California should lower the age of consent to 14.
(too old to reply)
Brandon D Cartwright
2008-01-13 20:15:46 UTC
On Sun, 13 Jan 2008 11:43:19 -0800, "R. Steve Walz"
Kinsey indicates that his interviews revealed that many more people
who report sex with older persons when they were a child were
pleasurable and not harming to them for the remainder of their life
so far, than people who reported they were harmed.
Kinsey was a pervert who used suspect methods in his studies.
Just because one has a PhD doesn't mean that he can't be sicko.
You're repeating Judith Resisman's lies for which she was thrown out
of the Indiana courts with prejudice, meaning she can never refile
her "case'.
Blah blah blah..

Table 34 is a fact that can't be explained away so easily..and
contrary to your nonsense, was NOT recollections of pedophiles but
sexual assaults organized by Kinsey.

Only pedophiles working for Kinsey used *stopwatches* to time the
orgasms of the infants and children they sexually abused.


In researching Kinsey’s sex materials, Dr.Reisman discovered Table 34
in Sexual Behavior in the HumanMale.

This table describes the orgasms of children who were used in his sex

As Reisman dug further, she found that Kinsey had used
pedophiles, including a Nazi, to molest these children. On
pages 160-161 of his book, he describes how these children
screamed, convulsed, and engaged in hysterical weeping as
they were sexually abused to measure their orgasms.

In addition, Kinsey devotees established and still run the Society
for the Scientific Study of Sex (SSSS), which provides accrediting
credentials for sex educators throughout the U.S.

One of the original members of the SSSS accrediting committee
is Dr. Vern L. Bullough, who wrote the foreword for the
Dutch pedophile book, Loving Boys: A Multidisciplinary Study Of
Sexual Relations Between Adults and Minor Males. Bullough is active
in promoting the homosexual agenda.

Kinsey’s materials are routinely used by pedophiles to promote
the view that children are sexual beings and must be introduced
early into sexual experiences with adults. NAMBLA, for
example, says that Kinsey’s research “supports the struggle we
fight today.” (Dr. Reisman, “The O’Reilly Factor,” February 11,

Kinsey associate Wardell Pomeroy, has written that
adult/child sex can be “loving, thoughtful and responsible.”
(Robert Eady, “Adult-Child sexual relationships next?”
Catholic Insight, June, 1993)

December 2007
- There is a delusion that pedophiles are under which
is insane at the very best.They claim they are "persecuted"
and "oppressed," the same way blacks, gays, jews and women
have been maltreated over the centuries.

They would like to ride on the margins of these other
minorities in order to garner sympathy from those
minorities, and to use the history of the emmancipation
of these minorities as precedence for their own freedom
to have sex with children.

They forget one thing: Pedophiles are seen with disdain
and disgust, not because they are different, but because
they cause harm to other human beings.

2008-01-13 21:07:14 UTC
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Sun, 13 Jan 2008 11:43:19 -0800, "R. Steve Walz"
Kinsey indicates that his interviews revealed that many more people
who report sex with older persons when they were a child were
pleasurable and not harming to them for the remainder of their life
so far, than people who reported they were harmed.
Kinsey was a pervert who used suspect methods in his studies.
Just because one has a PhD doesn't mean that he can't be sicko.
You're repeating Judith Resisman's lies for which she was thrown out
of the Indiana courts with prejudice, meaning she can never refile
her "case'.
Blah blah blah..
Table 34 is a fact that can't be explained away so easily..and
contrary to your nonsense, was NOT recollections of pedophiles but
sexual assaults organized by Kinsey.
Only pedophiles working for Kinsey used *stopwatches* to time the
orgasms of the infants and children they sexually abused.
No, dickhead, this is called gathering data.
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Certainly any article entitled "Homosexual Filmmaker Honors Sex Pervert" is
totally unbias! And certainly invoking the Nazis (with absolutely no
evidence) was totally innocent! You fucking "Traditional Values" perverts
all should be strung up. Science haters, sex haters, human haters.
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
In researching Kinsey’s sex materials, Dr.Reisman discovered Table 34
in Sexual Behavior in the HumanMale.
This table describes the orgasms of children who were used in his sex
They weren't experiments, this was all observational data.
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
As Reisman dug further, she found that Kinsey had used
pedophiles, including a Nazi, to molest these children. On
pages 160-161 of his book, he describes how these children
screamed, convulsed, and engaged in hysterical weeping as
they were sexually abused to measure their orgasms.
No, that is called an orgasm. Guess you never had a good one, huh?
Brandon D Cartwright
2008-01-13 23:05:58 UTC
Post by XXX
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
On Sun, 13 Jan 2008 11:43:19 -0800, "R. Steve Walz"
Kinsey indicates that his interviews revealed that many more people
who report sex with older persons when they were a child were
pleasurable and not harming to them for the remainder of their life
so far, than people who reported they were harmed.
Kinsey was a pervert who used suspect methods in his studies.
Just because one has a PhD doesn't mean that he can't be sicko.
You're repeating Judith Resisman's lies for which she was thrown out
of the Indiana courts with prejudice, meaning she can never refile
her "case'.
Blah blah blah..
Table 34 is a fact that can't be explained away so easily..and
contrary to your nonsense, was NOT recollections of pedophiles but
sexual assaults organized by Kinsey.
Only pedophiles working for Kinsey used *stopwatches* to time the
orgasms of the infants and children they sexually abused.
No, dickhead, this is called gathering data.

sexually assaulting children, infants and even babies for a
pseudo-scientific study is a series of sex crimes that is not
justified in the name of "gathering data".

AS Kinsey knew, warning his pedophiles "not to get caught".
Post by XXX
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
Certainly any article entitled "Homosexual Filmmaker Honors Sex Pervert" is
totally unbias! And certainly invoking the Nazis (with absolutely no
evidence) was totally innocent! You fucking "Traditional Values" perverts
all should be strung up. Science haters, sex haters, human haters.
There WAS a Nazi involved you ignorant kiddie fucker

..there was no question of *invoking*.


Also the September 27 Sunday Times of London exposed Kinsey's Nazi
connection (as did the New York Times).

He "relied in part on the evidence of a Nazi pedophile, Fritz von
Balluseck, who was tried for the rape and murder of a 10-year-old girl
in 1956. The two men kept up a correspondence, with Kinsey once
warning him to "watch out" in case he was caught."
Post by XXX
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
In researching Kinsey’s sex materials, Dr.Reisman discovered Table 34
in Sexual Behavior in the HumanMale.
This table describes the orgasms of children who were used in his sex
They weren't experiments, this was all observational data.
Blah blah blah..

It was pedophiles sexually assaulting infants and children in order to
send Kinsey their "observations".


The Times quoted Kinsey's passionate wooing of Rex King, one of his
many serial child molesters.

"I rejoice at everything you send, for I am then assured that much
more of your material is saved for scientific publication." Kinsey's
bogus scientific "tables summarized King's attempts to bring to orgasm
boys between the ages of 2 months and 15 years, in some cases over a
period as long as 24 hours."
Post by XXX
Post by Brandon D Cartwright
As Reisman dug further, she found that Kinsey had used
pedophiles, including a Nazi, to molest these children. On
pages 160-161 of his book, he describes how these children
screamed, convulsed, and engaged in hysterical weeping as
they were sexually abused to measure their orgasms.
No, that is called an orgasm. Guess you never had a good one, huh?
And you have a lot of experience in children's orgasms don't you you
sick fuck?
