ABEND: Dratted ISP ...
(too old to reply)
Frank McCoy
2005-11-16 22:05:18 UTC
The kid is moving out ... and taking the DSL line along.
So, I'm going to be moving back to the old (and slow) Dial-up account.

Only ... Earthlink says that I won't get the ISP connection until they bill it
around the first of the month; so it might be two or even three weeks after the
DSL goes away in the next few days, before I get connected again.

So, any messages aimed at me in the newsgroups during that time will likely get

My email should remain active though; but that's all.

Ah well ... Should give me time to catalog some books.
Or (hopefully) find a job.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
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2005-11-17 04:13:20 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
The kid is moving out ... and taking the DSL line along.
So, I'm going to be moving back to the old (and slow) Dial-up account.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
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Oh, sure I would know. Asked my hubby what a DSL was. As soon as he
said it is a Digital Subscriber Line, my brain went into smoke. He
was wondering if you could use Cable.

Denny Wheeler
2005-11-17 21:22:04 UTC
Post by younthing
Post by Frank McCoy
The kid is moving out ... and taking the DSL line along.
So, I'm going to be moving back to the old (and slow) Dial-up account.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
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Oh, sure I would know. Asked my hubby what a DSL was. As soon as he
said it is a Digital Subscriber Line, my brain went into smoke. He
was wondering if you could use Cable.
Problem is, Bette, that a DSL line--and cable's worse IME--is kinda
spendy. As you may know, Frank's not in the best of financial states.

"Do your thoughts call ahead or do they just arrive at your mouth unannounced?"

"It's come as you are, baby."

-over the hedge
Frank McCoy
2005-11-18 05:19:14 UTC
Post by younthing
Post by Frank McCoy
The kid is moving out ... and taking the DSL line along.
So, I'm going to be moving back to the old (and slow) Dial-up account.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
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Oh, sure I would know. Asked my hubby what a DSL was. As soon as he
said it is a Digital Subscriber Line, my brain went into smoke. He
was wondering if you could use Cable.
The DSL line would be faster and cheaper than cable ... and that's way too
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
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Wayne S Garmil
2005-11-18 18:29:15 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
The DSL line would be faster and cheaper than cable ... and that's way too
I thought DSL was only half the speed of cable at best. It is the
step in between dial-up and cable. I have never heard of DSL being
able to match, let along surpassing, cable broadband speed, the phone
line wiring needed for DSL does not support it. Has DSL gone through
some kind of major redesign in the last year??

_ __ _ __ | I see the girls walk by dressed in
' ) / // / / ) / | their summer clothes; I have to turn
/ / / o // __/ / __. __ __/ | my head until my darkness goes...
(_(_/ <_</_(_/ (__/ (_/|_/ (_(_/_ | -Rolling Stones, "Paint It Black"
2005-11-18 18:49:46 UTC
Post by Wayne S Garmil
Post by Frank McCoy
The DSL line would be faster and cheaper than cable ... and that's way too
I thought DSL was only half the speed of cable at best. It is the
step in between dial-up and cable. I have never heard of DSL being
able to match, let along surpassing, cable broadband speed, the phone
line wiring needed for DSL does not support it. Has DSL gone through
some kind of major redesign in the last year??
Well that depends on what cable speed you are referring to. The speed
you get when everybody and their dog is on the same cable line.....dsl
is much faster. It's the optimum cable speed that dsl can't match, but
how do you get all your neighbours to move away?

"But Martha, the deputy's job could be dangerous!"
"Hell, Spencer. Women get beaten up by enraged husbands, gang-raped by
good ol' boys, and hunted like deer by serial killers. Being a woman is
I'm just asking you to give me a gun, and more money to make up for it."

From "She Walks These Hills" by Sharyn McCrumb.
Wayne S Garmil
2005-11-19 02:50:56 UTC
Post by Ree
Post by Wayne S Garmil
Post by Frank McCoy
The DSL line would be faster and cheaper than cable ... and that's way too
I thought DSL was only half the speed of cable at best.
Well that depends on what cable speed you are referring to. The speed
you get when everybody and their dog is on the same cable line.....
True, I always forget that. I am very close to the regional Comcast
hub and get great speed all the time. Any slow-downs I see are
usually on the other side of the connection.

I also forgot that I am in a poor area for DSL, so everytime I looked
into it, I always saw that it was only the low end service available.

Thanks for the clue. I've got to remember not to assume how cable &
dsl are in this specific area is how they are everywhere.

_ __ _ __ | I see the girls walk by dressed in
' ) / // / / ) / | their summer clothes; I have to turn
/ / / o // __/ / __. __ __/ | my head until my darkness goes...
(_(_/ <_</_(_/ (__/ (_/|_/ (_(_/_ | -Rolling Stones, "Paint It Black"
Mike Meyer
2005-11-18 19:11:35 UTC
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Post by Wayne S Garmil
Post by Frank McCoy
The DSL line would be faster and cheaper than cable ... and that's way too
I thought DSL was only half the speed of cable at best. It is the
step in between dial-up and cable. I have never heard of DSL being
able to match, let along surpassing, cable broadband speed, the phone
line wiring needed for DSL does not support it. Has DSL gone through
some kind of major redesign in the last year??
Depends on what you mean by "speed". Most people mean bandwidth, as
that's what controls how long a large download takes. DSL has been
available at T1 bandwidths for a number of years now. I have as yet to
see a cable system match that - which doesn't mean they don't
exist. On the other hand, most providers sell DSL in various fractions
of a T1, charging more for a larger fraction. How the DSL bandwidth
compares to similarly priced cable bandwidth depends on your providers
more than anything else.

