I was bored..
(too old to reply)
2008-01-04 23:26:15 UTC
On Fri, 04 Jan 2008 08:05:08 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
On Thu, 03 Jan 2008 20:48:28 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
On 03 Jan 2008 18:36:31 GMT, friendly face
On Wed, 02 Jan 2008 12:48:52 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
On 02 Jan 2008 18:28:42 GMT, friendly face
newsreader-01.iinet.net.au!not-for-mail From: David
alt.support.incest,alt.support.boy-lovers Subject: Re: I was
bored.. Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 23:12:08 +1030
Organization: Anywhere but loose 5
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 4.2/32.1118
X-No-Archive: no
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Lines: 46
X-Trace: 1198240926 per-qv1-newsreader-01.iinet.net.au 20622 Xref: news.shared-secrets.com
alt.support.incest:25998 alt.support.boy-lovers:146590
I'm using Brandon's tactics and crossposting this so that he, and
others, can see just how obsessive he is.
On Thu, 20 Dec 2007 20:29:33 -0000, Rob Overfield
According to Google groups, our obsessed, deranged Mr Cartwright is
Posts to google groups
Yr total Posts/Day
1999 3 0.0
2001 176 0.5
2002 3841 10.5
2003 12496 34.2
2004 12645 34.6
2005 16117 44.2
2006 11224 30.8
2007 22042 60.4
Its a shame Brandon hasn't acquainted himself with the
libel/slander laws in whichever country he calls home, I think he
would be very interested. You see, Brandon, its because of
behaviour like yours that disgusted people take delight in turning
netKKKop. 70 posts a day to various groups to peddle his obssessive
hatred of paedophiles, and choosing to slander Mr Simpson's name
all over the place. It might be against the law to make serious
accusations without evidence, it was last I checked. But his only
objective seems to be to troll his way to destroying a group thats
as harmless as the day is long.
PS Its because of the possiblility of libel or slander actions that
Brandon hides behind his "x-no-archive" and the ways of obfuscating
his location that he has chosen to use. Shame he hasn't the balls
to stop hiding and inform us all where he lives. If he's nothing to
hide or can provide irrefutable evidence to back up his
allegations, why hide? I think Mr Simpson should take printouts etc
of every slanderous word written against his character to his
national Police force, which will have a section who would be able
to trace the location of our enigmatic Mr cartwright. After all the
evidence is there, and its clearly slanderous.
PPS Have you spoken to your wife about this, Brandon? Does she know
you take delight in defaming someone, just to satisfy yourself...?
Does she?
it's really sweet that you consider the feelings of mrs. cartwright.
finally someone around here with the holiday spirit. :-)
Seems like I am really busy huh?
60+ posts per day...There really is something to this pedophile
cognitive deficit.
Sad for Simpson that the allegations being true are an impeccable
defense against slander charges.
While that may be true _none_ of your allegations about me are true so
that leaves you out on a limb trying to saw through it.
rock a-bye daaavid in the tree top. when the wind blows, the cradle
will rock. when the bough breaks, the cradle will faaall, and down will
come david, cradle and all.
need a hand with that saw, brandon?
Yes give him a hand. He will need it when he falls with the bough on
which he is sitting.
He has yet to provide more than mere allegations as to whether I am
guilty of any crime.
You provide the evidence yourself everyday..
But you never provide any citations or independant evidence for the
calumnies you state every day.
I *always* post cites,references and message ID's..except in your
That's because you can find no posts which back up your lies. You are
a liar, Brandon. Just a liar pure and simple.

My posts are archived. It should be a simple matter to produce any
post where I say what you claim I am saying. You have never produced
one, not a single one. Any citations you have provided do not back up
your arguments and do bolster my own credentials just like the cites
by Bo0by which you "neglected" to remove.

Your own posts are not archived. Why is that, Brandon? Are you scared
that you will forget which word you misused last week and don't want
any evidence of the inconsistancy of your position to come back to
bite you?
Your own words speak for themselves clearly enough..
You are a liar.
If you DON"T want to legalize the activities of pedophiles and sex
criminals it's *you* who has been lying..
Wrong. It's you who is lying. I want to free children from the tyranny
of externally imposed celibacy. That has nothing to do with the
activities of adults which can be appropriately handled by other laws.
That's what changing the law to allow adults to have sex with children
Not at all. It is about giving children the right to choose with whom
they will have sex.
If you DO want to legalize the activities of pedophiles and sex
criminals it's *you* who has been lying..
You should make up your mind as to which you think I am doing. First I
don't then I do. In fact it is the rights of children that should be
paramount. Not the rights of adults. It is criminal when a person is
charged with rape just because his or her partner in consensual sex is
just under the age of consent and he or she is just over.
Now you DO campaign for the reduction of the age of sexual
consent to puberty (9+ you tell us)..
Not to puberty. I said it should be based on puberty. There is a vast
difference. I later modified my position to suggest that the age of
consent should be somewhere between two to four years after puberty.

I have also suggested, what someone else has suggested be called a
Romeo and Juliet" clause, whereby the difference in ages of the
partners is taken into consideration before any charges are laid.

My main platform has always been for the sexual education of children
which is badly neglected both in your country and in mine.

All you do is rant and rail about "Child Molesters" and "Paedophiles"
(which word you always misuse) as if they were found lurking under
every rock and behind every bush just waiting for a child to come
walking down the lane swinging her purse or schoolbag.

Your solution to the problem is to lock up those millions of
"deviants" and perform illegal experiments on them just to satisfy
your own lust for violence. You want to harvest them for their organs
just because you disagree with their thoughts and don't want to wait
for them to make a wrong move before you seize them and ruin their
lives and that of their families.

