (horribly), being in custody doesn't
bother me all that much. Boring as hell; But Federal jails aren't
nearly the hell-houses I understand some local jails are.

Yeah, I know; I *expect* to get out.
Still (worst case scenario): If my wife dies, I *won't* have much will
to live ... or even fight a completely bogus charge. If she *did*
die, I might even plead "Nolo Contendre", meaning I won't fight the
charges ... Because in THAT case perpaps Federal Prison might be the
*safest* place I could be. Because, if they set me free without my
wife to come back to ... I'd probably be dead within two days. No,
not from suicide; I'm not the type. I'd just be walking aimlessly,
probably down the highway in the general direction of Oregon, over the
mountains, in the middle of Winter, without a *reason* to live; and be
found dead in a ditch, frozen sometime next Spring.

I'm *trying* not to think about that: The wife dying.
Still, every time I see her and how weak she is ....
I wonder if she'll make it through the rest of the chemotherapy.
If she does; then it *will* be a hell of a battle.

Love, Frank.
Sorry about not having my regular .sig
I've got to close now ... This place is closing.
Could somebody please copy this to the other appropriate places?
Without a real computer, this is the best I could do: My own froup.

2008-01-14 03:56:32 UTC
Post by m***@millcomm.com
... and ... I'm back; trying to post the rest from another store
that's open later.
Geesh ... I'm told they all have basically the same hours; but the one
I chose first (because another store I tried to find something in) was
nearby, closed *three* hours earlier than most of the rest ... Because
the mall there closed at six. Oh well ....
Anyway, the keyboard *here* is about 1000% better, so ...
So there I am, in my naked nudit, and the cops cuffing me with belly-
chain, while barely allowing me clothes to get dressed in. I couldn't
get them, they wouldn't get them for me, and the wife being almost too
sick to get them. Luckily, she did.
But ... They wouldn't allow me to take along my wallet with ID, money,
Credit-Cards, etc. This gets *very* important a little while later.
Actually, it turned out to be lucky.
They *did* allow me to wear suspenders (but not belt) so my pants
didn't fall down, wear my watch, and take along my reading-glasses
(without the case; and the eyepiece fell out; but they bagged it).
THIS turned out to be a big mistake; but not for any reason you might
expect. ;-{
So ... There I am, all trussed up like a goose, and *still* no word of
what it's all about. However, once the cops decided I didn't look
like an armed bank-robber or violent criminal about to go running for
the border in my bare feet and barely able to run at all, even without
the cuffs and chains, somebody relented and told me this was about my
*stories*; with some mention made (but not too specifically) about
"child pornography" and me perhaps disemminating them.
Oh Geesh ... STORIES ... So why didn't somebody just come by, call, or
*ASK* me? My guess, is a "fishing expedition. More about that guess
It seems, while the local police were there (of some kind; I'm not all
that sure) the main person(s) coming to pick me up were Federal
Marshals. It seems somebody in *Georgia* had made out a complaint
about me ... what about, other than stories, wasn't said; but it *was*
about *stories*, not what most people would consider "child porn".
I've always been, am now, and will be *quite* willing to defend my
*stories*, yes even *posting* stories to the net.
A. I don't think it's illegal.
B. If it *is* illegal, I contend the law saying-so is
I've always been *quite* willing to defend both of those items in
However, remember it's been *fifteen effing years* (the "public"
connection I'm using won't let me use the f-word) since I first posted
HFD in 114+ awful parts; without even a *hint* of legal shennanigans.
I'm not so prepared physically, mentally, and even legally as I was
even five years ago, long before my wife showed up with cancer. I'll
admit the charge blind-sided me; because I *really* thought the police
had more sense!
(The local police do. About three year ago, when my wife was out of
her head because of a urinary-tract-infection for a day or so until
the doctors gave her propre antibiotics, *she* actually accused me of
writing "child porn". So ... I showed the police the stories I write,
pointing out it's all pure *text*, and showed them also my "library of
child porn" down in the basement where I keep my Science-Fiction and
other paperbacks. I pointed to the CP of perfectly legal TEXT I had
(several hundred paperbacks) that my wife called "child pornography";
told them my situation, standing, and how I *was* prepared to defend
them in court. The looked, nodded, and agreed essentially that if I
was planning on defending that, I was doing it the right way ... and
left; figuring rightly that text was NOT child-porn no matter what my
wife while out of her head thought. (Another time with another
infection, she thought she was going to Heaven; and was giving away
her watch, ring, and other things like that, because she wouldn't need
them when the Angels took her. If you can't guess, she's quite
religious.) Luckily, when she isn't half or more out of her head,
these religious attitudes don't make her a complete nut. We just
disagree on whether there's a god, if if-so, whether one great enough
to make the Universe would be interested in creatures like US.
Certainly an anthromophic (sp?) god looking, acting, and being like
most ancient people's idea of what a great King was, has little appeal
to me as making the slightest bit of sense.
So ... They wanted my *stories*?
Geesh, why didn't they just *ask*?
And, if they wanted *me*, why not just ask me to come along?
So, to keep them from tearing the house apart, I said, "There's *my*
computer. Anything and everything you want is on THERE. They asked
if they could take the computer to Georgia. I refused to give
permission to THAT; but I did say they could take it down to
Minneapolis (or locally). I did *NOT* give them permission to search
the computer, to search my house, or anything else. In fact, I loudly
and verbally objected to the *entire* warrant, search, and siezure of
anything. They didn't seem to be listening; and later, in court,
alledged that I gave permission to search both house and computer(s).
I did not. Thankfully, my lawyer corrected *that*. I just pointed
out where the material they were looking for WAS. I did not give them
permission to search anything.
I *did* say, "If it's my *STORIES* you're interested in, then THEY are
right there, in that bookcase. Every light-brown cardboard "binder"
is one of my stories; and I *think* that's about all of them." So,
they collected those, actually with my grace.
I *did* make a mistake (not a *legal* mistake; but a practical one;
which I've since regretted enormously) I also pointed out the big blue
binder of *current* stories I'm working on; and said, "Those are my
stories too." So they collected that, as well. Damn. Why Damn?
Because, with the computer gone, those are the *only* record I have of
what I've been currently writing. Stuff almost all mainly for *me*
alone, and nothing I'd really been even contemplating posting to the
net. They don't need that for their idiotic and illegal "case" about
me putting stuff on the net. I don't think even they are dumb enough
to try and arrest me for what I *think* or put down about my private
thoughts, unless perhaps it was evidence of illegal plans ... which
they were not. Since they left a similar binder I didn't point out
(not containing anything interesting or important to them; but still
containing stories of other kinds ... which I didn't think *would*
interest them); I feel like a fool for suggesting my *only* copy
(without the disk backups) of what I currently was thinking and
writing. Ah well: Water under the dam and over the bridge. ;-|
Anyway, while I didn't exactly get a reciept, the Marshal showed me a
list of what he was collecting (later, downtown) showing it was my
computer and the wife's ("two towers") my laptop, a loose hard-drive
(broken, BTW ... Lots of luck with that) and "a thumb-drive" WTF?
"Thumb Drive"????
Days later, I figured what the "thumb drive" was: I have an old ATI
"All In Wonder" card, that has (had) TV in/out on it. As part of
that, there was a round *antenna* used to connect to the remote-
control, with a USB port. I *hope* the hell that LEA won't ruin that
good antenna trying to access it as a disk-drive. With the rest of
the idiocy, I don't have much hope; though I'm going to *try* and have
my lawyer point out the mistake before they start operating on it with
a screwdriver and completely ruin it for its original use. ;-{
BTW: There actually *was* a completely broken and useless "thumb-
drive" (actually a memory-stick) right nearby ... and they didn't take
that. I finally tossed the thing. It was empty and useless; and
should have tossed the crap about a year or so ago when I accidentally
bumped my foot on the thing and it wouldn't read or write any more.
BIG hole in my computer room now.
So ... Down to Minneapolis, belly-chained and wondering how badly they
were going to tear my house apart looking for something that didn't
exist. (It's *always* worse when LEA go looking for something and not
finding it ... They keep tearing the house apart on the idea that if
they destroy the thing, maybe they *will* find at least something
illegal: guns, money, drugs, ... ANYTHING. That's *why* I pointed out
where anything and everything they wanted *was*. That way the house
isn't trashed beyond repair. NOT giving consent to the search mind;
just trying to save my house.
Of course, they misread that. ;-{
So ... 10:00 in the morning; with a judge to see at 3:00 in the
afternoon. Five *hours* staring at a wall in the "tank". I did tell
them I can't afford a lawyer (I can't.) I listed my financial
situation: I have *just* enough money to pay my bills and not get into
debt. I *don't* have any extra. In fact, to keep from encurring
illegal debts, for the past three months I've had to drop my health-
insurance and *hope* I survive the next ten months until I turn 65 and
am able to get medicare ... and hopefully "supplemental insurance"
like my wife has. If not ... I guess I'll just have to die. I try
*not* to run up bills I cannot afford to pay off. Unlike most people
with credit-card debt up to their eyebrows. Thankfully, they seemed
to appreciate that.
My court-appointed attorney points out that the Marshals have the
*right* to hold me for up to three days without even charging me. ;-
However, she's going to *try* and get me released ASAP ... Which sadly
wouldn *not* be that day. That's just to set up "an appearance" a few
days later. The Feds *might* want me held in custody until court
appearance in Georgia! Shit. But she's going to *try* and get me out
the coming Friday.
This is what happens; they do hold me for 2 1/2 days in the *local*
pokey (near where I live) like I was a truly horrid child-rapist and
murderer. (OTOH, they treat *everybody* being held there in the same
way; from violent criminal to bad-check-passer; so I can't really
complain.) In fact, they saw to my health (Diabetes, Hypertension,
Cholesterol) likely *better* than I had been at home; missing many of
my meds while trying to ensure my wife got hers. In fact, my blood-
sugar *dropped* from a horrid high of 236 when taken in, to only 127
shortly before getting out. Wow. I *really* need to watch my meds!
It doesn't make sense to worry about the wife, when *I* die.
Oh ... The wife ... SHE wasn't in any condition to take care of
herself; half out of her mind from the chemotherapy; and *I* wouldn't
be there to take care of her ... So the police (local) packed her and
her meds up and took her to a friends to stay until the next day when
a person we'd been planning on taking care of her if it got too much
for me could take her in. I was *still* worried sick about not being
able to care for her; but at least *somebody* would. Not the same;
and not as good; but care.
The officer getting me back into my "street clothes" asks me if I
wanted to wear my jacket down to the hearing. Coming *up* in the
prisoner-van had been stifling hot; and I figured I'd be either in the
van or inside a building all the way down and all the way back; so why
bother? Why swelter? So I said I didn't ned it; and would get it
back when they released me. The booking-officer seemed to agree.
Surprisingly, my court-appointed attorney (who agrees that the whold
case is bogus and probably a fishing expedition) doesn't have to even
*ask* for me to be released on my own (signature) bond. The people in
Georgia seem to realize I am *not* a "danger to the community"; nor
even a "flight risk". They're agreeable to my being released. (But
who knows what goes when I get down to Georgia; though just *going*
there and not violating bond will [I think] be good evidence for me
not being held down there. Of course, like no money for a lawyer, I
have even *less* money for traveling down to Georgia and back; nor
indeed especially for *staying* down there. That last *might*
actually make it easier for *me* to just say, "Hold me in custody"
rather than being out on my own. Hell, if things are bad, I might
even *request* it. They have agreed to fund my travel; though the
specifics have yet to be worked out.
So .... (HERE comes the FUN part ... I wonder what a newspaper would
make of this; and I'm *almost* tempted to call the local press and
tell them all the juicy details!)
There I am; The judge agrees I'm not a risk; and just a "signature
bond" is all I need; saying I *will* appear in Georgia at the
specified time. Now I *really* expected (and wouldn't anybody else
reading this think so too?) that they would then pack me up with all
the *other* prisoners and take me back home ... or at least the jail
*near* home where I've spent the last two days.
About an hours wait in a "holding cell" (but at least with a blanket
to use as a pillow this time) and I'm taken upstairs (still in
handcuffs until I sign my bond) told the conditions of my release (to
appear in Georgia on-time; and *not* to be posting any sex-stories or
links to any on the net.
Then: I'm told, "You're free to go ... Leave."
Oh yeah ... they *finally* give me a copy of the charges *and* (at my
very specific request) a copy of the law I've supposedly broken. Get
I'm charged with: "transmitting obscene material".
Specifically, with *posting links* (No, NOT posting the material on
those links!) to three sex-stories websites: Specifically the *three*
websites where my stories *are* but *not* for posting the stories
themselves!!!! Go figure!
No, (to meet the terms of my release and what I agreed-to) I am *not*
going to name the three websites; except to say that ONE of the three
no longer exists, and the other two are Mr. D's spot carrying my
stories; along with the main repository for all erotic stories. Most
people will know *exactly* what websites (or, actually just pages)
that I'm talking about. I just won't be more specific here. Don't
want to violate my promise even indirectly. NO posted links; NOR any
So ... "You're released: Go home, and appear in court in Georgia in a
little over a week." Yeah ... Right!
I'm standing there in the local US Court House ... In my effing-T-
SHIRT! I have *no* jacket, *no* ID (they took my DL, remember), *no*
money, *no* wallet, not even a friend to call. (All of *my* friends
are here; thousands of miles away; and I don't even have Internet
access to post a cry for help! Nor money to do so.) It's *30 MILES
from downtown to home (or the jail I was in for two days) the weather
is like *20 degrees out* and the temperature dropping fast. I'm
supposed to *walk* 30 miles to home in my shirt-sleeves, in well-below-
freezing weather, with no money nor even ID to show who I am to the
cops if they pull me over for a "ped check" ... and find me without
ID, moneyless, and *walking* home. So, immediately I guess they'd
arrest me for vagrancy or something; thus violating my release! Or,
what if I *do* start the long treck with it getting down to close to
Zero F that night? There are many stories of people out in that kind
of cold, freezing to death in only an hour or so. That, of course, is
none of their concern!
Not *quite* as bad as that; but almost.
Desperate, I walk around to the Public Defender's Office where my
lawyer was (luckily) still there. They get me a "free" telephone to
talk into ... But I've nobody to call; and I *don't* remember
telephone-numbers worth shit. Besides, who do I call anyway? The PD
however, is a nice guy. He calls around; and there *is* a local bus
(about five to ten blocks away in sub-freezing weather). He says the
bus-fare out to my town (about three miles from home) is $5.50; and
he's willing to give me *that* out of his own pocket; as the goverment
won't. It's also getting very close to closing-time and everybody's
going home on Friday Afternoon.
Now *really* desperate, I call the one person I have a number for, the
person who was taking my wife in for the night, two nights earlier,
and explain my predicament. I OWE them big time! Her husband drives
*all thirty miles* downtown, picks me up, takes me to the jail to get
my stuff, over to where my wife is staying in an "assisted living"
home of a person who's a nurse to pick up keys so I can get into the
house, and finally back to my own house to be *home*!
Only: The wife *is* now too sick to come home; having deteriorated a
*lot* in the three days now I've been gone; so it's me alone. ;-{
You think *that* is all fun and funny?
In a year or so, it might even be to me. I can grin at it now
"But wait! There's MORE!"
Remember my coat, glasses, watch, medicine, suspenders, Driver's
Licence, etc., all taken from/with me when I was picked up? (Also
some money which was gotten to me through other people; but that
wasn't a problem.)
Well, the booking officer at the local jail comes out with a big brown
paper-bag; and I'm delighted to see my big jacket (it;s STILL cold
out) ... and down in the bottom my medicine. NO glasses, NO, Drivers'
Licence, NO suspenders, NO watch ... NOTHING else.
So ... How am I supposed to drive a car legally without a DL, how do I
read without my reading-glasses, hold my pants up without suspenders,
or get to appointments without my watch?
The booking officer doesn't know. One of the women there in the
booking section *remembers* my reading-glasses because I wanted them
with me; but they only allow *one* pair of glasses per-person in the
jail. So, yes, they agree my stuff is missing; but nobody knows where
it is! I understand they've been *looking* for it ever since; doing
more and more intensive searches; but ....
So ... Saturday I call the local sherrif to see if it's legal to drive
down to the local licence-bureau (which luckily *is* open on Saturday)
to get a duplicate. They tell me to just tell an officer what
happened (and preferably not get pulled over). I find my wallet in
the bedroom, find my *previous* (but now expired) licence in a drawer,
and drive down and get "legal" to drive. I go over to Wal-Mart and
buy a new watch. (The original cost $79 a few years earlier. The
*exact replacement* now costs me only $44.) I find replacement
suspenders in the closet. (The others were getting old anyway.) The
reading glasses however ... I can't AFFORD another $100 to buy a
prescription pair of glasses with good frames and anti-reflective
That's Saturday. I only got to visit with my wife for about half an
hour. ;-{
She's *way* too weak to make it up and down the stairs for our house.
In fact, when I got back, I was afraid she was dying on me.
However, she *did* look a tiny bit better; having finally slept
through the night for the first time since I was gone.
Sunday she was taken to church, and I met her there.
More on the wife, later, and in a separate post.
So, after that, I've been working on the checkbook and ... writing
this *huge* message telling the (actually rather humorous) account of
my (so-far) brush with the law. At least NEXT time, when going down
to Georgia, I'll be somewhat prepared and *expecting* to be away.
Except for missing the wife (horribly), being in custody doesn't
bother me all that much. Boring as hell; But Federal jails aren't
nearly the hell-houses I understand some local jails are.
Yeah, I know; I *expect* to get out.
Still (worst case scenario): If my wife dies, I *won't* have much will
to live ... or even fight a completely bogus charge. If she *did*
die, I might even plead "Nolo Contendre", meaning I won't fight the
charges ... Because in THAT case perpaps Federal Prison might be the
*safest* place I could be. Because, if they set me free without my
wife to come back to ... I'd probably be dead within two days. No,
not from suicide; I'm not the type. I'd just be walking aimlessly,
probably down the highway in the general direction of Oregon, over the
mountains, in the middle of Winter, without a *reason* to live; and be
found dead in a ditch, frozen sometime next Spring.
I'm *trying* not to think about that: The wife dying.
Still, every time I see her and how weak she is ....
I wonder if she'll make it through the rest of the chemotherapy.
If she does; then it *will* be a hell of a battle.
Love, Frank.
Sorry about not having my regular .sig
I've got to close now ... This place is closing.
Could somebody please copy this to the other appropriate places?
Without a real computer, this is the best I could do: My own froup.
Sean Cleary
2008-01-15 05:24:49 UTC
Terry Pratchett had a part of a story* where someone had written "He's
got me! I'm dying, AUUGGGG!", in stone. Presumably with a chisel.
Maybe with another stone.

I hope that this is part of the same kind of thing.


* done from memory, likely not as good at the original.
2008-01-14 03:55:12 UTC
Post by m***@millcomm.com
I posted a story (most of which *I* wrote) to a discussion-group on a
BBS which connected to something I wasn't really familiar with, called
a newsgroup: alt.sex.stories, I think it was.
The story, because of the limited access provided by the BBS (less
than 32K at a time, I think, was posted in about 120 truly *horrible
parts; but the *response* was tremendous ... (most people asking for
missing parts; "PLEASE post part # XXX-XXZ ... My newsreader didn't
get those!"
The story was titled, "Her Father's Daughter"; but because of a
mistake in the title, most thought it was something like: Father's
Daugther" instead.
At the time, there was no other story *anywhere* in the world, in
print, on the net, newsgroups, or elsewhere like it: It was (like all
the stories I've posted since, a *LOVE STORY* masquerading as humor
and sex-story ... LOTS of sex! I *tried* to include about every taboo
then existing for erotic stories, including most-especially: incest,
pregnancy, and yes, "pedophilia"; or young people having and enjoying
sex and even full-term pregnancy as a way of expressing that love.
It was a hit, far beyond anything I ever imagined. I got several
*thousand* emails and responses; praising the story for it's
vividness, it's love, its reality, its humor, and yes (most
importantly to *me* at least) its value and wonder as a *story*.
However, as explained in both the preamble and afterword of the story,
i *really* expected this story, pure fantasy mind, to have the Police
banging at my door, charging me with "disseminating Child Pornography"
or something equally silly, considering that no real child was
involved or documented; and the story was pure *text*!
Still, there are thousands if not millions of blue-noses out there
that *hate* anything having to do with that Devil's Invention: SEX!
Still, for year after year I kept posting NEW stories about the same
subject; but never so huge or complete. I also kept expecting the
same "Bang! Bang! Bang!" on the door from the police; but nothing ever
happened. It was actually quite a disappointment in a way; because I
*wanted* the story(s) to be challenged in court on the constitutional
Also, in newsgroups and other places; particularly assd, I kept
posting a challenge to those who claimed my stories were illegal
"child porn": Put up or shut up. Nobody "put up"
All this time I posted under my own REAL name, not an alias or other
hiding device, using my own real email address which I have paid
through the nose to keep during all these years. I've told people
where I lived; and that I am in the phone-book. I've invited anybody
to correspond with me, or even call me on the phone. So far, in 14
years, only one person ever did.
During the last year or so I've gotten tired. I still *compose* sex-
stories in my mind; and sometimes even enter them on the computer; but
I rarely go to the extra trouble of cleaning them up enough to post
and actually post them. I haven't stopped exactly; I've more like
paused. For the past half dozen months I've been too preocuppied with
my wife being sick with cancer (lymphoma) to actually post *any*
stories at all.
I *have* however, posted comments and opinions to various newsgroups;
often twitting the anti-sex groups; saying my stories are legal.
Last Wednesday, (probably a month or two before that, actully) it
seems somebody decided to "put up" and see what they could do about
this annoying McCoy person. At 10:00 in the morning, while I was
heading (naked) out to the kitchen to get morning medications for my
wife (and myself too) there was that "Bang! Bang! Bang!" on the door
that I had really expected 14 long years before. "Police!" came the
yell: "Open up!"
Not wanting the door broken down, I did ... Nudity and all. Outside
were *SEVEN* huge cops in black outfits, yes really prepared with a
huge steel pole to break the door in! As if I was some fully armed
drug-dealer about to fight it out with my cancer-ridden wife stumbling
out of the bedroom, barely able to stand, while they were chaining me
.... OOPS!
Sorry! The Internet Cafe I'm posting this from closes at SIX, not
NINE. I'll have to complete it from someplace else. I understand
there's a local IC closer to home than this one; that's open 'till
If not, the rest of this saga might have to wait.
Forgive the .sig not being mine.
Please post to assd and perhaps ac.
I've got to go.
(Not having my own computer right now.)
The TheatrElf
2008-01-14 05:29:29 UTC
You know, thousands of people drop dead each day, and none of
them are this jerkwad Lurker. Damned disappointing.
The TheatrElf

And the less I seek my source for some definitive, closer I am
to fine...
2008-01-14 05:50:10 UTC
Post by The TheatrElf
You know, thousands of people drop dead each day, and none of
them are this jerkwad Lurker. Damned disappointing.
What's you problem?

I am just doing Frank a common courtesy.

He asked for his messages to be posted to alt.callahans and ASSD.

With friends like you in such a time of dire need he really doesn't
need enemies does he?
Heidi Schwartz
2008-01-14 06:41:41 UTC
Post by Lurker
Post by The TheatrElf
You know, thousands of people drop dead each day, and none of
them are this jerkwad Lurker. Damned disappointing.
What's you problem?
I am just doing Frank a common courtesy.
He asked for his messages to be posted to alt.callahans and ASSD.
With friends like you in such a time of dire need he really doesn't
need enemies does he?
It's really ironic when only people who detest what he does seem to give a
damn when he is finally being arrested and jailed.

My heart is open for his poor wife who has enough without this trauma.
The TheatrElf
2008-01-14 07:00:53 UTC
Post by Heidi Schwartz
It's really ironic when only people who detest what he does
seem to give a damn when he is finally being arrested and
Don't take lurker's word on anything; he lies like a cheap rug.
The TheatrElf

"But we'll never survive!" "Nonsense. You're only saying that
because no one ever has." William Goldman, THE PRINCESS BRIDE
2008-02-03 12:53:53 UTC
On Jan 14, 1:41 am, "Heidi Schwartz"
Post by Heidi Schwartz
Post by Lurker
Post by The TheatrElf
You know, thousands of people drop dead each day, and none of
them are this jerkwad Lurker.  Damned disappointing.
What's you problem?
I am just doing Frank a common courtesy.
He asked for his messages to be posted to alt.callahans and ASSD.
With friends like you in such a time of dire need he really doesn't
need enemies does he?
It's really ironic when only people who detest what he does seem to give a
damn when he is finally being arrested and jailed.
My heart is open for his poor wife who has enough without this trauma.
Heidi, How is Eileen doing health wise?
Last thing I heard was having treatments for her cancer.
Yes, she has always objected to his writing, it would be traumatic.
treatments for her cancer. What a horrible time to be
The TheatrElf
2008-01-14 06:59:47 UTC
Post by Lurker
He asked for his messages to be posted to alt.callahans and
Like someone being arrested would actually have time to POST such
a request.

You've demonstrated that you lie at the drop of the hat, and I
have no doubt at all that you're lying now, you sorry piece of
The TheatrElf

A closed mouth gathers no foot.
2008-01-14 07:17:04 UTC
Post by The TheatrElf
Post by Lurker
He asked for his messages to be posted to alt.callahans and
Like someone being arrested would actually have time to POST such
a request.
Perhaps you can't understand what Frank is telling you.

Are you drunk or drugged or something?

He sent three days in a federal jail and has just been released.
his lawyer had to get him home.
Post by The TheatrElf
You've demonstrated that you lie at the drop of the hat,
I would have thought this recent development a clear indication I do
Post by The TheatrElf
and I have no doubt at all that you're lying now,
I haven't said anything to be lying or not lying have I?

Like I said I am just doing him a common courtesy and posting his
message for him.
Post by The TheatrElf
you sorry piece of shit.
Try reading what Frank is trying to tell you when you have sobered up.
The TheatrElf
2008-01-14 12:44:13 UTC
Post by Lurker
Post by The TheatrElf
You've demonstrated that you lie at the drop of the hat,
I would have thought this recent development a clear
indication I do not.
Except of course, that the "recent development" is itself a lie.
The TheatrElf

You can't lick the system, but you can certainly give it a damn
good fondling...
Brandon D Cartwright
2008-01-14 17:35:21 UTC
Post by The TheatrElf
Post by Lurker
Post by The TheatrElf
You've demonstrated that you lie at the drop of the hat,
I would have thought this recent development a clear
indication I do not.
Except of course, that the "recent development" is itself a lie.
Why do you say that?

Are you saying Frank is making it up for some reason,or are you
frightened they will come banging on your door next?
R. Steve Walz
2008-01-14 23:15:53 UTC
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by The TheatrElf
Post by Lurker
Post by The TheatrElf
You've demonstrated that you lie at the drop of the hat,
I would have thought this recent development a clear
indication I do not.
Except of course, that the "recent development" is itself a lie.
Why do you say that?
Are you saying Frank is making it up for some reason,or are you
frightened they will come banging on your door next?
I wouldn't put it past him, he's a fiction writer, dumbshit!
The TheatrElf
2008-01-15 01:10:49 UTC
Post by R. Steve Walz
On Mon, 14 Jan 2008 06:44:13 -0600, The TheatrElf
Post by The TheatrElf
Post by Lurker
Post by The TheatrElf
You've demonstrated that you lie at the drop of the hat,
I would have thought this recent development a clear
indication I do not.
Except of course, that the "recent development" is itself a
Why do you say that?
Are you saying Frank is making it up for some reason,or are
you frightened they will come banging on your door next?
I wouldn't put it past him, he's a fiction writer, dumbshit!
And I haven't seen one shred of proof that Frank wrote what
lurker posted. All we have is that claim from the sleazy cross-
posting troll who's been lying his ass off for weeks. He hasn't
told the truth yet; why would anyone believe him now?
The TheatrElf

Nothing is as inevitable as a mistake whose time has come.
Samantha Pierce-Harder
2008-01-16 08:09:36 UTC
Post by The TheatrElf
Post by R. Steve Walz
On Mon, 14 Jan 2008 06:44:13 -0600, The TheatrElf
Post by The TheatrElf
Post by Lurker
Post by The TheatrElf
You've demonstrated that you lie at the drop of the hat,
I would have thought this recent development a clear
indication I do not.
Except of course, that the "recent development" is itself a
Why do you say that?
Are you saying Frank is making it up for some reason,or are
you frightened they will come banging on your door next?
I wouldn't put it past him, he's a fiction writer, dumbshit!
And I haven't seen one shred of proof that Frank wrote what
lurker posted.
It sounds like Frank to anyone who knows him and is posting from
Post by The TheatrElf
All we have is that claim from the sleazy cross-
posting troll who's been lying his ass off for weeks.
Obviously he was neither a troll nor lying.

He said Frank was involved in distributing child pornography and that
is what he has been charged with.
Post by The TheatrElf
He hasn't
told the truth yet;
You are in denial. Clearly he WAS telling the truth.
Post by The TheatrElf
why would anyone believe him now?
Because Frank has been dragged to jail in chains charged with
distributing child pornography?
2008-01-16 09:56:32 UTC
On Wed, 16 Jan 2008 00:09:36 -0800, Samantha Pierce-Harder
** snip **
Post by Samantha Pierce-Harder
Post by The TheatrElf
All we have is that claim from the sleazy cross-
posting troll who's been lying his ass off for weeks.
Obviously he was neither a troll nor lying.
He said Frank was involved in distributing child pornography and that
is what he has been charged with.
Actually, according to post 2, Frank has been charged with
transmitting obscene material, not child pornography. Obscene
material covers a lot of things. What's more the charges do not
relate to Frank's stories specifically, but to having given links to
sites where Frank's stories appear. Note that these sites also have
stories written by others. Nor has Frank been charged with
distributing anything. I am sure there are states with laws which
relate specifically to the distribution of child pornography carrying
much more severe penalties than for obscene material. But these were
not used.

If that is the case, then some of Frank's trolls could also be
prosecuted, as I have seen at least one of the site's address given in
a newsgroup post, and repeated in replies to that post. I suspect
that the prosecution feels it could not win on the content of Frank's
stories alone, because of your constitution.

However, the concept of transmitting is difficult to handle, as is the
concept of publishing, when dealing with electronic media. If Frank
sent someone an e-mail with the addresses in it, then he could have
transmitted them, same as if he had sent a physical letter. But if
all he did was post them to a web site, etc. then he has not
transmitted them but published them. And in the US, the point of
publication of electronic information is the physical location of the
host computer. So unless Frank posted to a server in Georgia, he
probably hasn't published there.
Post by Samantha Pierce-Harder
Post by The TheatrElf
He hasn't
told the truth yet;
You are in denial. Clearly he WAS telling the truth.
Post by The TheatrElf
why would anyone believe him now?
Because Frank has been dragged to jail in chains charged with
distributing child pornography?
Frank McCoy
2008-01-17 22:11:47 UTC
Post by Samantha Pierce-Harder
He said Frank was involved in distributing child pornography and that
is what he has been charged with.
Well, actually, that's *NOT* what I've been charged with at all.
"Transporting of Obscene Matters" 18 U.S.C. § 1462
Section 1462, "Importation or transportation of Obscene Matters"
Chapter 71 - Obscenity
Communications Act of 1934

I'm working on what that actually means; and what it is when they say
"transportation" and "Obscene Matter".

Look it up and read the law yourself.
As I understand (so far), several *parts* of that law; actually
including *most* of the law, has been declared unconstitutional by the
Supreme Court. Only ... Not the entire law (yet); nor specifically that
particular part. I'll find out later for sure.

Still, I can't help but wonder if the prosecuting attorneys even *read*
the actual statute before charging me under it for "fantasy stories" as
it says in the indictment. Pure fantasy?

Ah well: We shall see.
Ain't discussing the actual case itself; other than saying what the case
actually *is* about, to dispel false rumors. How we intend to defend,
and what else happens is waiting to see what happens next down in
Georgia. I want the *truth* there, even if it sends me to jail.
However, I'll be damned if I'm going to *volunteer* information they
don't already have. Nor should I have to ... Just look at all the
thousands of posts I've made previously.

I *suspect* this is pure bullshit, intended to harass and do an illegal
search and seizure of both me and my computer for what they *suspect* I
might have or be doing that they then can charge me later with, but not
now having the slightest bit of evidence to charge me. But that's sheer

With *luck* the entire case will be thrown out and that will never
really become an issue; but who knows what evil ....

When the government (as I suspect; but *only* suspect, mind) goes on a
"fishing expedition", who knows what will happen? I *might* be
completely wrong about all this; and they really *do* want to try and
convict me of these exact charges. We shall see.