On the other hand, you might mean round trip time (RTT). DSL RTT
doesn't compare to a real T1. I don't know how it compares to cable.

Before the telcos started playing games to squeeze other providers out
of the home DSL market, I preferred DSL, because I had a much larger
selection of providers to choose from. The last time I bought
broadband, there were pretty much no independent DSL providers, so I
wound up going with cable as the lesser of two evils.

Mike Meyer <***@mired.org> http://www.mired.org/home/mwm/
Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.
Frank McCoy
2005-11-18 23:21:00 UTC
Post by Wayne S Garmil
Post by Frank McCoy
The DSL line would be faster and cheaper than cable ... and that's way too
I thought DSL was only half the speed of cable at best. It is the
step in between dial-up and cable. I have never heard of DSL being
able to match, let along surpassing, cable broadband speed, the phone
line wiring needed for DSL does not support it. Has DSL gone through
some kind of major redesign in the last year??
To some extent, it largely depends on the direction and the load.
Cable has tremendous download capacity ... But it's all SHARED by all the
subscribers. The more people downloading, the less available to each person.
Also, Cable doesn't upload worth a shit. So, if like me, you sometimes have BIG
files (like my stories archive) to upload, you might as well use dial-up.

DSL, on the other hand, is fast BOTH ways symmetrically; and with improvements
has gone from 256KB to 1.5meg that's almost required now by most ISPs who
support DSL. That's the equivalent of what used to be called a T1 line that
used to cost BIG bucks. It's also ALL available to the user. It's not shared.

So, it depends on how many people are using the cable and the time of day. At
2:00AM, cable will (usually) download a fair amount faster (if the source allows
it). During prime-time however and with lots of subscribers on your particular
line (something you and often the cable company as well, have no control over),
with cable you sometimes might be faster with dial-up. The cable companies
*try* to put enough modems in service at their home station to give good service
to most customers; but sometimes it depends more on where the cable runs go than
on what they can do at the main office.

Out here in the country, they run LONG lines with high power rather than many
lines like in the cities. Of course, many of the phone companies out this far
just don't support the really high-speed DSL either. Sometimes it depends on
what you can get.

BOTH charge an arm and a leg.
/ ' / ™
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Mike Meyer
2005-11-19 00:06:58 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
DSL, on the other hand, is fast BOTH ways symmetrically
If you buy it that way. Many providers will sell (or used to sell,
back before the telcos squoze them out of the market) asymmetric DSL
bandwidths, charging more for more bandwidth in either direction.
Post by Frank McCoy
So, it depends on how many people are using the cable and the time of day. At
2:00AM, cable will (usually) download a fair amount faster (if the source allows
it). During prime-time however and with lots of subscribers on your particular
line (something you and often the cable company as well, have no control over),
with cable you sometimes might be faster with dial-up. The cable companies
*try* to put enough modems in service at their home station to give good service
to most customers; but sometimes it depends more on where the cable runs go than
on what they can do at the main office.
All that your DSL line belonging to you vs. the cable being shared is
that you get the full bandwidth to your ISP. Once there, you share
bandwidth back to their provider(s) with all their customers. All ISPs
oversell their bandwidth, so you may well find that your throughput to
the internet at large goes down at peak usage times with DSL, just
like it does with cable. Cable shares more of the pipe than DSL, but
it's DSL still shares part of the pipe.
Post by Frank McCoy
Out here in the country, they run LONG lines with high power rather than many
lines like in the cities. Of course, many of the phone companies out this far
just don't support the really high-speed DSL either. Sometimes it depends on
what you can get.
DSL has a range limit. If you're far enough out in the country, the
closest CO may well support DSL, but still not be close enough to get
DSL to you. Wireless broadband is being deployed in some of those

Mike Meyer <***@mired.org> http://www.mired.org/home/mwm/
Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.
Tim Merrigan
2005-11-19 03:59:53 UTC
Post by Wayne S Garmil
Post by Frank McCoy
The DSL line would be faster and cheaper than cable ... and that's way too
I thought DSL was only half the speed of cable at best. It is the
step in between dial-up and cable. I have never heard of DSL being
able to match, let along surpassing, cable broadband speed, the phone
line wiring needed for DSL does not support it. Has DSL gone through
some kind of major redesign in the last year??
I've heard claims of DSL being faster than cable, but only in DSL

I pledge allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the republic which it established, one nation, from many peoples, promising liberty and justice for all.

Tim Merrigan
The TheatrElf
2005-11-19 04:05:32 UTC
Post by Tim Merrigan
Post by Wayne S Garmil
Post by Frank McCoy
The DSL line would be faster and cheaper than cable ... and that's
way too expensive.
I thought DSL was only half the speed of cable at best. It is the
step in between dial-up and cable. I have never heard of DSL being
able to match, let along surpassing, cable broadband speed, the phone
line wiring needed for DSL does not support it. Has DSL gone through
some kind of major redesign in the last year??
I've heard claims of DSL being faster than cable, but only in DSL
Cable is MUCH faster than DSL - for downloading. For uploads, DSL is

As for expense, I found that cable works out cheaper for me, and is
certainly more reliable.
}:-) Christopher Jahn
{:-( http://home.comcast.net/~xjahn/Main.html

Plagiarism saves time.
2005-11-26 17:29:25 UTC
Post by Tim Merrigan
Post by Frank McCoy
The DSL line would be faster and cheaper than cable ... and that's way too
Tim Merrigan
Tim, would love to feel that long fuzzy beard on my big tits.
Indiana Joe
2005-11-27 00:45:53 UTC
Post by Tim Merrigan
Post by Frank McCoy
The DSL line would be faster and cheaper than cable ... and that's way too
Tim Merrigan
Tim, would love to feel that long fuzzy beard...
Watch the crossposting, Bette. I'm reading this in alt.callahans (and
removing it from the newsgroups line) which is nominally not an
adult-oriented group.

