Frank report
(too old to reply)
Nick Cramer
2008-09-17 22:24:06 UTC
I just got off the phone with Frank. He sounds good and says he's grinding
along. His wife is also doing pretty good. We also talked about politics
and food. Mmm. Food!

He didn't ask, but he'd probably appreciate a supportive note. ;-)
Nick. Support severely wounded and disabled Veterans and their families!
I've known US vets who served as far back as the Spanish American War.
They are all my heroes! Thank a Veteran and Support Our Troops.
You are not forgotten. Thanks ! ! ~Semper Fi~
2008-09-18 23:23:16 UTC
Nick Cramer wrote in alt.fan.frank.mccoy on September 17, 2008 18:24 in
Post by Nick Cramer
I just got off the phone with Frank. He sounds good and says he's
grinding along. His wife is also doing pretty good. We also talked
about politics and food. Mmm. Food!
He didn't ask, but he'd probably appreciate a supportive note. ;-)
Hi Nick!

Thank you so much for letting us know how Frank and Eileen are making out.

This is /very/ much appreciated.

Baal <***@Usenet.org>
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Retired Lecturer, Encryption and Data Security, Pedo U, Usenet Campus
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"Sed quis custodiet ipsos Custodes?" -- "Who will watch the Watchmen?"
-- Juvenal, Satires, VI, 347. circa 128 AD

The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the
people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit
of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of
liberty and almost any deprivation. -- Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf