Written by Fugue-in-D
(too old to reply)
2004-06-04 04:29:20 UTC
Frank The Story Came From Mr. Double

Here Is a List Of The Stories By Fugue-in-D Nikki

Re: Story Four in the Summer
1 of 3 (mf, cons,
pedo, incest)
Thu, 03 Jun 2004 18:41:52
Frank McCoy <***@millcomm.com>
Story Four in the Summer 1 of 3 (mf, cons, pedo, incest)
Written by Fugue-in-D
Hmmm .... WAY behind in my reading.
Almost missed this one ... Which would have been a shame.

Fugue-in-D, huh?
Anybody know if he/she has written any other stories?
Followups redirected to alt.sex.stories.d
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Stories written by Fugue-in-D

One Afternoon on the Couch,

part 1 .... new.!.!.! (M/g 7 consensual) (06k)
(date posted: Saturday PM,

January 17, 2004)
She was sitting to his right

on the couch. She had on a lightweight flowery

pink cotton dress that buttoned up the front.

He was wearing sweats and a tee shirt. He took

her hand in his and placed it on his bulging


Foster's Way, episode 2 ....

(M/g pedo, cons very young) (7k)
(date posted: Saturday PM,

July 29, 2000)
Six year old Sally wanted to

pretend to be a kitty cat so she could be

petted. Mr. Foster pulled her onto his lap and

petted her. While he was petting her legs she

parted her knees a little to give him better

access. As she did this her sundress fell back

toward her lap, and Mr. Foster realized with

shock and delight that she wore no underpants!

Foster's Way, episode 1 ....

(M/f pedo, cons ver young) (9k)
(date posted: Friday PM, April

07, 2000)
Mr. Foster, newly retired

after inheriting from his uncle, decides to

pursue his heart's desire. He has discovered

that there is a quality to the untainted mind

of youth that makes it possible for them to

experience true primal love without

reservation. Youth. He meant little kids. Kids

about kindergarten age. He was in the right


Four in the Summer, part 3

.... (M/f dad/daut inc) (9k)
(date posted: Sunday PM,

December 12, 1999)
Jason, Fred, Shandy and

Willow, four eleven year olds, finish their

explorations in the country and head for home.

After dinner, Willow's dad gets a phone call

from Fred's - caught! Willow solves the

problem by involving her dad!

Four in the Summer, part 2

.... (mfmf first) (6k)
(date posted: Thursday PM,

December 09, 1999)
Jason, Fred, Shandy and

Willow, four eleven year olds, are still on a

blanket in a secluded glade. Things go a lot


Four in the Summer, part 1

.... (mfmf first) (11k)
(date posted: Wednesday PM,

December 08, 1999)
Jason, Fred, Shandy and

Willow, four eleven year olds, find out that

Fred's dad keeps some very interesting

magazines under his bed. They are exploring

out in the country and explore a lot more than

just the countryside on a blanket in a

secluded glade. First time for innocents.

Send your comments to

Fugue-in-D anonymously....
E-mail address (if you

want a reply from the author....)
your Comments:

Mr Double's Palisade™
A MrDouble Production:

Changes last made on: Saturday

PM, January 17, 2004

Copyright ©

1999-2004, Mr Double, ALL Rights Reserved

Stories appearing on this page
Copyright ©

1999-2004, Fugue-in-D, ALL Rights Reserved
This web site Owned by Mr

Double, Inc
Frank McCoy
2004-06-05 15:21:31 UTC
Post by Nikki
Frank The Story Came From Mr. Double
Story Four in the Summer
One Afternoon on the Couch,
Foster's Way
I see they're only on Mr. D's site; so I guess I'll have to wait until
I decide to buy a subscription.
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