Not that I mind reading it in ASSD... ;-)
Joe Claffey | "Make no small plans."
***@comcast.net | -- Daniel Burnham
2005-11-27 00:53:44 UTC
Post by Indiana Joe
Watch the crossposting, Bette. I'm reading this in alt.callahans (and
removing it from the newsgroups line) which is nominally not an
adult-oriented group.
Not that I mind reading it in ASSD... ;-)
Joe Claffey | "Make no small plans."
I appreciate you mentioning that. I just went back to my page and am
Newbies suck. Sorry about that, Joe.

2005-11-26 17:31:10 UTC
Post by Tim Merrigan
Post by Frank McCoy
The DSL line would be faster and cheaper than cable ... and that's way too
Tim Merrigan
Tim, would love to fee that long fuzzy beard on my big tits.
2005-11-26 17:31:14 UTC
Post by Tim Merrigan
Post by Frank McCoy
The DSL line would be faster and cheaper than cable ... and that's way too
Tim Merrigan
Tim, would love to feel that long fuzzy beard on my big tits.
2005-11-26 17:31:18 UTC
Post by Tim Merrigan
Post by Frank McCoy
The DSL line would be faster and cheaper than cable ... and that's way too
Tim Merrigan
Tim, would love to feel that long fuzzy beard on my big tits.
2005-11-26 17:32:14 UTC
Post by Tim Merrigan
Post by Frank McCoy
The DSL line would be faster and cheaper than cable ... and that's way too
Tim Merrigan
Tim, would love to fee that long fuzzy beard on my big tits.
2005-11-26 17:33:17 UTC
Post by Tim Merrigan
Post by Frank McCoy
The DSL line would be faster and cheaper than cable ... and that's way too
Tim Merrigan
Tim, would love to fee that long fuzzy beard on my big tits.
2005-11-26 17:33:21 UTC
Post by Tim Merrigan
Post by Frank McCoy
The DSL line would be faster and cheaper than cable ... and that's way too
Tim Merrigan
Tim, would love to fee that long fuzzy beard on my big tits.
2005-11-20 07:01:49 UTC
Post by Wayne S Garmil
Post by Frank McCoy
The DSL line would be faster and cheaper than cable ... and that's way too
I thought DSL was only half the speed of cable at best. It is the
step in between dial-up and cable. I have never heard of DSL being
able to match, let along surpassing, cable broadband speed, the phone
line wiring needed for DSL does not support it. Has DSL gone through
some kind of major redesign in the last year??
If you are close enough to the CO, ADSL download speeds of 8 mbs can
be had. About 5 times faster than a T1. More normal speeds would be
like 256k up, 2m down.

Another thing to remember, total DSL bandwidth for a DSLAM is limited
to the whatever the backhaul (the line from the DSLAM to the ISP) is.
And the backhaul is shared among all users of a DSLAM.
ArarghMail511 at [drop the 'http://www.' from ->] http://www.arargh.com
BCET Basic Compiler Page: http://www.arargh.com/basic/index.html

To reply by email, remove the garbage from the reply address.
2005-11-20 08:01:30 UTC
Post by a***@NOW.AT.arargh.com
Post by Wayne S Garmil
Post by Frank McCoy
The DSL line would be faster and cheaper than cable ... and that's way too
I thought DSL was only half the speed of cable at best. It is the
step in between dial-up and cable. I have never heard of DSL being
able to match, let along surpassing, cable broadband speed, the phone
line wiring needed for DSL does not support it. Has DSL gone through
some kind of major redesign in the last year??
If you are close enough to the CO, ADSL download speeds of 8 mbs can
be had. About 5 times faster than a T1. More normal speeds would be
like 256k up, 2m down.
Another thing to remember, total DSL bandwidth for a DSLAM is limited
to the whatever the backhaul (the line from the DSLAM to the ISP) is.
And the backhaul is shared among all users of a DSLAM.
To answear the question.
DSL is still the in-between speed.
and from having tested both broadband and DSL when crossing the great
devide FROM dial up.
I seriously think the DSL folks lied about their speed.
Broadband doesn't lose clarity on videos and PIX for the download speed
which is at leats twice as fast as DSL.
Mike Meyer
2005-11-20 09:01:10 UTC
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Post by LePheaux
Post by a***@NOW.AT.arargh.com
If you are close enough to the CO, ADSL download speeds of 8 mbs can
be had. About 5 times faster than a T1. More normal speeds would be
like 256k up, 2m down.
To answear the question.
DSL is still the in-between speed.
Yes, but in between what depends on what you pay for. At the low end,
it's in between dialup and cable. At the high end, it's in between
cable and a real network connection. If you looked at DSL at around
$30 per month, you got the low end. If you want more, you pay more.

So which options did you check?

