I hope you don't mind Frank
(too old to reply)
Uncle Sky
2004-12-26 15:18:03 UTC
But I mentioned your wife is in the hospital at both ASSD and AC.

I gave no details at all.
Uncle Sky
Frank McCoy
2004-12-27 00:25:24 UTC
Post by Uncle Sky
But I mentioned your wife is in the hospital at both ASSD and AC.
I gave no details at all.
No problem.
It turned out she had a *massive* urinary tract infection.
They treated her with antibiotics, and she got better in a hurry.
I myself was down in the ER the next day ... But they never did find
out what was wrong with me. Fever/vomiting/diarhea. They checked me
out (also for possible UTI) but nothing. So they sent me home feeling
only slightly better from the fluid they pumped into me to combat
dehydration. Didn't eat a thing at all yesterday; not even my normal
meds. Couldn't hold a thing down. At the ER, they gave me two
different shots of medication (IV) to help the nausea. Didn't help.
I STILL threw up (what little I had).

Today I'm feeling LOTS better. Still not 100%; but I feel up to going
to work if I had to. Thankfully I'm not due to until Tuesday.

Went down and picked up the wife today. They were pretty happy that
her problem was the infection because she got over it so quickly once
they treated her. From what one of the nurses there was telling me,
sometimes people actually get violent when they have infections that

She isn't *quite* back to normal yet; but seems to be getting better
all the time. I'm also getting better as I get more sleep.

The kid opened presents on Christmas. Me and the wife opened ours
today. The video board I had ordered was the wrong one ... didn't do
me a bit of good. I think they just substituted another board from
the same company; figuring a "newer and better version" would do just
fine. Only it doesn't, when what you want is a specific feature of
the board you order. Rats. So, I sent them a letter complaining.
Probably won't hear from them until Monday though.

No problem with notifying other people. I was just to weak myself to
send notices to more than one newsgroup.
/ ' / ™
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Uncle Sky
2004-12-27 01:09:55 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Uncle Sky
But I mentioned your wife is in the hospital at both ASSD and AC.
I gave no details at all.
No problem.
It turned out she had a *massive* urinary tract infection.
They treated her with antibiotics, and she got better in a hurry.
I myself was down in the ER the next day ... But they never did find
out what was wrong with me. Fever/vomiting/diarhea. They checked me
out (also for possible UTI) but nothing. So they sent me home feeling
only slightly better from the fluid they pumped into me to combat
dehydration. Didn't eat a thing at all yesterday; not even my normal
meds. Couldn't hold a thing down. At the ER, they gave me two
different shots of medication (IV) to help the nausea. Didn't help.
I STILL threw up (what little I had).
Today I'm feeling LOTS better. Still not 100%; but I feel up to going
to work if I had to. Thankfully I'm not due to until Tuesday.
Went down and picked up the wife today. They were pretty happy that
her problem was the infection because she got over it so quickly once
they treated her. From what one of the nurses there was telling me,
sometimes people actually get violent when they have infections that
She isn't *quite* back to normal yet; but seems to be getting better
all the time. I'm also getting better as I get more sleep.
The kid opened presents on Christmas. Me and the wife opened ours
today. The video board I had ordered was the wrong one ... didn't do
me a bit of good. I think they just substituted another board from
the same company; figuring a "newer and better version" would do just
fine. Only it doesn't, when what you want is a specific feature of
the board you order. Rats. So, I sent them a letter complaining.
Probably won't hear from them until Monday though.
No problem with notifying other people. I was just to weak myself to
send notices to more than one newsgroup.
Okay. I'm glad things seem to be getting better now. Hang in there.
Uncle Sky