Well, the results are finally in. ;-{
(too old to reply)
Frank McCoy
2007-11-14 19:31:40 UTC
Just went down to the Cancer Center where the oncologist had the final
results of my wife's biopsy and the pictures from the last CT-Scan.

Non-Hodgkins B-Cell Intermediately-agressive Follicular Lymphoma.

Next week is going to be one busy week:
Monday a bone-marrow biopsy to see just how bad (aggressive) the cancer
is; and how good her immune-system is.
Tuesday a MUGA-Scan to make sure her heart is OK for planned treatment.
Wednesday a PET scan to check for what the CT-Scan and MRI might have
Thursday (of course) is Thanksgiving.
Friday she starts Chemotherapy.

In the meantime she's on medication for pain.
The previous medication (hydromorphone) was making her itch.
So she took Benadryl (OK ... Generic replacement) ... which made her
For that she took another medication.

Hopefully the new medicine won't make her itch; or at least not so much.

Looks like at least six weeks of chemotherapy treatment:
That's CHOP with Rituximab.
Cyclophosphamide (also called Cytoxan/Neosar),
HydrioDoxorubicin (or Adriamycin),
Oncovin (Vincristine)
Hopefully though, that will fix her up.
If not, they might have to try radiation therapy.

She's going to lose her hair. ;-{
Hopefully though, after a few weeks of Chemo., her pain will go down as
the tumors are reduced and go away.
/ ' / ™
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(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
John W. Vinson
2007-11-14 19:43:51 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Hopefully though, after a few weeks of Chemo., her pain will go down as
the tumors are reduced and go away.
May it be so. Prayers on the way for a managable diagnosis, good response to
the chemo, and a quick recovery!

John the Wysard JVinson *at* Wysard Of Info *dot* com
Dan Goodman
2007-11-14 22:17:09 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Just went down to the Cancer Center where the oncologist had the final
results of my wife's biopsy and the pictures from the last CT-Scan.
Non-Hodgkins B-Cell Intermediately-agressive Follicular Lymphoma.
Monday a bone-marrow biopsy to see just how bad (aggressive) the
cancer is; and how good her immune-system is.
Tuesday a MUGA-Scan to make sure her heart is OK for planned
treatment. Wednesday a PET scan to check for what the CT-Scan and
MRI might have missed.
Thursday (of course) is Thanksgiving.
Friday she starts Chemotherapy.
In the meantime she's on medication for pain.
The previous medication (hydromorphone) was making her itch.
So she took Benadryl (OK ... Generic replacement) ... which made her
For that she took another medication.
Hopefully the new medicine won't make her itch; or at least not so much.
That's CHOP with Rituximab.
Cyclophosphamide (also called Cytoxan/Neosar),
HydrioDoxorubicin (or Adriamycin),
Oncovin (Vincristine)
Hopefully though, that will fix her up.
If not, they might have to try radiation therapy.
She's going to lose her hair. ;-{
Hopefully though, after a few weeks of Chemo., her pain will go down
as the tumors are reduced and go away.
Good thoughts on the way!!!
Dan Goodman
"You, each of you, have some special wild cards. Play with them.
Find out what makes you different and better. Because it is there,
if only you can find it." Vernor Vinge, _Rainbows End_
Journal http://dsgood.livejournal.com
Futures http://dangoodman.livejournal.com
mirror: http://dsgood.insanejournal.com
Links http://del.icio.us/dsgood
Cindy Wells
2007-11-14 23:35:43 UTC
Good thoughts sent.

Cindy Wells
Uncle Sky
2007-11-15 00:52:59 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Just went down to the Cancer Center where the oncologist had the final
results of my wife's biopsy and the pictures from the last CT-Scan.
Non-Hodgkins B-Cell Intermediately-agressive Follicular Lymphoma.
Monday a bone-marrow biopsy to see just how bad (aggressive) the cancer
is; and how good her immune-system is.
Tuesday a MUGA-Scan to make sure her heart is OK for planned treatment.
Wednesday a PET scan to check for what the CT-Scan and MRI might have
Thursday (of course) is Thanksgiving.
Friday she starts Chemotherapy.
In the meantime she's on medication for pain.
The previous medication (hydromorphone) was making her itch.
So she took Benadryl (OK ... Generic replacement) ... which made her
For that she took another medication.
Hopefully the new medicine won't make her itch; or at least not so much.
That's CHOP with Rituximab.
Cyclophosphamide (also called Cytoxan/Neosar),
HydrioDoxorubicin (or Adriamycin),
Oncovin (Vincristine)
Hopefully though, that will fix her up.
If not, they might have to try radiation therapy.
She's going to lose her hair. ;-{
Hopefully though, after a few weeks of Chemo., her pain will go down as
the tumors are reduced and go away.
Good thoughts and hopes that the outcome is the best possible.
Uncle Sky
2007-11-15 01:13:35 UTC
Good Thoughts on the way -