Mike Meyer <***@mired.org> http://www.mired.org/home/mwm/
Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.
Frank McCoy
2005-11-21 04:10:06 UTC
Post by Mike Meyer
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Post by LePheaux
Post by a***@NOW.AT.arargh.com
If you are close enough to the CO, ADSL download speeds of 8 mbs can
be had. About 5 times faster than a T1. More normal speeds would be
like 256k up, 2m down.
To answear the question.
DSL is still the in-between speed.
Yes, but in between what depends on what you pay for. At the low end,
it's in between dialup and cable. At the high end, it's in between
cable and a real network connection. If you looked at DSL at around
$30 per month, you got the low end. If you want more, you pay more.
So which options did you check?
Sadly, may areas just don't HAVE the real high-speed DSL lines; so those in
those places ass-u-me that 256k or such is all that's available.

It amazed me though, that when the local telco upgraded their local DSL service
and offered faster DSL (for, of course, a fat increase in price) the *modem*
didn't need to be changed at all! Just pay the new (atrocious) user-fee; and
suddenly your download speed went from over five times the best dial-up speed to
over six times THAT, or well over 30 times a 56K connection.

That helped the kid a lot.
Me, it didn't help much at all; even though I got my service through the same
connection; as Earthlink's email was/is STILL about the same speed; and my
Usenet access is through Altopia; where you pay for extra bandwidth. Since I
(mostly) only download text, I don't NEED a fast connection to the newsgroups.
They still download everything faster than I can get to the messages.

Now that I'm back on dial-up, I hardly notice any difference; because in most
cases I really don't "surf the net" or download binaries. Most web-pages these
days are bandwidth-hogs with lots of graphics an such shit. Now THERE, it makes
a difference. But not much-so with what I do, which is mostly just email
(again, text, except for spam and viruses; which mostly get tossed without
downloading ... I look at the headers and toss them.) The rest is mainly Usenet
traffic; and since I avoid the binaries groups (mainly anyway) I don't really
have a NEED for fast downloads or uploads.

In fact, about the only place the high-speed comes in really handy is when
updating my website. THERE, I have one 3-meg ZIP file of *all* my stories
that's a pain to upload. And there, DSL, even slow-speed DSL, walks all over
cable so much it ain't even funny. I might as well use dial-up ... It's just as
fast. DSL however, plops it through in a rush.
/ ' / ™
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Mike Meyer
2005-11-21 05:31:05 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Now that I'm back on dial-up, I hardly notice any difference; because in most
cases I really don't "surf the net" or download binaries. Most web-pages these
days are bandwidth-hogs with lots of graphics an such shit. Now THERE, it makes
a difference.
Gotta use the right browser. Until I started working on the Mac -
which I'm still getting used to - my default browser just didn't do
graphics. 90% of the graphics on the web carries now information, so
you only need to download them if you at all. 90% of what's left don't
have information you care about. So use a browser that lets you
download the 1% of the graphics that you actually want.

Unfortunately, I use a *lot* of bandwidth. Pretty much everything I
run is open source, and gets installed over the network - including
the OS. An OS upgrade would be intolerable over a dialup. Since I
usually use that as a reason to upgrade all the installed
applications, it would take weeks.
Post by Frank McCoy
In fact, about the only place the high-speed comes in really handy is when
updating my website. THERE, I have one 3-meg ZIP file of *all* my stories
that's a pain to upload. And there, DSL, even slow-speed DSL, walks all over
cable so much it ain't even funny. I might as well use dial-up ... It's just as
fast. DSL however, plops it through in a rush.
Can I recommend a differnt methodology? I keep my web site - totalling
about 23 meg - on a local machine for development and testing. When
I'm happy with it, I check it into the a source code repository. On
the hosting side, I run the client, telling it to update what from the
repository. It grabs new files, and - for text files, anyway - the
changes to old files, and updates the old files on the server. That
keeps bandwidth usage to a minimum, and makes changing providers
easy. Of course, it requires that the provider let you run the client
on their end. I recommend perforce for this. It's a bit steep for just
this, but you can use the unlicensed server.

Mike Meyer <***@mired.org> http://www.mired.org/home/mwm/
Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.
Frank McCoy
2005-11-21 15:35:29 UTC
Post by Mike Meyer
Post by Frank McCoy
Now that I'm back on dial-up, I hardly notice any difference; because in most
cases I really don't "surf the net" or download binaries. Most web-pages these
days are bandwidth-hogs with lots of graphics an such shit. Now THERE, it makes
a difference.
Gotta use the right browser. Until I started working on the Mac -
which I'm still getting used to - my default browser just didn't do
graphics. 90% of the graphics on the web carries now information, so
you only need to download them if you at all. 90% of what's left don't
have information you care about. So use a browser that lets you
download the 1% of the graphics that you actually want.
Unfortunately, I use a *lot* of bandwidth. Pretty much everything I
run is open source, and gets installed over the network - including
the OS. An OS upgrade would be intolerable over a dialup. Since I
usually use that as a reason to upgrade all the installed
applications, it would take weeks.
Post by Frank McCoy
In fact, about the only place the high-speed comes in really handy is when
updating my website. THERE, I have one 3-meg ZIP file of *all* my stories
that's a pain to upload. And there, DSL, even slow-speed DSL, walks all over
cable so much it ain't even funny. I might as well use dial-up ... It's just as
fast. DSL however, plops it through in a rush.
Can I recommend a differnt methodology? I keep my web site - totalling
about 23 meg - on a local machine for development and testing. When
I'm happy with it, I check it into the a source code repository. On
the hosting side, I run the client, telling it to update what from the
repository. It grabs new files, and - for text files, anyway - the
changes to old files, and updates the old files on the server. That
keeps bandwidth usage to a minimum, and makes changing providers
easy. Of course, it requires that the provider let you run the client
on their end. I recommend perforce for this. It's a bit steep for just
this, but you can use the unlicensed server.
Can't afford it. Period.
That's why all my stories are on other people's servers.
Post by Mike Meyer
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
Mike Meyer
2005-11-21 20:22:18 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Mike Meyer
Can I recommend a differnt methodology? I keep my web site - totalling
about 23 meg - on a local machine for development and testing. When
I'm happy with it, I check it into the a source code repository. On
the hosting side, I run the client, telling it to update what from the
repository. It grabs new files, and - for text files, anyway - the
changes to old files, and updates the old files on the server. That
keeps bandwidth usage to a minimum, and makes changing providers
easy. Of course, it requires that the provider let you run the client
on their end. I recommend perforce for this. It's a bit steep for just
this, but you can use the unlicensed server.
Can't afford it. Period.
That's why all my stories are on other people's servers.
The unlicensed server is free.

