OLD Dr. Who's Security FAQ - index.htm
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2006-10-22 18:53:02 UTC
Frank McCoy
2006-10-23 04:15:11 UTC
In alt.support.girl-lovers Baal
PGP-signed messages, to the best of my knowledge, do not qualify as
binaries; if that were not so, I would be unable to post to many
discussion groups, as I PGP-sign all my posts.
I wasn't referring to the fact that it was PGP-signed.
I was referring to the fact that it was an HTML document.
That *is* often considered a binary; even though it can be viewed as

In the newsgroups I frequent, people get annoyed at HTML documents.
However, I would have had to dig into my deep archives to bring out the
old TEXT version.

OK ... So I'm lazy. So shoot me.
/ ' / ™
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Frank McCoy
2006-10-23 04:16:50 UTC
In alt.support.girl-lovers Baal
The PGP signature on the version you posted doesn't verify; most of the
versions posted to the Net fail to verify properly. (I don't know why
that is, as most of the stuff that I post does verify properly, but
that's the way it is, apparently.)
You have to post it with the proper PGP key.
I didn't copy it from there.
The copy I posted in my froup was the original posted to the old abpep-t
website that's now long-gone. I grabbed this copy from there, just
before it went bye-bye.

I might have done better to post the one posted to abpep-t itself.
But for that, I'd have to bring up an old copy of Agent where I have it
stored in my archives.

Never thought to check the key.
/ ' / ™
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