The law states that a person is innocent until proven guilty but you
won't wait for any proof to be produced. You won't even produce any of
my words to back up your assumption of my guilt. Instead you take the
word of a known troll, Bo0by, and assume that I an guilty because he,
your Lord and Master, just says so,
That's a charter for pedophiles...why else do you imagine you are so
popular with em..?
I don't care what you think. I jump on them as well if they become
hypocritical like you and Bo0by. I have several times suggested to
Walz that he tone down his rhetoric. He does spout some truths but
cleverly disguises it with his vehement method of dispersal. Most of
the time I ignore him as not worth bothering about rather in the same
light as Bo0by who I occasionally taunt. He comes in like the spinner
every time.
fundamentalism (n.): fund = give cash to; amentalism = brainlessness
Brandon D Cartwright
2008-01-04 23:57:53 UTC
Post by David
On Fri, 04 Jan 2008 08:05:08 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
On Thu, 03 Jan 2008 20:48:28 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
On 03 Jan 2008 18:36:31 GMT, friendly face
On Wed, 02 Jan 2008 12:48:52 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
On 02 Jan 2008 18:28:42 GMT, friendly face
newsreader-01.iinet.net.au!not-for-mail From: David
alt.support.incest,alt.support.boy-lovers Subject: Re: I was
bored.. Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 23:12:08 +1030
Organization: Anywhere but loose 5
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 4.2/32.1118
X-No-Archive: no
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Lines: 46
X-Trace: 1198240926 per-qv1-newsreader-01.iinet.net.au 20622 Xref: news.shared-secrets.com
alt.support.incest:25998 alt.support.boy-lovers:146590
I'm using Brandon's tactics and crossposting this so that he, and
others, can see just how obsessive he is.
On Thu, 20 Dec 2007 20:29:33 -0000, Rob Overfield
According to Google groups, our obsessed, deranged Mr Cartwright is
Posts to google groups
Yr total Posts/Day
1999 3 0.0
2001 176 0.5
2002 3841 10.5
2003 12496 34.2
2004 12645 34.6
2005 16117 44.2
2006 11224 30.8
2007 22042 60.4
Its a shame Brandon hasn't acquainted himself with the
libel/slander laws in whichever country he calls home, I think he
would be very interested. You see, Brandon, its because of
behaviour like yours that disgusted people take delight in turning
netKKKop. 70 posts a day to various groups to peddle his obssessive
hatred of paedophiles, and choosing to slander Mr Simpson's name
all over the place. It might be against the law to make serious
accusations without evidence, it was last I checked. But his only
objective seems to be to troll his way to destroying a group thats
as harmless as the day is long.
PS Its because of the possiblility of libel or slander actions that
Brandon hides behind his "x-no-archive" and the ways of obfuscating
his location that he has chosen to use. Shame he hasn't the balls
to stop hiding and inform us all where he lives. If he's nothing to
hide or can provide irrefutable evidence to back up his
allegations, why hide? I think Mr Simpson should take printouts etc
of every slanderous word written against his character to his
national Police force, which will have a section who would be able
to trace the location of our enigmatic Mr cartwright. After all the
evidence is there, and its clearly slanderous.
PPS Have you spoken to your wife about this, Brandon? Does she know
you take delight in defaming someone, just to satisfy yourself...?
Does she?
it's really sweet that you consider the feelings of mrs. cartwright.
finally someone around here with the holiday spirit. :-)
Seems like I am really busy huh?
60+ posts per day...There really is something to this pedophile
cognitive deficit.
Sad for Simpson that the allegations being true are an impeccable
defense against slander charges.
While that may be true _none_ of your allegations about me are true so
that leaves you out on a limb trying to saw through it.
rock a-bye daaavid in the tree top. when the wind blows, the cradle
will rock. when the bough breaks, the cradle will faaall, and down will
come david, cradle and all.
need a hand with that saw, brandon?
Yes give him a hand. He will need it when he falls with the bough on
which he is sitting.
He has yet to provide more than mere allegations as to whether I am
guilty of any crime.
You provide the evidence yourself everyday..
But you never provide any citations or independant evidence for the
calumnies you state every day.
I *always* post cites,references and message ID's..except in your
That's because you can find no posts which back up your lies. You are
a liar, Brandon. Just a liar pure and simple.
Almost any of your posts show what you are whether you understand the
horror and disgust they invoke or not..
Post by David
My posts are archived. It should be a simple matter to produce any
post where I say what you claim I am saying. You have never produced
one, not a single one. Any citations you have provided do not back up
your arguments and do bolster my own credentials just like the cites
by Bo0by which you "neglected" to remove.
They bolster your *credentials* as a pedophile propagandist,that's for

If you are so desperate for cites and quotes ..here's one from this
very post that tells parents all they need to know about *you*.

From: David <***@picknowl.com.au>

Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>

" I want to free children from the tyranny
of externally imposed celibacy. "

" It is about giving children the right to choose with whom
they will have sex."


That *IS* removing child protections and handing kids over to

Your idea,that if only the child has been groomed skillfully enough
adult pedophiles can fuck them with impunity, is grotesque.
2008-01-05 00:10:30 UTC
On 04 Jan 2008 I stormed the castle called alt.support.girl-lovers and
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Fri, 04 Jan 2008 08:05:08 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
On Thu, 03 Jan 2008 20:48:28 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
On Fri, 04 Jan 2008 14:29:15 +1030, David
On 03 Jan 2008 18:36:31 GMT, friendly face
On Wed, 02 Jan 2008 12:48:52 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
On 02 Jan 2008 18:28:42 GMT, friendly face
newsreader-01.iinet.net.au!not-for-mail From: David
alt.support.incest,alt.support.boy-lovers Subject: Re: I was
bored.. Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 23:12:08 +1030
Organization: Anywhere but loose 5
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 4.2/32.1118
X-No-Archive: no
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Lines: 46
X-Trace: 1198240926 per-qv1-newsreader-01.iinet.net.au 20622 Xref: news.shared-secrets.com
alt.support.incest:25998 alt.support.boy-lovers:146590
I'm using Brandon's tactics and crossposting this so that
he, and others, can see just how obsessive he is.
On Thu, 20 Dec 2007 20:29:33 -0000, Rob Overfield
According to Google groups, our obsessed, deranged Mr
Posts to google groups
Yr total Posts/Day
1999 3 0.0
2001 176 0.5
2002 3841 10.5
2003 12496 34.2
2004 12645 34.6
2005 16117 44.2
2006 11224 30.8
2007 22042 60.4
Its a shame Brandon hasn't acquainted himself with the
libel/slander laws in whichever country he calls home, I
think he would be very interested. You see, Brandon, its
because of behaviour like yours that disgusted people take
delight in turning netKKKop. 70 posts a day to various
groups to peddle his obssessive hatred of paedophiles, and
choosing to slander Mr Simpson's name all over the place. It
might be against the law to make serious accusations without
evidence, it was last I checked. But his only objective
seems to be to troll his way to destroying a group thats
as harmless as the day is long.
PS Its because of the possiblility of libel or slander
actions that Brandon hides behind his "x-no-archive" and the
ways of obfuscating his location that he has chosen to use.
Shame he hasn't the balls to stop hiding and inform us all
where he lives. If he's nothing to hide or can provide
irrefutable evidence to back up his allegations, why hide? I
think Mr Simpson should take printouts etc of every
slanderous word written against his character to his
national Police force, which will have a section who would
be able to trace the location of our enigmatic Mr
cartwright. After all the evidence is there, and its clearly
PPS Have you spoken to your wife about this, Brandon? Does
she know you take delight in defaming someone, just to
satisfy yourself...? Does she?
it's really sweet that you consider the feelings of mrs.
cartwright. finally someone around here with the holiday
spirit. :-)
Seems like I am really busy huh?
60+ posts per day...There really is something to this pedophile
cognitive deficit.
Sad for Simpson that the allegations being true are an
impeccable defense against slander charges.
While that may be true _none_ of your allegations about me are
true so that leaves you out on a limb trying to saw through it.
rock a-bye daaavid in the tree top. when the wind blows, the
cradle will rock. when the bough breaks, the cradle will faaall,
and down will come david, cradle and all.
need a hand with that saw, brandon?
Yes give him a hand. He will need it when he falls with the bough
on which he is sitting.
He has yet to provide more than mere allegations as to whether I
am guilty of any crime.
You provide the evidence yourself everyday..
But you never provide any citations or independant evidence for the
calumnies you state every day.
I *always* post cites,references and message ID's..except in your
That's because you can find no posts which back up your lies. You are
a liar, Brandon. Just a liar pure and simple.
Almost any of your posts show what you are whether you understand the
horror and disgust they invoke or not..
Post by David
My posts are archived. It should be a simple matter to produce any
post where I say what you claim I am saying. You have never produced
one, not a single one. Any citations you have provided do not back up
your arguments and do bolster my own credentials just like the cites
by Bo0by which you "neglected" to remove.
They bolster your *credentials* as a pedophile propagandist,that's for
If you are so desperate for cites and quotes ..here's one from this
very post that tells parents all they need to know about *you*.
" I want to free children from the tyranny
of externally imposed celibacy. "
" It is about giving children the right to choose with whom
they will have sex."
That *IS* removing child protections and handing kids over to
Your idea,that if only the child has been groomed skillfully enough
adult pedophiles can fuck them with impunity, is grotesque.
I think the problem is that he refuses to accept that as a consequence of
what he seeks.