Mike Meyer <***@mired.org> http://www.mired.org/home/mwm/
Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.
Frank McCoy
2005-11-22 00:09:59 UTC
Post by Mike Meyer
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Mike Meyer
Can I recommend a differnt methodology? I keep my web site - totalling
about 23 meg - on a local machine for development and testing. When
I'm happy with it, I check it into the a source code repository. On
the hosting side, I run the client, telling it to update what from the
repository. It grabs new files, and - for text files, anyway - the
changes to old files, and updates the old files on the server. That
keeps bandwidth usage to a minimum, and makes changing providers
easy. Of course, it requires that the provider let you run the client
on their end. I recommend perforce for this. It's a bit steep for just
this, but you can use the unlicensed server.
Can't afford it. Period.
That's why all my stories are on other people's servers.
The unlicensed server is free.
It's still easier (and cheaper) for me to use ASSTR and others.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
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2005-11-21 17:01:01 UTC
Post by Mike Meyer
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
To answear the question.
DSL is still the in-between speed.
and from having tested both broadband and DSL when crossing the great
devide FROM dial up.
I seriously think the DSL folks lied about their speed.
Broadband doesn't lose clarity on videos and PIX for the download speed
which is at leats twice as fast as DSL.
Yes, but in between what depends on what you pay for. At the low end,
it's in between dialup and cable. At the high end, it's in between
cable and a real network connection. If you looked at DSL at around
$30 per month, you got the low end. If you want more, you pay more.
So which options did you check?
I though I said broadand .
at $40.00 it's not much more then DSL
Mike Meyer
2005-11-21 20:34:42 UTC
Post by LePheaux
Post by LePheaux
To answear the question.
DSL is still the in-between speed.
and from having tested both broadband and DSL when crossing the great
devide FROM dial up.
I seriously think the DSL folks lied about their speed.
Broadband doesn't lose clarity on videos and PIX for the download speed
which is at leats twice as fast as DSL.
Yes, but in between what depends on what you pay for. At the low end,
it's in between dialup and cable. At the high end, it's in between
cable and a real network connection. If you looked at DSL at around
$30 per month, you got the low end. If you want more, you pay more.
So which options did you check?
I though I said broadand .
at $40.00 it's not much more then DSL
That sentence doesn't make any sense. I read the "it" in your last
statement as applying to "broadband". But that would mean that
broadband and DSL are different things, and that's not the case. Some
DSL is broadband, and some broadband is DSL. The only other thing the
"it" could refer to is DSL, and that sentence is comparing "it" to
DSL, which means the sentence is nonsensical.

Besides, I was wanting to know what kind of DSL you checked on, not
what kind of broadband-that's-not-DSL you checked on. I can spend
anywhere form $30/month to $500/month on DSL, depending on what kind
of service I want.

In either case, if youv'e got something for $40/month that's faster
than the $500/month DSL offerings, I certainly want to know what it

Mike Meyer <***@mired.org> http://www.mired.org/home/mwm/
Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.
2005-11-21 22:18:31 UTC
Post by Mike Meyer
Besides, I was wanting to know what kind of DSL you checked on, not
what kind of broadband-that's-not-DSL you checked on. I can spend
anywhere form $30/month to $500/month on DSL, depending on what kind
of service I want.
to clarify.

