It did not work!
(too old to reply)
2005-08-09 15:26:02 UTC
But you can read between the scripting.
save to a folder on your box.
then click on the html you want to view and it should open in your
browser as if you had gone to a website.
Remember - none of the links embedded on each page work.
I should have posted each one separately, but yours are okay in kissy.
Great reading TAPS again. But makes me sad all over. You do a marvelous job
with your writing skills Frank!

Frank McCoy
2005-08-09 15:40:38 UTC
But you can read between the scripting.
I dunno ... Agent gripes that the files have errors ... But when I run
them they work just fine.
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2005-08-09 16:09:02 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
But you can read between the scripting.
I dunno ... Agent gripes that the files have errors ... But when I run
them they work just fine.
Must be something on my setup then.
I got all you posted and your html's work fine.

I are happy to get them all. thanks again!
