Kidwell: Scum of the Earth (WAS: Re: Man Who Used Dog Shock Collar On Stepdaughter Gets Prison Time)
(too old to reply)
Twinkle Toes
2006-04-24 03:30:30 UTC
Savant ripped open a bag of Fritos, watched the inhabitants of a Sears'
dressing room masturbate ferociously, and sputtered...
I also just noticed this said he was convicted, and I hope that someone
brings up the points that I brought up in my earlier posting, and uses
them in his appeals!
You can't introduce new arguments into the appeal process. Appeals are a
review to look at possible errors in the trial.
Anything that gives a shock can leave marks on the skin because shocks can
cause burns. I remember this story from when it was first in the news and I
remember reading that police searched the home after interviewing the child
and found the electric dog collar. The fact the collar was in the family's
home supports the girl's story. And as I recall, there was other evidence to
support the child had been neglected and abused. Just the fact that the
mother says neither she nor the child's birth father want the girl anymore
because "the girl is a liar" shows how screwed up this woman is and what an
abnormal mother she is--capable of really cruel abuse.
The poor girl has probably already been seriously traumatized living in this
environment. W/ luck, and a lot of support and counseling, perhaps she can
survive w/ few enough scars that she can be fairly functional in life. I
hope a nice family is available to adopt her.
(add sbc before global to email)
Yes, the collar being in the house does support her story, IF you take
her story as being the truth and not a lie or fevered imagining of a
person who is pissed at her parents and step-father for ANOTHER reason,
that isn't abusive or criminal, and is using this accusation to get
back at him.
I had a girl accuse me of beating her recently, but I had PROOF that I
didn't, because her parents had CCC's all over the house recording
everything! She was pissed at me for something else I did (I believe
she told her parents it was that I wouldn't go outside and play with
her, leaving her toddler brother inside alone and sick), and decided
"I'm going to punish Christopher by lying about him to my parents!"
I know, you are going to say "No child's mind works that way", but I
have met MANY children and adults whose minds work that way!
The mother might be telling the truth, that her daughter is a
compulsive liar, and she just can't deal with her and her constant lies
anymore. I've never had that problem, since my daughters are ALWAYS
honest with me about everything, even when they accidentally break
something or get into an accident, so I can't relate to her situation.
I have come across children who are compulsive liars, and who lie about
EVERYTHING, even things that if they told the truth would be GOOD for
them, like telling the truth about wanting to go to the amusement park,
getting an A on their test or something else like that.
They just have a compulsion to lie and cannot control it for some
whacky reason that exists in their brains.
Second, you CAN raise other arguments, and get a re-trial, if you can
prove that an attorney didn't do his job well or at all. Considering
that in 5 minutes I came up with OTHER explanations as to why these
marks existed, the attorney for the defense DIDN'T do his job well at
Also, how do you KNOW that this family wasn't a loving family though
emotionally distant from the girl, and the daughter wasn't just "Satan
on steriods!" I met a girl and her brother who were like that once,
always lying about everything and everyone, and smearing other people's
reputations because they got enjoyment out of causing other's pain and
They finally had to be locked up in an insane asylum, when they tried
to attack a little girl who visited them, and nearly decapitated her
with a scythe (missed her, but it was VERY close!).
And to think, you were calling bobandcarol "Satan incarnate", you fucking
worthless, wretched, soulless corpse. Your day is coming.... that's a
promise. Nothing can save you... believe it.
Laffy Taffy
2006-04-24 03:47:40 UTC
Savant ripped open a bag of Fritos, watched the inhabitants of a Sears'
dressing room masturbate ferociously, and sputtered...
I also just noticed this said he was convicted, and I hope that someone
brings up the points that I brought up in my earlier posting, and uses
them in his appeals!
You can't introduce new arguments into the appeal process. Appeals are a
review to look at possible errors in the trial.
Anything that gives a shock can leave marks on the skin because shocks can
cause burns. I remember this story from when it was first in the news and I
remember reading that police searched the home after interviewing the child
and found the electric dog collar. The fact the collar was in the family's
home supports the girl's story. And as I recall, there was other evidence to
support the child had been neglected and abused. Just the fact that the
mother says neither she nor the child's birth father want the girl anymore
because "the girl is a liar" shows how screwed up this woman is and what an
abnormal mother she is--capable of really cruel abuse.
The poor girl has probably already been seriously traumatized living in this
environment. W/ luck, and a lot of support and counseling, perhaps she can
survive w/ few enough scars that she can be fairly functional in life. I
hope a nice family is available to adopt her.
(add sbc before global to email)
Yes, the collar being in the house does support her story, IF you take
her story as being the truth and not a lie or fevered imagining of a
person who is pissed at her parents and step-father for ANOTHER reason,
that isn't abusive or criminal, and is using this accusation to get
back at him.
I had a girl accuse me of beating her recently,
I had you pegged from the start, cumstain. Tell us more of your sordid
but I had PROOF that I
didn't, because her parents had CCC's all over the house recording
everything! She was pissed at me for something else I did (I believe
she told her parents it was that I wouldn't go outside and play with
her, leaving her toddler brother inside alone and sick), and decided
"I'm going to punish Christopher by lying about him to my parents!"
I know, you are going to say "No child's mind works that way", but I
have met MANY children and adults whose minds work that way!
You're the BIGGEST FUCKING LIAR that has ever existed. You're ALWAYS
saying there are "CCC's" somewhere, which supposedly proves your
innocence, when you get your vile ass in a jam. Just HOW many packs of
lies can a motherfucker like you crank out in the span of one week????

In the name of decency, you must be wiped out, like the cockroach you
The mother might be telling the truth, that her daughter is a
compulsive liar, and she just can't deal with her and her constant lies
anymore. I've never had that problem, since my daughters are ALWAYS
honest with me about everything, even when they accidentally break
something or get into an accident, so I can't relate to her situation.
I have come across children who are compulsive liars, and who lie about
EVERYTHING, even things that if they told the truth would be GOOD for
them, like telling the truth about wanting to go to the amusement park,
getting an A on their test or something else like that.
They just have a compulsion to lie and cannot control it for some
whacky reason that exists in their brains.
Second, you CAN raise other arguments, and get a re-trial, if you can
prove that an attorney didn't do his job well or at all. Considering
that in 5 minutes I came up with OTHER explanations as to why these
marks existed, the attorney for the defense DIDN'T do his job well at
Also, how do you KNOW that this family wasn't a loving family though
emotionally distant from the girl, and the daughter wasn't just "Satan
on steriods!" I met a girl and her brother who were like that once,
always lying about everything and everyone, and smearing other people's
reputations because they got enjoyment out of causing other's pain and
They finally had to be locked up in an insane asylum, when they tried
to attack a little girl who visited them, and nearly decapitated her
with a scythe (missed her, but it was VERY close!).
2006-04-24 06:39:13 UTC
Post by Laffy Taffy
but I had PROOF that I
didn't, because her parents had CCC's all over the house recording
everything! She was pissed at me for something else I did (I believe
she told her parents it was that I wouldn't go outside and play with
her, leaving her toddler brother inside alone and sick), and decided
"I'm going to punish Christopher by lying about him to my parents!"
I know, you are going to say "No child's mind works that way", but I
have met MANY children and adults whose minds work that way!
You're the BIGGEST FUCKING LIAR that has ever existed. You're ALWAYS
saying there are "CCC's" somewhere, which supposedly proves your
innocence, when you get your vile ass in a jam. Just HOW many packs of
lies can a motherfucker like you crank out in the span of one week????
In the name of decency, you must be wiped out, like the cockroach you
Now, how the HELL do you know what I have in my house or not? Answer:
You don't. You have NEVER been to my home EVER, and there are MANY
private homes with closed-circuit cameras in the rooms, recording on
tapes or, in my case, a home computer. J-Lo's mansion and Oprah's to
name two.
You have absolutely NO proof that I am a liar, you have NO proof what I
spend my 90,000 dollars a year in salary on, so STHU!