Denial must be a wonderful thing
Public Enemy #7

**Pissing off the planet, one person at a time**
Frank McCoy
2008-01-05 00:55:02 UTC
If you DON"T want to legalize the activities of pedophiles and sex
criminals it's *you* who has been lying..
Hmmm ... Seems I've heard this same argument before ... It was old
before prohibition was repealed:

"If you DON'T want to legalize the activities of drunks and bootleggers
... then why do you want Prohibition repealed?"

"If you're NOT a stoner and trying to legalize the activities of drug
criminals, then why are you trying to repeal Marijuana legislation?"

"If you're NOT a hooker or pimp, then why do you want to legalize the
activities of sex-criminals?"


Without Prohibition, bootleggers were no longer criminals, but
legitimate businessmen ... AND the mob's main money was cut off!

Without laws against Marijuana, it would be TAXED, and CONTROLLED, just
like liquor and cigarettes; and the drug-lords once again would be shut

If "moral crimes" weren't arbitrarily made illegal by religious
fanatics, the people having sex wouldn't BE criminals! (They aren't in

So many people THINK that because something is illegal NOW, that it must
be illegal to even try and remove the law, no matter how wrong the law

They also attack anybody even TRYING to remove such a law as being the
type of person the law was passed to limit (and yet never does or did).
Thus those who fought Prohibition were called drunks, those who fight to
legalize Marijuana are called dope-addicts, those who fight to legalize
prostitution are called pimps and hookers, and those who fight for
*sensible* AOC laws are called pedophiles and worse. It's the nature of
the fight against arbitrary religious rules.

Over in Muslim countries, they have similar fights (and repression and
name-calling) about people fighting for women's rights.

Funny that: The countries with the most sexual repression and laws about
what people (especially women) can wear or do, are the ones with the
biggest and worst rape and abuse problems. Yet they CLAIM the reason is
to prevent rape and abuse. Those countries with the most freedom about
sexuality have the least sexual abuse; and it's not just underreporting

We had far more problems with drunks per-capita during Prohibition than
ever before or afterwards.

Yet the so-called "moralists" never seem to see the logic.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
Brandon D Cartwright
2008-01-05 02:50:53 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
If you DON"T want to legalize the activities of pedophiles and sex
criminals it's *you* who has been lying..
Hmmm ... Seems I've heard this same argument before ... It was old
It's not an argument...Simpson advocates legalization of pedophilia
and there hasn't been a sex predator yet where Simpson has not
attempted to minimize and rationalize the foul behaviors.

Up to and including the gang rape of an mentally handicapped
eleven year girl by a serial child rapist and his gang.

I see where you are coming from and have read your disclaimer that
your child pornography doesn't involve violence .

Unless you believe such a child can "consent" (having been previously
gang raped at seven years old) you are not singing from the same song
sheet as David Simpson.
Post by Frank McCoy
"If you DON'T want to legalize the activities of drunks and bootleggers
... then why do you want Prohibition repealed?"
"If you're NOT a stoner and trying to legalize the activities of drug
criminals, then why are you trying to repeal Marijuana legislation?"
"If you're NOT a hooker or pimp, then why do you want to legalize the
activities of sex-criminals?"
Without Prohibition, bootleggers were no longer criminals, but
legitimate businessmen ... AND the mob's main money was cut off!
Without laws against Marijuana, it would be TAXED, and CONTROLLED, just
like liquor and cigarettes; and the drug-lords once again would be shut
If "moral crimes" weren't arbitrarily made illegal by religious
fanatics, the people having sex wouldn't BE criminals! (They aren't in
So many people THINK that because something is illegal NOW, that it must
be illegal to even try and remove the law, no matter how wrong the law
They also attack anybody even TRYING to remove such a law as being the
type of person the law was passed to limit (and yet never does or did).
Thus those who fought Prohibition were called drunks, those who fight to
legalize Marijuana are called dope-addicts, those who fight to legalize
prostitution are called pimps and hookers, and those who fight for
*sensible* AOC laws are called pedophiles and worse. It's the nature of
the fight against arbitrary religious rules.
Over in Muslim countries, they have similar fights (and repression and
name-calling) about people fighting for women's rights.
Funny that: The countries with the most sexual repression and laws about
what people (especially women) can wear or do, are the ones with the
biggest and worst rape and abuse problems. Yet they CLAIM the reason is
to prevent rape and abuse. Those countries with the most freedom about
sexuality have the least sexual abuse; and it's not just underreporting
We had far more problems with drunks per-capita during Prohibition than
ever before or afterwards.
Yet the so-called "moralists" never seem to see the logic.
Oh I clearly see the logic in pedophiles' calls for the lowering of
the age of consent .

Adult/child sex is never going to be legal frank..forget it..

December 2007
- There is a delusion that pedophiles are under which
is insane at the very best.They claim they are "persecuted"
and "oppressed," the same way blacks, gays, jews and women
have been maltreated over the centuries.

They would like to ride on the margins of these other
minorities in order to garner sympathy from those
minorities, and to use the history of the emmancipation
of these minorities as precedence for their own freedom
to have sex with children.