Surprisingly, except for the bullshit way they arrested me, and the fact
that they *did* arrest me for such idiocy, Prosecutors, Marshal's
Office, and Public Defenders have been acting like genuine
Law-Enforcement Personnel of the type my mother raised me to respect;
*not* like a small-town Southern cop with a chip on his shoulder like
you see in movies. "In the Heat of the Night" comes to mind ... Or
perhaps "The Dukes of Hazzard". ;-}

OTOH: How otherwise do you explain the charges themselves?
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
2008-01-18 04:58:43 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Samantha Pierce-Harder
He said Frank was involved in distributing child pornography and that
is what he has been charged with.
Well, actually, that's *NOT* what I've been charged with at all.
"Transporting of Obscene Matters" 18 U.S.C. § 1462
Section 1462, "Importation or transportation of Obscene Matters"
Chapter 71 - Obscenity
Communications Act of 1934
I'm working on what that actually means; and what it is when they say
"transportation" and "Obscene Matter".
Look it up and read the law yourself.
As I understand (so far), several *parts* of that law; actually
including *most* of the law, has been declared unconstitutional by the
Supreme Court. Only ... Not the entire law (yet); nor specifically that
particular part. I'll find out later for sure.
Still, I can't help but wonder if the prosecuting attorneys even *read*
the actual statute before charging me under it for "fantasy stories" as
it says in the indictment. Pure fantasy?
Ah well: We shall see.
Ain't discussing the actual case itself; other than saying what the case
actually *is* about, to dispel false rumors. How we intend to defend,
and what else happens is waiting to see what happens next down in
Georgia. I want the *truth* there, even if it sends me to jail.
However, I'll be damned if I'm going to *volunteer* information they
don't already have. Nor should I have to ... Just look at all the
thousands of posts I've made previously.
I *suspect* this is pure bullshit, intended to harass and do an illegal
search and seizure of both me and my computer for what they *suspect* I
might have or be doing that they then can charge me later with, but not
now having the slightest bit of evidence to charge me. But that's sheer
With *luck* the entire case will be thrown out and that will never
really become an issue; but who knows what evil ....
When the government (as I suspect; but *only* suspect, mind) goes on a
"fishing expedition", who knows what will happen? I *might* be
completely wrong about all this; and they really *do* want to try and
convict me of these exact charges. We shall see.
Surprisingly, except for the bullshit way they arrested me, and the fact
that they *did* arrest me for such idiocy, Prosecutors, Marshal's
Office, and Public Defenders have been acting like genuine
Law-Enforcement Personnel of the type my mother raised me to respect;
*not* like a small-town Southern cop with a chip on his shoulder like
you see in movies. "In the Heat of the Night" comes to mind ... Or
perhaps "The Dukes of Hazzard". ;-}
OTOH: How otherwise do you explain the charges themselves?
Samantha Pierce-Harder gets it wrong ... again.
fundamentalism (n.): fund = give cash to; amentalism = brainlessness
Dan Goodman
2008-01-15 01:23:12 UTC
R. Steve Walz wrote:

Welcome! Welcome to my killfile!

Are you the sock puppet of someone I've already zapped, or are you
really a new paranoid liar? Don't bother to answer.
Dan Goodman
"I have always depended on the kindness of stranglers."
Tennessee Williams, A Streetcar Named Expire
Journal http://dsgood.livejournal.com
Futures http://dangoodman.livejournal.com
mirror 1: http://dsgood.insanejournal.com
mirror 2: http://dsgood.wordpress.com
Links http://del.icio.us/dsgood
2008-02-03 13:40:07 UTC
Post by m***@millcomm.com
I posted a story (most of which *I* wrote) to a discussion-group on a
BBS which connected to something I wasn't really familiar with, called
a newsgroup: alt.sex.stories, I think it was.
The story, because of the limited access provided by the BBS (less
than 32K at a time, I think, was posted in about 120 truly *horrible
parts; but the *response* was tremendous ... (most people asking for
missing parts; "PLEASE post part # XXX-XXZ ... My newsreader didn't
get those!"
The story was titled, "Her Father's Daughter"; but because of a
mistake in the title, most thought it was something like: Father's
Daugther" instead.
At the time, there was no other story *anywhere* in the world, in
print, on the net, newsgroups, or elsewhere like it: �It was (like all
the stories I've posted since, a *LOVE STORY* masquerading as humor
and sex-story ... LOTS of sex! �I *tried* to include about every taboo
then existing for erotic stories, including most-especially: incest,
pregnancy, and yes, "pedophilia"; or young people having and enjoying
sex and even full-term pregnancy as a way of expressing that love.
It was a hit, far beyond anything I ever imagined. �I got several
*thousand* emails and responses; praising the story for it's
vividness, it's love, its reality, its humor, and yes (most
importantly to *me* at least) its value and wonder as a *story*.
However, as explained in both the preamble and afterword of the story,
i *really* expected this story, pure fantasy mind, to have the Police
banging at my door, charging me with "disseminating Child Pornography"
or something equally silly, considering that no real child was
involved or documented; and the story was pure *text*!
Still, there are thousands if not millions of blue-noses out there
that *hate* anything having to do with that Devil's Invention: SEX!
Still, for year after year I kept posting NEW stories about the same
subject; but never so huge or complete. �I also kept expecting the
same "Bang! Bang! Bang!" on the door from the police; but nothing ever
happened. �It was actually quite a disappointment in a way; because I
*wanted* the story(s) to be challenged in court on the constitutional
Also, in newsgroups and other places; particularly assd, I kept
posting a challenge to those who claimed my stories were illegal
"child porn": Put up or shut up. �Nobody "put up"
All this time I posted under my own REAL name, not an alias or other
hiding device, using my own real email address which I have paid
through the nose to keep during all these years. �I've told people
where I lived; and that I am in the phone-book. �I've invited anybody
to correspond with me, or even call me on the phone. �So far, in 14
years, only one person ever did.
During the last year or so I've gotten tired. �I still *compose* sex-
stories in my mind; and sometimes even enter them on the computer; but
I rarely go to the extra trouble of cleaning them up enough to post
and actually post them. �I haven't stopped exactly; I've more like
paused. �For the past half dozen months I've been too preocuppied with
my wife being sick with cancer (lymphoma) to actually post *any*
stories at all.
I *have* however, posted comments and opinions to various newsgroups;
often twitting the anti-sex groups; saying my stories are legal.
Last Wednesday, (probably a month or two before that, actully) it
seems somebody decided to "put up" and see what they could do about
this annoying McCoy person. �At 10:00 in the morning, while I was
heading (naked) out to the kitchen to get morning medications for my
wife (and myself too) there was that "Bang! Bang! Bang!" on the door
that I had really expected 14 long years before. �"Police!" came the
yell: "Open up!"
Not wanting the door broken down, I did ... Nudity and all. �Outside
were *SEVEN* huge cops in black outfits, yes really prepared with a
huge steel pole to break the door in! �As if I was some fully armed
drug-dealer about to fight it out with my cancer-ridden wife stumbling
out of the bedroom, barely able to stand, while they were chaining me
.... �OOPS!
Sorry! �The Internet Cafe I'm posting this from closes at SIX, not
NINE. �I'll have to complete it from someplace else. �I understand
there's a local IC closer to home than this one; that's open 'till
If not, the rest of this saga might have to wait.
Forgive the .sig not being mine.
Please post to assd and perhaps ac.
I've got to go.
(Not having my own computer right now.)
Did pedo mccoy finally get what he/it deserves?
Brandon D Cartwright
2008-02-04 02:34:02 UTC
On Sun, 3 Feb 2008 05:40:07 -0800 (PST), "ªºªandcarole®"
Post by ªºªandcarole®
Post by m***@millcomm.com
I posted a story (most of which *I* wrote) to a discussion-group on a
BBS which connected to something I wasn't really familiar with, called
a newsgroup: alt.sex.stories, I think it was.
The story, because of the limited access provided by the BBS (less
than 32K at a time, I think, was posted in about 120 truly *horrible
parts; but the *response* was tremendous ... (most people asking for
missing parts; "PLEASE post part # XXX-XXZ ... My newsreader didn't
get those!"
The story was titled, "Her Father's Daughter"; but because of a
mistake in the title, most thought it was something like: Father's
Daugther" instead.
At the time, there was no other story *anywhere* in the world, in
print, on the net, newsgroups, or elsewhere like it: ?It was (like all
the stories I've posted since, a *LOVE STORY* masquerading as humor
and sex-story ... LOTS of sex! ?I *tried* to include about every taboo
then existing for erotic stories, including most-especially: incest,
pregnancy, and yes, "pedophilia"; or young people having and enjoying
sex and even full-term pregnancy as a way of expressing that love.
It was a hit, far beyond anything I ever imagined. ?I got several
*thousand* emails and responses; praising the story for it's
vividness, it's love, its reality, its humor, and yes (most
importantly to *me* at least) its value and wonder as a *story*.
However, as explained in both the preamble and afterword of the story,
i *really* expected this story, pure fantasy mind, to have the Police
banging at my door, charging me with "disseminating Child Pornography"
or something equally silly, considering that no real child was
involved or documented; and the story was pure *text*!
Still, there are thousands if not millions of blue-noses out there
that *hate* anything having to do with that Devil's Invention: SEX!
Still, for year after year I kept posting NEW stories about the same
subject; but never so huge or complete. ?I also kept expecting the
same "Bang! Bang! Bang!" on the door from the police; but nothing ever
happened. ?It was actually quite a disappointment in a way; because I
*wanted* the story(s) to be challenged in court on the constitutional
Also, in newsgroups and other places; particularly assd, I kept
posting a challenge to those who claimed my stories were illegal
"child porn": Put up or shut up. ?Nobody "put up"
All this time I posted under my own REAL name, not an alias or other
hiding device, using my own real email address which I have paid
through the nose to keep during all these years. ?I've told people
where I lived; and that I am in the phone-book. ?I've invited anybody
to correspond with me, or even call me on the phone. ?So far, in 14
years, only one person ever did.
During the last year or so I've gotten tired. ?I still *compose* sex-
stories in my mind; and sometimes even enter them on the computer; but
I rarely go to the extra trouble of cleaning them up enough to post
and actually post them. ?I haven't stopped exactly; I've more like
paused. ?For the past half dozen months I've been too preocuppied with
my wife being sick with cancer (lymphoma) to actually post *any*
stories at all.
I *have* however, posted comments and opinions to various newsgroups;
often twitting the anti-sex groups; saying my stories are legal.
Last Wednesday, (probably a month or two before that, actully) it
seems somebody decided to "put up" and see what they could do about
this annoying McCoy person. ?At 10:00 in the morning, while I was
heading (naked) out to the kitchen to get morning medications for my
wife (and myself too) there was that "Bang! Bang! Bang!" on the door
that I had really expected 14 long years before. ?"Police!" came the
yell: "Open up!"
Not wanting the door broken down, I did ... Nudity and all. ?Outside
were *SEVEN* huge cops in black outfits, yes really prepared with a
huge steel pole to break the door in! ?As if I was some fully armed
drug-dealer about to fight it out with my cancer-ridden wife stumbling
out of the bedroom, barely able to stand, while they were chaining me
.... ?OOPS!
Sorry! ?The Internet Cafe I'm posting this from closes at SIX, not
NINE. ?I'll have to complete it from someplace else. ?I understand
there's a local IC closer to home than this one; that's open 'till
If not, the rest of this saga might have to wait.
Forgive the .sig not being mine.
Please post to assd and perhaps ac.
I've got to go.
(Not having my own computer right now.)
Did pedo mccoy finally get what he/it deserves?
Federal marshals raided him...took his computer and dragged him away
in chains to jail.

He was released on his own recognizance to appear before the Georgia
Grand Jury charged with "transporting obscenity".

nobody has heard from him since..with the zero tolerance policy
of Georgia towards child pornographers and pedophiles it's probable
his bail was revoked and he is back in prison.

IMO his only hope of avoiding dying in jail is to plead guilty and
co-operate with the prosecutor to nail the other members of his child
pornography group..

A lot of worried pedos around at the moment...

2008-02-04 07:08:27 UTC
Brandon D Cartwright wrote in alt.fan.frank.mccoy on Sunday 03 February
2008 21:34 in Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>:

Post by Brandon D Cartwright
IMO his only hope of avoiding dying in jail is to plead guilty and
co-operate with the prosecutor to nail the other members of his child
pornography group..
How many fucking times do you have to be told that the U.S. child
pornography statute DOES NOT COVER TEXT? Given the number of times that
you continue to repeat the same incorrect information again and again,
I can only conclude that you are being willfully and deliberately ignorant.

Just because you WISH that the law covered text, will not make it so.
If you wish to live in a jurisdiction that /does/ classify text as child
pornography, move to Canada. (Or Afghanistan, where a Sharia court has
just condemned a young journalism student to death for blasphemy for
looking up and distributing articles critical of Islam's treatment of
women. Sounds like a society where you would feel right at home--or maybe
not, as they allow marriages to underage girls there. Maybe you should
go over there and rail against their 'pedophile' activities, eh?)
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
A lot of worried pedos around at the moment...
There are a lot of concerned civil libertarians as well.

"If there is any principle of the Constitution that more imperatively
calls for attachment than any other it is the principle of free thought--
not free thought for those who agree with us but freedom for the thought
we hate." -- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. US. v. Schwimmer

Baal <***@Usenet.org>
PGP Key: http://wwwkeys.pgp.net:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x1E92C0E8
PGP Key Fingerprint: 40E4 E9BB D084 22D5 3DE9 66B8 08E3 638C 1E92 C0E8
Retired Lecturer, Encryption and Data Security, Pedo U, Usenet Campus
- --

"Sed quis custodiet ipsos Custodes?" -- "Who will watch the Watchmen?"
-- Juvenal, Satires, VI, 347. circa 128 AD
Brandon D Cartwright
2008-02-04 08:03:29 UTC
On Mon, 4 Feb 2008 08:08:27 +0100 (CET), Baal
Hash: SHA512
Brandon D Cartwright wrote in alt.fan.frank.mccoy on Sunday 03 February
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
IMO his only hope of avoiding dying in jail is to plead guilty and
co-operate with the prosecutor to nail the other members of his child
pornography group..
How many fucking times do you have to be told that the U.S. child
pornography statute DOES NOT COVER TEXT? Given the number of times that
you continue to repeat the same incorrect information again and again,
I can only conclude that you are being willfully and deliberately ignorant.
How many fucking times do you have to be told that pornographic
descriptions of toddlers being fucked by adults ..produced for
pedophiles to masturbate to *IS* child pornography whatever the
current US legal definitions..
Just because you WISH that the law covered text, will not make it so.
If you wish to live in a jurisdiction that /does/ classify text as child
pornography, move to Canada.
Whether McCoy is a child pornographer is dependent upon where he lives
in your book eh?
(Or Afghanistan, where a Sharia court has
just condemned a young journalism student to death for blasphemy for
looking up and distributing articles critical of Islam's treatment of
women. Sounds like a society where you would feel right at home--or maybe
not, as they allow marriages to underage girls there. Maybe you should
go over there and rail against their 'pedophile' activities, eh?)
Sounds like your racism is creeping out from under your mask more

Of course pedophiles are executed in Afghanistan aren't they?
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
A lot of worried pedos around at the moment...
There are a lot of concerned civil libertarians as well.
On the contrary they are conspicuous by their absence..

Frank has been disappeared...and is no longer news worth discussing
for most folk..
"If there is any principle of the Constitution that more imperatively
calls for attachment than any other it is the principle of free thought--
not free thought for those who agree with us but freedom for the thought
we hate." -- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. US. v. Schwimmer
"But if someone came for you one night
And dragged you away...

Do you really think your neighbors
Would even care...."

--Jello Biafra (Full Metal Jackoff)
R. Steve Walz
2008-02-04 21:00:02 UTC
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Mon, 4 Feb 2008 08:08:27 +0100 (CET), Baal
Hash: SHA512
Brandon D Cartwright wrote in alt.fan.frank.mccoy on Sunday 03 February
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
IMO his only hope of avoiding dying in jail is to plead guilty and
co-operate with the prosecutor to nail the other members of his child
pornography group..
How many fucking times do you have to be told that the U.S. child
pornography statute DOES NOT COVER TEXT? Given the number of times that
you continue to repeat the same incorrect information again and again,
I can only conclude that you are being willfully and deliberately ignorant.
How many fucking times do you have to be told that pornographic
descriptions of toddlers being fucked by adults ..produced for
pedophiles to masturbate to *IS* child pornography whatever the
current US legal definitions..
So you dislike the American definitions of obscenity (pornography is
NOT defined in law). You should definitely emigrate to somewhere more
frightening to you.
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Just because you WISH that the law covered text, will not make it so.
If you wish to live in a jurisdiction that /does/ classify text as child
pornography, move to Canada.
Whether McCoy is a child pornographer is dependent upon where he lives
in your book eh?
In OUR "book" NOBODY is a "child pornographer" who simply writes
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
(Or Afghanistan, where a Sharia court has
just condemned a young journalism student to death for blasphemy for
looking up and distributing articles critical of Islam's treatment of
women. Sounds like a society where you would feel right at home--or maybe
not, as they allow marriages to underage girls there. Maybe you should
go over there and rail against their 'pedophile' activities, eh?)
Sounds like your racism is creeping out from under your mask more
Sounds like YOU have NO FUCKING IDEA of the nature of those cultures!
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Of course pedophiles are executed in Afghanistan aren't they?
No, under Sharia law pedophilia is a male relative's right!
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
A lot of worried pedos around at the moment...
There are a lot of concerned civil libertarians as well.
On the contrary they are conspicuous by their absence..
Frank has been disappeared...and is no longer news worth discussing
for most folk..
This will change.
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
"If there is any principle of the Constitution that more imperatively
calls for attachment than any other it is the principle of free thought--
not free thought for those who agree with us but freedom for the thought
we hate." -- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. US. v. Schwimmer
Brandon D Cartwright
2008-02-05 08:06:32 UTC
On Mon, 04 Feb 2008 13:00:02 -0800, "R. Steve Walz"
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Mon, 4 Feb 2008 08:08:27 +0100 (CET), Baal
Hash: SHA512
Brandon D Cartwright wrote in alt.fan.frank.mccoy on Sunday 03 February
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
IMO his only hope of avoiding dying in jail is to plead guilty and
co-operate with the prosecutor to nail the other members of his child
pornography group..
How many fucking times do you have to be told that the U.S. child
pornography statute DOES NOT COVER TEXT? Given the number of times that
you continue to repeat the same incorrect information again and again,
I can only conclude that you are being willfully and deliberately ignorant.
How many fucking times do you have to be told that pornographic
descriptions of toddlers being fucked by adults ..produced for
pedophiles to masturbate to *IS* child pornography whatever the
current US legal definitions..
So you dislike the American definitions of obscenity (pornography is
NOT defined in law). You should definitely emigrate to somewhere more
frightening to you.
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Just because you WISH that the law covered text, will not make it so.
If you wish to live in a jurisdiction that /does/ classify text as child
pornography, move to Canada.
Whether McCoy is a child pornographer is dependent upon where he lives
in your book eh?
In OUR "book" NOBODY is a "child pornographer" who simply writes
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
(Or Afghanistan, where a Sharia court has
just condemned a young journalism student to death for blasphemy for
looking up and distributing articles critical of Islam's treatment of
women. Sounds like a society where you would feel right at home--or maybe
not, as they allow marriages to underage girls there. Maybe you should
go over there and rail against their 'pedophile' activities, eh?)
Sounds like your racism is creeping out from under your mask more
Sounds like YOU have NO FUCKING IDEA of the nature of those cultures!
No that would be a bigoted jackass such as yourself..
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Of course pedophiles are executed in Afghanistan aren't they?
No, under Sharia law pedophilia is a male relative's right!
Only in your mentally diseased brain..
back here on earth the reality is rather different of course..

You still don't get it...

NOBODY likes pedophiles or parents that fuck their own children..
It will never be legal anywhere on earth..

They don't seem to think too much of incest either..

Legislation of Interpol member states on sexual offences against


Saudi Arabia - Arabie Saoudite - Arabia Saudí


The information on this page is up to date as of spring 2006

Saudi Arabia is governed on the basis of Islamic law (Sharia).

I. Ages for legal purposes

Age of simple majority

Persons under the age of 18 are considered being minors.

Age of consent for sexual activity
In Islamic Law (Sharia), only sexual intercourse within marriage is
legal. The common age for marriage is 18 years.

Extra-marital sexual intercourse is illegal regardless of the age.

II. Rape
Rape is a sexual offence that is constituted by any act of domination
without the victims will.

III. Other forms of child sex abuse

Sexual intercourse with a female under thirteen, incest, sodomy,
and using children for indecent purposes etc.
The Islamic Sharia Law forbids all forms of sexual intercourse taking
place outside of marriage, irrespective of couple’s sex, relationship,
consent, age. The person concerned is discharged from responsibility
if he/she does not consent to the act and is a minor.

The absence of consent, the minority of the person and kinship are
considered as aggravating circumstances.

IV. Child prostitution

V. Child pornography
Taking or possessing pornographic images, whether for children or
adults, is considered an offence under the Sharia law.

The sentence imposed is left to the discretion of the judge. If such
images are meant for publishing and circulating, the punishment is
determined according to the stipulations of the Publishing and
Printing Code issued by virtue of Royal Decree No. MIM/32 dated 30
November 2000
(3/9/1421 H.).

VI. Internet

The Islamic Sharia incriminates all acts which constitute an attack or
threat against the five fundamentals which are religion, the body, the
mind, honour and property,irrespective of the method used.

Iran to defy west by executing sex offenders

R. Steve Walz
2008-02-05 16:33:11 UTC
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Mon, 04 Feb 2008 13:00:02 -0800, "R. Steve Walz"
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
How many fucking times do you have to be told that pornographic
descriptions of toddlers being fucked by adults ..produced for
pedophiles to masturbate to *IS* child pornography whatever the
current US legal definitions..
So you dislike the American definitions of obscenity (pornography is
NOT defined in law). You should definitely emigrate to somewhere more
frightening to you.
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Baal
Just because you WISH that the law covered text, will not make it so.
If you wish to live in a jurisdiction that /does/ classify text as child
pornography, move to Canada.
Whether McCoy is a child pornographer is dependent upon where he lives
in your book eh?
In OUR "book" NOBODY is a "child pornographer" who simply writes
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Baal
(Or Afghanistan, where a Sharia court has
just condemned a young journalism student to death for blasphemy for
looking up and distributing articles critical of Islam's treatment of
women. Sounds like a society where you would feel right at home--or maybe
not, as they allow marriages to underage girls there. Maybe you should
go over there and rail against their 'pedophile' activities, eh?)
Sounds like your racism is creeping out from under your mask more
Sounds like YOU have NO FUCKING IDEA of the nature of those cultures!
No that would be a bigoted jackass such as yourself..
So you DEFEND Islamic Sharia Fascism, eh? You need to be tied upside
down in a sack in Gitmo for a while, terrorist!
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Of course pedophiles are executed in Afghanistan aren't they?
No, under Sharia law pedophilia is a male relative's right!
Only in your mentally diseased brain..
back here on earth the reality is rather different of course..
Your insane devitation from what hundreds of women have written about
Islam makes you an obvious looney!
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
You still don't get it...
NOBODY likes pedophiles or parents that fuck their own children..
It will never be legal anywhere on earth..
That's merely your desperate mantra.
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
They don't seem to think too much of incest either..
Legislation of Interpol member states on sexual offences against
InterPol has no legilative power. The nations of Europe barely manage
to cooperate except to extradite for crimes all the nations agree on.
And it still requires a court to do it. InterPol is seen to be pretty
lame, once examined.
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Saudi Arabia is governed on the basis of Islamic law (Sharia).
Sure. Problem being that in practice the head of the family has the
ultimate say, and women's tales are regarded as nothing.
Brandon D Cartwright
2008-02-05 21:11:21 UTC
On Tue, 05 Feb 2008 08:33:11 -0800, "R. Steve Walz"
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Mon, 04 Feb 2008 13:00:02 -0800, "R. Steve Walz"
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
How many fucking times do you have to be told that pornographic
descriptions of toddlers being fucked by adults ..produced for
pedophiles to masturbate to *IS* child pornography whatever the
current US legal definitions..
So you dislike the American definitions of obscenity (pornography is
NOT defined in law). You should definitely emigrate to somewhere more
frightening to you.
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Baal
Just because you WISH that the law covered text, will not make it so.
If you wish to live in a jurisdiction that /does/ classify text as child
pornography, move to Canada.
Whether McCoy is a child pornographer is dependent upon where he lives
in your book eh?
In OUR "book" NOBODY is a "child pornographer" who simply writes
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Baal
(Or Afghanistan, where a Sharia court has
just condemned a young journalism student to death for blasphemy for
looking up and distributing articles critical of Islam's treatment of
women. Sounds like a society where you would feel right at home--or maybe
not, as they allow marriages to underage girls there. Maybe you should
go over there and rail against their 'pedophile' activities, eh?)
Sounds like your racism is creeping out from under your mask more
Sounds like YOU have NO FUCKING IDEA of the nature of those cultures!
No that would be a bigoted jackass such as yourself..
So you DEFEND Islamic Sharia Fascism, eh? You need to be tied upside
down in a sack in Gitmo for a while, terrorist!
Is this nonsense the best you can do?

Face it you are wrong and even Afghanistan would not be a safe haven
for you and your kind..
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Of course pedophiles are executed in Afghanistan aren't they?
No, under Sharia law pedophilia is a male relative's right!
Only in your mentally diseased brain..
back here on earth the reality is rather different of course..
Your insane devitation from what hundreds of women have written about
Islam makes you an obvious looney!
It's the sharia Law as per Interpol...

Afghanistan executes pedophiles all your raving and insane accusations
doesn't alter that..
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
You still don't get it...
NOBODY likes pedophiles or parents that fuck their own children..
It will never be legal anywhere on earth..
That's merely your desperate mantra.
nothing desperate it's codified in law world wide.
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
They don't seem to think too much of incest either..
Legislation of Interpol member states on sexual offences against
InterPol has no legilative power. The nations of Europe barely manage
to cooperate except to extradite for crimes all the nations agree on.
And it still requires a court to do it. InterPol is seen to be pretty
lame, once examined.
INTERPOL's brief is far wider than European..
once again you pontificate about matter you are ignorant of..

All of which is beside the point that Islamic countries..like any
others..have severe penalties against pedophiles.
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Saudi Arabia is governed on the basis of Islamic law (Sharia).
Sure. Problem being that in practice the head of the family has the
ultimate say, and women's tales are regarded as nothing.
Sexual offences against children are punished severely under Sharia
up to and including public beheading.
R. Steve Walz
2008-02-06 16:42:34 UTC
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Tue, 05 Feb 2008 08:33:11 -0800, "R. Steve Walz"
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Mon, 04 Feb 2008 13:00:02 -0800, "R. Steve Walz"
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
How many fucking times do you have to be told that pornographic
descriptions of toddlers being fucked by adults ..produced for
pedophiles to masturbate to *IS* child pornography whatever the
current US legal definitions..
So you dislike the American definitions of obscenity (pornography is
NOT defined in law). You should definitely emigrate to somewhere more
frightening to you.
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Baal
Just because you WISH that the law covered text, will not make it so.
If you wish to live in a jurisdiction that /does/ classify text as child
pornography, move to Canada.
Whether McCoy is a child pornographer is dependent upon where he lives
in your book eh?
In OUR "book" NOBODY is a "child pornographer" who simply writes
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Baal
(Or Afghanistan, where a Sharia court has
just condemned a young journalism student to death for blasphemy for
looking up and distributing articles critical of Islam's treatment of
women. Sounds like a society where you would feel right at home--or maybe
not, as they allow marriages to underage girls there. Maybe you should
go over there and rail against their 'pedophile' activities, eh?)
Sounds like your racism is creeping out from under your mask more
Sounds like YOU have NO FUCKING IDEA of the nature of those cultures!
No that would be a bigoted jackass such as yourself..
So you DEFEND Islamic Sharia Fascism, eh? You need to be tied upside
down in a sack in Gitmo for a while, terrorist!
Is this nonsense the best you can do?
Face it you are wrong and even Afghanistan would not be a safe haven
for you and your kind..
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Of course pedophiles are executed in Afghanistan aren't they?
No, under Sharia law pedophilia is a male relative's right!
Only in your mentally diseased brain..
back here on earth the reality is rather different of course..
Your insane devitation from what hundreds of women have written about
Islam makes you an obvious looney!
It's the sharia Law as per Interpol...
Afghanistan executes pedophiles all your raving and insane accusations
doesn't alter that..
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
You still don't get it...
NOBODY likes pedophiles or parents that fuck their own children..
It will never be legal anywhere on earth..
That's merely your desperate mantra.
nothing desperate it's codified in law world wide.
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
They don't seem to think too much of incest either..
Legislation of Interpol member states on sexual offences against
InterPol has no legilative power. The nations of Europe barely manage
to cooperate except to extradite for crimes all the nations agree on.
And it still requires a court to do it. InterPol is seen to be pretty
lame, once examined.
INTERPOL's brief is far wider than European..
once again you pontificate about matter you are ignorant of..
All of which is beside the point that Islamic countries..like any
others..have severe penalties against pedophiles.
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Saudi Arabia is governed on the basis of Islamic law (Sharia).
Sure. Problem being that in practice the head of the family has the
ultimate say, and women's tales are regarded as nothing.
Sexual offences against children are punished severely under Sharia
up to and including public beheading.
You're delusional.
2008-02-05 02:44:48 UTC
On Mon, �4 Feb 2008 08:08:27 +0100 (CET), Baal
Hash: SHA512
Brandon D Cartwright wrote in alt.fan.frank.mccoyon Sunday 03 February
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
IMO his only hope of avoiding dying in jail is to plead guilty and
co-operate with the prosecutor to nail the other members of his child
pornography group..
How many fucking times do you have to be told that the U.S. child
pornography statute DOES NOT COVER TEXT? Given the number of times that
you continue to repeat the same incorrect information again and again,
I can only conclude that you are being willfully and deliberately ignorant.
How many fucking times do you have to be told that pornographic
descriptions of toddlers being fucked by adults ..produced for
pedophiles to masturbate to *IS* �child pornography whatever the
current US �legal definitions..
Just because you WISH that the law covered text, will not make it so.
If you wish to live in a jurisdiction that /does/ classify text as child
pornography, move to Canada.
WhetherMcCoyis a child pornographer is dependent upon where he lives
in your book eh?
(Or Afghanistan, where a Sharia court has
just condemned a young journalism student to death for blasphemy for
looking up and distributing articles critical of Islam's treatment of
women. Sounds like a society where you would feel right at home--or maybe
not, as they allow marriages to underage girls there. Maybe you should
go over there and rail against their 'pedophile' activities, eh?)
Sounds like your racism is creeping out from under your mask more
Of course pedophiles are executed in Afghanistan aren't they?
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
A lot of worried pedos around at the moment...
There are a lot of concerned civil libertarians as well.
On the contrary they are conspicuous by their absence..
Frankhas been disappeared...and is no longer news worth discussing
for most folk..
He's in this very thread, 8 posts above this one.....
Brandon D Cartwright
2008-02-05 07:57:42 UTC
On Mon, 4 Feb 2008 18:44:48 -0800 (PST), bobandcarole
Post by bobandcarole
On Mon, ?4 Feb 2008 08:08:27 +0100 (CET), Baal
Hash: SHA512
Brandon D Cartwright wrote in alt.fan.frank.mccoyon Sunday 03 February
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
IMO his only hope of avoiding dying in jail is to plead guilty and
co-operate with the prosecutor to nail the other members of his child
pornography group..
How many fucking times do you have to be told that the U.S. child
pornography statute DOES NOT COVER TEXT? Given the number of times that
you continue to repeat the same incorrect information again and again,
I can only conclude that you are being willfully and deliberately ignorant.
How many fucking times do you have to be told that pornographic
descriptions of toddlers being fucked by adults ..produced for
pedophiles to masturbate to *IS* ?child pornography whatever the
current US ?legal definitions..
Just because you WISH that the law covered text, will not make it so.
If you wish to live in a jurisdiction that /does/ classify text as child
pornography, move to Canada.
WhetherMcCoyis a child pornographer is dependent upon where he lives
in your book eh?
(Or Afghanistan, where a Sharia court has
just condemned a young journalism student to death for blasphemy for
looking up and distributing articles critical of Islam's treatment of
women. Sounds like a society where you would feel right at home--or maybe
not, as they allow marriages to underage girls there. Maybe you should
go over there and rail against their 'pedophile' activities, eh?)
Sounds like your racism is creeping out from under your mask more
Of course pedophiles are executed in Afghanistan aren't they?
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
A lot of worried pedos around at the moment...
There are a lot of concerned civil libertarians as well.
On the contrary they are conspicuous by their absence..
Frankhas been disappeared...and is no longer news worth discussing
for most folk..
He's in this very thread, 8 posts above this one.....
Yeah...that's one of the last posts he made before he disappeared..

The very last one was made three hours before he got on a bus to
Georgia to surrender himself to the Grand Jury...

He hasn't been heard from since..
2008-02-05 14:42:58 UTC
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Mon, 4 Feb 2008 18:44:48 -0800 (PST), bobandcarole
Post by bobandcarole
On Mon, ?4 Feb 2008 08:08:27 +0100 (CET), Baal
Hash: SHA512
Brandon D Cartwright wrote in alt.fan.frank.mccoyon Sunday 03 February
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
IMO his only hope of avoiding dying in jail is to plead guilty and
co-operate with the prosecutor to nail the other members of his child
pornography group..
How many fucking times do you have to be told that the U.S. child
pornography statute DOES NOT COVER TEXT? Given the number of times that
you continue to repeat the same incorrect information again and again,
I can only conclude that you are being willfully and deliberately ignorant.
How many fucking times do you have to be told that pornographic
descriptions of toddlers being fucked by adults ..produced for
pedophiles to masturbate to *IS* ?child pornography whatever the
current US ?legal definitions..
Just because you WISH that the law covered text, will not make it so.
If you wish to live in a jurisdiction that /does/ classify text as child
pornography, move to Canada.
WhetherMcCoyis a child pornographer is dependent upon where he lives
in your book eh?
(Or Afghanistan, where a Sharia court has
just condemned a young journalism student to death for blasphemy for
looking up and distributing articles critical of Islam's treatment of
women. Sounds like a society where you would feel right at home--or maybe
not, as they allow marriages to underage girls there. Maybe you should
go over there and rail against their 'pedophile' activities, eh?)
Sounds like your racism is creeping out from under your mask more
Of course pedophiles are executed in Afghanistan aren't they?
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
A lot of worried pedos around at the moment...
There are a lot of concerned civil libertarians as well.
On the contrary they are conspicuous by their absence..
Frankhas been disappeared...and is no longer news worth discussing
for most folk..
He's in this very thread, 8 posts above this one.....
Yeah...that's one of the last posts he made before he disappeared..
The very last one was made three hours before he got on a bus to
Georgia to surrender himself to the Grand Jury...
He hasn't been heard from since..
They all get caught eventually......
Brandon D Cartwright
2008-02-05 20:58:27 UTC
On Tue, 5 Feb 2008 06:42:58 -0800 (PST), "ªºªandcarole®"
Post by ªºªandcarole®
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Mon, 4 Feb 2008 18:44:48 -0800 (PST), bobandcarole
Post by bobandcarole
On Mon, ?4 Feb 2008 08:08:27 +0100 (CET), Baal
Hash: SHA512
Brandon D Cartwright wrote in alt.fan.frank.mccoyon Sunday 03 February
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
IMO his only hope of avoiding dying in jail is to plead guilty and
co-operate with the prosecutor to nail the other members of his child
pornography group..
How many fucking times do you have to be told that the U.S. child
pornography statute DOES NOT COVER TEXT? Given the number of times that
you continue to repeat the same incorrect information again and again,
I can only conclude that you are being willfully and deliberately ignorant.
How many fucking times do you have to be told that pornographic
descriptions of toddlers being fucked by adults ..produced for
pedophiles to masturbate to *IS* ?child pornography whatever the
current US ?legal definitions..
Just because you WISH that the law covered text, will not make it so.
If you wish to live in a jurisdiction that /does/ classify text as child
pornography, move to Canada.
WhetherMcCoyis a child pornographer is dependent upon where he lives
in your book eh?
(Or Afghanistan, where a Sharia court has
just condemned a young journalism student to death for blasphemy for
looking up and distributing articles critical of Islam's treatment of
women. Sounds like a society where you would feel right at home--or maybe
not, as they allow marriages to underage girls there. Maybe you should
go over there and rail against their 'pedophile' activities, eh?)
Sounds like your racism is creeping out from under your mask more
Of course pedophiles are executed in Afghanistan aren't they?
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
A lot of worried pedos around at the moment...
There are a lot of concerned civil libertarians as well.
On the contrary they are conspicuous by their absence..
Frankhas been disappeared...and is no longer news worth discussing
for most folk..
He's in this very thread, 8 posts above this one.....
Yeah...that's one of the last posts he made before he disappeared..
The very last one was made three hours before he got on a bus to
Georgia to surrender himself to the Grand Jury...
He hasn't been heard from since..
They all get caught eventually......
would you believe some pedos actually convinced themselves that a jury
or ordinary folk would not find McCoy's demented filth about adults
fucking toddlers obscene?

R. Steve Walz
2008-02-06 16:37:47 UTC
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
would you believe some pedos actually convinced themselves that a jury
or ordinary folk would not find McCoy's demented filth about adults
fucking toddlers obscene?
You're whistling past the graveyard of your sick religion.

It doesn't matter what some jury wants, the protections of the
Constitution stand as a balance against your ignorant mob-ism.
R. Steve Walz
2008-02-05 16:25:23 UTC
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Mon, 4 Feb 2008 18:44:48 -0800 (PST), bobandcarole
Post by bobandcarole
Frankhas been disappeared...and is no longer news worth discussing
for most folk..
He's in this very thread, 8 posts above this one.....
Yeah...that's one of the last posts he made before he disappeared..
The very last one was made three hours before he got on a bus to
Georgia to surrender himself to the Grand Jury...
He hasn't been heard from since..
Pretty specious.

So now your irrational political cowardice has led you to wish for
people to be "disappeared" in this country, and to threaten others
with that if they don't obey you and your twisted religious sickness!

You must not think you could ever get people to agree with you any
other way. And you're undoubtedly right, you couldn't!!
Brandon D Cartwright
2008-02-05 21:02:15 UTC
On Tue, 05 Feb 2008 08:25:23 -0800, "R. Steve Walz"
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Mon, 4 Feb 2008 18:44:48 -0800 (PST), bobandcarole
Post by bobandcarole
Frankhas been disappeared...and is no longer news worth discussing
for most folk..
He's in this very thread, 8 posts above this one.....
Yeah...that's one of the last posts he made before he disappeared..
The very last one was made three hours before he got on a bus to
Georgia to surrender himself to the Grand Jury...
He hasn't been heard from since..
Pretty specious.
So now your irrational political cowardice has led you to wish for
people to be "disappeared" in this country, and to threaten others
with that if they don't obey you and your twisted religious sickness!
Did I say I *wished* for this?

Nope...I said I wish he had been publicly named and shamed..
Post by R. Steve Walz
You must not think you could ever get people to agree with you any
other way. And you're undoubtedly right, you couldn't!!
The point is for child pornographers to be stopped.

Apart from perverts such as yourself agreement that this should happen
is near universal..
R. Steve Walz
2008-02-06 16:41:24 UTC
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Tue, 05 Feb 2008 08:25:23 -0800, "R. Steve Walz"
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Mon, 4 Feb 2008 18:44:48 -0800 (PST), bobandcarole
Post by bobandcarole
Frankhas been disappeared...and is no longer news worth discussing
for most folk..
He's in this very thread, 8 posts above this one.....
Yeah...that's one of the last posts he made before he disappeared..
The very last one was made three hours before he got on a bus to
Georgia to surrender himself to the Grand Jury...
He hasn't been heard from since..
Pretty specious.
So now your irrational political cowardice has led you to wish for
people to be "disappeared" in this country, and to threaten others
with that if they don't obey you and your twisted religious sickness!
Did I say I *wished* for this?
Nope...I said I wish he had been publicly named and shamed..
Post by R. Steve Walz
You must not think you could ever get people to agree with you any
other way. And you're undoubtedly right, you couldn't!!
The point is for child pornographers to be stopped.
Apart from perverts such as yourself agreement that this should happen
is near universal..
Only among people who believe everything that TV tells them, and they
are so stupid that they don't participate in decision-making or vote.

The reason we have a bill of rights is to prevent the formation of
private armed pluralities who execute anyone who denies them their
James Riske
2008-02-16 21:12:53 UTC
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Sun, 3 Feb 2008 05:40:07 -0800 (PST), "ªºªandcarole®"
Post by ªºªandcarole®
Post by m***@millcomm.com
I posted a story (most of which *I* wrote) to a discussion-group on a
BBS which connected to something I wasn't really familiar with, called
a newsgroup: alt.sex.stories, I think it was.
The story, because of the limited access provided by the BBS (less
than 32K at a time, I think, was posted in about 120 truly *horrible
parts; but the *response* was tremendous ... (most people asking for
missing parts; "PLEASE post part # XXX-XXZ ... My newsreader didn't
get those!"
The story was titled, "Her Father's Daughter"; but because of a
mistake in the title, most thought it was something like: Father's
Daugther" instead.
At the time, there was no other story *anywhere* in the world, in
print, on the net, newsgroups, or elsewhere like it: ?It was (like all
the stories I've posted since, a *LOVE STORY* masquerading as humor
and sex-story ... LOTS of sex! ?I *tried* to include about every taboo
then existing for erotic stories, including most-especially: incest,
pregnancy, and yes, "pedophilia"; or young people having and enjoying
sex and even full-term pregnancy as a way of expressing that love.
It was a hit, far beyond anything I ever imagined. ?I got several
*thousand* emails and responses; praising the story for it's
vividness, it's love, its reality, its humor, and yes (most
importantly to *me* at least) its value and wonder as a *story*.
However, as explained in both the preamble and afterword of the story,
i *really* expected this story, pure fantasy mind, to have the Police
banging at my door, charging me with "disseminating Child Pornography"
or something equally silly, considering that no real child was
involved or documented; and the story was pure *text*!
Still, there are thousands if not millions of blue-noses out there
that *hate* anything having to do with that Devil's Invention: SEX!
Still, for year after year I kept posting NEW stories about the same
subject; but never so huge or complete. ?I also kept expecting the
same "Bang! Bang! Bang!" on the door from the police; but nothing ever
happened. ?It was actually quite a disappointment in a way; because I
*wanted* the story(s) to be challenged in court on the constitutional
Also, in newsgroups and other places; particularly assd, I kept
posting a challenge to those who claimed my stories were illegal
"child porn": Put up or shut up. ?Nobody "put up"
All this time I posted under my own REAL name, not an alias or other
hiding device, using my own real email address which I have paid
through the nose to keep during all these years. ?I've told people
where I lived; and that I am in the phone-book. ?I've invited anybody
to correspond with me, or even call me on the phone. ?So far, in 14
years, only one person ever did.
During the last year or so I've gotten tired. ?I still *compose* sex-
stories in my mind; and sometimes even enter them on the computer; but
I rarely go to the extra trouble of cleaning them up enough to post
and actually post them. ?I haven't stopped exactly; I've more like
paused. ?For the past half dozen months I've been too preocuppied with
my wife being sick with cancer (lymphoma) to actually post *any*
stories at all.
I *have* however, posted comments and opinions to various newsgroups;
often twitting the anti-sex groups; saying my stories are legal.
Last Wednesday, (probably a month or two before that, actully) it
seems somebody decided to "put up" and see what they could do about
this annoying McCoy person. ?At 10:00 in the morning, while I was
heading (naked) out to the kitchen to get morning medications for my
wife (and myself too) there was that "Bang! Bang! Bang!" on the door
that I had really expected 14 long years before. ?"Police!" came the
yell: "Open up!"
Not wanting the door broken down, I did ... Nudity and all. ?Outside
were *SEVEN* huge cops in black outfits, yes really prepared with a
huge steel pole to break the door in! ?As if I was some fully armed
drug-dealer about to fight it out with my cancer-ridden wife stumbling
out of the bedroom, barely able to stand, while they were chaining me
.... ?OOPS!
Sorry! ?The Internet Cafe I'm posting this from closes at SIX, not
NINE. ?I'll have to complete it from someplace else. ?I understand
there's a local IC closer to home than this one; that's open 'till
If not, the rest of this saga might have to wait.
Forgive the .sig not being mine.
Please post to assd and perhaps ac.
I've got to go.
(Not having my own computer right now.)
Did pedo mccoy finally get what he/it deserves?
Federal marshals raided him...took his computer and dragged him away
in chains to jail.
He was released on his own recognizance to appear before the Georgia
Grand Jury charged with "transporting obscenity".
nobody has heard from him since..with the zero tolerance policy
of Georgia towards child pornographers and pedophiles it's probable
his bail was revoked and he is back in prison.
IMO his only hope of avoiding dying in jail is to plead guilty and
co-operate with the prosecutor to nail the other members of his child
pornography group..
A lot of worried pedos around at the moment...
As it should be, knowing that pedophile Frank is going down brings a
warm smile to my face, all pedophiles should be trembling right about now.

Let this be a lesson to you sickos, normal humans despise you, molesting
a child is wrong and you will pay for your crimes if caught.
Personally I believe a pedophile should be executed for its first
offense, sadly we live in a world full of cowering pussies who wont let
that sort of justice happen.

Pedophiles take my advice, just commit suicide and get it over with, you
will be running and hiding from the law for the rest of your pathetic
lives anyways so you may as well just do yourselves in and be done with
it, save the children from your perverted clutches, if you really "love"
them then you would kill yourselves without any hesitation.
Frodo: "Why do you do that?"

Sam: "What?"

Frodo: "Call him names? Run him down all the time."

Sam: "Because that's what he is Mister Frodo. There's naught left in him
but lies and deceit.
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
2008-02-18 12:49:26 UTC
On Sat, 16 Feb 2008 16:12:53 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Sun, 3 Feb 2008 05:40:07 -0800 (PST), "ªºªandcarole®"
Post by ªºªandcarole®
Post by m***@millcomm.com
I posted a story (most of which *I* wrote) to a discussion-group on a
BBS which connected to something I wasn't really familiar with, called
a newsgroup: alt.sex.stories, I think it was.
The story, because of the limited access provided by the BBS (less
than 32K at a time, I think, was posted in about 120 truly *horrible
parts; but the *response* was tremendous ... (most people asking for
missing parts; "PLEASE post part # XXX-XXZ ... My newsreader didn't
get those!"
The story was titled, "Her Father's Daughter"; but because of a
mistake in the title, most thought it was something like: Father's
Daugther" instead.
At the time, there was no other story *anywhere* in the world, in
print, on the net, newsgroups, or elsewhere like it: ?It was (like all
the stories I've posted since, a *LOVE STORY* masquerading as humor
and sex-story ... LOTS of sex! ?I *tried* to include about every taboo
then existing for erotic stories, including most-especially: incest,
pregnancy, and yes, "pedophilia"; or young people having and enjoying
sex and even full-term pregnancy as a way of expressing that love.
It was a hit, far beyond anything I ever imagined. ?I got several
*thousand* emails and responses; praising the story for it's
vividness, it's love, its reality, its humor, and yes (most
importantly to *me* at least) its value and wonder as a *story*.
However, as explained in both the preamble and afterword of the story,
i *really* expected this story, pure fantasy mind, to have the Police
banging at my door, charging me with "disseminating Child Pornography"
or something equally silly, considering that no real child was
involved or documented; and the story was pure *text*!
Still, there are thousands if not millions of blue-noses out there
that *hate* anything having to do with that Devil's Invention: SEX!
Still, for year after year I kept posting NEW stories about the same
subject; but never so huge or complete. ?I also kept expecting the
same "Bang! Bang! Bang!" on the door from the police; but nothing ever
happened. ?It was actually quite a disappointment in a way; because I
*wanted* the story(s) to be challenged in court on the constitutional
Also, in newsgroups and other places; particularly assd, I kept
posting a challenge to those who claimed my stories were illegal
"child porn": Put up or shut up. ?Nobody "put up"
All this time I posted under my own REAL name, not an alias or other
hiding device, using my own real email address which I have paid
through the nose to keep during all these years. ?I've told people
where I lived; and that I am in the phone-book. ?I've invited anybody
to correspond with me, or even call me on the phone. ?So far, in 14
years, only one person ever did.
During the last year or so I've gotten tired. ?I still *compose* sex-
stories in my mind; and sometimes even enter them on the computer; but
I rarely go to the extra trouble of cleaning them up enough to post
and actually post them. ?I haven't stopped exactly; I've more like
paused. ?For the past half dozen months I've been too preocuppied with
my wife being sick with cancer (lymphoma) to actually post *any*
stories at all.
I *have* however, posted comments and opinions to various newsgroups;
often twitting the anti-sex groups; saying my stories are legal.
Last Wednesday, (probably a month or two before that, actully) it
seems somebody decided to "put up" and see what they could do about
this annoying McCoy person. ?At 10:00 in the morning, while I was
heading (naked) out to the kitchen to get morning medications for my
wife (and myself too) there was that "Bang! Bang! Bang!" on the door
that I had really expected 14 long years before. ?"Police!" came the
yell: "Open up!"
Not wanting the door broken down, I did ... Nudity and all. ?Outside
were *SEVEN* huge cops in black outfits, yes really prepared with a
huge steel pole to break the door in! ?As if I was some fully armed
drug-dealer about to fight it out with my cancer-ridden wife stumbling
out of the bedroom, barely able to stand, while they were chaining me
.... ?OOPS!
Sorry! ?The Internet Cafe I'm posting this from closes at SIX, not
NINE. ?I'll have to complete it from someplace else. ?I understand
there's a local IC closer to home than this one; that's open 'till
If not, the rest of this saga might have to wait.
Forgive the .sig not being mine.
Please post to assd and perhaps ac.
I've got to go.
(Not having my own computer right now.)
Did pedo mccoy finally get what he/it deserves?
Federal marshals raided him...took his computer and dragged him away
in chains to jail.
He was released on his own recognizance to appear before the Georgia
Grand Jury charged with "transporting obscenity".
nobody has heard from him since..with the zero tolerance policy
of Georgia towards child pornographers and pedophiles it's probable
his bail was revoked and he is back in prison.
IMO his only hope of avoiding dying in jail is to plead guilty and
co-operate with the prosecutor to nail the other members of his child
pornography group..
A lot of worried pedos around at the moment...
As it should be, knowing that pedophile Frank is going down brings a
warm smile to my face, all pedophiles should be trembling right about now.
Let this be a lesson to you sickos, normal humans despise you, molesting
a child is wrong and you will pay for your crimes if caught.
Personally I believe a pedophile should be executed for its first
offense, sadly we live in a world full of cowering pussies who wont let
that sort of justice happen.
Pedophiles take my advice, just commit suicide and get it over with, you
will be running and hiding from the law for the rest of your pathetic
lives anyways so you may as well just do yourselves in and be done with
it, save the children from your perverted clutches, if you really "love"
them then you would kill yourselves without any hesitation.
Well look who just reared his ugly head. I see your attitude and
manners have not changed since I last saw a post by you.

Do you have evidence that Frank is a peadophile or are you just
guessing? I suspect the latter.

I must admit that I am impressed that you didn't actually use any
profanity in this post. Have you been studying to improve your
vocabulary? If so, well done.
fundamentalism (n.): fund = give cash to; amentalism = brainlessness
2008-02-18 16:26:11 UTC
Post by David
On Sat, 16 Feb 2008 16:12:53 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
On Sun, 3 Feb 2008 05:40:07 -0800 (PST), "���andcarole�"
Post by ªºªandcarole®
Post by m***@millcomm.com
I posted a story (most of which *I* wrote) to a discussion-group on a
BBS which connected to something I wasn't really familiar with, called
a newsgroup: alt.sex.stories, I think it was.
The story, because of the limited access provided by the BBS (less
than 32K at a time, I think, was posted in about 120 truly *horrible
parts; but the *response* was tremendous ... (most people asking for
missing parts; "PLEASE post part # XXX-XXZ ... My newsreader didn't
get those!"
The story was titled, "Her Father's Daughter"; but because of a
mistake in the title, most thought it was something like: Father's
Daugther" instead.
At the time, there was no other story *anywhere* in the world, in
print, on the net, newsgroups, or elsewhere like it: ?It was (like all
the stories I've posted since, a *LOVE STORY* masquerading as humor
and sex-story ... LOTS of sex! ?I *tried* to include about every taboo
then existing for erotic stories, including most-especially: incest,
pregnancy, and yes, "pedophilia"; or young people having and enjoying
sex and even full-term pregnancy as a way of expressing that love.
It was a hit, far beyond anything I ever imagined. ?I got several
*thousand* emails and responses; praising the story for it's
vividness, it's love, its reality, its humor, and yes (most
importantly to *me* at least) its value and wonder as a *story*.
However, as explained in both the preamble and afterword of the story,
i *really* expected this story, pure fantasy mind, to have the Police
banging at my door, charging me with "disseminating Child Pornography"
or something equally silly, considering that no real child was
involved or documented; and the story was pure *text*!
Still, there are thousands if not millions of blue-noses out there
that *hate* anything having to do with that Devil's Invention: SEX!
Still, for year after year I kept posting NEW stories about the same
subject; but never so huge or complete. ?I also kept expecting the
same "Bang! Bang! Bang!" on the door from the police; but nothing ever
happened. ?It was actually quite a disappointment in a way; because I
*wanted* the story(s) to be challenged in court on the constitutional
Also, in newsgroups and other places; particularly assd, I kept
posting a challenge to those who claimed my stories were illegal
"child porn": Put up or shut up. ?Nobody "put up"
All this time I posted under my own REAL name, not an alias or other
hiding device, using my own real email address which I have paid
through the nose to keep during all these years. ?I've told people
where I lived; and that I am in the phone-book. ?I've invited anybody
to correspond with me, or even call me on the phone. ?So far, in 14
years, only one person ever did.
During the last year or so I've gotten tired. ?I still *compose* sex-
stories in my mind; and sometimes even enter them on the computer; but
I rarely go to the extra trouble of cleaning them up enough to post
and actually post them. ?I haven't stopped exactly; I've more like
paused. ?For the past half dozen months I've been too preocuppied with
my wife being sick with cancer (lymphoma) to actually post *any*
stories at all.
I *have* however, posted comments and opinions to various newsgroups;
often twitting the anti-sex groups; saying my stories are legal.
Last Wednesday, (probably a month or two before that, actully) it
seems somebody decided to "put up" and see what they could do about
this annoying McCoy person. ?At 10:00 in the morning, while I was
heading (naked) out to the kitchen to get morning medications for my
wife (and myself too) there was that "Bang! Bang! Bang!" on the door
that I had really expected 14 long years before. ?"Police!" came the
yell: "Open up!"
Not wanting the door broken down, I did ... Nudity and all. ?Outside
were *SEVEN* huge cops in black outfits, yes really prepared with a
huge steel pole to break the door in! ?As if I was some fully armed
drug-dealer about to fight it out with my cancer-ridden wife stumbling
out of the bedroom, barely able to stand, while they were chaining me
.... ?OOPS!
Sorry! ?The Internet Cafe I'm posting this from closes at SIX, not
NINE. ?I'll have to complete it from someplace else. ?I understand
there's a local IC closer to home than this one; that's open 'till
If not, the rest of this saga might have to wait.
Forgive the .sig not being mine.
Please post to assd and perhaps ac.
I've got to go.
(Not having my own computer right now.)
Did pedo mccoy finally get what he/it deserves?
Federal marshals raided him...took his computer and dragged him away
in chains to jail.
He was released on his own recognizance to appear before the Georgia
Grand Jury charged with "transporting obscenity".
nobody has heard from him since..with the zero tolerance policy
of Georgia towards child pornographers and pedophiles �it's probable
his bail was revoked and he is back in prison.
IMO his only hope of avoiding dying in jail is to plead guilty and
co-operate with the prosecutor to nail the other members of his child
pornography group..
A lot of worried pedos around at the moment...
As it should be, knowing that pedophile Frank is going down brings a
warm smile to my face, all pedophiles should be trembling right about now.
Let this be a lesson to you sickos, normal humans despise you, molesting
a child is wrong and you will pay for your crimes if caught.
Personally I believe a pedophile should be executed for its first
offense, sadly we live in a world full of cowering pussies who wont let
that sort of justice happen.
Pedophiles take my advice, just commit suicide and get it over with, you
will be running and hiding from the law for the rest of your pathetic
lives anyways so you may as well just do yourselves in and be done with
it, save the children from your perverted clutches, if you really "love"
them then you would kill yourselves without any hesitation.
Well look who just reared his ugly head. I see your attitude and
manners have not changed since I last saw a post by you.
Yes, he's as relevant and welcome as ever.
Post by David
Do you have evidence that Frank is a peadophile or are you just
guessing? I suspect the latter.
franks own posts prove that he is attracted to very young girls.
That's all we need to know to denounce and humiliate him.
Post by David
I must admit that I am impressed that you didn't actually use any
profanity in this post.
Are you anxious to be called a kiddiefucker again?
I'll gladly remedy that faux pax......
R. Steve Walz
2008-02-18 20:03:11 UTC
Post by ªºªandcarole(R)(tm)
franks own posts prove that he is attracted to very young girls.
That's all we need to know to denounce and humiliate him.
Irrelevant. If everyone who was went to jail, nobody would be left
outside it!! Why do you think you guilty little cretins keep yelling
and calling names, you're desperate to prove you're NOT, you obviously
protesteth TOO MUCH! Anyway, ideas are NOT crimes, any more than crime
novels are crimes!
Brandon D Cartwright
2008-02-20 04:55:50 UTC
On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 12:03:11 -0800, "R. Steve Walz"
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by ªºªandcarole(R)(tm)
franks own posts prove that he is attracted to very young girls.
That's all we need to know to denounce and humiliate him.
Irrelevant. If everyone who was went to jail, nobody would be left
outside it!! Why do you think you guilty little cretins keep yelling
and calling names, you're desperate to prove you're NOT, you obviously
protesteth TOO MUCH! Anyway, ideas are NOT crimes, any more than crime
novels are crimes!
However pornographic portrayals of adults having sex with infants

As Frank is discovering to his cost..
R. Steve Walz
2008-02-20 22:00:03 UTC
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 12:03:11 -0800, "R. Steve Walz"
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by ªºªandcarole(R)(tm)
franks own posts prove that he is attracted to very young girls.
That's all we need to know to denounce and humiliate him.
Irrelevant. If everyone who was went to jail, nobody would be left
outside it!! Why do you think you guilty little cretins keep yelling
and calling names, you're desperate to prove you're NOT, you obviously
protesteth TOO MUCH! Anyway, ideas are NOT crimes, any more than crime
novels are crimes!
However pornographic portrayals of adults having sex with infants
You mean photographic portrayals, and hoping no one will notice the
difference. If you ban people from writing about factual or fictional
experiences with their own youthful sexual activities, whether they
enjoyed them or it was an assault and rape, you will silence even
victims from speaking up, and from their own recovery.
2008-02-21 15:37:00 UTC
On Tue, 19 Feb 2008 20:55:50 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 12:03:11 -0800, "R. Steve Walz"
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by ªºªandcarole(R)(tm)
franks own posts prove that he is attracted to very young girls.
That's all we need to know to denounce and humiliate him.
Irrelevant. If everyone who was went to jail, nobody would be left
outside it!! Why do you think you guilty little cretins keep yelling
and calling names, you're desperate to prove you're NOT, you obviously
protesteth TOO MUCH! Anyway, ideas are NOT crimes, any more than crime
novels are crimes!
However pornographic portrayals of adults having sex with infants
As Frank is discovering to his cost..
Except that the Supreme Court has already ruled that stories are not
fundamentalism (n.): fund = give cash to; amentalism = brainlessness
Poison Ivan
2008-02-20 22:34:57 UTC
Post by David
Except that the Supreme Court has already ruled that stories are not
I assume you mean "obscene" instead of "pornographic."

I'm not saying you're wrong, but I'd be I'd like to see a citation to where
the Supreme Court said this. I spent a fair amount of time flailing around
in search engines trying to find any such ruling, but couldn't find one.

In Miller v. California, the Supreme Court specifically states that written
works *can* be obscene, if they satisify the three Miller Test conditions. I
know law enforcement agencies haven't pursued written works for a long time,
forussing their energies on pictures and video, but that doesn't mean the
courts have ruled on the legality of written works. It just means the police
have been busy with other things.

Poison Ivan
^ doubts the Supreme Court has ruled on this, but hopes he's wrong
2008-02-22 09:46:17 UTC
On Wed, 20 Feb 2008 17:34:57 -0500, "Poison Ivan"
Post by Poison Ivan
Post by David
Except that the Supreme Court has already ruled that stories are not
I assume you mean "obscene" instead of "pornographic."
No, I said "pornographic" which was apparently limited by the Supreme
Court to pictorial representations.
Post by Poison Ivan
I'm not saying you're wrong, but I'd be I'd like to see a citation to where
the Supreme Court said this. I spent a fair amount of time flailing around
in search engines trying to find any such ruling, but couldn't find one.
In Miller v. California, the Supreme Court specifically states that written
works *can* be obscene, if they satisify the three Miller Test conditions. I
know law enforcement agencies haven't pursued written works for a long time,
forussing their energies on pictures and video, but that doesn't mean the
courts have ruled on the legality of written works. It just means the police
have been busy with other things.
Most of the emphasis is on prosecuting pictorial images since it is
widely accepted that text falls in the domain of the First Amendment.
fundamentalism (n.): fund = give cash to; amentalism = brainlessness
Brandon D Cartwright
2008-02-22 04:29:58 UTC
Post by David
On Wed, 20 Feb 2008 17:34:57 -0500, "Poison Ivan"
Post by Poison Ivan
Post by David
Except that the Supreme Court has already ruled that stories are not
I assume you mean "obscene" instead of "pornographic."
No, I said "pornographic" which was apparently limited by the Supreme
Court to pictorial representations.
Oh look!

An Australian "expert" on American jurisprudence.
Post by David
Post by Poison Ivan
I'm not saying you're wrong, but I'd be I'd like to see a citation to where
the Supreme Court said this. I spent a fair amount of time flailing around
in search engines trying to find any such ruling, but couldn't find one.
In Miller v. California, the Supreme Court specifically states that written
works *can* be obscene, if they satisify the three Miller Test conditions. I
know law enforcement agencies haven't pursued written works for a long time,
forussing their energies on pictures and video, but that doesn't mean the
courts have ruled on the legality of written works. It just means the police
have been busy with other things.
Most of the emphasis is on prosecuting pictorial images since it is
widely accepted that text falls in the domain of the First Amendment.
That would be news to Frank and the female beast now being prosecuted
for child rape and torture productions..

Get it thru your thick head that obscenity .."fighting words" ..and
various other categories are NOT protected speech..
Poison Ivan
2008-02-22 18:36:13 UTC
Post by David
On Wed, 20 Feb 2008 17:34:57 -0500, "Poison Ivan"
Post by Poison Ivan
Post by David
Except that the Supreme Court has already ruled that stories are not
I assume you mean "obscene" instead of "pornographic."
No, I said "pornographic" which was apparently limited by the Supreme
Court to pictorial representations.
You're confused about your terminology. All speech is not protected. You
can't libel somebody, you can't use fighting words, and you can't incite
riots. Those are all restrictions on free speech. "Obscenity" is also one of
those time-honored restrictions on free speech. By its legal definition,
"obscene" speech is always illegal and can be banned. "Pornography" is n0t a
legal term, and is irrelevant to this discussion.

Law enforcement has focussed its obscenity enforcement on pictorial
representations over the past several decades, but I believe that was just a
decision based on priorities, not on law. So I'm pretty sure you also have
your facts wrong. The Supreme Court has never said written works are
protected by the First Amendment. Read the text of "Miller v. California"
and you'll see the Supreme Court specifically states that written words
*can* be obscene, if they satisfy all the other conditions of obscenity.