You automatically pick on something you see as a weakness in someone's
arguement, never realizing that there is a PERFECTLY rational
explanation for why it is true and believable!

Apparently, Laffy Taffy, you do NOT EVER think before you open your
pie-hole! That is a problem with people like you, they are so caught up
in their dislike of certain people, that you think EVERYTHING that they
say, must be a lie or wrong.

Also, apparently, you have NEVER opened a issue of Modern Maternity,
where they advertise home-surveillance/alarm systems that cost UNDER
5,000 dollars to install AND have an added option to put cameras INSIDE
the homes in children's bedrooms and common areas to monitor
babysitters and people visiting you! The only place they WON'T put
them, is in a bathroom, because people get naked there!
2006-04-24 14:48:03 UTC
Post by c***@comcast.net
Post by Laffy Taffy
but I had PROOF that I
didn't, because her parents had CCC's all over the house recording
everything! She was pissed at me for something else I did (I believe
she told her parents it was that I wouldn't go outside and play with
her, leaving her toddler brother inside alone and sick), and decided
"I'm going to punish Christopher by lying about him to my parents!"
I know, you are going to say "No child's mind works that way", but I
have met MANY children and adults whose minds work that way!
You're the BIGGEST FUCKING LIAR that has ever existed. You're ALWAYS
saying there are "CCC's" somewhere, which supposedly proves your
innocence, when you get your vile ass in a jam. Just HOW many packs of
lies can a motherfucker like you crank out in the span of one week????
In the name of decency, you must be wiped out, like the cockroach you
You don't. You have NEVER been to my home EVER, and there are MANY
private homes with closed-circuit cameras in the rooms, recording on
tapes or, in my case, a home computer. J-Lo's mansion and Oprah's to
name two.
You have absolutely NO proof that I am a liar, you have NO proof what I
spend my 90,000 dollars a year in salary on, so STHU!
You wouldn't know $90,000 a year if you tripped over it
You probably post from the library
Post by c***@comcast.net
You automatically pick on something you see as a weakness in someone's
arguement, never realizing that there is a PERFECTLY rational
explanation for why it is true and believable!
Your arguments are full of flaws and lies
Post by c***@comcast.net
Apparently, Laffy Taffy, you do NOT EVER think before you open your
Pot/Kettle :-)

That is a problem with people like you, they are so caught up
Post by c***@comcast.net
in their dislike of certain people, that you think EVERYTHING that they
say, must be a lie or wrong.
Also, apparently, you have NEVER opened a issue of Modern Maternity,
where they advertise home-surveillance/alarm systems that cost UNDER
5,000 dollars to install AND have an added option to put cameras INSIDE
the homes in children's bedrooms and common areas to monitor
babysitters and people visiting you! The only place they WON'T put
them, is in a bathroom, because people get naked there!
Spanked again crissy....why do you torture yourself by comming back for
2006-04-24 15:05:41 UTC
Post by bobandcarole
Post by c***@comcast.net
Post by Laffy Taffy
but I had PROOF that I
didn't, because her parents had CCC's all over the house recording
everything! She was pissed at me for something else I did (I believe
she told her parents it was that I wouldn't go outside and play with
her, leaving her toddler brother inside alone and sick), and decided
"I'm going to punish Christopher by lying about him to my parents!"
I know, you are going to say "No child's mind works that way", but I
have met MANY children and adults whose minds work that way!
You're the BIGGEST FUCKING LIAR that has ever existed. You're ALWAYS
saying there are "CCC's" somewhere, which supposedly proves your
innocence, when you get your vile ass in a jam. Just HOW many packs of
lies can a motherfucker like you crank out in the span of one week????
In the name of decency, you must be wiped out, like the cockroach you
You don't. You have NEVER been to my home EVER, and there are MANY
private homes with closed-circuit cameras in the rooms, recording on
tapes or, in my case, a home computer. J-Lo's mansion and Oprah's to
name two.
You have absolutely NO proof that I am a liar, you have NO proof what I
spend my 90,000 dollars a year in salary on, so STHU!
You wouldn't know $90,000 a year if you tripped over it
You probably post from the library
Post by c***@comcast.net
You automatically pick on something you see as a weakness in someone's
arguement, never realizing that there is a PERFECTLY rational
explanation for why it is true and believable!
Your arguments are full of flaws and lies
Post by c***@comcast.net
Apparently, Laffy Taffy, you do NOT EVER think before you open your
Pot/Kettle :-)
That is a problem with people like you, they are so caught up
Post by c***@comcast.net
in their dislike of certain people, that you think EVERYTHING that they
say, must be a lie or wrong.
Also, apparently, you have NEVER opened a issue of Modern Maternity,
where they advertise home-surveillance/alarm systems that cost UNDER
5,000 dollars to install AND have an added option to put cameras INSIDE
the homes in children's bedrooms and common areas to monitor
babysitters and people visiting you! The only place they WON'T put
them, is in a bathroom, because people get naked there!
Spanked again crissy....why do you torture yourself by comming back for
bobandcarole, the only one getting spanked here, is you, because YOUR
arguments have flaws and holes as well. Any argument DOES, that is why
it is called an ARGUMENT, and not an absolute truth.
Problem with you is, when someone points out the flaws in your
arguments, you do NOT support your arguments!

You just resort to calling people "Evil!" and "Pedophiles!" Guess what,
that DOESN'T WORK ANYMORE! More and more people who are NOT pedophiles
are seeing the flaws in YOUR arguments, and are coming to my side! They
know that my arguments have flaws as well, but at least MINE have the
ring of truth to them! Yours, do not!