The most common form of high-speed connection today is CABLE. Typically, you
receive this service via the same company through which you currently
receive your cable TV service. Cable broadband service has two significant
drawbacks: one, the bandwidth you receive; that is to say, the amount of
signal that you have allocated to you to use while surfing or downloading is
decreased as more and more subscribers use the service. This means that your
connection and download speeds are degraded as more customers sign up; and,
secondly, the cable broadband network is a shared network. This means that
it is less secure as a result of being shared with many other subscribers.
The likelihood of intruders is increased. On the other hand, the second most
common form of high-speed connection (often referred to as Fast Access) is
DSL or ADSL service. DSL (Digital Subscriber-Line service) or ADSL
(Asynchronous Digital Subscriber-Line) service has some advantages not
provided with cable service. First, since DSL and ADSL are transmitted
across existing telephone lines, the network it uses, called POTS or Plain
Old Telephone Service, is a private network rather than a shared network so
consequently the bandwidth is not shared among its subscribers and thus your
connection speed and download times will not suffer as a result of more
people signing up to the service; and, secondly, since it is a private
network, it is less likely that intruders will invade your privacy while
surfing the web. DSL allows the user to use the telephone while connected to
the ISP since data and voice are transmitted over the lines at different
Frank McCoy
2005-11-22 00:10:00 UTC
Post by LePheaux
Post by Mike Meyer
Besides, I was wanting to know what kind of DSL you checked on, not
what kind of broadband-that's-not-DSL you checked on. I can spend
anywhere form $30/month to $500/month on DSL, depending on what kind
of service I want.
to clarify.
The most common form of high-speed connection today is CABLE. Typically, you
receive this service via the same company through which you currently
receive your cable TV service. Cable broadband service has two significant
drawbacks: one, the bandwidth you receive; that is to say, the amount of
signal that you have allocated to you to use while surfing or downloading is
decreased as more and more subscribers use the service. This means that your
connection and download speeds are degraded as more customers sign up; and,
secondly, the cable broadband network is a shared network. This means that
it is less secure as a result of being shared with many other subscribers.
The likelihood of intruders is increased. On the other hand, the second most
common form of high-speed connection (often referred to as Fast Access) is
DSL or ADSL service. DSL (Digital Subscriber-Line service) or ADSL
(Asynchronous Digital Subscriber-Line) service has some advantages not
provided with cable service. First, since DSL and ADSL are transmitted
across existing telephone lines, the network it uses, called POTS or Plain
Old Telephone Service, is a private network rather than a shared network so
consequently the bandwidth is not shared among its subscribers and thus your
connection speed and download times will not suffer as a result of more
people signing up to the service; and, secondly, since it is a private
network, it is less likely that intruders will invade your privacy while
surfing the web. DSL allows the user to use the telephone while connected to
the ISP since data and voice are transmitted over the lines at different
That last is a VERY big advantage mind you.
I hadn't realized how MUCH of an advantage it was until the kid got DSL.
All of a sudden people could get through on the telephone.
/ ' / ™
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Tim Merrigan
2005-11-24 03:09:11 UTC
Post by Mike Meyer
Post by LePheaux
Post by LePheaux
To answear the question.
DSL is still the in-between speed.
and from having tested both broadband and DSL when crossing the great
devide FROM dial up.
I seriously think the DSL folks lied about their speed.
Broadband doesn't lose clarity on videos and PIX for the download speed
which is at leats twice as fast as DSL.
Yes, but in between what depends on what you pay for. At the low end,
it's in between dialup and cable. At the high end, it's in between
cable and a real network connection. If you looked at DSL at around
$30 per month, you got the low end. If you want more, you pay more.
So which options did you check?
I though I said broadand .
at $40.00 it's not much more then DSL
That sentence doesn't make any sense. I read the "it" in your last
statement as applying to "broadband". But that would mean that
broadband and DSL are different things, and that's not the case. Some
DSL is broadband, and some broadband is DSL. The only other thing the
"it" could refer to is DSL, and that sentence is comparing "it" to
DSL, which means the sentence is nonsensical.
Besides, I was wanting to know what kind of DSL you checked on, not
what kind of broadband-that's-not-DSL you checked on. I can spend
anywhere form $30/month to $500/month on DSL, depending on what kind
of service I want.
In either case, if youv'e got something for $40/month that's faster
than the $500/month DSL offerings, I certainly want to know what it
I suspect he's using "broadband" to mean cable, and $40 a month is
about what we're paying for Comcast. (The bill is 109, but that's
combined cable modem and digital TV.)

I pledge allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the republic which it established, one nation, from many peoples, promising liberty and justice for all.

Tim Merrigan
2005-11-24 13:02:17 UTC
Hi Tim,

We are in our motel room using a D.S.L. vs our cable network at home.
My trusty little laptop is slower than Mollases.

Going to visit the grandchildren today. All five of them. :-)

Frank McCoy
2005-11-24 15:06:04 UTC
Post by younthing
Hi Tim,
We are in our motel room using a D.S.L. vs our cable network at home.
My trusty little laptop is slower than Mollases.
Going to visit the grandchildren today. All five of them. :-)
Lucky girl. ;-}
/ ' / ™
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2005-11-25 21:19:37 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by younthing
Going to visit the grandchildren today. All five of them. :-)
Lucky girl. ;-}
Post by Frank McCoy
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
Hi Frank,

We had a wonderful day with our son and his family. I am exhausted.
But, it was worth every hug. ;-)

2005-11-25 21:38:55 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by younthing
Going to visit the grandchildren today. All five of them. :-)
Lucky girl. ;-}
/ ' / ™
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Hi Frank,
We had a great time with our son and family. But I am EXHAUSTED. It
was worth every hug and kiss. The more we have to say goodbye, the
closer hubby and I are moving to Pa.