I'm willing to be convinced otherwise, if someone can provide me a court
citation. That was my original question. Has there been a court ruling
since Miller v. California that over-rides Miller v.California? I can't find
one, but maybe a person with better search skills than me can.
Post by David
Most of the emphasis is on prosecuting pictorial images since it is
widely accepted that text falls in the domain of the First Amendment.
I used to think this, too. I beginning to think that it's just another urban

Poison Ivan
^ suspects he's wasting his time with this explanation
H. Jekyll
2008-02-22 21:43:20 UTC
Post by Poison Ivan
I'm willing to be convinced otherwise, if someone can provide me a court
citation. That was my original question.  Has there been a court ruling
since Miller v. California that over-rides Miller v.California? I can't find
one, but maybe a person with better search skills than me can.
Post by David
Most of the emphasis is on prosecuting pictorial images since it is
widely accepted that text falls in the domain of the First Amendment.
I used to think this, too. I beginning to think that it's just another urban
Poison Ivan
^ suspects he's wasting his time with this explanation
==> You may be wasting your time, PI, but you're basically correct.
There is *one* court case that gives speech more protection than
images, and that deals with child porn. It is illegal to even
*possess* images or videos of children being sexed or hurt (or, in
some cases, merely naked). However, the court ruled in "Ashcroft vs
Free Speech Coalition" that only real images of children were unlawful
to possess, not "virtual" images. Anything less that a real image is
not child porn and so it may lawfully be possessed. Obviously that
includes text. Frank's pedo stories are not kiddie porn.

==> Other than that, text has no special protection. The Feds have
seldom tried to indict pure text, and they have generally failed. In
addition, the text of other recent SC decisions seems clearly to give
publication or porn over the Internet some promise of protection. What
has surprised me in the Red Rose (Karen Fletcher) and Frank McCoy
cases, is that authorities who have been reluctant to take on images
of actual sex, including some reasonably extreme sex, now indict
purveyers of pure fantasy. Larry Flynt and the Marriot Hotel chain are
safe, but Frank McCoy is being prosecuted in Georgia for stories
posted in Minnesota!

Poison Ivan
2008-02-23 05:01:44 UTC
Post by H. Jekyll
==> You may be wasting your time, PI, but you're basically correct.
There is *one* court case that gives speech more protection than
images, and that deals with child porn. It is illegal to even
*possess* images or videos of children being sexed or hurt (or, in
some cases, merely naked). However, the court ruled in "Ashcroft vs
Free Speech Coalition" that only real images of children were unlawful
to possess, not "virtual" images. Anything less that a real image is
not child porn and so it may lawfully be possessed. Obviously that
includes text. Frank's pedo stories are not kiddie porn.
Just to be clear ... the kiddie porn laws and the obscenity laws are not
related to one another. There are two different ways a work could be
illegal: it could be kiddie porn, or it could be obscene. (Or I suppose it
could be both.)

The court ruling you cite here requires there to be a victim before the
kiddie porn laws kick in. But it says nothing whatsoever about obscenity.
Post by H. Jekyll
has surprised me in the Red Rose (Karen Fletcher) and Frank McCoy
cases, is that authorities who have been reluctant to take on images
of actual sex, including some reasonably extreme sex, now indict
purveyers of pure fantasy. Larry Flynt and the Marriot Hotel chain are
safe, but Frank McCoy is being prosecuted in Georgia for stories
posted in Minnesota!
I think what you're seeing is the predictable outcome of the "Ashcroft v.
Free Speech Coalition" ruling. Since they can't get authors of fiction on
kiddie porn charges, the only other option is to get 'em on obscenity.

Poison Ivan
^ thinks the Miller Test is outdated
H. Jekyll
2008-02-23 17:51:30 UTC
Post by Poison Ivan
Just to be clear ... the kiddie porn laws and the obscenity laws are not
related to one another.
==> Right. I brought it up just because of the question hereabouts
about whether text had "special protection." In only this one,
specific way -- there not being an actual victim, so kiddie porn laws
don't apply -- one could say it does. Otherwise, ixnay. I figured the
people who think the US courts have explicitly granted text extra
protection were somewhat aware of Ashcroft vs FSC but were
misconstruing it.
Post by Poison Ivan
There are two different ways a work could be illegal: it could be kiddie porn, or it could be obscene. (Or I suppose it could be both.)
==> I'd say kiddie porn is almost always obscene, but there are those
arrests that have been made because of photos of innocent, naked
children, where there doesn't appear to be any sexual context or abuse
of any kind. The kinds of arrests that scream "Barney Phyfe."
Post by Poison Ivan
The court ruling you cite here requires there to be a victim before the
kiddie porn laws kick in. But it says nothing whatsoever about obscenity.
==> Right. We're on the same page.
Post by Poison Ivan
Post by H. Jekyll
has surprised me in the Red Rose (Karen Fletcher) and Frank McCoy
cases, is that authorities who have been reluctant to take on images
of actual sex, including some reasonably extreme sex, now indict
purveyers of pure fantasy. Larry Flynt and the Marriot Hotel chain are
safe, but Frank McCoy is being prosecuted in Georgia for stories
posted in Minnesota!
I think what you're seeing is the predictable outcome of the "Ashcroft v.
Free Speech Coalition" ruling. Since they can't get authors of fiction on
kiddie porn charges, the only other option is to get 'em on obscenity.
==> Could be. That does make sense. There isn't a de jure connection
between the two things, but there's a social or psychological
connection, so prosecutors work to get them on *something*. Here's a
more sinister idea (that I'm not wedded to): pedo story prosecutions
are the camel's nose inside the tent of porn. The stories disgust a
great many people, and they're posted by small fry who can't afford
big legal teams. They're the soft underbelly of the sexual expression
Post by Poison Ivan
Poison Ivan
^ thinks the Miller Test is outdated
==> The Miller Test was formulated to replace a more politically
liberal "utterly without redeeming social value" test (the Roth test,
I believe it was called--could be wrong on the name). They felt the
previous test would make it virtually impossible to prosecute sexual
(or "excretory") content. In dissent, Justice Douglas argued that the
court was basically passing an ex post facto law, allowing a person to
be prosecuted and convicted for violating a standard that didn't exist
at the time of the alleged offense. Also, since there is no clear
standard in place (everything depends on what a "community standard"
is and what constitutes "artistic" or "literary" etc. value), one
can't absolutely know if his or her product is obscene until it is
successfully prosecuted.

Brandon D Cartwright
2008-02-22 04:15:41 UTC
Post by David
On Tue, 19 Feb 2008 20:55:50 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 12:03:11 -0800, "R. Steve Walz"
Post by R. Steve Walz
Post by ªºªandcarole(R)(tm)
franks own posts prove that he is attracted to very young girls.
That's all we need to know to denounce and humiliate him.
Irrelevant. If everyone who was went to jail, nobody would be left
outside it!! Why do you think you guilty little cretins keep yelling
and calling names, you're desperate to prove you're NOT, you obviously
protesteth TOO MUCH! Anyway, ideas are NOT crimes, any more than crime
novels are crimes!
However pornographic portrayals of adults having sex with infants
As Frank is discovering to his cost..
Except that the Supreme Court has already ruled that stories are not
They don't have to be defined as child
pornography ..only obscene by local community standards in Georgia..

Have you forgotten he is charged with "transporting obscenity"?

As a result he may well spend many years in prison..assuming he does
not die there..

If you seriously doubt a Georgia jury will find his descriptions of
little children being fucked by pedophiles obscene..then you are
ignorant beyond belief..
2008-02-19 16:58:48 UTC
On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 08:26:11 -0800 (PST), "ªºªandcarole(R)(tm)"
Post by ªºªandcarole(R)(tm)
Post by David
On Sat, 16 Feb 2008 16:12:53 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
On Sun, 3 Feb 2008 05:40:07 -0800 (PST), "???andcarole?"
Post by ªºªandcarole®
Post by m***@millcomm.com
I posted a story (most of which *I* wrote) to a discussion-group on a
BBS which connected to something I wasn't really familiar with, called
a newsgroup: alt.sex.stories, I think it was.
The story, because of the limited access provided by the BBS (less
than 32K at a time, I think, was posted in about 120 truly *horrible
parts; but the *response* was tremendous ... (most people asking for
missing parts; "PLEASE post part # XXX-XXZ ... My newsreader didn't
get those!"
The story was titled, "Her Father's Daughter"; but because of a
mistake in the title, most thought it was something like: Father's
Daugther" instead.
At the time, there was no other story *anywhere* in the world, in
print, on the net, newsgroups, or elsewhere like it: ?It was (like all
the stories I've posted since, a *LOVE STORY* masquerading as humor
and sex-story ... LOTS of sex! ?I *tried* to include about every taboo
then existing for erotic stories, including most-especially: incest,
pregnancy, and yes, "pedophilia"; or young people having and enjoying
sex and even full-term pregnancy as a way of expressing that love.
It was a hit, far beyond anything I ever imagined. ?I got several
*thousand* emails and responses; praising the story for it's
vividness, it's love, its reality, its humor, and yes (most
importantly to *me* at least) its value and wonder as a *story*.
However, as explained in both the preamble and afterword of the story,
i *really* expected this story, pure fantasy mind, to have the Police
banging at my door, charging me with "disseminating Child Pornography"
or something equally silly, considering that no real child was
involved or documented; and the story was pure *text*!
Still, there are thousands if not millions of blue-noses out there
that *hate* anything having to do with that Devil's Invention: SEX!
Still, for year after year I kept posting NEW stories about the same
subject; but never so huge or complete. ?I also kept expecting the
same "Bang! Bang! Bang!" on the door from the police; but nothing ever
happened. ?It was actually quite a disappointment in a way; because I
*wanted* the story(s) to be challenged in court on the constitutional
Also, in newsgroups and other places; particularly assd, I kept
posting a challenge to those who claimed my stories were illegal
"child porn": Put up or shut up. ?Nobody "put up"
All this time I posted under my own REAL name, not an alias or other
hiding device, using my own real email address which I have paid
through the nose to keep during all these years. ?I've told people
where I lived; and that I am in the phone-book. ?I've invited anybody
to correspond with me, or even call me on the phone. ?So far, in 14
years, only one person ever did.
During the last year or so I've gotten tired. ?I still *compose* sex-
stories in my mind; and sometimes even enter them on the computer; but
I rarely go to the extra trouble of cleaning them up enough to post
and actually post them. ?I haven't stopped exactly; I've more like
paused. ?For the past half dozen months I've been too preocuppied with
my wife being sick with cancer (lymphoma) to actually post *any*
stories at all.
I *have* however, posted comments and opinions to various newsgroups;
often twitting the anti-sex groups; saying my stories are legal.
Last Wednesday, (probably a month or two before that, actully) it
seems somebody decided to "put up" and see what they could do about
this annoying McCoy person. ?At 10:00 in the morning, while I was
heading (naked) out to the kitchen to get morning medications for my
wife (and myself too) there was that "Bang! Bang! Bang!" on the door
that I had really expected 14 long years before. ?"Police!" came the
yell: "Open up!"
Not wanting the door broken down, I did ... Nudity and all. ?Outside
were *SEVEN* huge cops in black outfits, yes really prepared with a
huge steel pole to break the door in! ?As if I was some fully armed
drug-dealer about to fight it out with my cancer-ridden wife stumbling
out of the bedroom, barely able to stand, while they were chaining me
.... ?OOPS!
Sorry! ?The Internet Cafe I'm posting this from closes at SIX, not
NINE. ?I'll have to complete it from someplace else. ?I understand
there's a local IC closer to home than this one; that's open 'till
If not, the rest of this saga might have to wait.
Forgive the .sig not being mine.
Please post to assd and perhaps ac.
I've got to go.
(Not having my own computer right now.)
Did pedo mccoy finally get what he/it deserves?
Federal marshals raided him...took his computer and dragged him away
in chains to jail.
He was released on his own recognizance to appear before the Georgia
Grand Jury charged with "transporting obscenity".
nobody has heard from him since..with the zero tolerance policy
of Georgia towards child pornographers and pedophiles ?it's probable
his bail was revoked and he is back in prison.
IMO his only hope of avoiding dying in jail is to plead guilty and
co-operate with the prosecutor to nail the other members of his child
pornography group..
A lot of worried pedos around at the moment...
As it should be, knowing that pedophile Frank is going down brings a
warm smile to my face, all pedophiles should be trembling right about now.
Let this be a lesson to you sickos, normal humans despise you, molesting
a child is wrong and you will pay for your crimes if caught.
Personally I believe a pedophile should be executed for its first
offense, sadly we live in a world full of cowering pussies who wont let
that sort of justice happen.
Pedophiles take my advice, just commit suicide and get it over with, you
will be running and hiding from the law for the rest of your pathetic
lives anyways so you may as well just do yourselves in and be done with
it, save the children from your perverted clutches, if you really "love"
them then you would kill yourselves without any hesitation.
Well look who just reared his ugly head. I see your attitude and
manners have not changed since I last saw a post by you.
Yes, he's as relevant and welcome as ever.
Yes, just as relevvant and just as welcome. He's one of your buddies,
Bo0by. Foul mouthed, belligerent and unintelligent.
Post by ªºªandcarole(R)(tm)
Post by David
Do you have evidence that Frank is a peadophile or are you just
guessing? I suspect the latter.
franks own posts prove that he is attracted to very young girls.
That's all we need to know to denounce and humiliate him.
I can write about murder, that doesn't prove I have ever committed
Post by ªºªandcarole(R)(tm)
Post by David
I must admit that I am impressed that you didn't actually use any
profanity in this post.
Are you anxious to be called a kiddiefucker again?
I'll gladly remedy that faux pax......
You always were a liar, I guess that you absence hasn't changed you.
fundamentalism (n.): fund = give cash to; amentalism = brainlessness
James Riske
2008-02-18 21:16:13 UTC
Post by David
On Sat, 16 Feb 2008 16:12:53 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Sun, 3 Feb 2008 05:40:07 -0800 (PST), "ªºªandcarole®"
Post by ªºªandcarole®
Post by m***@millcomm.com
I posted a story (most of which *I* wrote) to a discussion-group on a
BBS which connected to something I wasn't really familiar with, called
a newsgroup: alt.sex.stories, I think it was.
The story, because of the limited access provided by the BBS (less
than 32K at a time, I think, was posted in about 120 truly *horrible
parts; but the *response* was tremendous ... (most people asking for
missing parts; "PLEASE post part # XXX-XXZ ... My newsreader didn't
get those!"
The story was titled, "Her Father's Daughter"; but because of a
mistake in the title, most thought it was something like: Father's
Daugther" instead.
At the time, there was no other story *anywhere* in the world, in
print, on the net, newsgroups, or elsewhere like it: ?It was (like all
the stories I've posted since, a *LOVE STORY* masquerading as humor
and sex-story ... LOTS of sex! ?I *tried* to include about every taboo
then existing for erotic stories, including most-especially: incest,
pregnancy, and yes, "pedophilia"; or young people having and enjoying
sex and even full-term pregnancy as a way of expressing that love.
It was a hit, far beyond anything I ever imagined. ?I got several
*thousand* emails and responses; praising the story for it's
vividness, it's love, its reality, its humor, and yes (most
importantly to *me* at least) its value and wonder as a *story*.
However, as explained in both the preamble and afterword of the story,
i *really* expected this story, pure fantasy mind, to have the Police
banging at my door, charging me with "disseminating Child Pornography"
or something equally silly, considering that no real child was
involved or documented; and the story was pure *text*!
Still, there are thousands if not millions of blue-noses out there
that *hate* anything having to do with that Devil's Invention: SEX!
Still, for year after year I kept posting NEW stories about the same
subject; but never so huge or complete. ?I also kept expecting the
same "Bang! Bang! Bang!" on the door from the police; but nothing ever
happened. ?It was actually quite a disappointment in a way; because I
*wanted* the story(s) to be challenged in court on the constitutional
Also, in newsgroups and other places; particularly assd, I kept
posting a challenge to those who claimed my stories were illegal
"child porn": Put up or shut up. ?Nobody "put up"
All this time I posted under my own REAL name, not an alias or other
hiding device, using my own real email address which I have paid
through the nose to keep during all these years. ?I've told people
where I lived; and that I am in the phone-book. ?I've invited anybody
to correspond with me, or even call me on the phone. ?So far, in 14
years, only one person ever did.
During the last year or so I've gotten tired. ?I still *compose* sex-
stories in my mind; and sometimes even enter them on the computer; but
I rarely go to the extra trouble of cleaning them up enough to post
and actually post them. ?I haven't stopped exactly; I've more like
paused. ?For the past half dozen months I've been too preocuppied with
my wife being sick with cancer (lymphoma) to actually post *any*
stories at all.
I *have* however, posted comments and opinions to various newsgroups;
often twitting the anti-sex groups; saying my stories are legal.
Last Wednesday, (probably a month or two before that, actully) it
seems somebody decided to "put up" and see what they could do about
this annoying McCoy person. ?At 10:00 in the morning, while I was
heading (naked) out to the kitchen to get morning medications for my
wife (and myself too) there was that "Bang! Bang! Bang!" on the door
that I had really expected 14 long years before. ?"Police!" came the
yell: "Open up!"
Not wanting the door broken down, I did ... Nudity and all. ?Outside
were *SEVEN* huge cops in black outfits, yes really prepared with a
huge steel pole to break the door in! ?As if I was some fully armed
drug-dealer about to fight it out with my cancer-ridden wife stumbling
out of the bedroom, barely able to stand, while they were chaining me
.... ?OOPS!
Sorry! ?The Internet Cafe I'm posting this from closes at SIX, not
NINE. ?I'll have to complete it from someplace else. ?I understand
there's a local IC closer to home than this one; that's open 'till
If not, the rest of this saga might have to wait.
Forgive the .sig not being mine.
Please post to assd and perhaps ac.
I've got to go.
(Not having my own computer right now.)
Did pedo mccoy finally get what he/it deserves?
Federal marshals raided him...took his computer and dragged him away
in chains to jail.
He was released on his own recognizance to appear before the Georgia
Grand Jury charged with "transporting obscenity".
nobody has heard from him since..with the zero tolerance policy
of Georgia towards child pornographers and pedophiles it's probable
his bail was revoked and he is back in prison.
IMO his only hope of avoiding dying in jail is to plead guilty and
co-operate with the prosecutor to nail the other members of his child
pornography group..
A lot of worried pedos around at the moment...
As it should be, knowing that pedophile Frank is going down brings a
warm smile to my face, all pedophiles should be trembling right about now.
Let this be a lesson to you sickos, normal humans despise you, molesting
a child is wrong and you will pay for your crimes if caught.
Personally I believe a pedophile should be executed for its first
offense, sadly we live in a world full of cowering pussies who wont let
that sort of justice happen.
Pedophiles take my advice, just commit suicide and get it over with, you
will be running and hiding from the law for the rest of your pathetic
lives anyways so you may as well just do yourselves in and be done with
it, save the children from your perverted clutches, if you really "love"
them then you would kill yourselves without any hesitation.
Well look who just reared his ugly head. I see your attitude and
manners have not changed since I last saw a post by you.
Being that it is perfectly normal and natural for a human to despise a
pedophile there is no reason to change any "attitude" or "manners" when
addressing them.
Post by David
Do you have evidence that Frank is a peadophile or are you just
guessing? I suspect the latter.
There have been many posts by pedo Frank showing that Frank is indeed a
pedophile, one of pedo Frank's more convicting posts would be where
Frank claimed Lean Rhimms to be sexually attractive at age 13 and then
Frank concluded that the vast majority of adults would also consider her
to be sexually attractive at that age, thus making the wild and
outlandish claim that most adult males are pedophiles "by definition".

Of course pedo Frank was humiliated and shown to be a bald-faced liar as
Post by David
I must admit that I am impressed that you didn't actually use any
profanity in this post. Have you been studying to improve your
vocabulary? If so, well done.
When addressing despicable pedophiles "profanity" is often required, and
believe me asshole, there's a lot of it to go around, flattery will only
get you humiliated.
Frodo: "Why do you do that?"

Sam: "What?"

Frodo: "Call him names? Run him down all the time."

Sam: "Because that's what he is Mister Frodo. There's naught left in him
but lies and deceit.
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Rick Pikul
2008-02-20 00:03:27 UTC
Post by James Riske
There have been many posts by pedo Frank showing that Frank is indeed a
pedophile, one of pedo Frank's more convicting posts would be where
Frank claimed Lean Rhimms to be sexually attractive at age 13 and then
Frank concluded that the vast majority of adults would also consider her
to be sexually attractive at that age, thus making the wild and
outlandish claim that most adult males are pedophiles "by definition".
Except for the slight problem that simply finding a young, possibly
pubescent, person sexually attractive is not enough to be a pedophile.
Heck, even finding a clearly pre-pubescent sexually attractive isn't

Like all paraphilias, it is required that either the person acts on the
sexual desire for pre-pubescent children, (i.e. has, or attempts to have,
actual sexual contact), the desires cause significant mental distress or
the desires cause significant difficulty interacting with general society.
Post by James Riske
Frodo: "Why do you do that?"
Sam: "What?"
Frodo: "Call him names? Run him down all the time."
Sam: "Because that's what he is Mister Frodo. There's naught left in him
but lies and deceit.
Thank goodness I have a milspec irony meter.
James Riske
2008-02-24 16:05:57 UTC
Post by Rick Pikul
Post by James Riske
There have been many posts by pedo Frank showing that Frank is indeed a
pedophile, one of pedo Frank's more convicting posts would be where
Frank claimed Lean Rhimms to be sexually attractive at age 13 and then
Frank concluded that the vast majority of adults would also consider her
to be sexually attractive at that age, thus making the wild and
outlandish claim that most adult males are pedophiles "by definition".
Except for the slight problem that simply finding a young, possibly
pubescent, person sexually attractive is not enough to be a pedophile.
See: http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=pedophile&x=0&y=0

"an adult who is sexually attracted to young children."

Stay stupid.
Post by Rick Pikul
Heck, even finding a clearly pre-pubescent sexually attractive isn't
False, an adult who finds a child sexually attractive is in fact a
Post by Rick Pikul
Like all paraphilias, it is required that either the person acts on the
sexual desire for pre-pubescent children <snip>
False again, an adult who is sexually attracted to children is a
pedophile, it is not required that the adult acts on their depraved desires.

It is clear you don't even know what a pedophile is.
Frodo: "Why do you do that?"

Sam: "What?"

Frodo: "Call him names? Run him down all the time."

Sam: "Because that's what he is Mister Frodo. There's naught left in him
but lies and deceit.
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Deadly Ernest
2008-02-25 05:20:05 UTC
Post by James Riske
Post by Rick Pikul
Post by James Riske
There have been many posts by pedo Frank showing that Frank is indeed a
pedophile, one of pedo Frank's more convicting posts would be where
Frank claimed Lean Rhimms to be sexually attractive at age 13 and then
Frank concluded that the vast majority of adults would also consider her
to be sexually attractive at that age, thus making the wild and
outlandish claim that most adult males are pedophiles "by definition".
Except for the slight problem that simply finding a young, possibly
pubescent, person sexually attractive is not enough to be a pedophile.
See: http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=pedophile&x=0&y=0
"an adult who is sexually attracted to young children."
Stay stupid.
Post by Rick Pikul
Heck, even finding a clearly pre-pubescent sexually attractive isn't
False, an adult who finds a child sexually attractive is in fact a
Post by Rick Pikul
Like all paraphilias, it is required that either the person acts on the
sexual desire for pre-pubescent children <snip>
False again, an adult who is sexually attracted to children is a
pedophile, it is not required that the adult acts on their depraved desires.
It is clear you don't even know what a pedophile is.

It's an interesting point that many of the on-line dictionaries define
pedophile as someone with an interest ins ex with children. One on-line
dictionary did have the definition as "An adult who engages in sexual
activity with a child."However I have some printed dictionaries from a few
decades back that defines pedophile as "A an adult whose primary or sole
sexual activity is with a child." Thus requiring a person to have actually
engaged in sex with a child to be a pedophile. They also define a child
as "A male or female who has not yet reached puberty."

So an adult having sex with a prepubescent human would be a pedophile,
regardless of their age, while if the person had reached puberty then the
adult isn't a pedophile. I did also find this interesting statement:

"The term pedophile is also used colloquially to denote an adult who is
sexually attracted to young adolescents, especially younger than the local
age of consent,[2] as well as those accused or convicted of child sexual
abuse or child pornography related offences."

It seems the editors of many of the on-line dictionaries are set on turning
a colloquial definition into the accepted main definition, just as they
have done with many other words to change their meanings.

And a child is prepubescent person, so a person who find a pubescent child
sexually attractive isn't a pedophile - except in the minds of some
brainless idiots.

BTW: One of the basic precepts of law (until recently when a bunch of brain
dead nannies started making laws) is that harm or damage must be done
before a crime was committed. Crimes against property must have property
damage or loss to be a crime, crimes against people must have a person who
is hurt or damaged in some way. A person having thoughts about something or
writing about something is not a crime against the person except where
libel or slander comes in as that often causes damage.
Deadly Ernest
(All typos are the fault of the server gremlin.)
Richard Fallstrom
2008-02-25 17:29:21 UTC
Post by Deadly Ernest
Post by James Riske
Post by Rick Pikul
Post by James Riske
There have been many posts by pedo Frank showing that Frank is indeed a
pedophile, one of pedo Frank's more convicting posts would be where
Frank claimed Lean Rhimms to be sexually attractive at age 13 and then
Frank concluded that the vast majority of adults would also consider her
to be sexually attractive at that age, thus making the wild and
outlandish claim that most adult males are pedophiles "by definition".
Except for the slight problem that simply finding a young, possibly
pubescent, person sexually attractive is not enough to be a pedophile.
See: http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=pedophile&x=0&y=0
"an adult who is sexually attracted to young children."
Stay stupid.
Post by Rick Pikul
Heck, even finding a clearly pre-pubescent sexually attractive isn't
False, an adult who finds a child sexually attractive is in fact a
Post by Rick Pikul
Like all paraphilias, it is required that either the person acts on the
sexual desire for pre-pubescent children <snip>
False again, an adult who is sexually attracted to children is a
pedophile, it is not required that the adult acts on their depraved desires.
It is clear you don't even know what a pedophile is.
It's an interesting point that many of the on-line dictionaries define
pedophile as someone with an interest ins ex with children. One on-line
dictionary did have the definition as "An adult who engages in sexual
activity with a child."However I have some printed dictionaries from a few
decades back that defines pedophile as "A an adult whose primary or sole
sexual activity is with a child." Thus requiring a person to have actually
engaged in sex with a child to be a pedophile. They also define a child
as "A male or female who has not yet reached puberty."
So an adult having sex with a prepubescent human would be a pedophile,
regardless of their age, while if the person had reached puberty then the
"The term pedophile is also used colloquially to denote an adult who is
sexually attracted to young adolescents, especially younger than the local
age of consent,[2] as well as those accused or convicted of child sexual
abuse or child pornography related offences."
It seems the editors of many of the on-line dictionaries are set on turning
a colloquial definition into the accepted main definition, just as they
have done with many other words to change their meanings.
And a child is prepubescent person, so a person who find a pubescent child
sexually attractive isn't a pedophile - except in the minds of some
brainless idiots.
BTW: One of the basic precepts of law (until recently when a bunch of brain
dead nannies started making laws) is that harm or damage must be done
before a crime was committed. Crimes against property must have property
damage or loss to be a crime, crimes against people must have a person who
is hurt or damaged in some way. A person having thoughts about something or
writing about something is not a crime against the person except where
libel or slander comes in as that often causes damage.
Excellent observation!
Rick Pikul
2008-02-25 16:34:02 UTC
Post by James Riske
Post by Rick Pikul
Post by James Riske
There have been many posts by pedo Frank showing that Frank is indeed a
pedophile, one of pedo Frank's more convicting posts would be where
Frank claimed Lean Rhimms to be sexually attractive at age 13 and then
Frank concluded that the vast majority of adults would also consider her
to be sexually attractive at that age, thus making the wild and
outlandish claim that most adult males are pedophiles "by definition".
Except for the slight problem that simply finding a young, possibly
pubescent, person sexually attractive is not enough to be a pedophile.
See: http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=pedophile&x=0&y=0
"an adult who is sexually attracted to young children."
Nope: DSM IV:

1. Over a period of at least 6 months, recurrent, intense sexually
arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual
activity with a prepubescent child or children (generally age 13 years
or younger);

2. The person has acted on these sexual urges, or the sexual urges or
fantasies cause marked distress or interpersonal difficulty;

3. The person is at least age 16 years and at least 5 years older than
the child or children in Criterion A.

Note how the child(ren) must be prepubescent, and the requirement over and
above simple attraction.
Post by James Riske
Post by Rick Pikul
Heck, even finding a clearly pre-pubescent sexually attractive isn't
False, an adult who finds a child sexually attractive is in fact a
The people who define these things disagree with you.
Post by James Riske
Post by Rick Pikul
Like all paraphilias, it is required that either the person acts on the
sexual desire for pre-pubescent children <snip>
False again, an adult who is sexually attracted to children is a
pedophile, it is not required that the adult acts on their depraved desires.
Correct, having the attraction cause significant mental distress or
interpersonal difficulty would also qualify. Which I already pointed out
in the part you are playing delete and ignore with.

Lies of omission are still lies, and you sir are a liar.
Post by James Riske
It is clear you don't even know what a pedophile is.
Unlike you, I actually went to a definitive source.
Post by James Riske
Frodo: "Why do you do that?"
Sam: "What?"
Frodo: "Call him names? Run him down all the time."
Sam: "Because that's what he is Mister Frodo. There's naught left in him
but lies and deceit.
Hint about your .sig: Sam was in the wrong, in fact it was largely Sam's
treatment that caused Smeagol to turn back into Gollum.
2008-02-26 19:02:11 UTC
On Mon, 25 Feb 2008 16:34:02 -0000, "Rick Pikul"
Post by Rick Pikul
Post by James Riske
Frodo: "Why do you do that?"
Sam: "What?"
Frodo: "Call him names? Run him down all the time."
Sam: "Because that's what he is Mister Frodo. There's naught left in him
but lies and deceit.
Hint about your .sig: Sam was in the wrong, in fact it was largely Sam's
treatment that caused Smeagol to turn back into Gollum.
But that's the same way that Risky operates. Make the accusation, even
if it's not true, shout it from the rooftops for long enough and
loudly enough and soon, voila, many people start to believe it. It's
called "The Big Lie" and Risky is an expert at attempting it. He,
Bo0bym and Braindead are all people who use this technique. Never mind
about the truth, I say so so that is how it must be.
fundamentalism (n.): fund = give cash to; amentalism = brainlessness
2008-02-26 00:47:46 UTC
Post by David
But that's the same way that Risky operates. Make the accusation, even
if it's not true, shout it from the rooftops for long enough and
loudly enough and soon, voila, many people start to believe it. It's
called "The Big Lie" and Risky is an expert at attempting it. He,
Bla bla bla.....
Post by David
Bo0bym and Braindead are all people who use this technique. Never mind
about the truth, I say so so that is how it must be.
Who?? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2008-02-26 05:21:52 UTC
On Mon, 25 Feb 2008 16:34:02 -0000, "Rick Pikul"
Post by Rick Pikul
Post by James Riske
Post by Rick Pikul
Post by James Riske
There have been many posts by pedo Frank showing that Frank is indeed a
pedophile, one of pedo Frank's more convicting posts would be where
Frank claimed Lean Rhimms to be sexually attractive at age 13 and then
Frank concluded that the vast majority of adults would also consider her
to be sexually attractive at that age, thus making the wild and
outlandish claim that most adult males are pedophiles "by definition".
Except for the slight problem that simply finding a young, possibly
pubescent, person sexually attractive is not enough to be a pedophile.
See: http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=pedophile&x=0&y=0
"an adult who is sexually attracted to young children."
1. Over a period of at least 6 months, recurrent, intense sexually
arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual
activity with a prepubescent child or children (generally age 13 years
or younger);
2. The person has acted on these sexual urges, or the sexual urges or
fantasies cause marked distress or interpersonal difficulty;
3. The person is at least age 16 years and at least 5 years older than
the child or children in Criterion A.
Note how the child(ren) must be prepubescent, and the requirement over and
above simple attraction.
Actually, you're quite wrong there. In the psychological and
psychiatric definition that you've quoted, the age of the child is
clearly before puberty -- I'm not arguing against you there. However,
none of the above symptoms require anything more than an attraction.

Note in 1: recurrent arousing fantasies or urges OR behaviors --
therefore the person need not act on the fantasies or desires or
urges, but merely have them.

Note in 2: acted on OR the urges or fantasies cause marked distress or
interpersonal difficulty -- again, the person need not have acted on
the desires; but I dare you to show me anyone who is a pedophile and
has NOT had marked distress or interpersonal difficulty because of the
feelings. It may not be so much that they become involved with the
legal or mental health system, but most pedophiles go through long
periods of distress over the feelings.

The point behind the DSM definition is that it's okay to have
fantasies -- no matter what those fantasies are. The problems come
when the person either breaks the law OR is suffering because of the
feelings. You'll note how homosexuality was once considered an illness
known as "conversion disorder" but in later editions was only
considered an illness if the person was suffering because of his
homosexuality -- "ego-dystonic homosexuality" which may, by now, have
been dropped from DSM altogether.