They are nothing more than stereotypes that have been passed down for
years, and the things about stereotypes is, THEY ARE NEVER ACCURATE IN
2006-04-24 15:49:37 UTC
Post by c***@comcast.net
Post by bobandcarole
Post by c***@comcast.net
Post by Laffy Taffy
but I had PROOF that I
didn't, because her parents had CCC's all over the house recording
everything! She was pissed at me for something else I did (I believe
she told her parents it was that I wouldn't go outside and play with
her, leaving her toddler brother inside alone and sick), and decided
"I'm going to punish Christopher by lying about him to my parents!"
I know, you are going to say "No child's mind works that way", but I
have met MANY children and adults whose minds work that way!
You're the BIGGEST FUCKING LIAR that has ever existed. You're ALWAYS
saying there are "CCC's" somewhere, which supposedly proves your
innocence, when you get your vile ass in a jam. Just HOW many packs of
lies can a motherfucker like you crank out in the span of one week????
In the name of decency, you must be wiped out, like the cockroach you
You don't. You have NEVER been to my home EVER, and there are MANY
private homes with closed-circuit cameras in the rooms, recording on
tapes or, in my case, a home computer. J-Lo's mansion and Oprah's to
name two.
You have absolutely NO proof that I am a liar, you have NO proof what I
spend my 90,000 dollars a year in salary on, so STHU!
You wouldn't know $90,000 a year if you tripped over it
You probably post from the library
Post by c***@comcast.net
You automatically pick on something you see as a weakness in someone's
arguement, never realizing that there is a PERFECTLY rational
explanation for why it is true and believable!
Your arguments are full of flaws and lies
Post by c***@comcast.net
Apparently, Laffy Taffy, you do NOT EVER think before you open your
Pot/Kettle :-)
That is a problem with people like you, they are so caught up
Post by c***@comcast.net
in their dislike of certain people, that you think EVERYTHING that they
say, must be a lie or wrong.
Also, apparently, you have NEVER opened a issue of Modern Maternity,
where they advertise home-surveillance/alarm systems that cost UNDER
5,000 dollars to install AND have an added option to put cameras INSIDE
the homes in children's bedrooms and common areas to monitor
babysitters and people visiting you! The only place they WON'T put
them, is in a bathroom, because people get naked there!
Spanked again crissy....why do you torture yourself by comming back for
bobandcarole, the only one getting spanked here, is you, because YOUR
arguments have flaws and holes as well.
It's funny that you don't show any...:-)

Any argument DOES, that is why
Post by c***@comcast.net
it is called an ARGUMENT, and not an absolute truth.
Problem with you is, when someone points out the flaws in your
arguments, you do NOT support your arguments!
You still think I'm here to 'debate' you.
My point of view is not subject to change.
I'm here to do everything in my power to see that people like you are
Post by c***@comcast.net
You just resort to calling people "Evil!" and "Pedophiles!" Guess what,
that DOESN'T WORK ANYMORE! More and more people who are NOT pedophiles
are seeing the flaws in YOUR arguments,
Obviously they aren't posting here

and are coming to my side! They
Post by c***@comcast.net
know that my arguments have flaws as well, but at least MINE have the
ring of truth to them! Yours, do not!
Post by c***@comcast.net
They are nothing more than stereotypes that have been passed down for
years, and the things about stereotypes is, THEY ARE NEVER ACCURATE IN
Laffy Taffy
2006-04-24 04:03:47 UTC
Post by Twinkle Toes
Savant ripped open a bag of Fritos, watched the inhabitants of a Sears'
dressing room masturbate ferociously, and sputtered...
I also just noticed this said he was convicted, and I hope that someone
brings up the points that I brought up in my earlier posting, and uses
them in his appeals!
You can't introduce new arguments into the appeal process. Appeals are a
review to look at possible errors in the trial.
Anything that gives a shock can leave marks on the skin because shocks can
cause burns. I remember this story from when it was first in the news and I
remember reading that police searched the home after interviewing the child
and found the electric dog collar. The fact the collar was in the family's
home supports the girl's story. And as I recall, there was other evidence to
support the child had been neglected and abused. Just the fact that the
mother says neither she nor the child's birth father want the girl anymore
because "the girl is a liar" shows how screwed up this woman is and what an
abnormal mother she is--capable of really cruel abuse.
The poor girl has probably already been seriously traumatized living in this
environment. W/ luck, and a lot of support and counseling, perhaps she can
survive w/ few enough scars that she can be fairly functional in life. I
hope a nice family is available to adopt her.
(add sbc before global to email)
Yes, the collar being in the house does support her story, IF you take
her story as being the truth and not a lie or fevered imagining of a
person who is pissed at her parents and step-father for ANOTHER reason,
that isn't abusive or criminal, and is using this accusation to get
back at him.
I had a girl accuse me of beating her recently, but I had PROOF that I
didn't, because her parents had CCC's all over the house recording
everything! She was pissed at me for something else I did (I believe
she told her parents it was that I wouldn't go outside and play with
her, leaving her toddler brother inside alone and sick), and decided
"I'm going to punish Christopher by lying about him to my parents!"
I know, you are going to say "No child's mind works that way", but I
have met MANY children and adults whose minds work that way!
The mother might be telling the truth, that her daughter is a
compulsive liar, and she just can't deal with her and her constant lies
anymore. I've never had that problem, since my daughters are ALWAYS
honest with me about everything, even when they accidentally break
something or get into an accident, so I can't relate to her situation.
I have come across children who are compulsive liars, and who lie about
EVERYTHING, even things that if they told the truth would be GOOD for
them, like telling the truth about wanting to go to the amusement park,
getting an A on their test or something else like that.
They just have a compulsion to lie and cannot control it for some
whacky reason that exists in their brains.
Second, you CAN raise other arguments, and get a re-trial, if you can
prove that an attorney didn't do his job well or at all. Considering
that in 5 minutes I came up with OTHER explanations as to why these
marks existed, the attorney for the defense DIDN'T do his job well at
Also, how do you KNOW that this family wasn't a loving family though
emotionally distant from the girl, and the daughter wasn't just "Satan
on steriods!" I met a girl and her brother who were like that once,
always lying about everything and everyone, and smearing other people's
reputations because they got enjoyment out of causing other's pain and
They finally had to be locked up in an insane asylum, when they tried
to attack a little girl who visited them, and nearly decapitated her
with a scythe (missed her, but it was VERY close!).
Does anybody else get the feeling that Chrissy is just making up shit as
he goes??? These stories rival ANYTHING Steven King has published in the
last 10 years. What a fucking loon!
And the Stupid CUNT Lifetime achievement award goes to:

Camille Grammer.. AKA The Gold-digging closet lesbian
who suggested the *brilliant* idea of laser hair removal &
back-waxing to her gorgeous, much-undeserved husband.

Everyone knows it's a SIN to rob a teddy bear of his fur.

