Frank is off-line
(too old to reply)
2008-02-06 03:04:00 UTC
Frank can't post to the groups right now.
His pretrial conditions say that he can ONLY use his computer online
access for communication with his lawyer(s) and for Legal Research;
nothing else; not even "normal" email.

He's OK; thinks his case is a good one and the Government's stinks.

Other than that, if anybody wants to contact Frank, he's pretty much
restricted to telephone, telegraph, voice, and snail-mail. He says,
like he's always said, "I'm in the Phone Book."

So far, since this all started, one person has called.

You can post replies to this; but I likely won't see the reply nor
respond; as I'm doing this at Frank's direction.

I don't DO newsgroups myself.

If you post, likely in months (or perhaps even years) he MIGHT see and
respond, when allowed or when the conditions of pretrial get changed
(which, hopefully might happen yet.

But , for now, He's OK, just restricted to email to and from his
lawyers ... and (of course) Legal Research.

Oh yeah:
His wife; which many of you were worried about:
Eileen is doing good and bad.
She was in the Hospital last week; being almost too week to walk.
Two units of blood made an *enormous* difference.

The CAT scan and the PET scan done last Wednesday showed no sign of
any growing tumors.
So ... Since the plan was two chemotherapy treatments past "best
response"; she got one treatment last Friday; and is due for her LAST
treatment in two weeks from then.

Hopefully she will survive the chemo treatments and from then on get

AND ... (Yay!) she's been EATING ... at least Friday and Saturday
Don't know for sure since then.

Finally, it looks like Frank's mother is dying.
She had a horrid shoulder injury about two or three weeks ago; and he
just heard about it.
She isn't eating.
We figure she won't last much longer than a week or two. :-(
She's just taking fluids now.

Even if Frank wasn't busy with all this other stuff and had lots of
money to go visit (We're sure the legal people would let him if he
asked.) he just CANNOT go out there, either to see her, or if she

He's got to remain in Minnesota for his wife.
Priorities. :-(

I guess that's all the important stuff Frank wanted to say.
Other than, "Thanks for all the support!"

Signed: The person otherwise known as "The Kid".
Tim Merrigan
2008-02-06 10:40:19 UTC
Post by c***@yahoo.com
Frank can't post to the groups right now.
His pretrial conditions say that he can ONLY use his computer online
access for communication with his lawyer(s) and for Legal Research;
nothing else; not even "normal" email.
He's OK; thinks his case is a good one and the Government's stinks.
Other than that, if anybody wants to contact Frank, he's pretty much
restricted to telephone, telegraph, voice, and snail-mail. He says,
like he's always said, "I'm in the Phone Book."
So far, since this all started, one person has called.
You can post replies to this; but I likely won't see the reply nor
respond; as I'm doing this at Frank's direction.
I don't DO newsgroups myself.
If you post, likely in months (or perhaps even years) he MIGHT see and
respond, when allowed or when the conditions of pretrial get changed
(which, hopefully might happen yet.
But , for now, He's OK, just restricted to email to and from his
lawyers ... and (of course) Legal Research.
Eileen is doing good and bad.
She was in the Hospital last week; being almost too week to walk.
Two units of blood made an *enormous* difference.
The CAT scan and the PET scan done last Wednesday showed no sign of
any growing tumors.
So ... Since the plan was two chemotherapy treatments past "best
response"; she got one treatment last Friday; and is due for her LAST
treatment in two weeks from then.
Hopefully she will survive the chemo treatments and from then on get
AND ... (Yay!) she's been EATING ... at least Friday and Saturday
Don't know for sure since then.
Finally, it looks like Frank's mother is dying.
She had a horrid shoulder injury about two or three weeks ago; and he
just heard about it.
She isn't eating.
We figure she won't last much longer than a week or two. :-(
She's just taking fluids now.
Even if Frank wasn't busy with all this other stuff and had lots of
money to go visit (We're sure the legal people would let him if he
asked.) he just CANNOT go out there, either to see her, or if she
He's got to remain in Minnesota for his wife.
Priorities. :-(
I guess that's all the important stuff Frank wanted to say.
Other than, "Thanks for all the support!"
Signed: The person otherwise known as "The Kid".
Thank you for the update.
I pledge allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America,
and to the republic which it established, one nation, from many peoples,
promising liberty and justice for all.
Feel free to use the above variant pledge in your own postings.

Tim Merrigan