2007-11-15 02:00:54 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Just went down to the Cancer Center where the oncologist had the final
results of my wife's biopsy and the pictures from the last CT-Scan.
Non-Hodgkins B-Cell Intermediately-agressive Follicular Lymphoma.
Monday a bone-marrow biopsy to see just how bad (aggressive) the cancer
is; and how good her immune-system is.
Tuesday a MUGA-Scan to make sure her heart is OK for planned treatment.
Wednesday a PET scan to check for what the CT-Scan and MRI might have
Thursday (of course) is Thanksgiving.
Friday she starts Chemotherapy.
In the meantime she's on medication for pain.
The previous medication (hydromorphone) was making her itch.
So she took Benadryl (OK ... Generic replacement) ... which made her
For that she took another medication.
Hopefully the new medicine won't make her itch; or at least not so much.
That's CHOP with Rituximab.
Cyclophosphamide (also called Cytoxan/Neosar),
HydrioDoxorubicin (or Adriamycin),
Oncovin (Vincristine)
Hopefully though, that will fix her up.
If not, they might have to try radiation therapy.
She's going to lose her hair. ;-{
Hopefully though, after a few weeks of Chemo., her pain will go down as
the tumors are reduced and go away.
Oh, geez. Glad you caught it now, at least.

Sending hugs and warm thoughts your way and hers.

Richard Fallstrom
2007-11-15 02:34:26 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Just went down to the Cancer Center where the oncologist had the final
results of my wife's biopsy and the pictures from the last CT-Scan.
Non-Hodgkins B-Cell Intermediately-agressive Follicular Lymphoma.
Monday a bone-marrow biopsy to see just how bad (aggressive) the cancer
is; and how good her immune-system is.
Tuesday a MUGA-Scan to make sure her heart is OK for planned treatment.
Wednesday a PET scan to check for what the CT-Scan and MRI might have
Thursday (of course) is Thanksgiving.
Friday she starts Chemotherapy.
In the meantime she's on medication for pain.
The previous medication (hydromorphone) was making her itch.
So she took Benadryl (OK ... Generic replacement) ... which made her
For that she took another medication.
Hopefully the new medicine won't make her itch; or at least not so much.
That's CHOP with Rituximab.
Cyclophosphamide (also called Cytoxan/Neosar),
HydrioDoxorubicin (or Adriamycin),
Oncovin (Vincristine)
Hopefully though, that will fix her up.
If not, they might have to try radiation therapy.
She's going to lose her hair. ;-{
Hopefully though, after a few weeks of Chemo., her pain will go down as
the tumors are reduced and go away.
My prayers are with you both.

Rick (sometimes is a GentleRF and sometimes is not)
2007-11-15 06:45:22 UTC
Health and strength vibes on their way.
2007-11-15 10:32:26 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Just went down to the Cancer Center where the oncologist had the final
results of my wife's biopsy and the pictures from the last CT-Scan.
Post by Frank McCoy
Hopefully though, that will fix her up.
If not, they might have to try radiation therapy.
She's going to lose her hair. ;-{
Hopefully though, after a few weeks of Chemo., her pain will go down as
the tumors are reduced and go away.
GoodThoughts that all the "hopefully"s bercome
"certainly did"s.
Don Dickerson: "If one person is delusional, it's called insanity;
if a group of people are delusional, it's called a religion."
Send POINTless replies to ***@verPOINTison.net
2007-11-15 13:02:10 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Just went down to the Cancer Center where the oncologist had the final
results of my wife's biopsy and the pictures from the last CT-Scan.
Non-Hodgkins B-Cell Intermediately-agressive Follicular Lymphoma.
Yikes - well at least she knows and now they can start treating it.

Best thought and prayers on their way.

Marten Kemp
2007-11-16 06:41:31 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Just went down to the Cancer Center where the oncologist had the final
results of my wife's biopsy and the pictures from the last CT-Scan.
Non-Hodgkins B-Cell Intermediately-agressive Follicular Lymphoma.
Post by Frank McCoy
Hopefully though, after a few weeks of Chemo., her pain will go down as
the tumors are reduced and go away.
Best possible thoughts to both of you.
-- Marten Kemp
(Fix name and ISP to reply)
Frank McCoy
2007-11-25 00:48:36 UTC
Friday we went down to the Cancer Center.
The time on her appointment-card said 9:00AM; and we got there at 9:02.
They were annoyed at her being late. Said she was supposed to be there
at 8:40, because the doctor had to see us first before she started
Chemotherapy. ;-{

Because of that, they couldn't run the full course that day. (They made
us wait about an hour in one waiting-room, and about 30 minutes in
another before starting.) They said they couldn't fit in the full
course before 5:00.

Ah well. We went down to the local Hospital Outpatient Oncology to run
the rest of the Chemo today. So, she's finally getting the treatment.

Results of the previous-week's test that the doctor discussed with us:
Bone-Marrow Biopsy: No sign of cancer in the bone-marrow. ;-{
Head-scan: No sign of cancer in the head.
MUGA heart-scan: Heart healthy enough for the chemo. No sign of new
blockages. ;-}
PET scan (whole body): The tumors are *huge*. A mass of them in her
middle seem as big or bigger than my fist. No wonder she's feeling
pain. They seem to be restricted to the belly area below the diaphragm.
That's the good-news part. Some of them though seem awful close to her
spine. Also, there's a separate growing tumor up in her neck area, near
her thyroid. I'm wondering if that isn't a cause of her hypothyroidism.
My personal gut-feeling is the tumor in her neck is a *separate* tumor
from the cancer. The oncologist tends to agree with me; but more
testing will be needed to tell. That's pretty much the bad news for

So, she's on chemotherapy now. Finally!

Today, tomorrow, and Monday they will be taking blood-tests to make sure
nothing out-of-hand is going on because of the chemotherapy.

Wednesday, she's got two more tests scheduled.
1. An Ultrasound to look at the tumor in her neck.
2. Another MRI scan to take a much closer look at the lymphoma where
it's close to her spine.

They (the hospital) won't do a biopsy on her neck until they've done the
Ultrasound and the oncologist says, "Go ahead." Rules, I guess.
Something was said about how they were getting too many unneeded biopsy
requests that wouldn't have been done if the ultrasound was done first.

So ... Another go-around with that.

Anyway: Hopefully the chemotherapy will also treat that tumor in her
neck, even if it's not the same as the lymphomas in her tummy.

While we were down at the hospital, we got reminded of how lucky we are.
A young couple (OK, young to US) was in there getting chemotherapy for
her. The wife, a beautiful woman, had already lost her hair in her
current bout with cancer. She'd previously had breast-cancer; and they
thought it was gone. NOW it had reappeared all over her body. ;-{
They have two kids, one nine and one twelve.
I looked over at the guy and saw a mirror of myself; scared to death he
was going to lose his wife anyway; yet trying to put on a good face.
Nineteen years they've been together.
/ ' / ™
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Richard Fallstrom
2007-11-25 01:39:36 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Friday we went down to the Cancer Center.
The time on her appointment-card said 9:00AM; and we got there at 9:02.
They were annoyed at her being late. Said she was supposed to be there
at 8:40, because the doctor had to see us first before she started
Chemotherapy. ;-{
Because of that, they couldn't run the full course that day. (They made
us wait about an hour in one waiting-room, and about 30 minutes in
another before starting.) They said they couldn't fit in the full
course before 5:00.
Ah well. We went down to the local Hospital Outpatient Oncology to run
the rest of the Chemo today. So, she's finally getting the treatment.
Bone-Marrow Biopsy: No sign of cancer in the bone-marrow. ;-{
Head-scan: No sign of cancer in the head.
MUGA heart-scan: Heart healthy enough for the chemo. No sign of new
blockages. ;-}
PET scan (whole body): The tumors are *huge*. A mass of them in her
middle seem as big or bigger than my fist. No wonder she's feeling
pain. They seem to be restricted to the belly area below the diaphragm.
That's the good-news part. Some of them though seem awful close to her
spine. Also, there's a separate growing tumor up in her neck area, near
her thyroid. I'm wondering if that isn't a cause of her hypothyroidism.
My personal gut-feeling is the tumor in her neck is a *separate* tumor
from the cancer. The oncologist tends to agree with me; but more
testing will be needed to tell. That's pretty much the bad news for
So, she's on chemotherapy now. Finally!
Today, tomorrow, and Monday they will be taking blood-tests to make sure
nothing out-of-hand is going on because of the chemotherapy.
Wednesday, she's got two more tests scheduled.
1. An Ultrasound to look at the tumor in her neck.
2. Another MRI scan to take a much closer look at the lymphoma where
it's close to her spine.
They (the hospital) won't do a biopsy on her neck until they've done the
Ultrasound and the oncologist says, "Go ahead." Rules, I guess.
Something was said about how they were getting too many unneeded biopsy
requests that wouldn't have been done if the ultrasound was done first.
So ... Another go-around with that.
Anyway: Hopefully the chemotherapy will also treat that tumor in her
neck, even if it's not the same as the lymphomas in her tummy.
While we were down at the hospital, we got reminded of how lucky we are.
A young couple (OK, young to US) was in there getting chemotherapy for
her. The wife, a beautiful woman, had already lost her hair in her
current bout with cancer. She'd previously had breast-cancer; and they
thought it was gone. NOW it had reappeared all over her body. ;-{
They have two kids, one nine and one twelve.
I looked over at the guy and saw a mirror of myself; scared to death he
was going to lose his wife anyway; yet trying to put on a good face.
Nineteen years they've been together.
My prayers for you two are continuing.

Rick (sometimes is a GentleRF and sometimes is not)
2007-11-25 03:26:02 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Friday we went down to the Cancer Center.
The time on her appointment-card said 9:00AM; and we got there at 9:02.
They were annoyed at her being late. Said she was supposed to be there
at 8:40, because the doctor had to see us first before she started
Chemotherapy. ;-{

Well this is bad news. I didn't understand until now.
Frank, what can I say? "Keep your chin up"? "hang in there"? "Things will
get better"? None are the right terms for your situation just now.
How about, "Lets take it one day at the time, and see what the future
brings". We can hope for the best, and pray!

2007-11-25 04:20:01 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Friday we went down to the Cancer Center.

GoodThoughts continuing Frank.
Dennis is currently having a passionate, if entirely
imaginary love affair with Susan Sto Helit of Discworld.
If you're looking for the spamtrap, get to the 'POINT'.
2007-11-25 10:53:58 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Friday we went down to the Cancer Center.
Good wishes for you and your wife, Frank.
2007-11-25 12:47:02 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Friday we went down to the Cancer Center.
The time on her appointment-card said 9:00AM; and we got there at 9:02.
They were annoyed at her being late. Said she was supposed to be there
at 8:40, because the doctor had to see us first before she started
Chemotherapy. ;-{

Best thoughts on their way for you both.

Summer Storms
2007-11-26 05:37:30 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Friday we went down to the Cancer Center.
Post by Frank McCoy
While we were down at the hospital, we got reminded of how lucky we are.
A young couple (OK, young to US) was in there getting chemotherapy for
her. The wife, a beautiful woman, had already lost her hair in her
current bout with cancer. She'd previously had breast-cancer; and they
thought it was gone. NOW it had reappeared all over her body. ;-{
They have two kids, one nine and one twelve.
I looked over at the guy and saw a mirror of myself; scared to death he
was going to lose his wife anyway; yet trying to put on a good face.
Nineteen years they've been together.
Goodthoughts coming your way, and some extra for those other people too.
Remove dotty rant to reply.

Have you ever felt like your patron saint is a man named Murphy?

My Discussion Board: http://talkfreedom.netfreehost.com
My Blog: http://summerbythelakeside.wordpress.com
Frank McCoy
2007-11-29 18:58:04 UTC
In alt.fan.frank.mccoy Frank McCoy <***@millcomm.com> wrote:

More bad news ....
Last night the wife's pain meds stopped doing it for her; so I took her
down to the ER, after calling the Cancer-Center's late night number for

The doctor at the ER said she had an intestinal blockage; and that it
should clear up ... After a while on just IV and nothing by mouth. She
started throwing up when they transferred her to the hospital (different
hospital about 10 miles away because the one we go to was full up,
bed-wise). This morning they *tried* four times to get a tube down her
nose to try and remove some of what was bothering her. Felt like they
were trying to shove it through the back of her head. They finally got
a smaller tube down her.