2005-11-26 00:10:35 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by younthing
Going to visit the grandchildren today. All five of them. :-)
Lucky girl. ;-}
/ ' / ™
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Hi Frank,
Yes, we are both feeling lucky. Hubby and I feel the pull each time we
have to say goodbye to our little ones. But, it is only over a two
hour drive. Already, I miss them. I love our son, but it is our
daughter-in-law who is a dear. Growing up in France, she sees the
majority of children in the U.S.A. as spoiled brats.
My grand-babies are happy children, with boundries and tons of love.
ENOUGH. Aren't you glad I am not showing 101 well selected photos.
2005-11-26 00:30:29 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by younthing
Going to visit the grandchildren today. All five of them. :-)
Lucky girl. ;-}
/ ' / ™
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(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
Yeah, I know. All five are wonderful. Each time we say goodbye is
harder. And by the end of the afternoon I am exhausted. It is worth
all the hugs and kisses.
But then they are only 2 hours away.
2005-11-26 01:01:21 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by younthing
Going to visit the grandchildren today. All five of them. :-)
Lucky girl. ;-}
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
Yeah, I know. All five are wonderful. Each time we say goodbye is
harder. And by the end of the afternoon I am exhausted. It is worth
all the hugs and kisses.
But then they are only 2 hours away.
2005-11-26 03:20:21 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by younthing
Going to visit the grandchildren today. All five of them. :-)
Lucky girl. ;-}
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
Yes, we are lucky. Each time we say goodbye it becomes harder.
Especially when the youngest says, "Gamma," for the first time."
Pa. is begining to look a lot nicer. Miss those children like crazy.
2005-11-26 03:23:26 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by younthing
Going to visit the grandchildren today. All five of them. :-)
Lucky girl. ;-}
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
Frank, it is becoming more difficult to say goodbye. Especially when
you youngest say, "Gamma,"
for the first time.
2005-11-26 03:52:42 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by younthing
Going to visit the grandchildren today. All five of them. :-)
Lucky girl. ;-}
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
Lucky to have five grandbabies. They are each so dear. It's difficult
to say goodbye.
Frank McCoy
2005-11-26 04:52:16 UTC
Post by younthing
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by younthing
Going to visit the grandchildren today. All five of them. :-)
Lucky girl. ;-}
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
Lucky to have five grandbabies. They are each so dear. It's difficult
to say goodbye.
And it doesn't get easier.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
2005-11-26 17:22:51 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by younthing
Going to visit the grandchildren today. All five of them. :-)
Lucky girl. ;-}
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
I know. Miss them already. :-(
2005-11-26 17:32:16 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by younthing
Going to visit the grandchildren today. All five of them. :-)
Lucky girl. ;-}
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
I know. Miss them already. :-(
2005-11-26 18:02:05 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by younthing
Going to visit the grandchildren today. All five of them. :-)
Lucky girl. ;-}
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
This is my third try and it is weird.
Frank McCoy
2005-11-26 18:49:33 UTC
Post by younthing
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by younthing
Going to visit the grandchildren today. All five of them. :-)
Lucky girl. ;-}
This is my third try and it is weird.
They all went through ... Looks like your computer stuttered.
/ ' / ™
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(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
2005-11-26 20:11:35 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by younthing
Going to visit the grandchildren today. All five of them. :-)
Lucky girl. ;-}
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
I know and I miss them so much. The youngest said, "Gamma," for the
first time. How do I say good bye to that sweet child?
2005-11-17 04:34:46 UTC
"See you again soon, Frank. All luck to you on all fronts"

2005-11-17 05:14:28 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
The kid is moving out ... and taking the DSL line along.
So, I'm going to be moving back to the old (and slow) Dial-up account.
Only ... Earthlink says that I won't get the ISP connection until they bill it
around the first of the month; so it might be two or even three weeks after the
DSL goes away in the next few days, before I get connected again.
So, any messages aimed at me in the newsgroups during that time will likely get
My email should remain active though; but that's all.
Ah well ... Should give me time to catalog some books.
Or (hopefully) find a job.

see you next month, then.
"Forget the Force. Trust in the spread of the gauge."

"If knowledge creates problems, ignorance will not solve them"
-Isaac Asimov.

I try not to repeat my mistakes. That way, I can invent exciting new
ones to make.

"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'nice doggy' until you can find a rock."
-Will Rogers

"Cry 'CHEEBLE' and let slip the hamsters of war."

"Those who learn from history are condemned to watch others repeat it."
- Henry Kissinger
Frank McCoy
2005-11-18 05:19:14 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
The kid is moving out ... and taking the DSL line along.
So, I'm going to be moving back to the old (and slow) Dial-up account.
Only ... Earthlink says that I won't get the ISP connection until they bill it
around the first of the month; so it might be two or even three weeks after the
DSL goes away in the next few days, before I get connected again.
So, any messages aimed at me in the newsgroups during that time will likely get
My email should remain active though; but that's all.
Ah well ... Should give me time to catalog some books.
Or (hopefully) find a job.
Well ... OK ... They fixed things up, so I'm already back on line.
Geesh. All that smoke, and no fire.
Sorry about that, folks.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
2005-11-18 14:10:18 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Well ... OK ... They fixed things up, so I'm already back on line.
Geesh. All that smoke, and no fire.
Sorry about that, folks.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
Honey, where you are concerned there is always plenty of fire. ;-)
2005-11-18 16:24:31 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Frank McCoy
The kid is moving out ... and taking the DSL line along.
So, I'm going to be moving back to the old (and slow) Dial-up account.
Only ... Earthlink says that I won't get the ISP connection until they bill it
around the first of the month; so it might be two or even three weeks after the
DSL goes away in the next few days, before I get connected again.
So, any messages aimed at me in the newsgroups during that time will likely get
My email should remain active though; but that's all.
Ah well ... Should give me time to catalog some books.
Or (hopefully) find a job.
Well ... OK ... They fixed things up, so I'm already back on line.
Geesh. All that smoke, and no fire.
Sorry about that, folks.
Don't be sorry. We're just glad you're back with us so soon. :-)


"But Martha, the deputy's job could be dangerous!"
"Hell, Spencer. Women get beaten up by enraged husbands, gang-raped by
good ol' boys, and hunted like deer by serial killers. Being a woman is
I'm just asking you to give me a gun, and more money to make up for it."