Here's hoping you experience permenant facial paralasis,
when you crawl back into Fake-Bitches-R-Us for your next
Botox injection, you insipid, ignominious, rotting shell of a woman.
Frank McCoy
2006-04-24 04:51:39 UTC
Post by Laffy Taffy
Post by Twinkle Toes
Savant ripped open a bag of Fritos, watched the inhabitants of a Sears'
dressing room masturbate ferociously, and sputtered...
I also just noticed this said he was convicted, and I hope that someone
brings up the points that I brought up in my earlier posting, and uses
them in his appeals!
You can't introduce new arguments into the appeal process. Appeals are a
review to look at possible errors in the trial.
Anything that gives a shock can leave marks on the skin because shocks can
cause burns. I remember this story from when it was first in the news and I
remember reading that police searched the home after interviewing the child
and found the electric dog collar. The fact the collar was in the family's
home supports the girl's story. And as I recall, there was other evidence to
support the child had been neglected and abused. Just the fact that the
mother says neither she nor the child's birth father want the girl anymore
because "the girl is a liar" shows how screwed up this woman is and what an
abnormal mother she is--capable of really cruel abuse.
The poor girl has probably already been seriously traumatized living in this
environment. W/ luck, and a lot of support and counseling, perhaps she can
survive w/ few enough scars that she can be fairly functional in life. I
hope a nice family is available to adopt her.
(add sbc before global to email)
Yes, the collar being in the house does support her story, IF you take
her story as being the truth and not a lie or fevered imagining of a
person who is pissed at her parents and step-father for ANOTHER reason,
that isn't abusive or criminal, and is using this accusation to get
back at him.
I had a girl accuse me of beating her recently, but I had PROOF that I
didn't, because her parents had CCC's all over the house recording
everything! She was pissed at me for something else I did (I believe
she told her parents it was that I wouldn't go outside and play with
her, leaving her toddler brother inside alone and sick), and decided
"I'm going to punish Christopher by lying about him to my parents!"
I know, you are going to say "No child's mind works that way", but I
have met MANY children and adults whose minds work that way!
The mother might be telling the truth, that her daughter is a
compulsive liar, and she just can't deal with her and her constant lies
anymore. I've never had that problem, since my daughters are ALWAYS
honest with me about everything, even when they accidentally break
something or get into an accident, so I can't relate to her situation.
I have come across children who are compulsive liars, and who lie about
EVERYTHING, even things that if they told the truth would be GOOD for
them, like telling the truth about wanting to go to the amusement park,
getting an A on their test or something else like that.
They just have a compulsion to lie and cannot control it for some
whacky reason that exists in their brains.
Second, you CAN raise other arguments, and get a re-trial, if you can
prove that an attorney didn't do his job well or at all. Considering
that in 5 minutes I came up with OTHER explanations as to why these
marks existed, the attorney for the defense DIDN'T do his job well at
Also, how do you KNOW that this family wasn't a loving family though
emotionally distant from the girl, and the daughter wasn't just "Satan
on steriods!" I met a girl and her brother who were like that once,
always lying about everything and everyone, and smearing other people's
reputations because they got enjoyment out of causing other's pain and
They finally had to be locked up in an insane asylum, when they tried
to attack a little girl who visited them, and nearly decapitated her
with a scythe (missed her, but it was VERY close!).
Does anybody else get the feeling that Chrissy is just making up shit as
he goes??? These stories rival ANYTHING Steven King has published in the
last 10 years. What a fucking loon!
They *do* seem to have a made-up feeling to them.
He might (or might-not) have a point; but the stories do seem a bit ... trite.
I've met people who *were* compulsive liars; but attacking people with sharp
objects usually wasn't on their agenda (as far as I knew). Completely and
compulsively unable to tell the truth ... OK. THAT, I've seen. But the rest?

The problem was though: Even though the few people I've met who met that
description *should* have been in an institution to both protect innocent people
around them AND themselves as well, none of them were. People just "put up with
them" and seemed to take into account not to trust word-one out of their mouths.
One such, other people told me, was supposedly a really nice person inside ...
she just couldn't tell two straight words in a row. That one I don't know about
except through hearsay though. They SAID she was "basically nice". Maybe. I
still would have felt damned nervous around her.

Personally, when a person *cannot* tell the truth, I suspect brain-damage of
some sort. There are so *many* things that can go wrong with the brain ....
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
Laffy Taffy
2006-04-24 05:48:32 UTC
Frank McCoy ripped open a bag of Fritos, watched the inhabitants of a
Sears' dressing room masturbate ferociously, and sputtered...
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Laffy Taffy
Post by Twinkle Toes
Savant ripped open a bag of Fritos, watched the inhabitants of a Sears'
dressing room masturbate ferociously, and sputtered...
I also just noticed this said he was convicted, and I hope that someone
brings up the points that I brought up in my earlier posting, and uses
them in his appeals!
You can't introduce new arguments into the appeal process. Appeals are a
review to look at possible errors in the trial.
Anything that gives a shock can leave marks on the skin because shocks can
cause burns. I remember this story from when it was first in the news and I
remember reading that police searched the home after interviewing the child
and found the electric dog collar. The fact the collar was in the family's
home supports the girl's story. And as I recall, there was other evidence to
support the child had been neglected and abused. Just the fact that the
mother says neither she nor the child's birth father want the girl anymore
because "the girl is a liar" shows how screwed up this woman is and what an
abnormal mother she is--capable of really cruel abuse.
The poor girl has probably already been seriously traumatized living in this
environment. W/ luck, and a lot of support and counseling, perhaps she can
survive w/ few enough scars that she can be fairly functional in life. I
hope a nice family is available to adopt her.
(add sbc before global to email)
Yes, the collar being in the house does support her story, IF you take
her story as being the truth and not a lie or fevered imagining of a
person who is pissed at her parents and step-father for ANOTHER reason,
that isn't abusive or criminal, and is using this accusation to get
back at him.
I had a girl accuse me of beating her recently, but I had PROOF that I
didn't, because her parents had CCC's all over the house recording
everything! She was pissed at me for something else I did (I believe
she told her parents it was that I wouldn't go outside and play with
her, leaving her toddler brother inside alone and sick), and decided
"I'm going to punish Christopher by lying about him to my parents!"
I know, you are going to say "No child's mind works that way", but I
have met MANY children and adults whose minds work that way!
The mother might be telling the truth, that her daughter is a
compulsive liar, and she just can't deal with her and her constant lies
anymore. I've never had that problem, since my daughters are ALWAYS
honest with me about everything, even when they accidentally break
something or get into an accident, so I can't relate to her situation.
I have come across children who are compulsive liars, and who lie about
EVERYTHING, even things that if they told the truth would be GOOD for
them, like telling the truth about wanting to go to the amusement park,
getting an A on their test or something else like that.
They just have a compulsion to lie and cannot control it for some
whacky reason that exists in their brains.
Second, you CAN raise other arguments, and get a re-trial, if you can
prove that an attorney didn't do his job well or at all. Considering
that in 5 minutes I came up with OTHER explanations as to why these
marks existed, the attorney for the defense DIDN'T do his job well at
Also, how do you KNOW that this family wasn't a loving family though
emotionally distant from the girl, and the daughter wasn't just "Satan
on steriods!" I met a girl and her brother who were like that once,
always lying about everything and everyone, and smearing other people's
reputations because they got enjoyment out of causing other's pain and
They finally had to be locked up in an insane asylum, when they tried
to attack a little girl who visited them, and nearly decapitated her
with a scythe (missed her, but it was VERY close!).
Does anybody else get the feeling that Chrissy is just making up shit as
he goes??? These stories rival ANYTHING Steven King has published in the
last 10 years. What a fucking loon!
They *do* seem to have a made-up feeling to them.
He might (or might-not) have a point; but the stories do seem a bit ... trite.
I've met people who *were* compulsive liars; but attacking people with sharp
objects usually wasn't on their agenda (as far as I knew). Completely and
compulsively unable to tell the truth ... OK. THAT, I've seen. But the rest?
The problem was though: Even though the few people I've met who met that
description *should* have been in an institution to both protect innocent people
around them AND themselves as well, none of them were. People just "put up with
them" and seemed to take into account not to trust word-one out of their mouths.
One such, other people told me, was supposedly a really nice person inside ...
she just couldn't tell two straight words in a row. That one I don't know about
except through hearsay though. They SAID she was "basically nice". Maybe. I
still would have felt damned nervous around her.
Personally, when a person *cannot* tell the truth, I suspect brain-damage of
some sort. There are so *many* things that can go wrong with the brain ....
Trust me, that little sample is NOTHING compared to some of his other
posts in alt.true-crime. LOLOLOLOL Just for kicks, here are some his
more *interesting* quotes:

"That is what happened to me when I was being raped for the second time
in a year when I was 12. I just blanked out, and when I awoke, the
people who were raping me were beaten half to death, and one WAS dead,
but they were able to bring him back."