I was there all night; and got back home a couple hours ago after
stopping on the way home at IHOP for something to eat; and have been
answering phone-messages, feeding the cats, printing out phone-lists for
her, and clearing up stuff that's needed handling while we were out.

I called back just after I got home; and she said she threw up again
when they were trying to get contrast material down her to see the
blockage better. ;-{

I'm off to bed to try to get about two or three hours sleep before I
head back.

"If it ain't one thing, it's an udder," as the cow said when it stepped
on its teat.

Anyway: *SHE* wants all the prayers she can get.
I personally ain't religious; but what my wife wants, she gets.


Night all.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
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Uncle Sky
2007-11-29 20:39:15 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
More bad news ....
Last night the wife's pain meds stopped doing it for her; so I took her
down to the ER, after calling the Cancer-Center's late night number for
The doctor at the ER said she had an intestinal blockage; and that it
should clear up ... After a while on just IV and nothing by mouth. She
started throwing up when they transferred her to the hospital (different
hospital about 10 miles away because the one we go to was full up,
bed-wise). This morning they *tried* four times to get a tube down her
nose to try and remove some of what was bothering her. Felt like they
were trying to shove it through the back of her head. They finally got
a smaller tube down her.
I was there all night; and got back home a couple hours ago after
stopping on the way home at IHOP for something to eat; and have been
answering phone-messages, feeding the cats, printing out phone-lists for
her, and clearing up stuff that's needed handling while we were out.
I called back just after I got home; and she said she threw up again
when they were trying to get contrast material down her to see the
blockage better. ;-{
I'm off to bed to try to get about two or three hours sleep before I
head back.
"If it ain't one thing, it's an udder," as the cow said when it stepped
on its teat.
Anyway: *SHE* wants all the prayers she can get.
I personally ain't religious; but what my wife wants, she gets.
Night all.
Good thoughts and best wishes for you both.
Uncle Sky
2007-11-29 23:26:02 UTC
Glad to see you are still around.
I miss seeing you in the old group.
Hope you and extended family are fine.

Uncle Sky
2007-11-30 18:58:48 UTC
Post by Daytek
Glad to see you are still around.
I miss seeing you in the old group.
Hope you and extended family are fine.
Hi. Yeah I'm still around. I read the old group now and again but haven't
anything to say. Hope you and yours are well too.
Uncle Sky
Tim Merrigan
2007-11-29 20:47:48 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
More bad news ....
Good thought continuing
I pledge allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America,
and to the republic which it established, one nation, from many peoples,
promising liberty and justice for all.
Feel free to use the above variant pledge in your own postings.

Tim Merrigan
Richard Fallstrom
2007-11-29 23:12:50 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
More bad news ....
Last night the wife's pain meds stopped doing it for her; so I took her
down to the ER, after calling the Cancer-Center's late night number for
The doctor at the ER said she had an intestinal blockage; and that it
should clear up ... After a while on just IV and nothing by mouth. She
started throwing up when they transferred her to the hospital (different
hospital about 10 miles away because the one we go to was full up,
bed-wise). This morning they *tried* four times to get a tube down her
nose to try and remove some of what was bothering her. Felt like they
were trying to shove it through the back of her head. They finally got
a smaller tube down her.
I was there all night; and got back home a couple hours ago after
stopping on the way home at IHOP for something to eat; and have been
answering phone-messages, feeding the cats, printing out phone-lists for
her, and clearing up stuff that's needed handling while we were out.
I called back just after I got home; and she said she threw up again
when they were trying to get contrast material down her to see the
blockage better. ;-{
I'm off to bed to try to get about two or three hours sleep before I
head back.
"If it ain't one thing, it's an udder," as the cow said when it stepped
on its teat.
Anyway: *SHE* wants all the prayers she can get.
I personally ain't religious; but what my wife wants, she gets.
Night all.
Prayers continuing Frank.

