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Frank McCoy
2004-04-12 02:11:20 UTC
Lea picked me up last Saturday again.
Charged me and put me in Jail.
I am now out on Bail.
Court in 2 month time. This time they charged me with having "child abuse
Pictures" . It was pictures of my Family with the small kids often naked
A few Pictures from our Pool in Australia and the rest from the
where our Kids always run around naked.
I am going into Hospital within a week for a high risk operation so maybe
the Case will be transferred to GOD.
I am sure HE will not regard his Nude Creation as ABUSIVE.
Should I not be back please except my warmest Thanks for your friendship
over the years.
If it is possible to become a GHOST I promise to hunt LEA day and night.
But of course us old VIKINGS never die...we only smell like it.
Dear PEM,
This is bad news. I thought they'd come back because
once they get their hooks into someone they don't let up.
And now it's the sawbones! You really are going through
it at the moment!
I'll be thinking of you over the next few days and looking
forward to your another post from you with better news.
My best wishes to you.
Thanks Winne.
I guess they regard me as the last one of the old guard
in the old Danish LEGAL KP Industry.
I think they want the last witness silenced.
Stray Safe.
Professor in Child Sexology
Pedo University
Family Counseling Office
Pedo University
Usenet campus

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Frank McCoy
2004-04-12 02:12:47 UTC
On Thu, 21 Jun 2001 05:39:55 +1000, "PEM"
I already have one artificial Valve (mitre)
but the main valve is also leaking.
I also have a benign tumor in the prostate and it is enlarged so it
is hard to piss on lea.
I have a few other problems..including Asbestosis and they have taken
1/2 a lung.
I damaged spine give a lot of pain...and so do a large goldbladder
But as I am on medication to stop the blood clothing due to the hard
valve it is dangerous to even have a toot removed.
Apart from that I am OK.
I have a loving Family and that make live important.
Yeef, PEM. And I thought *I* had problems.
Hang in there, bro. And if you can't,
we'll all piss on LEA *for* you!
The most important thing is for us to to do is to fight for freedom.
To look at pictures made by others can not and should not be a crime.
If I have pictures of President Kennedy's asasination....should I then be
held responsible for his murder?
When Adults are TOLD what they can and what they can not look at we have
become a total dictatorship. Our right to judge for us selves have been
removed. We are not Adults any more but kindergarden Kids
When I was 9 years old the Gestapo drove down out street with a "radio
detection Van. They found that my Grandfather was tuned to BBC...as he had
done every night at 6 pm the whole war. They stormed up the stairs and
dragged him down to their truck but he argued with them and they shot him
and left his body on the road. We where only allowed to read and hear what
the Nazi told us. It seem to be the same now as I am being arrested time
after time for looking at a Computer. HOWEVER I will not give up my right
to do what I think is right as long as I hurt no one, even if I have to die
in Jail. My father was also shot in the street in 1943. He was a freedom
fighter. He died for my right to live my life the way I chose. He told me
he was fighting for our right to be free and to live our free life as long
as we obey the law of GOD.
Tell me where in the 10 commandments or anywhere else it say we can not look
at someone else's pictures. If someone have Raped a Child (or anyone else)
they should be condemned. I did not do it so why am I condemned???
Join resistance groups who fight for freedom.
Any or all of those groups fight for Justice.
We must turn the world Dictatorship around as we did in the War.
We have to do it NOW before they get so much power we all end up as slaves.
There are many Political NG's where you can post ani-Dictator comments. Join
demostrations and write in new paper colums. You do not have to tell anyone
anything about you love for Girls. Just fight for Freedom of speach and
personal life.
Soon they will drag YOU into the street and shoot you for looking at
something they say you can not. Act now.
HITLER seem to have come back.He did say he will rule for a 1000 year.
Professor in Child Sexology
Pedo University
Family Counseling Office
Pedo University
Usenet campus

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Frank McCoy
2004-04-12 02:13:32 UTC
PEM wrote in message
Lea picked me up last Saturday again.
Charged me and put me in Jail.
I am now out on Bail.
Court in 2 month time. This time they charged me with having "child
Pictures" . It was pictures of my Family with the small kids often
A few Pictures from our Pool in Australia and the rest from the
where our Kids always run around naked.
I am going into Hospital within a week for a high risk operation so
the Case will be transferred to GOD.
I am sure HE will not regard his Nude Creation as ABUSIVE.
Should I not be back please except my warmest Thanks for your
over the years.
If it is possible to become a GHOST I promise to hunt LEA day and
But of course us old VIKINGS never die...we only smell like it.
Professor in Child Sexology
Pedo University
I'm not worried about LEA, after all you can deal with them like you
did in the past, my concern is your operations that is entirely out of
your control, nevertheless, you have not yet full filled your wife's
family quota, therefore you cannot just say goodbye and depart like
Wish you the best and I know you will be around giving LEA shit for a
long time to come.
Don't believe in witches but they do fly.
My wish would be if I woke up in Hospital and was told the people in the
western world had revolted against Dictatorship and started a world wide
revolution. I can tell you I will be out of hospital so quick ...carried
necessary..to help destroy those bastards who have put us all in chains.
I will confess that my country Denmark was very sympathetic to the Nazi
before the war, but when they invaded us <to protect us from the
they started to make laws taking away our old rules that a free citizen
do whatever he want as long as he do not hurt another person or steal or
destroy property.
We all fought like hell to destroy the Nazi after that....and won.long
before the war was over. Us Kids fought hard as well and after our
we demanded equal right to adults and got it. That was the reason for the
legal KP.
It lasted for many years...right up to 1982...before the pressure of USA
restricted Kids (and adults) and placed us all under Dictatorship as it
have been done in most countries due to USA.
Every day new laws are passed everywhere to further control people.
or later (sooner I hope) people will revolt.
If not...the world will be a huge concentration camp.under Big
by the way that was HITLER'S aim. he did say he will last for a 1000
I hope not.
People will fight for their freedom as always when it become to
Professor in Child Sexology
Pedo University
Once upon a time, if you didn't like the rules where you were, you could
just pick up and move somewhere else. 'Course you had to pack everything
up and
travel for days, weeks, months and even years, and you constantly faced
hazards and strange customs. Today, we can go physically and virtually
in the world in hours, minutes or even seconds, but all the hazards are
with us and we just can't seem to get away. Strange, ain't it? I always
whenever I see my Country and Hitler mentioned together, but I guess I can
hardly deny that we've contributed more than our share to the oppressive
condition of our modern world.
I am also sad to find the simalarity.
I have many friends and Family in the USA...but they do say the same.
USA have become the "MASTER" if not "DICTATORS"of the western world and
force everyone to change their Laws and even Customs to suit the States.
Even the 3th world traditional "DICTATORSHIP" have now become under USA
control and the States force them to change their Laws and seem to be able
to Change the "DICTATORS" at will.
The fact that USA managed to change the age old customs in Japan where
"worshipping" of nude young Girls was part of Life...is amazing to say the
The fact that they changed the age old VIKING customs that Children had the
same sexual desires and rights as adults is also unbelievable.
But let us NOT forget...they only changed the Laws made by Politicians and
NOT the minds of the People.
Kids in Scandinavia still do what they like...minus their KP magazines.
Holland who always had the same ideas...most likely from the Viking
occupations in the past...have buckled to the demands and lovered the A/C to
12 years old. Spain followed with 13 years old.
How can a Government depress a natural desire in people regardles of age?
Family Counseling Office
Pedo University
Usenet campus

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