At my particular age and level of self-actualization, I don't have the
long periods of marked distress over my feelings -- does that mean I'm
not a pedophile anymore? Just because I've accepted that I am what I
am and that the only thing to do is to deal with it?

Another common argument is whether or not pedophilia is the person's
primary sexual attraction. Look, the fact is that you can probably
find someone who's attracted to about anything you can name. This is
the whole gamut of human sexual attraction -- and NO ONE falls into a
single point on the continuum. Even gay men are occasionally attracted
to women to more or lesser degrees. That means that a certain amount
of pedophilic desire is normal and natural. Many deny it, but let's
face it, our society is totally attuned to the sexuality of children.
There are the bear-skinned rug pictures that people ooh and aah over
and say are "so cute!" Hell, I even saw a great example of this on the
cartoon show, The Rugrats!

My point is that, while you are right, thinking that LeAnn Rimes at 13
was a pretty little thing is probably not enough to make you
considered a pedophile. Especially when you consider that, at 13, she
looked pretty much like an adult and has not changed that much since
then! But pedophilia describes a feeling, not an action. And while a
purely technical definition of pedophilia may limit the attraction to
prepubescent children, many pedophiles are also attracted to children
who are pubescent -- even if only just pubescent.
Post by Rick Pikul
Post by James Riske
Post by Rick Pikul
Heck, even finding a clearly pre-pubescent sexually attractive isn't
False, an adult who finds a child sexually attractive is in fact a
The people who define these things disagree with you.
Post by James Riske
Post by Rick Pikul
Like all paraphilias, it is required that either the person acts on the
sexual desire for pre-pubescent children <snip>
False again, an adult who is sexually attracted to children is a
pedophile, it is not required that the adult acts on their depraved desires.
Correct, having the attraction cause significant mental distress or
interpersonal difficulty would also qualify. Which I already pointed out
in the part you are playing delete and ignore with.
Lies of omission are still lies, and you sir are a liar.
Post by James Riske
It is clear you don't even know what a pedophile is.
Unlike you, I actually went to a definitive source.
Post by James Riske
Frodo: "Why do you do that?"
Sam: "What?"
Frodo: "Call him names? Run him down all the time."
Sam: "Because that's what he is Mister Frodo. There's naught left in him
but lies and deceit.
Hint about your .sig: Sam was in the wrong, in fact it was largely Sam's
treatment that caused Smeagol to turn back into Gollum.
-- ***@hushmail.com

If you send email, I will reply to it here at asbl
(without showing your email addy)
unless you ask me not to.
Rick Pikul
2008-02-26 06:23:15 UTC
Post by David
On Mon, 25 Feb 2008 16:34:02 -0000, "Rick Pikul"
Post by Rick Pikul
1. Over a period of at least 6 months, recurrent, intense sexually
arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual
activity with a prepubescent child or children (generally age 13 years
or younger);
2. The person has acted on these sexual urges, or the sexual urges or
fantasies cause marked distress or interpersonal difficulty;
3. The person is at least age 16 years and at least 5 years older than
the child or children in Criterion A.
Note how the child(ren) must be prepubescent, and the requirement over and
above simple attraction.
Actually, you're quite wrong there. In the psychological and
psychiatric definition that you've quoted, the age of the child is
clearly before puberty -- I'm not arguing against you there. However,
none of the above symptoms require anything more than an attraction.
Note in 1: recurrent arousing fantasies or urges OR behaviors --
therefore the person need not act on the fantasies or desires or
urges, but merely have them.
The three conditions are each necessary but not sufficient. Just meeting
one of them is not enough, (or else every President of the US has been a
Post by David
Note in 2: acted on OR the urges or fantasies cause marked distress or
interpersonal difficulty -- again, the person need not have acted on
the desires; but I dare you to show me anyone who is a pedophile and
has NOT had marked distress or interpersonal difficulty because of the
You're begging the question, without the distress or interpersonal
difficulty, (counting committing child abuse as an 'interpersonal
difficulty'), you haven't got a pedophile.

Now, I _have_ come across quite a few people who are attracted to
prepubescents but who do not have such problems. Generally because they
accept that they can never go beyond the realms of fantasy. (I know about
them because there are some very good artists in the cub porn communities.)
Post by David
The point behind the DSM definition is that it's okay to have
fantasies -- no matter what those fantasies are. The problems come
when the person either breaks the law OR is suffering because of the

Heck, pedophilia is unusual for a paraphilia in that acting on the
desires can qualify you.
2008-02-21 13:55:21 UTC
On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 16:16:13 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
Post by David
On Sat, 16 Feb 2008 16:12:53 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Sun, 3 Feb 2008 05:40:07 -0800 (PST), "ªºªandcarole®"
Post by James Riske
Post by David
Post by James Riske
Pedophiles take my advice, just commit suicide and get it over with, you
will be running and hiding from the law for the rest of your pathetic
lives anyways so you may as well just do yourselves in and be done with
it, save the children from your perverted clutches, if you really "love"
them then you would kill yourselves without any hesitation.
Well look who just reared his ugly head. I see your attitude and
manners have not changed since I last saw a post by you.
Being that it is perfectly normal and natural for a human to despise a
pedophile there is no reason to change any "attitude" or "manners" when
addressing them.
But you despise anyone who disagrees with you ... which is almost
everybody. By now you must be the denizen of millions of kill files
and filters.
Post by James Riske
Post by David
Do you have evidence that Frank is a peadophile or are you just
guessing? I suspect the latter.
There have been many posts by pedo Frank showing that Frank is indeed a
pedophile, one of pedo Frank's more convicting posts would be where
Frank claimed Lean Rhimms to be sexually attractive at age 13 and then
Frank concluded that the vast majority of adults would also consider her
to be sexually attractive at that age, thus making the wild and
outlandish claim that most adult males are pedophiles "by definition".
Many would have said that the Benet girl was sexually attractive too.
This rather denies your theory. Not knowing who Lean Rhimms I cannot
comment about her desirability but if she was pubertal or post
pubertal then yes she would be attractive to most red-blooded males.
Of course you don't fit that description, do you? Most red-blooded men
would not dream of touching or molesting any child but that does not
mean they do not think about having sex with any attractive girl.
Post by James Riske
Of course pedo Frank was humiliated and shown to be a bald-faced liar as
You have never shown anyone to be a bald-faced liar nor have you ever
humiliated anyone. Everyone, who reads your maunderings and there must
be precious few of them left now, laughs at your ignorance and wishful
Post by James Riske
Post by David
I must admit that I am impressed that you didn't actually use any
profanity in this post. Have you been studying to improve your
vocabulary? If so, well done.
When addressing despicable pedophiles "profanity" is often required, and
believe me asshole, there's a lot of it to go around, flattery will only
get you humiliated.
ROTFL. Once again you show that you cannot carry on an intelligent
conversation since your vocabulary is so limited that you have to
resort to expletives, profanity and obscenity.
fundamentalism (n.): fund = give cash to; amentalism = brainlessness
Brandon D Cartwright
2008-02-22 04:35:15 UTC
Post by David
On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 16:16:13 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
When addressing despicable pedophiles "profanity" is often required, and
believe me asshole, there's a lot of it to go around, flattery will only
get you humiliated.
ROTFL. Once again you show that you cannot carry on an intelligent
conversation since your vocabulary is so limited that you have to
resort to expletives, profanity and obscenity.
But you are all in favor of obscenity David..you think it an injustice
that Frank McCoy was dragged in chains from his home to face justice
and the Georgia Grand Jury for his disgusting filth about pedophiles
fucking small children .
2008-02-23 07:21:01 UTC
On Thu, 21 Feb 2008 20:35:15 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 16:16:13 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
When addressing despicable pedophiles "profanity" is often required, and
believe me asshole, there's a lot of it to go around, flattery will only
get you humiliated.
ROTFL. Once again you show that you cannot carry on an intelligent
conversation since your vocabulary is so limited that you have to
resort to expletives, profanity and obscenity.
But you are all in favor of obscenity David..you think it an injustice
that Frank McCoy was dragged in chains from his home to face justice
and the Georgia Grand Jury for his disgusting filth about pedophiles
fucking small children .
I do. I think it was overkill. They could have just asked him politely
to attend.

His writings are not as you describe. You obviously have never read
one of his stories. Once again you are relying on hearsay by other
people to make up your small mind for you. Just like the time you
claimed that some pictures were obscene pornography when they turned
out to be pictures of boys, mainly, fully clothed.
fundamentalism (n.): fund = give cash to; amentalism = brainlessness
Brandon D Cartwright
2008-02-22 14:26:40 UTC
Post by David
On Thu, 21 Feb 2008 20:35:15 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 16:16:13 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
When addressing despicable pedophiles "profanity" is often required, and
believe me asshole, there's a lot of it to go around, flattery will only
get you humiliated.
ROTFL. Once again you show that you cannot carry on an intelligent
conversation since your vocabulary is so limited that you have to
resort to expletives, profanity and obscenity.
But you are all in favor of obscenity David..you think it an injustice
that Frank McCoy was dragged in chains from his home to face justice
and the Georgia Grand Jury for his disgusting filth about pedophiles
fucking small children .
I do. I think it was overkill. They could have just asked him politely
to attend.
His writings are not as you describe.
sure they are..and he doesn't deny it..just says they are consensual..

only you oddly deny it.
Post by David
You obviously have never read
one of his stories. Once again you are relying on hearsay by other
people to make up your small mind for you.
Not at all ...that would clearly be you describing yourself
Post by David
Just like the time you
claimed that some pictures were obscene pornography when they turned
out to be pictures of boys, mainly, fully clothed.

The binaries I refererred to were hard core
pornography videos of children being abused by adults...

Pedophiles lie continuously ..

Ask Kasmir..
2008-02-24 06:16:02 UTC
On Fri, 22 Feb 2008 06:26:40 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Thu, 21 Feb 2008 20:35:15 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 16:16:13 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
When addressing despicable pedophiles "profanity" is often required, and
believe me asshole, there's a lot of it to go around, flattery will only
get you humiliated.
ROTFL. Once again you show that you cannot carry on an intelligent
conversation since your vocabulary is so limited that you have to
resort to expletives, profanity and obscenity.
But you are all in favor of obscenity David..you think it an injustice
that Frank McCoy was dragged in chains from his home to face justice
and the Georgia Grand Jury for his disgusting filth about pedophiles
fucking small children .
I do. I think it was overkill. They could have just asked him politely
to attend.
His writings are not as you describe.
sure they are..and he doesn't deny it..just says they are consensual..
only you oddly deny it.
I said they were not as you describe. That does not mean they were not
graphically descriptive.
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
You obviously have never read
one of his stories. Once again you are relying on hearsay by other
people to make up your small mind for you.
Not at all ...that would clearly be you describing yourself
But I have read many of Frank's stories so I am talking from first
hand knowledge whereas you are talking from hearsay. That is always
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
Just like the time you
claimed that some pictures were obscene pornography when they turned
out to be pictures of boys, mainly, fully clothed.
The binaries I refererred to were hard core
pornography videos of children being abused by adults...
No! You were quite specific until 4sooth corrected you and described
the pictures about which you were complaining. You eventually backed
down and, for once, admitted that you could have been wrong.
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Pedophiles lie continuously ..
Ask Kasmir..
The only person who lies continuously on any of these groups is you.
fundamentalism (n.): fund = give cash to; amentalism = brainlessness
Brandon D Cartwright
2008-02-23 13:13:33 UTC
Post by David
On Fri, 22 Feb 2008 06:26:40 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Thu, 21 Feb 2008 20:35:15 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 16:16:13 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
When addressing despicable pedophiles "profanity" is often required, and
believe me asshole, there's a lot of it to go around, flattery will only
get you humiliated.
ROTFL. Once again you show that you cannot carry on an intelligent
conversation since your vocabulary is so limited that you have to
resort to expletives, profanity and obscenity.
But you are all in favor of obscenity David..you think it an injustice
that Frank McCoy was dragged in chains from his home to face justice
and the Georgia Grand Jury for his disgusting filth about pedophiles
fucking small children .
I do. I think it was overkill. They could have just asked him politely
to attend.
His writings are not as you describe.
sure they are..and he doesn't deny it..just says they are consensual..
only you oddly deny it.
I said they were not as you describe. That does not mean they were not
graphically descriptive.
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
You obviously have never read
one of his stories. Once again you are relying on hearsay by other
people to make up your small mind for you.
Not at all ...that would clearly be you describing yourself
But I have read many of Frank's stories so I am talking from first
hand knowledge whereas you are talking from hearsay. That is always
Why do you assume that?

Because it suits you..?

I have posted a review of his "work " actually..

Pedophiles fucking little children..you make a fool of yourself
denying it..
Post by David
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
Just like the time you
claimed that some pictures were obscene pornography when they turned
out to be pictures of boys, mainly, fully clothed.
The binaries I refererred to were hard core
pornography videos of children being abused by adults...
No! You were quite specific until 4sooth corrected you and described
the pictures about which you were complaining. You eventually backed
down and, for once, admitted that you could have been wrong.
There was confusion..probably deliberate between child erotica posted
on ASBL and hard core pornography posted elsewhere by ASBL members..

Indeed "TomBa" has convictions for child pornography
Post by David
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Pedophiles lie continuously ..
Ask Kasmir..
The only person who lies continuously on any of these groups is you.
Ask her why she tried to physically destroy her hard drive sucker..

She knows as well as anybody else that if justice was done she would
be behind bars..
2008-02-23 13:41:26 UTC
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Indeed "TomBa" has convictions for child pornography
I would love to read what you have on that topic!!
That's probably why that ass pimple doesn't rear
its ugly head much anymore.
Brandon D Cartwright
2008-02-23 14:32:19 UTC
On Sat, 23 Feb 2008 05:41:26 -0800 (PST), "ªºªandcarole®"
Post by ªºªandcarole®
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Indeed "TomBa" has convictions for child pornography
I would love to read what you have on that topic!!
That's probably why that ass pimple doesn't rear
its ugly head much anymore.
He is now owned..a convicted pedophile recalled to prison for breach
of parole and now possibly on his way back again for breaching the
conditions of his registration as a level three registered sex

Stick a fork in TomBa.. he is done..

Post by ªºªandcarole®
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Second, since you bring up RSOs, are you *aware* that sex
offenders have the *lowest* rate of recidivism of almost
all convicted criminals??
"About the "treatment," it was mostly a joke. Perhaps it was
because most of the "therapists" had less education in psych
or social sciences than I had; perhaps it was because their
"program" was one size fits all and aimed at the lowest
common denominator (i.e. the eighteen year old grade school
drop out). In any event, I went through the motions and
completed their program with alcolades, but didn't really
learn much that was new nor have my behavior modified... But
I did get a certificate!"
Which proves what, in regard to recidivism?? *If* he is
telling the truth, then consider this. With a recidivism
rate of approximately 12%, that means that there are
approximately 9, give or take, convicted offenders who did
NOT reoffend.
yeah, i can believe that there are 9 offenders out there
somewhere who haven't reoffended.
Do not be juvenile, it does not become you. You will start to
sound like Brandon if you are not careful.
And by the way - do you know that he has reoffended? As a
point of FACT, not just as an accusation, or as something
like, "Once a molester, always a molester."
see this is where that self-disclosure thing comes in handy.
as you rightly said, *if* he is telling the truth, the
treatment program (for sex offenders) "did not modify his
behavior," indicating reoffense.
And see... This is where that nifty little thing called
self-education comes in handy. Have you ever bothered to
research exactly what sex-offender treatment consists of?
As I read that quote, I took that statement to mean that he
does not engage in the tools that he was offered when he was in
treatment. He would have been taught that if he finds himself
alone with a child, he needs to get away. He would have been
taught that if her were feeling like he had more of his
"urges," he should find someone to talk to immediately. And
those persons would already have been in place - it would have
been required, before he was finished with treatment, that he
present to the treatment providers a list of people whom he
could go to. Those people would have met with the treatment
I could go on, I suppose, but the point is, not modifying his
behavior simply means, really, that he is not doing anything to
try to make sure that he will not reoffend.
"TomBa" is a drunk..who knows what he does in his cups?
Precisely - who knows?? Do *YOU*???
More to the point is does his Parole Officer know?
No, more to "THE POINT," do *YOU* know? *YOU* are the one
accusing him.
We do know he re-offended sine recall by downloading and
uploading child pornography and organizing a pedophile ring..
I do not know what the hell you just said, really... "sine
recall?" I honestly cannot make that out.
try since..
As a level three sex offender his release into the community was
conditional on receiving treatment..as a drunk he was in breach
and was recalled back to prison.
Thank you - I must have been tired or something - could not figure
that out, and I am usually good at deciphering typos - I make
enough of them myself.
Well, then. It seems to me that the only thing you can say about
him "reoffending" is that he drank when he was not allowed to.
That is all well and good, and if it was a condition of his
release, and he violated it, then it is his own fault he was sent
back to prison.
However, can you *prove* that he has UL/DL CP???
As you have been told that is the job of the prosecutor..and his
parole officer..
Uhm, no, Brandon. *YOU* said, (and I will correct the typos for
the sake of clarity), *YOU* said: "We do know he re-offended
since recall by downloading and uploading child pornography and
organizing a pedophile ring.."
Now, I have two problems with this. The first is, you just told
me that he was recalled for violating his conditions by drinking.
Fine, but that has absolutely nothing to do with CP.
Second, from the way that you worded this, "...he re-offended
*SINCE RECALL* by uploading and downloading child pornography and
organizing a pedophile ring," to be a bit difficult to swallow.
If he has reoffended *since* his recall, and he is still in
prison, (is he? You have not said) but if that is what you meant,
then it is bullshit. Prison inmates are no longer allowed access
to the internet - they have not been for YEARS.
If you mean that he has done these things *OUTSIDE* of prison,
fine. But again, *YOU* have no evidence of this, you simply accuse
him, and when I call you on that, you tell me that, ""as you have
been told, that is the job of the prosecutor and his parole
officer." So, until *THEY* prove that he has done these things,
and since you have no proof, how can you simply make an
His news server and ISP will turn over the information readily
enough..if they haven't done so already..
Yes they will. But that does not change the fact that *YOU* have
no such proof, does it??
"Actually, I peek at CP safely! I'll tell you the complete story
later if
you're interested, but suffice it to say I got burnt once from my
inexperience and have learned from that misfortune. Suffice it to
say for now that all of my Usenet activity is contained within an
encrypted password protected disk volume, and I have a program
(Evidence Eliminator) that destroys tracks that Windows leaves
behind from any/all activity.
My P.O. in one of his inspections of my computer saw the program
name 'Evidence Eliminator' and asked me what I was trying to hide
... to which I just smiled and said "nothing." That didn't stop
from confiscating my computer and my personal photography
collection for 'investigation.' I guess they're still
because even with contact from my attorney, they still have the
property... :("
BTW, Level 3's are not allowed to have computers at all anyway.
James Riske
2008-02-24 16:33:14 UTC
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Sat, 23 Feb 2008 05:41:26 -0800 (PST), "ªºªandcarole®"
Post by ªºªandcarole®
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Indeed "TomBa" has convictions for child pornography
I would love to read what you have on that topic!!
That's probably why that ass pimple doesn't rear
its ugly head much anymore.
He is now owned..a convicted pedophile recalled to prison for breach
of parole and now possibly on his way back again for breaching the
conditions of his registration as a level three registered sex
Stick a fork in TomBa.. he is done..


Frodo: "Why do you do that?"

Sam: "What?"

Frodo: "Call him names? Run him down all the time."

Sam: "Because that's what he is Mister Frodo. There's naught left in him
but lies and deceit.
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
2008-02-25 15:52:40 UTC
On Sat, 23 Feb 2008 05:13:33 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Fri, 22 Feb 2008 06:26:40 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Thu, 21 Feb 2008 20:35:15 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 16:16:13 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
When addressing despicable pedophiles "profanity" is often required, and
believe me asshole, there's a lot of it to go around, flattery will only
get you humiliated.
ROTFL. Once again you show that you cannot carry on an intelligent
conversation since your vocabulary is so limited that you have to
resort to expletives, profanity and obscenity.
But you are all in favor of obscenity David..you think it an injustice
that Frank McCoy was dragged in chains from his home to face justice
and the Georgia Grand Jury for his disgusting filth about pedophiles
fucking small children .
I do. I think it was overkill. They could have just asked him politely
to attend.
His writings are not as you describe.
sure they are..and he doesn't deny it..just says they are consensual..
only you oddly deny it.
I said they were not as you describe. That does not mean they were not
graphically descriptive.
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
You obviously have never read
one of his stories. Once again you are relying on hearsay by other
people to make up your small mind for you.
Not at all ...that would clearly be you describing yourself
But I have read many of Frank's stories so I am talking from first
hand knowledge whereas you are talking from hearsay. That is always
Why do you assume that?
Because it suits you..?
I have posted a review of his "work " actually..
Pedophiles fucking little children..you make a fool of yourself
denying it..
Post by David
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
Just like the time you
claimed that some pictures were obscene pornography when they turned
out to be pictures of boys, mainly, fully clothed.
The binaries I refererred to were hard core
pornography videos of children being abused by adults...
No! You were quite specific until 4sooth corrected you and described
the pictures about which you were complaining. You eventually backed
down and, for once, admitted that you could have been wrong.
There was confusion..probably deliberate between child erotica posted
on ASBL and hard core pornography posted elsewhere by ASBL members..
If there was any deliberate confusion, it was all on YOUR part,
Brandon. You first claimed that illegal child pornography was being
posted on THIS newsgroup -- referring to the pictures of Lorenzo that
were frequently reposted here by a particular someone. Of course,
Lorenzo is a legitimate child model and, to the best of my knowledge,
has never appeared in the nude -- but you wouldn't have known that,
having not bothered to actually look at any picture.

Then you claimed that you knew that illegal porn was being posted in
other groups -- as your "proof," you offered the statements made by
posters and leeches as well as the filenames. So, T&A very
deliberately posted a set of perfectly legal pictures in another
group, vaguely referring to them as "possibly illegal in some areas,"
and you bit. You immediately accused T&A of posting illegal child
pornography -- and probably reported it to the authorities as such!
Until, of course, I pointed out that I had downloaded said pix and
could say without any doubt that none of them were, in any way,
pornographic. I cannot remember whether this group contained nudes or
not, but none of them were pornographic. To which you immediately
replied that you knew they were pornographic because of the way that
T&A described them -- to which I pointed out that he had described
them that way to make you look like an ass, a fact he then confirmed.

At that point, you backed off and began referring to pictures as
"child-erotica" rather than pornography, a term that you seem to be
the only person to use, a term that you, no doubt, invented and
defined the way you CHOOSE to define it so that it can mean anything
you want it to mean.
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Pedophiles lie continuously ..
No, Brandon -- you lie continuously.

First, you claim that people are posting illegal child pornography on
THIS group -- until we prove otherwise. Then you claim that regulars
here are posting illegal child porn on other groups -- a claim that we
cannot totally disprove, but one that you cannot prove either; a claim
that is further drawn into doubt by the fact that many of the claims
you made about T&A's posts were totally false -- so much so that you
had to invent a new, bogus phrase for it.

And of course, let's not forget that you accuse everyone in this and
other groups of being child-molesters without any kind of proof --
despite the fact that others have found proof that some of the people
DO have records, proof found AFTER THE FACT of your accusations. And,
of course, you've actually backed down from your original, baseless
accusations against me.

And then, there's your sliding definition of the word "pedophile."
According to you, a pedophile is a child molester -- and must molest
children -- yet, there are several people here who clearly are
sexually attracted to children -- even young children -- who abstain.
Are you going to say that we are not pedophiles? Certainly, we are not
pedophiles by YOUR definition, yet you certainly choose to persecute
us as if we were.
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Ask Kasmir..
The only person who lies continuously on any of these groups is you.
Ask her why she tried to physically destroy her hard drive sucker..
She knows as well as anybody else that if justice was done she would
be behind bars..
So now you're going to equate someone possibly having some illegal
images on their hard drive with actively molesting children?

Has it occurred to you that you probably have no idea exactly what
images and other files are on YOUR hard drive? Especially considering
the fact that you probably go around looking for people who are
breaking the law? I'm not suggesting that you would deliberately
download anything illegal -- although you certainly might, but I'm not
one to make accusations without some kind of evidence -- but
everything you look at on the Internet gets stored on your hard drive.
Everything. And I will freely admit that I have seen advertisements
for web sites claiming to have child pornography that contained
illegal images in banner ads. Trust me, those ads were, of course, on
my hard drive just because I saw them -- not because I deliberately
downloaded them. And you should also trust me that they no longer
exist based on the DOD standards for obliterating data. But the point
is that anything could be on your hard drive. I'm not saying that
Kasmir has not downloaded things that she should not have -- I'm just
saying that it's easy enough to do without meaning to.

And personally, if those images help Kasmir keep herself strong and
keep to her resolve to not molest children, I say she should do what
she needs to do.

I know, in your little black-and-white world of absolutes, that you
could never see the difference -- but most people can.

-- ***@hushmail.com

If you send email, I will reply to it here at asbl
(without showing your email addy)
unless you ask me not to.
Brandon D Cartwright
2008-02-25 19:26:29 UTC
Post by 4s00th
On Sat, 23 Feb 2008 05:13:33 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Fri, 22 Feb 2008 06:26:40 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Thu, 21 Feb 2008 20:35:15 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 16:16:13 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
When addressing despicable pedophiles "profanity" is often required, and
believe me asshole, there's a lot of it to go around, flattery will only
get you humiliated.
ROTFL. Once again you show that you cannot carry on an intelligent
conversation since your vocabulary is so limited that you have to
resort to expletives, profanity and obscenity.
But you are all in favor of obscenity David..you think it an injustice
that Frank McCoy was dragged in chains from his home to face justice
and the Georgia Grand Jury for his disgusting filth about pedophiles
fucking small children .
I do. I think it was overkill. They could have just asked him politely
to attend.
His writings are not as you describe.
sure they are..and he doesn't deny it..just says they are consensual..
only you oddly deny it.
I said they were not as you describe. That does not mean they were not
graphically descriptive.
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
You obviously have never read
one of his stories. Once again you are relying on hearsay by other
people to make up your small mind for you.
Not at all ...that would clearly be you describing yourself
But I have read many of Frank's stories so I am talking from first
hand knowledge whereas you are talking from hearsay. That is always
Why do you assume that?
Because it suits you..?
I have posted a review of his "work " actually..
Pedophiles fucking little children..you make a fool of yourself
denying it..
Post by David
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
Just like the time you
claimed that some pictures were obscene pornography when they turned
out to be pictures of boys, mainly, fully clothed.
The binaries I refererred to were hard core
pornography videos of children being abused by adults...
No! You were quite specific until 4sooth corrected you and described
the pictures about which you were complaining. You eventually backed
down and, for once, admitted that you could have been wrong.
There was confusion..probably deliberate between child erotica posted
on ASBL and hard core pornography posted elsewhere by ASBL members..
If there was any deliberate confusion, it was all on YOUR part,
Brandon. You first claimed that illegal child pornography was being
posted on THIS newsgroup -- referring to the pictures of Lorenzo that
were frequently reposted here by a particular someone. Of course,
Lorenzo is a legitimate child model and, to the best of my knowledge,
has never appeared in the nude -- but you wouldn't have known that,
having not bothered to actually look at any picture.
Then you claimed that you knew that illegal porn was being posted in
other groups -- as your "proof," you offered the statements made by
posters and leeches as well as the filenames.
They *are* uploading and downloading hard core child pornography and
one of the characters you support has previous convictions for it..
Post by 4s00th
So, T&A very
deliberately posted a set of perfectly legal pictures in another
group, vaguely referring to them as "possibly illegal in some areas,"
and you bit. You immediately accused T&A of posting illegal child
pornography -- and probably reported it to the authorities as such!
Until, of course, I pointed out that I had downloaded said pix and
could say without any doubt that none of them were, in any way,
pornographic. I cannot remember whether this group contained nudes or
not, but none of them were pornographic. To which you immediately
replied that you knew they were pornographic because of the way that
T&A described them -- to which I pointed out that he had described
them that way to make you look like an ass, a fact he then confirmed.
At that point, you backed off and began referring to pictures as
"child-erotica" rather than pornography, a term that you seem to be
the only person to use, a term that you, no doubt, invented and
defined the way you CHOOSE to define it so that it can mean anything
you want it to mean.

You are not that naive you have just upgraded yourself from fool to

Results 1 - 10 of about 576,000 for child erotica


In general predatory child sex offenders tend to be male, less than
average intelligent and are incapable of undertaking any prolonged
period of grooming. They generally fit into a stereotypical offender
profile, living alone or with a parent, unemployed or in low paid work
and unable to form adult relationships.

Their cycle of offending is also typical and begins with the basic
attraction and sexual arousal by thoughts of children. Such a person
will typically be in possession of either

*child erotica*

or child pornography with which he will fantasize and masturbate. At
this stage he can certainly be described as, and fits the definition
of, a paedophile. However, other than possessing child pornography,
which is not an offence in many countries, he does not commit any
offences. The reason why this type of person does not proceed beyond
this stage is as a result of internal and external inhibitors or both.

Internal inhibitors are personal factors which control a person's
behavior. The knowledge that it is morally wrong to sexually abuse a
child or that sexual activity with a child can seriously damage the
mental welfare of his victim in the future.

External inhibitors are far more basic and evolve around the fear of
being caught and going to prison linked with the knowledge that their
personal lifestyle would be seriously affected if it became public
that they are sexually attracted to children.

Once the internal and external inhibitors have been removed, possibly
by a period of stress or boredom then the peadophile moves into the
cycle of offending. He begins by going out to places where there are
many children, a playground or swimming pool for example.

They then identifiy a child who is either alone or appears vulnerable
and begins to make contact, possibly offering gifts, a cigarette or a
ride in a car. At this time nothing further may happen, the offender
will go home and masturbate thinking of the child and what might have

These initial stages of the cycle are then followed by a period of
guilt as a result of the internal and external inhibitors and a
personal promise that it will never happen again. As time passes the
inhibitors are broken down and the cycle starts one again continuing
until the paedophile offends against the child. There are many unknown
paedophiles who fit these criteria but have never offended.

The majority of sex offenders groom their victims; this can take many
months, even years, and often begins with the process of grooming the
parents of the child.

The paedophile may recognize that a family is having difficulty in
managing the logistics and finances of the household and befriend them
with offers of assistance, both financial and in kind. Eventually
having gained the trust of the parent, the offender then offers to
baby sit or take the child on outings during which time he then moves
on to begin the process of grooming the child victim.

This part of the grooming process is the most crucial. The paedophile
knows that he has to be able to control the child to the extent that
he can sexually abuse him or her and that the child will not disclose
to another adult what happened.

This control is obtained in many different ways, fear, oppression,
favours, threats against either the child or their parent, making the
child feel guilty about what has happened or by using a combination of
these methods.

A typical example of how a paedophile operates would be the initial
identification of a vulnerable parent who has either one or a number
of children. It may be a single mother who having gone through an
acrimonious divorce has had to move to accommodation that is smaller
or of a lesser standard than she and her children are used to. Family
finances are stretched and there is less money available in the
household for food, clothing and leisure activities.

Once the new family unit is stable, the paedophile will then make his
move, typically he may, as part of his grooming process, slowly
introduced the family into accepting communal nudity within the home
by, for example, leaving bathroom doors open whilst in use.

Eventually the paedophile will sexually abuse his victim, he will have
perfected a strategy to ensure their silence utilizing one or a number
of the methods previously outlined.

In this example, it isn’t difficult to comprehend the dilemma that the
child has been put in. Her mother has found a new partner in life, she
is very happy, the paedophile will have told his victim that if she
‘tells’ then he will go to prison, there will be no extra money coming
into the household, there will be no more nice holidays for her and
her mother. Her mother won’t believe her and will not love her anymore
as a result. In order to protect her mother's happiness and the new
family, the victim remains silent.

This example is typical of how a paedophile may identify and
ultimately abuse a child anywhere in the world, however, there are
many other scenarios which could be used to describe how paedophiles
infiltrate families, communities or organizations with the sole intent
of sexually abusing children.

INTERPOL has recently increased the number of specialised officers
directly involved in combating child sexual abuse and intends to
continue to raise the growing awareness to the international problem
surrounding the worldwide sexual exploitation of children. Its
eradication is the responsibility of all governments and law
enforcement agencies. The future of the world is in the hands of
tomorrow’s adults, who are today’s children. They are the most
precious commodity the world has. The not only deserve, but have a
right to all the protection which we can afford.
2008-02-26 03:58:34 UTC
On Mon, 25 Feb 2008 11:26:29 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by 4s00th
On Sat, 23 Feb 2008 05:13:33 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Fri, 22 Feb 2008 06:26:40 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Thu, 21 Feb 2008 20:35:15 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 16:16:13 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
When addressing despicable pedophiles "profanity" is often required, and
believe me asshole, there's a lot of it to go around, flattery will only
get you humiliated.
ROTFL. Once again you show that you cannot carry on an intelligent
conversation since your vocabulary is so limited that you have to
resort to expletives, profanity and obscenity.
But you are all in favor of obscenity David..you think it an injustice
that Frank McCoy was dragged in chains from his home to face justice
and the Georgia Grand Jury for his disgusting filth about pedophiles
fucking small children .
I do. I think it was overkill. They could have just asked him politely
to attend.
His writings are not as you describe.
sure they are..and he doesn't deny it..just says they are consensual..
only you oddly deny it.
I said they were not as you describe. That does not mean they were not
graphically descriptive.
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
You obviously have never read
one of his stories. Once again you are relying on hearsay by other
people to make up your small mind for you.
Not at all ...that would clearly be you describing yourself
But I have read many of Frank's stories so I am talking from first
hand knowledge whereas you are talking from hearsay. That is always
Why do you assume that?
Because it suits you..?
I have posted a review of his "work " actually..
Pedophiles fucking little children..you make a fool of yourself
denying it..
Post by David
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
Just like the time you
claimed that some pictures were obscene pornography when they turned
out to be pictures of boys, mainly, fully clothed.
The binaries I refererred to were hard core
pornography videos of children being abused by adults...
No! You were quite specific until 4sooth corrected you and described
the pictures about which you were complaining. You eventually backed
down and, for once, admitted that you could have been wrong.
There was confusion..probably deliberate between child erotica posted
on ASBL and hard core pornography posted elsewhere by ASBL members..
If there was any deliberate confusion, it was all on YOUR part,
Brandon. You first claimed that illegal child pornography was being
posted on THIS newsgroup -- referring to the pictures of Lorenzo that
were frequently reposted here by a particular someone. Of course,
Lorenzo is a legitimate child model and, to the best of my knowledge,
has never appeared in the nude -- but you wouldn't have known that,
having not bothered to actually look at any picture.
Then you claimed that you knew that illegal porn was being posted in
other groups -- as your "proof," you offered the statements made by
posters and leeches as well as the filenames.
They *are* uploading and downloading hard core child pornography and
one of the characters you support has previous convictions for it..
I'm sure that some people are doing just that -- yet you have never
proven that anyone who regularly posts in this newsgroup currently
does so despite your claims to the contrary.

And any support that I had given was withdrawn when EVIDENCE warranted
that it be withdrawn -- not the baseless accusations you make.
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by 4s00th
So, T&A very
deliberately posted a set of perfectly legal pictures in another
group, vaguely referring to them as "possibly illegal in some areas,"
and you bit. You immediately accused T&A of posting illegal child
pornography -- and probably reported it to the authorities as such!
Until, of course, I pointed out that I had downloaded said pix and
could say without any doubt that none of them were, in any way,
pornographic. I cannot remember whether this group contained nudes or
not, but none of them were pornographic. To which you immediately
replied that you knew they were pornographic because of the way that
T&A described them -- to which I pointed out that he had described
them that way to make you look like an ass, a fact he then confirmed.
At that point, you backed off and began referring to pictures as
"child-erotica" rather than pornography, a term that you seem to be
the only person to use, a term that you, no doubt, invented and
defined the way you CHOOSE to define it so that it can mean anything
you want it to mean.
You are not that naive you have just upgraded yourself from fool to
Results 1 - 10 of about 576,000 for child erotica
In general predatory child sex offenders tend to be male, less than
average intelligent and are incapable of undertaking any prolonged
period of grooming. They generally fit into a stereotypical offender
profile, living alone or with a parent, unemployed or in low paid work
and unable to form adult relationships.
Their cycle of offending is also typical and begins with the basic
attraction and sexual arousal by thoughts of children. Such a person
will typically be in possession of either
*child erotica*
or child pornography with which he will fantasize and masturbate. At
this stage he can certainly be described as, and fits the definition
of, a paedophile. However, other than possessing child pornography,
which is not an offence in many countries, he does not commit any
offences. The reason why this type of person does not proceed beyond
this stage is as a result of internal and external inhibitors or both.
It's nice that you could find evidence to support your claims AFTER
THE FACT, but I notice that this article does not define the phrase
"child erotica" either. Convenient, isn't it? That means that anything
that a pedophile might have in his possession that does not meet the
criteria for child pornography can be slogged off into this
"catch-all" category created solely for the purpose of misleading

Further, the article describes the characteristics of convicted sexual
offenders, NOT PEDOPHILES. Note that the descriptions: "less than
average intelligent," (and here the article screws up it's grammar
rather pathetically, making it seem strange that THEY have the nerve
to refer to someone else's low intelligence) "unemployed or in low
paid work," "living alone or with a parent" and "unable to form adult
relationships" is a common theme AMONG CONVICTED CRIMINALS in JAIL.
So, basically, your article does not even begin to describe pedophiles
-- who actually run the entire spectrum of intelligence from low to
genius; who generally have the entire spectrum of jobs including
police, doctors and business; many of whom have very successful home
lives that may include spouses and family and successful social lives
as well.

"Like any other population there are a wide range of behaviors and a
variety of people who sexually abuse children."


"George is the typical child molester. He's married, educated,
working, and religious."


The page goes on: "First of all, he's married, just like 77 percent of
the more than 4000 child sexual abusers in the Child Molestation
Prevention Study. George is religious, like 93 percent of the abusers.
He's educated. More than 46 percent had some college education and
another 30 percent were high school graduates. Like 65 percent of the
admitted abusers, George was working. Numerous studies of adult
victims have sought to link child molestation victims to lower social
class and lower family income. All have failed. Child victims and
their abusers exist equally in families of all income levels and
classes. And, now from the study, we know that child molesters are as
equally married, educated, employed, and religious as any other

Please note that these are not statistics about pedophiles per se, but
actual child molesters. These people have the intelligence to define
their terms and specify how they use them in their work:

"A child molester is any older child or adult who touches a child for
his or her own sexual gratification.

"Child molestation is the act of sexually touching a child.

"A child is a girl or boy who is 13 years of age or younger.

"What's the age difference between a molester and a child? It is five
years, so a 14-year-old "older child" sexually touching a
nine-year-old is an example. This is the accepted medical definition.

"Sometimes, a professional will consider that a molestation act has
occurred when the older child is only three years older - a
sixth-grader with a third-grader, for instance. The crucial element
here is the lack of equality between the two children; the sixth
grader is clearly bigger, more powerful, and more "adult-like" than
the third-grader.

"We avoid definitions that are ambiguous by sticking to the medical
definition. We define "child molester" as an adult or child, who is at
least five years older than the child he or she has molested."

Unlike you, who chooses to bandy about words and phrases without
providing an accurate definition so that you can revise it as you go
along -- something you've consistently done since you began posting
here. By your deliberate choice to define "pedophile" as a child
molester, you deliberately confuse the actual issues involved -- such
as whether they have actually "touched" a child for their own sexual
gratification. You choose colloquial usage of terms rather than the
exact medical and psychiatric definition -- and, as a matter of fact,
the LEGAL definitions.

But I notice that you don't argue these points from my earlier post.

-- ***@hushmail.com

If you send email, I will reply to it here at asbl
(without showing your email addy)
unless you ask me not to.
Brandon D Cartwright
2008-02-24 05:12:51 UTC
Post by David
On Fri, 22 Feb 2008 06:26:40 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Thu, 21 Feb 2008 20:35:15 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 16:16:13 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
When addressing despicable pedophiles "profanity" is often required, and
believe me asshole, there's a lot of it to go around, flattery will only
get you humiliated.
ROTFL. Once again you show that you cannot carry on an intelligent
conversation since your vocabulary is so limited that you have to
resort to expletives, profanity and obscenity.
But you are all in favor of obscenity David..you think it an injustice
that Frank McCoy was dragged in chains from his home to face justice
and the Georgia Grand Jury for his disgusting filth about pedophiles
fucking small children .
I do. I think it was overkill. They could have just asked him politely
to attend.
His writings are not as you describe.
sure they are..and he doesn't deny it..just says they are consensual..
only you oddly deny it.
I said they were not as you describe. That does not mean they were not
graphically descriptive.

Message-ID: <20030720231813.434$***@newsreader.com>


I'm posting this for all the guys who have written me. This is a 100%
free website which contains dozens and dozens of stories about very
young little girls having sex with their fathers and older men. All
are written by Frank McCoy, and these stories are hot.

Example: A

mother who takes off her 5 year old daughters underware so she can go
fuck the man in the living room while she converses with the mans
wife. BTW, his real little daughter was sucking his cock until the 5
y.o. arrives and is kind of irritated at the arrival of the little
girl. He picks up the 5 y.o. and carefully mounts her onto his cock.
He has three huge orgasms in her as they watch TV together.

Frank McCoy has created a world where pedos and sex with little girls
is an accepted and welcomed part of culture. Its pure mind candy.
Heres the site:


end quote.
Brandon D Cartwright
2008-02-24 05:14:48 UTC
Post by David
On Fri, 22 Feb 2008 06:26:40 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Thu, 21 Feb 2008 20:35:15 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 16:16:13 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
When addressing despicable pedophiles "profanity" is often required, and
believe me asshole, there's a lot of it to go around, flattery will only
get you humiliated.
ROTFL. Once again you show that you cannot carry on an intelligent
conversation since your vocabulary is so limited that you have to
resort to expletives, profanity and obscenity.
But you are all in favor of obscenity David..you think it an injustice
that Frank McCoy was dragged in chains from his home to face justice
and the Georgia Grand Jury for his disgusting filth about pedophiles
fucking small children .
I do. I think it was overkill. They could have just asked him politely
to attend.
His writings are not as you describe.
sure they are..and he doesn't deny it..just says they are consensual..
only you oddly deny it.
I said they were not as you describe. That does not mean they were not
graphically descriptive.
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
You obviously have never read
one of his stories. Once again you are relying on hearsay by other
people to make up your small mind for you.
Not at all ...that would clearly be you describing yourself
But I have read many of Frank's stories so I am talking from first
hand knowledge whereas you are talking from hearsay. That is always
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
Just like the time you
claimed that some pictures were obscene pornography when they turned
out to be pictures of boys, mainly, fully clothed.
The binaries I refererred to were hard core
pornography videos of children being abused by adults...
No! You were quite specific until 4sooth corrected you and described
the pictures about which you were complaining. You eventually backed
down and, for once, admitted that you could have been wrong.
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Pedophiles lie continuously ..
Ask Kasmir..
The only person who lies continuously on any of these groups is you.
Lying scoundrel you are..

Message-ID: <20030720231813.434$***@newsreader.com>


I'm posting this for all the guys who have written me. This is a 100%
free website which contains dozens and dozens of stories about very
young little girls having sex with their fathers and older men. All
are written by Frank McCoy, and these stories are hot.

Example: A

mother who takes off her 5 year old daughters underware so she can go
fuck the man in the living room while she converses with the mans
wife. BTW, his real little daughter was sucking his cock until the 5
y.o. arrives and is kind of irritated at the arrival of the little
girl. He picks up the 5 y.o. and carefully mounts her onto his cock.
He has three huge orgasms in her as they watch TV together.

Frank McCoy has created a world where pedos and sex with little girls
is an accepted and welcomed part of culture. Its pure mind candy.
Heres the site:


end quote.
2008-02-24 21:30:28 UTC
On Sun, 24 Feb 2008 11:37:12 -0500, James Riske
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Fri, 22 Feb 2008 06:26:40 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Thu, 21 Feb 2008 20:35:15 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 16:16:13 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
When addressing despicable pedophiles "profanity" is often required, and
believe me asshole, there's a lot of it to go around, flattery will only
get you humiliated.
ROTFL. Once again you show that you cannot carry on an intelligent
conversation since your vocabulary is so limited that you have to
resort to expletives, profanity and obscenity.
But you are all in favor of obscenity David..you think it an injustice
that Frank McCoy was dragged in chains from his home to face justice
and the Georgia Grand Jury for his disgusting filth about pedophiles
fucking small children .
I do. I think it was overkill. They could have just asked him politely
to attend.
His writings are not as you describe.
sure they are..and he doesn't deny it..just says they are consensual..
only you oddly deny it.
I said they were not as you describe. That does not mean they were not
graphically descriptive.
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
You obviously have never read
one of his stories. Once again you are relying on hearsay by other
people to make up your small mind for you.
Not at all ...that would clearly be you describing yourself
But I have read many of Frank's stories so I am talking from first
hand knowledge whereas you are talking from hearsay. That is always
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
Just like the time you
claimed that some pictures were obscene pornography when they turned
out to be pictures of boys, mainly, fully clothed.
The binaries I refererred to were hard core
pornography videos of children being abused by adults...
No! You were quite specific until 4sooth corrected you and described
the pictures about which you were complaining. You eventually backed
down and, for once, admitted that you could have been wrong.
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Pedophiles lie continuously ..
Ask Kasmir..
The only person who lies continuously on any of these groups is you.
Lying scoundrel you are..
I'm posting this for all the guys who have written me. �This is a 100%
free website which contains dozens and dozens of stories about very
young little girls having sex with their fathers and older men. �All
are written by Frank McCoy, and these stories are hot.
�Example: A
mother who takes off her 5 year old daughters underware so she can go
fuck the man in the living room while she converses with the mans
wife. �BTW, his real little daughter was sucking his cock until the 5
y.o. arrives and is kind of irritated at the arrival of the little
girl. �He picks up the 5 y.o. and carefully mounts her onto his cock.
He has three huge orgasms in her as they watch TV together.
Frank McCoy has created a world where pedos and sex with little girls
is an accepted and welcomed part of culture. �Its pure mind candy.
end quote.
Good work Brandon, pedo David was shown to be an obvious liar.
How would you know? It's nice to see that you support someone who
posts a link to obscenity. Oh! Isn't that exactly what Frank McCoy is
charged with?
A broken link just like your broken brain.
Of course your intelligence is not very high as you have shown by your
past posts where you use gratuitous obscenity to support you foul
He knows a pedo cocksucker when he smells one, so what?
2008-02-26 05:01:04 UTC
On Sat, 23 Feb 2008 21:14:48 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Fri, 22 Feb 2008 06:26:40 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Thu, 21 Feb 2008 20:35:15 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 16:16:13 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
When addressing despicable pedophiles "profanity" is often required, and
believe me asshole, there's a lot of it to go around, flattery will only
get you humiliated.
ROTFL. Once again you show that you cannot carry on an intelligent
conversation since your vocabulary is so limited that you have to
resort to expletives, profanity and obscenity.
But you are all in favor of obscenity David..you think it an injustice
that Frank McCoy was dragged in chains from his home to face justice
and the Georgia Grand Jury for his disgusting filth about pedophiles
fucking small children .
I do. I think it was overkill. They could have just asked him politely
to attend.
His writings are not as you describe.
sure they are..and he doesn't deny it..just says they are consensual..
only you oddly deny it.
I said they were not as you describe. That does not mean they were not
graphically descriptive.
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
You obviously have never read
one of his stories. Once again you are relying on hearsay by other
people to make up your small mind for you.
Not at all ...that would clearly be you describing yourself
But I have read many of Frank's stories so I am talking from first
hand knowledge whereas you are talking from hearsay. That is always
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
Just like the time you
claimed that some pictures were obscene pornography when they turned
out to be pictures of boys, mainly, fully clothed.
The binaries I refererred to were hard core
pornography videos of children being abused by adults...
No! You were quite specific until 4sooth corrected you and described
the pictures about which you were complaining. You eventually backed
down and, for once, admitted that you could have been wrong.
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Pedophiles lie continuously ..
Ask Kasmir..
The only person who lies continuously on any of these groups is you.
Lying scoundrel you are..
I'm posting this for all the guys who have written me. This is a 100%
free website which contains dozens and dozens of stories about very
young little girls having sex with their fathers and older men. All
are written by Frank McCoy, and these stories are hot.
Example: A
mother who takes off her 5 year old daughters underware so she can go
fuck the man in the living room while she converses with the mans
wife. BTW, his real little daughter was sucking his cock until the 5
y.o. arrives and is kind of irritated at the arrival of the little
girl. He picks up the 5 y.o. and carefully mounts her onto his cock.
He has three huge orgasms in her as they watch TV together.
Frank McCoy has created a world where pedos and sex with little girls
is an accepted and welcomed part of culture. Its pure mind candy.
end quote.
So, basically, you posted the link in your original piece -- which
makes you guilty of the same crime that Frank is being prosecuted for.

Hmm, maybe I should be sending information to Georgia.

-- ***@hushmail.com

If you send email, I will reply to it here at asbl
(without showing your email addy)
unless you ask me not to.
James Riske
2008-02-24 16:19:55 UTC
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Thu, 21 Feb 2008 20:35:15 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 16:16:13 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
When addressing despicable pedophiles "profanity" is often required, and
believe me asshole, there's a lot of it to go around, flattery will only
get you humiliated.
ROTFL. Once again you show that you cannot carry on an intelligent
conversation since your vocabulary is so limited that you have to
resort to expletives, profanity and obscenity.
But you are all in favor of obscenity David..you think it an injustice
that Frank McCoy was dragged in chains from his home to face justice
and the Georgia Grand Jury for his disgusting filth about pedophiles
fucking small children .
I do. I think it was overkill. They could have just asked him politely
to attend.
His writings are not as you describe.
sure they are..and he doesn't deny it..just says they are consensual..
only you oddly deny it.
Post by David
You obviously have never read
one of his stories. Once again you are relying on hearsay by other
people to make up your small mind for you.
Not at all ...that would clearly be you describing yourself
Post by David
Just like the time you
claimed that some pictures were obscene pornography when they turned
out to be pictures of boys, mainly, fully clothed.
The binaries I refererred to were hard core
pornography videos of children being abused by adults...
Pedophiles lie continuously ..
So noted.
Frodo: "Why do you do that?"

Sam: "What?"

Frodo: "Call him names? Run him down all the time."

Sam: "Because that's what he is Mister Frodo. There's naught left in him
but lies and deceit.
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Brandon D Cartwright
2008-02-25 07:42:38 UTC
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Thu, 21 Feb 2008 20:35:15 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 16:16:13 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
When addressing despicable pedophiles "profanity" is often
and believe me asshole, there's a lot of it to go around, flattery
will only get you humiliated.
ROTFL. Once again you show that you cannot carry on an intelligent
conversation since your vocabulary is so limited that you have to
resort to expletives, profanity and obscenity.
But you are all in favor of obscenity David..you think it an injustice
that Frank McCoy was dragged in chains from his home to face justice
and the Georgia Grand Jury for his disgusting filth about pedophiles
fucking small children .
I do. I think it was overkill. They could have just asked him politely
to attend.
His writings are not as you describe.
sure they are..and he doesn't deny it..just says they are consensual..
only you oddly deny it.
Post by David
You obviously have never read
one of his stories. Once again you are relying on hearsay by other
people to make up your small mind for you.
Not at all ...that would clearly be you describing yourself
Post by David
Just like the time you
claimed that some pictures were obscene pornography when they turned
out to be pictures of boys, mainly, fully clothed.
The binaries I refererred to were hard core pornography videos of
children being abused by adults...
Pedophiles lie continuously ..
and so do you
According to pedophiles...but facts are facts
that can be twisted to suit the christian ajenda.
I was called a liar when you were informed Frank had been arrested
..yet the fact is he *was* dragged off in chains by Federal Marshals
to face the Grand Jury and justice wasn't he?
but it was baal that provided the evidence,
No...try to keep up..

Frank himself posted about it..

Baal has commented on and outlined the nature of the charges..
how will you react if frank is
He can't possibly be cleared as he is plainly guilty as charged
and doesn't deny it..

Any issue will be later if ACLU get involved in an appeal..the appeal
is thrown out and his case were to go to the Supreme Court.

It's possible both Frank and the Feds wish this for different

Of course he may have died in prison before this occurs..

IMO pleading guilty..turning State's Evidence..co-operating with the
Feds and throwing himself on the mercy of the Court is his best
do you own the judges, do you own the courts, do you own the law
enforcement agencies,
don't be ridiculous..well any more than you can help..
please tell us we are waiting.
OK ..you are waiting..
2008-02-26 07:13:56 UTC
On Sun, 24 Feb 2008 11:19:55 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
Just like the time you
claimed that some pictures were obscene pornography when they turned
out to be pictures of boys, mainly, fully clothed.
The binaries I refererred to were hard core
pornography videos of children being abused by adults...
Pedophiles lie continuously ..
So noted.
What a wonderfully succinct argument. It adds SO much to the
fundamentalism (n.): fund = give cash to; amentalism = brainlessness
James Riske
2008-02-24 16:18:54 UTC
Post by David
On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 16:16:13 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
Post by David
On Sat, 16 Feb 2008 16:12:53 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Sun, 3 Feb 2008 05:40:07 -0800 (PST), "ªºªandcarole®"
Post by James Riske
Post by David
Post by James Riske
Pedophiles take my advice, just commit suicide and get it over with, you
will be running and hiding from the law for the rest of your pathetic
lives anyways so you may as well just do yourselves in and be done with
it, save the children from your perverted clutches, if you really "love"
them then you would kill yourselves without any hesitation.
Well look who just reared his ugly head. I see your attitude and
manners have not changed since I last saw a post by you.
Being that it is perfectly normal and natural for a human to despise a
pedophile there is no reason to change any "attitude" or "manners" when
addressing them.
But you despise anyone who disagrees with you ... which is almost
everybody. By now you must be the denizen of millions of kill files
and filters.
False, I despise pedophiles, faggots, pedophile faggots and the liberals
who love them.
Post by David
Post by James Riske
Post by David
Do you have evidence that Frank is a peadophile or are you just
guessing? I suspect the latter.
There have been many posts by pedo Frank showing that Frank is indeed a
pedophile, one of pedo Frank's more convicting posts would be where
Frank claimed Lean Rhimms to be sexually attractive at age 13 and then
Frank concluded that the vast majority of adults would also consider her
to be sexually attractive at that age, thus making the wild and
outlandish claim that most adult males are pedophiles "by definition".
Many would have said that the Benet girl was sexually attractive too.
Prove it.
Post by David
This rather denies your theory. Not knowing who Lean Rhimms I cannot
comment about her desirability but if she was pubertal or post
pubertal then yes she would be attractive to most red-blooded males.
Prove it.
Post by David
Of course you don't fit that description, do you? Most red-blooded men
would not dream of touching or molesting any child but that does not
mean they do not think about having sex with any attractive girl.
I am not surprised that you side with the ouright lies of Frank Mccoy,
pedophiles must lie in order to convince other that there is nothing
wrong with them.
Post by David
Post by James Riske
Of course pedo Frank was humiliated and shown to be a bald-faced liar as
You have never shown anyone to be a bald-faced liar nor have you ever
humiliated anyone. Everyone, who reads your maunderings and there must
be precious few of them left now, laughs at your ignorance and wishful
Each and every pedophile that I have addressed in this group has been
beaten and humiliated by me, some of them have even disappeared
altogether due to the level of humiliation I have given to them.

Where is Secret Squirrel? where is Orion? where is Damion Perez? the
list goes on...
Frodo: "Why do you do that?"

Sam: "What?"

Frodo: "Call him names? Run him down all the time."