Rick (sometimes is a GentleRF and sometimes is not)
2007-11-29 23:24:01 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
More bad news ....
Last night the wife's pain meds stopped doing it for her; so I took her
down to the ER, after calling the Cancer-Center's late night number for
The doctor at the ER said she had an intestinal blockage; and that it
should clear up ... After a while on just IV and nothing by mouth. She
started throwing up when they transferred her to the hospital (different
hospital about 10 miles away because the one we go to was full up,
bed-wise). This morning they *tried* four times to get a tube down her
nose to try and remove some of what was bothering her. Felt like they
were trying to shove it through the back of her head. They finally got
a smaller tube down her.
I was there all night; and got back home a couple hours ago after
stopping on the way home at IHOP for something to eat; and have been
answering phone-messages, feeding the cats, printing out phone-lists for
her, and clearing up stuff that's needed handling while we were out.
I called back just after I got home; and she said she threw up again
when they were trying to get contrast material down her to see the
blockage better. ;-{
I'm off to bed to try to get about two or three hours sleep before I
head back.
"If it ain't one thing, it's an udder," as the cow said when it stepped
on its teat.
Anyway: *SHE* wants all the prayers she can get.
I personally ain't religious; but what my wife wants, she gets.
Night all.
My prayers will be for her.

2007-11-29 23:50:55 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
More bad news ....
(gently snipped)

Frank, I am so sorry to hear this - please tell her I am holding her
in the Light of Healing.

2007-11-30 02:23:13 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Anyway: *SHE* wants all the prayers she can get.
I personally ain't religious; but what my wife wants, she gets.
Prayers sent, Frank.

Chilly Willy
2007-12-06 18:36:12 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
More bad news ....
Last night the wife's pain meds stopped doing it for her; so I took her
down to the ER, after calling the Cancer-Center's late night number for
The doctor at the ER said she had an intestinal blockage; and that it
should clear up ... After a while on just IV and nothing by mouth. She
started throwing up when they transferred her to the hospital (different
hospital about 10 miles away because the one we go to was full up,
bed-wise). This morning they *tried* four times to get a tube down her
nose to try and remove some of what was bothering her. Felt like they
were trying to shove it through the back of her head. They finally got
a smaller tube down her.
I was there all night; and got back home a couple hours ago after
stopping on the way home at IHOP for something to eat; and have been
answering phone-messages, feeding the cats, printing out phone-lists for
her, and clearing up stuff that's needed handling while we were out.
I called back just after I got home; and she said she threw up again
when they were trying to get contrast material down her to see the
blockage better. ;-{
I'm off to bed to try to get about two or three hours sleep before I
head back.
"If it ain't one thing, it's an udder," as the cow said when it stepped
on its teat.
Anyway: *SHE* wants all the prayers she can get.
I personally ain't religious; but what my wife wants, she gets.
Night all.
Wow Frank. I just popped in to see if anything was happening. Best to
you both.
Frank McCoy
2007-12-06 20:27:30 UTC
Post by Chilly Willy
Post by Frank McCoy
More bad news ....
Last night the wife's pain meds stopped doing it for her; so I took her
down to the ER, after calling the Cancer-Center's late night number for
The doctor at the ER said she had an intestinal blockage; and that it
should clear up ... After a while on just IV and nothing by mouth. She
started throwing up when they transferred her to the hospital (different
hospital about 10 miles away because the one we go to was full up,
bed-wise). This morning they *tried* four times to get a tube down her
nose to try and remove some of what was bothering her. Felt like they
were trying to shove it through the back of her head. They finally got
a smaller tube down her.
I was there all night; and got back home a couple hours ago after
stopping on the way home at IHOP for something to eat; and have been
answering phone-messages, feeding the cats, printing out phone-lists for
her, and clearing up stuff that's needed handling while we were out.
I called back just after I got home; and she said she threw up again
when they were trying to get contrast material down her to see the
blockage better. ;-{
I'm off to bed to try to get about two or three hours sleep before I
head back.
"If it ain't one thing, it's an udder," as the cow said when it stepped
on its teat.
Anyway: *SHE* wants all the prayers she can get.
I personally ain't religious; but what my wife wants, she gets.
Night all.
Wow Frank. I just popped in to see if anything was happening. Best to
you both.
Thanks. Appreciated.
Tomorrow we go down for her second chemotherapy.
We'll find out more then about previous tests.
/ ' / ™
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