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(too old to reply)
2003-12-21 05:51:09 UTC
Someone must post something here for christmas!
Frank McCoy
2003-12-21 15:27:00 UTC
Post by Sandra-the-Troll
Someone must post something here for christmas!
I'll see what I can dig up.
Right now, my leg is sore, because I stabbed myself in the calf with
an exacto-knife Friday at work.

The stab itself doesn't hurt; it's the whole calf that *wasn't*
stabbed that aches like Billy-Oh. The muscles got all hard and stiff;
not allowing me to bend my foot like it's supposed to. It's getting
looser now; and hopefully will be OK by the time I start work again
Monday. Ruins the weekend though.

I'm going to *try* and finish up at least one of my two Christmas
Stories for the holidays. But with working late and the other stuff,
I'm not sure I'll make it.
/ ' / ™
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Tim Merrigan
2003-12-23 01:58:12 UTC
Happy Yule to all, and I'm glad to hear that your working Frank, last I
heard you were looking. Though I'm sorry for your leg, good thought to you.
Post by Frank McCoy
Someone must post something here for Christmas!
I'll see what I can dig up.
Right now, my leg is sore, because I stabbed myself in the calf with
an exacto-knife Friday at work.
The stab itself doesn't hurt; it's the whole calf that *wasn't*
stabbed that aches like Billy-Oh. The muscles got all hard and stiff;
not allowing me to bend my foot like it's supposed to. It's getting
looser now; and hopefully will be OK by the time I start work again
Monday. Ruins the weekend though.
I'm going to *try* and finish up at least one of my two Christmas
Stories for the holidays. But with working late and the other stuff,
I'm not sure I'll make it.
I pledge allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America,
and to the republic which it established, one nation from many peoples,
promising liberty and justice for all.

Tim Merrigan
e-mail: ***@comcast.net
URL: http://home.comcast.net/~tppm/home.htm
AIM: tppm1
YM: Tim_Merrigan

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