"I did that with my own cousins, I was their father figure (because
their REAL father was a murdering asshole who raped his own
step-daughter while in his right state of mind and killed the police
officer in cold blood who tried to stop him!)."

"Victims ALREADY have support from the police, prosecutors,
victims groups and 9 times out of 10, their families (unless they have
tried lying about rapes before!) so why would they need 'support'?
The only support you need, is that you know that you have been raped,
and that you want to report it! That is the ONLY support that you need,
support from YOURSELF!"

"It's the same way that a man who is trapped on an island with women who
constantly go around naked and flaunt themselves to him but reject his
sexual advances towards them when he makes them, will sooner or later
snap and force one of them into sex, because his sexual desires
overcome his judgement or suppress his judgement.
Pedophiles who HAVE a child to make love with, do not force children
into sex."

"That is coming straight from my own
experiences while working as a volunteer for Social Services."

"Now, if the child showed no signs of abuse, what is the justification
for putting this man in jail? I have to say, at least he was trying to
sell her to someone who would take good care of her, rather than doing
what some other people do, which is kill the child and dump the body!"

"Someone is twisted, and it isn't ME!"

Is this dude certified or WHAT??!! Ahaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
The problem with most female Trolls, is that their posts lack
entertainment value.

And then *I* came along.... : P
2006-04-24 07:40:32 UTC
Post by Laffy Taffy
Post by Twinkle Toes
Savant ripped open a bag of Fritos, watched the inhabitants of a Sears'
dressing room masturbate ferociously, and sputtered...
I also just noticed this said he was convicted, and I hope that someone
brings up the points that I brought up in my earlier posting, and uses
them in his appeals!
You can't introduce new arguments into the appeal process. Appeals are a
review to look at possible errors in the trial.
Anything that gives a shock can leave marks on the skin because shocks can
cause burns. I remember this story from when it was first in the news and I
remember reading that police searched the home after interviewing the child
and found the electric dog collar. The fact the collar was in the family's
home supports the girl's story. And as I recall, there was other evidence to
support the child had been neglected and abused. Just the fact that the
mother says neither she nor the child's birth father want the girl anymore
because "the girl is a liar" shows how screwed up this woman is and what an
abnormal mother she is--capable of really cruel abuse.
The poor girl has probably already been seriously traumatized living in this
environment. W/ luck, and a lot of support and counseling, perhaps she can
survive w/ few enough scars that she can be fairly functional in life. I
hope a nice family is available to adopt her.
(add sbc before global to email)
Yes, the collar being in the house does support her story, IF you take
her story as being the truth and not a lie or fevered imagining of a
person who is pissed at her parents and step-father for ANOTHER reason,
that isn't abusive or criminal, and is using this accusation to get
back at him.
I had a girl accuse me of beating her recently, but I had PROOF that I
didn't, because her parents had CCC's all over the house recording
everything! She was pissed at me for something else I did (I believe
she told her parents it was that I wouldn't go outside and play with
her, leaving her toddler brother inside alone and sick), and decided
"I'm going to punish Christopher by lying about him to my parents!"
I know, you are going to say "No child's mind works that way", but I
have met MANY children and adults whose minds work that way!
The mother might be telling the truth, that her daughter is a
compulsive liar, and she just can't deal with her and her constant lies
anymore. I've never had that problem, since my daughters are ALWAYS
honest with me about everything, even when they accidentally break
something or get into an accident, so I can't relate to her situation.
I have come across children who are compulsive liars, and who lie about
EVERYTHING, even things that if they told the truth would be GOOD for
them, like telling the truth about wanting to go to the amusement park,
getting an A on their test or something else like that.
They just have a compulsion to lie and cannot control it for some
whacky reason that exists in their brains.
Second, you CAN raise other arguments, and get a re-trial, if you can
prove that an attorney didn't do his job well or at all. Considering
that in 5 minutes I came up with OTHER explanations as to why these
marks existed, the attorney for the defense DIDN'T do his job well at
Also, how do you KNOW that this family wasn't a loving family though
emotionally distant from the girl, and the daughter wasn't just "Satan
on steriods!" I met a girl and her brother who were like that once,
always lying about everything and everyone, and smearing other people's
reputations because they got enjoyment out of causing other's pain and
They finally had to be locked up in an insane asylum, when they tried
to attack a little girl who visited them, and nearly decapitated her
with a scythe (missed her, but it was VERY close!).
Does anybody else get the feeling that Chrissy is just making up shit as
he goes??? These stories rival ANYTHING Steven King has published in the
last 10 years. What a fucking loon!
look in the mirror laffy
Post by Laffy Taffy
Camille Grammer.. AKA The Gold-digging closet lesbian
who suggested the *brilliant* idea of laser hair removal &
back-waxing to her gorgeous, much-undeserved husband.
Everyone knows it's a SIN to rob a teddy bear of his fur.
Here's hoping you experience permenant facial paralasis,
when you crawl back into Fake-Bitches-R-Us for your next
Botox injection, you insipid, ignominious, rotting shell of a woman.
2006-04-26 03:12:18 UTC
On Mon, 24 Apr 2006 07:40:32 GMT, in article <Qh%2g.14338$***@news-
server.bigpond.net.au>, Wonderer (***@bigpond.net.au) laid
themselves atop the sacrificial altar, and recited a testicular
dedication mantra, which was then decrypted by *a source who shall remain
nameless*, and roughly translates to...
Post by Wonderer
Post by Laffy Taffy
Post by Twinkle Toes
Savant ripped open a bag of Fritos, watched the inhabitants of a Sears'
dressing room masturbate ferociously, and sputtered...
I also just noticed this said he was convicted, and I hope that someone
brings up the points that I brought up in my earlier posting, and uses
them in his appeals!
You can't introduce new arguments into the appeal process. Appeals are a
review to look at possible errors in the trial.
Anything that gives a shock can leave marks on the skin because shocks can
cause burns. I remember this story from when it was first in the news and I
remember reading that police searched the home after interviewing the child
and found the electric dog collar. The fact the collar was in the family's
home supports the girl's story. And as I recall, there was other evidence to
support the child had been neglected and abused. Just the fact that the
mother says neither she nor the child's birth father want the girl anymore
because "the girl is a liar" shows how screwed up this woman is and what an
abnormal mother she is--capable of really cruel abuse.
The poor girl has probably already been seriously traumatized living in this
environment. W/ luck, and a lot of support and counseling, perhaps she can
survive w/ few enough scars that she can be fairly functional in life. I
hope a nice family is available to adopt her.
(add sbc before global to email)
Yes, the collar being in the house does support her story, IF you take
her story as being the truth and not a lie or fevered imagining of a
person who is pissed at her parents and step-father for ANOTHER reason,
that isn't abusive or criminal, and is using this accusation to get
back at him.
I had a girl accuse me of beating her recently, but I had PROOF that I
didn't, because her parents had CCC's all over the house recording
everything! She was pissed at me for something else I did (I believe
she told her parents it was that I wouldn't go outside and play with
her, leaving her toddler brother inside alone and sick), and decided
"I'm going to punish Christopher by lying about him to my parents!"
I know, you are going to say "No child's mind works that way", but I
have met MANY children and adults whose minds work that way!
The mother might be telling the truth, that her daughter is a
compulsive liar, and she just can't deal with her and her constant lies
anymore. I've never had that problem, since my daughters are ALWAYS
honest with me about everything, even when they accidentally break
something or get into an accident, so I can't relate to her situation.
I have come across children who are compulsive liars, and who lie about
EVERYTHING, even things that if they told the truth would be GOOD for
them, like telling the truth about wanting to go to the amusement park,
getting an A on their test or something else like that.
They just have a compulsion to lie and cannot control it for some
whacky reason that exists in their brains.
Second, you CAN raise other arguments, and get a re-trial, if you can
prove that an attorney didn't do his job well or at all. Considering
that in 5 minutes I came up with OTHER explanations as to why these
marks existed, the attorney for the defense DIDN'T do his job well at
Also, how do you KNOW that this family wasn't a loving family though
emotionally distant from the girl, and the daughter wasn't just "Satan