They forget one thing: Pedophiles are seen with disdain
and disgust, not because they are different, but because
they cause harm to other human beings.

Frank McCoy
2008-01-05 07:34:13 UTC
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Frank McCoy
If you DON"T want to legalize the activities of pedophiles and sex
criminals it's *you* who has been lying..
Hmmm ... Seems I've heard this same argument before ... It was old
It's not an argument...Simpson advocates legalization of pedophilia
and there hasn't been a sex predator yet where Simpson has not
attempted to minimize and rationalize the foul behaviors.
Up to and including the gang rape of an mentally handicapped
eleven year girl by a serial child rapist and his gang.
I see where you are coming from and have read your disclaimer that
your child pornography doesn't involve violence .
Unless you believe such a child can "consent" (having been previously
gang raped at seven years old) you are not singing from the same song
sheet as David Simpson.
OK ... I'll admit I try *not* to read that sort of shit.
To me, sex with *anybody* should be something all enjoy, or something is
terribly WRONG.

Me, I can't have sex at *all* when my partner even flinches, shows
boredom, or even has an ache unrelated to the sex. My prick just wilts
and I lose all interest in sex; and worry about what I can do to make my
partner feel better. I'd make a particularly lousy rapist.

Also, my sex-stories to one side, I'm not sure I'd be *capable* of
taking even a willing virgin's "cherry" for that reason. The thought of
hurting her ....

My stories, whether pedo or completely adult, are all propaganda based
on that theme; where the idea is to *enjoy* sex with your partner, not
force somebody into doing what you want. While I can *read* other
stories, and even write some if pressed, they tend to depress me to the
point that on occasion I've had to give up sex for several days until I
got the bad taste out of my mouth and the images out of my brain.

While mentally I *know* there are people who do get off on hurting
others, it's one thing I really cannot make myself understand. Even
revenge I have a hard time following; though I *do* understand and could
get well behind the concept of *removing* people from the planet who
hurt me or mine out of the idea of making the world a better and safer
place. But the hurt would have to be *deliberate* on their part for me
to get into that mode. Then I'd just be a hunter; rather like shooting
a rabid dog as a necessity, not out for revenge.

Similarly (and this I *know* is different from most people) I just
cannot get a handle on the concept of jealousy; other than having the
intellectual idea that it's purely based on ownership of another person.
Rather like getting angry at somebody else for using *your* toothbrush.
Since I don't own my wife (or back when she was just my girlfriend) why
should *I* get angry if she has a good time with somebody else? That's
bloody fucking STUPID, if I really love her. Besides which, it's

So ... I write stories exaggerating the hell out of those things and
ideas; also poking fun and holes in many concepts that most people take
for granted as being universal ... when in fucking FACT they are not.

Ideas that sex is bad for you.
Ideas that incest causes deformed babies.
Ideas that sex hurts young people.
Ideas that hurt is good for you.
Ideas that hurting somebody to "protect them" is a good idea.
Ideas that jealousy is loving somebody.
Ideas that being older means you should control younger people because
you know more than they do.
Ideas that if you're not jealous, you aren't in love.
Ideas that love is necessary to enjoy sex.
Ideas that sex is unhealthy.
Ideas that having FAITH will solve problems.
Ideas that the youth of the world should be "protected" from themselves.
Many more strange and crazy ideas that most people accept as given.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
2008-02-28 22:32:37 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Frank McCoy
If you DON"T want to legalize the activities of pedophiles and sex
criminals it's *you* who has been lying..
Hmmm ... Seems I've heard this same argument before ... It was old
It's not an argument...Simpson advocates legalization of pedophilia
and there hasn't been a sex predator yet where Simpson has not
attempted to minimize and rationalize the foul behaviors.
Up to and including the gang rape of an mentally handicapped
eleven year girl by a serial child rapist and his gang.
I see where you are coming from and have read your disclaimer that
your child pornography doesn't involve violence .
Unless you believe such a child can "consent" (having been previously
gang raped at seven years old) you are not singing from the same song
sheet as David Simpson.
OK ... I'll admit I try *not* to read that sort of shit.
To me, sex with *anybody* should be something all enjoy, or something is
terribly WRONG.
Me, I can't have sex at *all* when my partner even flinches, shows
boredom, or even has an ache unrelated to the sex. My prick just wilts
and I lose all interest in sex; and worry about what I can do to make my
partner feel better. I'd make a particularly lousy rapist.
Also, my sex-stories to one side, I'm not sure I'd be *capable* of
taking even a willing virgin's "cherry" for that reason. The thought of
hurting her ....
My stories, whether pedo or completely adult, are all propaganda based
on that theme; where the idea is to *enjoy* sex with your partner, not
force somebody into doing what you want. While I can *read* other
stories, and even write some if pressed, they tend to depress me to the
point that on occasion I've had to give up sex for several days until I
got the bad taste out of my mouth and the images out of my brain.
While mentally I *know* there are people who do get off on hurting
others, it's one thing I really cannot make myself understand. Even
revenge I have a hard time following; though I *do* understand and could
get well behind the concept of *removing* people from the planet who
hurt me or mine out of the idea of making the world a better and safer
place. But the hurt would have to be *deliberate* on their part for me
to get into that mode. Then I'd just be a hunter; rather like shooting
a rabid dog as a necessity, not out for revenge.
Similarly (and this I *know* is different from most people) I just
cannot get a handle on the concept of jealousy; other than having the
intellectual idea that it's purely based on ownership of another person.
Rather like getting angry at somebody else for using *your* toothbrush.
Since I don't own my wife (or back when she was just my girlfriend) why
should *I* get angry if she has a good time with somebody else? That's
bloody fucking STUPID, if I really love her. Besides which, it's
So ... I write stories exaggerating the hell out of those things and
ideas; also poking fun and holes in many concepts that most people take
for granted as being universal ... when in fucking FACT they are not.
Ideas that sex is bad for you.
Ideas that incest causes deformed babies.
Ideas that sex hurts young people.
Ideas that hurt is good for you.
Ideas that hurting somebody to "protect them" is a good idea.
Ideas that jealousy is loving somebody.
Ideas that being older means you should control younger people because
you know more than they do.
Ideas that if you're not jealous, you aren't in love.
Ideas that love is necessary to enjoy sex.
Ideas that sex is unhealthy.
Ideas that having FAITH will solve problems.
Ideas that the youth of the world should be "protected" from themselves.
Many more strange and crazy ideas that most people accept as given.
/ ' / (tm)
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
And we see where franks "ideas" got him :-)
Michael W
2008-03-02 14:24:04 UTC
Post by ªºªandca®ole
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Frank McCoy
If you DON"T want to legalize the activities of pedophiles and sex
criminals it's *you* who has been lying..
Hmmm ... Seems I've heard this same argument before ... It was old
It's not an argument...Simpson advocates legalization of pedophilia
and there hasn't been a sex predator yet where Simpson has not
attempted to minimize and rationalize the foul behaviors.
Up to and including the gang rape of an mentally handicapped
eleven year girl by a serial child rapist and his gang.
I see where you are coming from and have read your disclaimer that
your child pornography doesn't involve violence .
Unless you believe such a child can "consent" (having been previously
gang raped at seven years old) you are not singing from the same song
sheet as David Simpson.
OK ... I'll admit I try *not* to read that sort of shit.
To me, sex with *anybody* should be something all enjoy, or something is
terribly WRONG.
Me, I can't have sex at *all* when my partner even flinches, shows
boredom, or even has an ache unrelated to the sex. My prick just wilts
and I lose all interest in sex; and worry about what I can do to make my
partner feel better. I'd make a particularly lousy rapist.
Also, my sex-stories to one side, I'm not sure I'd be *capable* of
taking even a willing virgin's "cherry" for that reason. The thought of
hurting her ....
My stories, whether pedo or completely adult, are all propaganda based
on that theme; where the idea is to *enjoy* sex with your partner, not
force somebody into doing what you want. While I can *read* other
stories, and even write some if pressed, they tend to depress me to the
point that on occasion I've had to give up sex for several days until I
got the bad taste out of my mouth and the images out of my brain.
While mentally I *know* there are people who do get off on hurting
others, it's one thing I really cannot make myself understand. Even
revenge I have a hard time following; though I *do* understand and could
get well behind the concept of *removing* people from the planet who
hurt me or mine out of the idea of making the world a better and safer
place. But the hurt would have to be *deliberate* on their part for me
to get into that mode. Then I'd just be a hunter; rather like shooting
a rabid dog as a necessity, not out for revenge.
Similarly (and this I *know* is different from most people) I just
cannot get a handle on the concept of jealousy; other than having the
intellectual idea that it's purely based on ownership of another person.
Rather like getting angry at somebody else for using *your* toothbrush.
Since I don't own my wife (or back when she was just my girlfriend) why
should *I* get angry if she has a good time with somebody else? That's
bloody fucking STUPID, if I really love her. Besides which, it's
So ... I write stories exaggerating the hell out of those things and
ideas; also poking fun and holes in many concepts that most people take
for granted as being universal ... when in fucking FACT they are not.
Ideas that sex is bad for you.
Ideas that incest causes deformed babies.
Ideas that sex hurts young people.
Ideas that hurt is good for you.
Ideas that hurting somebody to "protect them" is a good idea.
Ideas that jealousy is loving somebody.
Ideas that being older means you should control younger people because
you know more than they do.
Ideas that if you're not jealous, you aren't in love.
Ideas that love is necessary to enjoy sex.
Ideas that sex is unhealthy.
Ideas that having FAITH will solve problems.
Ideas that the youth of the world should be "protected" from themselves.
Many more strange and crazy ideas that most people accept as given.
/ ' / (tm)
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
And we see where franks "ideas" got him :-)
The Founding Fathers had ideas too, freedom of religion, freedom of speech,
the right to keep and bear arms, freedom from unwarranted search and
the right to a fair and speedy trial and the right to competent council for