Sam: "Because that's what he is Mister Frodo. There's naught left in him
but lies and deceit.
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
2008-02-26 07:12:27 UTC
On Sun, 24 Feb 2008 11:18:54 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
Post by David
On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 16:16:13 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
Post by David
On Sat, 16 Feb 2008 16:12:53 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Sun, 3 Feb 2008 05:40:07 -0800 (PST), "ªºªandcarole®"
Post by James Riske
Post by David
Post by James Riske
Pedophiles take my advice, just commit suicide and get it over with, you
will be running and hiding from the law for the rest of your pathetic
lives anyways so you may as well just do yourselves in and be done with
it, save the children from your perverted clutches, if you really "love"
them then you would kill yourselves without any hesitation.
Well look who just reared his ugly head. I see your attitude and
manners have not changed since I last saw a post by you.
Being that it is perfectly normal and natural for a human to despise a
pedophile there is no reason to change any "attitude" or "manners" when
addressing them.
But you despise anyone who disagrees with you ... which is almost
everybody. By now you must be the denizen of millions of kill files
and filters.
False, I despise pedophiles, faggots, pedophile faggots and the liberals
who love them.
As I said, almost everybody.
Post by James Riske
Post by David
Post by James Riske
Post by David
Do you have evidence that Frank is a peadophile or are you just
guessing? I suspect the latter.
There have been many posts by pedo Frank showing that Frank is indeed a
pedophile, one of pedo Frank's more convicting posts would be where
Frank claimed Lean Rhimms to be sexually attractive at age 13 and then
Frank concluded that the vast majority of adults would also consider her
to be sexually attractive at that age, thus making the wild and
outlandish claim that most adult males are pedophiles "by definition".
Many would have said that the Benet girl was sexually attractive too.
Prove it.
Why? Just because you are not sexually attractive does not mean that
she wasn't.
Post by James Riske
Post by David
This rather denies your theory. Not knowing who Lean Rhimms I cannot
comment about her desirability but if she was pubertal or post
pubertal then yes she would be attractive to most red-blooded males.
Prove it.
Post by David
Of course you don't fit that description, do you? Most red-blooded men
would not dream of touching or molesting any child but that does not
mean they do not think about having sex with any attractive girl.
I am not surprised that you side with the ouright lies of Frank Mccoy,
pedophiles must lie in order to convince other that there is nothing
wrong with them.
Is that why you lie?
Post by James Riske
Post by David
Post by James Riske
Of course pedo Frank was humiliated and shown to be a bald-faced liar as
You have never shown anyone to be a bald-faced liar nor have you ever
humiliated anyone. Everyone, who reads your maunderings and there must
be precious few of them left now, laughs at your ignorance and wishful
Each and every pedophile that I have addressed in this group has been
beaten and humiliated by me, some of them have even disappeared
altogether due to the level of humiliation I have given to them.
Where is Secret Squirrel? where is Orion? where is Damion Perez? the
list goes on...
Where were you for the last several months? Some people have a life.
fundamentalism (n.): fund = give cash to; amentalism = brainlessness
Brandon D Cartwright
2008-02-20 04:53:17 UTC
On Sat, 16 Feb 2008 16:12:53 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Sun, 3 Feb 2008 05:40:07 -0800 (PST), "ªºªandcarole®"
Post by ªºªandcarole®
Post by m***@millcomm.com
I posted a story (most of which *I* wrote) to a discussion-group on a
BBS which connected to something I wasn't really familiar with, called
a newsgroup: alt.sex.stories, I think it was.
The story, because of the limited access provided by the BBS (less
than 32K at a time, I think, was posted in about 120 truly *horrible
parts; but the *response* was tremendous ... (most people asking for
missing parts; "PLEASE post part # XXX-XXZ ... My newsreader didn't
get those!"
The story was titled, "Her Father's Daughter"; but because of a
mistake in the title, most thought it was something like: Father's
Daugther" instead.
At the time, there was no other story *anywhere* in the world, in
print, on the net, newsgroups, or elsewhere like it: ?It was (like all
the stories I've posted since, a *LOVE STORY* masquerading as humor
and sex-story ... LOTS of sex! ?I *tried* to include about every taboo
then existing for erotic stories, including most-especially: incest,
pregnancy, and yes, "pedophilia"; or young people having and enjoying
sex and even full-term pregnancy as a way of expressing that love.
It was a hit, far beyond anything I ever imagined. ?I got several
*thousand* emails and responses; praising the story for it's
vividness, it's love, its reality, its humor, and yes (most
importantly to *me* at least) its value and wonder as a *story*.
However, as explained in both the preamble and afterword of the story,
i *really* expected this story, pure fantasy mind, to have the Police
banging at my door, charging me with "disseminating Child Pornography"
or something equally silly, considering that no real child was
involved or documented; and the story was pure *text*!
Still, there are thousands if not millions of blue-noses out there
that *hate* anything having to do with that Devil's Invention: SEX!
Still, for year after year I kept posting NEW stories about the same
subject; but never so huge or complete. ?I also kept expecting the
same "Bang! Bang! Bang!" on the door from the police; but nothing ever
happened. ?It was actually quite a disappointment in a way; because I
*wanted* the story(s) to be challenged in court on the constitutional
Also, in newsgroups and other places; particularly assd, I kept
posting a challenge to those who claimed my stories were illegal
"child porn": Put up or shut up. ?Nobody "put up"
All this time I posted under my own REAL name, not an alias or other
hiding device, using my own real email address which I have paid
through the nose to keep during all these years. ?I've told people
where I lived; and that I am in the phone-book. ?I've invited anybody
to correspond with me, or even call me on the phone. ?So far, in 14
years, only one person ever did.
During the last year or so I've gotten tired. ?I still *compose* sex-
stories in my mind; and sometimes even enter them on the computer; but
I rarely go to the extra trouble of cleaning them up enough to post
and actually post them. ?I haven't stopped exactly; I've more like
paused. ?For the past half dozen months I've been too preocuppied with
my wife being sick with cancer (lymphoma) to actually post *any*
stories at all.
I *have* however, posted comments and opinions to various newsgroups;
often twitting the anti-sex groups; saying my stories are legal.
Last Wednesday, (probably a month or two before that, actully) it
seems somebody decided to "put up" and see what they could do about
this annoying McCoy person. ?At 10:00 in the morning, while I was
heading (naked) out to the kitchen to get morning medications for my
wife (and myself too) there was that "Bang! Bang! Bang!" on the door
that I had really expected 14 long years before. ?"Police!" came the
yell: "Open up!"
Not wanting the door broken down, I did ... Nudity and all. ?Outside
were *SEVEN* huge cops in black outfits, yes really prepared with a
huge steel pole to break the door in! ?As if I was some fully armed
drug-dealer about to fight it out with my cancer-ridden wife stumbling
out of the bedroom, barely able to stand, while they were chaining me
.... ?OOPS!
Sorry! ?The Internet Cafe I'm posting this from closes at SIX, not
NINE. ?I'll have to complete it from someplace else. ?I understand
there's a local IC closer to home than this one; that's open 'till
If not, the rest of this saga might have to wait.
Forgive the .sig not being mine.
Please post to assd and perhaps ac.
I've got to go.
(Not having my own computer right now.)
Did pedo mccoy finally get what he/it deserves?
Federal marshals raided him...took his computer and dragged him away
in chains to jail.
He was released on his own recognizance to appear before the Georgia
Grand Jury charged with "transporting obscenity".
nobody has heard from him since..with the zero tolerance policy
of Georgia towards child pornographers and pedophiles it's probable
his bail was revoked and he is back in prison.
IMO his only hope of avoiding dying in jail is to plead guilty and
co-operate with the prosecutor to nail the other members of his child
pornography group..
A lot of worried pedos around at the moment...
As it should be, knowing that pedophile Frank is going down brings a
warm smile to my face, all pedophiles should be trembling right about now.
Let this be a lesson to you sickos, normal humans despise you, molesting
a child is wrong and you will pay for your crimes if caught.
Personally I believe a pedophile should be executed for its first
offense, sadly we live in a world full of cowering pussies who wont let
that sort of justice happen.
Pedophiles take my advice, just commit suicide and get it over with, you
will be running and hiding from the law for the rest of your pathetic
lives anyways so you may as well just do yourselves in and be done with
it, save the children from your perverted clutches, if you really "love"
them then you would kill yourselves without any hesitation.
Frodo: "Why do you do that?"
Sam: "What?"
Frodo: "Call him names? Run him down all the time."
Sam: "Because that's what he is Mister Frodo. There's naught left in him
but lies and deceit.
Taking the fear out of children and parents and putting it in
pedophiles ..where it belongs..sure sounds good to me!
2008-02-21 13:57:29 UTC
On Tue, 19 Feb 2008 20:53:17 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Sat, 16 Feb 2008 16:12:53 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Sun, 3 Feb 2008 05:40:07 -0800 (PST), "ªºªandcarole®"
Post by ªºªandcarole®
Post by m***@millcomm.com
I posted a story (most of which *I* wrote) to a discussion-group on a
BBS which connected to something I wasn't really familiar with, called
a newsgroup: alt.sex.stories, I think it was.
The story, because of the limited access provided by the BBS (less
than 32K at a time, I think, was posted in about 120 truly *horrible
parts; but the *response* was tremendous ... (most people asking for
missing parts; "PLEASE post part # XXX-XXZ ... My newsreader didn't
get those!"
The story was titled, "Her Father's Daughter"; but because of a
mistake in the title, most thought it was something like: Father's
Daugther" instead.
At the time, there was no other story *anywhere* in the world, in
print, on the net, newsgroups, or elsewhere like it: ?It was (like all
the stories I've posted since, a *LOVE STORY* masquerading as humor
and sex-story ... LOTS of sex! ?I *tried* to include about every taboo
then existing for erotic stories, including most-especially: incest,
pregnancy, and yes, "pedophilia"; or young people having and enjoying
sex and even full-term pregnancy as a way of expressing that love.
It was a hit, far beyond anything I ever imagined. ?I got several
*thousand* emails and responses; praising the story for it's
vividness, it's love, its reality, its humor, and yes (most
importantly to *me* at least) its value and wonder as a *story*.
However, as explained in both the preamble and afterword of the story,
i *really* expected this story, pure fantasy mind, to have the Police
banging at my door, charging me with "disseminating Child Pornography"
or something equally silly, considering that no real child was
involved or documented; and the story was pure *text*!
Still, there are thousands if not millions of blue-noses out there
that *hate* anything having to do with that Devil's Invention: SEX!
Still, for year after year I kept posting NEW stories about the same
subject; but never so huge or complete. ?I also kept expecting the
same "Bang! Bang! Bang!" on the door from the police; but nothing ever
happened. ?It was actually quite a disappointment in a way; because I
*wanted* the story(s) to be challenged in court on the constitutional
Also, in newsgroups and other places; particularly assd, I kept
posting a challenge to those who claimed my stories were illegal
"child porn": Put up or shut up. ?Nobody "put up"
All this time I posted under my own REAL name, not an alias or other
hiding device, using my own real email address which I have paid
through the nose to keep during all these years. ?I've told people
where I lived; and that I am in the phone-book. ?I've invited anybody
to correspond with me, or even call me on the phone. ?So far, in 14
years, only one person ever did.
During the last year or so I've gotten tired. ?I still *compose* sex-
stories in my mind; and sometimes even enter them on the computer; but
I rarely go to the extra trouble of cleaning them up enough to post
and actually post them. ?I haven't stopped exactly; I've more like
paused. ?For the past half dozen months I've been too preocuppied with
my wife being sick with cancer (lymphoma) to actually post *any*
stories at all.
I *have* however, posted comments and opinions to various newsgroups;
often twitting the anti-sex groups; saying my stories are legal.
Last Wednesday, (probably a month or two before that, actully) it
seems somebody decided to "put up" and see what they could do about
this annoying McCoy person. ?At 10:00 in the morning, while I was
heading (naked) out to the kitchen to get morning medications for my
wife (and myself too) there was that "Bang! Bang! Bang!" on the door
that I had really expected 14 long years before. ?"Police!" came the
yell: "Open up!"
Not wanting the door broken down, I did ... Nudity and all. ?Outside
were *SEVEN* huge cops in black outfits, yes really prepared with a
huge steel pole to break the door in! ?As if I was some fully armed
drug-dealer about to fight it out with my cancer-ridden wife stumbling
out of the bedroom, barely able to stand, while they were chaining me
.... ?OOPS!
Sorry! ?The Internet Cafe I'm posting this from closes at SIX, not
NINE. ?I'll have to complete it from someplace else. ?I understand
there's a local IC closer to home than this one; that's open 'till
If not, the rest of this saga might have to wait.
Forgive the .sig not being mine.
Please post to assd and perhaps ac.
I've got to go.
(Not having my own computer right now.)
Did pedo mccoy finally get what he/it deserves?
Federal marshals raided him...took his computer and dragged him away
in chains to jail.
He was released on his own recognizance to appear before the Georgia
Grand Jury charged with "transporting obscenity".
nobody has heard from him since..with the zero tolerance policy
of Georgia towards child pornographers and pedophiles it's probable
his bail was revoked and he is back in prison.
IMO his only hope of avoiding dying in jail is to plead guilty and
co-operate with the prosecutor to nail the other members of his child
pornography group..
A lot of worried pedos around at the moment...
As it should be, knowing that pedophile Frank is going down brings a
warm smile to my face, all pedophiles should be trembling right about now.
Let this be a lesson to you sickos, normal humans despise you, molesting
a child is wrong and you will pay for your crimes if caught.
Personally I believe a pedophile should be executed for its first
offense, sadly we live in a world full of cowering pussies who wont let
that sort of justice happen.
Pedophiles take my advice, just commit suicide and get it over with, you
will be running and hiding from the law for the rest of your pathetic
lives anyways so you may as well just do yourselves in and be done with
it, save the children from your perverted clutches, if you really "love"
them then you would kill yourselves without any hesitation.
Frodo: "Why do you do that?"
Sam: "What?"
Frodo: "Call him names? Run him down all the time."
Sam: "Because that's what he is Mister Frodo. There's naught left in him
but lies and deceit.
Taking the fear out of children and parents and putting it in
pedophiles ..where it belongs..sure sounds good to me!
Except that most child molestations are performed by parents or close
fundamentalism (n.): fund = give cash to; amentalism = brainlessness
Brandon D Cartwright
2008-02-21 03:22:45 UTC
Post by David
On Tue, 19 Feb 2008 20:53:17 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Sat, 16 Feb 2008 16:12:53 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Sun, 3 Feb 2008 05:40:07 -0800 (PST), "ªºªandcarole®"
Post by ªºªandcarole®
Post by m***@millcomm.com
I posted a story (most of which *I* wrote) to a discussion-group on a
BBS which connected to something I wasn't really familiar with, called
a newsgroup: alt.sex.stories, I think it was.
The story, because of the limited access provided by the BBS (less
than 32K at a time, I think, was posted in about 120 truly *horrible
parts; but the *response* was tremendous ... (most people asking for
missing parts; "PLEASE post part # XXX-XXZ ... My newsreader didn't
get those!"
The story was titled, "Her Father's Daughter"; but because of a
mistake in the title, most thought it was something like: Father's
Daugther" instead.
At the time, there was no other story *anywhere* in the world, in
print, on the net, newsgroups, or elsewhere like it: ?It was (like all
the stories I've posted since, a *LOVE STORY* masquerading as humor
and sex-story ... LOTS of sex! ?I *tried* to include about every taboo
then existing for erotic stories, including most-especially: incest,
pregnancy, and yes, "pedophilia"; or young people having and enjoying
sex and even full-term pregnancy as a way of expressing that love.
It was a hit, far beyond anything I ever imagined. ?I got several
*thousand* emails and responses; praising the story for it's
vividness, it's love, its reality, its humor, and yes (most
importantly to *me* at least) its value and wonder as a *story*.
However, as explained in both the preamble and afterword of the story,
i *really* expected this story, pure fantasy mind, to have the Police
banging at my door, charging me with "disseminating Child Pornography"
or something equally silly, considering that no real child was
involved or documented; and the story was pure *text*!
Still, there are thousands if not millions of blue-noses out there
that *hate* anything having to do with that Devil's Invention: SEX!
Still, for year after year I kept posting NEW stories about the same
subject; but never so huge or complete. ?I also kept expecting the
same "Bang! Bang! Bang!" on the door from the police; but nothing ever
happened. ?It was actually quite a disappointment in a way; because I
*wanted* the story(s) to be challenged in court on the constitutional
Also, in newsgroups and other places; particularly assd, I kept
posting a challenge to those who claimed my stories were illegal
"child porn": Put up or shut up. ?Nobody "put up"
All this time I posted under my own REAL name, not an alias or other
hiding device, using my own real email address which I have paid
through the nose to keep during all these years. ?I've told people
where I lived; and that I am in the phone-book. ?I've invited anybody
to correspond with me, or even call me on the phone. ?So far, in 14
years, only one person ever did.
During the last year or so I've gotten tired. ?I still *compose* sex-
stories in my mind; and sometimes even enter them on the computer; but
I rarely go to the extra trouble of cleaning them up enough to post
and actually post them. ?I haven't stopped exactly; I've more like
paused. ?For the past half dozen months I've been too preocuppied with
my wife being sick with cancer (lymphoma) to actually post *any*
stories at all.
I *have* however, posted comments and opinions to various newsgroups;
often twitting the anti-sex groups; saying my stories are legal.
Last Wednesday, (probably a month or two before that, actully) it
seems somebody decided to "put up" and see what they could do about
this annoying McCoy person. ?At 10:00 in the morning, while I was
heading (naked) out to the kitchen to get morning medications for my
wife (and myself too) there was that "Bang! Bang! Bang!" on the door
that I had really expected 14 long years before. ?"Police!" came the
yell: "Open up!"
Not wanting the door broken down, I did ... Nudity and all. ?Outside
were *SEVEN* huge cops in black outfits, yes really prepared with a
huge steel pole to break the door in! ?As if I was some fully armed
drug-dealer about to fight it out with my cancer-ridden wife stumbling
out of the bedroom, barely able to stand, while they were chaining me
.... ?OOPS!
Sorry! ?The Internet Cafe I'm posting this from closes at SIX, not
NINE. ?I'll have to complete it from someplace else. ?I understand
there's a local IC closer to home than this one; that's open 'till
If not, the rest of this saga might have to wait.
Forgive the .sig not being mine.
Please post to assd and perhaps ac.
I've got to go.
(Not having my own computer right now.)
Did pedo mccoy finally get what he/it deserves?
Federal marshals raided him...took his computer and dragged him away
in chains to jail.
He was released on his own recognizance to appear before the Georgia
Grand Jury charged with "transporting obscenity".
nobody has heard from him since..with the zero tolerance policy
of Georgia towards child pornographers and pedophiles it's probable
his bail was revoked and he is back in prison.
IMO his only hope of avoiding dying in jail is to plead guilty and
co-operate with the prosecutor to nail the other members of his child
pornography group..
A lot of worried pedos around at the moment...
As it should be, knowing that pedophile Frank is going down brings a
warm smile to my face, all pedophiles should be trembling right about now.
Let this be a lesson to you sickos, normal humans despise you, molesting
a child is wrong and you will pay for your crimes if caught.
Personally I believe a pedophile should be executed for its first
offense, sadly we live in a world full of cowering pussies who wont let
that sort of justice happen.
Pedophiles take my advice, just commit suicide and get it over with, you
will be running and hiding from the law for the rest of your pathetic
lives anyways so you may as well just do yourselves in and be done with
it, save the children from your perverted clutches, if you really "love"
them then you would kill yourselves without any hesitation.
Frodo: "Why do you do that?"
Sam: "What?"
Frodo: "Call him names? Run him down all the time."
Sam: "Because that's what he is Mister Frodo. There's naught left in him
but lies and deceit.
Taking the fear out of children and parents and putting it in
pedophiles ..where it belongs..sure sounds good to me!
Except that most child molestations are performed by parents or close
There is no evidence for this claim that parents are responsible for
most sexual assaults..

of course they would if they listened to *YOUR* ravings and urging on
the acceptability of incest..

You urge parents to have sex with their own children..even sodomize
them..then have the audacity to pretend to be sane and rational and
call your "special family love" *molestations*?


The truth is most child abuse is committed by pedophiles the child
knows and pedos worming their way into children's lives and grooming
both the targeted child and it's parents is the pedophiles
stock-in-trade as you are well aware..

teachers..bus drivers..priests ..social workers all manner of
professions are used by pedos to get access to children..
2008-02-22 09:08:42 UTC
On Wed, 20 Feb 2008 19:22:45 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Tue, 19 Feb 2008 20:53:17 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Sat, 16 Feb 2008 16:12:53 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Sun, 3 Feb 2008 05:40:07 -0800 (PST), "ªºªandcarole®"
Post by ªºªandcarole®
Post by m***@millcomm.com
I posted a story (most of which *I* wrote) to a discussion-group on a
BBS which connected to something I wasn't really familiar with, called
a newsgroup: alt.sex.stories, I think it was.
The story, because of the limited access provided by the BBS (less
than 32K at a time, I think, was posted in about 120 truly *horrible
parts; but the *response* was tremendous ... (most people asking for
missing parts; "PLEASE post part # XXX-XXZ ... My newsreader didn't
get those!"
The story was titled, "Her Father's Daughter"; but because of a
mistake in the title, most thought it was something like: Father's
Daugther" instead.
At the time, there was no other story *anywhere* in the world, in
print, on the net, newsgroups, or elsewhere like it: ?It was (like all
the stories I've posted since, a *LOVE STORY* masquerading as humor
and sex-story ... LOTS of sex! ?I *tried* to include about every taboo
then existing for erotic stories, including most-especially: incest,
pregnancy, and yes, "pedophilia"; or young people having and enjoying
sex and even full-term pregnancy as a way of expressing that love.
It was a hit, far beyond anything I ever imagined. ?I got several
*thousand* emails and responses; praising the story for it's
vividness, it's love, its reality, its humor, and yes (most
importantly to *me* at least) its value and wonder as a *story*.
However, as explained in both the preamble and afterword of the story,
i *really* expected this story, pure fantasy mind, to have the Police
banging at my door, charging me with "disseminating Child Pornography"
or something equally silly, considering that no real child was
involved or documented; and the story was pure *text*!
Still, there are thousands if not millions of blue-noses out there
that *hate* anything having to do with that Devil's Invention: SEX!
Still, for year after year I kept posting NEW stories about the same
subject; but never so huge or complete. ?I also kept expecting the
same "Bang! Bang! Bang!" on the door from the police; but nothing ever
happened. ?It was actually quite a disappointment in a way; because I
*wanted* the story(s) to be challenged in court on the constitutional
Also, in newsgroups and other places; particularly assd, I kept
posting a challenge to those who claimed my stories were illegal
"child porn": Put up or shut up. ?Nobody "put up"
All this time I posted under my own REAL name, not an alias or other
hiding device, using my own real email address which I have paid
through the nose to keep during all these years. ?I've told people
where I lived; and that I am in the phone-book. ?I've invited anybody
to correspond with me, or even call me on the phone. ?So far, in 14
years, only one person ever did.
During the last year or so I've gotten tired. ?I still *compose* sex-
stories in my mind; and sometimes even enter them on the computer; but
I rarely go to the extra trouble of cleaning them up enough to post
and actually post them. ?I haven't stopped exactly; I've more like
paused. ?For the past half dozen months I've been too preocuppied with
my wife being sick with cancer (lymphoma) to actually post *any*
stories at all.
I *have* however, posted comments and opinions to various newsgroups;
often twitting the anti-sex groups; saying my stories are legal.
Last Wednesday, (probably a month or two before that, actully) it
seems somebody decided to "put up" and see what they could do about
this annoying McCoy person. ?At 10:00 in the morning, while I was
heading (naked) out to the kitchen to get morning medications for my
wife (and myself too) there was that "Bang! Bang! Bang!" on the door
that I had really expected 14 long years before. ?"Police!" came the
yell: "Open up!"
Not wanting the door broken down, I did ... Nudity and all. ?Outside
were *SEVEN* huge cops in black outfits, yes really prepared with a
huge steel pole to break the door in! ?As if I was some fully armed
drug-dealer about to fight it out with my cancer-ridden wife stumbling
out of the bedroom, barely able to stand, while they were chaining me
.... ?OOPS!
Sorry! ?The Internet Cafe I'm posting this from closes at SIX, not
NINE. ?I'll have to complete it from someplace else. ?I understand
there's a local IC closer to home than this one; that's open 'till
If not, the rest of this saga might have to wait.
Forgive the .sig not being mine.
Please post to assd and perhaps ac.
I've got to go.
(Not having my own computer right now.)
Did pedo mccoy finally get what he/it deserves?
Federal marshals raided him...took his computer and dragged him away
in chains to jail.
He was released on his own recognizance to appear before the Georgia
Grand Jury charged with "transporting obscenity".
nobody has heard from him since..with the zero tolerance policy
of Georgia towards child pornographers and pedophiles it's probable
his bail was revoked and he is back in prison.
IMO his only hope of avoiding dying in jail is to plead guilty and
co-operate with the prosecutor to nail the other members of his child
pornography group..
A lot of worried pedos around at the moment...
As it should be, knowing that pedophile Frank is going down brings a
warm smile to my face, all pedophiles should be trembling right about now.
Let this be a lesson to you sickos, normal humans despise you, molesting
a child is wrong and you will pay for your crimes if caught.
Personally I believe a pedophile should be executed for its first
offense, sadly we live in a world full of cowering pussies who wont let
that sort of justice happen.
Pedophiles take my advice, just commit suicide and get it over with, you
will be running and hiding from the law for the rest of your pathetic
lives anyways so you may as well just do yourselves in and be done with
it, save the children from your perverted clutches, if you really "love"
them then you would kill yourselves without any hesitation.
Frodo: "Why do you do that?"
Sam: "What?"
Frodo: "Call him names? Run him down all the time."
Sam: "Because that's what he is Mister Frodo. There's naught left in him
but lies and deceit.
Taking the fear out of children and parents and putting it in
pedophiles ..where it belongs..sure sounds good to me!
Except that most child molestations are performed by parents or close
There is no evidence for this claim that parents are responsible for
most sexual assaults..
But there is evidence of this. Kashmir has cited several studies which
state exactly this.
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
of course they would if they listened to *YOUR* ravings and urging on
the acceptability of incest..
You urge parents to have sex with their own children..even sodomize
them..then have the audacity to pretend to be sane and rational and
call your "special family love" *molestations*?
I maintain that once a child has passed the age of consent it is, or
should be, of no concern to anyone, including the law, regarding their
sexual partners.
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
The truth is most child abuse is committed by pedophiles the child
knows and pedos worming their way into children's lives and grooming
both the targeted child and it's parents is the pedophiles
stock-in-trade as you are well aware..
teachers..bus drivers..priests ..social workers all manner of
professions are used by pedos to get access to children..
Could it be that some child molesters find victims easily because of
their job rather than deliberately getting the job to find victims?
fundamentalism (n.): fund = give cash to; amentalism = brainlessness
Brandon D Cartwright
2008-02-22 04:24:38 UTC
Post by David
On Wed, 20 Feb 2008 19:22:45 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Tue, 19 Feb 2008 20:53:17 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Sat, 16 Feb 2008 16:12:53 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Sun, 3 Feb 2008 05:40:07 -0800 (PST), "ªºªandcarole®"
Post by ªºªandcarole®
Post by m***@millcomm.com
I posted a story (most of which *I* wrote) to a discussion-group on a
BBS which connected to something I wasn't really familiar with, called
a newsgroup: alt.sex.stories, I think it was.
The story, because of the limited access provided by the BBS (less
than 32K at a time, I think, was posted in about 120 truly *horrible
parts; but the *response* was tremendous ... (most people asking for
missing parts; "PLEASE post part # XXX-XXZ ... My newsreader didn't
get those!"
The story was titled, "Her Father's Daughter"; but because of a
mistake in the title, most thought it was something like: Father's
Daugther" instead.
At the time, there was no other story *anywhere* in the world, in
print, on the net, newsgroups, or elsewhere like it: ?It was (like all
the stories I've posted since, a *LOVE STORY* masquerading as humor
and sex-story ... LOTS of sex! ?I *tried* to include about every taboo
then existing for erotic stories, including most-especially: incest,
pregnancy, and yes, "pedophilia"; or young people having and enjoying
sex and even full-term pregnancy as a way of expressing that love.
It was a hit, far beyond anything I ever imagined. ?I got several
*thousand* emails and responses; praising the story for it's
vividness, it's love, its reality, its humor, and yes (most
importantly to *me* at least) its value and wonder as a *story*.
However, as explained in both the preamble and afterword of the story,
i *really* expected this story, pure fantasy mind, to have the Police
banging at my door, charging me with "disseminating Child Pornography"
or something equally silly, considering that no real child was
involved or documented; and the story was pure *text*!
Still, there are thousands if not millions of blue-noses out there
that *hate* anything having to do with that Devil's Invention: SEX!
Still, for year after year I kept posting NEW stories about the same
subject; but never so huge or complete. ?I also kept expecting the
same "Bang! Bang! Bang!" on the door from the police; but nothing ever
happened. ?It was actually quite a disappointment in a way; because I
*wanted* the story(s) to be challenged in court on the constitutional
Also, in newsgroups and other places; particularly assd, I kept
posting a challenge to those who claimed my stories were illegal
"child porn": Put up or shut up. ?Nobody "put up"
All this time I posted under my own REAL name, not an alias or other
hiding device, using my own real email address which I have paid
through the nose to keep during all these years. ?I've told people
where I lived; and that I am in the phone-book. ?I've invited anybody
to correspond with me, or even call me on the phone. ?So far, in 14
years, only one person ever did.
During the last year or so I've gotten tired. ?I still *compose* sex-
stories in my mind; and sometimes even enter them on the computer; but
I rarely go to the extra trouble of cleaning them up enough to post
and actually post them. ?I haven't stopped exactly; I've more like
paused. ?For the past half dozen months I've been too preocuppied with
my wife being sick with cancer (lymphoma) to actually post *any*
stories at all.
I *have* however, posted comments and opinions to various newsgroups;
often twitting the anti-sex groups; saying my stories are legal.
Last Wednesday, (probably a month or two before that, actully) it
seems somebody decided to "put up" and see what they could do about
this annoying McCoy person. ?At 10:00 in the morning, while I was
heading (naked) out to the kitchen to get morning medications for my
wife (and myself too) there was that "Bang! Bang! Bang!" on the door
that I had really expected 14 long years before. ?"Police!" came the
yell: "Open up!"
Not wanting the door broken down, I did ... Nudity and all. ?Outside
were *SEVEN* huge cops in black outfits, yes really prepared with a
huge steel pole to break the door in! ?As if I was some fully armed
drug-dealer about to fight it out with my cancer-ridden wife stumbling
out of the bedroom, barely able to stand, while they were chaining me
.... ?OOPS!
Sorry! ?The Internet Cafe I'm posting this from closes at SIX, not
NINE. ?I'll have to complete it from someplace else. ?I understand
there's a local IC closer to home than this one; that's open 'till
If not, the rest of this saga might have to wait.
Forgive the .sig not being mine.
Please post to assd and perhaps ac.
I've got to go.
(Not having my own computer right now.)
Did pedo mccoy finally get what he/it deserves?
Federal marshals raided him...took his computer and dragged him away
in chains to jail.
He was released on his own recognizance to appear before the Georgia
Grand Jury charged with "transporting obscenity".
nobody has heard from him since..with the zero tolerance policy
of Georgia towards child pornographers and pedophiles it's probable
his bail was revoked and he is back in prison.
IMO his only hope of avoiding dying in jail is to plead guilty and
co-operate with the prosecutor to nail the other members of his child
pornography group..
A lot of worried pedos around at the moment...
As it should be, knowing that pedophile Frank is going down brings a
warm smile to my face, all pedophiles should be trembling right about now.
Let this be a lesson to you sickos, normal humans despise you, molesting
a child is wrong and you will pay for your crimes if caught.
Personally I believe a pedophile should be executed for its first
offense, sadly we live in a world full of cowering pussies who wont let
that sort of justice happen.
Pedophiles take my advice, just commit suicide and get it over with, you
will be running and hiding from the law for the rest of your pathetic
lives anyways so you may as well just do yourselves in and be done with
it, save the children from your perverted clutches, if you really "love"
them then you would kill yourselves without any hesitation.
Frodo: "Why do you do that?"
Sam: "What?"
Frodo: "Call him names? Run him down all the time."
Sam: "Because that's what he is Mister Frodo. There's naught left in him
but lies and deceit.
Taking the fear out of children and parents and putting it in
pedophiles ..where it belongs..sure sounds good to me!
Except that most child molestations are performed by parents or close
There is no evidence for this claim that parents are responsible for
most sexual assaults..
But there is evidence of this.
Then citing it should not be too much trouble for you..
Post by David
Kashmir has cited several studies which
state exactly this.
I am sure you will correct me if I am wrong...but I seem to recall
she cited finding that pedophiles children know not strangers
sexually assault children the most?

That includes the incestuous pedophiles so dear to you but it's a
stretch from that to assert parents are responsible for most sexual
assaults isn't it?
Post by David
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
of course they would if they listened to *YOUR* ravings and urging on
the acceptability of incest..
You urge parents to have sex with their own children..even sodomize
them..then have the audacity to pretend to be sane and rational and
call your "special family love" *molestations*?
I maintain that once a child has passed the age of consent it is, or
should be, of no concern to anyone, including the law, regarding their
sexual partners.
don't be silly...once past the age of consent they are considered an
adult not a child as far as sex goes..we are talking of children ..

As in your extraordinary assertion that sodomizing your own children
can be good parenting..

nice try though..
Post by David
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
The truth is most child abuse is committed by pedophiles the child
knows and pedos worming their way into children's lives and grooming
both the targeted child and it's parents is the pedophiles
stock-in-trade as you are well aware..
teachers..bus drivers..priests ..social workers all manner of
professions are used by pedos to get access to children..
Could it be that some child molesters find victims easily because of
their job rather than deliberately getting the job to find victims?
James Riske
2008-02-24 16:26:16 UTC
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Wed, 20 Feb 2008 19:22:45 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Tue, 19 Feb 2008 20:53:17 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Sat, 16 Feb 2008 16:12:53 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Sun, 3 Feb 2008 05:40:07 -0800 (PST), "ªºªandcarole®"
Post by ªºªandcarole®
Post by m***@millcomm.com
I posted a story (most of which *I* wrote) to a discussion-group on a
BBS which connected to something I wasn't really familiar with, called
a newsgroup: alt.sex.stories, I think it was.
The story, because of the limited access provided by the BBS (less
than 32K at a time, I think, was posted in about 120 truly *horrible
parts; but the *response* was tremendous ... (most people asking for
missing parts; "PLEASE post part # XXX-XXZ ... My newsreader didn't
get those!"
The story was titled, "Her Father's Daughter"; but because of a
mistake in the title, most thought it was something like: Father's
Daugther" instead.
At the time, there was no other story *anywhere* in the world, in
print, on the net, newsgroups, or elsewhere like it: ?It was (like all
the stories I've posted since, a *LOVE STORY* masquerading as humor
and sex-story ... LOTS of sex! ?I *tried* to include about every taboo
then existing for erotic stories, including most-especially: incest,
pregnancy, and yes, "pedophilia"; or young people having and enjoying
sex and even full-term pregnancy as a way of expressing that love.
It was a hit, far beyond anything I ever imagined. ?I got several
*thousand* emails and responses; praising the story for it's
vividness, it's love, its reality, its humor, and yes (most
importantly to *me* at least) its value and wonder as a *story*.
However, as explained in both the preamble and afterword of the story,
i *really* expected this story, pure fantasy mind, to have the Police
banging at my door, charging me with "disseminating Child Pornography"
or something equally silly, considering that no real child was
involved or documented; and the story was pure *text*!
Still, there are thousands if not millions of blue-noses out there
that *hate* anything having to do with that Devil's Invention: SEX!
Still, for year after year I kept posting NEW stories about the same
subject; but never so huge or complete. ?I also kept expecting the
same "Bang! Bang! Bang!" on the door from the police; but nothing ever
happened. ?It was actually quite a disappointment in a way; because I
*wanted* the story(s) to be challenged in court on the constitutional
Also, in newsgroups and other places; particularly assd, I kept
posting a challenge to those who claimed my stories were illegal
"child porn": Put up or shut up. ?Nobody "put up"
All this time I posted under my own REAL name, not an alias or other
hiding device, using my own real email address which I have paid
through the nose to keep during all these years. ?I've told people
where I lived; and that I am in the phone-book. ?I've invited anybody
to correspond with me, or even call me on the phone. ?So far, in 14
years, only one person ever did.
During the last year or so I've gotten tired. ?I still *compose* sex-
stories in my mind; and sometimes even enter them on the computer; but
I rarely go to the extra trouble of cleaning them up enough to post
and actually post them. ?I haven't stopped exactly; I've more like
paused. ?For the past half dozen months I've been too preocuppied with
my wife being sick with cancer (lymphoma) to actually post *any*
stories at all.
I *have* however, posted comments and opinions to various newsgroups;
often twitting the anti-sex groups; saying my stories are legal.
Last Wednesday, (probably a month or two before that, actully) it
seems somebody decided to "put up" and see what they could do about
this annoying McCoy person. ?At 10:00 in the morning, while I was
heading (naked) out to the kitchen to get morning medications for my
wife (and myself too) there was that "Bang! Bang! Bang!" on the door
that I had really expected 14 long years before. ?"Police!" came the
yell: "Open up!"
Not wanting the door broken down, I did ... Nudity and all. ?Outside
were *SEVEN* huge cops in black outfits, yes really prepared with a
huge steel pole to break the door in! ?As if I was some fully armed
drug-dealer about to fight it out with my cancer-ridden wife stumbling
out of the bedroom, barely able to stand, while they were chaining me
.... ?OOPS!
Sorry! ?The Internet Cafe I'm posting this from closes at SIX, not
NINE. ?I'll have to complete it from someplace else. ?I understand
there's a local IC closer to home than this one; that's open 'till
If not, the rest of this saga might have to wait.
Forgive the .sig not being mine.
Please post to assd and perhaps ac.
I've got to go.
(Not having my own computer right now.)
Did pedo mccoy finally get what he/it deserves?
Federal marshals raided him...took his computer and dragged him away
in chains to jail.
He was released on his own recognizance to appear before the Georgia
Grand Jury charged with "transporting obscenity".
nobody has heard from him since..with the zero tolerance policy
of Georgia towards child pornographers and pedophiles it's probable
his bail was revoked and he is back in prison.
IMO his only hope of avoiding dying in jail is to plead guilty and
co-operate with the prosecutor to nail the other members of his child
pornography group..
A lot of worried pedos around at the moment...
As it should be, knowing that pedophile Frank is going down brings a
warm smile to my face, all pedophiles should be trembling right about now.
Let this be a lesson to you sickos, normal humans despise you, molesting
a child is wrong and you will pay for your crimes if caught.
Personally I believe a pedophile should be executed for its first
offense, sadly we live in a world full of cowering pussies who wont let
that sort of justice happen.
Pedophiles take my advice, just commit suicide and get it over with, you
will be running and hiding from the law for the rest of your pathetic
lives anyways so you may as well just do yourselves in and be done with
it, save the children from your perverted clutches, if you really "love"
them then you would kill yourselves without any hesitation.
Frodo: "Why do you do that?"
Sam: "What?"
Frodo: "Call him names? Run him down all the time."
Sam: "Because that's what he is Mister Frodo. There's naught left in him
but lies and deceit.
Taking the fear out of children and parents and putting it in
pedophiles ..where it belongs..sure sounds good to me!
Except that most child molestations are performed by parents or close
There is no evidence for this claim that parents are responsible for
most sexual assaults..
But there is evidence of this.
Then citing it should not be too much trouble for you..
Post by David
Kashmir has cited several studies which
state exactly this.
I am sure you will correct me if I am wrong...but I seem to recall
she cited finding that pedophiles children know not strangers
sexually assault children the most?
That includes the incestuous pedophiles so dear to you but it's a
stretch from that to assert parents are responsible for most sexual
assaults isn't it?
Post by David
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
of course they would if they listened to *YOUR* ravings and urging on
the acceptability of incest..
You urge parents to have sex with their own children..even sodomize
them..then have the audacity to pretend to be sane and rational and
call your "special family love" *molestations*?
I maintain that once a child has passed the age of consent it is, or
should be, of no concern to anyone, including the law, regarding their
sexual partners.
don't be silly...once past the age of consent they are considered an
adult not a child as far as sex goes..we are talking of children ..
As in your extraordinary assertion that sodomizing your own children
can be good parenting..
nice try though..
Yes, David is really grabbing for straws on this one and failing
miserably as usual.
Frodo: "Why do you do that?"

Sam: "What?"

Frodo: "Call him names? Run him down all the time."