on steriods!" I met a girl and her brother who were like that once,
always lying about everything and everyone, and smearing other people's
reputations because they got enjoyment out of causing other's pain and
They finally had to be locked up in an insane asylum, when they tried
to attack a little girl who visited them, and nearly decapitated her
with a scythe (missed her, but it was VERY close!).
Does anybody else get the feeling that Chrissy is just making up shit as
he goes??? These stories rival ANYTHING Steven King has published in the
last 10 years. What a fucking loon!
look in the mirror laffy
Go fuck yourself.
2006-04-26 03:26:02 UTC
Post by Sekhmet
themselves atop the sacrificial altar, and recited a testicular
dedication mantra, which was then decrypted by *a source who shall remain
nameless*, and roughly translates to...
Post by Wonderer
Post by Laffy Taffy
Post by Twinkle Toes
Savant ripped open a bag of Fritos, watched the inhabitants of a Sears'
dressing room masturbate ferociously, and sputtered...
I also just noticed this said he was convicted, and I hope that someone
brings up the points that I brought up in my earlier posting,
them in his appeals!
You can't introduce new arguments into the appeal process. Appeals are a
review to look at possible errors in the trial.
Anything that gives a shock can leave marks on the skin because shocks can
cause burns. I remember this story from when it was first in the
and I
remember reading that police searched the home after interviewing
and found the electric dog collar. The fact the collar was in the family's
home supports the girl's story. And as I recall, there was other
evidence to
support the child had been neglected and abused. Just the fact
mother says neither she nor the child's birth father want the girl anymore
because "the girl is a liar" shows how screwed up this woman is
what an
abnormal mother she is--capable of really cruel abuse.
The poor girl has probably already been seriously traumatized
in this
environment. W/ luck, and a lot of support and counseling, perhaps she can
survive w/ few enough scars that she can be fairly functional in life. I
hope a nice family is available to adopt her.
(add sbc before global to email)
Yes, the collar being in the house does support her story, IF you take
her story as being the truth and not a lie or fevered imagining of a
person who is pissed at her parents and step-father for ANOTHER reason,
that isn't abusive or criminal, and is using this accusation to get
back at him.
I had a girl accuse me of beating her recently, but I had PROOF that I
didn't, because her parents had CCC's all over the house recording
everything! She was pissed at me for something else I did (I believe
she told her parents it was that I wouldn't go outside and play with
her, leaving her toddler brother inside alone and sick), and decided
"I'm going to punish Christopher by lying about him to my parents!"
I know, you are going to say "No child's mind works that way", but I
have met MANY children and adults whose minds work that way!
The mother might be telling the truth, that her daughter is a
compulsive liar, and she just can't deal with her and her constant lies
anymore. I've never had that problem, since my daughters are ALWAYS
honest with me about everything, even when they accidentally break
something or get into an accident, so I can't relate to her situation.
I have come across children who are compulsive liars, and who lie about
EVERYTHING, even things that if they told the truth would be GOOD for
them, like telling the truth about wanting to go to the amusement park,
getting an A on their test or something else like that.
They just have a compulsion to lie and cannot control it for some
whacky reason that exists in their brains.
Second, you CAN raise other arguments, and get a re-trial, if you can
prove that an attorney didn't do his job well or at all. Considering
that in 5 minutes I came up with OTHER explanations as to why these
marks existed, the attorney for the defense DIDN'T do his job well at
Also, how do you KNOW that this family wasn't a loving family though
emotionally distant from the girl, and the daughter wasn't just "Satan
on steriods!" I met a girl and her brother who were like that once,
always lying about everything and everyone, and smearing other people's
reputations because they got enjoyment out of causing other's pain and
They finally had to be locked up in an insane asylum, when they tried
to attack a little girl who visited them, and nearly decapitated her
with a scythe (missed her, but it was VERY close!).
Does anybody else get the feeling that Chrissy is just making up shit as
he goes??? These stories rival ANYTHING Steven King has published in the
last 10 years. What a fucking loon!
look in the mirror laffy
Go fuck yourself.
and look like you, no thanks
2006-04-27 00:17:14 UTC
On Wed, 26 Apr 2006 03:26:02 GMT, in article
<eLB3g.16063$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>, Wonderer
(***@bigpond.net.au) laid themselves atop the sacrificial altar,
and recited a testicular dedication mantra, which was then decrypted by
*a source who shall remain nameless*, and roughly translates to...
Post by Wonderer
Post by Sekhmet
themselves atop the sacrificial altar, and recited a testicular
dedication mantra, which was then decrypted by *a source who shall remain
nameless*, and roughly translates to...
Post by Wonderer
Post by Laffy Taffy
Post by Twinkle Toes
Savant ripped open a bag of Fritos, watched the inhabitants of a Sears'
dressing room masturbate ferociously, and sputtered...
I also just noticed this said he was convicted, and I hope that
brings up the points that I brought up in my earlier posting,
them in his appeals!
You can't introduce new arguments into the appeal process. Appeals
are a
review to look at possible errors in the trial.
Anything that gives a shock can leave marks on the skin because
shocks can
cause burns. I remember this story from when it was first in the
and I
remember reading that police searched the home after interviewing
and found the electric dog collar. The fact the collar was in the
home supports the girl's story. And as I recall, there was other
evidence to
support the child had been neglected and abused. Just the fact
mother says neither she nor the child's birth father want the girl
because "the girl is a liar" shows how screwed up this woman is
what an
abnormal mother she is--capable of really cruel abuse.
The poor girl has probably already been seriously traumatized
in this
environment. W/ luck, and a lot of support and counseling, perhaps
she can
survive w/ few enough scars that she can be fairly functional in
life. I
hope a nice family is available to adopt her.
(add sbc before global to email)
Yes, the collar being in the house does support her story, IF you take
her story as being the truth and not a lie or fevered imagining of a
person who is pissed at her parents and step-father for ANOTHER reason,
that isn't abusive or criminal, and is using this accusation to get
back at him.
I had a girl accuse me of beating her recently, but I had PROOF that I
didn't, because her parents had CCC's all over the house recording
everything! She was pissed at me for something else I did (I believe
she told her parents it was that I wouldn't go outside and play with
her, leaving her toddler brother inside alone and sick), and decided
"I'm going to punish Christopher by lying about him to my parents!"
I know, you are going to say "No child's mind works that way", but I
have met MANY children and adults whose minds work that way!
The mother might be telling the truth, that her daughter is a
compulsive liar, and she just can't deal with her and her constant lies
anymore. I've never had that problem, since my daughters are ALWAYS
honest with me about everything, even when they accidentally break
something or get into an accident, so I can't relate to her situation.
I have come across children who are compulsive liars, and who lie about
EVERYTHING, even things that if they told the truth would be GOOD for
them, like telling the truth about wanting to go to the amusement park,
getting an A on their test or something else like that.
They just have a compulsion to lie and cannot control it for some
whacky reason that exists in their brains.
Second, you CAN raise other arguments, and get a re-trial, if you can
prove that an attorney didn't do his job well or at all. Considering
that in 5 minutes I came up with OTHER explanations as to why these
marks existed, the attorney for the defense DIDN'T do his job well at
Also, how do you KNOW that this family wasn't a loving family though
emotionally distant from the girl, and the daughter wasn't just "Satan
on steriods!" I met a girl and her brother who were like that once,
always lying about everything and everyone, and smearing other people's
reputations because they got enjoyment out of causing other's pain and
They finally had to be locked up in an insane asylum, when they tried
to attack a little girl who visited them, and nearly decapitated her
with a scythe (missed her, but it was VERY close!).
Does anybody else get the feeling that Chrissy is just making up shit as
he goes??? These stories rival ANYTHING Steven King has published in the
last 10 years. What a fucking loon!
look in the mirror laffy
Go fuck yourself.
and look like you, no thanks
You are SUCH a complete IDIOT. Are you not aware that I plonked you?
The only reason I accidentally saw your post, was because I was cleaning
out my TRASH bin. Just cease replying to me... you have nothing
intelligent to contribute. It's always the same moronic dreck that you
expect everyone else to tolerate. You are quite simply repetitive &
unimaginative, and therefore a waste of everyone's time.
The problem with most female Trolls, is that their posts lack
entertainment value.