2008-01-05 12:48:25 UTC
On Fri, 04 Jan 2008 18:50:53 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Frank McCoy
If you DON"T want to legalize the activities of pedophiles and sex
criminals it's *you* who has been lying..
Hmmm ... Seems I've heard this same argument before ... It was old
It's not an argument...Simpson advocates legalization of pedophilia
and there hasn't been a sex predator yet where Simpson has not
attempted to minimize and rationalize the foul behaviors.
Up to and including the gang rape of an mentally handicapped
eleven year girl by a serial child rapist and his gang.
He was not labelled as a serial child rapist by anyone other than you.
He did not have a "gang". He did have a previous conviction for a sex
offence but no detail of that previous conviction was released. Why do
you continually lie and exaggerate in order to distort what actually
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
I see where you are coming from and have read your disclaimer that
your child pornography doesn't involve violence .
Unless you believe such a child can "consent" (having been previously
gang raped at seven years old) you are not singing from the same song
sheet as David Simpson.
Where was a seven year old "gang raped"? The aboriginal girl was raped
at seven by one person.
fundamentalism (n.): fund = give cash to; amentalism = brainlessness
Brandon D Cartwright
2008-01-05 15:44:29 UTC
Post by David
On Fri, 04 Jan 2008 18:50:53 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Frank McCoy
If you DON"T want to legalize the activities of pedophiles and sex
criminals it's *you* who has been lying..
Hmmm ... Seems I've heard this same argument before ... It was old
It's not an argument...Simpson advocates legalization of pedophilia
and there hasn't been a sex predator yet where Simpson has not
attempted to minimize and rationalize the foul behaviors.
Up to and including the gang rape of an mentally handicapped
eleven year girl by a serial child rapist and his gang.
He was not labelled as a serial child rapist by anyone other than you.
He has multiple convictions for sexual assaults on children..
Post by David
He did not have a "gang".
He most certainly did..including the Mayor's son.
Your Australian press referred to it as a "pack attack"
Post by David
He did have a previous conviction for a sex
offence but no detail of that previous conviction was released. Why do
you continually lie and exaggerate in order to distort what actually >happened.
Why do you continually assume because *you* don't know something kit
doesn't exist?

It's quite pathological..

The victim's mother ,in fact, said that some of the animals raping
the little girl over that three week period were the *SAME* people who
raped her when she was seven and gave her syphilis.

Nothing so low and loathsome that David Simpson won't defend.
Post by David
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
I see where you are coming from and have read your disclaimer that
your child pornography doesn't involve violence .
Unless you believe such a child can "consent" (having been previously
gang raped at seven years old) you are not singing from the same song
sheet as David Simpson.
Where was a seven year old "gang raped"? The aboriginal girl was raped
at seven by one person.
You might like to check that before rushing to defend and glorify sex
predators and rapists Mr (she consented Guv..honest).

From: David (I'm not a pedophile)<***@picknowl.com.au>

Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>

" I want to free children from the tyranny
of externally imposed celibacy. "

" It is about giving children the right to choose with whom
they will have sex."
2008-01-05 19:45:13 UTC
On Sat, 05 Jan 2008 07:44:29 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Fri, 04 Jan 2008 18:50:53 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Frank McCoy
If you DON"T want to legalize the activities of pedophiles and sex
criminals it's *you* who has been lying..
Hmmm ... Seems I've heard this same argument before ... It was old
It's not an argument...Simpson advocates legalization of pedophilia
and there hasn't been a sex predator yet where Simpson has not
attempted to minimize and rationalize the foul behaviors.
Up to and including the gang rape of an mentally handicapped
eleven year girl by a serial child rapist and his gang.
He was not labelled as a serial child rapist by anyone other than you.
He has multiple convictions for sexual assaults on children..
That was not disclosed in any bulletin I saw. In fact disclosing such
information would be against the law in Australia. I do believe that
he had at least one previous conviction but the age of his victim(s?)
was never revealed. It is also highly probable that the prosecutor,
who would have access to such information, believed that his previous
convictions were insufficiently severe to justify to justify further
incarceration hence his recommendation to the court. To call him a
"serial rapist" is, most likely, a gross distortion of the truth. But
then you never have a great regard for truth preferring to make every
action or thought as lurid as possible even if it means spinning a
story like the fisherman's "you should have seen the one that got
away' stories. Exaggeration and distortion are your stock in trade.
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
He did not have a "gang".
He most certainly did..including the Mayor's son.
Your Australian press referred to it as a "pack attack"
A "pack" does not have the same connotations as "gang". You, of
course, have to change the termnology just to make it look worse than
it really was. Exaggeration and distortion once again.

Being mayor here is quite different from the powers that mayors seem
to enjoy in America. A mayor is simply the UNPAID, elected head of a
local town council. The main province of town councils is to arrange
for garbage disposal and to keep the streets and parklands clean along
with approving building permits. Councils meet around once per month
in the smaller towns and no more often that weekly in the large city
areas. It is not a glamorous position. A mayor has no policing powers
and very little authority. You continual harping on this position does
you no credit. He was simply another boy and you were roped in, along
with everyone else, by a media stunt to boost ratings and sell papers.

I'm not defending the actions of the people involved. I'm attacking
your distortion of the truth in regard to a media beat-up produced
simply to gain attention and push media ratings sky high. The case was
at least eighteen months old. If it was importand why wasn't it
trotted out when it happened? Instead it was produced when media
attention had flagged because the elections were over and ratings were
on the way down,

Just by the way it is no longer being even mentioned in our local
media. It dropped off the radar as soon as the ratings period was
fundamentalism (n.): fund = give cash to; amentalism = brainlessness
Brandon D Cartwright
2008-01-05 20:26:25 UTC
Post by David
On Sat, 05 Jan 2008 07:44:29 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Fri, 04 Jan 2008 18:50:53 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Frank McCoy
If you DON"T want to legalize the activities of pedophiles and sex
criminals it's *you* who has been lying..
Hmmm ... Seems I've heard this same argument before ... It was old
It's not an argument...Simpson advocates legalization of pedophilia
and there hasn't been a sex predator yet where Simpson has not
attempted to minimize and rationalize the foul behaviors.
Up to and including the gang rape of an mentally handicapped
eleven year girl by a serial child rapist and his gang.
He was not labelled as a serial child rapist by anyone other than you.
He has multiple convictions for sexual assaults on children..
That was not disclosed in any bulletin I saw. In fact disclosing such
information would be against the law in Australia. I do believe that
he had at least one previous conviction but the age of his victim(s?)
was never revealed. It is also highly probable that the prosecutor,
who would have access to such information, believed that his previous
convictions were insufficiently severe to justify to justify further
incarceration hence his recommendation to the court. To call him a
"serial rapist" is, most likely, a gross distortion of the truth. But
then you never have a great regard for truth preferring to make every
action or thought as lurid as possible even if it means spinning a
story like the fisherman's "you should have seen the one that got
away' stories. Exaggeration and distortion are your stock in trade.
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
He did not have a "gang".
He most certainly did..including the Mayor's son.
Your Australian press referred to it as a "pack attack"
A "pack" does not have the same connotations as "gang". You, of
course, have to change the termnology just to make it look worse than
it really was. Exaggeration and distortion once again.
No just your usual minimization of the horrors sex predators

A twenty six year old registered repeat sex offender leading 14 year
olds in an second gang rape on a ten year old mentally handicapped
girl and you think it's just fine..and you STILL persist in trying to
make pathetic excuses for him...

Post by David
Being mayor here is quite different from the powers that mayors seem
to enjoy in America. A mayor is simply the UNPAID, elected head of a
local town council. The main province of town councils is to arrange
for garbage disposal and to keep the streets and parklands clean along
with approving building permits. Councils meet around once per month
in the smaller towns and no more often that weekly in the large city
areas. It is not a glamorous position. A mayor has no policing powers
and very little authority. You continual harping on this position does
you no credit. He was simply another boy and you were roped in, along
with everyone else, by a media stunt to boost ratings and sell papers.
No they were not "simply other boys"....


The four juveniles are aged 14 to 16 years. They and the adults come
from some of the most prominent and powerful Aboriginal families on
Cape York.

Two more juveniles pleaded guilty on November 6 to raping the child,
and were also given probation with no convictions recorded.

The child victim, now aged 12, does not enjoy the elevated family
status of her attackers, and has had to be removed from Aurukun and
put with foster parents.
Post by David
I'm not defending the actions of the people involved. I'm attacking
your distortion of the truth in regard to a media beat-up produced
simply to gain attention and push media ratings sky high. The case was
at least eighteen months old. If it was importand why wasn't it
trotted out when it happened? Instead it was produced when media
attention had flagged because the elections were over and ratings were
on the way down,
Just by the way it is no longer being even mentioned in our local
media. It dropped off the radar as soon as the ratings period was
Sorry to interfere with your straw clutching but ratings have nothing
to do with it..a gag order has been imposed..


Mr Shine said he was seeking a clearer picture of the circumstances
surrounding the sentencing, including the prosecutor's submissions.

"I have been made aware of this tragic event this afternoon and have
had an opportunity to read the sentencing remarks," Mr Shine said.

"I'm truly horrified by the circumstances of these offences. The
circumstances of this case have not previously been brought to my
attention, and nor has there been any communication with my office
with regard to an appeal.

"Rape, particularly of a 10-year-old girl, by numerous offenders, is
to my mind horrific in the extreme.