Sam: "Because that's what he is Mister Frodo. There's naught left in him
but lies and deceit.
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
James Riske
2008-02-24 16:28:08 UTC
Post by David
On Wed, 20 Feb 2008 19:22:45 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Tue, 19 Feb 2008 20:53:17 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Sat, 16 Feb 2008 16:12:53 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Sun, 3 Feb 2008 05:40:07 -0800 (PST), "ªºªandcarole®"
Post by ªºªandcarole®
Post by m***@millcomm.com
I posted a story (most of which *I* wrote) to a discussion-group on a
BBS which connected to something I wasn't really familiar with, called
a newsgroup: alt.sex.stories, I think it was.
The story, because of the limited access provided by the BBS (less
than 32K at a time, I think, was posted in about 120 truly *horrible
parts; but the *response* was tremendous ... (most people asking for
missing parts; "PLEASE post part # XXX-XXZ ... My newsreader didn't
get those!"
The story was titled, "Her Father's Daughter"; but because of a
mistake in the title, most thought it was something like: Father's
Daugther" instead.
At the time, there was no other story *anywhere* in the world, in
print, on the net, newsgroups, or elsewhere like it: ?It was (like all
the stories I've posted since, a *LOVE STORY* masquerading as humor
and sex-story ... LOTS of sex! ?I *tried* to include about every taboo
then existing for erotic stories, including most-especially: incest,
pregnancy, and yes, "pedophilia"; or young people having and enjoying
sex and even full-term pregnancy as a way of expressing that love.
It was a hit, far beyond anything I ever imagined. ?I got several
*thousand* emails and responses; praising the story for it's
vividness, it's love, its reality, its humor, and yes (most
importantly to *me* at least) its value and wonder as a *story*.
However, as explained in both the preamble and afterword of the story,
i *really* expected this story, pure fantasy mind, to have the Police
banging at my door, charging me with "disseminating Child Pornography"
or something equally silly, considering that no real child was
involved or documented; and the story was pure *text*!
Still, there are thousands if not millions of blue-noses out there
that *hate* anything having to do with that Devil's Invention: SEX!
Still, for year after year I kept posting NEW stories about the same
subject; but never so huge or complete. ?I also kept expecting the
same "Bang! Bang! Bang!" on the door from the police; but nothing ever
happened. ?It was actually quite a disappointment in a way; because I
*wanted* the story(s) to be challenged in court on the constitutional
Also, in newsgroups and other places; particularly assd, I kept
posting a challenge to those who claimed my stories were illegal
"child porn": Put up or shut up. ?Nobody "put up"
All this time I posted under my own REAL name, not an alias or other
hiding device, using my own real email address which I have paid
through the nose to keep during all these years. ?I've told people
where I lived; and that I am in the phone-book. ?I've invited anybody
to correspond with me, or even call me on the phone. ?So far, in 14
years, only one person ever did.
During the last year or so I've gotten tired. ?I still *compose* sex-
stories in my mind; and sometimes even enter them on the computer; but
I rarely go to the extra trouble of cleaning them up enough to post
and actually post them. ?I haven't stopped exactly; I've more like
paused. ?For the past half dozen months I've been too preocuppied with
my wife being sick with cancer (lymphoma) to actually post *any*
stories at all.
I *have* however, posted comments and opinions to various newsgroups;
often twitting the anti-sex groups; saying my stories are legal.
Last Wednesday, (probably a month or two before that, actully) it
seems somebody decided to "put up" and see what they could do about
this annoying McCoy person. ?At 10:00 in the morning, while I was
heading (naked) out to the kitchen to get morning medications for my
wife (and myself too) there was that "Bang! Bang! Bang!" on the door
that I had really expected 14 long years before. ?"Police!" came the
yell: "Open up!"
Not wanting the door broken down, I did ... Nudity and all. ?Outside
were *SEVEN* huge cops in black outfits, yes really prepared with a
huge steel pole to break the door in! ?As if I was some fully armed
drug-dealer about to fight it out with my cancer-ridden wife stumbling
out of the bedroom, barely able to stand, while they were chaining me
.... ?OOPS!
Sorry! ?The Internet Cafe I'm posting this from closes at SIX, not
NINE. ?I'll have to complete it from someplace else. ?I understand
there's a local IC closer to home than this one; that's open 'till
If not, the rest of this saga might have to wait.
Forgive the .sig not being mine.
Please post to assd and perhaps ac.
I've got to go.
(Not having my own computer right now.)
Did pedo mccoy finally get what he/it deserves?
Federal marshals raided him...took his computer and dragged him away
in chains to jail.
He was released on his own recognizance to appear before the Georgia
Grand Jury charged with "transporting obscenity".
nobody has heard from him since..with the zero tolerance policy
of Georgia towards child pornographers and pedophiles it's probable
his bail was revoked and he is back in prison.
IMO his only hope of avoiding dying in jail is to plead guilty and
co-operate with the prosecutor to nail the other members of his child
pornography group..
A lot of worried pedos around at the moment...
As it should be, knowing that pedophile Frank is going down brings a
warm smile to my face, all pedophiles should be trembling right about now.
Let this be a lesson to you sickos, normal humans despise you, molesting
a child is wrong and you will pay for your crimes if caught.
Personally I believe a pedophile should be executed for its first
offense, sadly we live in a world full of cowering pussies who wont let
that sort of justice happen.
Pedophiles take my advice, just commit suicide and get it over with, you
will be running and hiding from the law for the rest of your pathetic
lives anyways so you may as well just do yourselves in and be done with
it, save the children from your perverted clutches, if you really "love"
them then you would kill yourselves without any hesitation.
Frodo: "Why do you do that?"
Sam: "What?"
Frodo: "Call him names? Run him down all the time."
Sam: "Because that's what he is Mister Frodo. There's naught left in him
but lies and deceit.
Taking the fear out of children and parents and putting it in
pedophiles ..where it belongs..sure sounds good to me!
Except that most child molestations are performed by parents or close
There is no evidence for this claim that parents are responsible for
most sexual assaults..
But there is evidence of this. Kashmir has cited several studies which
state exactly this.
Instead of blaming it on "Kashmir" why don't you substantiate it
yourself? claiming that so and so posted something is worthless without
a direct link to the post itself.
Frodo: "Why do you do that?"

Sam: "What?"

Frodo: "Call him names? Run him down all the time."

Sam: "Because that's what he is Mister Frodo. There's naught left in him
but lies and deceit.
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
2008-02-26 07:18:18 UTC
On Sun, 24 Feb 2008 11:28:08 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
Post by David
On Wed, 20 Feb 2008 19:22:45 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Tue, 19 Feb 2008 20:53:17 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Sat, 16 Feb 2008 16:12:53 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Sun, 3 Feb 2008 05:40:07 -0800 (PST), "ªºªandcarole®"
Post by ªºªandcarole®
Post by m***@millcomm.com
I posted a story (most of which *I* wrote) to a discussion-group on a
BBS which connected to something I wasn't really familiar with, called
a newsgroup: alt.sex.stories, I think it was.
The story, because of the limited access provided by the BBS (less
than 32K at a time, I think, was posted in about 120 truly *horrible
parts; but the *response* was tremendous ... (most people asking for
missing parts; "PLEASE post part # XXX-XXZ ... My newsreader didn't
get those!"
The story was titled, "Her Father's Daughter"; but because of a
mistake in the title, most thought it was something like: Father's
Daugther" instead.
At the time, there was no other story *anywhere* in the world, in
print, on the net, newsgroups, or elsewhere like it: ?It was (like all
the stories I've posted since, a *LOVE STORY* masquerading as humor
and sex-story ... LOTS of sex! ?I *tried* to include about every taboo
then existing for erotic stories, including most-especially: incest,
pregnancy, and yes, "pedophilia"; or young people having and enjoying
sex and even full-term pregnancy as a way of expressing that love.
It was a hit, far beyond anything I ever imagined. ?I got several
*thousand* emails and responses; praising the story for it's
vividness, it's love, its reality, its humor, and yes (most
importantly to *me* at least) its value and wonder as a *story*.
However, as explained in both the preamble and afterword of the story,
i *really* expected this story, pure fantasy mind, to have the Police
banging at my door, charging me with "disseminating Child Pornography"
or something equally silly, considering that no real child was
involved or documented; and the story was pure *text*!
Still, there are thousands if not millions of blue-noses out there
that *hate* anything having to do with that Devil's Invention: SEX!
Still, for year after year I kept posting NEW stories about the same
subject; but never so huge or complete. ?I also kept expecting the
same "Bang! Bang! Bang!" on the door from the police; but nothing ever
happened. ?It was actually quite a disappointment in a way; because I
*wanted* the story(s) to be challenged in court on the constitutional
Also, in newsgroups and other places; particularly assd, I kept
posting a challenge to those who claimed my stories were illegal
"child porn": Put up or shut up. ?Nobody "put up"
All this time I posted under my own REAL name, not an alias or other
hiding device, using my own real email address which I have paid
through the nose to keep during all these years. ?I've told people
where I lived; and that I am in the phone-book. ?I've invited anybody
to correspond with me, or even call me on the phone. ?So far, in 14
years, only one person ever did.
During the last year or so I've gotten tired. ?I still *compose* sex-
stories in my mind; and sometimes even enter them on the computer; but
I rarely go to the extra trouble of cleaning them up enough to post
and actually post them. ?I haven't stopped exactly; I've more like
paused. ?For the past half dozen months I've been too preocuppied with
my wife being sick with cancer (lymphoma) to actually post *any*
stories at all.
I *have* however, posted comments and opinions to various newsgroups;
often twitting the anti-sex groups; saying my stories are legal.
Last Wednesday, (probably a month or two before that, actully) it
seems somebody decided to "put up" and see what they could do about
this annoying McCoy person. ?At 10:00 in the morning, while I was
heading (naked) out to the kitchen to get morning medications for my
wife (and myself too) there was that "Bang! Bang! Bang!" on the door
that I had really expected 14 long years before. ?"Police!" came the
yell: "Open up!"
Not wanting the door broken down, I did ... Nudity and all. ?Outside
were *SEVEN* huge cops in black outfits, yes really prepared with a
huge steel pole to break the door in! ?As if I was some fully armed
drug-dealer about to fight it out with my cancer-ridden wife stumbling
out of the bedroom, barely able to stand, while they were chaining me
.... ?OOPS!
Sorry! ?The Internet Cafe I'm posting this from closes at SIX, not
NINE. ?I'll have to complete it from someplace else. ?I understand
there's a local IC closer to home than this one; that's open 'till
If not, the rest of this saga might have to wait.
Forgive the .sig not being mine.
Please post to assd and perhaps ac.
I've got to go.
(Not having my own computer right now.)
Did pedo mccoy finally get what he/it deserves?
Federal marshals raided him...took his computer and dragged him away
in chains to jail.
He was released on his own recognizance to appear before the Georgia
Grand Jury charged with "transporting obscenity".
nobody has heard from him since..with the zero tolerance policy
of Georgia towards child pornographers and pedophiles it's probable
his bail was revoked and he is back in prison.
IMO his only hope of avoiding dying in jail is to plead guilty and
co-operate with the prosecutor to nail the other members of his child
pornography group..
A lot of worried pedos around at the moment...
As it should be, knowing that pedophile Frank is going down brings a
warm smile to my face, all pedophiles should be trembling right about now.
Let this be a lesson to you sickos, normal humans despise you, molesting
a child is wrong and you will pay for your crimes if caught.
Personally I believe a pedophile should be executed for its first
offense, sadly we live in a world full of cowering pussies who wont let
that sort of justice happen.
Pedophiles take my advice, just commit suicide and get it over with, you
will be running and hiding from the law for the rest of your pathetic
lives anyways so you may as well just do yourselves in and be done with
it, save the children from your perverted clutches, if you really "love"
them then you would kill yourselves without any hesitation.
Frodo: "Why do you do that?"
Sam: "What?"
Frodo: "Call him names? Run him down all the time."
Sam: "Because that's what he is Mister Frodo. There's naught left in him
but lies and deceit.
Taking the fear out of children and parents and putting it in
pedophiles ..where it belongs..sure sounds good to me!
Except that most child molestations are performed by parents or close
There is no evidence for this claim that parents are responsible for
most sexual assaults..
But there is evidence of this. Kashmir has cited several studies which
state exactly this.
Instead of blaming it on "Kashmir" why don't you substantiate it
yourself? claiming that so and so posted something is worthless without
a direct link to the post itself.
I'm following Brandon's example.
fundamentalism (n.): fund = give cash to; amentalism = brainlessness
Brandon D Cartwright
2008-02-25 14:56:59 UTC
Post by David
On Sun, 24 Feb 2008 11:28:08 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
Post by David
On Wed, 20 Feb 2008 19:22:45 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Tue, 19 Feb 2008 20:53:17 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Sat, 16 Feb 2008 16:12:53 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Sun, 3 Feb 2008 05:40:07 -0800 (PST), "ªºªandcarole®"
Post by ªºªandcarole®
Post by m***@millcomm.com
I posted a story (most of which *I* wrote) to a discussion-group on a
BBS which connected to something I wasn't really familiar with, called
a newsgroup: alt.sex.stories, I think it was.
The story, because of the limited access provided by the BBS (less
than 32K at a time, I think, was posted in about 120 truly *horrible
parts; but the *response* was tremendous ... (most people asking for
missing parts; "PLEASE post part # XXX-XXZ ... My newsreader didn't
get those!"
The story was titled, "Her Father's Daughter"; but because of a
mistake in the title, most thought it was something like: Father's
Daugther" instead.
At the time, there was no other story *anywhere* in the world, in
print, on the net, newsgroups, or elsewhere like it: ?It was (like all
the stories I've posted since, a *LOVE STORY* masquerading as humor
and sex-story ... LOTS of sex! ?I *tried* to include about every taboo
then existing for erotic stories, including most-especially: incest,
pregnancy, and yes, "pedophilia"; or young people having and enjoying
sex and even full-term pregnancy as a way of expressing that love.
It was a hit, far beyond anything I ever imagined. ?I got several
*thousand* emails and responses; praising the story for it's
vividness, it's love, its reality, its humor, and yes (most
importantly to *me* at least) its value and wonder as a *story*.
However, as explained in both the preamble and afterword of the story,
i *really* expected this story, pure fantasy mind, to have the Police
banging at my door, charging me with "disseminating Child Pornography"
or something equally silly, considering that no real child was
involved or documented; and the story was pure *text*!
Still, there are thousands if not millions of blue-noses out there
that *hate* anything having to do with that Devil's Invention: SEX!
Still, for year after year I kept posting NEW stories about the same
subject; but never so huge or complete. ?I also kept expecting the
same "Bang! Bang! Bang!" on the door from the police; but nothing ever
happened. ?It was actually quite a disappointment in a way; because I
*wanted* the story(s) to be challenged in court on the constitutional
Also, in newsgroups and other places; particularly assd, I kept
posting a challenge to those who claimed my stories were illegal
"child porn": Put up or shut up. ?Nobody "put up"
All this time I posted under my own REAL name, not an alias or other
hiding device, using my own real email address which I have paid
through the nose to keep during all these years. ?I've told people
where I lived; and that I am in the phone-book. ?I've invited anybody
to correspond with me, or even call me on the phone. ?So far, in 14
years, only one person ever did.
During the last year or so I've gotten tired. ?I still *compose* sex-
stories in my mind; and sometimes even enter them on the computer; but
I rarely go to the extra trouble of cleaning them up enough to post
and actually post them. ?I haven't stopped exactly; I've more like
paused. ?For the past half dozen months I've been too preocuppied with
my wife being sick with cancer (lymphoma) to actually post *any*
stories at all.
I *have* however, posted comments and opinions to various newsgroups;
often twitting the anti-sex groups; saying my stories are legal.
Last Wednesday, (probably a month or two before that, actully) it
seems somebody decided to "put up" and see what they could do about
this annoying McCoy person. ?At 10:00 in the morning, while I was
heading (naked) out to the kitchen to get morning medications for my
wife (and myself too) there was that "Bang! Bang! Bang!" on the door
that I had really expected 14 long years before. ?"Police!" came the
yell: "Open up!"
Not wanting the door broken down, I did ... Nudity and all. ?Outside
were *SEVEN* huge cops in black outfits, yes really prepared with a
huge steel pole to break the door in! ?As if I was some fully armed
drug-dealer about to fight it out with my cancer-ridden wife stumbling
out of the bedroom, barely able to stand, while they were chaining me
.... ?OOPS!
Sorry! ?The Internet Cafe I'm posting this from closes at SIX, not
NINE. ?I'll have to complete it from someplace else. ?I understand
there's a local IC closer to home than this one; that's open 'till
If not, the rest of this saga might have to wait.
Forgive the .sig not being mine.
Please post to assd and perhaps ac.
I've got to go.
(Not having my own computer right now.)
Did pedo mccoy finally get what he/it deserves?
Federal marshals raided him...took his computer and dragged him away
in chains to jail.
He was released on his own recognizance to appear before the Georgia
Grand Jury charged with "transporting obscenity".
nobody has heard from him since..with the zero tolerance policy
of Georgia towards child pornographers and pedophiles it's probable
his bail was revoked and he is back in prison.
IMO his only hope of avoiding dying in jail is to plead guilty and
co-operate with the prosecutor to nail the other members of his child
pornography group..
A lot of worried pedos around at the moment...
As it should be, knowing that pedophile Frank is going down brings a
warm smile to my face, all pedophiles should be trembling right about now.
Let this be a lesson to you sickos, normal humans despise you, molesting
a child is wrong and you will pay for your crimes if caught.
Personally I believe a pedophile should be executed for its first
offense, sadly we live in a world full of cowering pussies who wont let
that sort of justice happen.
Pedophiles take my advice, just commit suicide and get it over with, you
will be running and hiding from the law for the rest of your pathetic
lives anyways so you may as well just do yourselves in and be done with
it, save the children from your perverted clutches, if you really "love"
them then you would kill yourselves without any hesitation.
Frodo: "Why do you do that?"
Sam: "What?"
Frodo: "Call him names? Run him down all the time."
Sam: "Because that's what he is Mister Frodo. There's naught left in him
but lies and deceit.
Taking the fear out of children and parents and putting it in
pedophiles ..where it belongs..sure sounds good to me!
Except that most child molestations are performed by parents or close
There is no evidence for this claim that parents are responsible for
most sexual assaults..
But there is evidence of this. Kashmir has cited several studies which
state exactly this.
Instead of blaming it on "Kashmir" why don't you substantiate it
yourself? claiming that so and so posted something is worthless without
a direct link to the post itself.
I'm following Brandon's example.
But I *do* post corroborating links that you then claim mysteriously
not to have seen..
2008-02-26 19:17:30 UTC
On Mon, 25 Feb 2008 06:56:59 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Sun, 24 Feb 2008 11:28:08 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
Post by David
On Wed, 20 Feb 2008 19:22:45 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Tue, 19 Feb 2008 20:53:17 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Sat, 16 Feb 2008 16:12:53 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Sun, 3 Feb 2008 05:40:07 -0800 (PST), "ªºªandcarole®"
Post by ªºªandcarole®
Post by m***@millcomm.com
I posted a story (most of which *I* wrote) to a discussion-group on a
BBS which connected to something I wasn't really familiar with, called
a newsgroup: alt.sex.stories, I think it was.
The story, because of the limited access provided by the BBS (less
than 32K at a time, I think, was posted in about 120 truly *horrible
parts; but the *response* was tremendous ... (most people asking for
missing parts; "PLEASE post part # XXX-XXZ ... My newsreader didn't
get those!"
The story was titled, "Her Father's Daughter"; but because of a
mistake in the title, most thought it was something like: Father's
Daugther" instead.
At the time, there was no other story *anywhere* in the world, in
print, on the net, newsgroups, or elsewhere like it: ?It was (like all
the stories I've posted since, a *LOVE STORY* masquerading as humor
and sex-story ... LOTS of sex! ?I *tried* to include about every taboo
then existing for erotic stories, including most-especially: incest,
pregnancy, and yes, "pedophilia"; or young people having and enjoying
sex and even full-term pregnancy as a way of expressing that love.
It was a hit, far beyond anything I ever imagined. ?I got several
*thousand* emails and responses; praising the story for it's
vividness, it's love, its reality, its humor, and yes (most
importantly to *me* at least) its value and wonder as a *story*.
However, as explained in both the preamble and afterword of the story,
i *really* expected this story, pure fantasy mind, to have the Police
banging at my door, charging me with "disseminating Child Pornography"
or something equally silly, considering that no real child was
involved or documented; and the story was pure *text*!
Still, there are thousands if not millions of blue-noses out there
that *hate* anything having to do with that Devil's Invention: SEX!
Still, for year after year I kept posting NEW stories about the same
subject; but never so huge or complete. ?I also kept expecting the
same "Bang! Bang! Bang!" on the door from the police; but nothing ever
happened. ?It was actually quite a disappointment in a way; because I
*wanted* the story(s) to be challenged in court on the constitutional
Also, in newsgroups and other places; particularly assd, I kept
posting a challenge to those who claimed my stories were illegal
"child porn": Put up or shut up. ?Nobody "put up"
All this time I posted under my own REAL name, not an alias or other
hiding device, using my own real email address which I have paid
through the nose to keep during all these years. ?I've told people
where I lived; and that I am in the phone-book. ?I've invited anybody
to correspond with me, or even call me on the phone. ?So far, in 14
years, only one person ever did.
During the last year or so I've gotten tired. ?I still *compose* sex-
stories in my mind; and sometimes even enter them on the computer; but
I rarely go to the extra trouble of cleaning them up enough to post
and actually post them. ?I haven't stopped exactly; I've more like
paused. ?For the past half dozen months I've been too preocuppied with
my wife being sick with cancer (lymphoma) to actually post *any*
stories at all.
I *have* however, posted comments and opinions to various newsgroups;
often twitting the anti-sex groups; saying my stories are legal.
Last Wednesday, (probably a month or two before that, actully) it
seems somebody decided to "put up" and see what they could do about
this annoying McCoy person. ?At 10:00 in the morning, while I was
heading (naked) out to the kitchen to get morning medications for my
wife (and myself too) there was that "Bang! Bang! Bang!" on the door
that I had really expected 14 long years before. ?"Police!" came the
yell: "Open up!"
Not wanting the door broken down, I did ... Nudity and all. ?Outside
were *SEVEN* huge cops in black outfits, yes really prepared with a
huge steel pole to break the door in! ?As if I was some fully armed
drug-dealer about to fight it out with my cancer-ridden wife stumbling
out of the bedroom, barely able to stand, while they were chaining me
.... ?OOPS!
Sorry! ?The Internet Cafe I'm posting this from closes at SIX, not
NINE. ?I'll have to complete it from someplace else. ?I understand
there's a local IC closer to home than this one; that's open 'till
If not, the rest of this saga might have to wait.
Forgive the .sig not being mine.
Please post to assd and perhaps ac.
I've got to go.
(Not having my own computer right now.)
Did pedo mccoy finally get what he/it deserves?
Federal marshals raided him...took his computer and dragged him away
in chains to jail.
He was released on his own recognizance to appear before the Georgia
Grand Jury charged with "transporting obscenity".
nobody has heard from him since..with the zero tolerance policy
of Georgia towards child pornographers and pedophiles it's probable
his bail was revoked and he is back in prison.
IMO his only hope of avoiding dying in jail is to plead guilty and
co-operate with the prosecutor to nail the other members of his child
pornography group..
A lot of worried pedos around at the moment...
As it should be, knowing that pedophile Frank is going down brings a
warm smile to my face, all pedophiles should be trembling right about now.
Let this be a lesson to you sickos, normal humans despise you, molesting
a child is wrong and you will pay for your crimes if caught.
Personally I believe a pedophile should be executed for its first
offense, sadly we live in a world full of cowering pussies who wont let
that sort of justice happen.
Pedophiles take my advice, just commit suicide and get it over with, you
will be running and hiding from the law for the rest of your pathetic
lives anyways so you may as well just do yourselves in and be done with
it, save the children from your perverted clutches, if you really "love"
them then you would kill yourselves without any hesitation.
Frodo: "Why do you do that?"
Sam: "What?"
Frodo: "Call him names? Run him down all the time."
Sam: "Because that's what he is Mister Frodo. There's naught left in him
but lies and deceit.
Taking the fear out of children and parents and putting it in
pedophiles ..where it belongs..sure sounds good to me!
Except that most child molestations are performed by parents or close
There is no evidence for this claim that parents are responsible for
most sexual assaults..
But there is evidence of this. Kashmir has cited several studies which
state exactly this.
Instead of blaming it on "Kashmir" why don't you substantiate it
yourself? claiming that so and so posted something is worthless without
a direct link to the post itself.
I'm following Brandon's example.
But I *do* post corroborating links that you then claim mysteriously
not to have seen..
I do not read every post. I do not have time. I'm talking about the
times I have asked you to post proof that I said some particular
thing. You never do post proof and then have the temerity to claim
that you are never going to post any proof because "it is apparent in
every post". You lie continually about things I, and others, have been
alleged to have written but you never supply any proof or, as is often
the case, you misquote, out of context snippets which you think will
support your claim but which, invariably, turn out to be supportive of
my position. For that support I do thank you even if it is only
fundamentalism (n.): fund = give cash to; amentalism = brainlessness
Brandon D Cartwright
2008-02-22 04:43:50 UTC
Post by David
On Tue, 19 Feb 2008 20:53:17 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Sat, 16 Feb 2008 16:12:53 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Sun, 3 Feb 2008 05:40:07 -0800 (PST), "ªºªandcarole®"
Post by ªºªandcarole®
Post by m***@millcomm.com
I posted a story (most of which *I* wrote) to a discussion-group on a
BBS which connected to something I wasn't really familiar with, called
a newsgroup: alt.sex.stories, I think it was.
The story, because of the limited access provided by the BBS (less
than 32K at a time, I think, was posted in about 120 truly *horrible
parts; but the *response* was tremendous ... (most people asking for
missing parts; "PLEASE post part # XXX-XXZ ... My newsreader didn't
get those!"
The story was titled, "Her Father's Daughter"; but because of a
mistake in the title, most thought it was something like: Father's
Daugther" instead.
At the time, there was no other story *anywhere* in the world, in
print, on the net, newsgroups, or elsewhere like it: ?It was (like all
the stories I've posted since, a *LOVE STORY* masquerading as humor
and sex-story ... LOTS of sex! ?I *tried* to include about every taboo
then existing for erotic stories, including most-especially: incest,
pregnancy, and yes, "pedophilia"; or young people having and enjoying
sex and even full-term pregnancy as a way of expressing that love.
It was a hit, far beyond anything I ever imagined. ?I got several
*thousand* emails and responses; praising the story for it's
vividness, it's love, its reality, its humor, and yes (most
importantly to *me* at least) its value and wonder as a *story*.
However, as explained in both the preamble and afterword of the story,
i *really* expected this story, pure fantasy mind, to have the Police
banging at my door, charging me with "disseminating Child Pornography"
or something equally silly, considering that no real child was
involved or documented; and the story was pure *text*!
Still, there are thousands if not millions of blue-noses out there
that *hate* anything having to do with that Devil's Invention: SEX!
Still, for year after year I kept posting NEW stories about the same
subject; but never so huge or complete. ?I also kept expecting the
same "Bang! Bang! Bang!" on the door from the police; but nothing ever
happened. ?It was actually quite a disappointment in a way; because I
*wanted* the story(s) to be challenged in court on the constitutional
Also, in newsgroups and other places; particularly assd, I kept
posting a challenge to those who claimed my stories were illegal
"child porn": Put up or shut up. ?Nobody "put up"
All this time I posted under my own REAL name, not an alias or other
hiding device, using my own real email address which I have paid
through the nose to keep during all these years. ?I've told people
where I lived; and that I am in the phone-book. ?I've invited anybody
to correspond with me, or even call me on the phone. ?So far, in 14
years, only one person ever did.
During the last year or so I've gotten tired. ?I still *compose* sex-
stories in my mind; and sometimes even enter them on the computer; but
I rarely go to the extra trouble of cleaning them up enough to post
and actually post them. ?I haven't stopped exactly; I've more like
paused. ?For the past half dozen months I've been too preocuppied with
my wife being sick with cancer (lymphoma) to actually post *any*
stories at all.
I *have* however, posted comments and opinions to various newsgroups;
often twitting the anti-sex groups; saying my stories are legal.
Last Wednesday, (probably a month or two before that, actully) it
seems somebody decided to "put up" and see what they could do about
this annoying McCoy person. ?At 10:00 in the morning, while I was
heading (naked) out to the kitchen to get morning medications for my
wife (and myself too) there was that "Bang! Bang! Bang!" on the door
that I had really expected 14 long years before. ?"Police!" came the
yell: "Open up!"
Not wanting the door broken down, I did ... Nudity and all. ?Outside
were *SEVEN* huge cops in black outfits, yes really prepared with a
huge steel pole to break the door in! ?As if I was some fully armed
drug-dealer about to fight it out with my cancer-ridden wife stumbling
out of the bedroom, barely able to stand, while they were chaining me
.... ?OOPS!
Sorry! ?The Internet Cafe I'm posting this from closes at SIX, not
NINE. ?I'll have to complete it from someplace else. ?I understand
there's a local IC closer to home than this one; that's open 'till
If not, the rest of this saga might have to wait.
Forgive the .sig not being mine.
Please post to assd and perhaps ac.
I've got to go.
(Not having my own computer right now.)
Did pedo mccoy finally get what he/it deserves?
Federal marshals raided him...took his computer and dragged him away
in chains to jail.
He was released on his own recognizance to appear before the Georgia
Grand Jury charged with "transporting obscenity".
nobody has heard from him since..with the zero tolerance policy
of Georgia towards child pornographers and pedophiles it's probable
his bail was revoked and he is back in prison.
IMO his only hope of avoiding dying in jail is to plead guilty and
co-operate with the prosecutor to nail the other members of his child
pornography group..
A lot of worried pedos around at the moment...
As it should be, knowing that pedophile Frank is going down brings a
warm smile to my face, all pedophiles should be trembling right about now.
Let this be a lesson to you sickos, normal humans despise you, molesting
a child is wrong and you will pay for your crimes if caught.
Personally I believe a pedophile should be executed for its first
offense, sadly we live in a world full of cowering pussies who wont let
that sort of justice happen.
Pedophiles take my advice, just commit suicide and get it over with, you
will be running and hiding from the law for the rest of your pathetic
lives anyways so you may as well just do yourselves in and be done with
it, save the children from your perverted clutches, if you really "love"
them then you would kill yourselves without any hesitation.
Frodo: "Why do you do that?"
Sam: "What?"
Frodo: "Call him names? Run him down all the time."
Sam: "Because that's what he is Mister Frodo. There's naught left in him
but lies and deceit.
Taking the fear out of children and parents and putting it in
pedophiles ..where it belongs..sure sounds good to me!
Except that most child molestations are performed by parents
Only if they succumb to your propaganda and come to believe fucking
or sodomizing your own children is normal and acceptable..

In fact it is neither...
and the majority of child sexual assaults are certainly NOT committed
by the incestuous pedophiles so close to your heart..
Post by David
or close friends.
People they know and trust actually..a subtle difference
What of it anyway?
James Riske
2008-02-24 16:24:08 UTC
Post by David
Except that most child molestations are performed by parents or close
Do you have current peer-reviewed scientific research to substantiate
this wild and outlandish claim of yours?
Frodo: "Why do you do that?"

Sam: "What?"

Frodo: "Call him names? Run him down all the time."

Sam: "Because that's what he is Mister Frodo. There's naught left in him
but lies and deceit.
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
2008-02-26 07:17:07 UTC
On Sun, 24 Feb 2008 11:24:08 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
Post by David
Except that most child molestations are performed by parents or close
Do you have current peer-reviewed scientific research to substantiate
this wild and outlandish claim of yours?
Almost every study confirms this. Pick one and read it.
fundamentalism (n.): fund = give cash to; amentalism = brainlessness
Brandon D Cartwright
2008-02-25 14:54:21 UTC
Post by David
On Sun, 24 Feb 2008 11:24:08 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
Post by David
Except that most child molestations are performed by parents or close
Do you have current peer-reviewed scientific research to substantiate
this wild and outlandish claim of yours?
Almost every study confirms this. Pick one and read it.
Translation= no he does not..

December 2007
- There is a delusion that pedophiles are under which
is insane at the very best.They claim they are "persecuted"
and "oppressed," the same way blacks, gays, jews and women
have been maltreated over the centuries.

They would like to ride on the margins of these other
minorities in order to garner sympathy from those
minorities, and to use the history of the emmancipation
of these minorities as precedence for their own freedom
to have sex with children.

They forget one thing: Pedophiles are seen with disdain
and disgust, not because they are different, but because
they cause harm to other human beings.

James Riske
2008-02-26 03:03:17 UTC
Post by David
On Sun, 24 Feb 2008 11:24:08 -0500, James Riske
Post by James Riske
Post by David
Except that most child molestations are performed by parents or close
Do you have current peer-reviewed scientific research to substantiate
this wild and outlandish claim of yours?
Almost every study confirms this. Pick one and read it.

Answer the question lying asshole.

Do you have current peer-reviewed scientific research to substantiate
this wild and outlandish claim of yours?
Frodo: "Why do you do that?"

Sam: "What?"

Frodo: "Call him names? Run him down all the time."

Sam: "Because that's what he is Mister Frodo. There's naught left in him
but lies and deceit.