And then *I* came along.... : P
2006-04-24 15:45:36 UTC
Post by Laffy Taffy
Post by Twinkle Toes
Savant ripped open a bag of Fritos, watched the inhabitants of a Sears'
dressing room masturbate ferociously, and sputtered...
I also just noticed this said he was convicted, and I hope that someone
brings up the points that I brought up in my earlier posting, and uses
them in his appeals!
You can't introduce new arguments into the appeal process. Appeals are a
review to look at possible errors in the trial.
Anything that gives a shock can leave marks on the skin because shocks can
cause burns. I remember this story from when it was first in the news and I
remember reading that police searched the home after interviewing the child
and found the electric dog collar. The fact the collar was in the family's
home supports the girl's story. And as I recall, there was other evidence to
support the child had been neglected and abused. Just the fact that the
mother says neither she nor the child's birth father want the girl anymore
because "the girl is a liar" shows how screwed up this woman is and what an
abnormal mother she is--capable of really cruel abuse.
The poor girl has probably already been seriously traumatized living in this
environment. W/ luck, and a lot of support and counseling, perhaps she can
survive w/ few enough scars that she can be fairly functional in life. I
hope a nice family is available to adopt her.
(add sbc before global to email)
Yes, the collar being in the house does support her story, IF you take
her story as being the truth and not a lie or fevered imagining of a
person who is pissed at her parents and step-father for ANOTHER reason,
that isn't abusive or criminal, and is using this accusation to get
back at him.
I had a girl accuse me of beating her recently, but I had PROOF that I
didn't, because her parents had CCC's all over the house recording
everything! She was pissed at me for something else I did (I believe
she told her parents it was that I wouldn't go outside and play with
her, leaving her toddler brother inside alone and sick), and decided
"I'm going to punish Christopher by lying about him to my parents!"
I know, you are going to say "No child's mind works that way", but I
have met MANY children and adults whose minds work that way!
The mother might be telling the truth, that her daughter is a
compulsive liar, and she just can't deal with her and her constant lies
anymore. I've never had that problem, since my daughters are ALWAYS
honest with me about everything, even when they accidentally break
something or get into an accident, so I can't relate to her situation.
I have come across children who are compulsive liars, and who lie about
EVERYTHING, even things that if they told the truth would be GOOD for
them, like telling the truth about wanting to go to the amusement park,
getting an A on their test or something else like that.
They just have a compulsion to lie and cannot control it for some
whacky reason that exists in their brains.
Second, you CAN raise other arguments, and get a re-trial, if you can
prove that an attorney didn't do his job well or at all. Considering
that in 5 minutes I came up with OTHER explanations as to why these
marks existed, the attorney for the defense DIDN'T do his job well at
Also, how do you KNOW that this family wasn't a loving family though
emotionally distant from the girl, and the daughter wasn't just "Satan
on steriods!" I met a girl and her brother who were like that once,
always lying about everything and everyone, and smearing other people's
reputations because they got enjoyment out of causing other's pain and
They finally had to be locked up in an insane asylum, when they tried
to attack a little girl who visited them, and nearly decapitated her
with a scythe (missed her, but it was VERY close!).
Does anybody else get the feeling that Chrissy is just making up shit as
he goes??? These stories rival ANYTHING Steven King has published in the
last 10 years. What a fucking loon!
crissy has an inferiority complex, notice that no matter what is posted
he takes the opposite view.
In his mind, he has to be right
Check out his posts in alt.true-crime
Post by Laffy Taffy
Camille Grammer.. AKA The Gold-digging closet lesbian
who suggested the *brilliant* idea of laser hair removal &
back-waxing to her gorgeous, much-undeserved husband.
Everyone knows it's a SIN to rob a teddy bear of his fur.
Here's hoping you experience permenant facial paralasis,
when you crawl back into Fake-Bitches-R-Us for your next
Botox injection, you insipid, ignominious, rotting shell of a woman.
Laffy Taffy
2006-04-24 16:01:53 UTC
bobandcarole ripped open a bag of Fritos, watched the inhabitants of a
Sears' dressing room masturbate ferociously, and sputtered...
Post by bobandcarole
Post by Laffy Taffy
Post by Twinkle Toes
Savant ripped open a bag of Fritos, watched the inhabitants of a Sears'
dressing room masturbate ferociously, and sputtered...
I also just noticed this said he was convicted, and I hope that someone
brings up the points that I brought up in my earlier posting, and uses
them in his appeals!
You can't introduce new arguments into the appeal process. Appeals are a
review to look at possible errors in the trial.
Anything that gives a shock can leave marks on the skin because shocks can
cause burns. I remember this story from when it was first in the news and I
remember reading that police searched the home after interviewing the child
and found the electric dog collar. The fact the collar was in the family's
home supports the girl's story. And as I recall, there was other evidence to
support the child had been neglected and abused. Just the fact that the
mother says neither she nor the child's birth father want the girl anymore
because "the girl is a liar" shows how screwed up this woman is and what an
abnormal mother she is--capable of really cruel abuse.
The poor girl has probably already been seriously traumatized living in this
environment. W/ luck, and a lot of support and counseling, perhaps she can
survive w/ few enough scars that she can be fairly functional in life. I
hope a nice family is available to adopt her.
(add sbc before global to email)
Yes, the collar being in the house does support her story, IF you take
her story as being the truth and not a lie or fevered imagining of a
person who is pissed at her parents and step-father for ANOTHER reason,
that isn't abusive or criminal, and is using this accusation to get
back at him.
I had a girl accuse me of beating her recently, but I had PROOF that I
didn't, because her parents had CCC's all over the house recording
everything! She was pissed at me for something else I did (I believe
she told her parents it was that I wouldn't go outside and play with
her, leaving her toddler brother inside alone and sick), and decided
"I'm going to punish Christopher by lying about him to my parents!"
I know, you are going to say "No child's mind works that way", but I
have met MANY children and adults whose minds work that way!
The mother might be telling the truth, that her daughter is a
compulsive liar, and she just can't deal with her and her constant lies
anymore. I've never had that problem, since my daughters are ALWAYS
honest with me about everything, even when they accidentally break
something or get into an accident, so I can't relate to her situation.
I have come across children who are compulsive liars, and who lie about
EVERYTHING, even things that if they told the truth would be GOOD for
them, like telling the truth about wanting to go to the amusement park,
getting an A on their test or something else like that.
They just have a compulsion to lie and cannot control it for some
whacky reason that exists in their brains.
Second, you CAN raise other arguments, and get a re-trial, if you can
prove that an attorney didn't do his job well or at all. Considering
that in 5 minutes I came up with OTHER explanations as to why these
marks existed, the attorney for the defense DIDN'T do his job well at
Also, how do you KNOW that this family wasn't a loving family though
emotionally distant from the girl, and the daughter wasn't just "Satan
on steriods!" I met a girl and her brother who were like that once,
always lying about everything and everyone, and smearing other people's
reputations because they got enjoyment out of causing other's pain and
They finally had to be locked up in an insane asylum, when they tried
to attack a little girl who visited them, and nearly decapitated her
with a scythe (missed her, but it was VERY close!).
Does anybody else get the feeling that Chrissy is just making up shit as
he goes??? These stories rival ANYTHING Steven King has published in the
last 10 years. What a fucking loon!
crissy has an inferiority complex, notice that no matter what is posted
he takes the opposite view.
In his mind, he has to be right
Check out his posts in alt.true-crime
That's where this post came from... alt.true-crime. I sifted through a
bunch of his shit, last night.
The problem with most female Trolls, is that their posts lack entertainment value.