From: David (I'm not a pedophile)<***@picknowl.com.au>

Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>

" I want to free children from the tyranny
of externally imposed celibacy. "

" It is about giving children the right to choose with whom
they will have sex."
2008-01-06 02:38:37 UTC
On Sat, 05 Jan 2008 12:26:25 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Sat, 05 Jan 2008 07:44:29 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Fri, 04 Jan 2008 18:50:53 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Frank McCoy
If you DON"T want to legalize the activities of pedophiles and sex
criminals it's *you* who has been lying..
Hmmm ... Seems I've heard this same argument before ... It was old
It's not an argument...Simpson advocates legalization of pedophilia
and there hasn't been a sex predator yet where Simpson has not
attempted to minimize and rationalize the foul behaviors.
Up to and including the gang rape of an mentally handicapped
eleven year girl by a serial child rapist and his gang.
He was not labelled as a serial child rapist by anyone other than you.
He has multiple convictions for sexual assaults on children..
That was not disclosed in any bulletin I saw. In fact disclosing such
information would be against the law in Australia. I do believe that
he had at least one previous conviction but the age of his victim(s?)
was never revealed. It is also highly probable that the prosecutor,
who would have access to such information, believed that his previous
convictions were insufficiently severe to justify to justify further
incarceration hence his recommendation to the court. To call him a
"serial rapist" is, most likely, a gross distortion of the truth. But
then you never have a great regard for truth preferring to make every
action or thought as lurid as possible even if it means spinning a
story like the fisherman's "you should have seen the one that got
away' stories. Exaggeration and distortion are your stock in trade.
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
He did not have a "gang".
He most certainly did..including the Mayor's son.
Your Australian press referred to it as a "pack attack"
A "pack" does not have the same connotations as "gang". You, of
course, have to change the termnology just to make it look worse than
it really was. Exaggeration and distortion once again.
No just your usual minimization of the horrors sex predators
A twenty six year old registered repeat sex offender leading 14 year
olds in an second gang rape on a ten year old mentally handicapped
girl and you think it's just fine..and you STILL persist in trying to
make pathetic excuses for him...
Post by David
Being mayor here is quite different from the powers that mayors seem
to enjoy in America. A mayor is simply the UNPAID, elected head of a
local town council. The main province of town councils is to arrange
for garbage disposal and to keep the streets and parklands clean along
with approving building permits. Councils meet around once per month
in the smaller towns and no more often that weekly in the large city
areas. It is not a glamorous position. A mayor has no policing powers
and very little authority. You continual harping on this position does
you no credit. He was simply another boy and you were roped in, along
with everyone else, by a media stunt to boost ratings and sell papers.
No they were not "simply other boys"....
The four juveniles are aged 14 to 16 years. They and the adults come
from some of the most prominent and powerful Aboriginal families on
Cape York.
Two more juveniles pleaded guilty on November 6 to raping the child,
and were also given probation with no convictions recorded.
The child victim, now aged 12, does not enjoy the elevated family
status of her attackers, and has had to be removed from Aurukun and
put with foster parents.
Post by David
I'm not defending the actions of the people involved. I'm attacking
your distortion of the truth in regard to a media beat-up produced
simply to gain attention and push media ratings sky high. The case was
at least eighteen months old. If it was importand why wasn't it
trotted out when it happened? Instead it was produced when media
attention had flagged because the elections were over and ratings were
on the way down,
Just by the way it is no longer being even mentioned in our local
media. It dropped off the radar as soon as the ratings period was
Sorry to interfere with your straw clutching but ratings have nothing
to do with it..a gag order has been imposed..
Where in that story does it say a gag order has been imposed. It would
be most unusal for a gag order to have been imposed. That story is
bylined at 10 December 2007, the sentence was handed down in October
2006 and the offences occurred in 2005.
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
I imagine he would need a clearer picture. His bosses would be asking
questions but it is old news and the time for appeal is long over.
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Mr Shine said he was seeking a clearer picture of the circumstances
surrounding the sentencing, including the prosecutor's submissions.
"I have been made aware of this tragic event this afternoon and have
had an opportunity to read the sentencing remarks," Mr Shine said.
"I'm truly horrified by the circumstances of these offences. The
circumstances of this case have not previously been brought to my
attention, and nor has there been any communication with my office
with regard to an appeal.
"Rape, particularly of a 10-year-old girl, by numerous offenders, is
to my mind horrific in the extreme.
The convicted sex offender was not one at the time of the crime so
your calling him one is a gross distortion of the truth as usual. He
was only placed on the register after the fact, read the whole page
for a change without trying to let your preconceptions get in the way.

I agree that this is not a good outcome. It is at least as horrific as
your distortion of the truth regarding this media beat-up of a
THIRTEEN month old case. Since the girl knew what she was getting
into, consented, was not threatened in any manner and since she came
back for more it is apparent that this is not your usual rape case.

As I stated I am not defending the culprits at all. I'm merely
pointing out the usual deficiencies in your distortion of the story.
You are a liar and your tactics always distort the picture to cast the
worst possible light on any situation.
fundamentalism (n.): fund = give cash to; amentalism = brainlessness
Brandon D Cartwright
2008-01-06 03:45:32 UTC
Post by David
On Sat, 05 Jan 2008 12:26:25 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Sat, 05 Jan 2008 07:44:29 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
On Fri, 04 Jan 2008 18:50:53 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Frank McCoy
If you DON"T want to legalize the activities of pedophiles and sex
criminals it's *you* who has been lying..
Hmmm ... Seems I've heard this same argument before ... It was old
It's not an argument...Simpson advocates legalization of pedophilia
and there hasn't been a sex predator yet where Simpson has not
attempted to minimize and rationalize the foul behaviors.
Up to and including the gang rape of an mentally handicapped
eleven year girl by a serial child rapist and his gang.
He was not labelled as a serial child rapist by anyone other than you.
He has multiple convictions for sexual assaults on children..
That was not disclosed in any bulletin I saw. In fact disclosing such
information would be against the law in Australia. I do believe that
he had at least one previous conviction but the age of his victim(s?)
was never revealed. It is also highly probable that the prosecutor,
who would have access to such information, believed that his previous
convictions were insufficiently severe to justify to justify further
incarceration hence his recommendation to the court. To call him a
"serial rapist" is, most likely, a gross distortion of the truth. But
then you never have a great regard for truth preferring to make every
action or thought as lurid as possible even if it means spinning a
story like the fisherman's "you should have seen the one that got
away' stories. Exaggeration and distortion are your stock in trade.
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by David
He did not have a "gang".
He most certainly did..including the Mayor's son.
Your Australian press referred to it as a "pack attack"
A "pack" does not have the same connotations as "gang". You, of
course, have to change the termnology just to make it look worse than
it really was. Exaggeration and distortion once again.
No just your usual minimization of the horrors sex predators
A twenty six year old registered repeat sex offender leading 14 year
olds in an second gang rape on a ten year old mentally handicapped
girl and you think it's just fine..and you STILL persist in trying to
make pathetic excuses for him...
Post by David
Being mayor here is quite different from the powers that mayors seem
to enjoy in America. A mayor is simply the UNPAID, elected head of a
local town council. The main province of town councils is to arrange
for garbage disposal and to keep the streets and parklands clean along
with approving building permits. Councils meet around once per month
in the smaller towns and no more often that weekly in the large city
areas. It is not a glamorous position. A mayor has no policing powers
and very little authority. You continual harping on this position does
you no credit. He was simply another boy and you were roped in, along
with everyone else, by a media stunt to boost ratings and sell papers.
No they were not "simply other boys"....
The four juveniles are aged 14 to 16 years. They and the adults come
from some of the most prominent and powerful Aboriginal families on
Cape York.
Two more juveniles pleaded guilty on November 6 to raping the child,
and were also given probation with no convictions recorded.
The child victim, now aged 12, does not enjoy the elevated family
status of her attackers, and has had to be removed from Aurukun and
put with foster parents.
Post by David
I'm not defending the actions of the people involved. I'm attacking
your distortion of the truth in regard to a media beat-up produced
simply to gain attention and push media ratings sky high. The case was
at least eighteen months old. If it was importand why wasn't it
trotted out when it happened? Instead it was produced when media
attention had flagged because the elections were over and ratings were
on the way down,
Just by the way it is no longer being even mentioned in our local
media. It dropped off the radar as soon as the ratings period was
Sorry to interfere with your straw clutching but ratings have nothing
to do with it..a gag order has been imposed..
Where in that story does it say a gag order has been imposed.
It doesn't any more than it says the prosecutor has resigned.