From "She Walks These Hills" by Sharyn McCrumb.
2005-11-18 16:41:26 UTC
Post by Ree
"But Martha, the deputy's job could be dangerous!"
"Hell, Spencer. Women get beaten up by enraged husbands, gang-raped by
good ol' boys, and hunted like deer by serial killers. Being a woman is
I'm just asking you to give me a gun, and more money to make up for it."
From "She Walks These Hills" by Sharyn McCrumb.
Sounds mighty interesting. My daddy taught me how to kill, drain and
skin a dear.
I was fourteen and was sicker than a dog. Sharyn, I would like to read
your story.
Check out Chess. You two would hit it off real fine. Chess you know
2005-11-18 17:19:37 UTC
Post by younthing
Post by Ree
"But Martha, the deputy's job could be dangerous!"
"Hell, Spencer. Women get beaten up by enraged husbands, gang-raped by
good ol' boys, and hunted like deer by serial killers. Being a woman is
I'm just asking you to give me a gun, and more money to make up for it."
From "She Walks These Hills" by Sharyn McCrumb.
Sounds mighty interesting. My daddy taught me how to kill, drain and
skin a dear.
I was fourteen and was sicker than a dog. Sharyn, I would like to read
your story.
Check out Chess. You two would hit it off real fine. Chess you know
Hi Bette.

Well as far as I know, Sharyn McCrumb does not frequent this newsgroup.
(If I'm wrong, Hi Sharyn!) "She Walks These Hills" is one of a series
of books she wrote, commonly referred to as the "Ballad" books. You can
read any of them out of order though.

Who's Chess?

"But Martha, the deputy's job could be dangerous!"
"Hell, Spencer. Women get beaten up by enraged husbands, gang-raped by
good ol' boys, and hunted like deer by serial killers. Being a woman is
I'm just asking you to give me a gun, and more money to make up for it."

From "She Walks These Hills" by Sharyn McCrumb.
2005-11-18 18:09:51 UTC
Post by Ree
Who's Chess?
Hi Ree,

If you are a she, then you would enjoy Cmsix or Chess. He is one hot
cowboy from Texas.
Just picture Marshall Dillon - and then some.
Sexy. <panting> He taught me how to French Kiss. Or did I teach him?
2005-11-18 17:21:47 UTC
Post by younthing
Post by Ree
"But Martha, the deputy's job could be dangerous!"
"Hell, Spencer. Women get beaten up by enraged husbands, gang-raped by
good ol' boys, and hunted like deer by serial killers. Being a woman is
I'm just asking you to give me a gun, and more money to make up for it."
From "She Walks These Hills" by Sharyn McCrumb.
Sounds mighty interesting. My daddy taught me how to kill, drain and
skin a dear.
I was fourteen and was sicker than a dog. Sharyn, I would like to read
your story.
Check out Chess. You two would hit it off real fine. Chess you know
Forgot in my earlier post to offer you a BOYC Bette. What'll you have?

"But Martha, the deputy's job could be dangerous!"
"Hell, Spencer. Women get beaten up by enraged husbands, gang-raped by
good ol' boys, and hunted like deer by serial killers. Being a woman is
I'm just asking you to give me a gun, and more money to make up for it."

From "She Walks These Hills" by Sharyn McCrumb.
Frank McCoy
2005-11-18 17:39:37 UTC
My daddy taught me how to kill, drain and skin a dear.
I sincerely *hope* you meant to "kill, drain, and skin a 'deer'", not somebody
dear to you or somebody else.

Like the sign in front of a school proclaiming a "Dear Crossing"; mimicking the
sign on the highway *outside* of town warning about "Deer Crossing" the road.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
2005-11-18 17:55:33 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
My daddy taught me how to kill, drain and skin a dear.
I sincerely *hope* you meant to "kill, drain, and skin a 'deer'", not somebody
dear to you or somebody else.
Like the sign in front of a school proclaiming a "Dear Crossing"; mimicking the
sign on the highway *outside* of town warning about "Deer Crossing" the road.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
Thanks dear for providing me a deer crossing.
You know it is fun to be able to laugh at myself.
What would I do without you? <sighing>
2005-11-19 01:02:31 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
The kid is moving out ... and taking the DSL line along.
So, I'm going to be moving back to the old (and slow) Dial-up account.
Only ... Earthlink says that I won't get the ISP connection until they bill it
around the first of the month; so it might be two or even three weeks after the
DSL goes away in the next few days, before I get connected again.
So, any messages aimed at me in the newsgroups during that time will likely get
My email should remain active though; but that's all.
Ah well ... Should give me time to catalog some books.
Or (hopefully) find a job.
I would have never figured a geek like you couldn't side step a little
thing like this in a heartbeat.

what about 10,000,000 free AOHell hours for the first month then a quick
cancel ?

Even though you think it may pertain. x-posting is an x-nay.
another thing a well informed netgeek like you who's way more savey at this
stuff then all but a few
should know.
Frank McCoy
2005-11-19 03:44:51 UTC
Post by LePheaux
what about 10,000,000 free AOHell hours for the first month then a quick
cancel ?
Wouldn't have AOL on a bet.
Besides, I wouldn't even try the service unless there was a chance I might want
to use it. I just don't DO such things.

Yes, I pay for shareware if I find I'm using it.
Same thing.
/ ' / ™
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