And then *I* came along.... : P
2006-04-24 20:24:13 UTC
Post by Laffy Taffy
bobandcarole ripped open a bag of Fritos, watched the inhabitants of a
Sears' dressing room masturbate ferociously, and sputtered...
Post by bobandcarole
Post by Laffy Taffy
Post by Twinkle Toes
Savant ripped open a bag of Fritos, watched the inhabitants of a Sears'
dressing room masturbate ferociously, and sputtered...
I also just noticed this said he was convicted, and I hope that someone
brings up the points that I brought up in my earlier posting, and uses
them in his appeals!
You can't introduce new arguments into the appeal process. Appeals are a
review to look at possible errors in the trial.
Anything that gives a shock can leave marks on the skin because shocks can
cause burns. I remember this story from when it was first in the news and I
remember reading that police searched the home after interviewing the child
and found the electric dog collar. The fact the collar was in the family's
home supports the girl's story. And as I recall, there was other evidence to
support the child had been neglected and abused. Just the fact that the
mother says neither she nor the child's birth father want the girl anymore
because "the girl is a liar" shows how screwed up this woman is and what an
abnormal mother she is--capable of really cruel abuse.
The poor girl has probably already been seriously traumatized living in this
environment. W/ luck, and a lot of support and counseling, perhaps she can
survive w/ few enough scars that she can be fairly functional in life. I
hope a nice family is available to adopt her.
(add sbc before global to email)
Yes, the collar being in the house does support her story, IF you take
her story as being the truth and not a lie or fevered imagining of a
person who is pissed at her parents and step-father for ANOTHER reason,
that isn't abusive or criminal, and is using this accusation to get
back at him.
I had a girl accuse me of beating her recently, but I had PROOF that I
didn't, because her parents had CCC's all over the house recording
everything! She was pissed at me for something else I did (I believe
she told her parents it was that I wouldn't go outside and play with
her, leaving her toddler brother inside alone and sick), and decided
"I'm going to punish Christopher by lying about him to my parents!"
I know, you are going to say "No child's mind works that way", but I
have met MANY children and adults whose minds work that way!
The mother might be telling the truth, that her daughter is a
compulsive liar, and she just can't deal with her and her constant lies
anymore. I've never had that problem, since my daughters are ALWAYS
honest with me about everything, even when they accidentally break
something or get into an accident, so I can't relate to her situation.
I have come across children who are compulsive liars, and who lie about
EVERYTHING, even things that if they told the truth would be GOOD for
them, like telling the truth about wanting to go to the amusement park,
getting an A on their test or something else like that.
They just have a compulsion to lie and cannot control it for some
whacky reason that exists in their brains.
Second, you CAN raise other arguments, and get a re-trial, if you can
prove that an attorney didn't do his job well or at all. Considering
that in 5 minutes I came up with OTHER explanations as to why these
marks existed, the attorney for the defense DIDN'T do his job well at
Also, how do you KNOW that this family wasn't a loving family though
emotionally distant from the girl, and the daughter wasn't just "Satan
on steriods!" I met a girl and her brother who were like that once,
always lying about everything and everyone, and smearing other people's
reputations because they got enjoyment out of causing other's pain and
They finally had to be locked up in an insane asylum, when they tried
to attack a little girl who visited them, and nearly decapitated her
with a scythe (missed her, but it was VERY close!).
Does anybody else get the feeling that Chrissy is just making up shit as
he goes??? These stories rival ANYTHING Steven King has published in the
last 10 years. What a fucking loon!
crissy has an inferiority complex, notice that no matter what is posted
he takes the opposite view.
In his mind, he has to be right
Check out his posts in alt.true-crime
That's where this post came from... alt.true-crime. I sifted through a
bunch of his shit, last night.