Your lack of knowledge of the case you foolishly try to defend is
neither here nor there.
Post by David
It would
be most unusal for a gag order to have been imposed.
Don't be absurd...in a rape case involving juveniles and international
attention it is the norm.
Post by David
That story is
bylined at 10 December 2007, the sentence was handed down in October
2006 and the offences occurred in 2005.
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
I imagine he would need a clearer picture. His bosses would be asking
questions but it is old news
It is far from old news it is breaking news...

he has resigned and has 10 days to explain why he shouldn't be
prosecuted for his outrageous performance..

Aurukun gang rape case prosecutor quits -


Aurukun gang rape case prosecutor quits

A prosecutor stood down for not recommending jail terms for nine males
convicted of raping a 10-year-old girl in far north Queensland has

Acting Attorney-General and Minister for Justice John Mickel said
Steve Carter tendered his resignation on Friday.

Mr Carter - the legal officer who handled the Aurukun gang rape case -
was stood down with full pay last month after it was revealed he had
described the 2006 gang rape to Cairns District Court as "childish
experimentation" and consensual "in a general sense".

He was then asked to show cause by January 14 why he shouldn't be
prosecuted, following an investigation by Director of Public
Prosecutions (DPP) Leanne Clare.
Post by David
and the time for appeal is long over.
You can*imagine* whatever you want.... the appeal is in February..


The appeal against the sentences handed to the nine offenders who
pleaded guilty to raping the girl is also expected to be heard in
early February.
Post by David
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Mr Shine said he was seeking a clearer picture of the circumstances
surrounding the sentencing, including the prosecutor's submissions.
"I have been made aware of this tragic event this afternoon and have
had an opportunity to read the sentencing remarks," Mr Shine said.
"I'm truly horrified by the circumstances of these offences. The
circumstances of this case have not previously been brought to my
attention, and nor has there been any communication with my office
with regard to an appeal.
"Rape, particularly of a 10-year-old girl, by numerous offenders, is
to my mind horrific in the extreme.
The convicted sex offender was not one at the time of the crime so
your calling him one is a gross distortion of the truth as usual.
was only placed on the register after the fact, read the whole page
for a change without trying to let your preconceptions get in the way.
Distorting the truth would be your baseless claims that she wasn't
previously gang raped at seven..one example of many..

Certainly he sexually assaulted yet another child after the ten year
old..He has been assaulting children for many many years.

But don't let that stop you idolizing him and the disgraced prosecutor
as champions of sexual liberation for children.
Post by David
I agree that this is not a good outcome. It is at least as horrific as
your distortion of the truth regarding this media beat-up of a
THIRTEEN month old case.
Since the girl knew what she was getting
into, consented, was not threatened in any manner
This is what makes you such a nauseating slimebag and barely human..
reading your sick agenda into every horrific sex case..

There is only the word of the discredited prosecutor who has resigned
for this.


"Mr Carter was to respond to the show cause notice from the Acting
Director-General of the Department of Justice and Attorney-General by
January 14," Mr Mickel said in a statement.

"He tendered his resignation this morning effective from 5pm this
afternoon and his resignation has been accepted by the Acting

Mr Mickel today said the review of cases involving sexual offences in
Cape communities in the past two years would continue.

A ten year old cannot consent and over the three week period
witnesses have said she was seen screaming and protesting as she was
raped..she was raped many many times.
Post by David
and since she came
back for more..
You are sickening beyond belief..


The girl, who cannot be named, was gang raped at the age of seven in
Aurukun on Cape York in 2002, and was later put into foster care with
a non-indigenous family in Cairns.

However, child safety officers in April 2006 returned her to Aurukun,
where she was raped again at the age of 10.
From: David (I'm not a pedophile)<***@picknowl.com.au>

Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>

" I want to free children from the tyranny
of externally imposed celibacy. "

" It is about giving children the right to choose with whom
they will have sex."
Brandon D Cartwright
2008-01-05 16:49:26 UTC
Post by David
On Fri, 04 Jan 2008 18:50:53 -0800, Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Post by Frank McCoy
If you DON"T want to legalize the activities of pedophiles and sex
criminals it's *you* who has been lying..
Hmmm ... Seems I've heard this same argument before ... It was old
It's not an argument...Simpson advocates legalization of pedophilia
and there hasn't been a sex predator yet where Simpson has not
attempted to minimize and rationalize the foul behaviors.
Up to and including the gang rape of an mentally handicapped
eleven year girl by a serial child rapist and his gang.
He was not labelled as a serial child rapist by anyone other than you.
He did not have a "gang". He did have a previous conviction for a sex
offence but no detail of that previous conviction was released. Why do
you continually lie and exaggerate in order to distort what actually
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
I see where you are coming from and have read your disclaimer that
your child pornography doesn't involve violence .
Unless you believe such a child can "consent" (having been previously
gang raped at seven years old) you are not singing from the same song
sheet as David Simpson.
Where was a seven year old "gang raped"? The aboriginal girl was raped
at seven by one person.
Give it up..


In Queensland, Australia, nine Aborigines who pled guilty to
gang-raping a 10-year-old girl went free. Officials explained she had
been gang-raped once before, when she was seven, by juveniles who also
went free. Judge Sarah Bradley oversaw the proceedings.

From: David (I'm not a pedophile)<***@picknowl.com.au>

Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>

" I want to free children from the tyranny
of externally imposed celibacy. "

" It is about giving children the right to choose with whom
they will have sex."